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Quantum Geometry Fundamental Theories of Physics An International Book Series on The Fundamental Theories 0/ Physics: Their Clarification, Development and Application Editor: AL WYN VA N DER MERWE University oj Denver, U.S.A. Editorial Advisory Board: ASIM BARUT, University oj Colorado, U.S.A. HERMANN BONDI, University ojCambridge, U.K. BRIAN D. JOSEPHSON, University ojCambridge, u.K. CUVE KILMISTER, University 0/ London, U.K. GÜNTER LUDWIG, Philipps-Universität, Marburg, Germany NATHAN ROSEN, Israel Institute ojTechnology,/srael MENDEL SACHS, State University ojN ew York at Buffalo, U.S.A. ABDUS SALAM, International Centre/or Theoretical Physics, Tt·ieste, Italy HANS-JÜRGEN TREDER, Zentralinstitut für Astrophysik der Akademie der Wissenschaften, Germany Volume48 Quantum Geometry A Frameworkfor Quantum General Relativity by Eduard Prugovecki Department o/ Mathematics. University o/Toronto. Toronto. Canada Springer-Science+Business Media, B.Y. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Prugoveck1. Eduard. Ouantum geometry : a framework for quantum general relat1v1ty / by Eduard Prugoveck1. p. em. -- (Fundamental theor1es of phys1es ; v. 48) Ineludes b1bl1ograph1eal referenees (p. ) and 1ndex. 1. Geometrie quant1zation. 2. General relat1v1ty (Phys1es) I. T1tle. II. Series. OC174.17.G46P78 1992 530' . 1--d e20 92-2540 ISBN 978-90-481-4134-0 ISBN 978-94-015-7971-1 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-94-015-7971-1 Printed on acid-free paper All Rights Reserved © 1992 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht Originally published by KIuwer Academic Publishers in 1992 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1s t edition 1992 No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilized in any fonn or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any infonnation storage and retrieval system, without written pennission from the copyright owner. To the memory of a great physicist of penetrating vision and lasting achievements, whose scientific legacy and uncompromising integrity continue to inspire: Paul Adrien Mauriee Dirae (1902-1984) "One must seek a new relativistic quantum mechanics and one's prime concern must be 10 base it on sound malhematics." P. A. M. Dirae (1978) Table of Contents Preface Xl Chapter 1. Principles and Physical Interpretation of Quantum Geometries 1 1. 1. The Historical Background of Physical Geometries 2 1 .2. The Incompatibility of Quantum Theory with Classical Relativistic Geometries 6 1.3. Basic Principles of Quantum Geometry 10 1.4. Physical Features of Geometro-Stochastic Propagation 16 1.5. The Physical Nature of Geometro-Stochastic Excitons 22 Notes to Chapter 1 27 Chapter 2. The Fibre Bundle Framework for Classical General Relativity 30 2.1. Tensor Bundles over Four-Dimensional Differential Manifolds 31 2.2. General Linear Frame Bundles over Four-Dimensional Manifolds 35 2.3. Orthonormal Frame Bundles over Lorentzian Manifolds 40 *2.4. Parallel Transport and Connections in Principal and Associated Bundles 43 *2.5. Connection and Curvature Forms on Principal Bundles 48 2.6. Levi-Civita Connections and Riemannian Curvature Tensors 52 2.7. Einstein Field Equations and Principles of General Relativity 57 N otes to Chapter 2 63 Chapter 3. Stochastic Quantum Mechanics on Phase Space 66 3.1. Nonrelativistic Systems of Imprimitivity 67 3.2. Nonrelativistic Systems of Covariance 72 3.3. Relativistic Systems of Imprimitivity 77 3.4. Relativistic Systems of Covariance 80 3.5. Probability Currents and Sharp-Point Limits 85 3.6. Path Integrals in Stochastic Quantum Mechanics 88 3.7. Quantum Frames and Quantum Informational Completeness 94 *3.8. Kähler Metrics and Connections in HopfBundles and Line Bundles 99 3.9. Quantum Frames and Quantum Metrics in Typical Quantum Fibres 105 Notes to Chapter 3 109 vili Table ofContents Chapter 4. Nonrelativistic Newton-Cartan Quantum Geometries 116 *4.1. Classical Newton-Cartan Geometries 117 *4.2. Newton-Cartan Connections in Bargmann Frame Bundles 121 *4.3. Quantum Newton-Cartan Bundles 123 *4.4. Geometro-Stochastic Propagation in Quantum Newton-Cartan Bundles 127 Notes to Chapter 4 134 Chapter 5. Relativistic Klein-Gordon Quantum Geometries 136 5.1. Klein-Gordon Quantum Bundles 137 5.2. Parallel Transport in K1ein-Gordon Bundles 141 *5.3. Quantum Torsion and the K1ein-Gordon Quantum Connection 147 5.4. Geometro-Stochastic Propagation in K1ein-Gordon Quantum Bundles 149 5.5. The Physical Interpretation of the GS Klein-Gordon Framework 155 *5.6. GS Propagation in K1ein-Gordon Bundles and Quantum Diffusions 158 5.7. Relativistic Causality and Quantum Stochasticity 165 N otes to Chapter 5 171 Chapter 6. Relativistic Dirac Quantum Geometries 176 *6.1. Spinorial Wave Functions in Wigner and Dirac Representations 177 6.2. Standard Fibres for Dirac Quantum Bundles 181 *6.3. Dirac Quantum Frame Bundles 183 *6.4. Dirac Quantum Bundles 186 Notes to Chapter 6 188 Chapter 7. Relativistic Quantum Geometries for Spin-O Massive Fields 190 *7.1. Canonical Second-Quantization in Curved Spacetime 192 *7.2. Spontaneous Rindler Particle Creation in Minkowski Spacetime 199 *7.3. Ambiguities in the Concept of Quantum Particle in Curved Spacetime 205 7.4. Fock Quantum Bundles for Spin-O Neutral Quantum Fields 211 7.5. Parallel Transport and Action Principles in Fock Quantum Bundles 216 7.6. Relativistic Microcausality and Geometro-Stochastic Field Locality 222 7.7. Strongly and Weakly Causal Geometro-Stochastic Field Propagation 230 7.8. Interacting Quantum Fields in Extended Fock Bundles 233 Notes to Chapter 7 240 Chapter 8. Relativistic Quantum Geometries for Spin-l/2 Massive Fields 245 8.1. Fock-Dirae Bundles for Spin-1!2 Charged Quantum Fields 246 8.2. Parallel Transport and Stress-Energy Tensors in Foek-Dirae Bundles 248 8.3. Second-Quantized Frames in Berezin-Dirae Superfibre Bundles 250 Table o/Contents ix 8.4. Geometro-Stochastic Propagation in Fock-Dirae Bundles 255 Notes to Chapter 8 258 Chapter 9. Quantum Geometries for Electromagnetic Fields 260 9.1. Krein Spaces for Momentum Space Representations of Photon States 261 9.2. The Typical Krein-Maxwell Fibre for Single Photon States 266 9.3. Gupta-Bleuler Quantum Bundles and Frames 271 *9.4. Parallel Transport in Gupta-Bleuler Quantum Bundles 278 9.5. Stress-Energy Tensors and GS Propagation in Gupta-Bleuler Bundles 284 *9.6. Geometro-Stochastic vs. Conventional Quantum Electrodynamies 289 Notes to Chapter 9 300 Chapter 10. Classical and Quantum Geometries for Yang-Mills Fields 307 10.1. Basic Geometrie Aspeets of Classical Y ang-Mills Fields 308 10.2. Gauge Groups of Global Gauge Transfonnations in Principal Bundles 311 *10.3. Graded Lie Algebras Generated by Conneetion Fonns 316 10.4. BRST Transfonns and Ghost Fields in Classieal Yang-Mills Theories 320 *10.5. Lorenz and Transverse Gauges in Typical Weyl-Klein Fibres 324 *10.6. Geometro-Stochastie Quantization of Y ang-Mills Fields 330 Notes to Chapter 10 334 Chapter 11. Geometro-Stochastic Quantum Gravity 337 11.1. Canonieal Gravity and the Initial-Value Problem in CGR 339 11.2. Contemporary Approaches to the Quantization of Gravity 346 11.3. Basic Epistemic Tenets of Geometro-Stochastie Quantum Gravity 353 11.4. Observables and Their Physical Interpretation in CGR and QGR 360 11.5. Quantum Pregeometries for GS Graviton States 371 11.6. Lorenz Quantum Gravitational Geometries 379 11.7. Internal Graviton Gauges and Linear Polarizations 384 11.8. Null Polarization Tetrads and Graviton Polarization Frames 388 11.9. Quantum Gravitational Faddeev-Popov Fields and Gauge Groups 392 11.10. Quantum Gravitational BRST Symmetries and Connections 397 11.1l. Principles of GS Propagation in Quantum Gravitational Bundles 405 11.12. Foundational Aspects of GS Quantum Cosmology 412 Notes to Chapter 11 421 Chapter 12. Historical and Epistemological Perspectives on Developments in Relativity and Quantum Theory 433 12.1. Positivism VS. Realism in Relativity Theory and Quantum Mechanics 435 x Table ofContents 12.2. Conventionalistic Instrumentalism in Contemporary Quantum Physics 439 12.3. Inadequacies of Conventionalistic Instrumentalism in Quantum Physics 443 12.4. General Epistemological Aspects of Quantum Geometries 456 12.5. The Concept of Point and Form Factor in Quantum Geometry 461 12.6. The Physical Significance of Quantum Geometries 466 12.7. Summary and Conclusions 470 Notes to Chapter 12 474 References 486 Index 513 Note: The seetions marked with an asterisk can be omitted at afirst reading. Preface The present monograph provides a systematic and basicaIly self-eontained introduetion to a mathematieal framework eapable of ineOIporating those fundamental physical premises of general relativity and quantum meehanics which are not mutually ineonsistent, and which ean be therefore retained in the unifieation of these two fundamental areas of twentieth eentury physics. Thus, its underlying thesis is that the equivalenee principle of classical general relativity remains true at the quantum level, where it has to be reeonciled, however, with the uneertainty principle. As will be discussed in the first as weIl as in the last chapter, eonventional methods based on classical geometries and on single Hilbert space frame works for quantum meehanics have failed to aehieve such a reconciliation. On the other hand, foundational arguments suggest that new types of geometries should be introdueed. The geometries proposed and studied in this monograph are referred to as quantum geometries, sinee basic quantum principles are ineorporated into their strueture from the outset. The mathematical tools used in constructing these quantum geometries are drawn from functional analysis and fibre bundle theory, and in particular from Hilbert space the ory, group representation theory, and modern formulations of differential geometry. The developed physical eoncepts have their roots in nonrelativistic and relativistic quantum me chanics in Hilbert spaee, in classical general relativity and in quantum field theory for mas sive and gauge fields. However, the principal aim of this monograph is to deal not with specific physical theories, beyond QED and quantum gravity, but rather with general math ematieal structures that ean serve as frameworks within which such theories can be devel oped in an epistemologieally and mathematically sound manner. On the other hand, we shall demonstrate that the novel features of these frameworks not only clarify some long standing questions of quantum field theory in curved spacetime and of quantum gravity, but also give rise to some new perspeetives on the world of elementary particles. The essential ideas and teehniques of the varied and rieh disciplines treated in this mono graph are explained in the appropriate seetions of its text. In order to deepen the reader's understanding of those more technical aspects which could not be included due to limitations on spaee, the reader is direeted in a carefully guided manner to specific seetions of a score of key references, singled out from the list of references provided at the end of this book. It is therefore hoped that despite the advanced nature of the presented material, this monograph will be aecessible to most graduate students in physics and in mathematies. Thus, although it is desirable that a student already have some understanding of the mathematical foundations of classical general relativity (cf., e.g., Chapters 1-5 of [W] from amongst the aforementioned key references) and of standard nonrelativistic quantum meehanics (cf., e.g., Chapters 1-4 of [PQ]), that is not absolutely mandatory, since all the

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