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Quantum Probability Stanley P. Gudder Department of Mathematics and Computer Science University of Denver Denver, Colorado ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers . Boston San Diego New York Berkeley London Sydney Tokyo Toronto Copyright © 1988 by Academic Press, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. 1250 Sixth Avenue, San Diego, CA 92101 United Kingdom Edition published by ACADEMIC PRESS INC. (LONDON) LTD. 24-28 Oval Road, London NW1 7DX Text preparation by Paula Spiegel Gudder with TgX using Textures. TgX is a trademark of the American Mathematical Society. Textures is produced by Kellerman & Smith. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Gudder, Stanley. Quantum probability / Stanley P. Gudder. p. cm. —(Probability and mathematical statistics) Bibliography: p. Includes index. ISBN 0-12-305340-4 1. Probabilities. 2. Mathematical physics. 3. Quantum theory. 4. Statistics. 5. Stochastic processes. 6. Multivariate analysis. I. Title. II. Series. QC20.7.P7G83 1988 530.1'2-dcl9 88-21728 CIP Printed in the United States of America 88 89 90 91 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 I TO OUR CHILDREN DOLLY GAIL MICHAEL WALTER JOEY AND TO CHARLEY'S MEMORY Preface It is sometimes stated that there is a kind of uncertainty principle in the foundations of physics. The greater the mathematical rigor, the less is the physical content and understanding [Geroch, 1985]. Although one can site evidence for this contention, we agree with R. Geroch that such an atti­ tude causes more harm than good. The fact is that mathematical rigor not only guarantees the correctness of ones results, it provides insights for the direction to proceed to attain new results. Precise definitions and theo­ rems eliminate the possibility of misunderstanding and provide a language in which physical concepts can be phrased. In order for physical intuition to be reliable, it must be guided by mathematical precision. In fact, it is probably true that physical intuition only comes after a mathematical model is developed. It is not our intention to downplay physical intuition and concepts. These are extremely important for constructing mathemat­ ical models describing physical systems. The point is that they can not replace mathematical rigor. Of course, the ultimate judge of a model is nature itself, and this judgement is manifested by experiment. The time proven method for a rigorous foundational development is the axiomatic method. In constructing a physical theory, the axioms must be carefully and delicately chosen. A slight variation in the axioms at the foundation of a theory can result in huge changes at the frontier. Two different axiomatic structures may be relatively indistinguishable near their foundations but they must either diverge as one approaches the frontiers or one must entirely subsume the other. There are many contending axiomatic bases for quantum mechanics. Historically, the first axiomatic framework to be developed was the tra­ ditional approach [Böhm, 1951; Born, 1937; Dirac, 1930; Eisberg and ix X QUANTUM PROBABILITY Resnick, 1985; Heisenberg, 1930; Prugovecki, 1971; Schrödinger, 1928; von Neumann, 1955]. The traditional approach is based upon the structure of Hubert space and its self-adjoint operators. It is the textbook frame­ work and the one that is most used by the working physicist. There is the quantum logic approach [Beltrametti and Cassinelli, 1981; Birkhoff and von Neumann, 1936; Bodiou, 1964; Gudder, 1979; Jauch, 1968; Mackey, 1963; Piron, 1976; Varadarajan, 1968, 1970] which investigates the proper­ ties of experimental propositions. Although the word "logic" appears in its name, this framework is not intended as a modification of the logic of our thought processes. The algebraic approach [Emch, 1972; Haag and Kastler, 1964; Jordan, von Neumann and Wigner, 1934; Segal, 1974] studies the al­ gebra of observables for a quantum system. Its methods are based on the structure of C* and W*-algebras. It is interesting to note the important role played by John von Neumann in all three of the above approaches. The convexity or operational approach [Davies, 1976; Davies and Lewis, 1970; Edwards, 1970; Ludwig, 1983, 1985; Mielnik, 1968, 1969] studies the convex set of states. It relies on the structure of base normed spaces and order unit spaces. The hidden variables approach [Belifante, 1973; Böhm and Bub, 1966a, 1966b; Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen, 1935; Groblicki, 1984; Gudder, 1970, 1979, 1985; Pitowski, 1982, 1983a, 1983b] goes back to the early days of quantum mechanics and has attained a recent revival. It is based on the existence of an underlying objective physical reality. Probably the latest attempt at an axiomatic framework for quantum me­ chanics is the operational statistics approach [Foulis and Randall, 1972, 1974, 1978, 1981, 1985; Randall and Foulis, 1973, 1981, 1983; Cook, 1985; Fischer and Rüttimann, 1978]. This framework develops the properties of physical operations and is designed to be a language of discourse for the empirical sciences. Each of these approaches has its own school of investigators and its own vast literature. Each approach has its limited successes and advantages, yet none seem to clearly dominate the others. Is this telling us something? Should we once again venture into the foundations of quantum mechanics and attempt to discern its axiomatic content? Our main guide in such an attempt would be the following question. What is the essence of quantum mechanics? In other words, does quantum mechanics possess fundamental properties, concepts or relations which describe it uniquely? This guide has worked in the past. For example, classical mechanics is based upon New­ ton's laws, electrodynamics upon Maxwell's equations, special relativity upon Lorentz invariance. Each of the approaches in the previous para- PREFACE XI graph has its primitive undefined elements and coresponding properties possessed by these elements. How do we know that these elements capture the essential features of quantum mechanics? Are there other possibilities that might be more successful? There is yet another approach that we have not mentioned. This is a technique developed by R. Feynman and others, called the path integral for­ malism [Feynman, 1948, 1949; Feynman and Hibbs, 1965; Schulman, 1981; Schweber, 1961]. Unfortunately, except for certain special cases, this for­ malism is not mathematically rigorous, so it is not a true axiomatic model. Despite this, it has enjoyed some important successes. It has provided quantitative predictions in quantum electrodynamics that agree remark­ ably with experiment. It is still the most important computational tool for quantum systems with infinitely many degrees of freedom. The path integral formalism provides much shorter and cleaner methods than the more elegant and rigorous quantum field theory which is based upon the algebraic and traditional approaches. For these reasons, the path integral formalism must contain at least some of the essence of quantum mechanics. According to Feynman, the basic features of quantum mechanics are the following. First, quantum mechanics must be described by a probabilistic theory. But unlike classical probability theory, quantum theory can possess outcomes that interfere with each other. Two outcomes are thought of as interfering if they can not be distinguished without disturbing the system. The main feature of quantum mechanics is the way that probabilities are computed. In classical probability theory, roughly speaking, the state of a system is determined by a probability function and one computes the prob­ ability of an event by summing the probabilities of the outcomes composing that event. However, in quantum probability theory, the state of a system is determined by a complex-valued function A on the outcome space (or sample space). We call A an amplitude function. If the outcomes of an event E = {#i, #2? · · ·} interfere, the probability P(E) of E is computed by Ρ(Ε) = \ΣΑ( )\2. Χί If the outcomes do not interfere, then Ρ(Ε) = Σ\Α(χ)\2. ί In the second case we essentially obtain classical probability theory. In the first case, P(E) decomposes into the sum of two parts. One part is the classical counterpart and the other, which consists of the crossterms, Xll QUANTUM PROBABILITY provides a constructive or destructive interference which is similar to a wave phenomenon and is characteristic of quantum mechanics. Thus, the basic axiom of the path integral formalism is that the state of a quantum system is determined by an amplitude function A (or more generally by a transition amplitude function) and that the probability of a set of interfering outcomes {rci, #2> · · ·} is 2 ΙΣ^Μ · This point has been missed by the above axiomatic approaches and in this sense they have missed the essence of quantum mechanics. Of course, this essence can be regained by adjoining an amplitude function axiom to the other axioms of a system and we shall discuss such possibilities. But then the axiomatic system is stronger than necessary and might exclude important cases. It would be better to use the amplitude function and its properties as the only axioms of the system. According to Feynman, nobody really understands quantum mechanics. By this, I think he means that nobody understands why nature has chosen to compute probabilities in this strange way. But nothing prevents us from accepting this fact and using it as our basic axiom. Paraphrasing Goethe, a creative person is someone that can change a problem into a postulate. The reader is assumed to have a basic knowledge of measure theory and functional analysis. A knowledge of probability theory and quantum me­ chanics is not assumed and these subjects will be surveyed in Chapters 1 and 2. Chapter 3 presents operational statistics and this will provide us with a language upon which later discussions can be based. Chapter 4 develops the basic axiomatic model for our approach to quantum proba­ bility theory. The last three chapters (5, 6, 7) discuss applications of the model. These applications include generalized measure theory, probability manifolds, and discrete quantum mechanics. 1 Classical Probability Theory As its name suggests, quantum probability theory has two main ingredients, probability theory and quantum mechanics. To understand how to combine these two ingredients we shall need a background knowledge of each. We begin with brief surveys of the orthodox approaches to these two subjects. The present chapter discusses classical probability theory and the next chapter discusses traditional quantum mechanics. Classical probability theory is a vast subject in its own right. There are many monographs, textbooks, and journal articles devoted to its theoretical aspects and practical applications. Since it is not possible to survey the subject completely in one chapter, we shall concentrate mainly on those areas which will be of interest in our later work. 1.1 Probability Spaces and Random Variables Although we assume that the reader is familiar with measure theory and the basics of functional analysis, we shall frequently review definitions and results from these fields as they are needed. If X is a set, a σ-algebra of subsets of X is a collection of subsets which contains the empty set 0 and is closed under the formation of complements and countable unions. If X is a nonempty set and Σ is a σ-algebra of subsets of X, then the pair (X, Σ) is called a measurable space. In probability theory, X represents 1 2 QUANTUM PROBABILITY the set of individual outcomes for a probabilistic experiment and is called a sample space, while Σ represents the collection of outcome sets to which probabilities can be assigned. The sets in Σ are called events. A nonnega­ tive function μ on Σ satisfying μ{Χ) = 1 and μ(1)Α ) = Σμ(Α ) whenever η η A e Σ and A Π A = 0 for n φ ra, is called a probability measure. We n n m call μ(Α) the probability that the event A occurs. If (X, Σ) is a measureable space and μ is a probability measure on Σ, then the triple (X, Σ, μ) is called a probability space. Although a probability measure satisfies the countable additivity condi­ tion μ(υΑ») = Σμ(Α{) for mutually disjoint events A^ what do we do if the JVS are not disjoint? If there are only finitely many A^s, then a use­ ful result of elementary probability theory called the inclusion-exclusion formula can be applied. This formula, which can easily be proved by in­ duction, states the following μ(Α U · · · U A ) = Σ »(A*) - Σ ^Ai Π Αΐ) χ n i i<j + £ μ{ΑΓ\Α,ΠΑ ) ί Η i<j<k -...(-1)η+1μ(Α η···ΠΑ ). 1 η Example 1.1. The hats of n men are mixed and each man selects a hat at random. What is the probability that at least one man selects his own hat? Solution. We first construct a mathematical model for this probabilistic experiment. Let us suppose that the men and their hats are numbered 1,2,..., n. We represent an outcome of this experiment by a vector with n entries where the i-th entry is the number of the hat selected by the i-th man. The sample space X is the set whose elements are these n! different vectors. We take the σ-algebra Σ of events to be the power set P(X)· Since hats are selected at random we take the probability of an outcome to be 1/n!. It follows that the probability of any A G Σ is where \A\ is the cardinality of A. Now let Ai be the event that the i-th man selects his own hat, i = 1,..., n. Thus Ai consists of all vectors in X whose i-th entry is i. Apply­ ing the inclusion-exclusion formula, the probabiUty that at least one man PROBABILITY SPACES AND RANDOM VARIABLES 3 selects his own hat becomes *=1 t t<,; *<j<A: ~...(-ΐ)η+νμιΠ..·ηΑ ). η The event (Α^ Π · · · Π Af.) that each of the j men ii,..., ij selects his own hat can occur in (n — j)\ ways since for the remaining n — j men, the first can select any ofn — j hats, the second can select any of n — (j + 1) hats, and so forth. Hence, μ(Α η···η^) = ^ ^. <1 Since there are (£) = n\/j\(n — j)\ terms in the sum J] μί^η.-η^) this sum must equal (£)(w — j)!/n' = Vj' · Hence, KUAj-i-a+s-'-'-^ia) and this is the desired result. Notice that as n —► oo we have l i m ^ ( U ^ ) = ^ ^_ = l-e-1« 0.63245. Π n i=l <=1 Let (X, Σ, μ) be a probability space. A real valued function /: X —► R which is measurable with respect to Σ is called a random variable. If / \f\dß < oo, then the number E(f) = Jfdß is called the expectation or mean of the random variable /. Given an A € Σ there is a particularly simple random variable corresponding to A. The indicator function ΦΑ is defined to be the random variable that is 1 on A and 0 on the complement Ac of A. Now let (ΛΊ, Σι) be a measurable space and suppose h: X —► Xi

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