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ProceedingsofSymposiainPureMathematics 8 0 Quantum graphs with spin Hamiltonians 0 2 J.M. Harrison n a J Abstract. The article surveys quantization schemes for metric graphs with 0 spin. Typicallyquantum graphs are defined with the Laplace or Schro¨dinger 3 operator which describe particles whose intrinsic angular momentum (spin) is zero. However, in many applications, for example modeling an electron ] (which has spin-1/2) on a network of thin wires, it is necessary to consider h operators which allow spin-orbit interaction. The article presents a review p of quantization schemes for graphs with three such Hamiltonian operators, - the Dirac, Pauli and Rashba Hamiltonians. Comparing results for the trace h formula,spectralstatisticsandspin-orbitlocalizationonquantumgraphswith t a spinHamiltonians. m [ 2 1. Introduction v 9 Quantumgraphshavebecomeawidelyappliedmodelinmathematicalphysics. 6 They fill a void between the simple quantum mechanics of the interval and more 8 0 complex problems where it is often desirable to develop intuition in this quasi- . one-dimensional system. Motivation for this approach comes from the picture of 2 quantum mechanics on a three dimensional network of thin wires. It is expected 1 7 that properties of the quantum graph will also be manifest in truly three dimen- 0 sional systems, a subject of current research see e.g. [16, 19, 29]. Most work on : quantumgraphshasconcentratedonthepropertiesoftheLaplaceandSchr¨odinger v i operators,see [28]for a review. However,experiments onmesoscopicsystems, sys- X temswithlengthsonthescaleofnanometers,measurefeaturesofelectronsconfined r to these narrow wires. Indeed quantum graphs were first proposed as models of a free p-electrons in organic molecules like naphthalene, see [27]. The electron is a fermion possessing an additional quantum mechanical degree of freedom, intrinsic angularmomentum called spin. The effect of spin in the particles physics is highly nontrivial – the connection between spin and particle statistics requires fermion eigenfunctions to be antisymmetric under particle exchange generating a wealth of phenomena in physics and chemistry. For single particle quantum mechanics the effect of coupling between the spin dynamics and particle dynamics – spin orbit coupling – also generates new physics observable in experiments. Understanding 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary34B45;Secondary81Q10,81Q50. Key words and phrases. Quantum graphs,Diracoperator,RashbaHamiltonian. Theauthor wassupportedinpartbyNSFGrantsDMS-0604859andDMS-0648786. (cid:13)c0000(copyrightholder) 1 2 J.M.HARRISON how the presence of spin influences the quantum mechanics of graphs is therefore an important current question. In this article I review the present state of knowledge of quantum mechanics on graphs where the Hamiltonian operator acts on multi-component wave func- tions that describe particles with spin. The results fall into two broad categories, stemming from problems in quantum chaos and mesoscopic models of localization. A good introduction to the application of graph models in quantum chaology is found in [18]. One characteristic quantum phenomena associated with chaotic classical dynamics is an energy level spectrum with statistics that resemble those of an ensemble of random matrices, this correspondence is known as the Bohigas- Gianoni-Schmidt conjecture [7]. The choice of random matrix ensemble depends onthesymmetriesofthequantumsystem. Forsystemswithhalf-integerspintime- reversal symmetry, in particular, takes a different form to that found in systems with integer spin. This results in a doubly degenerate spectrum, Kramers’ degen- eracy,andincreasedlevelrepulsionbetweendistincteigenvalues. Anotablesuccess in the application of quantum graphs with spin to quantum chaos has been to ex- plain the effect of this change in symmetry in the spectralstatistics of graphs with randomly chosen spin transformations at the vertices in terms of periodic orbits [11, 10]. These arguments have recently been extended to transport properties of chaotic cavities with spin-orbit interaction [14]. TheRashbaHamiltonianwasintroducedtomodelthetwo-dimensionalelectron gas confined on the surface of a narrow gap semiconductor [34]. The effect of the Rashbaspin-orbitinteractiononagraphcanbedetectedinlocalizationphenomena. Numericalresultsfor one-dimensionaldiamond chainsshowideallocalization,zero conductance, in the absence of a magnetic field [2, 3]. For the two-dimensional 3 T latticelocalizationisnotperfectbutthespin-orbitcouplingandmagneticfieldcan be tuned to suppress the conductance. Analytical results for the spectrum show Bloch bands that collapse to infinitely degenerate eigenvalues [33]. The article is organized as follows: Section 2 introduces the nomenclature of quantum graphs. In section3 we collectresults on the quantizationof graphs with spinHamiltonians. Section4discussesthetraceformulaforaquantumgraphwith spin and in the balance we describe effects of spin-orbitinteraction that have been investigated using quantum graphs in spectral statistics, section 5, and Rashba localization, section 6. 2. Quantum graphs I have endeavored to follow standard terminology for quantum and metric graphs throughout. A reader already familiar with these ideas is encouraged to skipped ahead and refer back to this section if necessary. A metric graph G consists of a set of vertices and a set of edges. N = V E |E| denotes the number of edges. Each edge e = v,w connects a pair of vertices { } v,w andtheedgeeisassociatedwithaninterval[0,L ]whereL [L ,L ] e e min max ∈V ∈ is the length of the edge, 0 < L < L < . Introducing a coordinate min max ∞ x [0,L ] on the edge the graph naturally becomes directed with the initial e e ∈ vertex v of the edge located at x = 0 and the terminal vertex w at x = L . A e e e directededge willbe denoted with parentheses,e=(v,w). Functions onthe graph are defined by the set of functions on the edges f =(f1,...,fN). QUANTUM GRAPHS WITH SPIN HAMILTONIANS 3 The quantization of the graph requires the introduction of the Hilbert space, (2.1) L2(G)= L2(0,L ) . e e∈E M Otherspacesoffunctionsaredefinedanalogously,forexampleW2,2(G)isthespace offunctions onGwithcomponentsdrawnfromtheL2-SobolevspacesW2,2(0,L ). e Inthisarticlewewillbeconcernedwiththepropertiesofoperatorsactingonmulti- componentfunctions onG where the relevantHilbert space is then L2(G) Cn for ⊗ spinor valued functions with n components. The scalar product of f,g is defined by the scalar product on the edges, (2.2) f,g = fe,ge e h i h i e∈E X where fe,ge is the scalar product in L2(0,L ) Cn. e e h i ⊗ 3. Quantization schemes The approach taken to quantizing a graph follows the same pattern for all the spinoperators. Onetakestherelevantoperatorinthreedimensions,restrictingitto one dimensionto define the operatoron aninterval. As spinis anintrinsic angular momentum naturally connected to rotations in three dimensions it is possible to restrictsuch three dimensional operatorsin different ways. However,if the lengths of the edges can be chosen freely it is always possible to embed a graph in three dimensionsinwhichcasethethreedimensionalnotionofaparticlesspinstillmakes sense. This is also the naturalphysicalsituationto study where a quantum graphs is used to model networks of thin wires. Having defined the operator on the edges matching conditions for the multi-component wave functions at the graph vertices are specified to make the operator self-adjoint. 3.1. The Dirac operator. The free Diracoperatorona graphwasfirstcon- sideredbyBullaandTrenkler[15]. TheytakeatwodimensionalDiracoperatoron the intervals, construct self-adjoint realizations and analyze certain special cases. In [9] we introduced an approach which extends the classification of self-adjoint Laplace operators [24] to classify self-adjoint realizations of the Dirac operator in terms of matching conditions for both two a four componentspinor wavefunctions. Further quantization schemes for a metric graphs with a Dirac operator have been developedbyPost. In[32]heintroducesthe notionofafirstordersupersymmetric Diracoperatoronbothdiscreteandmetricgraphsinaverygeneralframeworkand calculates the index of the operator proving that it agrees with the corresponding indexofthediscreteDiracoperator. Firstorderboundarytriplesareusedtodefine aDiracoperatorin[31]. Inthe following,forsimplicity, wefollowthe approachwe developed in [9]. In one spatial dimension the Dirac equation is ∂ ∂ (3.1) i~ Ψ(x,t)= i~cα +mc2β Ψ(x,t) , ∂t − ∂x (cid:18) (cid:19) where α and β are matrices that satisfy the Dirac algebra α2 = β2 = I and αβ+ βα = 0. It is natural to consider this equation on the line as deriving from a restriction of the Dirac operator in three spacial dimensions with the consequent notions of particles, antiparticles and spin all being carried over. The equation then arises from implementing the Poincar´e space-time symmetries in relativistic 4 J.M.HARRISON quantum mechanics, see [38], and the matrices α and β are four dimensional, a convenient choice being 0 0 0 i 1 0 0 0 − 0 0 i 0 0 1 0 0 (3.2) α=  , β = . 0 i 0 0 0 0 1 0 − −  i 0 0 0   0 0 0 1     −      Alternatively one might look for the simplest faithful irreducible representation of the Dirac algebra which uses two dimensional matrices. Here we consider only the first approach with four component spinor wave functions. The quantization of two component wave functions was carried out following the same scheme in [9]. We found that to make such a Dirac operator time-reversal symmetric (in a nontrivial way) it is necessary to replace each edge of the combinatorial graph withtwodirectedbondsonerunningineachdirection,effectively introducingfour- components to the wave function on each edge. The scattering matrices at the vertices and the spectrum of the two component operators on pairs of directed bonds are then equivalent to those of a four component Dirac operator. A free Dirac operator on an edge has the form d (3.3) = i~cα +mc2β . e D − dx e 0 isdefinedas withthedomainW2,1(G) C4,theSobolevspaceoffunctionsf D D 0 ⊗ on the graph where the components (and their first derivatives) are L2(0,L ) and e thefunctionsvanishatgraphvertices,fe(0)=fe(L )=0. Self-adjointrealizations e of aredefinedbyextensionsoftheclosedsymmetricoperator 0 todomainsthat areDsubspaces of W2,1(G) C4 isotropic with respect to a skeDw Hermitian form 0 ⊗ Ω(f,g)= f,g f, g . IntegrhaDting biy−phartDs oine may rewrite Ω as a complex symplectic form on C8N depending only on values of the spinors at the graph vertices. 0 I g (3.4) Ω(f,g)=( f† f† ) 4B + , + − I 0 g (cid:18) − 4B (cid:19)(cid:18) − (cid:19) where fT = f1(0),f1(0),...,fN(0),fN(0),f1(L ),f1(L ),...,fN(L ),fN(L ) , + 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 N 2 N f−T =(cid:0)−f41(0),f31(0),...,−f4N(0),f3N(0),f41(L1),−f31(L1),...,f4N(LN),−f(cid:1)3N(LN) . The v(cid:0)ector f contains the first and second components of the spinors and f(cid:1) + − the third and fourth components. Maximal isotropic subspaces with respect to Ω correspond to maximal subspaces of vectors in C8N on which the symplectic form (3.4) vanishes. As in the case of the Laplace operator a linear subspace of vectors in C8N will be defined as those vectors satisfying the equation (3.5) Af +Bf =0 , + − with complex matrices A and B. In order for the space to have dimension 4N the 4N 8N matrix (A,B) must have maximal rank. Kostrykin and Schrader [24] show×ed that such a subspace is maximally isotropic if and only if (A,B) has maximal rank and AB† is Hermitian. QUANTUM GRAPHS WITH SPIN HAMILTONIANS 5 Theorem 3.1. Af + Bf = 0 defines matching conditions of spinor wave + − functionsat thevertices ofagraph for asetofN bonds. These matchingconditions yield a self-adjoint realization of the Dirac operator on the graph if and only if rank(A,B)=4N and AB† =BA† . Whenconsideringgraphsitisoftenconvenienttoworkwithscatteringmatrices at the vertices rather than with the matching conditions directly. To obtain the vertex scattering matrix of the Dirac operator we note that eigenfunctions on an edge, the solutions of ψe(x )=Eψe(x ), are plane waves. e e D 1 0 0 1 ψke(xe)=µeα 0 eikxe +µeβ iγ(k)eikxe − iγ(k)  0  (3.6)      1  0 0 1 +µˆe  e−ikxe +µˆe  e−ikxe , α 0 β iγ(k)  iγ(k)  0  −        for k >0 and positive energy E and γ(k) given by E mc2 (3.7) γ(k)= − , E = (~ck)2+m2c4 . ~ck Consider a vertex v of valency d whose matchping conditions are defined by a pair v of matrices A(v),B(v), so A(v)ψ +B(v)ψ = 0. To simplify the formulae we take + − edges meeting at v to be aligned with v at x = 0. We may define two vectors of e plane-wave coefficients for the incoming and outgoing waves respectively, ←µ−= µˆ1,µˆ1,...,µˆd,µˆd T , α β α β (3.8) →−µ =(cid:0)µ1,µ1,...,µd,µd(cid:1)T . α β α β →− ←− →− ←− Then ψ = µ + µ and ψ = (cid:0)iγ(k)(µ µ). C(cid:1)onsequently, + − − − →− ←− (3.9) µ = (A(v) iγ(k)B(v))−1(A(v)+iγ(k)B(v)) µ . − − The vertex transition matrix (3.10) T(v) = (A(v) iγ(k)B(v))−1(A(v)+iγ(k)B(v)) − − relates coefficients of incoming and outgoing plane-waves at v. It is unitary as A(v)B(v)† =B(v)A(v)†, which ensures current conservation at the vertex. 3.2. Time-reversal invariance for the Dirac operator. Time-reversal symmetry in a system with half-integer spin takes a different form from the sym- metry under complex conjugationfamiliar for scalar functions, see [20]. The time- reversal operator T for systems with half-integer spin remains anti-unitary but it squares to minus the identity, T2 = I. For any Hamiltonian H invariant under − time reversalT commutes with H and if ψ is an eigenfunction so is Tψ. However, when T2 = I the two eigenfunctions ψ and Tψ are orthogonaland eigenvalues of − H are doubly degenerate – known as Kramers’ degeneracy. For the Dirac operator on a graph to be invariant under time-reversal the operator T must commute with the Hamiltonian which forces the mass term to 6 J.M.HARRISON vanish fixing γ(k) = 1. For the vertex transition matrices we find time-reversal symmetry implies (3.11) (T(v))T = (I J)T(v)(I J) , − dv ⊗ dv ⊗ where 0 1 (3.12) J= . 1 0 (cid:18)− (cid:19) If we consider the 2 2 block of T(v) that relates the pair of incoming spinors × arriving from edge e to the outgoing pair on f (3.11) is equivalent to, −1 (3.13) (T(v))fe = (T(v))ef (T(v))ef . This suggests a simple method of(cid:12)construc(cid:12)ti(cid:16)ng time-r(cid:17)eversal symmetric transition (cid:12) (cid:12) matrices that relates transition matrices of the Dirac operator to those of the Schr¨odinger operator on the graph. Let (3.14) T(v) =(U(v))−1(X(v) I )U(v) , 2 ⊗ where U(v) is a block diagonal matrix U(v) = diag u ,...,u with u SU(2) { 1 dv} j ∈ andXisaunitarysymmetricd d matrix. ThenT(v) respects(3.11)andresults v v × from a self-adjoint realization of the Dirac operator on G. X can be thought of as the transition matrix of the graph with out spin. For the Laplace operator on the graph time-reversal invariant matching conditions at the vertices generate a symmetric unitary vertex transition matrix. The elements u SU(2) generate j ∈ spin rotations at v. We may now define, for example, Neumann like matching conditions for the Dirac operator at the vertex v. (u(v))−1fei =(u(v))−1fej =f (v) e ,e v ei + ej + + i j ∼ (3.15) (u(v))−1fe =0 e − e∼v X Thesumisoveredgeseconnectedtov,e v. Theseconditionscanberepresented ∼ in the form (3.5) by matrices (3.16) 1 1 0 0 ... − 0 0 ... 0 0 1 1 0 ... A(v) =0 ... −.0.. .1.. 1⊗I2U(v) B(v) =0... 0... ... 0... ⊗I2U(v)  −  1 1 ... 1 0 ... 0 0 0    Substituting the matching conditionsin (3.10) produces a transitionmatrix of the form (3.14) with [X(v)] =2/v δ the familiar transmission amplitudes of the ef d ef − Laplace operator on a graph with Neumann matching conditions at the vertices, see [26]. 3.3. ThePaulioperator. Forcomparisonweintroduceaquantizationscheme forasimpleformofthePaulioperatorwhichiscloselyrelatedtotheLaplacequan- tization [24]. Consider the following operator on the edges of the graph, d (3.17) = +B .σ Pe −dx2 e e QUANTUM GRAPHS WITH SPIN HAMILTONIANS 7 where σ is the vector of Pauli matrices and B is a constant vector depending on e the edge. The operator acts on two component functions f in the Hilbert space e L2(0,L ) C2. e 0isd⊗efinedas withthedomainW2,2(G) C2,theSobolevspaceoffunctions P P 0 ⊗ f on the graph where the components (and their first and second derivatives) are in L2(0,L ) and f (0) = f (L ) = f′(0) = f′(L ) = 0. Self-adjoint realizations of e e e e e e e are againdefined by extensions of the closedsymmetric operator 0 to domains tPhat are subspaces of W2,2(G) C2 isotropic with respect to a skPew Hermitian ⊗ form Ω(f,g)= f,g f, g . As (B .σ)† =B .σ the form Ω(f,g) is the same e e hP i−h P i as that obtained for the Laplace operator where the number of edges is doubled. A domain on which the operator is self-adjoint is specified by a pair of 4N 4N matrices A and B, see [24], where (A,B) has maximal rank and AB† is Herm×itian via the linear equation, (3.18) Af +Bf′ =0 . f andf′ arevectorsofthe componentsoff andits derivativeevaluatedatthe ends of the intervals. f = f1(0),f1(0)...,fN(0),fN(0),f1(L ),f1(L ),...,fN(L ),fN(L ) T 1 2 1 2 1 e 2 e 1 e 2 e f′ =(cid:0)f′1(0),f′1(0)...,f′N(0),f′N(0), f′1(L ),f′1(L ),..., f′N(L ),f(cid:1)′N(L ) T 1 2 1 2 − 1 e 2 e − 1 e 2 e T(cid:0)odefinethevertextransmissionmatrixitisconvenienttodiagonalizethesp(cid:1)in transformation on the edge, (3.19) B .σ = B u σ u−1 , e | e| e 3 e where u is in SU(2). Then plane wave solutions for the eigenproblem ψ =λψ e e e e P are given by (3.20) f =u µe1eik1e +µˆe1e−ik1e , e e(cid:18)µe2eik2e +µˆe2e−ik2e(cid:19) (ke)2 = (ke)2 + 2B and λ = (ke)2 + B . To obtain the vertex scattering 2 1 | e| 1 | e| matrix consider a vertex v of valency d with the edges aligned so v is the initial v vertex of each edge. Vectors of incoming and out going plane-wave coefficients are respectively, ←µ−= µˆ1,µˆ1,...,µˆd,µˆd T , 1 2 1 2 (3.21) →−µ =(cid:0)µ1,µ1,...,µd,µd(cid:1)T . 1 2 1 2 Then defining K(v) =diag k1,k1(cid:0),k2,...,kdv we h(cid:1)ave { 1 2 1 2 } →− ←− ψ =U(v)(µ + µ) , (3.22) →− ←− ψ′ = iU(v)K(v)(µ µ) , − − where U(v) is again a block diagonal matrix, U(v) = diag u ,...,u . Conse- { 1 dv} quently substituting in (3.18) the vertex scattering matrix is (3.23) T(v) = U(v) −1 A(v) iK(v)B(v) −1 A(v)+iK(v)B(v) U(v) . − − In this form the tran(cid:0)sition(cid:1) m(cid:16)atrix has built in(cid:17)spin(cid:16)rotations at the(cid:17)vertices of a similar form to that described in (3.14) for the Dirac operator. A Pauli operator canalso be defined for systems with higher spins, acting on multi-componentwave 8 J.M.HARRISON functions of higher dimensions. This was used in [11] to extend results on the spectral statistics of the Dirac operator to any spin. 3.4. The Rashba Hamiltonian. The Rashba Hamiltonian, introduced in [34] to model electronic structure of confined narrow-gapsemiconductors,has also been studied as an operator on quantum graphs. Harmer [22] constructs the scat- tering matrix of the Rashba Hamiltonian on a ring with an arbitrary number of semi-infinite wires attached to investigate spin filtering. In section 6 we will dis- cuss localization phenomena generated by Rashba spin-orbit coupling [2, 3, 33]. So to complete our survey of quantization schemes we now turn to the Rashba Hamiltonian on a graph. WiththeRashbaHamiltonianitisusefultohaveinmindagraphwithstraight edgesembeddedinthex-yplaneinR3. Wewilldenotebye =(e ,e ,0) (vw) (vw)x (vw)y a unit vector in the direction (vw). Let A denote the magnetic potential on (vw) (vw), the component of a magnetic vector potential in the direction e . For (vw) simplicity we take A to be constant, as is the case with a uniform magnetic (vw) field B where A = 1(B v).e and v is a vector locating the vertex v. k (vw) 2 × (vw) R is the Rashba coupling constant and n=(0,0,1) is a unit vector perpendicular to the x-y plane. The Rashba Hamiltonian on an edge e reads, 2 d d = i A +2k i A (σ n).e , e e R e R − dx − − dx − × (3.24) (cid:18) e (cid:19) (cid:18) e (cid:19) 2 d = i +A +k σ k2 . dx e R e − R (cid:18) e (cid:19) σ denotes the vector of 2 2 Pauli matrices and × 0 e +ie (3.25) σ = y x . e e ie 0 y x (cid:18) − (cid:19) A self-adjoint realization of the operator with delta type matching conditions at the vertices was defined by Pankrashkin in [33]. The matching conditions at the vertices are analogous to delta type conditions of the Schro¨dinger operator where ε(v)=0 defines Neumann like coupling at the vertex v. Theorem 3.2. Denote by an operator the Rashba Hamiltonian on the edges of the graph acting on functions f W2,2(GR) C2 satisfying at each vertex v , ∈ ⊗ ∈V f (0)=f (L )=f(v), (vw),(uv) , (vw) (uv) (uv) ∈E d i(A +k σ ) f (0) dx − (uv) R (uv) (uv) (uXv)∈E(cid:18) (uv) (cid:19) d i(A +k σ ) f (L )=ε(v)f(v) . − dx − (vw) R (vw) (vw) (vw) (vXw)∈E(cid:18) (vw) (cid:19) Then is self-adjoint. R 4. The trace formula A trace formula for the Laplacian on a graph was first produced by Roth [35]. Here the trace formula for the density of states of the free Dirac and Pauli operatorsisstatedinthe formdevelopedbyKottosandSmilansky[25, 26]forthe QUANTUM GRAPHS WITH SPIN HAMILTONIANS 9 Schr¨odinger operator. A full review of the state of the art for the trace formula of a Schr¨odinger operator on a graph can be found in this volume [8]. Thespectrumofaquantumgraphcanbecomputedusingthescatteringmatrix of the graph. The scattering matrix is a unitary 4N 4N quantum evolution × operator acting on the vector of all plane-wave coefficients. It is defined via (4.1) S(uv)(wx)(k)=δvw σ(uv)(vx)u(uv)(vx) eikL(vx) , where σ = (T(v))(uv)(vx) and u = T(v) (uv)(vx)/ (T(v))(uv)(vx) . (uv)(vx) (uv)(vx) The k-spectrum of the Dirac operator are the solutions of the secular equation, (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (4.2) I S(k) =0 . | − | This quantization condition is obtained by considering vectors of plane-wave coef- ficients invariant under multiplication by S(k) which define eigenfunctions on the graph. The density of states is a comb of delta functions located at wavenumbers k , n d(k)= ∞ δ(k k ). The trace formula relates this spectral distribution to the n=1 − n set of periodic orbits on the graph. A periodic orbit p of n steps is a sequence P p=(e ,e ,...,e ) of directed edges on the graph, where the terminal vertex of e 1 2 n j is the initial vertex of e and e terminates at the origin of e . We will denote j+1 n 1 the set of Periodic orbits of n bonds P and and l is the metric length of the n p orbit p. The total length of the graph is L= L . A periodic orbit p may be e∈E e a repartition of a shorter primitive orbit in which case r denotes the number of p P repartitions of the primitive orbit used to produce p. Theorem 4.1. For the Dirac operator on a graph the density of states is, 2L 1 l p d(k)= + A tr(d )cos(kl ) , p p p π π r p p X where A =σ σ ...σ , p e1e2 e2e3 ene1 dp =ue1e2ue2e3...uene1 . The trace formula has the same form as that of the Schr¨odinger operator on a graph. The first term is a Weyl term, the mean density of states. The second contribution, the oscillating part, contains information about correlations in the spectrum written as a sum over all periodic orbits. The difference from the scalar version appears in the additional trace of d SU(2) which is the product of p ∈ the spin transformations at the vertices picked up while traversing the orbit p. A similartermappearsinthesemiclassicalGutzwillertypetraceformulafortheDirac operator [12, 13]. The trace formula is derived from the secular equation (4.2) in [9]. For the Pauli operator on the graph a similar formula holds and the elements ubjbj+1 SU(2)maybereplacedbyahigherdimensionalirreduciblerepresentation, ∈ see [11]. 5. Spectral statistics Quantum graphs with spin Hamiltonians provide a simple model in which to investigate the effects of spin-orbit interaction. Our first example is the effect of spin-orbit interaction on the statistics of the graph spectrum. 10 J.M.HARRISON 1 1.2 GSE I(0s.)8 GGGUOSEEE p(s)1 NumGGerUOicEEs Numerics 0.6 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 s 2 2.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 s 2.5 3 Figure 1. The integrated nearest neighbor spacing distribution and a histogram of the spacing distribution for a Dirac operator with Neumann matching conditions on a fully connected graph with four vertices, 24234 levels. Figure taken from [9]. For systems with half-integer spin and time-reversal symmetry eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian are doubly degenerate. When discussing spectral statistics it is therefore convenient to lift Kramers’ degeneracy and also rescale the spectrum so that the mean spacing is one, for more details see [20]. In the following we will assume such an unfolding of the spectrum has already taken place. The spectrum of the Dirac operator can be investigated numerically using the secular equation (4.2). A readily available statistic for computation is the nearest neighborspacingdistributionp(s),theprobabilitydensityofthespacingsbetween consecutive levels. Figure 1 shows a histogram of the nearest neighbor spacing distribution and the integrated distribution for the Dirac operator on a fully con- nectedsquare. Thespintransformationsattheverticeswerechosenrandomlyfrom SU(2). The numerical results show good agreement with the spectral statistics of the Gaussian symplectic ensemble (GSE) of random matrices – the ensemble of Hermitian matrices with probability measure invariant under symplectic transfor- mations. Thiscorrespondencewithrandommatrixstatistics,seeninawidevariety ofchaoticquantumsystems,isknownastheBohigas-Giannoni-Schmidtconjecture [7]. Thepointofparticularinteresttoushereistheensembleofrandommatricesto which the statistics of the quantum spectrum correspond. For systems with time- reversal symmetry and half-integer spin like the Dirac operator on a graph one generically sees GSE statistics, while for integer spin the corresponding random matrix statistics are those of the Gaussian orthogonalensemble (GOE). The two point correlation function of the unfolded spectrum is, 1 Λ (5.1) R (x)= lim d(y)d(y x)dy 1 . 2 Λ→∞ΛZ0 − − where d(y) is the unfolded density of states. The fourier transformof R , the form 2 factor, has been the spectral statistic most amenable to theoretical investigation. Using the trace formula for the Dirac operator (4.1) the spectral form factor can be written as a sum over pairs of periodic orbits, 1 l l l (5.2) K (τ)= p q A A eiπ(µp+µq)tr(d )tr(d )δ τ q δ Dirac 4(2L)2 r r p q p q − 2L lp,lq p,q p q (cid:18) (cid:19) X

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Most books are stored in the elastic cloud where traffic is expensive. For this reason, we have a limit on daily download.