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Quantum reconstruction of an intense polarization squeezed optical state Ch. Marquardt,1 J. Heersink,1 R. Dong,1 M. V. Chekhova,2 A. B. Klimov,3 L. L. Sa´nchez-Soto,1 U. L. Andersen,1,4 and G. Leuchs1 1Institute of Optics, Information and Photonics (Max Planck Research Group), University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Gu¨nther-Scharowsky Straße 1, Building 24, 91058 Erlangen, Germany 2Department of Physics, M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119992 Moscow, Russia 3Departamento de F´ısica, Universidad de Guadalajara, 44420 Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico 4Department of Physics, Technical University of Denmark, Building 309, 2800 Lyngby, Denmark (Dated: February 1, 2008) Weperformareconstructionofthepolarizationsectorofthedensitymatrixofanintensepolariza- tion squeezedbeam startingfrom acomplete set of Stokesmeasurements. By usingan appropriate quasidistribution, we map this onto the Poincar´e space providing a full quantum mechanical char- 7 acterization of the measured polarization state. 0 0 PACSnumbers: 03.65.Wj,03.65.Ta,42.50.Dv,42.50.Lc 2 n a Efficient methods of quantum-state reconstructionare by two complex amplitude operators, denoted by aˆ H J of the greatest relevance for quantum optics. Indeed, and aˆ , where the subscripts H and V indicate horizon- V 7 they are invaluable for verifying and retrieving informa- tally and vertically polarized modes, respectively. The 1 tion. Since the first theoretical proposals [1] and the commutation relations of these operators are standard: pioneer experiments determining the quantum state of [aˆ ,aˆ†]=δ , with j,k ∈{H,V}. The description of the 1 j k jk v a light field [2], this discipline has witnessed significant polarization structure is greatly simplified if we use the 3 growth [3]. Laboratory demonstrations of state tomog- Schwinger representation 12 rcaaplhsyystaermesn,uimncelruoduisnganmdolsepcaunlesa[b4]r,oaiodnsra[n5]g,eaotofmpshy[6si]-, Jˆ1 = 21(aˆ†HaˆV +aˆ†VaˆH), Jˆ2 = 2i(aˆHaˆ†V −aˆ†HaˆV), 01 spins [7], and entangled photon pairs [8]. Jˆ3 = 21(aˆ†HaˆH −aˆ†VaˆV), (1) 7 Any reliable quantum tomographical scheme requires together with the total photon number Nˆ = aˆ† aˆ + 0 threekeyingredients[9]: theavailabilityofatomograph- H H h/ icallycompletemeasurement,asuitablerepresentationof aˆ†VaˆV. Theseoperatorscoincide,uptoafactor1/2,with the Stokes operators, whose average values are precisely p the quantum state, and a robust algorithm to invert the the classical Stokes parameters. One immediately finds - experimental data. Whenever these conditions are not t that Jˆ = (Jˆ,Jˆ,Jˆ) satisfies the commutation relations n met, the reconstructionbecomes difficult, if notimpossi- 1 2 3 a ble. This is the case for the polarization of light, despite distinctive ofthe su(2)algebra: [Jˆ1,Jˆ2]=iJˆ3,andcyclic u permutations. This noncommutability precludes the si- thefactthatmanyrecentexperimentsinquantumoptics q multaneous precise measurement of the physical quanti- : have been performed using polarization states. The ori- v ties they represent. ginofthese problemscanbe tracedbacktothe factthat i TheHilbert spaceH describingthe polarizationstruc- X the characterizationof the polarization state in terms of tureofthese fieldshasaconvenientorthonormalbasisin r the total density operator is superfluous because it con- a the form of the Fock states for both polarization modes, tainsnotonlypolarizationinformation. Thisredundancy namely |n ,n i. However,it is advantageousto use the canbeeasilyhandledforlownumberofphotons,butbe- H V basis |J,mi of common eigenstates of Jˆ2 and Jˆ. Since comes a significant hurdle for highly excited states. An 3 J = N/2, this can be accomplished just by relabeling adequate solution has been found only recently: it suf- the Fock basis as |J,mi ≡ |n = J +m,n = J −mi. fices to reconstruct only of a subset of the density ma- H V Here, for fixed J (i.e., fixed N), m runs from −J to J trix. This subset has been termed the “polarization sec- and these states span a (2J +1)-dimensional subspace tor” [10] (or the polarizationdensity operator[11]) since wherein Jˆ acts in the standard way. Since any polariza- its knowledge allows for a complete characterization of tion observable has a block-diagonal form in this basis, the polarization state [12]. it seems appropriate to define the polarization density ThepurposeofthisLetteristoreportonthefirsttheo- operator as retical and experimental reconstruction of intense polar- izationstates. Specifically,wefocusonthecaseofintense ∞ ∞ J squeezedstates to confirmhow,eveninthis brightlimit, ̺ˆ= ̺ˆJ = ̺Jmm′ |J,mihJ,m′|. (2) theystillpreservefingerprintsofverystrongnonclassical MJ=0 JX=0 m,mX′=−J behavior. Forareconstructionofthequantumstateonefirsthas We begin by briefly recalling some background mate- toextracttherequireddatafromthetomographicalmea- rial. We assume a two-mode field that is fully described surements. Theoverallschemeofourexperimentalsetup 2 probabilities wmJ(n)=Tr[̺ˆΠˆJm(n)]=nhJ,m|̺ˆ|J,min, (5) whereΠˆJm(n)=Rˆ(n)ΠˆJmRˆ†(n)and|J,min istheeigen- state of n·Jˆ relative to the eigenvalue m, which is pre- cisely a SU(2) coherent state [14]. The final tomogram reads ∞ FIG.1: (Coloronline)Setupforefficientpolarization squeez- wm(n)=Tr[̺ˆΠˆm(n)]= nhJ,m|̺ˆ|J,min. (6) inggenerationandthecorrespondingStokesmeasurementap- X J=|m| paratus. The reconstruction in each (2J + 1)-dimensional in- variant subspace can be now carried out exactly since it is illustrated in Fig. 1. The field to be characterized is is essentially equivalent to a spin J [15]. In fact, after analyzed using a general polarization measurement ap- some calculations one finds that the tomograms can be paratus consisting of a half-wave plate (λ/2,θ) followed represented in the following compact form by a quarter-wave plate (λ/4,φ) and a polarizing beam splitter (PBS). The wave plates transform the input po- wJ (n)= 1 2πdω Tr ̺ˆ eiωn·Jˆ e−imω, (7) larization allowing the measurement of different Stokes m 2π Z0 (cid:16) J (cid:17) parameters by the projection onto the PBS basis |J,mi. The PBS outputs are measured directly using detectors whichispreciselytheFouriertransformofthe character- with custom-made InGaAs photodiodes (98% quantum istic function of the observable n·Jˆ. efficiency at DC) and a low-pass filter (≤ 40 MHz) to Inverting this expression, one obtains avoidACsaturationduetothelaserrepetitionrate. The RF currents of the photodetectors were mixed with an ̺ˆ = 2J +1 2πdω sin2 ω electroniclocaloscillatorat17.5MHz anddigitizedwith J 4π2 Z0 (cid:16)2(cid:17) an analog/digital converter at 107 samples per second J with a 16 bit resolution and 10 times oversampling. The × dn e−iωn·Jˆ wJ(n)eimω, (8) Z m quantum state we measure is defined by the resolution S2 mX=−J bandwidth of 1 MHz at the 17.5 MHz sideband relative wheretheintegrationoverthesolidangledn=sinθdθdφ tothe200THzcarrier. Tendigitizedsamplecorresponds extendsovertheunitsphereS . Bysummingoverallthe to the photocurrent at this sideband generated by pho- 2 invariant subspaces J, the density matrix can be recon- tonsimpingingonthephotodiodefor1µs. Thisphotode- structed as follows tection can be modelled by the positive operator-valued measure (POVM) [13] ∞ ̺ˆ= dn w (n)K(m−n·Jˆ), (9) ΠˆJm =|J,mihJ,m|, (3) mX=−∞ZS2 m so that wJ = Tr(̺ˆΠˆJ ) is the probability of detecting where the kernel K(x) is m m n = J +m photons in the horizontal mode and simul- H taneouslynV =J−mphotonsintheverticalone. When K(x)= 2J +1 2πdω sin2 ω e−iωx. (10) thetotalnumberofphotons2J isnotmeasuredandonly 4π2 Z0 (cid:16)2(cid:17) the difference 2m is observed, the POVM is WestresstheappealinganalogyofEq.(9)withthemore ∞ widely known formula for the reconstruction of the den- Πˆm = |J,mihJ,m|. (4) sity matrix of a single-mode radiation field from the ho- X J=|m| modyne tomograms of the rotated quadratures [3]. Fromthe exactsolution (9), one can calculate any po- The wave plates in the measurement perform linear larization quasidistribution [16]. From a computational polarization transformations. These can be described point of view reconstructing the SU(2) Q function turns in terms of Jˆ, which generates rotations about the di- 2 out to be the simplest, since in each invariant subspace rection of propagation, and Jˆ, which generates phase 3 it reduces to shifts between the modes. In other words, their ac- tion is represented by Rˆ(n) = eiθJˆ2eiφJˆ3, where n = Q(J,n)=nhJ,m|̺ˆ|J,min, (11) (cosφsinθ,sinφsinθ,cosθ) is a unit vector given by the spherical angles (θ,φ). The experimental histograms so, in view of the form (5), it is especially suited for recorded for each n then correspond to the tomographic ourpurposes. TheevaluationoftheWignerfunctioncan 3 alsobecarriedout,althoughwithadditionaleffort. Nev- ertheless, we do not expect these two quasidistributions todiffernotablyforthestateswestudyhere. Asaconse- quence, we only need to evaluate the matrix elements of the kernelK(m−n′·Jˆ). Thiscanbe accomplishedusing several equivalent techniques, although the most direct way to proceed is to note that 2J +1 2π ω nhJ,m|K(m−n′·Jˆ)|J,min = dω sin2 4π2 Z0 (cid:16)2(cid:17) ω ω 2J × eimω cos −isin cosχ , (12) h (cid:16)2(cid:17) (cid:16)2(cid:17) i wherecosχ=n·n′. InthelimitofJ ≫ 1theintegralin FIG. 2: (Color online) Three-dimensional isocontour sur- (12)reducestod2δ(x)/dx2 evaluatedatx=m−Jn·n′. face plot of the measured Q(J,n) function for a polarization Since m can be taken as a quasicontinuous variable, we squeezedstate. Intheinset,weshowtheprojectionsoverthe can integrate by parts coordinate planes passing through the origin of the ellipsoid. TheprojectionontheJ1-J3planeshowstypicalartifactsfrom Q(J,n)= 2J +1 ∞dm dn′ d2wm(n)δ(m−Jn·n′). theRadon transform. 4π2 Z Z dm2 −∞ S2 (13) Thus,inthelimitofhighphotonnumbersthereconstruc- a measurement of which took over 5 hours. The rest of tion turns out to be equivalent to an inverse 3D Radon the data can be deduced from symmetry. For each pair transform[17]ofthemeasuredtomograms,whichgreatly of angles, the photocurrent noise of both detectors af- simplifies the numerical evaluation of Q(J,n). terthePBSwassimultaneouslysampled2.9×106 times. To test this theory, we preparedpolarizationsqueezed Noisestatisticsofthedifferenceofthetwodetectors’pho- statesbyexploitingtheKerrnonlinearityexperiencedby tocurrents were acquired in histograms with 2048 bins, ultrashort laser pulses in optical fibers [18]. Our exper- resultinginthetomogramswm(n). Theopticalintensity imental setup shown in Fig. 1 uses a Cr4+:YAG laser incident on both detectors was recorded as well. emitting 140 fs FWHM pulses at 1497 nm with a rep- To reconstruct the Q function we performed a 3D in- etition rate of 163 MHz. Using the two polarization verse Radon transform. In Fig. 2 we show the result of axes of a 13.2 m birefringent fiber (3M FS-PM-7811, thereconstructionforapolarizationsqueezedstate. Here 5.6 µm mode-field diameter), two quadrature squeezed anisocontoursurfaceofthe3Dspace(orPoincar´espace) states are simultaneously and independently generated. of Q(J,n) is seen, as well as the projections of this sur- The emerging pulses’ intensities are set to be identical face. The ellipsoidal shape of the polarization squeezed and they are aligned to temporally overlap. The fiber’s state is clearly visible. The antisqueezed direction of the polarization axes exhibit a strong birefringence (beat ellipsoid is dominated by excess noise stemming largely length 1.67 mm) that must be compensated. To mini- from Guided Acoustic Brillouin Scattering (GAWBS), mizepost-fiberlosses,weprecompensatethepulsesinan which is characteristic for squeezed states generated in unbalancedMichelson-likeinterferometerthatintroduces optical fibers. Note that this reconstruction of an in- a tunable delay between the polarizations [19]. A small tense Kerrsqueezed state is very hard with conventional part (0.1 %) of the fiber output serves as the input to a homodyne detection techniques for quadrature variables controllooptomaintainaπ/2relativephasebetweenthe due to the high intensities. The projection of the ellip- exiting pulses, producing a circularly polarized beam. soid on the plane J2-J3 results in an ellipse (and not SincetheKerreffectisphoton-numberconserving,the a circle) because of imperfect polarization contrast in amplitude fluctuations of the two individual modes H the measurement setup. As the classical excitation of andV areattheshot-noiselevel. Thiswascheckedusing the state is in the J2 direction, one expects to reach the a coherent beam from the laser and employing balanced shot-noise limit in this projection. After the interference detection. The average output power from the fiber was at the PBS all intensity impinges on only one detector. 13mWwhich,withthebandwidthdefinitionofourquan- However, with limited polarization contrast some parts tum state, correspondsto anaveragenumber of photons of the > 25 dB excess noise from the dark output port of 1011 per 1 µs. The Kerr effect in fused silica gener- can be mixed into the intense beam. Acting as a homo- ates squeezing up to some Terahertz, making the choice dyne measurement this will be visible in the noise of the of the sideband in principle arbitrary. The wave plates detector. inthemeasurementapparatuswererotatedbymotorized In Fig. 3 we compare the isocontoursurface plots of a stages. ThesescannedonequarterofthePoincar´esphere coherent and a polarization squeezed state for the value in64stepsforφ(0◦−22.5◦)and65stepsforθ(0◦−45◦), corresponding to half width at half maximum. The size 4 from the EU (COVAQIAL No FP6-511004),CONACyT (Grant 45704), and DGI (Grant FIS2005-0671)is grate- fully acknowledged. M. V. Ch. was supported by DFG FIG. 3: (Color online) Meridional sections of the isocontour (Grants 436 RUS 17-75-05and 436 RUS 17-76-06). surfaceplotsoftheQfunctionforacoherentstate(blue)and a polarization squeezed state (red). of the contours agree with the 6.2 ± 0.3 dB squeezing [1] R. G. Newton and B. L. Young, Ann. Phys. (N. Y.) 49, that was directly measured with a spectrum analyzer. 393(1968);W.BandandJ.L.Park,Found.Phys.1,133 By summing over all the values of J, we can obtain (1970);J.BertrandandP.Bertrand,ibid 17,397(1987); the total Q(n), which is a probability distribution over K. Vogel and H. Risken,Phys. Rev.A 40, 2847 (1989). the Poincar´e unit sphere and is properly normalized. In [2] D.T.Smithey,M.Beck,M.G.Raymer,andA.Faridani, Fig. 4 we have plotted such a function for the squeezed Phys. Rev.Lett. 70, 1244 (1993). state. 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