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Quantum relaxation after a quench in systems with boundaries Ferenc Igl´oi1,2,∗ and Heiko Rieger3,† 1Research Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics, H-1525 Budapest, P.O.Box 49, Hungary 2Institute of Theoretical Physics, Szeged University, H-6720 Szeged, Hungary 3Theoretische Physik, Universita¨t des Saarlandes, 66041 Saarbru¨cken, Germany (Dated: January 21, 2011) Westudythetime-dependenceofthemagnetization profile,m(t),ofalargefiniteopenquantum l 1 Ising chain after a quench. We observe a cyclic variation, in which starting with an exponentially 1 decreasing period the local magnetization arrives to a quasi-stationary regime, which is followed 0 byan exponentially fast reconstruction period. Thenon-thermalbehaviorobservedat near-surface 2 sites turns over to thermal behavior for bulk sites. Besides the standard time- and length-scales a n non-standard time-scale is identified in thereconstruction period. a J 0 Recent experimental progress in controlling ultracold pending on the parameters of the quench [7, 16, 17]. 2 atomic gases in optical lattices has opened new per- Somequantumsystemsdonotthermalizecompletelyand spectives in the physics of quantum systems. In these displayadifferentbehaviorforcorrelationfunctionsoflo- ] h measurements the coupling in an interacting system can cal and for non-local operators, such that the former do c be tuned very rapidly, commonly denoted as “quench”, notexhibiteffectivethermalbehavior[16]. Aninteresting e for instance by using the phenomenon of Feshbach reso- issuenotbeingaddressedsofaristhecharacterizationof m nance and the couplings to dissipative degrees of free- the non-stationary, that means not time-translation in- - dom (such as phonons and electrons) are very weak. variant,quantum relaxationfollowinga quench: Prepar- t a As a consequence one can study coherent time evolu- ingthequantumsysteminanon-eigenstateofitsHamil- t s tion of isolated quantum systems. Among the fasci- tonian, how is thermalization achieved during the time- . t nating new experiments we mention the collapse and evolution? How do correlations develop in time towards a m revival of Bose-Einstein condensates[1], quenches in a the stationary (i.e. time translation invariant) state, is spinorcondensate[2],realizationofone-dimensionalBose there a time dependent correlationlength, etc.? - d systems[3] and measurements of their non-equilibrium Another importantissue concerns quantum relaxation n relaxation[4]. and potential thermalization in the presence of bound- o Concerning the theoretical side of quantum quenches aries. Theoretical studies of non-equilibrium quantum c herethefirstinvestigationshadbeenperformedonquan- relaxation have focused on bulk sites up to now, but all [ tum XY and quantum Ising spin chains[5–7] before the realsystemshaveafiniteextentandtheyareboundedby 2 experimental work has been started. The new experi- surfacesandthe physicalpropertiesinthe surfaceregion v mental results in this field have triggered intensive and areconsiderablydifferentfromthoseinthebulk[18]. Ob- 4 systematic theoretical researches, which are performed viously an interesting question is whether the time and 6 6 ondifferentsystems, suchas1DBose gases[8], Luttinger length scales characterizing the stationary relaxation in 3 liquids[9]andothers[10]. Besidesstudiesonspecificmod- the bulk is altered in the vicinity of the boundary, and 1. elstherearealsofield-theoreticalinvestigations,inwhich how thermalization is achieved there. 1 relation with boundary critical phenomena and confor- In this paper we will address these two issues: The 0 mal field-theory are utilized[11, 12]. non-stationary quantum relaxation after a quench and 1 One fundamental question of quantum quenches con- the effect of boundaries. For this we focus on a compu- : v cerns the nature of the stationary state of this non- tationally tractable model for a quantum spin chain and i equilibrium quantum relaxation including the issue of studytherelaxationofprofilesofobservablesintheearly X thermalization and potential descriptions by Gibbs en- timestepsaswellastheirbehaviorinthelong-timelimit. r a sembles. For non-integrable systems exact thermal- We also address the behavior in large,but finite systems ization of stationary states was conjectured[13], how- and study the consequences of the recurrence theorem. ever the numerical results on specific systems are The system we consider in this paper is the quantum controversial[13–15]. On the other hand integrable sys- Ising chain defined by the Hamiltonian: temsaresensitivetotheinitialstatesandtheirstationary L−1 L states are thermal-like being in a form of a generalized Gibbs ensemble[8]. H=−Xσlxσlx+1−hXσlz , (1) l=1 l=1 Thermalization includes generically (i.e. away from critical points) an exponential decay of correlationfunc- in terms of the Pauli-matrices σx,z at site l. In the l tions in the stationary state on length and time scales non-equilibrium process the strength of the transverse that can be related to the correlationlength and time of field is suddenly changed from h (t < 0) to h (t 0). 0 ≥ an equilibrium system at an effective temperature de- The Hamiltonian in Eq.(1) can be expressed in terms 2 0 0 TABLE I: Decay exponent of the off-diagonal (longitudinal) -1 l=O1->6O -5 l=O1-6>D magnetization in theinitial (equilibrium) period. -2 ll==3428 --1150 ll==3428 bulk h01=/8hc h01>/2hc log m(t)l----6543 ll==lll===116891240628 log m(t)l----33225050 ll==lll===116891240628 -40 boundary 1/2 3/2 -7 (a) -45 (b) -8 -50 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 t t 0 -1.8 of free fermions[19], which is used in studies of its non- -5 l=D1->6O -2 l=1D2->8D -10 l=32 -2.2 l=112 enqeutiizliabtrioiunm,σpzr,owpheircthieiss[6a,l1o6c]a.lTopheerabtuolrk,htraasnnsovner-tsheemrmaga-l m(t)l---221505 llll====46898406 m(t)l ---222...864 llll====98646048 behavior[5,1l1,17],whereasthebulk(longitudinal)mag- log --3350 ll==111228 log -3-.32 ll==3126 netization,σx,whichisanon-localoperator,haseffective --4450 (c) --33..64 (d) l -50 -3.8 thermal behavior[17]. Here we concentrate on the latter 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 t t quantity and study the time-dependence of its profile, m (t)=lim Ψ(0) σx(t)Ψ(0) , where Ψ(0) is the FIG.1: (Coloronline)Relaxationofthelocalmagnetization, grlound statbe→o0f+tbhhe 0init|iall H|am1iltiobnian (1)|in0 thibe pres- lqougemnclh(t)w,itahtpdaiffraemreentterpso:sait)iohn0s=in0a.0Lan=d h25=60c.h5ai(nOa→fterOa) enceofanexternallongitudinalfieldb. Accordingto[20] b) h0 = 0.5 and h = 1.5 (O → D) c) h0 = 1.5 and h = 0.5 this can be written as the off-diagonalmatrix-elementof (D → O)d) h0 =1.5 and h=2.0 (D → D). the Hamiltonian (1): ml(t)=hΨ0(0)|σlx(t)|Ψ1(0)i. (2) tumcorrelationsintime signalizedbythe reconstruction of the value of the local observable. In the following we (0) Here Ψ is the first excitedstate (which is the ground analyze the different regimes of the relaxation. | 1 i state of the sector with odd number of fermions) of the In the free relaxation regime: t<t =l/v only inco- l initial Hamiltonian (t < 0). In the ordered phase, h0 < herent quasi-particles pass the reference point resulting (0) h = 1 where m (t < 0) > 0, Ψ is asymptotically inanexponentialdecayofthemagnetization(cf. Fig.1): c l | 1 i degenerate with the ground state, Ψ(0) . For h h the magnetizationvanishes as ml(t<| 00)i∼L−x w0ith≥thec ml(t)≡m(t)≈A(t)exp(−t/τ), t<tl , (3) systemsize fort<0. The decayexponent, x, isdifferent at the critical point, h = hc, and in the paramagnetic with an oscillating prefactor, A(t). In the regime h>hc phase, h > hc, as well in the bulk (l/L = O(1)) and at and h0 < hc we have A(t) ∼ cos(at + b), thus m(t) the boundary (l/L 0), see Table I. changes sign. On the other hand in the other parts of To calculate the→magnetization profile in Eq.(2) we the phase diagram m(t) is always positive, i.e. A(t) ∼ haveusedstandardfree-fermionictechniques[19,21]. For [cos(at+b)+c], with c > 1. The characteristic time- the surface site, l = 1, most of the calculations are an- scale, τ = τ(h,h0), is the relaxation or phase coherence alytical, whereas for l > 1 numerical calculations have time, which is extracted from the numerical data. The been made for large finite systems up to L=384. exponential form of the decay in Eq.(3) indicates ther- Wehaveperformedquenchesforvariouspairsoftrans- malization, at least for bulk sites, which is in agreement versefields,h andhandcalculatedthetime-dependence with the similar decay of the autocorrelationfunction. 0 ofthelocalmagnetizationatdifferentsites,l L/2. The In the quasi-stationary regime: tl <t<T tl , T = ≤ − results depend primarily on whether the system before L/v,twotypesofquasi-particlesreachthereferencepoint and after the quench is in the ordered (O) or disordered l: type 1 passed l only once at a time t′ < t and type (D) phase,see Fig.1 for differentcombinations of O and 2 passed it twice at two times t′ < t′′ < t with a reflec- D. One can identify different time regimes that can be tion at the nearby boundary between t′ and t′′. These interpretedintermsofquasi-particles,whichareemitted two types interfere, resulting in a comparatively slow re- at t =0, travel with a constant speed, v =v(h,h ), and laxation (cf. Fig. 1). Deep inside the ordered phase the 0 are reflected at the boundaries. quasi-particles can be identified with kinks moving with As argued in Ref.[11] only those quasi-particles are a speed v [22] andin the regime tl t T halfof the ± ≪ ≪ quantum entangled that originate from nearby regions quasi-particles reaching the site l are of type 1 (flipping in space, others are incoherent. When the latter arrive the spin at l once) and half of them type 2 (flipping it at a reference point l they cause relaxation of local ob- twice), leading to a quasi-stationary relaxation. servables (such as magnetization). Here we extend this The magnetization profiles for fixed times t<T/2 are picture by noting that in a system with boundaries the shown in Fig.2 for the same quenches as in Fig.1. For samequasi-particlecanreachthe pointl twice (ormore) sufficientlylargelthequasi-stationarymagnetizationhas at different times after reflections. This induces quan- anexponentialdependence,suchthatcomparingitsvalue 3 0 0 TABLE II: Correction to the quasi-stationary behavior for -2 -10 thesurfacemagnetization indifferentdomainsofthequench. -20 hh<>hh00 t−t−3/12hcc0oos<(sa(ahttc++bb)) L−t−3/12/2[c[coos(sa(hat0t++>bb)h)+c+cc],L−c3/>2]1 log m(t)l-1---0864 tttttt======tt==O11223349494838->86420864O (a) log m(t)l-----7654300000 tttt====tttt====1111O24792469-48260482>D (b) -12 -80 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 l l 0 -2 at two sites, l1 and l2, we have -10 -2.5 -3 ml1(t1)/ml2(t2)≈exp[−(l1−l2)/ξ] , (4) log m(t)l----54320000 ttt===tt==112D49494->86420O log m(t)l --43--..5455 t=tttt====1D24792->48260D with oscillating prefactors. t=288 -5.5 t=144 -60 t=336 (c) -6 (d) t=168 In the limits L and t one can define a -70 t=384 -6.5 t=192 → ∞ → ∞ 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 quasi-stationarylimiting value whichwillbe denoted by, l l m . For the surface site we have the exact result l FIG. 2: (Color online) Non-equilibrium magnetization pro- files, logm(t), at different times after a quench with param- (1 h2)(1 h2)1/2 l m = − − 0 , h ,h<1, (5) eters given in Fig.1 for L=384. From theasymptotic values 1 0 1 hh of the slopes one can measure the correlation length. 0 − and zero otherwise. Note that the non-equilibrium sur- face magnetization has different type of singularities for on h close to h = 1. The typical values are in the range ahn→alyz1e−d(thh0e c<or1r)ecatinodnftoerrmh,0∆→(t,1L−)(=hm<1(1t)). Wme1,haanvde aco(hn,stha0n)t≈an0d.8h6a−s0n.o88h. dFeoprehnd≥en1cteh.e speed is practically − its asymptotic behavior is summarized in Table II in the Approximate periodicity with T startsfort>T,when different domains of h and h0. These corrections are in quasi-particles start to be reflected second time and the power-law form, which signals that the relaxation of the spin-configuration of the system becomes approximately surface magnetization has non-thermal behavior. equivalent to that at t T. For l > 1 we observe that ml is monotonously de- The time- and length−scale, as defined in Eq.(3) and creasing with l and thus ml > 0 for h0,h < 1 and zero Eq.(4), respectively, as well as the characteristic quasi- otherwise. The correction terms are identical with those particlespeedv(h,h )=ξ/τ,canbeextractedwithhigh 0 given in Table II so that a finite distance, l, the local numerical accuracy from our data for the magnetization magnetization has non-thermal behavior. profiles, typically with a precision of 3 4 digits. Com- Inthereconstruction regime: T tl <t<T moreand plementary calculations of the autocor−relation function − more quasi-particles of type 2 reach the reference point, G (t) = Ψ(0) σx(t)σx(0)Ψ(0) , and the equal-time cor- which implies, within a kink-picture, that incoherent l h 0 | l l | 0 i relation function, C (r) = Ψ(0) σx (t)σx(t)Ψ(0) show spin flips in the past are progressivelyreversedby quasi- t h 0 | l+r l | 0 i thattheyyieldthesamecorrelationtimeandlength,but particlesreturningtothesitelafterreflection. Formono- with less accuracy. Based on our results for the profiles disperse quasi-particles (velocity v) one would expect a we have conjectured possibly exact results about the re- T-periodicity and thus m (t) = m (T t), i.e an expo- l l − laxation time, as discussed below. nential increase in t with a growth rate similar to the The relaxation time τ(h,h ) is divergent at two initial decay rate. Indeed we find 0 points: i) at the stationary point, h = h , where 0 ml(t)≡m(t)≈B(t)exp(t/τ′), T −tl <t<T , (6) τh(−h1,,hw0h)i∼ch(cha−nhb0e)−d2erainveddiip)efrotrusrmbaatlilvhe,lyw.hFeorrehτ(h=,h00)th∼e 0 which is practically position independent and where the two singularities merge at h=0: τ(h,h =0) h−3. 0 ∼ growthrate ofτ′(h,h ) depends onthe conditions ofthe To obtain information about τ(h,h ) away from the 0 0 quench, being approximately proportional to τ(h,h ): singularitieswe considera quench fromthe fully ordered 0 τ/τ′ = 0.883 0.002. It turned out to be useful to initial state (h = 0) first. A quench into the disor- 0 ± measure the cross-over time, t˜= T/2, which is defined dered phase (h 1) yield to high numerical accuracy ≥ as the crossing point of the two asymptotic regimes: τ(h 1,h = 0) = π/2, i.e. independent of h. For 0 ≥ Aexp( t˜/τ) = Bexp(t˜/τ′), where A and B are aver- a quench into the ordered phase (h 1) we introduce − ≤ aged prefactors. During the cross-over time the quasi- τ˜(h,h = 0) = h3τ(h,h = 0) to get rid of the singu- 0 0 particles travela distance, L/2,thus their speed is given larity at h = 0. In the limit h 0 we obtain τ˜(h = → by: v(h,h ) = L/2t˜, which can be measured accurately. 0,h = 0) = 3π/2, and for h > 0 we consider the ratio: 0 0 Wehavenoticed,thatforh<1thespeedisproportional yτ(h) = ∆τ˜(h)/∆τ˜(0) with ∆τ˜(h) = τ˜(h) τ˜(1) and − to h: v(h,h ) = ha(h,h ), where a(h,h ) is practically compare it with a similar expression for the correlation 0 0 0 independent of h and has just a very week dependence length yξ(h) = ∆ξ˜(h)/∆ξ˜(0) with ∆ξ˜(h) = ξ˜(h) ξ˜(1), 0 − 4 where ξ˜(h) = ξ(h)h2. The two ratios yτ(h) and yξ(h), systemsandwhichobey presumablyexactrelationscon- as shown in Fig.3a, are almost indistinguishable. Since jectured on the basis of the numerical data. In a finite ξ(h)= 1/log((1+√1 h2)/2)isknownexactly[7],the system an exponentially fast reconstruction of the local − − relaxationtimeforaquenchfromanorderedinitialstate magnetizationisobserved,involvingatime-scale,τ′,and (h = 0) can therefore be estimated very accurately, if characterizing an approximately periodic dynamics. 0 not exactly, by the relation yτ(h)=yξ(h). Several results for observables displaying thermal be- haviorin the bulk are expected to be valid also in other, 1.2 1.2 even non-integrable spin chains: Absence of thermaliza- 1 1 tion at the boundaries, identity of correlation time and 0.8 0.8 y(h) 000 ...0246 yyyξξτ’ τ-y(h,h)0 000 ...0246 hhhhhh000000======000000......124680 lneennTgthtihaislliynwofianrskfitnhriateecsoabnnesdetnrsuescmutipio-pninoifirntneifidtnebitsyeyststhyeesmteHsmuasnn.gdaarinanexNpoa-- 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 tional Research Fund under grant No OTKA K62588, h h K75324 and K77629 and by a German-Hungarian ex- FIG. 3: (Color online) Left: The ratios yξ = ∆ξ˜(h)/∆ξ˜(0) change program (DFG-MTA). and yτ = ∆τ˜(h)/∆τ˜(0) for a quench from h0 = 0 as a func- ′ tion of h. The curve yξ derives from the exactly known form for ξ(h), see text. 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