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Quasi-normal mode analysis in BEC acoustic black holes C. Barcelo´,1 A. Cano,1 L. J. Garay,2,3 and G. Jannes1,3 1Instituto de Astrof´ısica de Andaluc´ıa, CSIC, Camino Bajo de Hu´etor 50, 18008 Granada, Spain 2Departamento de F´ısica Te´orica II, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 28040 Madrid, Spain 3Instituto de Estructura de la Materia, CSIC, Serrano 121, 28006 Madrid, Spain (Dated: February7, 2008) We perform a quasi-normal mode analysis of black hole configurations in Bose-Einstein conden- sates (BEC). In this analysis we use the full Bogoliubov dispersion relation, not just the hydro- dynamic or geometric approximation. We restrict our attention to one-dimensional flows in BEC with step-like discontinuities. For this case we show that in the hydrodynamic approximation 7 quasi-normal modes do not exist. The full dispersion relation, however, allows the existence of 0 quasi-normal modes. Remarkably,thespectrum of these modes is not discrete but continuous. 0 2 PACSnumbers: 04.70.Dy,03.75.Kk,04.80.-y n a I. INTRODUCTION willillustrate,inGRthisalsoautomaticallyimpliesthat J they are non-normalizable or divergent. 1 3 Analogue models of gravity [1, 2] allow the study of certain geometrical aspects of linearized general relativ- 1 A general investigationof quasi-normalmodes in ana- v ity (GR). When the analogue models are based on an logue black holes was carried out in [10]. As we will 3 intrinsicallyquantumsystem,suchasBose-Einsteincon- briefly point out, in standard GR in (1+1) dimensions, 7 densates (BECs) [3, 4, 5], this opens up the possibil- quasinormal modes do not exist. In higher dimensions, 1 ity of studying some corrections to this geometric de- 1 a discrete spectrum appears [8, 9]. Similar results were scription. These corrections — encoded in the form of 0 found in [10] for analogueblack holes. Here the essential non-relativistic or modified dispersion relations, similar 7 element that we add is the influence of a non-relativistic towhatisexpectedinawiderangeofscenariosforgrav- 0 contribution to the dispersion relation on these QNMs1. / ityatPlanck-scaleenergies,leadingtopossibleviolations c With the full Bogoliubov dispersion relation in BEC, ofLorentzinvariance[6]—arethenofaquantumorigin, q not only does a QNM-spectrum appear even in the one- buttheyexpressthemselvesinaclassicalmanner. Ingen- - dimensional case studied here, but this spectrum turns r eral, these corrections have to be taken into account in g out to be continuous. This result suggests the straight- anytreatmentinvolvinghighenergies(highfrequencies). : forward speculation that in (3+1) dimensions, for both v In BECs in particular, in the presence of horizons, the i analogue and GR black holes, there will also be continu- X deviations from the geometric or hydrodynamic regime ousregionsofQNMswhenmodificationsofthedispersion are important even at low energies [7]. r relation with respect to the hydrodynamic or relativistic a In a previous article [7], the stability of several one- case are taken into account. dimensional configurations in BECs was studied. These configurations were chosen in analogy with the geome- tries associated with gravitational black holes. Here we The structure of this paper is as follows. In the next willelaboratefurtheronblackholeconfigurations,which two sections we will review the steps that lead from the were shown to be devoid of instabilities, and examine general description of a BEC to the simplified formal- their quasi-normal or relaxation modes. The analysis ism for one-dimensional configurations with abrupt dis- we carry out is analogous to the standard quasi-normal continuities, and highlight the modified dispersion rela- mode (QNM) analysis in gravity [8, 9]. According to tion. In Sec. IV we will discuss the boundary conditions GR, when black holes are perturbed, they emit gravi- for our problem, and compare with the standard quasi- tational waves in the following way. The initial regime normalmodeanalysisofgravitationalblackholes. Then, depends mainly on the concrete form of the perturba- in Sec. V we present and discuss our main results. tion. Then, an oscillatoryphase is attained in which the precise form of the emitted wave depends only on the properties of the black hole itself. Finally, a polynomial tail characterizesthe return to equilibrium. In the inter- 1 Modificationsofthequasi-normalmodespectrumofblackholes mediate phase, a discrete set of complex frequencies are due to Lorent violations have also been investigated in [11] excited: the quasi-normal modes of our concern. Since but from a different perspective. They introduce spontaneous quasi-normal modes are modes of decay, i.e. of energy Lorentz-symmetrybreakingtermsinaneffectiveLagrangianvia non-zero expectation values of different tensor fields inthe vac- dissipation, they are outgoing. In GR this means that uum,thereby restrictingattention toamodifiedDiracequation their group velocities are directed outwards both in the in a Schwarzschild background. However, these terms do not asymptotic region and at the horizon. Moreover, as we leadtomodifieddispersionrelationsofthetypeanalyzedhere. 2 II. PRELIMINARIES which historically formed the onset of the interest in hy- drodynamicanaloguemodelsforgravity(foranoverview, In this sectionwe will briefly review the description of see [1] and references therein). backgroundBECconfigurationsandtheirperturbations, From now on, consider one-dimensional profiles. The with particular emphasis on the modified dispersion re- equations(2.4)canbesolvedinahomogeneousregion(c lation. The mainaimhere is to fix notation. Generalre- and v constant) by writing the perturbations in plane- viewsofBECscanbefounde.g. in[12,13]whilethetype wave form of configurationsdiscussed here were amply described in n (x,t)=Aei(kx−ωt), (2.7a) [7]. 1 A dilute gas of interacting bosons can be described in eθ1(x,t)=Bei(kx−ωt). (2.7b) terms of quantum field operators Ψ(x) [and Ψ†(x)] that This immediately leads to the local dispersion relation2 annihilate [and create] particles. When this gas conden- b b sates, Ψ can be separated into a macroscopic wave func- 1 (ω vk)2 =c2k2+ c2ξ2k4. (2.8) tion ψ and a field operator ϕ describing quantum fluc- − 4 b tuations: Ψ=ψ+ϕ. The macroscopic wave function ψ This dispersion relation is quartic in k. It should be b satisfies the Gross-Pitaevskii(GP) equation b b compared to the hydrodynamic dispersion relation that ∂ ~2 is obtained by neglecting the quantum potential: i~ ψ(t,x)= 2+V (x)+g ψ 2 ψ(t,x), ext ∂t (cid:18)−2m∇ | | (cid:19) (ω vk)2 =c2k2. (2.9) (2.1) − This hydrodynamic dispersion relation is of the usual where m is the boson mass, V the external potential ext quadratic form. and g a coupling constant which is related to the corre- However, here we are not so much interested in this sponding scattering length a through g=4π~2a/m. hydrodynamic limit, but precisely in deviations from it. This equation can be expressed in terms of hydrody- Thereforewewillalwaysworkwiththefulldispersionre- namic quantities such as the local speed of sound c and lation, and only use the hydrodynamic limit as a means the velocity of the fluid flow v. This proceeds by first of comparison. The key point is that, because the full introducing the Madelung representation for the order dispersionrelationisquartic,whenwritingthemodecor- parameter in the GP equation: responding to a certain frequency ω: ψ =√neiθ/~e−iµt/~. (2.2) u =e−iωt A eikjx, (2.10) ω j Herenisthecondensatedensity,µthechemicalpotential Xj and θ a phase factor. Next, as we are interested in the there are now four contributions to this u -mode, stem- acoustic perturbations ofthe BEC, we linearizein n and ω ming from the four values of k associated to each value θ: ofω. Inthehydrodynamiclimitthereareobviouslyonly n(x,t)=n0(x)+g−1n1(x,t), (2.3a) two contributions to each uω-mode: θ(x,t)=θ (x)+θ (x,t). (2.3b) 0 1 e k =ω/(v c). (2.11) 1,2 ± Then, the following set of equations for the linear per- In the configurations analyzed in this paper, the addi- turbations is obtained from the complex GP equation tional, “non-hydrodynamic”modes will turn out to play ∂ n = n v+c2 θ , (2.4a) a crucial role even at low frequencies. t 1 1 1 −∇· ∇ (cid:0) 1 (cid:1) n ∂eθ = v eθ n + ξ2 c2 1 , (2.4b) t 1 − ·∇ 1− 1 4 ∇·(cid:20) ∇(cid:18)c2(cid:19)(cid:21) e III. BACKGROUND CONFIGURATIONS AND which are equivalenteto the Bogoliubov equations, and NUMERICAL METHOD where ξ ~ is the healing length, and c and v are ≡ mc We are looking for quasi-normal modes of black hole c2 gn0/m, v θ0/m. (2.5) configurations in one-dimensional BECs of the type rep- ≡ ≡∇ resented in fig. 1. These profiles are piecewise homoge- The last term on the right-hand side in (2.4b) is the so- neous with a single discontinuity. In order to find these called “quantum potential” term. At this point, let us briefly recall that in the hydrody- namiclimit,whichisobtainedbyneglectingthequantum potential term just mentioned, an effective Lorentzian metric can be constructed of the type: 2 The term ‘dispersionrelation’ issometimes reserved strictlyfor anequationoftheformω=ω(k),whileanequationsuchas(2.8) v2 c2 vT would then have to be called e.g. the ‘characteristic equation’. (gµν)∝(cid:18) −v −11 (cid:19), (2.6) For the sake of clarity, we will always use the term ‘dispersion − relation’torefertoanequation oftheform(2.8)or(2.9). 3 The conditions (3.1) can be written in matrix form Λ A =0. (3.4) ij j Since there are eight free parameters A for each dis- j continuity (four in each region), and only four condi- tions, matching is in principle alwayspossible. However, there areadditionalconditions: the boundaryconditions whichwewilldiscussinthenextsection. Theseboundary conditions can be added to the matrix Λ , to obtain a ij (4+N) 8matrixΛ ,withN thenumberofconstraints ij × onthecoefficientsA thatfollowfromtheboundarycon- j e ditions. Depending on the value of N, we can have the following cases. If N <4, then there will always exist a non-trivial • solution A , since there are more degrees of free- FIG.1: (Coloronline)Flowandsoundvelocityprofileconsist- j dom than constraints. Therefore, a region of the ingoftwohomogeneousregionswithastep-likediscontinuity complexω-planewhereN <4willrepresentacon- at x=0simulating a black hole-likeconfiguration in aBEC. Thesolidbluelinerepresentsthespeedofsoundc,thedashed tinuous region of eigenfrequencies. red linethefluidvelocityv. Intheupperpart ofthepicture, If N = 4, then we have a 8 8 system of equa- thenegativevalueofv indicatesthatthefluidisleft-moving. • × tions and there is a non-trivial solution A only if For x>0, thefluid is subsonic since c>|v|. At x<0 it has j become supersonic. At x=0, thereis a sonic horizon. det(Λ) = 0. Generally speaking, this means that in a region where N = 4, we might at the very e most expect isolated discrete eigenfrequencies, but relaxation modes, first, we will need a way to describe no continuous zones of solutions. the mode solutions that characterize the profiles under study. The idealized form of these profiles allows a sim- If N >4 then the system can be split into two (or • plified description in each homogeneous region. Then, more) 8 8 subsystems, each with a subdetermi- × the various sections have to be linked through match- nant λ . For a non-trivialsolution to exist, each of i ing conditions at the discontinuity. After finding all the these subsystems should fulfill the previous condi- mode solutions, the quasi-normal modes will be those tion det(λ )=0. i thatmoreoversatisfythe adequateboundaryconditions. To summarize, we can define a non-negative function We will describe the matching conditions in the current F(ω) such that section,togetherwithastraightforwardalgorithmfornu- merical implementation. The boundary conditions will F(ω)=0 if N <4, be the topic of the next section. • Integrating (2.4) in an infinitesimal neighbourhood of F(ω)= det(Λ) if N =4, the discontinuity (say x = 0) and simplifying with the • | | useofthe continuityequation(vc2 =constant)leads,for F(ω)= deet(λi) if N >4. • | | our choice of a piecewise homogeneous background, to P The eigenfrequencies of the system are those values of ω the following set of matching conditions [7]: for which F(ω) = 0, and since the quasi-normal modes [θ ]=0, [c2∂ θ ]=0, (3.1a) are relaxation modes they will be located in the lower 1 x 1 half complex ω plane. n 1 =0, [∂ n ]=0, (3.1b) (cid:20)c2(cid:21) x 1 e where the brackets indicaete, for example, IV. QUASI-NORMAL MODE ANALYSIS AND [θ ]= θ θ . BOUNDARY CONDITIONS 1 1|x=0+ − 1|x=0− Ineachhomogeneoussection,welookforasolutionfor aparticularfrequencyω asasumofk-modesoftheform The essential ingredient that is still missing to calcu- late the quasi-normal modes in these BEC black hole n1 = Ajei(kjx−ωt), (3.2) configurationsaretheboundaryconditions. Wewillfirst Xj take a look at the boundary conditions that are used to e θ = A ω−vkjei(kjx−ωt). (3.3) calculateQNMsinGR.Thiscanbeimmediately extrap- 1 j ic2k2 olated to BECs in the hydrodynamic limit. However, as Xj j we will show, in this hydrodynamic limit in (1+1) di- where the sum is over the four k -values associated to ω mensions,there existno QNMs. Finally,we willcome to j in that homogeneous region. theboundaryconditionswiththefulldispersionrelation. 4 A. Quasinormal modes of a gravitational black hole condition which came precisely from integration of the quantum potential. Quasi-normal modes are simply the modes of energy The hydrodynamic solution for a particular dissipation of a perturbed object. Gravitational black frequency ω, hole QNMs in particular are the relaxation modes that n =A ei(k1x−ωt)+A ei(k2x−ωt), (4.2) characterizethepulsationsoftheblackholeafterpertur- 1 1 2 bations initiated internally in the spacetime surrounding θ =B ei(k1x−ωt)+B ei(k2x−ωt), (4.3) e1 1 2 the black hole. The fact that these modes decay in time means that has to satisfy Aj = i(ω vkj)Bj. Assume that − they can be represented by complex frequencies ω with the configuration is completely subsonic. Then, for Imtmoet(aicωn)sret<ghioa0nt..thATetyhtewheiflalhchotartivzheoantto,tQbheNeyoMuastrgaeoriernegalalisxnoattriheoqenuaimsryeodmdtpeos- xxk2>=<0ω,/w(0hv,e−rekcw1)e=≡wωkro/−itu(etvk+ii+snca)onu≡dtgkkoi−o+niuntgi,rsesapninedcgtoviviinecgley,.vIewnrhstaeerremfoasrs be outgoing because in GR nothing can escape through oftheassociatedcoefficientsBj,thematchingconditions the horizon (note that in QNM terminology “outgoing” then become means directed towards the exterior of the spacetime re- B+ +B+ =B−+B− , (4.4) gionconnectedtoanasymptoticobserver,inotherwords out in in out at the horizon this means directed towards the singular- c+(B+ B+)=c−(B− B− ), (4.5) out− in in− out ity). SotheboundaryconditionsthatareimposedinGR or in matrix form to find the QNMs of a black hole are simply that these modes shouldbe outgoingboth in the asymptotic region B+ 1 c+ c− c++c− B− and at the horizon. (cid:18)B+in(cid:19)= 2c+ (cid:18)c+−+c− c+ c−(cid:19)(cid:18)B−in(cid:19). (4.6) Since these QNMs are outgoing, they are also diver- out − out gent. Indeed, because of the quadratic dispersion rela- For a solution to be outgoing in both regions, both B+ tion, say ω2 = c2k2, we have for the group velocity vg and B− should vanish. This means that the coefficienint in and for the imaginary part of k: c+ + c− connecting B+ with B− must be zero. But in out since c is always a positive integer, this is impossible. v = c, Im(k)=Im(ω)/v g ± g Therefore,there arenoquasi-normalsolutionsinthe hy- drodynamic limit. and therefore, since QNMs have Im(ω)<0: The above calculation is strictly valid only for com- pletely subsonic profiles. When the left-hand side is su- sign[Im(k)]= sign[v ]. g − personic, the hydrodynamic approximation breaks down inthepassagethroughthesonichorizon[7]. Bothmodes Tosumup,QNMsinagravitationalblackholearefound in the supersonic region become outgoing at x , by imposingthe boundaryconditionthatthey shouldbe → −∞ whilethereisstilloneoutgoingmodeintherightasymp- outgoing, and because of the quadratic dispersion rela- totic (subsonic) region. Since the matrix in (4.6) is well tion they are also automatically divergent. defined, it seems then that some QNMs exist for these configurations. However, this is a spurious effect caused by the subsonic to supersonic step-like discontinuity in B. BEC hydrodynamic limit: absence of quasi-normal modes in one-dimensional flows combination with the hydrodynamic regime. Precisely because of the presence of the horizon, we know that noneofthemodesattheleft-handsidecanbeconnected InBECsinthehydrodynamiclimit,decayingoutgoing to the outgoing mode at the right-hand side. So QNMs modesarealsoautomaticallydivergent,againbecauseof cannot exist. From a point of view more similar to GR, the quadratic dispersion relation. Indeed, whenthe(x<0)regionissupersonic,itbecomesdiscon- nected from the subsonic region (x > 0). But then, just v =v c, Im(k)=Im(ω)/v g g ± likeinGR,therequirementthatQNMsmustbeoutgoing and therefore sign[Im(k)] = sign[v ] as before. Let us in the left asymptotic region should be replaced by the g see whether QNMs can exist−in this case. requirement of being outgoing at the horizon. Because In the hydrodynamic limit, the quantum potential of the homogeneity of the profile, none of the modes can termin(2.4) isneglected,andsouponintegrationofthe be outgoing both at the right asymptotic region and at remaining terms in these equations, only two matching the horizon. So in any case, QNMs cannot exist in the conditions remain: hydrodynamic limit in (1+1) dimensions, regardless of the sub- or supersonic character of the profile. [θ ]=0, [vn +c2∂ θ ]=0. (4.1) Note that in GR in (1+1) dimensions, a more gen- 1 1 x 1 eral argument prohibits the existence of QNMs. Indeed, Notethatthissecondequateioncannotbesimplifiedasin all two-dimensional metrics are conformally flat. In ad- (3.1), because this requires the use of a third matching dition, the d’Alembertian equation in two dimensions is 5 conformally invariant [14]. Therefore, all the solutions of the system are conformally equivalent to plane waves, and so they don’t satisfy the requirement of being out- going both in the asymptotic region and at the horizon. HenceQNMscannotexistin(1+1)GR.Thesituationis completely different in (3+1) dimensions, in which GR black holes exhibit a discrete QNM spectrum. C. Boundary conditions with the full dispersion relation FIG. 2: Plots illustrating the quasi-normal mode spectrum for a one-dimensional black hole configuration in BEC. The left-handpartofthepicturerepresentsthenumberN ofcon- As we just discussed, in BECs in the hydrodynamic straints following from the boundary condition that QNMs limit, decaying outgoing modes are automatically diver- should be outgoing. The right-hand part shows the function gent. But when looking at the full dispersion law, this log[F(ω)] defined in Sec. III, where F(ω) = 0 corresponds relation is no longer valid. Note that for our choice of to quasi-normal modes. The QNM spectrum consists of the profiles, we have two asymptotic regions, and moreover continuous region where N < 4. [The numerical values used no prohibition of crossing the horizon in any direction, for these plots, in units such that the healing length ξ = 1, since the permeability of the horizon is an essential fea- are c = 1;v = 0.7 in the subsonic region and v = 1.8 in the supersonic region.] ture of modified dispersion relations [7]. An outgoing mode is then one that has a group velocity v < 0 for g x < 0 and v > 0 for x > 0, where v is obtained from g g the full dispersion relation: Fig.2 illustrates the QNM spectrum for an acoustic black hole containing a single discontinuity, subsonic at dω c2k+ 1ξ2c2k3 theright-handsideandsupersonicattheleft. Remember v (ω,k) Re =Re 2 +v . g ≡ (cid:18)dk(cid:19) (cid:18) ω vk (cid:19) from [7] that such a black hole did not possess unstable − (4.7) eigenfrequencies,soitindeedmakessensetolookforsta- Clearly, there is no immediate connection with the sign ble modes. of Im(k) anymore, so the automatic divergent character Asdiscussedintheprevioussection,theboundarycon- of outgoing modes is lost. ditionthatdeterminestheexistenceofQNMsisthatthey In any case, quasi-normal modes should be outgoing, should be outgoing in both asymptotic regions. Surpris- and this remains the essential boundary condition. Ad- ingly, as can be seen from Fig.2, not only does such a ditionally, one might wonder whether the QNMs will be QNM spectrum indeed show up, but this spectrum is convergent, or divergent after all (in spite of the modifi- actually continuous. cation of the dispersion relation). An easy way to check The next question is whether these modes are con- this is by applying convergence as an additional bound- vergent or not. In Fig.3, we have imposed convergence, aryconditionandcomparingtheresultingspectrumwith respectivelyatboth sides,inthe rightasymptotic region the one obtained without this additional condition. only, and in the left asymptotic region (the singularity) To sum up, quasi-normal modes should be outgoing. only. The QNMspectrumdisappearsassoonasthecon- In GR and in the hydrodynamicapproximation,this au- vergence condition is imposed at either side. In other tomatically implies a divergent behaviour in the asymp- words, the quasi-normal modes are divergent. Remem- totic regions. However, in both these cases, there are ber from the previous section that for outgoing hydro- no QNMs in (1+1) dimensions (as opposed to (3+1) dynamic modes, this divergent character is automatic. GR black holes with their discrete QNM spectrum). In However,we havealsoseenthatwhen only retainingthe BECs with the full modified dispersion relation, outgo- hydrodynamic modes, there are no QNMs. So although ing modes are no longer automatically divergent. The the QNMs that we have just found are divergent,the in- boundary condition to determine QNMs in the (1+1) clusion of the non-hydrodynamic modes is essential for BEC black hole configurations under study is therefore their existence, and so their divergent character is not thattheyshouldbeoutgoing. Nonetheless,wewillcheck “automatic”,i.e. itisnotduetoastrictrelationbetween whether they are convergent or divergent. the signs of v and Im(k). As a matter of fact, we have g checked that the QNMs disappear when the convergent k-contributions are excluded. V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION We have also calculated the QNM spectrum for other black-hole like configurations that were shown to be de- In this section we present and discuss results for void of instabilities in [7], and we have checked that a the quasi-normal mode spectrum of black holes in one- similar continuous spectrum of QNMs appeared in all of dimensionalBECsobtainedwiththe fulldispersionrela- them. Thisindicatesthatthecontinuouscharacterofthe tions. QNM spectrum is an essential consequence of the mod- 6 particular emphasis on the importance of the deviation of the full dispersion relation with respect to a relativis- ticoracousticone. Thefulldispersionrelationisquartic in BECs, as compared to the usual second order of its hydrodynamic and general relativistic equivalent. With such quadratic dispersion relations, outgoing relaxation modes are automatically divergent. In particular, this argument is valid for QNMs in GR black holes. But the modification of the dispersion relation means that this relation is no longer automatic. Nevertheless, the quasi- normal modes in the systems discussed here are also di- vergent. More importantly, the QNM spectrum that was ob- tained in these systems with a modified dispersion rela- tion consists of a continuous region in the complex fre- quency plane. The importance of this result is easy to see when taking into account that both in GR and in BECs in the hydrodynamic limit, QNMs simply do not existin(1+1)dimensions,whileinhigherdimensionsthe quasi-normal modes of a GR black hole form a discrete spectrum. Soduetothemodificationofthedispersionre- lation,theQNMspectruminone-dimensionalBECblack holeschangesfromnon-existenttoacontinuousregionof frequencies. FIG.3: AlterationofQNMspectrumresultingfromimposing We would like to end this paper with the straightfor- the additional boundary conditions of (from top to bottom) wardspeculationthatthe discretespectrumwhichisob- convergence in both asymptotic regions, in the right asymp- tained in the usual quasi-normal mode analysis in stan- toticregiononly,andintheleftasymptoticregiononly. Since dard (3 + 1) GR, will also develop continuous regions F(ω)neverreacheszero,itisasiftheQNMspectrumofFig.2 when taking the modification of the dispersion relation had disappeared. In otherwords, theQNMsare divergent in athighenergiesintoaccount. Theexistenceofthesecon- both asymptotic regions. [Same numerical values for c and v tinuous bands could become a signal of trans-Planckian as in Fig. 2.] physicsencodedintheemittedspectrumofgravitational waves. ified dispersion relation, and not just of the particular characteristics of a precise configuration. To sum up, there is a continuous region of frequencies ω such that they have associated modes 4 u =e−iωt A eikjx, ω j Xj=1 Acknowledgments which are outgoing at both ends. These modes are di- vergent,justlikeinthehydrodynamiccase,althoughthe fact that here non-hydrodynamic modes come into play C.B. has been funded by the Spanish MEC under means that this relation cannot be derived directly from project FIS2005-05736-C03-01 with a partial FEDER the dispersion relation. contribution. G.J. was supported by CSIC grant I3P- BPD2005 of the I3P programme, cofinanced by the Eu- ropean Social Fund, and by the Spanish MEC under VI. CONCLUSIONS project FIS2005-05736-C03-01. L.G. was supported by the Spanish MEC under project FIS2005-05736-C03-02. We have examined the quasi-normal modes of one- The authors also acknowledge support from the Spanish dimensional black hole configurations in BECs, and laid MEC project FIS2006-26387-E. 7 [1] C.Barcel´o,S.Liberati,M.Visser,LivingRev.Relativity [9] H. 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