1 Quasi-homography Warps in Image Stitching Nan Li, Yifang Xu, and Chao Wang Abstract—Naturalnessofwarpingisgainingextensiveattention in image stitching. Recent warps such as SPHP, AANAP and GSP, use a global similarity to effectively mitigate projective distortion (which enlarges regions), however, they necessarily bring in perspective distortion (which generates inconsistency). In this paper, we propose a quasi-homography warp, which balances perspective distortion against projective distortion in the non-overlapping region, to create natural-looking mosaics. 7 Our approach formulates the warp as a solution of a system of 1 bivariate equations, where perspective distortion and projective 0 distortion are characterized as slope preservation and scale 2 linearization respectively. Our proposed warp only relies on a n globalhomographythusistotallyparameter-free.Acomprehen- a siveexperimentshowsthatquasi-homographyoutperformssome J state-of-the-art warps in urban scenes, including homography, 7 AutoStitch and SPHP. A user study demonstrates that quasi- 2 homography wins most users’ favor as well, comparing to homography and SPHP. ] V Index Terms—Image stitching, image warping, projective dis- tortion, perspective distortion. C . s I. INTRODUCTION c [ IMAGEstitchingplaysanimportantroleinmanymultime- dia applications, such as panoramic videos [1]–[3], virtual 1 reality [4]–[6], etc. Basically, it is a process of combining v 6 multiple images with overlapping fields of views to produce a 0 wide-viewpanorama[7],wherethefirststageisdetermininga 0 warp for each image to transform it in a common coordinate 8 system, then the warped images are composed [8]–[12] and 0 blended [13]–[15] into a final mosaic. Evaluation of warping . 1 includes alignment quality in the overlapping region and 0 naturalness quality in the non-overlapping region. 7 Earlywarpsfocusonimprovingalignmentquality.Aglobal 1 : warp such as similarity or projective [16], aims to minimize v alignment errors between overlapping pixels by a uniform i X transformation. Homography is the most frequently used one, Fig.1. Adistortioncomparisonamongdifferentwarpsinthenon-overlapping region,whichusesthesameglobalhomographyalignmentintheoverlapping r because it is the farthest planar transformation where straight region. (a) Reference and target images. (b) Warped result of homography, a lines are preserved in the warped image. However, it usually whichintroducesprojectivedistortioninpeople.(c)WarpedresultofSPHP, suffers from projective distortion (which enlarges regions) whichgeneratesperspectivedistortioninbuildings.(d)Warpedresultofquasi- homography,thatbalancesprojectivedistortionagainstperspectivedistortion. in the non-overlapping region (see Fig. 1(b)). Some warps address alignment issues due to parallax in the overlapping region, by using multiple local transformations instead of a region by using a global similarity. Though they effectively singleglobalone[17]–[20],orbycombiningimagealignment mitigate projective distortion, they necessarily bring in per- with seam-cutting approaches [21]–[23]. spective distortion (which generates inconsistency), because Recently, some warps such as shape-preserving half- similarity transformations keep original perspectives individu- projective (SPHP) warp [24], adaptive as-natural-as-possible ally (see Fig. 1(c)). It motivates us to propose a novel warp, (AANAP) warp [25], and warp with global similarity prior thatovercomesdrawbacksofhomographyandsimilaritytrans- (GSP) [26], address naturalness issues in the non-overlapping formations, to mitigate projective distortion and perspective distortion simultaneously in the non-overlapping region (see N. Li is with the Center for Applied Mathematics, Tianjin University, Tianjin300072,China.E-mail:[email protected]. Fig. 1(d)). Y. Xu is with the Center for Combinatorics, Nankai University, Tianjin In this paper, we propose a quasi-homography warp, which 300071,China.Email:[email protected]. balances projective distortion against perspective distortion in C. Wang is with the Department of Software, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071,China.Email:[email protected]. the non-overlapping region, to create natural-looking mosaics 2 theoverlappingregion[16].Globalwarpsarerobustbutoften not flexible enough to provide accurate alignment. Gao et al. [17]proposedadual-homographywarptoaddresssceneswith twodominantplanesbyaweightedsumoftwohomographies. Lin et al. [18] proposed a smoothly varying affine warp to replace a global affine transformation with a smoothly affine stitching field, which is more flexible and maintains much of the motion generalization properties of affine or homography. Zaragoza et al. [19] proposed an as-projective- as-possible warp in a moving DLT framework, which is able to accurately align images that differ by more than a pure rotation.Louetal.[20]proposedalocalalignmentmethodby piecewise planar region matching, which approximates image regionswithplanesbyincorporatingpiecewiselocalgeometric models. Othermethodscombineimagealignmentwithseam-cutting approaches [27]–[30], to find a locally registered area instead of aligning the overlapping region globally. Gao et al. [21] proposed a seam-driven stitching framework, which searches a homography with minimal seam costs instead of minimal Fig.2. Adistortioncomparisonamongdifferentwarpsinthenon-overlapping alignment errors. Zhang and Liu [22] proposed a parallax- region,whichemploysthesamehomographyalignmentandthesameseam- tolerant warp, which combines homography and content- cuttingcomposition[27]intheoverlappingregion.Infinalstitchingresults, preserving warps to locally align images. Lin et al. [23] weusebluerectanglestohighlightacomparisonofprojectivedistortion,and redrectanglestohighlightacomparisonofperspectivedistortion. proposed a seam-guided local alignment method , which iteratively improves warping by adaptive feature weighting according to their distances to current seams. (see Fig. 2). Our proposed warp only relies on a global Thesemethodsfocusonimprovingalignmentqualityinthe homography thus is totally parameter-free. The rest of the overlappingregion,sotheysometimessufferfromnaturalness paper is organized as follows. Section II describes some of issues in the non-overlapping region (see Fig. 2). recentrelatedworks.SectionIIIprovidesadetailedderivation of our proposed warp. In particular, Section III-A presents an analysis of homography and SPHP warps, where perspective distortion is addressed by preserving corresponding slopes of B. Warps for Better Naturalness horizontal lines and vertical lines, and projective distortion is describedintermsoflinearizingascalefunction.SectionIII-B Many efforts have been devoted to mitigate distortion in reformulateshomographyasasolutionofasystemofbivariate the non-overlapping region to create natural-looking mosaics. equations, where slope preservation and scale linearization A pioneering work [31] uses spherical or cylindrical warps are characterized respectively. In Section III-C, we linearize to provide multi-perspective results to address this problem, the scale function to a piece-wise C1 continuous function, however, it necessarily curves straight lines. and define our quasi-homgoraphy warp as a solution of a Recently, some methods take the advantage of global sim- modifiedsystem.Someimplementationdetails(includingtwo- ilarity (preserve original perspective) to mitigate projective image stitching and multiple-image stitching) and variations distortion. Chang et al. [24] proposed a SPHP warp, which (including orthogonal rectification and partition refinement) spatially combines a projective and a similarity, where the are proposed in Section IV. Section V presents a comparison projective maintains good alignment in the overlapping re- experiment and a user study, which demonstrate that our gion while the similarity keeps original perspective in the proposed warp not only outperforms some state-of-the-art non-overlapping region. Lin and Pankanti [25] proposed an warpsinurbanscenes,butalsowinsmostusersfavor.Finally, AANAPwarp,whichcombinesalinearizedhomographyanda conclusions are drawn in Section VI. globalsimilaritywithsmallestrotationangletocreatenatural- looking mosaics. Chen et al. [26] proposed a GSP warp to II. RELATEDWORK stitch multiple images with a global similarity prior in the In the following, we review recent works of image warping objective function, which constrains the warp resembles a inaspectsofalignmentandnaturalnessrespectively.Formore similarity as a whole. fundamental concepts about image stitching, please refer to a Thesemethodsuseaglobalsimilaritytoeffectivelymitigate comprehensive survey [7] by Szeliski. projective distortion in the non-overlapping region, assuming thattheoriginalimagesaremostnaturaltousers.However,the A. Warps for Better Alignment assumption is not consistent with human perception in urban Conventional stitching methods usually use global warps scenes,duetotheperspectivedistortiongeneratedbydifferent such as affine, similarity and homography, to align images in perspectives between images (see Fig. 2). 3 Fig.3. Perspectivedistortionv.s.slopepreservation.(a)Targetimage.(b)Warpedresultofhomography.(c)WarpedresultofSPHP.(d)Ourwarpedresult. Original Homography SPHP Our warp 500 500 500 500 400 400 400 400 x‘300 x‘300 x‘ 300 x‘ 300 200 200 200 200 100 100 100 100 p p1 p2 p 0 0 0 0 0 100 200 x 300 400 500 0 100 200 x 300 400 500 0 100 200 x 300 400 500 0 100 200 x 300 400 500 (a) (b) (c) (d) Fig.4. Projectivedistortionv.s.scalelinearization.Itdemonstratesscalefunctionsofdifferentwarpsonaspecialhorizontalline(markedredinFig.3). III. PROPOSEDWARPS andfx,fy,gx,gy denotepartialderivativesoff andg.Infact, In this section, we first present an analysis of homography (2) is a sufficient and necessary condition of a line-preserving and SPHP warps, to show their advantages and disadvantages warp. In order to characterize perspective distortion, we draw in aspect of perspective distortion or projective distortion (see a grid-to-grid map of lines with slopes Fig.3and4),thenhomographyisreformulatedasasolutionof g (x,y) slope(x,y,0)= x , (5) a system of bivariate equations, where projective distortion is f (x,y) x quantifiedbyanonlinearscalefunctiononaspecialhorizontal g (x,y) line(seeFig.5(b)),finallyquasi-homographyisproposedasa slope(x,y,∞)= y , (6) f (x,y) solutionofamodifiedsystem,bylinearizingthescalefunction y to a piece-wise C1 continuous function (see Fig. 5(c)). which are corresponding to horizontal lines and vertical lines in the target image. Consequently, any point (x,y) ∈ I can A. Analysis of Homography and SPHP Warps be regarded as the intersection point of a horizontal line and LetI andI(cid:48)denotethetargetimageandthereferenceimage a vertical line, which is corresponding to a point (x(cid:48),y(cid:48))∈I(cid:48) respectively. A warp H is a planar transformation [16], which astheintersectionpointoflineswithslopes(5,6)(seeFig.3). relates pixel coordinates (x,y)∈I to (x(cid:48),y(cid:48))∈I(cid:48), where It is easy to check that a homography warp H 0 (cid:26) x(cid:48) =f(x,y) . (1) f (x,y)= h1x+h2y+h3, (7) y(cid:48) =g(x,y) 0 h x+h y+1 7 8 h x+h y+h We say a warp is line-preserving, if any straight line in the g (x,y)= 4 5 6, (8) 0 h x+h y+1 target image is transformed into a straight line in the warped 7 8 result. If a line-preserving warp aligns the target image to the satisfiescondition(2),thereforehomographyisline-preserving reference image, then the perspective of the warped result is (seeFig.3(b)).However,SPHPisnotline-preserving,because consistent with the perspective of the reference image. Given projective’s perspective in the overlapping region is inconsis- a line-preserving warp H as (1) and a line with slope k tentwithsimilarity’sperspectiveinthenon-overlappingregion crossing (x,y) ∈ I, then it is corresponding to a line with (see Fig. 3(c)). slope slope(x,y,k) crossing (x(cid:48),y(cid:48))∈I(cid:48), where In horizontal image stitching, there always exists a special slope(x,y,k)= g(x+z,y+kz)−g(x,y) (∀z ∈R) (2) horizontal line y =y∗, that preserves horizontal under a line- f(x+z,y+kz)−f(x,y) preserving warp, where y∗ is determined by solving g(x+z,y+kz)−g(x,y) g (x,y ) = lim (3) slope(x,y ,0)= x ∗ =0. (9) z→0f(x+z,y+kz)−f(x,y) ∗ fx(x,y∗) g (x,y)+kg (x,y) = x y , (4) In fact, f(x,y∗) is a scale function on the special horizontal f (x,y)+kf (x,y) x y line,whichquantifiesprojectivedistortioninhorizontalimage 4 Fig.5. Quasi-homographyv.s.homography.(a)Targetimage.(b)Reformulationofhomography.(c)Derivationofquasi-homography.Inthenon-overlapping region,quasi-homographynotonlypreservescorrespondingslopesofgridsashomography,butalsopossessesalinearscalefunctiononthespecialhorizontal lineassimilarity. stitching.Inordertocharacterizethefunctionmoreexplicitly, where(x ,y)and(x,y )areprojectionsof(x,y)ontox=x p ∗ p we draw a map x(cid:55)→f(x,y ) (see Fig. 4). and y =y respectively (see Fig. 5(a)), and ∗ ∗ Given a homography warp H as (7,8), we can obtain 0 (h h −h h )y−h h +h slope(x,y,0)= 4 8 5 7 6 7 4, (16) y = h6h7−h4 , (10) (h1h8−h2h7)y−h3h7+h1 ∗ h4h8−h5h7 slope(x,y,∞)= (h4h8−h5h7)x+h6h8−h5, (17) (h h −h h )(h x+h )+(h h −h )h (h h −h h )x+h h −h f (x,y )= 4 8 5 7 1 3 6 7 4 2. 1 8 2 7 3 8 2 0 ∗ (h4h8−h5h7)h7x+(h6h8−h5)h7 which are independent of x and y respectively. (11) It is easy to check that, if we regard f(x,y) and g(x,y) as Homographynecessarilygeneratesprojectivedistortion,be- unknowns, then H as (7,8) is the unique solution of (14,15) cause the derivative f(cid:48)(x,y ) constantly increases in the non- 0 0 ∗ satisfying (10,13,16,17). Comparing to the formulation (7,8), overlappingregion(seeFig.4(b)).However,SPHPpossessesa our reformulation characterizes perspective distortion as slope piece-wiseC1 continuousscalefunction,whichislinearinthe preservation(slope(x,y,0)andslope(x,y,∞))andprojective non-overlapping region (see Fig. 4(c)). This difference leads distortionasscalelinearization(f (x,y ))respectively.Infact, to less projective distortion of SPHP than homography. 0 ∗ slope(x,y,0)andslope(x,y,∞)constrainshapesofthegrid, while f (x,y ) determines its density (see Fig. 5(b)). B. Reformulation of Homography Warps 0 ∗ Suppose I and I(cid:48) are well-aligned by a global homography H as(7,8)intheoverlappingregion,ourgoalistoproposea 0 warp H that combines the advantages of homography (line- ∗ C. Quasi-homography Warps preserving) and similarity (a linear scale function) in the non- overlapping region. In the following, we give a reformulation OurreformulationofhomographyandouranalysisofSPHP ofhomography,thatcharacterizesslopepreservationandscale motivateustomodifyf (x,y )toapiece-wiseC1 continuous 0 ∗ linearization respectively. function, which is linear in the non-overlapping region. First,wedefinex=x asthepreimageoftheborderofthe p First, the special horizontal line y = y (13) intersects the overlappingregionandthenon-overlappingregion(markedin ∗ preimage x=x (10) at blue in Fig. 5(a)), which satisfies p (h h −h h h )p+h (h h −h ) h f(x ,y)=p, (12) x = 5 7 6 7 8 2 6 7 4 + 3 . p ∗ (h h −h h )(ph −h ) ph −h 4 8 5 7 7 1 7 1 where p=0 if assigning the left image as the target image I, (18) otherwise p equals to the width of the reference image I(cid:48). Then, the truncation of Taylor’s expansion of f (x,y ), 0 ∗ For a homography H , the preimage 0 (h h −h h )y +(h −h h ) f (x,y )=p+ 1 8 2 7 ∗ 1 3 7 (x−x ) x = (ph8−h2)y−h3+p. (13) ∗ ∗ (h7x∗+h8y∗+1)2 ∗ p h −ph (19) 1 7 is linear in the non-overlapping region and is C1 connected Then,inordertobenefitfromtheanalysisofhomographyand to f (x,y ) in the overlapping region. Let O denote the SPHP, we reformulate homography as a solution of 0 ∗ overlapping region, we modify the scale function to g(x,y)−g0(xp,y) =slope(x,y,0), (14) (cid:40)f (x,y ), if (x,y )∈O, f(x,y)−f0(xp,y) f†(x,y∗)= 0 ∗ ∗ (20) f (x,y ), otherwise, g(x,y)−g (x,y ) ∗ ∗ 0 ∗ =slope(x,y,∞), (15) f(x,y)−f0(x,y∗) which is piece-wise C1 continuous. If we regard f(x,y) and 5 g(x,y) as unknowns, then the system of bivariate equations Algorithm 1 Image stitching using quasi-homography. Input: two images taken from a camera rotated vertically. g(x,y)−g (x ,y) 0 p =slope(x,y,0), (21) Output: one horizontally stitched image. f(x,y)−f (x ,y) 0 p 1) Use SIFT [32] to extract and match features; g(x,y)−g (x,y ) 0 ∗ =slope(x,y,∞), (22) 2) UseRANSAC[33]toestimateaglobalhomographyH0; f(x,y)−f (x,y ) † ∗ 3) Calculate a quasi-homography warp: satisfying (10,13,16,17,20) possess a unique solution H† a) Calculate a forward map H† (23,24) to get the canvas; (cid:40) b) Calculate a backward map H−1 (27) to fill the canvas f (x,y), if (x,y )∈O, † f (x,y)= 0 ∗ (23) by bilinear interpolations; † f (x,y), otherwise, ∗ 4) Use seam-cutting [27] to blend the overlapping region. (cid:40) g (x,y), if (x,y )∈O, g (x,y)= 0 ∗ (24) † g (x,y), otherwise, ∗ where w x2y+w x2+w xy+w x+w y+w f (x,y)= 1 2 3 4 5 6, ∗ h x+h y+1 7 8 (25) w x2y+w x2+w xy+w x+w y+w g (x,y)= 7 8 9 10 11 12, ∗ h x+h y+1 7 8 (26) define a warp H in the non-overlapping region and Fig.6. Stitchingmultipleimages.Coordinatesofotherimagesaretransformed w ,...,w are pol∗ynomials in p,h ,...,h . tothecoordinatesystemofthereferenceimageI1. 1 12 1 8 In fact, the warp H just crowds the grid of homography in † thehorizontaldirectionbutwithoutvaryingitsshape(seeFig. B. Multiple-image Stitching 5(c)).Inthissense,wecallH aquasi-homographywarpcor- † responding to a homography warp H . A quasi-homography Given a sequence of multiple images, which are captured 0 H maintainsgoodalignmentintheoverlappingregionasH from a camera rotated vertically, our warping method consists † 0 whilemitigatesperspectivedistortionandprojectivedistortion of three stages. In the first stage, we determine a reference simultaneously as H in the non-overlapping region. imageasthestandardperspective.Then,weestimateahomog- ∗ IfahomographywarpH (7,8)isaninjectionintheimage raphy for every two images with overlapping fields of views, 0 domain, then its corresponding quasi-homography warp H is and calculate its corresponding quasi-homography. Finally, † also an injection. Therefore, given (x(cid:48),y(cid:48))∈I(cid:48), then (x,y)∈ we concatenate all target images in the image plane of the I is determined by an inverse map reference image. (cid:40) Fig. 6 illustrates the concatenation procedure of stitching H−1, if (x,y )∈O, H†−1 = H0−1, otherwi∗se, (27) four images. First, we set I1 as the reference image, so ∗ perspectives of other target images should agree with its per- where H−1 spective. Then, we calculate quasi-homography warps H†0→1, ∗ H2→1 and H3→2. Finally, we concatenate I to I by † † 3 1 x=RootOf(m x2+m x+m ), (28) 1 2 3 H3→1 =H2→1◦H3→2. (30) h x(cid:48)−h h x(cid:48)−h y(cid:48)+h h y(cid:48)−h h +h h † † 0 y =− 4 6 7 1 3 7 3 4 1 6 , h h x(cid:48)−h h x(cid:48)−h h y(cid:48)+h h y(cid:48)−h h +h h For stitching more images, we obtain the concatenation maps 4 8 5 7 1 8 2 7 2 4 1 5 (29) recursively. and m ,...,m are polynomials in x(cid:48),y(cid:48),p,h ,...,h . 1 3 1 8 IV. IMPLEMENTION C. Orthogonal Rectification Inthissection,wefirstpresentmoreimplementationdetails Inurbanscenes,usersaccustomtotakepicturesbyrotating ofourquasi-homographyintwo-imagestitchingandmultiple- cameras vertically, hence any vertical line in the target image imagestitching,andthenweproposetwovariationsincluding isexpectedtotransformtoaverticallineinthewarpedresult. orthogonal rectification and partition refinement. However, it will inevitably sacrifice alignment quality in the overlapping region. A. Two-image Stitching In order to achieve orthogonal rectification, we incorpo- Giventwoimagescapturedfromacamerarotatedvertically, rate an extra constraint in homography estimation, which if a homography H is estimated, then a quasi-homography 0 constrains the external vertical boundary of the target image H can be calculated, which smoothly extrapolates H in the † 0 preserves vertical in the warped result. Then, it should satisfy overlapping region to H in the non-overlapping region. A ∗ brief algorithm is given in Algorithm 1. f(p,0)=f(p,h), (31) 6 is more precise when (x ,y) is more locally aligned, thus we ∗ modifythepartitionlinex astheexternalborderoftheseam p for further refinement (see Fig. 8). V. EXPERIMENTS Weexperimentedourproposedmethodonarangeofimages captured from rear and front cameras in urban scenes. In our experiments, we use SIFT [32] to extract and match features,RANSAC[33]toestimateaglobalhomography,and seam-cutting [27] to blend the overlapping region. Codes are implemented in OpenCV 2.4.9 and generally take 1s-2s on a desktop PC with Intel i5 3.0GHz CPU and 8GB memory to stitch two images with 800×600 resolution by Algorithm IV-A, where the calculation of quasi-homography only takes 0.1s (including forward map and backward map). Fig.7. Anexampleoforthogonalrectification. A. Comparisons to State-of-the-art Warps We compared our quasi-homography warp to state-of-the- art warps in urban scenes, including homography, SPHP and AutoStitch. In order to highlight comparisons on natural- ness quality in the non-overlapping region, for homography, SPHP and quasi-homography, we use the same homography alignment and the same seam-cutting composition in the overlapping region. More results and original input images are available in the supplementary material. Fig.9illustratesanexampleinselfie-stitching.Homography provides a line-preserving stitching result but generates pro- jective distortion in buildings and trees (highlighted in blue rectangles). SPHP mitigates projective distortion significantly but brings in apparent perspective distortion in the top of buildings (highlighted in red rectangles). Quasi-homography Fig.8. Anexampleofpartitionrefinement. creates a more natural-looking stitching result in both aspects of projective distortion and perspective distortion. Fig. 10 illustrates an example in multiple-image stitching, wherehistheheightofthetargetimageandp=0ifassigning where stitching results are cropped for the sake of layout. theleftimageastarget,otherwisepequalstothewidthofthe Homography enlarges trees on the right (highlighted in blue target image. For a homography warp H as (7,8), we obtain 0 rectangles)butpreservesallstraightlines.SPHPcurvesbuild- h (h p+h ) h = 2 7 9 . (32) ings and grounds (highlighted in red rectangles) but without 8 h1p+h3 enlarging the region of trees. AutoStitch produces a fisheye- Then, a global homography is estimated by solving like mosaic due to spherical warps. Quasi-homography bal- ances projective distortion against perspective distortion by N min(cid:88)(cid:107)a h(cid:107)2 s.t. (cid:107)h(cid:107)=1,h = h2(h7p+h9). (33) preserving horizontal lines and vertical lines, simultaneously i 8 h p+h possessing a piece-wise C1 continuous scale function. 1 3 i=1 Since quasi-homography just crowds the grid of homography B. User Study in the horizontal direction but without varying its shape, so the external vertical boundary still preserves vertical (see Fig. In order to investigate whether quasi-homography is pre- 7). ferred by users in urban scenes, we conduct a user study to compare our result to homography and SPHP. We invite 17 participantstorank20unannotatedgroupsofstitchingresults, D. Partition Refinement including 5 groups from front camera and 15 groups from In (12), we simply set the partition line x as the border of rear camera. In each group, we use the same homography p the overlapping region and the non-overlapping region, which alignment and the same seam-cutting composition, and all directly determines the linear scale function (19). In fact, the parametersaresettoproducetheoptimalresults.Inourstudy, scale ratio each participant ranks three unannotated stitching results in (h h −h h )y +(h −h h ) each group, and a score is counted by assigning weights 4, 2 ρ= 1 8 2 7 ∗ 1 3 7 (34) (h x +h y +1)2 and 1 to Rank 1, Rank 2 and Rank 3. 7 ∗ 8 ∗ 7 Fig.9. Adistortioncomparisonamongdifferentwarpsinthenon-overlappingregioninselfie-stitching,whichemploysthesamehomographyalignmentand the same seam-cutting composition [27] in the overlapping region. In final stitching results, we use blue rectangles to highlight a comparison of projective distortion,andredrectanglestohighlightacomparisonofperspectivedistortion. Table I shows a summary of rank vote and total score for three warps, and the histogram of the score is shown in Fig. 11inthreeaspects.Thisuserstudydemonstratesthatstitching results of quasi-homography win most users’ favor in urban scenes. VI. CONCLUSION In this paper, we propose a quasi-homography warp, which balances perspective distortion against projective distortion in thenon-overlappingregion,tocreatenatural-lookingmosaics. Experiments show that quasi-homography outperforms some state-of-the-art warps in urban scenes, including homography, Fig.11. Scoreofcomparedmethodsinfrontandrearcamerasetting. AutoStitchandSPHP.Auserstudydemonstratesthatstitching 8 Fig.10. 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