Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York Barcelona Budapest Hong Kong London Milan Paris Santa Clara Singapore Tokyo Lecture Notes in Chemistry 67 Edited by: Prof. Dr. Gaston Berthier Universit~ de Paris Prof. Dr. Hanns Fischer Universitllt ZUrich Prof. Dr. Kenichi Fukui Kyoto University Prof. Dr. George G. Hall University of Nottingham Prof. Dr. JUrgen Hinze Universitllt Bielefeld Prof. Dr. Joshua Jortner Tel-Aviv University Prof. Dr. Werner Kutzelnigg Universitllt Bochum Prof. Dr. Klaus Ruedenberg Iowa State University Prof Dr. Jacopo Tomasi Universitl di Pisa c. Pisani (Ed.) Quantum-Mechanical Ab-initio Calculation of the Properties of Crystalline Materials Springer Editor Professor Cesare Pisani University of Torino Department of Inorganic, Physical and Materials Chemistry Via Giuria 5, 1-10125 Torino Italy Library of Congress Cataloging-In-Publication Data School of COMputational CheMistry of the Italian CheMical SOCiety (4th : 1994 : Torino. Italy) QuantUM-mechanical ab-Inltlo calculation of the properties of crystalline materials: proceedings of the IV School of Computational Chemistry of the Italian Chemical Society I C. Pisani. editor. p. em. Fourth School of Computational Chemistry of the Italian Chemical Society. held In Torino on 19-24 September 1994.--Forward Includes bibliographical references and Index. ISBN-13: 978-3-540-61645-0 1. Solid state phySlcs--Congresses. 2. Crystals--Congresses. 3. Quantum chemlstry--Congresses. I. Pisani. C. II. Title. QC176.A1S33 1994 530.4' 13--DC20 96-36109 CIP ISSN 0342-4901 ISBN-13: 978-3-540-61645-0 e-ISBN-13: 978-3-642-61478-1 DOl: 10.1007/978-3-642-61478-1 This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations. recitation, broadcasting. reproduction on microfilms or in any other way. and storage in data banks. Duplication of this publication or parts thereof is permitted only under the provisions of the German Copyright Law of September 9, 1965, in its current version, and permission for use must always be obtained from Springer-Verlag. Violations are liable for prosecution under the German Copyright Law. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1996 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York a member of BertelsmannSpringer Science+Business Media GmbH The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks. etc. in this publication does not imply. even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. Typesetting: Camera ready by author/editor SPIN: 10850203 5213142 -54321 -Printed on acid-free paper Foreword Many powerful computer codes exist in the field of molecular chemistry, based on ab initio quantum mechanical techniques. They can predict many properties of small- and medium-sized molecules with reasonable accuracy and at comparatively low cost. Their use has become common practice in the last ten years in many areas of activity, particularly in experimental chemical research, both in academic and in industrial environments. The situation is much less advanced in the parallel field of condensed-matter studies. This is not due ~ a lack of potential interest: the development of new materials is one of the areas where the rate of progress is most rapid, and the amount of financial investment is largest. Materials for electronic and mechanical applications are in most cases crystalline structures, perfect or with controlled dosage of defects, whose properties cannot be understood without reference to an accurate description of the system at an atomic scale. The intrinsic difficulty of handling systems of potentially infinite size explains only in part why crystalline studies are so far behind the current frontier of molecular quantum chemistry, a gap which presently is about fifteen years. Another possible reason may be that theoretical chemists have developed over many decades widely accepted interpretative schemes, a relatively standard language, a number of practical tools, good books and excellent computer codes so that having access to that technology does not require a very high-level entry point. On the other hand, making the wealth of knowledge embodied in stan dard solid-state theory compatible with an atomic-scale description of condensed systems is still an open problem. The question is how to transfer concepts and results from a "quantum-chemical" description of crystals to the parameterized world of solid-state physicists, and vice-versa. Furthermore, the research 8lld development effort which is being devoted to the implementation of pow erful and user-friendly codes tor the study of crystalline properties is curiously enough much less intensive than that devoted to the production of new molecular codes, and in the improvement of existing ones whose performance is already excellent. It is thus not surprising that the molecular cluster model, which can utilize standard codes with only minor modifications, is at present the favourite tool for quantum mechanical investigations of the properties of crystals and their surfaces. We now have the opportunity to change this state of affairs. There are a number of general-purpose, rea sonably accurate and well-tested Qb initio computer codes for crystals which are available to the scientific community. The rate of their improvement depends, in a sense, on their circulation, on the criticisms they receive and on the suggestions which are derived from their use. It is also very important that the various groups active in this field are open to unbiased comparison of the merits and drawbacks of their proposals, both as concerns basic ideas and approximations, and actual implementation of computer codes. Schools and workshops can play a useful role to this effect, by teaching young people active in the field of Material Science how to exploit these new powerful tools. The present book contains the Proceedings of the Fourth School of Computational Chemistry, organized by the Interdivisional Computer Chem istry Group (GICC) of the Italian Chemical Society, and held in Torino on 19-24 September 1994, whose schedule is reported in Appendix A. Only the morning lectures (with few exceptions) are reproduced here, the afternoons being devoted to practical exercises performed by the students with use of the three codes available at the School, and described in Part 3. VI The texts of the lectures can give only part of the information which can be obtained at a School through the possibility of practicing with the different programs, and from the contact ""ith their authors. They nevertheless represent, on the whole, a useful introduction to the field, a reference for deeper study of certain specific subjects, and an objective body of information concerning the state-of-the-art in ab-initio simulations of the quantum-mechanical properties of crystalline materials. Part One (Chapters 1-3) of the book provides a general introduction to the subject, addressed particularly to readers with a general knowledge in quantum chemistry, but not much confidence in solid state theory and its concepts. Part Two (Chapters 4-1) is intended to give a deeper insight into the special algorithms and compu tational techniques which are currently adopted in ab initio computer codes for crystals. Part Three (Chapters 8-10) presents in parallel three different programs which are available to all interested potential users on request, and based on very different approaches. These presentations may help newcomers in the field to understand the meaning hidden in the acronyms, and to choose the most suitable tool for their needs. Finally, Part Four (Chapters 11-16) is an attempt to show what kind of information on the observ able properties of condensed systems can be obtained from ab initio quantum-mechanical calculations. In particular, Resta's contribution demonstrates that important observables have become accessible to simulation, using quite unconventional new approaches. The last chapter, devoted to the hot topics of superconductivity, shows the importance of finding the connection between the results of ab initio calcu lations and high-quality theoretical schemes using parameterized Hamiltonians. The publishing of these notes and their distribution to all the students of the above mentioned School has been possible thanks to the support of the Italian CNR (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche). A preliminary draft of these Proceedings has been distributed among attendants of the 1995 School organized under contract CHRX-CI'93-0155 of the Human Capital &: Mobility Programme of the Eur<> pean Community, which has provided additional funding for the work of revision. I would finally like to thank Dr. Fiona Healy, who has read the manuscripts with patience and in telligence, and corrected their English, when necessary and when possible. Cesare Pisani Torino, May 1996 Contents 1 D. Viterbo: Crystal Lattices and Crystal Symmetry 1 2 R. Dovesi: The Language of Band Theory 31 3 C. Pisani: Ab-Initio Approaches to the Quantum-Mechanical Treatment of Periodic Systems 41 4 A. Dal Corso: Reciprocal Space Integration and Special-Point Techniques 11 5 M. Causl: Numerical Integration in Density Functional Methods with Linear Combination of Atomic Orbitals 91 6 E. Aprl: Hartree-Fock Treatment of Spin-Polarized Crystals 101 1 N .M. Harrison: The Quantum Theory of Periodic Systems on Modern Computers 113 8 C. Roetti: The CRYSTAL Code 125 9 K. Schwarz and P. Blaha: Description of an LAPW DF Program (WIEN95) 139 10 A. Dal Corso: A Pseudopotential Plane Waves Program (PWSCF) and some Case Studies 155 11 R. Dovesi: Total Energy and Related Properties 119 12 M. Catti: Lattice Dynamics and Thermodynamic Properties 209 13 C. Pisani: Loss of Symmetry in Crystals: Surfaces and Local Defects 221 14 W. Weyrich: One-Electron Density Matrices and Related Observables 245 15 R. Resta: Macroscopic Dielectric Polarization: Hartree-Fock Theory 213 16 M. Rasetti: The Hubbard Models and Superconductivity 289 A Schedule of the 1994 GICC School of Computational Chemistry 321 B Subject Index 323 C List of Acronyms 328 Crystal Lattices and Crystal Symmetry Davide Viterbo Department of Inorganic, Physical and Materials Chemistry, University of Torino, via Giuria 7,1-10125 Torino, Italy June 4,1996 Summary. The basic concepts of the geometrical representation of crystalline solids and of their symmetry are outlined. The combination of periodic trans lational symmetry (describing crystal lattices) with other symmetry elements (rotation axes, mirror planes, inversion centers, etc.) is described as the basis of the space group theory. Key words: Crystal Lattice - Translational Symmetry - Unit Cell - Crystal Structure - Crystallographic Rows and Planes - Metric Tensor - Reciprocal Lat tice - Symmetry Operators - Symmetry Elements - Point Groups - Symmetry Classes - Laue Classes - Crystal Systems - Bravais Lattices - Space Groups 1. Lattice geometry 1.1. Lattices Crystalline solids, as confirmed by evidence from several experiments (the anisotropy of their physical properties, diffraction, etc.), may be described as or dered repetitions of atoms or groups of atoms in three dimensions. Translational periodicity in crystals may be conveniently studied by focusing our attention on the geometry of the repetition rather than on the repeating motif. In an ideal crystal, all repeating units are identical and we may say that they are related by translational symmetry operations, corresponding to the set of vectors: T=ua+vb+wc (1) where u, v and ware three integers ranging from minus infinity to plus infinity, zero included, and a, band c are three non-coplanar vectors defining the basis of the three-dimensional space. Real crystals may present more or less marked 2 Davide Viterbo Figure 1. A three-dimenaionallattice, showing a unit cell (heavy lines). deviations from this ideal, perfect order. The set of points at the ends of all the translation vectors T forms a three-dimensional lattice and the points are called lattice nodes (Figure 1). The three integers u, v and w defining a given vector, are the corresponding coordinates of the node in the reference system defined by a, b and c. The parallelepiped formed by these three basis vectors is called the unit cell and their directions define the crystallographic axes: X, Y and Z. The lattice constants are the three moduli a, b and c and the three angles, a, fJ and 'Y between the vectors (a between b and e, fJ between a and e and 'Y between a and b). A two-dimensional example will serve to illustrate these concepts. In Figure 2(a), a given "three-atom" motifis repeated at intervals a and b. If we replace each motif by a point at its centre of gravity we obtain the lattice of Figure 2(b). The same lattice is obtained if the point is located on any other position of the motif and the position of the lattice with respect to the motif is completely arbitrary. If any lattice point is chosen as the origin of the lattice, any other point in Figure 2(b) is uniquely defined by the vector: T=ua+vb (2) where u and v are integers and the unit cell is defined by the vectors a and b. The choice ofthe basis vectors is rather arbitrary, as shown in Figure 2(b), where four different choices are illustrated, all of which are consistent with relation (2) with u and v being integers. These cells contain only one lattice point, since the four points at the corners of each cell are each shared by a total of four cells. They are called primitive cells. Nevertheless, we are allowed to choose different types of unit cells, such as those shown in Figure 2(c), which contain two or more lattice points. Also in this case, each lattice point will satisfy (2) but u and Crystal Lattices and Crystal Symmetry 3 Figure 2. (a) Repetitionofagraphicalmo Figure 3. Lattice rows and planes. tif as an example of a two-dimensional crys tal; (b) the corresponding lattice with some examples of primitive cells; (c) the same lat tice with some examples of multiple cells. v are no longer restricted to integer values (in Figure 2(c), point P is related to the origin and to the basis vectors a' and h' by a vector with u = ~, v = ~). These cells are called multiple or centred cells. 1.2. Crystal structure The periodic repetition of the structural motif (atoms, groups of atoms or molecules) by the infinite set of vectors (1) yields the crystal structure, which is completely determined once the lattice constants and the coordinates, x, Y and z, of all the atoms in the unit cell are known. These coordinates are the components of the vectors: rj = Xj a + Yj h + Zj C (j = 1, 2 ... N) (3) linking the cell origin to the nucleus of the j-th atom. For all N atoms inside the chosen unit cell, the coordinate values are in the interval 0 to 1. They are therefore called fractional coordinates and are given by: x=Xja y=Yjb z=Zjc