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Quantum freeze of fidelity decay for chaotic dynamics Tomaˇz Prosen and Marko Zˇnidariˇc Physics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia (Dated: February 1, 2008) We show that the mechanism of quantum freeze of fidelity decay for perturbations with zero time-average, recently discovered for a specific case of integrable dynamics [New J. Phys. 5 (2003) 109],canbegeneralized toarbitraryquantumdynamics. Weworkoutexplicitlythecaseofchaotic classical counterpart,forwhich wefindsemi-classical expressionsforthevalueandtherangeofthe plateau of fidelity. After the plateau ends, we find explicit expressions for the asymptotic decay, which can be exponential or Gaussian depending on the ratio of the Heisenberg time to the decay time. Arbitrary initial states can beconsidered, e.g. wediscuss coherent states and random states. 4 PACSnumbers: 03.65.Yz,03.65.Sq,05.45.Mt 0 0 2 The question of stability of quantum time evolution the propagator in the interaction picture. Namely with respectto small changesinthe Hamiltonianhas re- n δ a cently attracted lot of attention [1, 2]. This question is Mδ(n) =Tˆexp −i~Σn(V) , (2) J particularly important in the context of quantum infor- (cid:18) (cid:19) mation processing [3]. The central quantity for describ- 23 ingquantumstabilityisthefidelityF(t)=|hψ(t)|ψδ(t)i|2 where, for any operator A, Σn(A) := τ nn′−=10An′ and A := U (−nτ)AU (nτ). In case of continuous time: where |ψ(t)i = U (t)|ψi and |ψ (t)i = U (t)|ψi are un- n 0 0 2 perturbed and pe0rturbed time δevolutionsδ, of perturba- Mδ(t) = Tˆexp(−i~δΣ(V,t)), with Σ(A,t)P:= 0tdt′A(t′), v tion strength δ, respectively, starting from the same ini- A(t):=U0(−t)AU0(t). Approach[5]usingthepowerlaw 2 tial state |ψi. Let the evolution operator be written as expansion of (2) in δ gives to the second ordeRr 4 1 time-ordered product Uδ(t) = Tˆexp(−i 0tdt′Hδ(t′)/~) δ2 01 iHn (tte)rm=sHof(t()g+enδeHra′l(lyt).timIne-tdheipseLndetetnetr)RwHeaemitihlteorniaasn- F(n) =1− ~2 Σ2n(V) −hΣn(V)i2 +O(δ4) (3) 4 suδme that H0δ(t) is autonomous (time-independent), or where h•i := hψ|•n|(cid:10)ψi. Equ(cid:11)ivalently, thios useful formula 0 more generally, periodically time dependent with some can be expressed in terms of time-correlation function h/ period τ, Hδ(t + τ) = Hδ(t). Then the time is mea- C(n′,n′′) = hVn′Vn′′i−hVn′ihVn′′i, namely F(n) = 1− p sured in discrete units of τ, namely t = nτ, and the (τδ/~)2 n−1 C(n′,n′′)+... The rule of thumb says t- former(autonomous)caseissimplyobtainedasthelimit thatslowernd′,nec′′a=y0ofcorrelations,i.e. strongerfluctuation n τ →0. The perturbed propagator for one time step can of Σ (VP), imply faster decay of fidelity, and vice versa. ua be written as Uδ(τ) = U0(τ)exp(−iVτδ/~) in terms of Panrticularlyinteresting specialsituation ariseswhen a q a hermitean perturbation V whic′h in the leading order time averaged perturbation V¯ := limn→∞(nτ)−1Σn(V) : perturbs the Hamiltonian V =H +O(τδ). equals zero. In general, the perturbation can be decom- iv It has been shown [2] that for classically chaotic sys- posed into the diagonal and residual part V = V¯ +Vres. X tems and for sufficiently strong perturbation and coher- The part V¯ which commutes with the unperturbed evo- r entinitialstate|ψithefidelitydecayisgivenbyclassical lutionU0 andisthus diagonal inits eigenbasiscansome- a Lyapunov exponents, and this phenomenon has been re- timesbeputtogetherwiththeunperturbedHamiltonian cently explainedsolely onthe basis ofclassicaldynamics H0. Thisiscustomaryinvariousquantummeanfieldap- [4]. On the other hand, for sufficiently small δ, one can proaches. Itisthusinterestingtoquestionthestabilityof expressfidelitydecayintermsofapowerseriesinδwhere quantumdynamicswithrespecttoresidualperturbation coefficients are given as time-correlation function of the only(i.e. whenitsdiagonalpartexactlyvanishesV¯ =0). perturbation[5]. Usingthisapproachonecanderiveuni- This problem has been addressed for the particular case versal forms of fidelity decay in both cases of classically ofperturbedintegrabledynamics[6]andveryinteresting regularand chaotic dynamics and express alltime-scales results on extreme stability of quantum dynamics have solely in terms of classical quantities and ~. been found termed as ’quantum freeze of fidelity’. In this Letter we show that the phenomenon of quan- Thestartingpointofouranalysisistherepresentation tumfreeze,namelythe saturationoffidelity to aplateau offidelity F(n) =F(nτ) intermsofexpectationvalue[5] of high value, is much more general and robust as it ap- pears in Ref.[6], and applies to arbitrary quantum evo- lution provided only that the perturbation is residual, F(n) =|f(n)|2, f(n) =hψ|M(n)|ψi (1) V¯ =0. Inparticular,weworkoutindetailtheimportant δ caseofdynamicswithfully chaoticclassicalcounterpart. We compute the plateau value (scaling as 1 − constδ2 of the echo operator M(n) := U (−nτ)U (nτ) which is within the second order), its range scaling as 1/δ, and δ 0 δ 2 the rate of the asymptotic decay after the plateau ends inequality |C | ≤ κ κ and the fact that for a bounded n 0 n (which is either gaussian or exponential), quantitatively operatorW thesequenceκ isbounded,saybyr,wefind n in terms of the underlying classical dynamics, effective a freeze of fidelity 1−F(n) ≤ 4δ2r2, nτ < t ∝ δ−1, for ~2 2 perturbationδ andthe effectivevalueofPlanckconstant arbitraryquantumdynamics,irrespectiveoftheexistence ~. Thephenomenonmayfindusefulapplicationinquan- and the nature of the classical limit. tum computation where fidelity error is predicted to be Let us further assume that, due to mixing property very small and frozen in time (for sufficiently small δ) of classically chaotic dynamics, time correlations van- providedonly that the diagonalpart of the error in each ish semiclassically beyond some mixing time-scale t , 1 gate can be cured by some other means. C →O(~)fornτ >t ,andquantumexpectationvalues n 1 In the autonomous case (τ → 0), provided that the become time-independent and equal, to leading order in spectrum of H0 is non-degenerate (which is true for a ~, to the classical averages over an appropriate invari- genericnon-integrablesystem),theperturbationisresid- ant set hAi := dµA . Hence, between t and t , the cl cl 1 2 ual iff it can be written as a time derivative of some ob- fidelity freezes to a constant value [8] servableW i.e. acommutatorwithH ,V = i[H ,W]= R 0 ~ 0 (d/dt)W. Generalizingtothediscrete,time-periodiccase δ2 F ≈1− κ2+κ2 , κ2 := W2 −hWi2 . (9) we shall assume that the perturbation is of the form plat ~2 0 cl cl cl cl (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:10) (cid:11) 1 1 Considering two interesting extreme examples of initial V = (W −W )= (U (−τ)WU (τ)−W). (4) τ 1 0 τ 0 0 states, namely coherent initial states (CIS) and random initial states (RIS) we find: For CIS κ2 ∝ ~ can be ne- 0 We shall now apply the Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff ex- glected with respect to κ2, whereas for RIS κ2 does not pansion eAeB = exp(A+B +(1/2)[A,B]+...) to the depend on time hence κc2l = κ2. So withinnthe linear 0 cl time-ordered product (2) and rewrite the echo-operator response approximation 1−F is universally twice as plat largefor RIS than for CIS. It is also worthto stress that Mδ(n) =exp −~i Σn(V)δ+ 12Γnδ2+... (5) qisusainmtpulmy rtehleaxcalatsiosincatlimmeixti1n∝g tliomge~ffoorrRCIISS.whilet1 ∝~0 (cid:26) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:27) One can go beyond the linear response in approxi- where Γn := iτ~2 nn′−=10 nn′−′=1n′[Vn′,Vn′′]. It is interest- mating (8) using a simple fact that in the leading or- ing to note [6] that all matrix elements of Γn grow with der in ~ quantum observables commute, and as before, n not faster thanP∝ n [7P]. This becomes obvious for the that for nτ > t the time correlations vanish, namely 1 special form of perturbation (4) for which it follows exp(−iδ(W −W )) ≈ exp(−iδW ) exp(iδW ) : ~ n 0 ~ n ~ 0 Σn(V) = Wn−W0, (6) (cid:10) F ≈|hexp(−iW(cid:11) δ/~(cid:10))i hexp(iW(cid:11)δ(cid:10)/~)i|2. ((cid:11)10) plat cl 0 i i Γ = Σ (R)− [W ,W ], R:= [W ,W ], (7) n n ~ 0 n τ~ 0 1 Defining a generating function in terms of the classical observable W , G(z) := hexp(−izW)i , one can com- cl cl so the operator Γn is also a time sum/integralof a time- pactly write FCIS ≈|G(δ/~)|2 for CIS (neglecting local- plat dependent operator R, minus a sort of time-correlation izedinitialstateaveragewithW )andFRIS ≈|G(δ/~)|4 functionwhichshallbeneglectedforsystemswithstrong 0 plat for RIS, satisfying universal relation FRIS ≈ (FCIS)2. decay of correlations studied below. In the continuous plat plat time case, R = i[W,(d/dt)W] = ~−2[W,[W,H ]] and Curiously, the same relation is satisfied for the case of ~ 0 regular dynamics [6]. If the argument z = δ/~ is large, Γ(t) = tdt′R(t′)− i[W(0),W(t)]. We note that, pro- 0 ~ theanalyticfunctionG(z)canbecalculatedgenerallyby vided W has a well defined classical limit ~ → 0, then also V,RR and Γn have well defined limits since ~i[•,•] tahseinmgleethisoodlaotfedstsattaiotinoanrayryphpaosine.t ~xIn∗ tinheNsimdipmleesntsicoansse:of can be replaced by a Poisson bracket. This is what we shall assume below, as well as that the limiting classical π N/2 ∗ −1/2 dynamics of U0 is fully chaotic. |G(z)|≍ 2z det∂xj∂xkW(~x ) . (11) weCnoomtepatrhinatg tthheertewsohoteurlmdsexinistthae BtiCmHe-secxapleonte2n∼tialδ−(51), This expression(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) giv(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)es a(cid:12)(cid:12)n asymptotic pow(cid:12)(cid:12)er law decay of such that if nτ < t then the first term Σ δ dominates the plateau height independent of the perturbation de- 2 n the second one 1Γ δ2 (and higher [7]). So, let us first tails. Note that for a finite phase space we will have 2 n consider the case nτ < t . Then we can neglect the oscillatory diffraction corrections to eq. (11) due to a fi- 2 second term and write the fidelity amplitude nite range of integration dµ which in turn causes an interesting situation for specific values of z, namely that f(n) =hexp(−i(W −W )δ/~)i. (8) byincreasingtheperturbaRtionstrengthδ wecanactually n 0 increase the value of the plateau. Expanding f(n) to the second order in δ, we find F(n) = Next we shall consider the regime of long times nτ > 1− δ2(κ2+κ2 −C −C∗) where κ2 := W2 −hW i2, t . Then the second term in the exponential of (5) dom- ~2 0 n n n k k k 2 C := hW W i − hW ihW i. Using Cauchy-Schwartz inates the first one, howevereven the first term may not n n 0 n 0 (cid:10) (cid:11) 3 benegligible. UptotermsoforderO(nδ3)wecanfactor- 1 (a) ize eq. (5) as M(n) ≈exp(−iδ(W −W ))exp(−iδ2Γ ). 0.99 δ ~ n 0 2~ n When computing the expectation value f(n) = hM(n)i 0.98 δ F we again use the fact that in the leading semiclassical 0.97 order the operator ordering is irrelevant and that, since 0.96 nτ ≫ t , any time-correlation can be factorized, so also 1 0.95 the second term of Γ (7) vanishes. Thus we have n 0.94 δ2 2 1 (b) F(n) ≈F exp −i Σ (R) , nτ >t . (12) plat 2~ n 2 (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:28) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:29)(cid:12)(cid:12) F 0.1 This result is(cid:12)quite intriguing. It t(cid:12)ells us that apart (cid:12) (cid:12) from a pre-factor F , the decay of fidelity with resid- plat 0.01 ual perturbation is formally the same as fidelity decay with a generic non-residual perturbation, eqs. (1,2), when one substitutes the operator V with R and the 0.001 perturbation strength δ with δ = δ2/2. The fact 100 101 102 103 104 105 R t that time-ordering is absent in eq. (12) as compared with (2) is semiclassically irrelevant. Thus we can di- FIG. 1: F(t) for the kicked top, with δ = 10−3 (a), and rectly apply the general semiclassical theory of fidelity δ=10−2 (b). IneachplottheuppercurveisforCISandthe decay [5], using a renormalized perturbation R of renor- lower for RIS. Horizontal chain lines are theoretical plateau malized strength δ . Here we simply rewrite the key values (10), vertical chain lines are theoretical values of t2 R (15). Thefull circles represent calculation of thecorrespond- results in the ’non-Lyapunov’ perturbation-dependent regime, δ τ < ~. Using a classical transport rate ingclassicalfidelityforCISwhichfollowsquantumfidelityup R to theEhrenfest (log~) barrier and exhibitsno freezing. σ :=limn→∞ 2n1τ( Σ2n(R) cl−hΣn(R)i2cl) we have either an exponential decay (cid:10) (cid:11) δ4 The corresponding classical fidelity (defined in [5]) does F(n) ≈F exp − σnτ , nτ <t (13) plat 2~2 H not exhibit freezing. Let us now demonstrate our theory (cid:18) (cid:19) by numerical examples. or a (perturbative) Gaussian decay First we consider a quantized kicked top as an ex- ample of one-dimensional system (d = 1). The sys- δ4 (nτ)2 F(n) ≈F exp − σ , nτ >t . (14) tem is described by quantum angular momentum Jx,y,z plat (cid:18) 2~2 tH (cid:19) H with (half)integer modulus J and the one-step propaga- tor U =exp(−iαJ2/2J)exp(−iπJ /2). We have chosen tH = τN/(2s) is the Heisenberg time, where N ∼ ~−d α=30 ensuring fuzlly chaotic correyspondingclassicaldy- (in d degrees of freedom) is the total dimension of the namics, with angular momentum coordinates on a unit Hilbert space supporting the time evolution and s is the sphere named as x,y,z, and J = 1000 determining the numberofdifferentsymmetryclasses(ofpossiblediscrete effective Planck constant ~ = 1/J = 10−3. The per- symmetries of H0) carrying the initial state |ψi. This is turbation is chosen as V = (Jx2 − Jz2)/2J2 associated just the time when the integratedcorrelationfunction of with W = J2/2J2. The initial state is either RIS (with z Rn becomes dominated by quantum fluctuation. Com- Gaussian random expansion coefficients) or SU(2) CIS paring the two factors in (13,14), i.e. the fluctuations of centered at (ϕ,θ) = (1,1). In both cases the initial twoterms in(5), we obtainasemiclassicalestimate oft2 state is projected on an invariant subspace of dimension N = J spanned by H = {|2mi−|−2mi,|2m−1i+ OE |−(2m−1)i;m= 1,...,J/2} where |mi is an eigenstate t κ κ2 t ≈min H cl, cl . (15) of Jz. We first checked the plateau. Within the linear 2 (r σ δ σδ2) response (9) we have to evaluate only κ2cl = 1/45 for the corresponding classical observable W = z2/2, giv- cl Interestingly, the exponential regime (13) can only take ing FCIS = 1−(δJ)2κ2, FRIS = 1−(δJ)22κ2. These plat cl plat cl place if t < t . If one wants to keep F ∼ 1, or have valuesgivegoodagreementwiththefidelityforweakper- 2 H plat exponential decay in the full range until F ∼ 1/N, this turbation δ = 10−3 shown in fig. 1a, whereas for strong implies a condition on dimensionality: d≥2. The quan- perturbation δ = 10−2 shown in fig. 1b the theoretical tum fidelity and its plateau values have been expressed values (10) of F , expressedin terms of the generating plat (inthe leadingorderin~)intermsofclassicalquantities functionG(z)forCIS/RIS,havetobecalculatedexactly, only. While the prefactor F depends on the details and indeed the agreement is excellent. Integration over plat of initial state, the exp-factors of (13,14) do not. Yet, the sphere yields G(δJ) = π erf(eiπ/4 δJ/2). Com- 2δJ the freezingof fidelity is a purely quantum phenomenon. paringwiththeasymptoticgeneralformulaforG(z)(11) p p 4 1 decay for the parameters of fig. 1a is shown in fig. 2. Here we comparea directnumericalcalculationwith the numerical calculation using a renormalized perturbation 0.1 strength δ and the effective perturbation operator (7) F R= −1(JRJ J +J J J ), andwiththe theoreticalpre- 2J3 x y z z y x diction (14) where the classical dynamics of R =−xyz cl 0.01 gives σ =5.1·10−3. To demonstrate the possibility of clean exponential 0.001 long-time decay of fidelity (13) we look at a system of two (d=2) coupled tops J~ and J~ given by a propaga- 1 2 0 0.5·106 1.0·106 1.5·106 2.0·106 2.5·106 tor U = exp(−iεJz1Jz2)exp(−iπJy1/2)exp(−iπJy2/2), t withtheperturbationgeneratedbyW =A ⊗ + ⊗A , 1 2 where A=J2/2J2 for each top. We set J = 11/~1= 100, FIG. 2: Long-time Gaussian decay for CIS of a single kicked z and ε = 20 in order to be in a fully chaotic regime. topforthesameparametersasinfig.1a. Fullcurveisadirect numericalevaluation,emptycirclesarenumericalcalculation The initial state is always a direct product of SU(2) co- usingtherenormalizedstrengthδR andoperatorR,whilethe herent states centered at (ϕ,θ) = (1,1) which is sub- chain curvegives thetheoretical decay (14). sequently projected on an invariant subspace of dimen- sion N = J(J +1) spanned by {H ⊗H } , where OE r sym 100 Hr =H\HOE and {·}sym is a subspace symmetric with (a) respect to the exchange of the two tops. The results of 10-1 numerical simulation are shown in fig. 3. Here we show 10-2 only a long-time decay, as the situation in the plateau F 10-3 is qualitatively the same as for d = 1. For large enough perturbation one obtains an exponential decay shown in 10-4 fig.3(a),whileforsmallerperturbationwehaveaGaus- 10-5 siandecayshowninfig.3(b). Numericaldatahavebeen 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 100 successfullycomparedwiththetheory(13,14)usingclas- (b) sicallycalculatedσ =9.2·10−3,andwiththe “renormal- 10-1 ized” numerics using the operator R (7). 10-2 In this Letter we discussed a freeze of fidelity for arbi- F 10-3 traryquantumevolutionprovidedonlythatthediagonal 10-4 part of the perturbation in the basis of the unperturbed evolution exactly vanishes. The value of the plateau can 10-5 0 0.2·105 0.4·105 0.6·105 0.8·105 1.0·105 1.2·105 be arbitrary close to 1 and can span over arbitrary long t time-ranges for sufficiently small strength of perturba- tion. We worked out in detail the case of systems with FIG. 3: Long-time fidelity decay in two coupled kicked tops. For strong perturbation δ = 7.5·10−2 (a) we obtain an ex- fully chaotic classical limit. Our result is predicted to ponential decay, and for smaller δ = 2·10−2 (b) we have a haveimmediateapplicationtoquantuminformationpro- Gaussiandecay. Meaningofthecurvesisthesameasinfig.2. cessing. Ifcombinedwiththe inequalitybetweenthe pu- rity I(t) of a reduceddensity matrix ofa bipartite quan- tumsystemandthefidelity,namelyI(t)>|F(t)|2 [9],we wenow alsofinda diffractivecontributiondue to oscilla- predict that decoherence as characterizedby I(t) should tory behavior of the complex erf-function. Small (quan- also exhibit freeze for the particular class of perturba- tum) fluctuations around the theoretical plateau values tions. Useful discussions with T.H.Seligman and finan- infig.1liebeyondtheleadingordersemiclassicaldescrip- cial support by the Ministry of Education, Science and tion. In fig. 1 we also demonstrate that the semiclassical SportsofSloveniaandDAAD19-02-1-0086,AROUnited formula (15) for t works very well. Long-time Gaussian States are gratefully acknowledged. 2 [1] A. Peres, Phys. Rev. A 30, 1610 (1984); Ph. Jacquod [3] M. A. Nielsen and I. L. Chuang, Quantum computation et al. Phys. Rev. E 64, 055203 (2001); N. R. 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