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Preview Quantum thermal machine acting on a many-body quantum system: role of correlations in thermodynamic tasks

Quantum thermal machine acting on a many-body quantum system: role of correlations in thermodynamic tasks Pierre Doyeux,1 Bruno Leggio,1 Riccardo Messina,1 and Mauro Antezza1,2 1Laboratoire Charles Coulomb (L2C), UMR 5221 CNRS-Universit´e de Montpellier, F- 34095 Montpellier, France 2Institut Universitaire de France, 1 rue Descartes, F-75231 Paris Cedex 05, France Westudy thefunctioningofathree-levelthermalmachinewhenactingon amany-qubitsystem, theentiresystembeingplacedinanelectromagneticfieldinastationaryout-of-thermal-equilibrium configuration. This realistic setup stands in between the two so-far explored cases of single-qubit and macroscopic object targets, providing information on the scaling with system size of purely quantum properties in thermodynamic contexts. We show that, thanks to the presence of robust correlations among the qubits induced by the field, thermodynamic tasks can be delivered by the machinebothlocallytoeachqubitandcollectivelytothemany-qubitsystem: thisallowsataskto 6 be delivered also on systems much bigger than the machine size. 1 0 PACSnumbers: 05.70.Ln,03.65.Yz,03.67.-a,44.40.+a 2 n I. INTRODUCTION of applicative interest, the quantum features of machine a J and machine-target interaction are suppressed and their role on the task becomes mostly irrelevant [26]; the op- 9 The study and the exploitation of out-of-equilibrium 2 quantum properties at micro and nanoscale, and at the posite limiting case, also often studied, is the action of the machine on a single quantum system, mostly in its level of few body systems, are becoming more and more ] simplest form represented as a two-level atom (or qubit) h important in pure and applied research [1–17]. Among [9,10,15,27]. Althoughsimplified,thesemodelsallowto p the topics recently attracting a great deal of attention, a directly highlight the role of quantum properties (quan- - particularmentiondeservestheso-calledbranchofquan- t tum coherence, quantum discord, entanglement) in the n tum thermodynamics [18–21]. As much as its classical a counterpart,indeed,itsconsequencesbeargreattheoret- machine-target interaction and in the final delivery of u the task. A gap thus persists in the understanding of ical, experimental and technological importance. q quantum thermal machines. In particular, the questions [ Central topic of thermodynamics, the concept of ther- of how the quantum properties and their role in thermo- 1 mal machine well represents this multidisciplinary spirit dynamic tasks scale with the size of the target system, by connecting profound theoretical ideas (such as the v and whether they can represent a resource the machine notions of entropy and irreversibility) to direct applica- 1 can use to act on bigger and bigger (quantum) systems, 3 tive outcomes. In the same framework, the fast-paced remain unaddressed. 0 development of the idea of quantum thermal machine 0 [8, 9, 11, 22–26] provided in these latest years an ideal This paper is a first step in filling this gap. Here we 0 scenario to explore the possible practical implications of study the thermodynamics of a system composed of a 2. purely quantum features [15, 27–29] as, e.g., quantum three-levelquantumthermalmachineresonantlycoupled 0 coherence between single quantum emitters (hereby re- to nq identical qubits. This composite atomic system is 6 ferred to as atoms). embedded in an out-of-thermal-equilibrium (OTE) elec- 1 tromagnetic field produced by macroscopic objects kept Amongthepossiblemodelsofthermalmachinesavail- v: able from classical contexts, remarkable importance in at different temperatures, analogously to the setup stud- i quantum scenarios has been given to the so-called ab- ied in [15] in the case of nq = 1. Such a field naturally X couples resonant transitions, allowing both the interac- sorption(orself-contained)machines[8,9,11,15,22,25]. r tion of the machine with each of the qubits and the es- a These systems can indeed deliver thermodynamic tasks tablishment of qubit-qubit correlations in the target sys- without the need of external work supplies, avoiding the tem. Thus, classical and quantum correlations are built problem of addressing and controlling single quantum at stationarity and their interplay fundamentally affects systems. the thermodynamic properties of the qubits, which are The prototype of absorption quantum thermal ma- studied both for an exemplary case at fixed qubits num- chine is nowadays a few-level atom interacting with a ber and as a function of n . target body, on which the thermodynamic task (refrig- q eration, heating up, work) has to be delivered. Two dif- Thispaperisstructuredasfollows: inSec.IIweintro- ferent limiting cases have so-far been explored: on the ducethesetupofbothfieldandatomsanddescribetheir one hand, many have studied the situation in which the interactionandtheconsequentatomicdynamicsandsta- targetbodyisamacroscopicsystematacertaintemper- tionarity. Thethermodynamicsofthemachine-targetin- ature [22, 25, 26, 30], the task thus being a stationary teractionisinparticularanalyzedinSec.IIB.InSection heat flux produced by the machine from/into the tar- III, we investigate, as an exemplary case, the thermody- get system. In this first case, despite being the setup namics of the system when the target body is composed 2 surface, so that z is the same for every atom. Finally, the radius of the circle is referred to as r. M has 3 allowed transitions between its three lev- els |0(cid:105),|1(cid:105) and |2(cid:105). The transition between |1(cid:105) and |2(cid:105), labeled as 2, has the same frequency of the qubits (ω = ω ), whereas the other two satisfy ω (cid:54)= ω and 2 q 1 2 ω = ω +ω . Besides, ω = ω such that the corre- 3 1 2 3 S sponding transition |0(cid:105) ↔ |2(cid:105) is much more affected by theslabthantheothertwo[13]. TheHamiltonianofthe total field+atoms system then reads H =H +H +H , (1) tot emitters field I in terms of the free emitters and field Hamiltoni- ans H and H and the atoms-field interaction emitters field Hamiltonian H . When expressed under the dipole- FIG. 1. The physical setup consists of an OTE electromag- I netic field produced by a sapphire slab of thickness δ and approximation limit [35], HI = −(cid:80)i,nd(in)·E(Rn). In temperatureTS,embeddedinathermalblackbodyradiation theabsenceofpermanentatomicdipoles,d(n)isthefield- attemperatureT (cid:54)=T . SuchafieldplaystheroleofMarko- i W S induceddipolemomentofthei-thtransitionoftheatom vian environment for a system of quantum emitters (atoms), n which is located at R . The electromagnetic field at all placed at the same distance z from the slab surface. Four n this position is E(R ). oftheseatomsarequbits,placedinaregulardispositionalong n acircleofradiusr,thecenterofwhichisoccupiedbyathree- level atom. The qubit system is the target body, on which thethree-levelmachineMdeliversthermodynamictasks. For A. The master equation each plot of this paper, the radius is fixed at r = 0.833µm, unless otherwise specified. In the weak atom-field coupling limit and under the rotating wave approximation, a Markovian master equa- tion [36] for the atomic density matrix ρ can be given of four qubits. Sec. IV is dedicated to the scaling with [12, 13, 38, 39] under the form thenumberofqubitsofsomeinterestingquantitiesintro- ducedinSecs.IIBandIII.Finalremarksandconclusions dρ i(cid:2) (cid:3) =− H ,ρ +D (ρ)+D (ρ)+D (ρ), (2) are drawn in Sec. V. Finally, technical details about the dt (cid:126) sys B M nl atomic master equation and all the correlation quanti- fiers employed in the text can be found, respectively, in where Hsys = Hemitters + HΛ represents an effective Appendix A and B. Hamiltonian of the atomic system, in which the dipole- dipole interaction term nq nq II. PHYSICAL SYSTEM H = (cid:88)(cid:126)Λ (σ†κ +σ κ†)+ (cid:88) (cid:126)Λ σ†σ (3) Λ nM n 2 n 2 nm n m n=1 n(cid:54)=m The system we consider here, as depicted in Fig. 1, consists of a multipartite quantum system embedded in hasbeenaddedtothefreeatomicHamiltonian,whereσ n an OTE electromagnetic field. This field is produced by is the lowering operator of the n-th qubit and κ is the t a macroscopic object, i.e., a sapphire slab of thickness lowering operator corresponding to the t-th transition of δ =0.05µmandofresonancefrequencyω =0.81×1014 the machine M. This interaction couples only resonant S rad.s−1[31],keptatfixedtemperatureT andplacedina transitions in the atomic system, and allows qubits and S region of space where a thermal blackbody radiation ex- machine to coherently exchange excitations. It is worth ists,emittedbysomefar-awaywallsatfixedtemperature stressingatthispointthatweassumethatthephysicsof T (cid:54)=T . our system is robust with respect to a small dephasing, W S At stationarity, the non-thermal electromagnetic field as it is the case in many analogous studies [37]. filling the space between slab and walls can be precisely Itisimportanttostressherethatthedipole-dipolein- characterized in terms of its correlation functions [32– teractionamplitudesΛ andΛ cruciallydepend, for nM nm 34]. For a detailed description of its properties, we refer each pair of atoms, on the mutual orientation of the two the interested reader to [12, 13, 32–34]. In this region of dipoles. In particular, consider a generic pair (n,m) of space, at a distance z from the slab surface, a multipar- atoms (which, possibly, can also include the machine) in tite quantum system is placed, consisting of n identical a plane parallel to the slab, and let the x axis be the q qubits (the target body B) of frequency ω = 0.1×ω , directionofthelinejoiningthetwoatoms. Theresonant q S placedonacircleatthecenterofwhichathreelevelatom dipole-dipole interaction between these two atoms has (the machine M) lies. The circle is parallel to the slab thenonlycomponentsx−x,y−y,z−zandx−z. Allthese 3 components have both a contribution from the free field this case x−x, y−y, z−z and x−z. This is a manifes- (in the absence of the slab) and a reflected contribution tation of the fact that non-local dissipation and dipole- duetothescatteringpropertiesoftheslab(seeEq.(A5) dipolecouplingarerelated,respectively,totheimaginary and [38, 39] for all the technical details), with the only and to the real part of the electromagnetic field Green exception of the x−z component, whose only contribu- function at two different points in space. tion stems from the reflected field. As a consequence, All the relaxation rates Γ±, Γ±, Γ± and Γ± and n M nM nm x−z interactionsareweakerthantheothercomponents. the dipole-dipole interaction strength Λ depend on the It is worth stressing that the reference frame used here frequency of the associated transition, on the ground- changeseachtimeanewpairischosenandmustthenbe excited states matrix element d of the dipole operator of carefully set before starting to calculate the coefficients the transition, on the two externally-fixed temperatures Λ. T and T and on the material properties of the S W The terms D (ρ) = (cid:80)nq D(n)(ρ), D (ρ) = slab. The detailed expressions for all these parame- B n=1 B M (cid:80)3 D(t)(ρ) and D (ρ) = (cid:80)nq D(nM)(ρ) + terscanbefoundin[39]andaregivenintheAppendixA. t=1 M nl n=1 nl (cid:80)nq D(nm)(ρ) describe dissipative effects in the n(cid:54)=m nl atomic dynamics, induced by the interaction with the OTE field. They are B. Quantum thermodynamics D(n)(ρ)=Γ+(ω )(cid:16)σ ρσ† − 1(cid:8)σ†σ ,ρ(cid:9)(cid:17) of the system B n q n n 2 n n +Γ−(ω )(cid:16)σ†ρσ − 1(cid:8)σ σ†,ρ(cid:9)(cid:17), (4) In what follows, we will employ different quantities n q n n 2 n n describing the thermodynamics of the field+atoms sys- tem. In particular, two classes of parameters will stand representingthesinglequbitdissipativeenergyexchange out for their importance in our study: temperatures and with the field, heatfluxes. Thedefinitionsandclassificationwewilluse throughout this paper strictly follows the ones given in D(t)(ρ)=Γ+(ω )(cid:16)κ ρκ†− 1(cid:8)κ†κ ,ρ(cid:9)(cid:17) [15]. M M t t t 2 t t The definition of heat fluxes in Markovian frameworks +Γ−(ω )(cid:16)κ†ρκ − 1(cid:8)κ κ†,ρ(cid:9)(cid:17), (5) goes through the first law for quantum systems [36, 40]. M t t t 2 t t Its form is easily given as the time variation of the mean being the machine-field dissipative energy exchange value of their Hamiltonian, which represents in quantum through the t-th machine transition and finally contextstheinternalenergyofasystem. Thesamefluxes play a major role in the more delicate generalization of D(nM)(ρ)=Γ+ (ω )(cid:16)κ ρσ† − 1(cid:8)σ†κ ,ρ(cid:9)(cid:17) the second law, discussed in Appendix C). nl nM q 2 n 2 n 2 Given the fact that the unitary term in (2) commutes +Γ− (ω )(cid:16)κ†ρσ − 1(cid:8)σ κ†,ρ(cid:9)(cid:17)+h.c.,(6) with the Hamiltonian of each atom, and thus also with nM q 2 n 2 n 2 thetotalHamiltonianoftheatomicsystem,andtherebe- D(nm)(ρ)=Γ+ (ω )(cid:16)σ ρσ† − 1(cid:8)σ†σ ,ρ(cid:9)(cid:17) ingbyconstructionnoexternalworkinoursystem(such nl nm q m n 2 n m that ∂H/∂t = 0), the only possibility for the change in +Γ−nm(ωq)(cid:16)σm† ρσn− 12(cid:8)σnσm† ,ρ(cid:9)(cid:17) (7) ianttoemrnsailsegniveregnybUy h=eat(cid:104)Hflu(cid:105)xoefs.anNoatteomthaotr, aseecnollbeyctaiosnubo-f set of atoms, also the (global) unitary term −i(cid:2)H ,ρ(cid:3) (cid:126) sys are non-local dissipative terms describing energy ex- can produce a change in the internal energy and in the changes between the field and any two-atom pair in the entropy of the subset. Each dissipative process D pro- open system. In these terms, the two atoms behave col- duces a change in U given by lectively and emit or absorb photons as a single entity. This can be shown by noting that the heat flux in/out U˙ =tr(HD(ρ))=Q˙ , (8) D D each two-atom pair is proportional to the coherence in thereducedtwo-atomsystem, indicatingthatsuchemis- ρ being the state of the atomic system at the time in- sion/absorption processes are due to the correlations be- stantofinterest. Eq.(8)isthedefinitionoftheheatflux tween the atoms. Specifically, as we will show later on, generated in the system with Hamiltonian H due to the thechangeininternalenergyofeachofthetwoatomsin dissipative process D. a pair, due to such non-local dissipation, is exactly the Temperature, on the other hand, is a tricky quantity same. to define in systems far from their thermodynamic limit. Note that Γ± and Γ± can be decomposed in contri- The best one can do is to recur to some analogy with nm nM butions related to dipole components along the line join- knownpropertiesoftemperatureinmacroscopicclassical ing the two atoms, perpendicular to it on the xy plane systems. Thepropertyweturntoforthecharacterization andperpendiculartotheslabinexactlythesamewayas ofoursystemisthatatemperaturegradientbetweentwo done for Λ. The only non-zero contributions are also in bodiesimposesadirectiontotheheatfluxbetweenthem. 4 The (effective) temperature of the OTE field is well presence of an atom triggers collective emission or ab- defined in terms of the two real temperatures T and sorption of photons with any other atom being in reso- W T and the slab material. The temperature of a thermal nancewithit. Seenfromthepointofviewoftheinternal S fieldcanbeinferredfromthephotonemission/absorption energyofeachatominthepair,thisphenomenaproduce rates of an atomic transition interacting with it, inde- heatfluxeswiththeenvironment,causedbythepresence pendently on the transition frequency. In the case of the of a second atom. OTE field considered here, however, different transitions Straightforward specialization of the definition (8) for naturally “feel” different field temperature (or, in other either dipole-dipole coupling or collective dissipation for words,theratioofemissiontoabsorptionratesisnotsim- a pair (n,m) of atoms (possibly including the machine ply an exponential function of the transition frequency). M) gives Thiseffectiveenvironmentaltemperaturefeltbythei-th atomic transition of frequency ωi can be defined as Q˙r(m→n)=2(cid:126)ωµΛnmIm[cnm], (12) Q˙ (n,m)=−(cid:126)ω Re(cid:2)c (cid:0)Γ+ −(Γ− )∗(cid:1)(cid:3), (13) (cid:126)ω d µ nm nm nm T = i , (9) i k ln(Γ+(ω )/Γ−(ω )) wherec isthecoherenceinthereducedtwo-atomstate B i i nm ρ = tr (ρ), when expressed in the ordered ba- nm p(cid:54)=n,m where the Γ±(ωi) are the single transition dissipative sis{|gngm(cid:105),|gnem(cid:105),|engm(cid:105),|enem(cid:105)},|gn(cid:105)(|en(cid:105))beingthe rates involved in the master equation (2), whose explicit ground (excited) state of the transition of atom n. Note expression can be found in Eqs. (A1)-(A2) in Appendix that Q˙ (m → n) is the flux flowing from m to n, mean- r A.Thisenvironmentaltemperaturedescribesthewaythe ing that Q˙ (m → n) > 0 represents energy going out of r OTE field exchanges heat with any two-level object hav- atom m and into atom n. On the other hand, Q˙ (n,m) ing a transition frequency ω . d i has the same sign for both atoms: Q˙ (n,m) > 0 means Havingnowatdisposalboththeexpressionofthefield d that both n and m are absorbing photons from the field. temperature and of the heat flux between the field and Through these two heat fluxes, atoms can exchange an atomic transition, one can identify an equivalent pa- energy and, in particular, the machine can deliver ther- rameterdescribingthewaythetransitionexchangesheat modynamic tasks on the target qubit system. As comes withthefield. Indeed,employingEq.(8)tocalculatethe clearfromEqs.(12)and(13),thethermodynamicsofthe local heat flux produced by the local dissipative process machinefunctioningisbasedonthepresenceofquantum in either Eq. (4) (for each qubit) or Eq. (5) (for each coherence between the machine and its target body. machine transition) one obtains These energy fluxes will have the effect of changing (cid:18) (cid:19) the qubit population temperatures with respect to their Q˙i =Xi ek(cid:126)Bωθii −ek(cid:126)BωTii , (10) correspondingenvironmentaltemperatures: Eqs.(9)and (11) are the main quantities we will study for our sys- tem. In particular, being T the temperature at which where X >0 and i i each qubit would thermalize in absence of the rest of the (cid:126)ω atomicsystem,wewilldefineathermodynamictaskasa θ = i , (11) i kBln(pgi/pei) stationary modification of the qubit temperature θi with respect to the corresponding value of T . i having introduced the ground (excited) state of the i-th Previous works on this model [15] have shown that transition pg (pe). As one easily sees, θ (hereby referred the machine is able to deliver different tasks when inter- i i i to as the population temperature) plays here the role acting with a single qubit. In particular, under certain of temperature for atomic transition, as now T and θ conditions, qubit population inversion can be achieved. i i characterize the heat exchanged by the transition with For this reason throughout this paper, for graphical and theexternalfieldinasymmetricway. Moreover,theheat technical purposes, we will work with the parameter matchesnowtherequirementtoflowfromthehotterinto −β = −θ−1, which is an increasing function of θ and the colder object. avoids the divergent behavior shown by the temperature Asideoftheheatexchangedlocallybetweeneachatom in correspondence to a point of population inversion. andthefield,twootherfluxesaffecttheinternalenergyof atoms, stemming respectively from the atom-atom dipo- lar coupling Λ in Eq. (3) (resonant heat flux Q˙ ) and III. 4-QUBIT SYMMETRIC CONFIGURATION r from the collective nonlocal dissipation in Eqs. (6) and (7) (nonlocal heat flux Q˙ ). Both of these fluxes couple As an exemplary case, we study the symmetric con- d only resonant atomic transitions. Whereas the first flux figuration represented in Fig. 2, where four qubits are does not change the total energy of the atomic system, regularly distributed on a circle centered on the machine representingahoppingofexcitationsfromoneatominto and parallel to the slab. another one, the nonlocal flux Q˙ implies a net flux go- This means that every atom has the same z. In this d ingin/outtheatomicsystemandbeingsustainedbythe case, the dipole of each qubit is pointing toward the ma- environment: duetosuchnonlocaldissipationterms,the chine (labeled as M) whose dipole points toward one of 5 FIG. 3. Left vertical scale: −β (solide black line), −1/T FIG. 2. Geometric configuration of the atomic sytem. The M M of the resonant transition of the machine (dot-dashed green qubitsareregularlydistributedalongacirclecenteredonthe line), −β =−β (short-dashed blue line), −β =−β (long- machine M. Every atom has the same z. The dipole of each 1 3 2 4 dashed red line) versus the slab-atom distance z for the con- qubit points toward the machine, whereas the machine’s one figuration of Fig. 2. Right vertical scale: temperatures in points toward qubit 1. The interaction between two atoms correspondence with the left scale, externally fixed tempera- dependsontheprojectionoftheirdipolesalongtheaxisjoin- tures T = 300K and T = 900K (grey dot-dashed lines). ingthem. Forexample,thequbit2doesnotinteractwithM W S The equalities −β = −β and −β = −β are due to the but interacts with 1. 1 3 2 4 symmetry of the system. Panels (a) and (b) show the ex- tremum of heating (a) and cooling (b). Notice that in the heating region, the population temperatures can reach neg- the qubits which we label as 1. The rest of the qubits ative values (−β positive) meaning that the qubits undergo is indexed from 2 to 4 in the counterclockwise direction. population inversion. We begin the analysis of this system with Fig. 3 where the inverse of both environmental and population tem- peratures of the resonant transition of the machine, as gle qubit, M delivers thermodynamic tasks on qubits 1 wellastheinverseofthepopulationtemperatureofeach and 3. These qubits are indeed the only ones interacting qubit are plotted versus z. both with their local environment and with the resonant Since every dipole is parallel to the slab, the environ- transitionofM.Assuch,theyreachasteadytemperature mental temperature is the same for every qubit and also whichisinbetweenT andθ . Inparticular,duetothe for the resonant transition of the machine. For small M M strong coupling with the machine (Λ >> Γ± ), values of z, the environmental electromagnetic field is M1(M3) 1(3) θ will be much closer to θ than to T . Remarkably, mainly affected by the contribution of the slab. In this 1(3) M M also in this configuration M can perform strong heating situation T in then extremely close to T . On the con- M S or cooling: θ can indeed be brought to values outside trary,forverylargez,thecontributionofthewallstothe 1(3) the range [T ,T ] and, in particular, to negative values environmentalelectromagneticfieldisdominant,thusT W S M (population inversion). These interactions are notably gets close to T . For intermediate values of z, the envi- W due to the fact that the dipoles of M, qubit 1 and qubit ronmentaltemperatureasdefinedthroughthetransition 3 are collinear. However, the dipoles of 2 and 4 are or- rates in (9) has intermediate values in [T ,T ]. These W S thogonal to the one of the machine, therefore M is not rates depend on several parameters such as z, T , T , S W coupled to them. Yet, as one can see in Fig. 3, qubits 2 the slab dielectric properties and its thickness (see Ap- and 4 undergo the same thermodynamic tasks as 1 and pendix A). 3. DuetotheOTEconfiguration,theenvironmentaltem- peraturesofthemachinecanbedifferentfromtheirpop- Indeed, even though there is no x−x or y−y inter- ulation ones. In particular, for its resonant transition action for the pairs {M,2} and {M,4}, this is not the one has T (cid:54)= θ . This is due to the fact that each case for {1,2} ({1,4}) and {3,2} ({3,4}), thus inducing M M transition of M feels a different environmental temper- non-zero interactions between all the qubits. Therefore, ature, which in turn depends on z. Thus a change in similarly to the task undergone by 1 (3), the population z modifies the populations distribution of M and, as a temperature of qubit 2 (4) reaches a steady temperature consequence, tunes θM (for more details see [12, 13, 15]). θ2(4) ∈ [TM,θ1]. In other words, qubits 1 and 3 relay Note that, unlike T , θ reaches higher (lower) temper- the tasks delivered on them by M to qubits 2 and 4, de- M M atures than the highest (lowest) temperature externally spitetheselatteroneshavenodirectinteractionwiththe fixed (T and T ). Notably, θ can also be brought to machine. W S M negative values, meaning that the resonant transition of As just discussed, the machine can heat up or cool M is in population inversion. downqubitsthatarenotnecessarilycoupledtoitthanks Similarlyto[15], wherethemachineisactingonasin- toqubit-qubitinteractions. Awayofunderstandinghow 6 subparts of a quantum system interact with each other of classical or quantum nature. To answer this question, is to look into their correlations. we employ the quantity known as geometrical quantum discord D [43, 44] with the expression given in [45], G which quantifies purely quantum correlations in bipar- tite systems. In particular, D measures the distance in G the state space between the bipartite state under inves- tigation and the closest classical state (Appendix B2). From Fig.4a, it isclearthat D (2,{1,3}) is almost con- G stantlyzero,thusimplyingthatthecorrelationsbetween 2and{1,3}aremostlyofclassicalnature. Notehowever that the correlations between the machine and qubits 1 and 3 (not plotted) show a non-negligible quantum con- tribution [15]. Anotherquantifiersupplyinganimportantpieceofin- formationaboutcorrelationsinthismany-bodyquantum system is the tripartite mutual information τ [46, 47] (Appendix B3). It measures the total correlations in a tripartitesystemthatcannotbeexpressedasacombina- tion of bipartite correlations in any of its subsystems. In otherwords,τ characterizesthetotalgenuinelytripartite correlations. Fig. 4b shows τ for two of the subsystems mainly involved in the two-step delivery of thermody- namictaskpreviouslydescribed: thesubsystem{M,1,3}, where the task is exerted by the machine on the qubits system, and the subsystem {1,2,4} where such an effect is passed on by qubit 1 to 2 and 4. One notices two interesting features. First of all, −β reaches its maximum at the same z as τ(1,2,4), 2 showing how the steady temperature distribution is ul- timately due to qubit-qubit correlations. Secondly, it shows that the two stages of the task (M → {1,3} and {1,3} → {2,4}) imply a comparable amount of tripar- tite correlations: the maximum of τ(M,1,3) is indeed FIG.4. Panel(a): Leftverticalscale: mutualinformationMI around twice as high as τ(1,2,4). Given the fact that, (solid black line) and geometric quantum discord D (short- G dashed blue line) of the bipartition (2,{1,3}) in the qubits due to symmetry, τ(1,2,4) = τ(3,2,4), one concludes system versus z (slab-atoms distance). Panel (b): Left verti- that τ(M,1,3) (cid:39) τ(1,2,4)+τ(3,2,4), which allows an cal scale : tripartite correlations for the tripartitions (1,2,4) optimal distribution of the task among all the qubits. (solidblackline)and(M,1,3)(blueshort-dashedline)versus Untilnow,wehaveanalyzedlocaltemperaturesofeach z. The right vertical scale of both panels shows the values of qubit in the system. However, for several applications inverse of the population temperature −β of qubit 2 (long- 2 a collective many-qubit thermal state could be needed. dashed red line) and the inverse of the atomic environmental Strictlyspeaking, duetothepresenceofqubit-qubitcor- temperature −1/T (dot-dashed green line). M relations, the collective qubit state ρ cannot be in the q Gibbs form. A legitimate question is thus: how distin- First, in Fig. 4a we consider the bipartite mutual in- guishable is ρ from a collective thermal state ρ (T) at q th formation MI [41, 42] (Appenxix B1). MI quantifies the temperature T of the qubit system? To answer this, we total correlations between two subparts of a system. To employthequantityknownastracedistanceD [48](Ap- t bring out the essential role of qubits 1 and 3 in the pendix B4), which tells us how statistically different the thermodynamic tasks undergone by 2, we plot the mu- outcomeofameasurementonρ isfromtheoneofsame q tualinformationalongthebipartition(2,{1,3})versusz measurement on ρ (T). The temperature minimizing th (solid black line of Fig.4a). As one can see, MI is zero such a distance is thus what one can define as collective if and only if no task is achieved (i.e., when θ = T ), qubit temperature T . 2 2 C whereas the changes of −β2 correspond to the ones of Fig. 5 shows Dt(TC) = Dt(ρq,ρth(TC)) and the quan- MI(2:{1,3}). In particular, the two local maxima of tity −1/T . Remarkably, the behavior of the tempera- C MI(2:{1,3}) are reached in correspondence to the peak ture of the thermal state is very similar to the one of the in refrigeration and population inversion induced by M. population temperature of a single qubit. In particular, The bipartite correlations quantified by MI make no also T can go beyond the interval [T ,T ] and reach C W S distinction between classical and quantum ones. One negativevalues. Thetracedistance(i.e. themaximaldis- might wonder whether the correlations MI(2:{1,3}) are tinguishing probability) has small values, its maximum 7 FIG.5. Leftverticalscale: tracedistanceD (T )(solidblack t C line)betweenthequbitsstateρ andtheclosestthermalstate q ρ (T )versusz. Rightverticalscale: inverseofthecollective th C temperatureofthequbitsstate−1/T (redlong-dashedline). C FIG.6. Leftverticalscale: tripartitecorrelationsfortriparti- On this plot, we have computed D (T ), which is the trace t C tions(M,1,3)(solidblueline)and(1,2,4)(blackdashedline) distance between ρ and ρ (T) after minimization over T q th versus ε. Right vertical scale: inverse of the population tem- for each value of z. The temperature minimizing this trace perature of the resonant transition of the machine −β (red M distance is T . C long-dashedline),inverse−β ofthepopulationtemperature 2 of qubit 2 (green double-dot-dashed line). The curve −β 2 is plotted as a representative of the individual population beingof0.65%reachedwhen−1/TCismaximum. There- temperatures of the qubits, their behavior being the same. fore the collective state of the qubits is almost undis- The parameter ε tunes the externally fixed temperatures as tinguishable from ρ (T ). This means that M delivers T (ε)=εT andT (ε)=εT ,suchthatT (1)=900Kand th C S S W W S thermodynamictasksnotonlyonthequbitsindividually, TW(1)=300K. All the quantities of this plot have been cal- but also on the collective state of the qubits system as culatedatz=2.72µm. Notethat,atε=1,theconfiguration isexactlythesameasFig.3atz=2.72µm,atwhichthema- a whole. The tasks performed by the machine on this chineisheatingupthequbitsthemosteffectively(population global state correspond quite strictly to the ones deliv- inversion). ered on single qubits. through the parameter ε ∈ [0,1] as T (ε) = εT and W W A. Scaling with temperature T (ε) = εT . Fig. 6 shows the behavior of population S S temperature of both M and qubit 2 (through −β and M The functioning of the machine is based on the fact −β ) as ε is tuned. 2 that the system is in an OTE configuration, namely the Asshownbefore,thankstotheirhighlysymmetriccon- temperatures of the slab and of the walls are different figuration,allthequbitstendtodistributethetaskdeliv- (T (cid:54)=T ). Besides, one of the main features of the ma- eredonthemandtoequilibratetheirpopulationtemper- S W chine is its aptitude to perform strong thermodynamic atures, such that all their θ are almost the same. Thus, tasks on qubits, i.e. to bring their population temper- the behavior of the temperature of qubit 2 we are study- atures outside the range defined by T and T . Note ing is well representative of the behavior of the rest of S W thattheatoms-slabdistancez andthetwoexternaltem- the qubits. Fig. 6 clearly illustrates that, in a large por- peratures T and T are the only parameters on which tion of values of ε, (approximately in the range [0.6,1], S W one can easily exert a detailed control. It is then natural i.e., 180K ≤ T ≤ 300K and 540K ≤ T ≤ 900K) W S to wonder what happens to the ability of the machine the thermodynamics of the qubits-machine system is al- to heat up or cool down the many-qubit system if one most unaffected, highlighting how robust thermal tasks changes the values of T and T rather than z. areagainstachangeofT andT . Forsmallervaluesof S W W S To perform this investigation, let us now consider the ε, however, −β and −β start to decouple. This effect M 2 sameconfigurationofFig.2,withanatoms-slabdistance ismostclearlyseeninthesmallεregimearoundε(cid:39)0.05 fixed at z = 2.72 µm. This distance corresponds to the (T (cid:39) 15K, T (cid:39) 45K), where the difference between W S one for which the maximum values of −β and −β are −β and −β becomes maximal. M 2 M 2 reached(seeFig.3),i.e. whentheactionofthemachineis This modification of qubits-machine coupling can be strongest. Let us now change the external temperatures interpreted in terms of tripartite correlations in the 8 atomicsystem. Asamatteroffact,aswealreadypointed outinthepreviousSection,inorderforthetwo-stepther- modynamictasktobeeffectiveonallqubits,abalanceis needed between correlations in the subsystem {M,1,3} and in the subsystems {1,2,4} and {3,2,4}. This is the case for the large ε interval [0.6,1], where the curves of τ(M,1,3) and τ(1,2,4) are almost superimposed. How- ever, for ε < 0.6, these two curves are no longer similar and, in particular, for small ε the qubit-qubit-qubit cor- relationsaremuchstrongerthantheM-qubit-qubitones. This means that one of the two steps of the task cannot be accomplished anymore: the machine is less and less abletoaffectthequbitsstateduetotheverystrongcor- relations in it. A strong signature of this effect is the fact that the difference τ(1,2,4)−τ(M,1,3) is maximal exactly when −β and −β are the most different, as M 2 shown in the inset of Fig. 6. Moreover, in correspon- dencetothispoint,notripartitecorrelationsexistinvolv- ing the machine (τ(M,1,3) = 0), suggesting that qubits FIG. 7. Left vertical scale: population temperature of the and machine are fully decoupled for low-enough temper- resonant transition of the machine −β (solid black line), M atures. Notice that the existence of strong entanglement population temperatures of qubit 1 (−β , blue dotted line) 1 hasbeenpredictedinsymmetricqubitsconfigurationsin and qubit 2 (−β , red long-dashed line) versus the radius of 2 exactlythisregimeoftemperatures[49]. Finally,asther- the circle r. Right vertical scale: temperature in correspon- mal equilibrium approaches (T (ε) = T (ε), i.e., when dencetotheleftscale. Inset: dipole-dipoleinteractionampli- W S ε = 0), all the atomic correlations vanish and all the tude between the machine and qubit 1: ΛM1 (green dashed- populationtemperatures(bothofmachineandofqubits) dottedline)versusr. Allthequantitiesofthisplothavebeen computed at z = 2.72µm, such that at r = 0.833µm, the collapse on the environmental ones. configuration is precisely the same as Fig. 3 at z=2.72µm. B. Scaling with radius weakmachine-qubitcouplingregime. Theresonanttran- sition of the machine goes indeed to values very close to The previous subsection showed the importance of the one it would have in the absence of qubits; the same machine-qubit and qubit-qubit interactions in the deliv- effect can be seen in the qubits temperatures, since they ery of thermodynamic tasks in our system. It is now rapidlyreachthevalueofthecorrespondingenvironmen- natural to investigate the dependence of the strength of tal temperature, to which they would thermalize in the theseinteractionsbetweentwoatomswithrespecttothe absenceofthemachineandwhichcorrespondstotheval- distanceseparatingthem. Inthissubsection,weconsider ues of the temperatures minimum around r = 102µm. thisdependence through themodificationsof population Finally, some temperature oscillations are seen for larger temperatures when the radius of the circle along which r. These three regimes can be readily explained through the qubits are placed changes. the r-behavior of the machine-qubit resonant coupling Fig. 7 reports the changes in population temperatures Λ , shown in the inset of Fig. 7. As discussed in the M1 −β , −β and −β for fixed z = 2.72µm, when the Appendix A (see Eq. (A5)), such an interaction has two M 1 2 radius is changed from the value 0.833µm to the value contributions,oneduetothepresenceoftheslabandone 500µm. The external temperatures are here again fixed induced by the zero-temperature correlations of the field at T = 300K and T = 900K. The first and most im- in the absence of matter. This latter is usually dom- W S portant feature worth stressing here is the fact that, for inant, and an analytical expression can be given to it a remarkably large range of r, all the temperatures stay [39]. Thistermhastwoclearlimitingbehaviorsforsmall practically constant. Indeed the curves show a plateau andforlargeatomicseparation: whenthetwoatomsare uptoraslargeas30µm. Insucharange,allthethermo- very close (with respect to c/ω ), the interaction has a q dynamicswehavepreviouslydescribedstaysunchanged. 1/r dependence. On the other hand, for r (cid:29) c/ω , this q As such, our previous choice of r = 0.833µm is not a interaction depends on r as a sum of sin(r) and cos(r) limitation, asthesameresultswouldhavebeenobtained terms, with a decreasing amplitude. with any other r in [0.833,30]µm. Therefore, the func- TheplateauofFig.7isthusaconsequenceoftherapid tioning of the machine is extremely robust against any growth of Λ with decreasing r: after a certain thresh- M1 uncertainty on the machine-qubits distance. old, when Λ becomes much greater than any other M1 After such a plateau, a very rapid drop of qubits tem- rates involved in the master equation (2), a saturation peratures is witnessed, together with a slight increase of effect occurs and all the temperatures become indepen- −β . This marks the transition from the strong to the dent of r. On the other hand, for r ∼ c/ω = 37µm, M q 9 the transition between these two regimes happens, Λ M1 rapidly decreases bringing the temperatures with it and machine and qubits become almost decoupled. Finally, theoscillatoryregimeofΛ producestheresidualoscil- M1 lations of −β , −β and −β . M 1 2 This analysis provides also a way to generalize our re- sults to different atomic frequencies: one can be sure that the qubits-machine distance is optimal for thermo- dynamic tasks as long as it is smaller than the critical value c/ω. C. Gaussian noise FIG. 8. Same quantities and same parameters as Fig. 3, except for the radius which has been set here to r = 10µm. Note that the difference of radius does not change anything Until now we have analyzed the changes induced in with respect to Fig. 3 (see Fig. 7). These curves have been the physics of the atoms by parameters on which an ex- obtainedafteraveragingover1000realizations. Foreachreal- ternal control is easily achievable. A natural problem ization, the position of each atom has been chosen randomly couldhoweverariseifourresultswerenotrobustagainst according to a Gaussian distribution of standard deviation parameters much harder to control, such as the relative σ=1µm, on the two dimensions of the plane containing the positions of atoms. In preparing realistic systems, in- atomic system. The dipole of each qubit points toward the machine. The dipole of M points along the direction joining deed, it is not trivial to precisely fix the position of each M and the regular position of qubit 1 (similarly to Fig. 2). single constituent. In this subsection, we investigate the robustness of our results against such uncertainty. Tosimulatesuchanuncertainty,weintroduceaGaus- IV. SCALING WITH NUMBER OF QUBITS siannoiseonthepositionofeachatom, thusalsoinclud- ingthemachine. Inordertoallowforalargervariationof Finally, in this Section we study the scaling of our re- theatomicpositions,weuseherealargerradiusthanbe- sults with the number of qubits n , always distributing fore,r =10µm,whichishoweverstillfullyintheplateau q them regularly along a circle of radius r =0.833µm cen- zone of Fig. 7. The position of each atom is randomly tered on M. We have fixed n = 4 in all the previous chosen according to a two-dimensional Gaussian distri- q sections as it represents a particularly interesting situa- bution, centered on the regular atomic position in Fig. 2 tion of a two-step task, where the role of correlations is andwithstandarddeviationonbothdimensionsfixedat clearer. However, as one sees in Fig. 9, similar thermo- σ = r/10 = 1µm. Each time the position of a qubit is dynamic effects are achieved also with different number randomlyfixed,itsdipoleorientationischosensuchthat of qubits. Fig. 9a shows the scaling of the maximum all the dipoles always point toward the machine. The in z of −β for all the qubits and for M (i.e., the maxi- dipole of the resonant transition of the machine, on the mal population inversion induced in each configuration), other hand, is always kept fixed in the same direction whileFig.9bshowstheminimumof−β (maximalrefrig- used in the deterministic cases previously studied. eration). For each value of z previously explored we have simu- Forbothofthesetasks,twothingsareworthstressing. lated1000randomconfigurationsandevaluated,foreach Firstofall,theextremaltemperaturesofMscalelinearly of them, all the thermodynamic parameters of interest. with n , suggesting that each additional qubit extracts q We show in Fig. 8 the averaged temperatures of each from M or delivers into M (directly or indirectly) the qubit and of the resonant machine transition. The z- same amount of heat as the qubits already present. behaviorofallthetemperaturescloselyresemblestheone Second, the extremal temperatures of the qubits do shown previously for deterministic positions (see Fig. 3), notfollowsuchalinearscaling, butrathertendtogroup butthemaximumof−βforeachatomisslightlyreduced. together based on the symmetry of the qubits configura- Thisisduetothefactthattheatomicdipole-dipolecou- tion and on the parity of n : for even qubits numbers, q plingisstatisticallyreducedduetotherandomnessinthe the temperatures collapse to two possible values only, relative dipoles orientations stemming from the stochas- as happens in the case of 4 qubits discussed throughout ticity of the atomic positions. thispaper. Onthecontrary,foroddqubitsnumbers,the Despite this effect, one sees again that the thermody- temperaturestendonlypartiallytogrouptogether,there namics of the system is very robust also against such a always being an isolated atom at some temperature dif- relatively intense random noise: all the qubits still un- ferentfromtherest(aseasilyvisibleinthecaseofn =3 q dergo the same thermodynamic tasks as before, in corre- and n = 5). This suggests a collective mechanism of q spondence to the same atoms-slab distances. redistribution of the heat exchanged with the machine: 10 pairs of atoms have coupled temperatures if their posi- B, the theoretical maximal value max(MI) of MI for a (cid:0) (cid:1) tionalongthecircleissymmetricwithrespecttotheline bipartition of dimension d ×d is 2ln min(d ,d ) , A B A B joining M and qubit 1. Indeed, the couple {M,1} is a sinceMIquantifiestheamountofinformationstoredun- privileged one, having always collinear dipoles indepen- der the form of correlations between subsystems A and dently on nq: this also explains why −β1 is always the B. SincetheHilbertspacedimensiongrowsas2nq,more closest one to −β . qubits allow more “memory space” to store information. M Since in this case the radius is constant, adding more The scaling of MI provides therefore information on the and more atoms implies that the qubits are closer and interplay between the growing Hilbert space dimension closer to each other, thus increasing their mutual cou- andthemoreandmoredilutedinteractionsbetweensub- pling: this has the effect of reducing the difference be- parts. On the other hand, MI singles out only the Res tween their temperatures. Thus, as indeed shown in n -scalingofinteraction-inducedcorrelations, byprovid- q Fig.9,allthequbitstemperaturestendtothesamevalue ing the relative amount of information with respect to as the qubits number is increased. its theoretical maximum. It is interesting to note that the scaling of MI is very similar to the scaling of the Res quantumdiscord,i.e.,oftheotherquantitywhosevalues arenormalizedintheinterval[0,1],independentlyonthe Hilbert space dimension. Finally, amoretechnicalremark: despiteitsdefinition in Eq. (B2) of Appendix B, one should not look here at thedifferencebetweenMIanddiscordasmeasuringsome classical correlations: indeed, the geometric measure of discordemployedhere[45]isbasedontheso-calledBures distance(alegitimatemetricinthestatespace),whereas MI employs an entropic distance as (pseudo)metric. No numerical comparison is therefore possible. FIG. 9. On both panels : Left vertical scale: inverse of the population temperatures of each atom versus the number of qubits n . Right vertical scale: temperatures in correspon- q dencetotheleftscale. Panel(a)[resp. (b)]: maximum(resp. minimum)ofthetemperatureswithrespecttotheparameter z ∈ [0.1,100]µm. The other parameters are the same as the ones of Fig. 3. Asafurtherinvestigationonthen -dependenceshown q by physical quantities in our system, we study in Fig. 10 the scaling with n of the three correlation quantifiers q employed in the previous analyses: the mutual informa- tionMI,thequantumdiscordD andthetotaltripartite G correlations τ. These three quantities have been maxi- mized, for each n , over both z and over every possible q FIG. 10. Maximum of respectively mutual information MI bi- or tripartition of relevance for the related quantity: (red squares), rescaled mutual information MI (green tri- every possible bipartition in the atomic system for MI, Res angles),geometricquantumdiscord(bluediamonds)andtri- everypossibletripartitionforτ andeverypossiblebipar- partite total correlations (black dots) versus the number of titionoftheform2×dB (i.e.,withoneisolatedqubit)for qubitsnq. Themaximizationofeachquantifierhasbeenper- the quantum discord, as the analytic formula we employ formed for each n over every possible subsystems on which q in its evaluation is valid only under this condition [45]. it is defined (e.g. on every tripartitions for tripartite correla- The scaling behavior of the mutual information tions) and with respect to the parameter z∈[0.1,100]µm. rescaled to its theoretical maximum as MI = Res MI/max(MI) is also shown: as commented in Appendix

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