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Quantum Probability and Applications V: Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop, held in Heidelberg, FRG, Sept. 26–30, 1988 PDF

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Preview Quantum Probability and Applications V: Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop, held in Heidelberg, FRG, Sept. 26–30, 1988

Lecture Notes ni Mathematics yb detidE .A ,dloD .B nnamkcE dna E snekaT 1442 .L Accardi W. nov Waldenfels (Eds.) Quantum ytilibaborP dna snoitacilppA V sgnideecorP fo eht htruoF ,pohskroW dleh ni ,grebledieH ,GRF .tpeS 26-30, 8891 Springer-Verlag New Heidelberg Berlin kroY London Paris oykoT Hong Kong anolecraB F_~litors Luigi Accardi Dipartimento di Matematica, Universit& di Roma II Via OrazioR aimondo, 00173 Rome, Italy Wilhelm yon Waldenfels Institut fL]r Angewandte Mathematik Universit~t Heidelberg Im Neuenheimer Feld 294 6900 Heidelberg, Federal Republic ofG ermany Mathematics Subject Classification (1980): 46LXX, 47DXX, 58Fll, 60FXX, 60GXX, 60HXX, 60JXX, 82A15 ISBN 3-540-53026-6 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York ISBN 0-38?-53026-6 Springer-Verlag NewYork Berlin Heidelberg sihT work si tcejbus to .thgirypoc All sthgir era ,devreser the of part or whole the whether lairetam si ,denrecnoc of rights the specifically ,noitalsnart ,gnitnirper esu-er of ,snoitartsulli ,noitaticer ,gnitsacdaorb noitcudorper no smliforcim or ni other ,syaw dna storage ni data .sknab noitacilpuD of this noitacilbup or strap thereof si only dettimrep the under snoisivorp the of namreG Copyright Law of September ni ,9 ,5691 sti current ,noisrev dna paid. be always must fee copyright a snoitaloiV the under fall noitucesorp act of Copyright German the .waL © galreV-regndpS Heidelberg Berlin t990 detnirP ni ynamreG gnitnirP dna binding: suahkcurD Beltz, .rtsgreB/hcabsmeH 214613140.543210- detnirP paper acid-free on INTRODUCTION This volume, the fifth one of the quantum probability series, contains the proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Quantum Probability, held in Heidelberg, September 26-30, .8891 The workshop was made possible by the support of the Deutsche Forschungsgemein- schaft (Sonderforschungsbereich 123, University of Heidelberg) and of the Centro Vol- terra, University of Rome II. We are glad to thank all the participants for their contributions to the present volume and for their contributions in discussions and conversations. Luigi Accardi Wilhelm von Waldenfels TABLE OF CONTENTS .L ACCARDI, A. FRIGERIO, L.Y. GANG, Quantum Langevin Equation in the Weak Coupling Limit L. ACCARDI, L.Y. GANG, On the Low Density Limit of Boson Models 17 .L ACCARDI, R.L. HUDSON, Quantum Stochastic Flows and Non 54 Abelian Cohomology .D APPELBAUM, Quantum Diffusions on Involutive Algebras 70 A. BARCHIELLI, Some Markov Semigroups in Quantum Probability 86 .V BELAVKIN, A Quantum Stochastic Calculus in Fock Space of 99 Input and Output Nondemolitlon Processes C. CECCHINI, .B KOMMERER, Stochastic Transitions on Preduals 126 of yon Neumann Algebras F. FAGNOLA, Quantum Stochastic Calculus and a Boson Levy 131 Theorem K.-H. FICHTNER, .U SCHREITER, Locally Independent Boson Systems 145 A. FRIGERIO, Time-Inhomogeneous and Nonlinear Quantum 162 Evolutions .D GODERIS, A. VERBEURE, .P VETS, Quantum Central Limit and 178 Coarse Graining G.C. HEGERFELDT, An Open Problem in Quantum Shot Noise 194 .E HENSZ, A Method of Operator Estimation and a Strong Law 204 of Large Numbers in yon Neumann Algebras A.S. HOLEVO, An Analog of the Ito Decomposition for 211 Multiplicative Processes with Values in a Lie Group R.L. HUDSON, .P SHEPPERSON, Stochastic Dilations of Quantum 216 Dynamical Semlgroups Using One-dlmensional Quantum Stochastic Calculus G.-L. INGOLD, .H GRABERT, Sluggish Decay of Preparation 219 Effects in Low Temperature Quantum systems VJ .R JAJTE, Almost Sure Convergence of Iterates of Contractions 231 in Noncommutative L2-Spaces J.M. LINDSAY, H. MAASSEN, Duality Transform as *-Algebraic 247 Isomorphism J.M. LINDSAY, K.R. PARTHASARATHY, Rigidity of the Poisson 251 Convolution H. MAASSEN, A Discrete Entropic Uncertainty Relation 263 B. NACHTERGAELE, Working with Quantum Markov States and their 267 Classical Analogues H. NARNHOFER, Dynamical Entropy, Quantum K-Systems and 286 Clustering K.R. PARTHASARATHY, A Continuous Time Version of Stinespring's 296 Theorem on Completely Positive Maps A. PAS~KIEWICZ, The Topology of the Convergence in Probability 301 in a W -Algebra is Normal D. PETZ, First Steps Towards a Donsker and Varadhan Theory 311 in Operator Algebras S. PULMANNOVA, Quantum Conditional Probability Spaces 320 P. ROBINSON, Quantum Diffusions on the Rotation Algebras 326 and the Quantum Hall Effect J.-L. SAUVAGEOT, Quantum Dirichlet Forms, Differential 334 Calculus and Semigroups M. SCHORMANN, Gaussian States on Bialgebras 347 G.L. SEWELL, Quantum Macrostatistics and Irreversible 863 Thermodynamics A.G. SHUHOV, Y.M. SUHOV, Correction to the Hydrodynamical 384 Approximation for Groups of Bogoljubov Transformations S.J. SUMMERS, Bell's Inequalities and Quantum Field Theory 393 QUANTUM LANGEVIN EQUATION IN mE %7£AK COUPLING LIMIT Luigi Accardi , Alberto Frigerio , and Lu Yun-Gang Centro Matematico .V Volterra, Dipartimento di Matematica, II Universit& di Rome, 00173 La Romanina, Roma, Italy. Dipartimento di Matematica e Lnformatica, Universit& di Udine, 33100 Udine, Italy. On leave from Department of Mathematics, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, P.R. China. O. Introduction This work is part of a series of papers [2,3,4] where, expanding some heuristic ideas in [11], we develop the theory of the weak coupling limit for open quantum systems. It has been known for fifteen years that the reduced dynamics of an open quantum system converges to a quantum dynamical semigroup in the weak coupling limit (coupling constant ~ -+ 0 , microscopic time s >-- ~ , with macroscopic time t = X2s held constant) [18,6]. e)% investigate whether and in which sense the full time evolution of an open quantum system converges, in the weak coupling limit, to an evolution driven by quantum Brownian motion [16,14,15]. In [2] we obtained rigorous results for the time (k) evolution operator U ; in [3] we studied the time evolved t/k 2 (~) CA)+ Ck) CA) observables j (X) = U (X ~ I)U , and we proved that j tlA ~ tl~ 2 tl~ = t/A = converges to a quantum diffusion j [10] governed by a quantum t Langevin equation, Here we wish to present the results of [3] in a self-contained way. To this end we adopt a method of proof which is simpler than the one of [3], by reducing the problem to a time-dependent generalization of the derivation of a quantum dynamical semigroup in the weak coupling limit [18,6]. However, the price to be paid for this simplification is that the present method is specific for boson reservoirs with linear coupling to the system of interest, whereas the method of [3] is suitable for generalization to the fermion case [4], to more general interactions, and to the low density limit [9,5]. .1 Notations and Preliminaries .............................. ~e consider a quantum system 5, with associated Hilbert space and Hamiltonian H, coupled to another quantum system , ~ 5 with Hilbert space ~" and Hamiltonian 'H , by an interaction kV, where the coupling constant ~ is assumed to be "small". All Hilbert spaces in this paper will be understood to be separable. 5 is spatially confined, meaning that the Hamiltonian H is self-adjoint in ~ , bounded from below, and such that exp[-~H] is trace class for all positive ~. ~ 5 is an infinitely extended quasi-free boson system, meaning that ~ = F(~ ) is the symmetric Fock space over 1 the one-particle Hilbert space ~ , and ~ = H dF(H ) is the I I differential second quantization of the one-particle Hamiltonian H , a non-negative self-adjoint operator in ~ with Lebesgue 1 1 spectrum. e)% shall also assume that there exists a nonzero (nonclosed) linear subspace K of ~ such that, for all f,g 6 K , we have 1 1 I I+~ l<f,exp[iH t]g> I dt < + ~ (I.I) -~ 1 The annihilation and creation operators in ~' corresponding to the + test functions f in ~ will be denoted by a(f), a (f); they 1 + satisfy the CCR [a(f),a (g)] = <f,g> and a(f)~ = O, where o o is the Fock vacuum vector. By doubling the space ~ to ~ ~ ~ , ~ denoting the 1 1 1 1 conjugate space to ~ , this formalism allows us to consider also I a representation of the CCR algebra determined by a gauge-invariant quasi-free state w which is stationary under the time evolution Q determined by H'. Specifically, let Q be a positive self-adjoint operator in ~ , commuting strongly with H and satisfying Q ~ 1, 1 1 and let w be determined by Q + + W (a(f)a (g)) = <f,~(Q+l)~> , w Ca (g)a(f)) = <f,~(Q-1)~> Q Q + Then a(f) is represented by n Ca(f)) = a(Q f ~ O) + a (0 ~ Q f) , Q + where Q = [~(Q+I)] , Q = [~(Q-1)] ~ 41.2) + + + we have indeed <~ ,n (a(f))n (a (g))® > = w (a(f)a (g)) : f,g £ H . o Q Q ° Q 1 e)% identify ~ and ~ as sets, assuming that ~ is mapped onto 1 1 1 1 by a conjugation commuting with H and with Q , so that 1 Q exp[iH t]f • Q exp[iH t]f = exp[iH t]Q f e exp[-iH t]Q f . + 1 1 1 * 1 The interaction V between 5 and S' is assumed to be of the form n + + V = i ~ [B ® a (g) - B ® a(g ]) , 41.3) j=l j j j j where B ,...,B are bounded operators on H, g ,...,g £ K , and where 1 n 1 n I [H,B ] = - w B , w > 0 : j = 1,...,n (I.4) J J J J <g ,exp[iH t]g > = 0 for all t if j % k (1.5) j 1 k Such interactions arise in the so-called rotating wave approximation. In order to derive a reduced dynamics for the observables of S, we assume that the initial state of S' is a gauge-invariant quasi-frce state w Again, by doubling ~ to ~ B( ~ and the set of Q 1 1 I indices (I,... ,n) to [I,... ,2n) , we can reduce this to the case where the initial state of ' S is the rock vacuum: the new expression of the interaction V becomes 2n + " + V = i X [B )~ a (g) - B @ a(g )] , (1.6) j=1 J j j j ~ ÷ where g = Q g S 0 , g = 0 • Q g , and where B = B : j + j n+j - j n+j j j = 1,...,n . In this and in the following two Sections, tildes will be dropped and 2n will be called n again. Let H = H + H' + XV ( = H @ I + I ~ ' H + AV) be the total X Hamiltonian for the composite system 5 + 5' , and let H = H A=O o Let also (X) U = exp[iH t] exp[-iH t] : t >- 0 (1.7) t ° X be the time evolution operators, in the interaction picture, for state vectors in H~[ ~ '{}~ Then it has been shown [18,6] that, for all u , v in IH and for all X in B(~) , one has CA)+ (k) lira <u ~ ® ,U (X @ I)U v @ ~ > = <u,T (X)v> , (1.8) X-~O t/~2 t/X2 t o o where (T : t >- O) is a quantum dynamical semigroup (in the sense t of [12,17], or a quantum Markovian semigroup in the sense of [1]) whose infinitesimal generator L is given by n + + L(X) = ( Z c (w) B X B ) + K X + X K , (1.9) j=1 j j j j where c (w) = - <g ,exp[i(H - w )t]g > dt ( >- 0 ) (1.10) j j 2 -- j I j j and where n K = - X <g )exp[i(H - w )t] E > dt B B (1.11) j=l ~ j I j j j j 2. Statement of main result ............................. In our previous paper [2] we have shown that there is a precise (X) sense in which U (defined by (I,7)) converges as A >-- 0 to tlX ~ the solution U(t) of a quantum stochastic differential equation (QSDE; in the sense of [16]) of the form n + + dU(t) ( ~ [B dA (t) - B dA (t)] + K dr) U(t) (2.1) j:l j j j j ÷ with U(O) = I ~ where (A (t), A (t) : t ~ 0 , j = 1~...,n] are J J mutually independent rock quantum Brownian motions satisfying + dA (t) dA (t) = 6 c (w) dt (2.2) j k jk j j and where K is given by (1.11) (actually, the proof in [2] is just for the case n = 1 , but an extension to arbitrary n can be easily given). In the present paper, like in [3], we shall prove that there is a precise sense in which (k) (X)÷ (k) j (X) :: U (X ® 1) U : X £ B(~4) (2.3) tlX 2 tlX2 tlA • converges as ~ -~ 0 to + j (X) := U (t) (X ~ 1)U(t) : X E B (CH) , (2.4) t where U(t) is the solution of the QSDE (2.1): j is a quantum t diffusion (in the sense of [I0]) satisfying the following quantum Langevin equation:

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