t h e f r on t i e r s c o l l e c t i o n t h e f r o n t i e r s c ol l e ct i o n Series Editors: A.C.Elitzur M.P.Silverman J.Tuszynski R.Vaas H.D.Zeh Thebooksinthiscollectionaredevotedtochallengingandopenproblemsattheforefrontof modernscience,includingrelatedphilosophicaldebates.Incontrasttotypicalresearchmono- graphs,however,theystrivetopresenttheirtopicsinamanneraccessiblealsotoscientifically literatenon-specialistswishing to gain insight intothe deeper implications and fascinating questionsinvolved.Takenasawhole,theseriesreflectstheneedforafundamentalandin- terdisciplinaryapproachtomodernscience.Furthermore,itisintendedtoencourageactive scientistsinallareastoponderoverimportantandperhapscontroversialissuesbeyondtheir ownspeciality.Extendingfromquantumphysicsandrelativitytoentropy,consciousnessand complexsystems–theFrontiersCollectionwillinspirereaderstopushbackthefrontiersof theirownknowledge. Other Recent Titles WeakLinks StabilizersofComplexSystemsfromProteinstoSocialNetworks ByP.Csermely Mind,MatterandtheImplicateOrder ByP.T.I.Pylkkänen QuantumMechanicsattheCrossroads NewPerspectivesfromHistory,PhilosophyandPhysics EditedbyJ.Evans,A.S.Thorndike ParticleMetaphysics ACriticalAccountofSubatomicReality ByB.Falkenburg ThePhysicalBasisoftheDirectionofTime ByH.D.Zeh Asymmetry:TheFoundationofInformation ByS.J.Muller MindfulUniverse QuantumMechanicsandtheParticipatingObserver ByH.Stapp DecoherenceandtheQuantum-To-ClassicalTransition ByM.Schlosshauer TheNonlinearUniverse Chaos,Emergence,Life ByA.Scott ForacompletelistoftitlesinTheFrontiersCollection,seebackofbook Mark P. Silverman QUANTUM SUPERPOSITION Counterintuitive Consequences of Coherence, Entanglement, and Interference With97Figuresand13Tables 123 MarkP.Silverman TrinityCollege DepartmentofPhysics Hartford,CT06106 USA Series Editors: AvshalomC.Elitzur RüdigerVaas Bar-IlanUniversity, UniversityofGießen, UnitofInterdisciplinaryStudies, CenterforPhilosophyandFoundationsofScience 52900Ramat-Gan,Israel 35394Gießen,Germany email:[email protected] email:[email protected] MarkP.Silverman H.DieterZeh DepartmentofPhysics,TrinityCollege, UniversityofHeidelberg, Hartford,CT06106,USA InstituteofTheoreticalPhysics, email:[email protected] Philosophenweg19, 69120Heidelberg,Germany JackTuszynski email:[email protected] UniversityofAlberta, DepartmentofPhysics,Edmonton,AB, T6G2J1,Canada email:[email protected] Coverfigure:ImagecourtesyoftheScientificComputingandImagingInstitute, UniversityofUtah(www.sci.utah.edu). ISBN 978-3-540-71883-3 e-ISBN 978-3-540-71884-0 DOI 10.1007/978-3-540-71884-0 FrontiersCollectionISSN1612-3018 LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2007935443 © Springer-VerlagBerlinHeidelberg2008 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.Allrightsarereserved,whether thewholeorpartofthematerialis concerned,specificallytherightsoftranslation,reprinting,reuseofillustrations,recitation,broadcasting, reproductiononmicrofilmorinanyotherway,andstorageindatabanks.Duplicationofthispublication orpartsthereofispermittedonlyundertheprovisionsoftheGermanCopyrightLawofSeptember9,1965, initscurrentversion,andpermissionforusemustalwaysbeobtainedfromSpringer.Violationsareliable forprosecutionundertheGermanCopyrightLaw. Theuseofgeneraldescriptivenames,registerednames,trademarks,etc.inthispublicationdoesnotimply, evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfromtherelevantprotectivelaws andregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. Typesettinganproduction:LE-TEXJelonek,Schmidt&VöcklerGbR,Leipzig Coverdesign:KünkelLopka,WerbeagenturGmbH,Heidelberg Printedonacid-freepaper 987654321 springer.com To Sue, Chris, and Jennifer Preface In the course of a long career as a physicist, I have investigated quantum mechanics with electron interferometry and microscopy, radiofrequency and microwave spectroscopy, coherent laser spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic and electron paramagnetic resonance, atomic beams, radioactive nuclei, and of course pencil, paper, and computers. Throughout this time I have had other scientific interests as well, but none has held such permanent fascination for me as trying to understand the structure and interactions of the quantum world.Perhapsonereasonis thateverything atsomesufficiently deeplevelof fundamentality is a quantum system. Therangeoftopicsdiscussedinthisbookreflect,inpart,mydiversequan- tum interests, but all involve, in one way or another, the unifying element of quantum superposition. Although by its very etymology the word ‘quan- tum’ (Latin for ‘how much’) intrinsically stresses the idea of discreteness in nature, what is actually most distinctive about quantum mechanics, in my opinion,is the unique characterand far-reachingconsequencesofthe concept of superposition – a superpositionnot of forces orfluxes or any other directly measurable, tangible physical quality, but of abstract amplitudes conveying a measure of probability. Quantumsuperpositionscanbeovertlyspatial,asinthefamiliarexample ofsuperposedwavesissuingfromtwoslitsleadingtoaperiodicdistributionof independentparticlesonadistantscreen;overtlytemporalasinthesuperposi- tionofexcited-stateamplitudesresultinginensemblequantumpropertiesthat oscillateintime,orsubtlyinternalasinthespin-basedsymmetryrestrictions onmultiparticle wavefunctions fromwhichdifferentquantumstatisticsarise. Quantum superposition can occur in systems ranging in size and complex- ity from single elementary particles,to widely separatedatoms in ‘entangled’ states, to mesoscopic electronic circuits, to degenerate stars of unimaginable densities and pressures. The number of interesting systems whose properties areattributabletosuperpositionofquantumamplitudesisvirtuallylimitless. A monograph,however,is not, but the technicalessaysincluded here provide a sampling of the diversity of quantum interference phenomena arising from conceptually different kinds of quantum superposition. VIII Preface It was originallymy intention to have completed this book in time for the tenth anniversary of its predecessor, More Than One Mystery: Explorations in Quantum Interference, which, I believe, was at the time (1995) the first book to be published that wasdevotedspecifically to the subject ofquantum interference. Alas, other research commitments and a heavy teaching sched- ule thwarted my plan, but I believe the updated and considerably expanded finalproducthasactuallybenefitedfromthedelay.Indeed,someofthequan- tum effects and experiments I proposed well over ten years ago were realized recently, some even as I was working on the corresponding chapters. The title of the present book – which is not simply MTOM 2, or Son of MTOM, or some such reflection on its progenitor – deserves an explanation. Likemanya physicist,I foundthe vividimageryofRichardFeynman’scolor- ful expressionscaptivating, althoughI did not alwaysagreewith the content. Inparticular,hiscontention(inthefamousLectures),whichwassubsequently repeatedoftenbyothers,thatthephenomenonoftwo-slitelectroninterference contains ‘the only mystery’ of quantum mechanics, bothered me. As a scien- tist developing novel quantum interference experiments involving correlated pairs of particles in entangled states, or single particles propagating around magnetic flux tubes in a space with ‘holes’, or the effects of potentials on the fluctuations of particlesrestrictedby the spin–statistics relation,or otherun- usualexamplesofquantumsuperpositionsconceptuallydistinctfromYoung’s two-slitexperiment,IthoughtFeynman’sassertiontobemisleadinglynarrow. It was,after all, an offhandremark to stimulate a class of strugglingCalTech undergraduates. And so I wrote a book drawn from my own researches illus- trating why – if one adopts Feynman’s idiom – there really is ‘more than one mystery’ to quantum mechanics. In the yearssince publication of MTOM, I have come to regretthat title, foritappearedto suggest– particularlytosomeoneunfamiliarwithits origin –apointofviewtheveryoppositetothatwhichIheldthenandholdnow.Ido notregardquantummechanicsasa‘mystery’.Rather,itisahighlydeveloped and well-understood physical theory, perhaps the most carefully scrutinized and best understood of all physical theories. The glib assertions by many scientists and science popularizers that ‘nobody understands quantum me- chanics’ – another Feynman idiom – is balderdash. Competent physicists (as opposed to poorly informed science writers or science philosophers), who use quantum mechanics ona daily basis to elucidate successfully countless physi- cal phenomena, clearly must understand the instrument with which they are working. When they pretend otherwise, I am reminded of the exchange be- tween analyst Jack Ryan and Director of Central Intelligence William Cabot in the film adaptation of Tom Clancy’s thriller, The Sum of All Fears: JR: ...I don’t think that adds up. WC: It adds up. You just don’t like what it adds up to. Preface IX What quantum mechanics ‘adds up to’ is that it is an irreducibly statistical theory,albeit unlike any necessitatedsimply by ‘incomplete knowledge’,with nonlocal features inexplicable from the perspective of classical physics. But somethingthatisstrangeisnotnecessarilyincomprehensible,althoughitmay not be visualizable. Mathematicians, for example, may understand very well the principles of a 10-dimensional geometry even if no 10-dimensional figure can be drawn. In this book I discuss quantum superposition – the “heart of the mat- ter” to quote another Feynmanism – in its manifold variations. Technical essays in MTOM have been expanded throughout with new material. I have enlarged the chapter on the electron two-slit experiment to include discus- sion of controversial issues like Schro¨dinger’s cat, Wheeler’s delayed-choice thought experiment, and macroscopic manifestation of quantum interference – issues that I have found to be sensationally distorted, especially in publica- tions for the general reader. The original chapter on correlated particles now constitutes two chapters with new sections on distinctions between quantum ensembles, correlated emission from excited atoms, coherence properties of thermal electrons, and more thorough considerationof the coherence proper- ties of field-emitted electrons. Several sections were added to the chapter on the physicsof chiralsystems.Appendices havebeen addedthatclarify points raised in the text or provide supplementary technical discussions. I have also added a chapter that addresses one of the most challenging problems in physics: the collapse of a sufficiently massive relativistic degen- erate star to a black hole, depicted in the scientific and popular literature as an invisible gaping singularity in space-time where the laws of physics break down. There is no doubt that black holes must be among the most exotic denizens ofthe cosmos,but the wildflightsoffancythathavebecome partof theirmythology(infinitedensities,‘wormholes’throughspace-timetodistant parts of the universe, portals to other universes, etc.) must rival in absurdity the worst of what I have seen written about Schro¨dinger’s cat or the many- worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics. It may be prosaic to say, but a star – even the most bizarre star – if it is a real physical object, and not merely a solutionto some setofdifferentialequations,cannotbe aninfinitely denseholeinspace-time.Wedonotyetknowallthelawsofphysics,norfully understand the consequences of those laws we think we know, but we know enough, I believe, to conceive of mechanisms that would prevent the forma- tionofsuchacomic-bookcaricatureofastar.InthelastchapterImakesome suggestionswherebyquantumsuperposition,operatinginsystems ofextreme densities and pressures, could stabilize degenerate matter at a macroscopic size comparable to that of a neutron star or quark star.1 1 The nature of dark matter in the universe is another outstanding problem of astrophysics and cosmology for which quantum superposition may provide the solution (by formation of a condensate of extremely low mass bosons). I have X Preface Ihopethereaderwillfindtheessaysinthisbookasedifyingandthought- provoking to read, as the author found them to write. Trinity College, Mark P. Silverman January 2007 Books by Mark P. Silverman • AndYetItMoves:StrangeSystemsandSubtleQuestionsinPhysics (Cam- bridge University Press, 1993) • MoreThanOneMystery:ExplorationsinQuantumInterference(Springer, New York, 1995) • Waves and Grains: Reflections on Light and Learning (PrincetonUniver- sity Press, 1998) • Probing the Atom: Interactions of Coupled States, Fast Beams, and Loose Electrons (Princeton University Press, 2000) • AUniverseofAtoms,anAtomintheUniverse (Springer,NewYork,2002) discussedthissolutioninthebookAUniverseofAtoms,AnAtomintheUniverse (Springer,New York,2002). Contents 1 The Enigma of Quantum Interference...................... 1 1.1 The Most Beautiful Experiment ........................... 1 1.2 Two-Slit Interference of Single Electron Wave Packets........ 3 1.3 Confined Fields and Electron Interference .................. 11 1.4 ‘No-Slit’ Interference of Single Photons: Superposition, Probability, and Understanding .............. 22 1.5 Macroscale Objects in Quantum Superpositions ............. 27 1.6 Quantum Mechanics and Relativity: The ‘Wrong-Choice’ Experiment........................... 38 2 Correlations and Entanglements I: Fluctuations of Light and Particles ........................ 45 2.1 Ghostly Correlations of Entangled States ................... 45 2.2 A Dance of Correlated Fluctuations. The ‘Hanbury Brown Twiss’ .............................. 54 2.3 Measurable Distinctions Between Quantum Ensembles ....... 60 2.4 Correlated Emission from Coherently Excited Atoms......... 65 2.5 The Quantum Optical Perspective......................... 70 2.6 Coherence of Thermal Electrons........................... 77 2.7 Comparison of Thermal Electrons and Thermal Radiation .... 86 2.8 Brighter Than a Million Suns: Electron Beams from Atom-Size Sources.................... 88 2.9 Correlations and Coincidences: Experimental Possibilities.....100 2A Consequences of Spectral Width on Photon Correlations .....106 2B Chemical Potential at T =0 K............................107 2C Probability Density of a Sum of Random Variables ..........108 2D Correlated Fluctuations of Electrons at Two Detectors .......109 3 Correlations and Entanglements II: Interferometry of Correlated Particles .....................111 3.1 Interferometry of Correlated Particles ......................111