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Quark-Antiquark Pairing Induced by Instantons in QCD PDF

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QUARK-ANTIQUARK PAIRING INDUCED BY INSTANTONS IN QCD Nguyen Van Hieu, Nguyen Hung Son Ngo Van Thanh and Hoang Ba Thang 0 Instituteof Physics, P. O.Box 429, Boho, Hanoi 10000, Vietnam 0 0 2 Abstract n a Thequark-antiquarkpairing duetothefour-fermion direct couplinginduced bytheinstan- J tonsin QCD is studied in theframework of thefunctional integral method. The integral equa- 5 tions for the order parameters are derived. Several classes of the solutions of these non-linear 2 equations are considered in details. Their implications for the dynamical symmetry breakings are discussed. 1 v 1 1 INTRODUCTION. 5 2 1 The superconducting pairing of quarks due to the gluon exchange in QCD with the formation 0 of the diquark condensate was proposed by Barrois[1] and Frautschi[2] since more than two decades 0 and then studied by Bailin and Love[3], Donoglue and Sateesh[4], Iwasaki and Iwado[5]. Recently in 0 aseriespapersbyAlford,RajagopalandWilczek[6],Scha¨ferandWilczek[7],Rapp,Scha¨fer,Shuryak / h and Velkovsky[8], Evans, Hsu and Schwetz[9], Hieu and Tuong[10], Son[11], and others there arose p a new interest to the existence of the diquark Bose condensate in the QCD dense matter - the - p color superconductivity. The connection between the color superconductivity and the chiral phase e transition in QCD was studied by Berges and Rajagopal[12], Harada and Shibata[13]. There exists h also the spontaneous parity violation, as it was shown by Pisarski and Rischke[14]. : v Thepresentworkisdevotedtothe studyofthequark-antiquarkpairingduetosomedirectfour- i fermioncouplinginthe frameworkofthe functionalintegralapproach[15]. Forthe systemsofquarks X andantiquarkswithN colorsandN =2flavorsthisdirectfour-fermioncouplingmightbeinduced r c f a by the instantons[8,16,17]. We derive the general integral equations for the order parameters of the Bosecondensateofthequark-antiquarkpairsintheinteractingsystemswithanydirectfour-fermion coupling. Byestablishingtheexistenceoftheorderparameterswithdefinitesymmetrypropertiesin thesystemwithN colorsandtwoflavorswecometotheconclusionsonthedynamicalspontaneous c breaking of the corresponding symmetries. 2 BOSONIC COMPOSITE FIELD. Denote ψ (x) the quark field, where A = (αai) is the set consisting of the Dirac spinor index A α=1,2,3,4andthecolorandflavorindicesa=1,2,...N andi=1,2,...N . Theinternalsymmetry c f groups are assumed to be SU(N ) and SU(N ) . We work in the imaginary time formalism and c c f f denote x=(τ,x) a vector in the Euclidean four-dimensional space. The partition function of the system of free quarks and antiquarks at the temperature T can be expressed in the form of the functional integral Z = [Dψ] Dψ exp − dxψA(x)DBψ (x) (1) 0 A B Z (cid:26) Z (cid:27) (cid:2) (cid:3) 1 with the brief notations β 1 dx = dτ dx, β = , kT Z Z0 Z B ∂ DB = γ −µ +γ∇+M , (2) A 4 ∂τ (cid:20) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:21)A where kis the Boltzmann constant, µ is the chemical potential and M is the bare quark mass. We write the interaction Lagrangianof the four-fermion coupling in the most general form L = 1ψA(x)ψ (x)UBDψC(x)ψ (x). (3) int 2 B AC D The partition function of the interacting system equals Z = [Dψ] Dψ exp − dxψA(x)DBψ (x) A B Z (cid:26) Z (cid:27) exp 1 (cid:2) dx(cid:3)ψA(x)ψ (x)UBDψC(x)ψ (x) . (4) 2 B AC D (cid:26) Z (cid:27) Followingthemethodinthefunctionalintegralapproach[15]weintroducesomebosoniccomposite field ΦA(x) and the functional integral B 1 ZΦ = [DΦ]exp − dxΦA(x)UBDΦC (x) . (5) 0 2 B AC D Z (cid:26) Z (cid:27) We have the Hubbard-Stratonovich transformation exp 1 dxψA(x)ψ (x)UBDψC(x)ψ (x) = 1 [DΦ] 2 B AC D ZΦ (cid:26) Z (cid:27) 0 Z exp −1 dxΦA(x)UBDΦC (x) exp − dxψA(x)ψ (x)∆B(x) , (6) 2 B AC D B A (cid:26) Z (cid:27) (cid:26) Z (cid:27) where ∆B(x)=UBDΦC (x). (7) A AC D Denote SB(x−y) the two-point Green function of the free quark field, A DBSC(x−y)=δCδ(x−y). (8) A B A Substituting the expression (6) into the r.h.s. of the formula (4) and performing the functional integrationoverthefermionicvariables,weobtainthepartitionfunctionZintheformofafunctional integral over the bosonic integration variables Z 0 Z = [DΦ]exp{I [Φ]} (9) ZΦ eff 0 Z with the effective action of the bosonic composite field 1 I [Φ]=− dxΦA(x)UBDΦC (x)+W [∆], (10) eff 2 B AC D Z ∞ W [∆]= W(n)[∆], (11) n=1 X W(1)[∆]= dx∆B(x)SA(0), A B Z 2 1 W(2)[∆]=− dx dx ∆B1(x )SA2(x −x )∆B2(x )SA1(x −x ), (12) 2 1 2 A1 1 B1 1 2 A2 2 B2 2 1 Z Z 1 W(3)[∆] = dx dx dx 1 2 3 3 Z Z Z ∆B1(x )SA2(x −x )∆B2(x )SA3(x −x )∆B3(x )SA1(x −x ), A1 1 B1 1 2 A2 2 B2 2 3 A3 3 B3 3 1 (−1)n+1 W(n)[∆] = dx ... dx ∆B1(x )SA2(x −x ) n 1 n A1 1 B1 1 2 Z Z ∆BA22(x2)....SBAnn−1(xn−1−xn)∆BAnn(xn)SBAn1(xn−x1) ....... From this effective action we derive the field equation ∆D(x)=UDBGA(x,x), (13) C CA B where the two-pointGreenfunction ofthe quarkfield in the presence of the condensate GA(y,x) is B determined by the Schwinger-Dyson equation GA(y,x)=SA(y−x)− dzSC(y−z)∆D(z)GA(z,x). (14) B B B C D Z 3 GENERAL EQUATIONS AND RELATIONS FOR OR- DER PARAMETERS. Now we study the constant solution ∆A(x)=∆0A =const. (15) B B of the system of equations (13) and (14). The non-vanishing components of the constant rank 2 spinor (15)can be consideredas the order parametersofthe quark-antiquarkpair Bose condensate. For the special class (15) of the bosonic field ∆A(x) the Green functions GA(y,x)depend only on B B the coordinate difference GA(y,x)=GA(y−x). B B Denoting GA(p,ε )and SA(p,ε ) the Fourier transforms of GA(y−x)and SA(y−x) resp., B n B n B B π e e εn =(2n+1) , β n being integers, we rewrite the equations (13) and (14) in the form 1 1 ∆0D = UDB dpGA(p,ε ) (16) C CA β (2π)3 B n n Z X GA(p,ε ) = SA(p,ε )−SC(p,ε )e∆0DGA(p,ε ) (17) B n B n B n C D n Introducingthematricees∆0,G(p,εn)aendS(p,εn)weiththeelementes∆0BA,GAB(p,εn)andSBA(p,εn), and the inverse matrix b b b e e 1 =i[γ (ε +iµ)+γp]+M =ip+M, (18) 4 n S(p,ε ) n from the Schwinger-Dyson equation (17) we obtain b b 1 1 = +∆0. (19) G(p,ε ) S(p,ε ) n n b b b3 Using the expressions (10)-(12) of the partition function and the field equations (13) and (14) we can derive also the expression of the free energy density of the system. In the case of the constant field (15) we have[15] 1 1 1 1 F ∆0 =− dpTr ∆0 Gω(p,ε )dω− G(p,ε ) , (20) h i β2 Xn (2π)3 Z (cid:26) (cid:20)Z0 n 2 n (cid:21)(cid:27) b b b b where G(p,ε )was given by the equation (19) and Gω(p,ε ) is determined by a similar one with n n the replacement of ∆0 by ω∆0: b b 1 1 b b = +ω∆0. (21) Gω(p,ε ) S(p,ε ) n n From the rotational invariance it follows that the rank 2bspinor ∆0(αai) has the most general b b (βbj) form ∆0(αai) =δαΣ(ai)+(γ )αΣ′ (ai)+i(γ )αΠ(ai)+i(γ γ )Π′(ai). (22) (βbj) β (bj) 4 β (bj) 5 β (bj) 4 5 (bj) Inordertoavoidthe lengthycalculationsweconsiderthe systemswiththeorderparametershaving a special form ∆0(αai) =δαΣ(ai) +i(γ )αΠ(ai). (23) (βbj) β (bj) 5 β (bj) 0(αai) There is some correspondence between the existence of the non-vanishing components of ∆ (βbj) and the dynamical spontaneous symmetry breakings in these systems: a) Spontaneous parity violation ↔Π(ai) 6=0. (bj) b) Spontaneous color symmetry breaking ↔Σ(ai) 6=δa Σi and/or Π(ai) 6=δaΠi. (bj) b j (bj) b j c) Spontaneous flavor symmetry breaking ↔Σ(ai) 6=δiΣa and/or Π(ai) 6=δiΠa. (bj) j b (bj) j b d) Spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking ↔M =0,Σ(ai) 6=0 and/or Π(ai) 6=0. (bj) (bj) In the study of the QCD vacuum one often used the physical quantity A n= ψ (x)ψ (x) A D E which was called the quark condensate. This constant is expressed in terms of the covariant com- (ai) (ai) ponents of the order parameters Σ and/or Π . (bj) (bj) For the instanton induced four-fermion direct coupling in the system with N colors and two c flavors we have[8,16,17] 1 UBD = g δβδδ +(γ )β(γ )δ +g (σ )β(σ )δ δbδd δjδℓ −(τ)j(τ)ℓ ϕ AC 2 1 α γ 5 α 5 γ 2 µν α µν γ a c i k i k 1n h i o h i − g δδδβ +(γ )δ (γ )β +g (σ )δ (σ )β δdδb δℓδj −(τ)ℓ(τ)j ϕ, (24) 2 1 α γ 5 α 5 γ 2 µν α µν γ a c i k i k n h i o h i where ϕ is the form-factor. With the positive constant g the quark-antiquark effective interaction 1 is attractive in the pseudoscalar isovector (pion) and scalar isoscalar (σ - meson) channels[18]. Sub- stituting theexpressions(23)and(24)intother.h.s. oftheequations(16)and(17)andintroducing the N N ×N N matrices Σ and Π with the elements Σ(ai) and Π(ai), we obtain the system of c f c f (bj) (bj) equations for these order parameters in the matrix form: b b 1 1 Σ(dℓ) = V (dℓ)(bj) ϕ(p) (ck) (ck)(ai)β 2π2 n Z X ai 1 M +Σ p2dp, (25)  2  (ε +iµ)2+p2+ M +Σ +Π2 (cid:16) (cid:17) n  b bj  (cid:16) (cid:17)  b b 4 1 1 Π(dℓ) = −V (dℓ)(bj) ϕ(p) (ck) (ck)(ai)β 2π2 n Z X ai 1 Π p2dp, (26)  2  (ε +iµ)2+p2+ M +Σ +Π2 n b bj  (cid:16) (cid:17)  b b V (dℓ)(bj) =2g δbδd δjδℓ −(τ)j(τ)ℓ −(g +6g )δdδb δℓδj −(τ)ℓ(τ)j . (27) (ck)(ai) 1 a c i k i k 1 2 a c i k i k h i h i 4 ORDER PARAMETERS WITH DEFINITE SYMMETRY PROPERTIES. Letusstudythesolutionofthesystemofequations(25)and(26)fortheorderparametershaving definite transformation properties with respect to different symmetry groups. We use following notations: 1 ϕ(p) β EΠ(p,M)+µ KΠ(M,β,µ) = th Σ Σ 8π2 Z EΣΠ(p,M)( (cid:2) 2 (cid:3) β EΠ(p,M)−µ +th Σ p2dp, (28) 2 (cid:2) (cid:3)) 1/2 EΠ(p,M)= p2+(M +Σ)2+Π2 . (29) Σ h i g =2[(2N +1)g +6g ]. (30) c 1 2 In the case of the instanton induced effective four-fermion coupling the constant g is positive. In order to have a more complete presentation as well as to provide a comparison we consider also the case g <0. For studying the spontaneous breaking of the parity conservation or/and the flavor symmetry without that of the color symmetry we write the order parameters in the form Σ(ai) =δa δiΣ +(τn)i Σ , (31) (bj) b j s j t h i Π(ai) =δa δiΠ +(τn)i Π , (32) (bj) b j s j t h i where n is some three-dimensional unit vector, and set Σ(±) =Σ ±Σ , (33) s t Π(±) =Π ±Π . (34) s t As the simple examples we consider in details three following particular phases: 1) Πi =0; j 2) Π 6=0, Π =0; s t 3) Π 6=0, Σ =0. t t Phase 1. In this phase we have the system without the spontaneous parity violation. From the equations (25) for Σ(ai) we derive a system of two equations for Σ(±): (bj) 5 Σ(+) = M +Σ(−) gK0 (M,β,µ), Σ(−) Σ(−) = hM +Σ(+)igK0 (M,β,µ). (35) Σ(+) h i In the case of the non-vanishing bare quark mass, M 6=0, from these equations it follows that Σ(+) =Σ(−), (36) and therefore Σ =0. (37) t This means that the flavor symmetry also cannot be spontaneously broken. The constant Σ is s determined by the equation Σ gK0 (M,β,µ) gK0(M +Σ ,β,µ) s = Σs = 0 s . (38) M 1−gK0 (M,β,µ) 1−gK0(M +Σ ,β,µ) Σs 0 s Its solution always exists. The values of the integral gK0(M,β,µ)at different sets of the values Σ of the physical parameters of the system are given in the Appendix. The quasiparticle with the momentum p has the energy E0 (p,M) determined by the formula (29), Σs 1/2 E0 (p,M)= p2+(M +Σ )2 (39) Σs s h i Therefore Σ is the constant of the quark mass renomalization due to the presence of the quark- s antiquark pairing. In the particular case of the vanishing bare quark mass, M =0, the system of equations (35) becomes Σ(−) = Σ(+)gK0 (0,β,µ), Σ(+) Σ(+) = Σ(−)gK0 (0,β,µ). (40) Σ(−) It follows that Σ(+) =±Σ(−). (41) If Σ(+) =Σ(−) then Σ =0 t and Σ is determined by the equation s gK0 (0,β,µ)=1. (42) Σs If 6 Σ(+) =−Σ(−) (43) then Σ =0 (44) s and Σ is determined by the equation t gK0 (0,β,µ)=−1. (45) Σt The existence ofthe solutionofeither the equation(42)or the equation(45)depends onthe signof the constant g: For g >0 the equation (45) has no solution, while in the case g <0 the solution of the equation (42) does not exist. The existence of a non-vanishing solution of either the equation(42) or the equation (45) at the appropriate values of the coupling constant g would mean the spontaneous breaking of the chiral invariance in the system of the quarks and antiquarks with the vanishing bare quark mass: the quark-antiquark pairing makes the massless quarks to become the massive ones. In the case of the non-vanishing solution Σ of the equation (45) the flavor symmetry is spontaneously broken while t in the case of the non-vanishing solution Σ of the equation (42) there is no spontaneous breaking s of the flavor symmetry. Phase 2. In this phase from the equations (25) and (26) we derive following system of equations for the constants Σ(±) and Π : s Σ(+) = M +Σ(−) gKΠs (M,β,µ), Σ(−) Σ(−) = hM +Σ(+)igKΠs (M,β,µ), (46) Σ(+) h i and 1 Π =−Π g KΠs (M,β,µ)+KΠs (M,β,µ) , (47) s s2 Σ(+) Σ(−) n o Because Π 6=0, s from the equation (47) it follows that 1 g KΠs (M,β,µ)+KΠs (M,β,µ) =−1. (48) 2 Σ(+) Σ(−) n o Thesolutionofthisequationmayexistonlyifg isnegative. Ifthebarequarkmassdoesnotvanish, M 6=0, then from the equation (46) it follows that Σ(+) =Σ(−) and therefore Σ =0. t The flavor symmetry is not spontaneously broken, and the equation (48) becomes gKΠs(M,β,µ)=−1, (49) Σs From the equations (46) now we obtain M Σ =− , (50) s 2 7 and the order parameter Π is determined by the equation s M gKΠs ,β,µ =−1. (51) 0 2 (cid:18) (cid:19) The existence of Σ and Π would mean the quark mass renormalization and the spontaneous s s parity violation without the spontaneous breaking of the flavor symmetry. If the bare quark mass is vanishing, M =0, then the system of equations (46) becomes Σ(+) = Σ(−)gKΠs (0,β,µ), Σ(−) Σ(−) = Σ(+)gKΠs (0,β,µ). (52) Σ(+) From these equations we derive the relation gKΠs (0,β,µ).gKΠs (0,β,µ)=1. (53) Σ(−) Σ(+) The system of two equations (48) and (53) for two variables gKΠs (0,β,µ) and Σ(−) gKΠs (0,β,µ) has the unique solution Σ(+) gKΠs (0,β,µ)=gKΠs (0,β,µ)=−1. (54) Σ(−) Σ(+) Substituting this value of gKΠs (0,β,µ) into the equations (52), we obtain the relation Σ(±) Σ(+) =−Σ(−), (55) which means that Σ =0. (56) s The equation (54) becomes gKΠs(0,β,µ)=−1. (57) Σt Denote Σ the solution of the equation max gK0 (0,β,µ)=−1. (58) Σmax A comparison of two equations (57) and (58) gives the relation Σ2+Π2 =Σ2 . (59) t s max Thusinthecaseofthemasslessbarequarkswiththenegativecouplingconstantgiftheequation(58) hasasolutionΣ 6=0thenthereexistsacontinuousclassofthequark-antiquarkpaircondensates max spontaneously breaking the flavorsymmetry and the parity conservationwith the order parameters Σ and Π satisfying the condition (59). t s Phase 3. In this phase from the equations (25) and (26) we derive the system of equations for the constants Σ and Π(±): s Σ =(M +Σ )1g KΠ(−)(M,β,µ)+KΠ(+)(M,β,µ) , (60) s s 2 Σs Σs n o Π(+) = −Π(−)gKΠ(−)(M,β,µ), Σs Π(−) = −Π(+)gKΠ(+)(M,β,µ). (61) Σs 8 From the equations (61) it follow that Π(+) =±Π(−). (62) Because Π 6=0, t we must choose the solution with Π(+) =−Π(−) (63) and therefore Π =0, (64) s Then the equations (61) give gKΠt(M,β,µ)=1. (65) Σs From the equations (60) and (65) it follows that M =0. Thus the phase 3 may exist only in the case of the vanishing bare quark mass. In this case Σ and s Π are determined by the equation t gKΠt(0,β,µ)=1 (66) Σs Denote Π the solution of the equation max gKΠmax(0,β,µ)=1. (67) 0 We have also the relation of the form (59) between the parameters Σ , Π and Π : s t max Σ2+Π2 =Π2 . (68) s t max Thus in the case of the massless bare quarks with the positive coupling constant g if the equation (67) has a solution Π 6= 0, then there exists a continuous class of the quark-antiquark pair max condensatesspontaneouslybreakingthe flavorsymmetryandtheparityconservationwiththeorder parameters Σ and Π satisfying the condition (68). s t 5 DISCUSSIONS. We have shown that in a system of quarks and antiquarks with two flavors and N co-lors c and with the direct four-fermion coupling determined by the interaction Lagrangian (3) and the couplingconstantmatrix(24)thespontaneousbreakingoftheparityconservationand/ortheflavor symmetry withoutthatofthe colorsymmetry maytakeplace only ifone amongthe equations(51), (58) and (67) has some non-vanishing solution which would determines the order parameters of the corresponding spontaneously breaking symmetry phase. There is a significant difference between these equations for the quark-antiquark pairing and the BCS equation for the superconductivity: According to the formula (28) for the function KΠ(M,β,µ)the expression under the integration Σ overthemomentuminthenewequations(51),(58)and(67)isfinite,whileintheBCSequationthe expression under the integration over the momentum is divergent at the Fermi surface. Therefore the solutionofthe BCSequationalwaysexists,while the equation(51),(58)and(67)may havethe solutionsonlyifthemagnitudeofthecouplingconstantg islargeenoughandtherangeoftheform- factor ϕ(p) is wide enough. To simplify the calculations in the sequel we replace the form-factor ϕ(p) by introducing the momentum cut-off λ.This means that we set 9 ϕ(p)=θ(λ−p). Then the equation (28) becomes 1 λ 1 β EΠ(p,M)+µ KΠ(M,β,µ) = th Σ Σ 8π2 Z0 EΣΠ(p,M)( (cid:2) 2 (cid:3) β EΠ(p,M)−µ +th Σ p2dp, (69) 2 (cid:2) (cid:3)) We discuss first the case of the massive bare quarks M 6=0. The existence of some non-vanishing solution Π of the equation (51) would mean the spontaneous s violation of the parity conservation without the flavor symmetry breaking. It is easy to verify that Π 6=0doesexistifthecouplingconstantg andthemomentumcut-offλsatisfyfollowing(sufficient) s condition λ2 M |g| f >1 (70) 8π2 2λ (cid:18) (cid:19) with 1 1 f(α)= 1+α2−α2ln + 1+ . (71) α α2 r ! p For the free energy density FM[Π ] in this phase we have the relation β s 1 M2 M βFM[Π ] = 4 − +Π2 KΠs ,β,µ β s 2 4 s 0 2 (cid:26) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) 1 M2 ω − − (2−ω)+ωΠ2 KωΠs M 1− ,β,µ dω . (72) 4 s 0 2 Z0 (cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:16) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:17) (cid:27) The spontaneously violating parity phase is a stable one if and only if 1 M2 M − +Π2 KΠs ,β,µ 2 4 s 0 2 (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) 1 M2 ω ≤ − (2−ω)+ωΠ2 KωΠs M 1− ,β,µ dω (73) 4 s 0 2 Z0 (cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:16) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:17) For the given values of β,µ and λ this condition is satisfied only for the large enough values of the ratios Π /M s Π λ s ≥C β,µ, . (74) M M (cid:18) (cid:19) The curve C(∞,0,x) as a function of x=λ/M is plotted in Fig.1. 10

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