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Quasi-Local Conserved Charges of Spin-3 Topologically Massive Gravity M. R. Setare 1 , H. Adami 2 6 Department of Science, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran. 1 0 Abstract 2 In this paper we obtain conserved charges of spin-3 topologically massive n gravity by using a quasi-local formalism. We find a general formula to u J calculate conserved charge of the spin-3 topologically massive gravity 3 which corresponds to a Killing vector field ξ. We show that this general 1 formula reduces to the previous one for the ordinary spin-3 gravity presented in [18] when we take into account only transformation under ] h diffeomorphism, without considering generalized Lorentz gauge t - transformation (i.e. λ =0), and by taking 1 0. Then we obtain a p ξ µ → e general formula for the entropy of black hole solutions of the spin-3 h topologically massive gravity. Finally we apply our formalism to calculate [ energy, angular momentum and entropy of a special black hole solution 3 and we find that obtained results are consistent with previous results in v the limiting cases. Moreover our result for energy, angular momentum and 1 7 entropy are consistent with the first law of black hole mechanics. 1 0 0 1 Introduction . 1 0 Higher spin gravity was formulated by Vasiliev and collaborators in papers 6 1 [1]. Initssimplestformitisanextension ofordinarygravity thatincludesa : masslessscalar andmasslessfieldswithspinsS = 3,4,.... In[2]Vasiliev pro- v i posed a system of gauge invariant nonlinear dynamical equations for totally X symmetric massless fields of all spins in (A)dS backgrounds. According to r a the result of this paper, ”in the framework of gravity, unbroken higher spin gauge symmetries require a non-zero cosmological constant”. In paper [3] the authors have considered the coupling of a symmetric spin-3 gauge field ϕ to 3-dimensional gravity in a second order metric-like formulation. In µνλ the context of frame-like approach the gravitational coupling of a symmet- ric tensor of rank 3 in the presence of negative cosmological constant can be given by SL(3,R) SL(3,R) Chern-Simons theory [4, 5, 6]. The emer- × gence of W-algebras as asymptotic symmetries of higher-spin gauge theories 1E-mail: [email protected] 2E-mail: [email protected] 1 coupled to three-dimensional Einstein gravity with a negative cosmological constant has been discussed in [4]. Higher-spin theories in AdS , like ordinary gravity, they possess no prop- 3 agating degrees of freedom [4, 7]. Pure Einstein-Hilbert gravity in three dimensions exhibits no propagating physical degrees of freedom [8, 9]. But addingthegravitationalChern-Simonstermproducesapropagatingmassive graviton [10]. The resulting theory is called topologically massive gravity (TMG). The authors of [11] have done the generalization of topologically massive gravity to higher spins, specifically spin-3 (see also [12]). In this paper we would like to obtain conserved charges of black hole solutions of spin-3 topologically massive gravity by using a quasi-local formalism. Here, we just consider diffeomorphism covariance and we find energy, angular mo- mentum, and entropy, but we don’t investigate the higher-spin charges. A method to calculate the energy of asymptotically AdS solution was given by Abbott and Deser [13]. Deser and Tekin have extended this approach to thecalculation of theenergyof asymptotically dSorAdSsolutions inhigher curvature gravity models and also to TMG [14]. The authors of [15] have obtained the quasi-local conserved charges for black holes in any diffeomor- phically invariant theory of gravity. By consideringan appropriatevariation of the metric, they have established a one-to-one correspondence between the ADT approach and the linear Noether expressions. They have extended this work to a theory of gravity containing a gravitational Chern-Simons term in [16], and have computed the off-shell potential and quasi-local con- served charges of some black holes in TMG. In the first order formalism, quasi-local conserved charges of Lorentz-diffeomorphism covariant theories of gravity are investigated in [17]. But there are theories which are not Lorentz-diffeomorphism covariant so for such theories a method for which one can calculate conserved charges of Lorentz-diffeomorphism covariant theories are useless. In previous paper [19] by introducing the total varia- tion of a quantity due to an infinitesimal Lorentz-diffeomorphism transfor- mation, we have obtained the conserved charges in Lorentz-diffeomorphism non-covariant theories. The formalism proposed in [19] is for on-shell case. In this paper we want to extend this formalism to the spin-3 topologically massive gravity. We find an expression for ADT conserved current which is off-shell conserved for a given Killing vector field. Then we can find the generalized ADT conserved charge by virtue of the Poincare lemma. In ref. [18] the energy of the higher spin black hole solutions of ordinary higher spin gravity has obtained by canonical formalism. Here we not only obtain the energy but also we find the angular momentum of black hole solutions of spin-3 topologically massive gravity. Furthermore we obtain a general 2 formula for entropy of black hole solutions of spin-3 topologically massive gravity, where by substituting e ab = ω ab = 0, this formula reduces to µ µ the entropy formula in the ordinary topologically massive gravity which we obtained previously in the paper [19]. 2 First-order formalism of 3D spin-3 gravity In this section, we will briefly review relevant aspects of spin-3 gravity in three dimensions in a slightly different way. We can describe the spin-3 gravity in three dimensions by the generalized dreibein and spin-connection [4]. We want to work in the first order formalism, so we take generalized spin-connection as an independent quantity as well as generalized dreibein. The algebra sl(3,R) have 3 generators J and 5 generators T with the a ab following commutation relations 3 [J ,J ]= ε cJ , [J ,T ] = 2εd T , a b ab c a bc a(b c)d (1) [T ,T ]= 2 η ε e+η ε e J , ab cd a(c d)b b(c d)a e − where T are symmetric and(cid:0) trace-less in the Lo(cid:1)rentz indices. In the repre- ab sentation we have considered the inner product of the generators are [20] tr(J ) = 0, tr(T ) = 0, tr(J T ) = 0, a ab a bc 4 (2) tr(J J )= 2η , tr(T T ) = 4η η η η . a b ab ab cd a(c d)b ab cd − 3 The generalized dreibein and the generalized spin-connection take values in the Lie algebra sl(3,R) as follows respectively: e = e aJ +e abT , (3) µ µ a µ ab ω = ω aJ +ω abT , (4) µ µ a µ ab a,b = 0,1,2. Notice that e ab is symmetric and trace-less with respect to µ Lorentz indices. It is convenient to write the generalized dreibein one-form and the generalized spin-connection one-form as [3, 21] e= e AJ dxµ, ω = ω AJ dxµ, (5) µ A µ A respectively, and A = 1,...,8. In the above J denotes a full set of sl(3,R) A generators, [J ,J ] = f CJ , (6) A B AB C 3Inthispaper,weusetheordinarysymmetrizationbyapairofparentheses,forinstance A(µBν) = 12(AµBν+AνBµ),i.e. wedividebythenumberoftermsinthesymmetrization. 3 where f C are anti-symmetric structure constants. The Killing form in AB the fundamental representation of sl(3,R) is defined as 1 K = tr(J J ), (7) AB A B 2 andtheanti-symmetricandsymmetricstructureconstantsoftheLiealgebra are given by 1 1 f = tr([J ,J ]J ), d = tr( J ,J J ). (8) ABC A B C ABC A B C 2 2 { } Translating the frame-like formalism to the metric-like formalism given by the following transformations [4] 1 g = tr(e e ) µν 2! (µ ν) (9) 1 ϕ = tr(e e e ). µνλ (µ ν λ) 3! where g is the metric and ϕ is the spin-3 field and it is totally symmet- µν µνλ ric. By substituting e from Eq.(5) into Eq.(9) and using Eq.(7) and Eq.(8) µ we have g = K e Ae B µν AB µ ν 1 (10) ϕ = d e Ae Be C. µνλ ABC µ ν λ 3! It is clear that g and ϕ both are invariant under the following Lorentz- µν µνλ like gauge transformation e˜ = Le L−1, (11) µ µ where L SL(3,R) and we can write L = exp(λ) so that λ is the generator ∈ ofLorentz-liketransformationanditisasl(3,R)Liealgebravaluedquantity, λ = λaJ +λabT = λAJ . (12) a ab A Now we can introduce the exterior covariant derivative by demanding that it be covariant under the Lorentz-like transformation (11) as well as diffeo- morphism covariance. To this end, we need to introduce the generalized spin-connection in the form of (5). Thus, we can define exterior covariant derivative as D e = ∂ e +[ω ,e ] D e A = ∂ e A+fA ω Be C. (13) µ ν µ ν µ ν µ ν µ ν BC µ ν ⇔ 4 In order the above exterior derivative be covariant under the Lorentz-like transformation, the generalized spin-connection must transforms as ω˜ = LωL−1+LdL−1, (14) where d denotes the ordinary exterior derivative. Now, one can define the total derivative as follows: D(T)e = e +[ω ,e ] µ ν µ ν µ ν ∇ (15) =∂ e Γλ e +[ω ,e ] µ ν µν λ µ ν − whereΓλ canbeinterpretsasAffineconnectionand denotestheordinary µν ∇ covariantderivativewhichisdefinedbyusingAffineconnection. Themetric- connectioncompatibility condition g = 0leadstothetotalderivativeof λ µν ∇ (T) dreibein vanishes, i.e. D e = 0. Therefore, one can definethegeneralized µ ν torsion 2-form as = e Γλ dxµ dxν = De. (16) λ µν T ∧ Another useful covariant quantity is the generalized curvature 2-form which is given by 1 = dω+ω ω A = dωA+ fA ωB ωC. (17) BC R ∧ ⇔ R 2 ∧ Since the total derivative of e A is zero, then we have ϕ = 0. µ σ µνλ ∇ FromEq.(11)andEq.(14),itiseasytocheckthatthevariationofgeneralized dreibein and generalized spin connection under an infinitesimal Lorentz-like gauge transformation are δ e = [λ,e], (18) λ δ ω = Dλ, (19) λ − where D = ∂ λ+[ω ,λ]. (20) µ µ µ It is well-known that the ordinary Lie derivative of a diffeomorphism in- variant quantity is diffeomorphism covariant but it may be not Lorentz-like covariant. In the manner of papers [22, 23, 24, 25, 19], we can generalize the Lie derivative so that it becomes covariant under Lorentz-like transfor- mation as well as diffeomorphism. To this end, we consider the ordinary Lie derivative of dreibein along a curve generated by the vector filed ξ, £ e = ξλ∂ e +e ∂ ξλ. Now we generalize this by adding variation of e ξ µ λ µ λ µ µ with respect to an infinitesimal Lorentz-like gauge transformation L e= £ e+[λ ,e]. (21) ξ ξ ξ 5 If the generator of Lorentz-like gauge transformation λ transforms as ξ λ˜ = Lλ L−1+L£ L−1, (22) ξ ξ ξ under Lorentz-gauge transformation, then the definition of generalized Lie derivative (21) will be covariant under the Lorentz-like transformations. It is straightforward to extend this expression of the generalized Lie derivative for e A to the case for which we have more than one Lorentz-like index. We µ demandthatλ dependsonthevector fieldξ generating thediffeomorphism ξ and it is not depends on fields in general but in section 5, we will fix it such that Lie derivative of e along ξ vanishes explicitly when ξ is a Killing µ vector field. The generalized Lie derivative of generalized spin-connection, L ω, is not covariant under Lorentz-like transformations, while L ω dλ ξ ξ ξ − will be covariant under the Lorentz-like transformations. Thus, under the generalized local translations we have δ e = L e, (23) ξ ξ δ ω = L ω dλ , (24) ξ ξ ξ − thereforetheyarecovariantundertheLorentz-liketransformationsaswellas diffeomorphism. Hence, we can interpret δ as a generalized diffeomorphism ξ transformation. We can useEq.(23)to obtain behaviourof themetric under this generalized diffeomorphism transformation as δ g = £ g . (25) ξ µν ξ µν This equation is exactly what we expect. In a similar way, for spin-3 field we obtain δ ϕ = £ ϕ , (26) ξ µνλ ξ µνλ In the last step of the calculation we used fE d = 0. Since ϕ D(A BC)E ∇σ µνλ is zero, the equation (26) can be rewritten as δ ϕ = 3 ϕ ξσ +3(i σ) ϕ , (27) ξ µνλ ∇(λ µν)σ ξT (λ µν)σ (cid:0) (cid:1) thus in a torsion free theory this reduce to δ ϕ = ξ , (28) ξ µνλ (λ µν) ∇ where ξ = 3ϕ ξσ = 3e ae be ξσ 4e abe e c ξσ. (29) µν µνσ µ ν σab µ νbc σ a − 6 The equation (28) is just the diffeomorphism part of the spin-3 field gauge transformation which was introduced in [26, 27], so it is clear from Eq.(28) that any transformation under diffeomorphism can be written as a spin-3 field gauge transformation for a torsion free theory. It is well known that Einstein-Hilbert action in the presence of negative cosmologicalconstantin3-dimensioncanbereformulatedasaChern-Simons theory withgage groupSO(2,2) SL(2,R) SL(2,R) [28, 29]. Similarly, a ∼ × SL(3,R) SL(3,R)Chern-Simonstheorywiththefollowingactiondescribes × a three dimensional spin-3 gravity theory [5, 6] (see also [30]), S = S [A+] S [A−], (30) EH CS CS − where l 2 S [A] = (A dA+ A A A), (31) CS 8πG ∧ 3 ∧ ∧ Z where l2 > 0 corresponds to a negative cosmological constant, and G is Newton’s constant. To relate these to the first order formalism based on dreibein and spin-connection we introduce following two independent con- nection one-form A+ and A−, 1 ± A = ω e. (32) ± l ± By substitutingA fromEq.(32)intoEq.(30)weobtainthefollowing action which describes a three dimensional spin-3 gravity theory 1 1 S = (e + e e e), (33) EH 16πG ∧R 3l2 ∧ ∧ Z In the next section we will extend the above Einstein-Hilbert spin-3 gravity actiontothespin-3topologically massivegravity theory. Thefieldequations come from above action are 1 = 0, + e e = 0. (34) T R l2 ∧ Sincei ω transformslike(22)thenonecanchooseλ = i ω. Noticethatthis ξ ξ ξ choice is not unique. Using the field equations and by choosing λ = i ω, ξ ξ Eq.(18) and Eq.(19) reduce to 1 δ e = DΞ, δ ω = [e,Ξ], (35) Ξ Ξ l2 where Ξ = i e. These results are exactly the generalized local translations ξ which were already mentioned in [4, 3, 21]. 7 3 Spin-3 topologically massive gravity In this section, we consider an action describing the spin-3 field coupled to TMG. Thisgeneralization has already beendone[11,12]. Inthat paper,the authors have studied this model at the linearized level. In this paper, we are interested to consider the Spin-3 Topologically Massive Gravity in non- linear level and we want to find a general formula for quasi-local conserved charges of the solutions of this model. The Lagrangian of the spin-3 Topologically Massive Gravity is given by [11] Λ 1 2 = tr σe + e e e+ ωdω+ ω ω ω +h . (36) L {− ∧R 3 ∧ ∧ 2µ 3 ∧ ∧ ∧T} (cid:18) (cid:19) In the above Lagrangian h is an auxiliary sl(3,R) Lie algebra valued one- form field. Also µ is a mass parameter, σ is a sign and Λ denotes the cosmological parameter. The general variation of the Lagrangian (36) is given by δ = tr(δΦ E )+dΘ(Φ,δΦ). (37) Φ L ∧ We use the symbol Φ to denote all of fields e, ω and h. Here E denotes the Φ equation of motion associated with field Φ. Equations of motion are given as follows: E = σ +Λe e+Dh = 0, (38) e − R ∧ 1 E = σ + +e h+h e = 0, (39) ω − T µR ∧ ∧ E = = 0. (40) h T Also, the surface term Θ(Φ,δΦ) is 1 Θ(Φ,δΦ) = tr σδω e+ δω ω+δe h . (41) − ∧ 2µ ∧ ∧ (cid:18) (cid:19) If we take Λ 1 l2 = and h= e, (42) −σ 2µl2 then the equations of motion (38)-(40) reduce to 1 = 0, + e e = 0. (43) T R l2 ∧ These are exactly what we are mentioned already in the equation (34). In this way, all the solutions of the spin-3 gravity (for instance, see [20, 30, 31]) are solutions of the spin-3 topologically massive gravity. 8 4 Quasi-local conserved charges The action (33) of spin-3 gravity in 3D is invariant under the generalized local Lorentz translations (23) and (24). In other words, variation of the Lagrangian of spin-3 gravity with respect to the generalized local Lorentz translations is equals to the generalized Lie derivative of the Lagrangian, i.e. δ = L . But, this is not the case for the spin-3 topologically ξ EH ξ EH L L massive gravity. Consider the spin-3 topologically massive gravity (36). This Lagrangian is not invariant under the generalized local Lorentz trans- lations. In this model, variation of the Lagrangian due to the generalized local Lorentz translations becomes δ = L +dΨ , (44) ξ ξ ξ L L where Ψ is given by ξ 1 Ψ = tr(dλ ω). (45) ξ ξ 2µ ∧ In the calculation of the equation (44), we use the fact that the generalized Lie derivative do not commute with the exterior derivative, [d,L ]e = dλ e+e λ . (46) ξ ξ ξ ∧ ∧ Also, notice that λ does not depend on the fields. In a similar way, one ξ can show that the variation of surface term (41) due to the generalized local Lorentz translations differs form its generalized Lie derivative as δ Θ(Φ,δΦ) = L Θ(Φ,δΦ)+Π , (47) ξ ξ ξ where Π is given by ξ 1 Π = tr(dλ δω). (48) ξ ξ 2µ ∧ Now we consider variation of the Lagrangian Eq.(36) due to a generalized local Lorentz translation, δ = tr(δ Φ E )+dΘ(Φ,δ Φ). (49) ξ ξ Φ ξ L ∧ By using Eqs.(44), (49) and from L = £ = di , we can write ξ ξ ξ L L L d(Θ(Φ,δ Φ) i Ψ ) = tr(δ Φ E ). (50) ξ ξ ξ ξ Φ − L− − ∧ We will not restrict our study to the on-shell case. One can rewrite Eq.(23) as follows: δ e = £ e+[λ ,e] = £ +[i ω,e]+[λ i ω,e] = D(i e)+i +[λ i ω,e], ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ − T − (51) 9 where i = (i σ) e dxν. Now we rewrite Eq.(24) as ξ ξ ν σ T T δ ω = £ ω+[λ ,ω] dλ = i D(λ i ω). (52) ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ − R− − Also, we can show that D2h= dDh+[ω,Dh] = h h . (53) R∧ − ∧R BysomecalculationsandusingEqs.(51)-(53),wecansimplifytherighthand side of the equation (50) as tr(δ Φ E ) =dtr(i eE (λ i ω)E +i hE ) ξ Φ ξ e ξ ξ ω ξ h ∧ − − +tr σi eD i h(D +e e) { ξ R− ξ T ∧R−R∧ } (54) 1 +tr (λ i ω)[ σ(D +e e)+ D ] . ξ ξ { − − T ∧R−R∧ µ R} By substituting Eq.(54) into Eq.(50) we will have dJ =tr σi eD +i h(D +e e) ξ ξ ξ {− R T ∧R−R∧ } 1 (55) +tr (λ i ω)[σ(D +e e) D ] , ξ ξ { − T ∧R−R∧ − µ R} where J is given by ξ J = Θ(Φ,δ Φ) i Ψ +tr(i eE (λ i ω)E +i hE ). (56) ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ e ξ ξ ω ξ h − L− − − By virtue the following generalized Bianchi identities 4. D = 0, R (57) D +e e = 0. T ∧R−R∧ the current J is conserved off-shell, for arbitrary ξ, because the right hand ξ side of Eq.(55) is zero, so dJ = 0. Thus, by the Poincare lemma we find ξ that J = dK . (58) ξ ξ 4 WecanreadofftheBianchiidentitiesfromtheactionofconsideredtheoryofgravity. To clear this matter, consider the action of a gravity theory in the metric formalism, Sgravity = . Under an infinitesimal diffeomorphism generated by a vector field ξ, we have δξSgraRviLty = √ g µνδξgµν+ surface term, where µν is generalized Einstein tensor. Because δξ−gµRν =− Gµξν + νξµ then δξSgravity = G2 √ g µν µξν+ surface term or δξSgravity = 2 √∇g µ µ∇νξν+ surface term. Dro−ppiRng s−urfGace∇term by some boundary conditions, wRe se−e t∇hatGthe action is diffeomorphism invariant if µ µν = 0, ∇ G for any non-zero vector field ξ, and this is exactly the Bianchi identities. Thus, using the invariant property of the action under diffeomorphism, we can read off the Bianchi identities. Here,weusethefirstorderandoff-shellversion of thisprescription toread off the Bianchi identities in considered formalism 10

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