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Quantum walks with memory on cycles Michael Mc Gettrick De Bru´n Centre for Computational Algebra, School of Mathematics, National University of Ireland, University Road, Galway, Ireland Jarosl(cid:32)aw Adam Miszczak Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Ba(cid:32)ltycka 5, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland (Dated: 14/01/2013 (v. 0.69)) We study the model of quantum walks on cycles enriched by the addition of 1-step memory. We provide a formula for the probability distribution and the time-averaged limiting probability distribution of the introduced quantum walk. Using the obtained results, we discuss the properties of the introduced model and the difference in comparison to the memoryless model. PACSnumbers: 03.67.-a,05.40.Fb,02.50.Ga Keywords: quantumwalks,Markovprocesses,limitingdistribution 3 1 0 I. INTRODUCTION modelusingFouriertransformmethodandwediscussthe 2 behaviorofthetime-averagedlimitingprobabilitydistri- n Duringthelastfewyearsaconsiderableresearcheffort bution of the discussed model. Finally, in Section IV we a summarize the obtained results and provide some con- has been made to develop new algorithms based on the J cluding remarks. rulesofquantummechanics. Amongthemethodsusedto 4 achievethisgoal,quantumwalks,aquantumcounterpart 1 of random walks, provide one of the most promising and ] successful approaches. II. THE MODEL h Classical random walks can be applied to solve many p - computational problems. They are used, for example, to Inthemodeldiscussedin[11]thespaceusedbyaquan- nt find spanning trees and shortest paths in graphs, to find tum walk is composed of two parts – 1-qubit coin and a theconvexhullofasetofpointsortoprovideasampling- d-dimensional state space, i.e. H = H2⊗Hd. The shift u basedvolumeestimation[1]. Todayahugeresearcheffort operator in this case is defined as q isdevotedtoapplyingrandomwalksindifferentareasof 1 [ sacpielnetcheo.rCaloafssairceaalsr.aTndhoismhawsamlkostfiivnadtetdhbeiirgainptpelriecsattiionnuisn- S0 =(cid:88)1 (cid:88)d−1|c(cid:105)(cid:104)c|⊗|v+2c−1modd(cid:105)(cid:104)v|. (1) v ingasimilarmodelfordevelopingalgorithmswhichcould c=0v=0 5 harness the possibilities offered by quantum machines. 0 Quantum walks are counterparts of classical random Here we adopt this model and extend it with an ad- 9 walks governed by the rules of quantum mechanics [1– ditional register, referred to as memory register, which 2 3] and provide a promising method for developing new stores the history of a walk. . 1 quantum algorithms. Among the applications of quan- For a quantum walk with one step memory one needs 0 tum walks one can point out: solving the element dis- a single qubit to store the history. In this case we use a 3 tinctness [4] and subset finding [5] problems, spatial HilbertspaceoftheformH=H ⊗H ⊗H ,respectively 1 2 2 d search [6], triangle finding [7] and verifying matrix prod- for a coin, memory and a position. : v ucts [8]. The survey of quantum algorithms based on Asinthecaseofamemorylesswalk,thefirstregisteris Xi quantum walks is presented in [9]. the coin register and the third register is used to encode In this paper we introduce and study the model of thepositionoftheparticle. Thesecondregisterstoresthe r a quantumwalksoncycle[10,11]enrichedbytheaddition history of the walk. The history is encoded as direction of 1-step memory [12]. Our main contribution is the cal- fromwhichtheparticlewasmovedinthepreviousmove. culation of the probability of finding the particle at each If this register is in the state |0(cid:105), the previous position position after given number of steps, and the limiting of the particle was n+1. If this register is in the state probability distribution for the introduced model. We |1(cid:105), the previous position of the particle was n−1. The also pointout the differences between quantum walks on coin register indicates if the walk should continue in the cycles with and without memory. previously chosen direction (transmission in state |0(cid:105)) or Thispaperisorganizedasfollows. InSectionIIwein- change the direction (reflection in state |1(cid:105)). troduce the model of a quantum walk on cycle with one- Taking into account the above, we define a shift oper- step memory. In Section III we analyze the introduced ator for a quantum walk with a 1-step memory on cycle 2 with d nodes as III. PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTION d−1 (cid:88)(cid:16) S = |0(cid:105)(cid:104)0|⊗|0,n−1(modd)(cid:105)(cid:104)0,n| In what follows we evaluate the probability distribu- 1 tion of finding the particle at each node of the cycle. We n=0 consider the Hadamard walk only. Thus the walk opera- +|0(cid:105)(cid:104)0|⊗|1,n+1(modd)(cid:105)(cid:104)1,n| (2) tor is given as +|1(cid:105)(cid:104)1|⊗|1,n+1(modd)(cid:105)(cid:104)0,n| (cid:17) +|1(cid:105)(cid:104)1|⊗|0,n−1(modd)(cid:105)(cid:104)1,n| , W =S(H ⊗1l2d). (11) The second factor in the Eq. 11 can be written in the or in a more consistent form as matrix notation as (cid:88) S = |c(cid:105)(cid:104)c|⊗|h ,n+2h −1(modd)(cid:105)(cid:104)m,n|, 1 m,c m,c (cid:18) (cid:19) 1 1l 1l n,m,c H ⊗1l = √ 2d 2d . (12) (3) 2d 2 1l2d −1l2d where h = m+c(mod2) represents a history depen- m,c dence of the walk. The walk operator is defined as toss-a-coin and make- A. Fourier analysis a-move combination, i.e. Inordertoobtainexpressionfortheprobabilitydistri- W =S (C⊗1l ⊗1l ), (4) 1 1 2 d bution on the cycle we use Fourier analysis method [13– where C is a coin matrix, e.g. Hadamard matrix H 15]. Belowwecalculateamplitudesforawalkoncyclewith (cid:18) (cid:19) 1 1 1 a 1-step memory with the Hadamard matrix acting on H = √ (5) 2 1 −1 the coin register. In this case we represent the vectors of amplitudes as or any matrix C ∈SU(2). The walk starts in some initial state |φ0(cid:105). After each (cid:104)0,0,n|ψt(cid:105) step the state is changed according to the formula (cid:104)0,1,n|ψ (cid:105) Φ(n,t)= t . (13) (cid:104)1,0,n|ψ (cid:105) |φ (cid:105)=Wn|φ (cid:105) (6) t n+1 1 0 (cid:104)1,1,n|ψ (cid:105) t or as a recursive relation TheshiftoperatorisdefinedasinEq.(2). Inthiscase |φ (cid:105)=W |φ (cid:105). (7) the interesting part of the shift operator reads n+1 1 n Theprobabilityoffindingaparticleatpositionv after S (n)=|0(cid:105)(cid:104)0|⊗|0,n(cid:105)(cid:104)0,n+1|+|0(cid:105)(cid:104)0|⊗|1,n(cid:105)(cid:104)1,n−1| 1 . n steps is obtained after averaging over the coin and the +|1(cid:105)(cid:104)1|⊗|0,n(cid:105)(cid:104)1,n+1|+|1(cid:105)(cid:104)1|⊗|1,n(cid:105)(cid:104)0,n−1| memory registers (14) (cid:88) p(v,n)= |(cid:104)c,m,v|φ (cid:105)|, (8) n After one step of time evolution we have c,m (cid:104)0,0,n+1|(H ⊗1l ⊗1l )|ψ (cid:105) or, in other words, by tracing out over the memory and 2 d t (cid:104)0,1,n−1|(H ⊗1l ⊗1l )|ψ (cid:105) the coin subspaces Φ(n,t+1)= 2 d t . (cid:104)1,1,n+1|(H ⊗1l ⊗1l )|ψ (cid:105) 2 d t p(v,n)=trc,m|φn(cid:105)(cid:104)φn|, (9) (cid:104)1,0,n−1|(H ⊗1l2⊗1ld)|ψt(cid:105) where tr denotes the operation of tracing out with Evaluating the action of the Hadamard gate on the coin c,m respect to the coin and the memory subspaces. register one gets In [10] it was shown that p(v,n) is quasi-periodic for (cid:32) (cid:33) memoryless walks on cycles and it was suggested to con- 1 (cid:104)0,0,n+1|ψt(cid:105)+(cid:104)1,0,n+1|ψt(cid:105) Φ(n,t+1)= √ 0 sider quantity 2 (cid:104)0,1,n+1|ψt(cid:105)−(cid:104)1,1,n+1|ψt(cid:105) 0 (cid:32) (cid:33) p¯(n,t)= 1(cid:88)t p(n,s), (10) +√1 (cid:104)0,1,n−1|ψt(cid:105)+0(cid:104)1,1,n−1|ψt(cid:105) . t 2 0 s=1 (cid:104)0,0,n−1|ψt(cid:105)−(cid:104)1,0,n−1|ψt(cid:105) which converges with t→∞ to the limiting distribution Rewriting the above expression using Φ(n+1,t) and p(v). As the parameter n in this formula corresponds Φ(n−1,t) one gets to the time required to perform n steps, we refer to so defined p¯(v) as time-averaged limiting distribution. Φ(n,t+1)=M Φ(n+1,t)+M Φ(n−1,t), (15) − + 3 whereM (advancing)andM (retarding)matricesread B. Initial state and time evolution + − 1 (cid:18)00 0 0(cid:19) M = √ 01 0 1 , (16) In order to evaluate the probability distribution we + 00 0 0 2 10−10 need to choose the initial state of the walk. Again fol- 1 (cid:18)101 0 (cid:19) lowing [13] we start from the position 0 with the coin in M = √ 000 0 . (17) − 010−1 the state |0(cid:105). As in this case we have extra register for 2 000 0 storingmemory,intheinitialstatethestatevectorreads In order to obtain the expression for the amplitudes of the quantum walk with memory on cycle we use the (cid:18) (cid:19) 1 1 method introduced in [13] and represent time evolution |φ (cid:105)= √ 1 ⊗|0(cid:105), (21) of the walk using the Fourier transform 0 2 00 whichmeansthatthememoryregisterisinthesuperpo- d−1 Φ˜(k,t+1)= (cid:88)e2πikn/dΦ(n,t+1) (18) sition √1 (|0(cid:105)+|1(cid:105)) and the coin register is in the state 2 |0(cid:105).The vector of amplitudes in this situation reads n=0 d−1 = (cid:88)e2πikn/d(M−Φ(n+1,t)+M+Φ(n−1,t)) Φ(n,0)= √12(cid:18)110(cid:19)δn0. (22) n=0 0 (cid:16) (cid:17) = e−2πikn/dM−+e2πikn/dM+ Φ˜(k,t). Hence there is only one term in its Fourier transform (cid:18) (cid:19) From the above we get a recursive relation for the time Φ˜(k,0)= √1 (cid:88)δ 11 , (23) evolution in the Fourier basis 2 n0 0 n 0 Φ˜(n,t)=MtΦ˜(k,0), (19) and thus in the Fourier basis we start from the state k (cid:18) (cid:19) 1 1 where Φ˜(k,0)= √ 1 , (24) 2 0 0 e−2idkπ 0 e−2idkπ 0  for any k =0,...,d−1. Mk = √12 00 ee−22idkidkππ 00 −ee−2idk2πidkπ . (20) e2idkπ 0 −e2idkπ 0 C. Initial state decomposition LetusnowdenoteA=exp(−2πik/d). MatrixMk has UsingtheeigendecompositionofthematrixMk wecan the following eigenvalues calculate the form of the amplitudes in the Fourier basis after t steps. After t steps the vector of the amplitudes λ =−1, 1 reads λ =1, 2 √ 1 (cid:18)1(cid:19) 1+A2+ A4−6A2+1 Φ˜(k,t)=MtΦ˜(k,0)=Mt√ 1 (25) λ = √ , k k 2 0 3 0 2 2A √ 1+A2− A4−6A2+1 for any k. λ4 = √ , Let us now write the initial state of the walk Φ˜(k,0) 2 2A in the {v } basis as i i=1,...,4 with corresponding (orthonogal, but unnormalized) 4 eigenvectors Φ˜(k,0)=(cid:88)α (k)v (k). (26) i i  − √2A√2   √A2  i=1  2A+ 2   2A−1  v1 =A−(2√√A2+2AA1√++221), v2 =A(√√√222A−1A−2−A12), where α (k)=(v (k),Φ˜(k,0)) (27) 1 1 i i 1(A2−√A4−6A2+1−1) v =2 A2+√A4−6A2+1−1 , are components of Φ˜(k,0) in {vi}i=1,...,4 basis. The evo- 3  2−A12  lution in the Fourier basis can be now written as 1 12(A2+√√A4−6A2+1−1) Φ˜(k,t)=Mt(cid:88)4 α (k)v (k)=(cid:88)4 α (k)λ (k)tv (k). v4 = −−A2+ A−24A1−26A2+1+1 . k i=1 i i i=1 i i i 1 (28) 4 The original components can be expressed by the 0.5 Fourier-transformed vectors as 0.4 d−1 Φ(n,t)= 1 (cid:88)e2πikn/dΦ˜(k,t) d 0.3 k=0 (29) d−1 4 1 (cid:88)(cid:88) = e2πikn/dα (k)λ (k)tv (k). 0.2 d j j j k=0j=1 0.1 Usingtheabove,theprobabilityoffindingtheparticle at n-th noted after t steps reads 0.0 0 1 2 3 p(n,t)=|Φ(n,t)|2 (a)d=3 d−1 4 1 (cid:88) (cid:88) = d2 e2πi(m−k)n/dαj(cid:63)(k)αl(m) (30) 0.5 k,m=0j,l=1 ×v†(k)v (m)[λ (k)(cid:63)λ (m)]t. 0.4 j l j l 0.3 D. Time-averaged limiting probability distribution 0.2 Following[10],letusnowconsidertime-averagedprob- ability distribution p¯(n)=limt→∞ 1t (cid:80)ts−=10p(n,s). 0.1 Using the expression (30) for p(n,t) and the fact that the sums are finite, we get 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 d−1 4 t−1 p¯(n)= (cid:88) (cid:88) K (k,j,m,l) lim 1(cid:88)(cid:2)λ(cid:63)(k)λ (m)(cid:3)s (b)d=4 n t→∞ t j l k,m=0j,l=1 s=0 0.5 (31) where 0.4 1 K (k,j,m,l)≡ α(cid:63)(k)α (m)v†(k)v (m)e2πi(m−k)n/d. n d2 j l j l 0.3 (32) One can observe that the convergence of p¯(n) depends 0.2 only on the behavior of the term f(k,j,m,l)≡ lim 1(cid:88)t−1(cid:2)λ(cid:63)(k)λ (m)(cid:3)s. (33) 0.1 t→∞ t j l s=0 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 The value of this functions depends on the product of (c)d=6 eigenvalues as (cid:26)1 if λ(cid:63)(k)λ (m)=1 0.5 f(k,j,m,l)= j l . (34) 0 otherwise 0.4 Definition in Eq. 34 can be easily calculated using the standard computer algebra systems, and thus allows for 0.3 the evaluation of Eq. 31. The examples of time-averaged limiting distribution 0.2 for the discussed model calculated using Eq. 31 are pre- sented in Fig. 1. In order to illustrate the influence of 0.1 the initial state on the resulting distribution, two initial states were used to obtain these plots. In the case of the 0.0 input state given by Eq. (21), the memory register is in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 thesuperposition,andtheresultingtime-averagedproba- (d)d=11 bilitydistributionissymmetricwithrespecttothestart- ingposition. Ontheotherhand,ifthememoryregisteris FIG. 1. Limiting probability distributions for Hadamard quantum walks with one-step memory on cycle with d = 3,4,6,11 nodes for the initial states given by Eq. (21) (solid redline)and|φ (cid:105)=(1,0,0,0)T (dashedblackline). Foreach 1 d the results are plotted in range [0,...,d] to illustrate the periodicity of the limiting distribution. Nodes are numbered starting from 0. 5 set to |0(cid:105) in the initial state, the resulting time-averaged also pointed out the most important differences between probability distribution does not have this property. quantumwalksoncycleswithandwithoutmemory. The Theimportantdifferenceincomparisonwiththemem- most important difference is that the symmetry of the oryless quantum walk on cycle is that the time averaged time-averaged limiting probability distribution is inde- limiting distribution depends on the initial state of the pendent of the parity of the number of nodes. However, coin and the memory registers, but not on the parity this distribution is heavily influenced by the initial state of the number of nodes d [11, 16]. The dependency is of the memory register. expressed in the α (k) coefficients, which are defined in j Eq. (27). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS IV. SUMMARY Authors would like to thank Claas R¨over and Mike Batty for interesting and motivating discussions dur- We have introduced a model of quantum walk with ing the preparation of this manuscript. JAM would memory on cycle and studied its basic properties. We like to acknowledge support by the Polish National have calculated the probability of finding the particle at Science Centre under the research project UMO- each position after given number of steps and we have 2011/03/D/ST6/00413 and thank de Bru´n Centre for provided a formula for the time-averaged limiting prob- Computational Algebra, NUI Galway for the hospitality ability distribution for the discussed model. We have during two research visits. [1] D.Reitzner,D.Nagaj,andV.Buˇzek,ActaPhys.Slovaca rithm (ACM, 2006) pp. 880–889 61, 603 (2012) [9] A. Ambainis, Int. J. Quant. Inf. 1, 507 (2003), [2] S.Venegas-Andraca,Quantum Walks for Computer Sci- arXiv:quant-ph/0403120 entists, Synthesis Lectures on Quantum Computing, [10] D. 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