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Quantum master equations for non-linear optical response of molecular systems Tomáš Mančal and František Šanda Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Ke Karlovu 5, CZ-121 16 Prague 2, Czech Republic Generalized master equationsvalid for thethird orderresponse of an optically driven multi-level electronic system are derived within Zwanzig projection formalism. Each of three time intervals of the response function is found to require specific master equation and projection operator. Exact cumulant response functions for the harmonic profiles of the potential energy surfaces leading to Gaussian spectral diffusion are reproduced. The proposed method accounts for the nonequilibrium stateofbathattheborderofintervals,andcanbeusedtoimprovecalculationsofultrafastnon-linear spectra of energy transferring systems. 2 1 0 I. INTRODUCTION An explicite inclusion of some important environmental 2 modesinto the Hamiltonianalsoincreasesthe sizeofthe n system beyond feasibility. Practical calculations thus re- Non-linear response theory forms the theoretical ba- a quire some type of reduced dynamics where only elec- J sis for description of many important physical phenom- tronic DOF are treated explicitly. A convenient form enaandexperimentaltechniques,inparticularthemulti- 7 of the reduced dynamics, master equations, is realized 2 dimensionaltechniquesofnon-linearopticalspectroscopy by deriving kinetic equations for expectation values of [1]. Inrecentyears,two-dimensional(2D)coherentspec- relevant quantities averaged over the DOF of the bath ] troscopy[2],developedfirstinNMR[3],hasbeenbrought h [15,16]. Ifthesequantities(suchastransitiondipolemo- into the near infra-red and optical [4, 5] domains. The p ment)donotdependonthebathDOF,allrelevantinfor- - 2D Fourier transformed spectrum completely character- mation is carried by the reduced density matrix (RDM). t izes the third order non-linear response of a molecular n a ensemble in amplitude and phase [2] providing thus, the It was demonstrated that RDM master equations de- u maximal information accessible in a three pulse optical rivedbyprojectionoperatortechniquereproducethelin- q experiment. Sinceitsfirstexperimentalrealization,ithas ear response exactly [17]. For higher order response, [ yieldednewinsightsintophoto-induceddynamicsofelec- however, the same approach neglects bath correlation 2 tronic excited states of small molecules [6], polymers [7], between different time intervals of the molecular photo- v large photosynthetic aggregates [8] and even solid state induced evolution separated by interaction with laser 3 systems[9]. Forinstance,longlivingelectroniccoherence pulses (see e.g. Section 3 in Ref. [18]). In other words, 0 has been detected in energy transfer dynamics of photo- standardRDMmasterequationsdonotproperlyaccount 8 synthetic proteins [10], a find that stimulated a renewed forthe non-equilibriumstate ofthe phononbathpresent 3 interest in the properties of energy transfer in biological after the second and the third laser pulse. This neglect . 1 systems and its arguably quantum nature. canleadtoacompletelossoftheexperimentallyobserved 1 dynamics in simulated 2D spectra, such as in the case of 0 Most 2D experiments are well described by the third the vibrational line shape modulation of a single elec- 1 order perturbation semiclassical light-matter interaction tronic transition [19]. This modulation interplays with : response function theory. Simulations must include de- v simultaneous effect of electronic coherence. Accounting phasing of electronic coherence and electronic energy i reliablyforbathcorrelationsamongintervalsistherefore X transfer between levels which are both induced by inter- of utmost importance for interpretation of the role of r action of the electronic degrees of freedom (DOF) with a quantum coherence in natural light-harvesting. The dif- environment (bath). Response functions of model few ference between the 2D lineshape calculated with exact level systems with pure dephasing (no energy transfer formula, and by RDM, i. e. neglecting the correlations, betweenthelevels)canbecalculatedusingsecondcumu- is demonstrated in Fig. 1. We employed the definitions lant in Magnus expansion [1], and expressed in terms of 2D spectra from Ref. [19] and the response theory from the energy gap correlation function (EGCF), C(t). For Ref. [1]. Gaussian stochastic bath, this result is exact, and the EGCF of the electronic transitions thus determines fully In this Letter, we show that the exact third order re- boththe linearandthe non-linear(transient)absorption sponse function of a multilevel molecular system with spectra. Forenergytransferringsystems,suchasFrenkel pure dephasing can be calculated by certain generaliza- excitons in photosynthetic complexes [11], the exact re- tion of RDM master equations. We introduce special sponsefunctions cannotbe constructedbysecondcumu- parametric projection operators that enable us to derive lant. Photosynthetic complexes are relatively large, and distinct equation of motion for each time interval of the the proper methods to simulate finite timescale stochas- response function. These parametric projectors offer a tic fluctuations at finite temperatures [12] carry a sub- systematic approach to improvement of current master stantial numerical cost. Stochastic simulations can thus equation method by incorporating bath correlation ef- be readily implemented only for small systems [13, 14]. fectsintothecalculationofnon-linearresponseinenergy 2 numerical calculations. Resonance coupling A B M Hres = X Jij|¯iih¯j| (2) i6=j=1 3 ω betweentheexcitedstatescauseselectronicenergytrans- ferbetweenmolecules. DiagonalizationofaverageHamil- correlated no correlation tonian hHi is required to identify the positions of peaks in absorption spectrum, which correspond to transition ω ω frequencies ω = (ǫ −ǫ )/~ between electronic eigen- 1 1 ig i g states |ii with eigenenergies ǫ , i = 1,...,M and the i groundstate. Intheverysamespirit,2Dspectraarecon- FIG. 1: Two dimensional spectra of a two-level electronic venientlyinterpretedintermsofenergytransferbetween system interacting with bath of harmonic oscillators at pop- theseenergeticeigenstates. Whenresonancecouplingbe- ulation time T = 0, left panel: calculated by exact cu- tween molecules in the aggregate vanishes J → 0 the mulant Eq. (8), right: by applying RDM for optical co- ij eigenstates |ii coincide with excited states |¯ii, and so do herences (Eq. (25)). Frequency-frequency correlation spec- the eigenenergies ǫ and energies ε . trum at T = 0 defined in Ref. [19] is shown for line- i i broadening function of overdamped Brownian oscillator [1] g(t)=(λk Tτ2 ~−1−iλτ )[e−t/τcorr −1+t/τ ] where B corr corr corr λ=100cm−1,τ =100fs,andthetemperatureisT =300 III. LINEAR RESPONSE corr K. For harmonic PES and J → 0 the calculation of re- ij sponse functions of all orders can be carried out exactly transfer systems. by second order cumulant. The linear response function I(t)=X|di|2ρig(t)+c.c. (3) i II. MODEL HAMILTONIAN is generated by time evolution of coherence elements of the RDM ρig(t)=e−iωigt−gii(t), which can be differenti- We model a molecular aggregate (e.g. photosynthetic ated into the convolutionless master equation [17, 20] antenna) as an assembly from N electronic two-level molecules coupled by resonance interaction. Third order ∂ ρ =[−iω −g˙ (t)]ρ (t). (4) opticalexperimentsonsuchsystemsaddressonlythecol- ∂t ig ig ii ig lective electronic groundstate |gi and the states |¯ii with InEq. (3),d arethe transitiondipolemomentsbetween one or two excited molecules of the aggregate. Thus the i eigenstate |ii and ground state |gi, the line broadening N-molecule aggregatehas M =N +(N −1)×N/2 rele- function vant excited states. The free evolution of the system be- tween the times of interaction with external light pulses 1 t t′ is described by Frenkel exciton Hamiltonian g (t)= dt′ dt′′C (t′′) (5) ij ~2 ˆ ˆ ij 0 0 M is related to the EGCF, Hˆ =Zˆ+Vˆg+εg|gihg|+X[εi+∆Φˆi]|¯iih¯i|+Hres. (1) i=1 C (t)=tr {e(it/~)HˆB∆Φˆ e−(it/~)HˆB∆Φˆ Wˆ }, (6) ij B i j eq Here, Zˆ represents kinetic energy of the bath DOF, εg in the ground state equilibrium, and g˙ij ≡ (∂gij/∂t). and ε are the electronic energies of the ground- and the Further on in this work, we assume that the electronic exciteidstates,respectively,∆Φˆi ≡Φˆi−Φˆg−hΦˆi−Φˆgiis energy gap operators ∆Φˆi are nonzero. theenergygapoperator,andΦˆ andΦˆ arepotential en- g i ergysurfaces(PES)intheelectronicground-andexcited IV. MASTER EQUATIONS FOR NON-LINEAR states, respectively. Harmonic PES represents Gaussian RESPONSE fluctuations of excitons. The energy gap operator is de- fined so that it vanishes h∆Φˆ i ≡ tr {∆Φˆ Wˆ } = 0 in i B i eq the ground state equilibrium Wˆeq =e−kB1THˆB/z0. Here, byItnhnreoens-lhinoertarlaesxeprepruimlseesnts,epmaorlaetceudlabrystyismteeminitserpvraolbseτd, the ground state bath Hamiltonian reads HˆB =Zˆ+Φˆg. T,andits responseis monitoredafter time t. Non-linear The operators ∆Φˆ describe a macroscopic number of responsefunction is conveniently dissectedinto Liouville i DOF so that one cannot easily treat them explicitely in space pathways [1], each representing one combination 3 differentiation of R(ji)(0,T,τ) 2 t |ji hg| P(i) Wˆ (T +τ)=ρ (T +τ) ∂ ρ (T;τ)=[−i(ω −ω )+K(ji)(T,τ)]ρ (T;τ), T+τ jg jg ∂T ji jg ig 2 ji T ×Uj†(T)Ug†(τ)WˆeqUi(τ +T)βT(j+i)τ (11) |ji hi| P Wˆ (τ) with relaxation tensor τ ji |gi hi| τ =ρji(τ)Ug†(τ)WˆeqUi(τ)βτ(i) K2(ji)(T,τ)=g˙ij(T)−g˙i∗i(T +τ) P W (0)=ρ (0)Wˆ |gi hg| 0 gi gi eq −g˙ (T)+g˙∗(T +τ). (12) jj ij FIG.2: DoublesidedFeynmandiagramoftheLiouvillepath- way R2ji for a system with three levels |gi, |ii and |ji. Inter- andinitialconditionρjg(0;τ)=R2(ji)(0,0,τ). Inthefirst actionswithexternalfieldaredenotedbystraightarrows,the interval we find an analogicalmaster equation for ρgi(τ) wavy arrow corresponds to emitted field. The projectors P , which is (up to a complex conjugation) identical to Eq. 0 P and P(i) are shown explicitly with point of their appli- (4). Wehavethusdemonstratedthatevolutionequations τ T+τ cation in theresponse function. canbeconstructedwiththestructureoftheconvolution- less master equation, and that they yield exact third or- der response function. Their forms, however, have now of indices of RDM during the periods τ, T, and t. For tobe specifictoeachintervalandtoeachLiouvillespace ourdiscussionweselectapathwayusuallydenotedasR pathway. 2 (see Fig. 2 for the corresponding double sided Feynman diagram), i.e. the pathway which is responsible for pho- ton echo signal, and which contains excited state evolu- V. CONSTRUCTING MASTER EQUATIONS tionduringthe secondinterval(waitingtime)T [1]. The BY PARAMETRIC PROJECTORS R(ji) response function involving excited states |ii and 2 |ji reads In Ref. [17] it was pointed out that Eq. (4) agrees withconvolutionless master equation (CLME)ofHashit- R(ji)(t,T,τ)=|d |2|d |2 sume et al. [22], when it is evaluated to second or- 2 i j der in ∆Φˆ. Similar microscopic derivation of Eqs. (9) to (12) by using projection techniques would open a ×tr {U (t)U (T)U (τ)W }. (7) way to constructing improved master equations for the B jg ji gi eq electronic energy transfer in the cases where no exact Here, Uji(t) ≡ Ujiji(t) are abbreviated matrix elements cumulant solution is known. The Zwanzig projection of the evolution superoperator U(t) which is the Green’s technique requires to define projection superoperator by functionsolutionoftheLiouville-vonNeumannequation its action on a arbitrary operator Aˆ. In general form with Hamiltonian, Eq. (1). Between each two consecu- PAˆ= Wˆ tr {ha|Aˆ|bi}, where the normalized bath Pab ab B tive Green’s functions in the trace of Eq. (7), the action matrix (tr {Wˆ }=1) canbe chosento achievespecific B ab of the external light causes transition between electronic goals. Masterequationforthelinearresponse,Eq. (4),is levels |gi, |ii and |ji. For a harmonic PES the second homogenousanditcorrespondstothechoiceWˆ ≡Wˆ , ab eq order cumulant is exact, and it yields [21] when QWˆ(0) = 0 (Q ≡ 1−P), and thus the inhomo- geneouspartofthe CLME vanishes [17]for uncorrelated R(ji)(t,T,τ) = |d |2|d |2e−i(ωjgt+(ωjg−ωig)T−ωigτ) 2 i j initial state Wˆ(0) = ρ(0)W . In the second and third ×e−gi∗i(τ+T)−gjj(T+t)+gi∗j(t+T+τ) interval the choice Wˆ = Weˆq will not yield Eqs. (9) ab eq ×e−gi∗j(t)−gi∗j(τ)+gij(T). (8) and (11), since the inhomogeneous part of the CLME does not vanish. In fact, the inhomogeneous terms can- BydifferentiatingEq. (8)withrespecttotwefindthe notbeeliminatedinallthreeintervalssimultaneouslyby response functions to be solutions of evolution (master) anysingleprojector. Thisisamicroscopiccounterpartof equations the fact that non-linearopticalresponse function cannot be exactly evaluated by simulating the reduced dynam- ∂ ρ (t;T,τ)=[−iω +K(ji)(t,T,τ)]ρ (t;T,τ) (9) ics of the system by a single master equation. Indeed, ∂t jg jg 3 jg the homogeneouspart of the CLME correspondsto only oneofthefour(nonzero)contributionsofthethirdorder with the relaxation tensor response function K(ji)(t,T,τ)=−g˙∗(t)+g˙∗(t+T+τ)−g˙ (t+T). (10) 3 ij ij jj R(ji)(t,T,τ)=tr {U (t) 2 B jg (ji) and initial condition ρ (0;T,τ)=R (0,T,τ). Master jg 2 equationcanbesimilarlyfoundinthesecondintervalby ×(P +Q)U (T)(P+Q)U (τ)PWˆ }. (13) ji gi eq 4 Themasterequations(4)to(12)canbederivedwhenwe function, Eq. (7), in terms of the reduced dynamics of allowdifferent projectionoperatorto be defined for each the system. We can write timeintervaloftheresponsefunction. Lettheprojection operatorsP0,Pτ andPT(i+)τ inthe respectiveintervalsbe R2(ji)(t,T,τ)=|dj|2|di|2 chosensothattheyeliminatetheinhomogeneoustermsin the CLME master equation, i.e. so that (1−P0)Wˆ(0)= ×U¯j(gi)(t;T,τ)U¯ji(T;τ)U¯gi(τ)ρ0, (17) 0;(1−P )Wˆ(τ)=0,etc(seeFig. 2). Thecorresponding τ where the three reduced evolution superoperators de- projectorsreadas follows. The first coherence projection noted by U¯ are solutions of three different master equa- superoperator tionsfollowingfromtheprojectors,Eqs. (14)to(16). To P0Wˆ(t)=WˆeqtrB{Wˆ(t)}=Wˆeqρˆ(t), (14) simplifythematters,wewillconcentrateontheresponse function where i = j, i.e. on R(ii). Since we deal with is the widely usedArgyres-Kellyprojector[23]. The sec- 2 a multi-level electronic system with adiabatically sepa- ondintervalcanbetreatedwiththepopulationprojection rated states (J = 0), we can assume that U¯ (T;τ)= 1 superoperator ij ii and thus PτWˆ(t)=Xρkl(t)Ugl(τ)Wˆeqβτ(l)|kihl|, (15) R(ii)(t,T,τ)=|d |4U¯(i)(t;T,τ)U¯ (τ)ρ . (18) kl 2 i ig gi 0 which yields a single master equation for all RDM ele- Note that all T-dependence in Eq. (18) is due to the ments in the second interval. Projector, Eq. (15), to be second coherence parametric projector. applied to a single RDM element as in Eq. (11), reads Nowweconstructthemasterequationsforthefirstand P(ji)Wˆ (t) = ρˆ (t)U (τ)Wˆ β(i). In the third interval secondcoherenceintervals(i.e. inintervalscharacterized τ ji ji gi eq τ bytimeτ andt,respectively),anddemonstratethatthey oftheresponseasetofsecondcoherenceprojectionsuper- operators reflecting different bras (hi|) during the second lead to correct response function. First, we split the to- tal Hamiltonian into a sum of the pure bath (denoted interval have to be defined as by B), pure electronic (S) and system–bath interaction PT(i+)τWˆ(t)=Xρkg(t)Uki(T)Ugi(τ) (S-B)parts. BathHamiltonianhasalreadybeendefined k above,the electronic Hamiltonian reads Hˆ =ǫ |gihg|+ S g ǫ |iihi|,andthe system–bathcouplingHamiltonianis Pi i ×WˆeqβT(k+i)τ|kihg|. (16) HˆS−B =~Pi∆Φˆ|iihi|. We define the Liouville superop- eratorL using the corresponding Hamilton operator The factorsβτ(k) andβT(k+i)τ arepresenttoensurethatthe as LS−BS−=B~−1[HˆS−B,...]− and switch to the interac- superoperators have the projection property (Pτ)2 =Pτ tion picture induced by Hˆ = Hˆ +Hˆ . In the second 0 B S and (P(i) )2 = P(i) . From these conditions it follows orderinL ,andassumingthatQ Wˆ(0)=0forx=0, τ+T τ+T S−B x e.g. β(ii) = β(i) = 1/tr {U (τ)Wˆ }. The factor β(i) and x = T +τ we obtain the following quantum master τ+T τ B gi eq τ evaluates in the second cumulant to βτ(i) =egi∗i(τ). equation An alternative to this formalism would be to account directly for the Q terms in Eq. (13), and to use the ∂ P W(I)(t)=−iP L (t)P W(I)(t) ∂t x x x S−B x x timeconvolutionlessoperatoridentity[22]forthederiva- t tion of the non-linear response as in Ref. [26]. The two − dt′P L (t)Q L (t′)P W(I)(t). (19) x S−B x S−B x x approaches lead to the same exact results for a system ´0 of non-interacting molecules. For a coupled system, the Thetime-dependenceoftheLiouvillianandtheupperin- qualityoftheequationsofmotionderivedbythetwoap- dex(I)ofthedensityoperatordenoteinteractionpicture proaches has to be compared in a separate study. How- with respect to the Hamiltonian Hˆ =Hˆ +Hˆ . ever, the central idea of the projector approach, i.e. its 0 B S In the first coherence interval we use the projection choice in a form which satisfied (1−P)Wˆ = 0, is gen- superoperator P . The construction of the ∆Φˆ oper- eral, and it does not limit the present method to the ator ensures tha0t tr {∆Φˆ Wˆ } = 0, and so thie first three projectors suggested above. Depending on physi- B i eq term in Eq. (19) contributes with zero. The second cal situation, we expect that specialized projectors can termis onlynon-zerowhenno Hˆ occursonthe right be introduced for interacting systems, possibly based on S−B hand side of the density operator, and thus only the the comparison with the results of Ref. [26]. term P Hˆ (t)Hˆ (t′)P Wˆ(I)(t) contributes. The 0 S−B S−B 0 evaluation leads to Eq. (4) and consequently yields VI. RECOVERING THE CUMULANT U¯gi(τ) = e−gi∗i(τ)+iωigτ. A straightforward application EXPRESSIONS of the second coherence projection superoperator P(i) T+τ leads to Letusnowdemonstratehowtheseprojectionoperators ∂ can be used for calculation of the non-linear response ∂tρ(igI)(t)=−IT+τ(t)ρ(igI)(t)−MT+τ(t)ρ(igI)(t), (20) 5 where usedtoderivecorrespondingmasterequations. Thecom- plete responsefunction involvesa single masterequation IT+τ(t)=itrB{∆Φˆi(t)Uii(T)Ugi(τ)Wˆeq}egi∗i(τ), (21) for the first coherenceinterval and two master equations forthe waitinginterval. Inthe secondcoherenceinterval and of the response function there are N master equations in each Liouville pathways, where N is the number of t M (t)= dt′tr {∆Φˆ(t)∆Φˆ(t′)U (T) singleexcitonstates. Whenenergytransferbetweensys- T+τ B ii ´0 tem’s eigenstates is induced by non-zero J couplings, ij t the application of the parametric projectors represents ×Ugi(τ)Wˆeq}egi∗i(τ)− dt′IT+τ(t)IT+τ(t′). (22) an approximation whose quality depends on the previ- ´0 ous energy transfer history of the system. Nevertheless, The coefficients I and M, Eqs. (21) and (22), can be unliketheusualmasterequationsbasedonstandardpro- recastintothesecondcumulantbyatechniquedescribed jectors,the parametricprojectorsleadto correctlimit in in Ref. [24]. A tedious but straightforward calculation Jij →0. The prescription(1−P)Wˆ(t)=0 for construc- gives tion of the parametric projection operators is general, and can be used to construct a proper projector in the I (t)=g˙ (t+T)−g˙ (t)−g˙∗(t+T+τ)+g˙∗(t) (23) cases where P would fail. T+τ ii ii ii ii τ+T VII. CONCLUSIONS and M (t)=g˙ (t). (24) T+τ ii In this Letter, we have outlined a general method for calculation of non-linear response functions by quantum Combining the results of the second order cumulant ex- master equations. We have tailored parametric projec- pansion of Eqs. (21) and (22) and switching back from tion superoperators to derive master equations for each the interaction picture we arrive at the master equation time interval of the response function, and we demon- Eq. (10). The solution of the master equation can be stratedthe validityofthemethodbyreproducingawell- easily obtained in form of the time evolution superoper- know result exact for a multi-level system. The results atorU¯ (t;T,τ). Finally, insertingU¯ (τ) andU¯ (t;T,τ) ig gi ig presented here can be extended to a master equation into Eq. (18) we obtain Eq. (8) which is the desired re- method for calculation of a general multi-point correla- sult. Calculationcanbe repeatedfor anyLiouville space tion functions. This opens a new research avenue with pathway reproducing the results of direct cumulant ex- consequences in the theory of open systems, non-linear pansion. spectroscopy and potentially other branches of physics. Note that standardchoice of ground state equilibrium for projector would yield response function R(ii)(t,T,τ) = |d |2|d |2e−i(ωigt−ωigτ) 2 i j ×e−gi∗i(τ)−gii(t) (25) Comparison between 2D lineshapes simulated using Eq. Acknowledgments (8) and Eq. (25) is made in Figure 1. The projector technique developed above can be ex- tended to finite resonance coupling by straightforward This work was supported by the Czech Science Foun- abandoningoftheJ →0limit. We willshowelsewhere dation (GACR) grant 205/10/0898 and by the Min- ij [25]thatprovidedtheopticalcoherencesinthefirstinter- istry of Education, Youth, and Sports of the Czech valcanbeassumedindependentofeachother(secularap- Republic through grant ME899 and the research plan proximation), the projectors, Eqs. (14) and (15) can be MSM0021620835. [1] S.Mukamel,PrinciplesofNonlinearOpticalSpectroscopy frared Spectroscopy, (Cambridge University Press, Cam- (Oxford UniversityPress, Oxford, 1995). bridge, 2011). [2] D.M. 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