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Quantum Critical Scaling and origin of Non-Fermi-Liquid behavior in Sc$_{1-x}$U$_{x}$Pd$_3$ PDF

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Preview Quantum Critical Scaling and origin of Non-Fermi-Liquid behavior in Sc$_{1-x}$U$_{x}$Pd$_3$

Quantum Critical Scaling and origin of Non-Fermi-Liquid behavior in Sc U Pd 1−x x 3 Stephen D. Wilson,1 Pengcheng Dai,1,2,∗ D. T. Adroja,3 S.-H. Lee,4 J.-H. Chung,4,5 J. W. Lynn,4 N. P. Butch,6 and M. B. Maple6 1 Department of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee 37996-1200, USA 2 Condensed Matter Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831, USA 3 ISIS Facility, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, Oxon OX11 0QX, United Kingdom 4 NIST Center for Neutron Research, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899, USA 5 5 Department of Materials Science and Engineering, 0 University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742, USA 0 6 Department of Physics and Institute for Pure and Applied Physical Sciences, 2 University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California 92093-0319, USA n a We use inelastic neutron scattering to study magnetic excitations of Sc1−xUxPd3 for U concen- J trations (x = 0.25, 0.35) near the spin glass quantum critical point (QCP). The excitations are 1 spatially incoherent, broad in energy (E = ¯hω), and follow ω/T scaling at all wave vectors inves- tigated. Since similar ω/T scaling has been observed for UCu5−xPdx and CeCu6−xAux near the ] antiferromagnetic(AF)QCP,wearguethattheobservednonFermiliquid(NFL)behaviorinthese l f-electronmaterialsarisesfromthecriticalphenomenanearaT =0Kphasetransition,irrespective e - of thenature of the transition. r t s PACSnumbers: 75.40.Gb,71.27.+a,71.10.Hf . t a m The breakdown of Fermi-liquid theory has been ob- the Γ doublet ground state is more consistent with the 3 - servedinaclassofstronglycorrelatedf-electronmateri- x=0.45 data and the x=0.2 compound has a degener- d als, followingthe originaldiscoveryof this so-callednon- ate Γ and Γ groundstate. In this case,the QKEcould 3 5 n o Fermi-liquid (NFL) behavior in the Y1−xUxPd3 pseu- be the predominant cause of NFL behavior [15]. c dobinary alloy in 1991 [1, 2, 3, 4]. In spite of intensive In this Letter, we report neutron scattering experi- [ theoreticalandexperimentaleffortsoverthe pastdecade ments on Sc1−xUxPd3 (x = 0.0, 0.25, 0.35). We show [5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13],itisstillunclearwhetherthe thatmagneticexcitationsattheNFLconcentration(x= 1 v observed NFL behavior is an intrinsic property [14, 15] 0.35) do not form the distinct CEF excitations seen in ′′ 4 or extrinsic property associated with metallurgical in- Y0.55U0.45Pd3. Instead, the susceptibility χ (q,ω,T) at 0 homogeneity in these materials [16]. Models describing all probed wave vectors (q), temperatures (T), and en- 0 this anomalous NFL behavior include single-ion physics ergies (¯hω) obeys ω/T scaling indicative of a T = 0 K 1 of noninteracting local magnetic moments [5, 6], close second order phase transition. While such behavior is 0 5 proximity to a T =0 K second-orderphase transition or also observed in the NFL compounds CeCu6−xAux [20], 0 quantum critical point (QCP) [7, 8, 9, 10], and disorder UCu5−xPdx [21,22],andCe(Rh0.8Pd0.2)Sb[23]nearan- t/ induced effects [11, 12, 13]. tiferromagnetic (AF) QCP, χ′′(q,ω,T) in Sc1−xUxPd3 a We studied Sc1−xUxPd3 because this system has (x = 0.35) is wave vector independent with no spatial m a phase diagram and NFL properties similar to correlations and obeys ω/T scaling over a much wider d- Y1−xUxPd3, but with a nearly homogeneousU distribu- energy range with a different critical exponent. There- tion in the ScPd matrix [14]. While the U inhomogene- fore, the dynamics of isolated U ions are responsible for n 3 o ity in Y1−xUxPd3 is unlikely the main cause of the NFL the temperature and energy scaling, suggesting that the c behavior [15], neutron scattering experiments seeking to NFL behavior originates from the spin-glass phase tran- : v provide constraints on various microscopic models have sition suppressed to near zero temperature. i reached different conclusions. According to Lea, Leask, Our experiments were performed on the HET time- X and Wolf [17], the cubic crystalline electric field (CEF) of-flight spectrometer at the UK ISIS spallation neutron ar of ScPd3 splits the U4+ J = 4 multiplet into Γ4 and Γ5 source [19], and on the BT-2 and cold neutron SPINS triplets, a Γ singlet, and a Γ doublet. If the single- triple-axisspectrometersattheNISTCenterforNeutron 1 3 ion based two-channel quadrupolar Kondo effect (QKE) Research(NCNR).TheHETdatawerecollectedwithin- is responsible for the NFL behavior in Y U Pd [1], cident beam energies (E ) of both 18 meV and 65 meV 0.8 0.2 3 i the U4+ ground state should be a nonmagnetic Γ with for a range of temperatures, and a vanadium standard 3 magnetic Γ and Γ excited states [5]. In contrast, was used to normalize the scattering intensity to abso- 5 4 polarized triple-axis neutron-scattering experiments on lute units. The magnetic scattering in U-doped materi- Y1−xUxPd3 reveal a magnetic ground state for x=0.45 alswasdeterminedbycomparingthescatteringintensity and possibly for x = 0.2, thus precluding the possibility withthatofthenonmagneticScPd parentcompoundfor 3 of a QKE [18]. However, based on subsequent neutron 18meVdata,andby subtractionofa parent-compound- time-of-flight measurements, Bull et al. [19] argue that generatedmappingbackgroundfor65meVdata[19,24]. 2 Fig. 1) | Q | (Å-1) 0 .5 1 1.5 2 18 10 )Vem( ygrenE 11118646420 Intensity a-240)20 | Q |1 (Å-1) 2 STc=.6 55UK,. 3H5PETd3 6842Vem bm( ytis netnIΩ1- 2 ) 1- 0 0 8 b) Sc UPd X = 0 1-)V 6 T=1 -5x Kx, H3ET XX == ..3255 e 4 m Ω1- 2 b m ( ytisnetn 60 c) 1X5320 00=K0 00KK ,K 5 K Sc.65U.35Pd3 I 4 X30=00 ,K 100 K 2 0 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 Energy (meV) FIG. 2: (a) q-integrated (0 < q < 2.5 ˚A−1) S(ω,T) for FIG. 1: (a) E-q image of Sc1−xUxPd3 (x= 0.35) at 5 K for x = 0.35 with Ei=65 meV. Open triangles show the map- Ei = 18 meV. The inset shows E-integrated [E = 3-6 meV pingbackground,andvertical dashedlinesare theresolution (blue);6-9meV(green);9-12meV(black)]q-cutsat5K.(b) half-widthof1.65meV.(b)Netmagneticscatteringatvarious Theq-integrated(0<q<2.5˚A−1)S(ω,T)forx=0.0,0.25, temperatures. (c) Calculated CEF S(ω,T) for two possible and0.35. Thedashedlineshowstheexpectedmagneticscat- ground states: magnetic Γ5 and nonmagnetic Γ3. tering for x=0.25 assuming simple U-concentration scaling. (c)Theq-integrated(0<q<1.5˚A−1)S(ω,T)forx=0.35at various temperatures. Dashed lines on the E <0 side reflect K(Fig. 1b). Whiletheoutcomeshowsclearmagneticre- detailed balance expectations calculated from the magnetic sponseforthetwodopedsystems,thescatteringisbroad scattering on the E > 0 side. Grey, vertical dashed-lines andfeaturelesswithnoevidenceforlocalizedCEFstates. show the resolution half-width of 0.433 meV. Inaddition,themagneticscatteringdoesnotfollowtheU concentration scaling. Assuming that the magnetic fluc- To study the low-energy spin dynamics, we used SPINS tuations in Sc1−xUxPd3 scale linearly with the U solute with final neutron energy fixed at E = 5 meV. An in- concentration, one would expect scattering for x = 0.25 f cident beam collimation of 80′ was used followed by a asthedashedlineinFig. 1b. Theactualscatteringfrom cold Be filter and a radial collimator after the sample. the x = 0.25 concentration instead almost lies directly We alsocollecteddata using polarizedneutronsonBT-2 ontopofthenonmagneticparentbackgroundwithmuch to separate the magnetic signal from nuclear spin inco- less magnetic signal. We note that similar behavior has herent scattering. For the experiment, we prepared 18 also been observed in Y1−xUxPd3 [19]. g polycrystalline samples of Sc1−xUxPd3 (x = 0, 0.25, Since the Sc1−xUxPd3 x = 0.25 compound is nearly 0.35) through arc-melting techniques [14]. The lattice nonmagnetic and does not exhibit strong NFL features parametersofthese cubic Cu Austructure materialsare [15],we focusonthe NFL x=0.35compoundandstudy 3 a=b=c=4.01˚A for x=0.35 and3.99 ˚A for x=0.25. the temperature evolution of the magnetic scattering. Figure 1 summarizes HET results with E = 18 meV The most striking feature of the data is the tempera- i for Sc1−xUxPd3 at x = 0, 0.25, 0.35, where we probed ture independence on the neutron energy loss side of the excitations in the energy range between 3 and 13 meV. spectra, while the neutron energy gain side obeys de- Thescatteringforx=0.35intheenergy-momentum(E- tailedbalance as shownin Fig. 1c. To confirmthat such q) space probed (Fig. 1a) shows a broad continuum of behavior indeed arises from the U magnetic moment, we intensitywithnopeakattheexpectedAForderingwave performedacarefulstudyofthetemperaturedependence vector for Y0.55U0.45Pd3 marked as the vertical dashed of the nonmagnetic ScPd3 and found that the nonmag- line [18]. Different energy-integratedcuts at 5 K (see in- neticscatteringistemperatureindependentbelow100K set of Fig. 1a) show no modulation at any wavevector, and increases only slightly at 300 K (Fig. 1c). different from that of Y1−xUxPd3 (Fig. 10 of Ref. [19]). To determine the magnetic excitations of the x=0.35 ToseeifthescatteringinFig. 1aismagnetic,wecompare compound above 13 meV, we increased E = 65 meV at i q-integratedenergy cuts for all three concentrations at 5 the HET. Fig. 2a shows the scattering at T = 5 K for 3 T = 5 K using BT-2 at NCNR. The flipping ratios for both horizontal and vertical guide fields are ∼20. By subtracting vertical field intensity from that in horizon- tal field, we confirmed the presence of elastic magnetic scattering [18, 25]. To further prove that the observed excitations are from U moments, we show in Fig. 3c the wave vector dependence of the magnetic scattering from bothHETandSPINSexperimentsnormalizedtotheex- pected U4+ and U3+ magnetic form factors. The data are clearly consistent with U magnetic scattering. The absence of any characteristicq and E scale in the magnetic excitations of the x = 0.35 compound sug- gests that isolated U ions are responsible for the ob- servedspindynamicalbehavior. Theuniquetemperature independent form of the magnetic scattering S(q,ω,T) bears a remarkable resemblance to that of UCu5−xPdx, where the excitations at all q, and for limited temper- atures and energies (< 25 meV) accessed display the same type of NFL ω/T scaling [21, 22]. The mea- sured S(q,ω,T) is related to the imaginary part of the ′′ dynamical susceptibility, χ (q,ω,T), via S(q,ω,T) = FIG. 3: (a) Energy scans at fixed q = 1.3 ˚A−1 for x = 0.35 χ′′(q,ω,T)/[1 − exp(−¯hω/k T)], where [n(ω) + 1] = B and 0.0 on SPINS. Dashed vertical lines show the resolution 1/[1−exp(−¯hω/k T)] is the Bose population factor. In halfwidth of 0.12 meV. (b) (q,E) map of magnetic fluctu- B ′′ calculating χ (q,ω,T) for the various temperatures, we ations for x = 0.35 at 1.4 K. The dashed grey line shows theAForderingwavevectorof(0.5,0.5,0) forY0.55U0.45Pd3 find that χ′′ multiplied by T1/5 collapses onto a single [18]. (c) q-dependence of magnetic excitations. Solid lines curve for all data sets as a function of ω/T. showcalculatedmagneticformfactorsforU3+ andU4+ ions. Figure 4 showsthe outcome ofour analysis,where the SPINS data have been scaled to the absolute scale of the HET data through normalizing the elastic incoher- boththe x=0.35compoundandthe nonmagneticback- ent scattering of x = 0.0 and 0.35. In the final plot, all ground [19, 24]. The resulting difference spectra at sev- data have been corrected for their magnetic form factor eral temperatures are shown in Fig. 2b. Similar to Fig. dependence, which is critical for the time-of-flight data 1c, the magnetic excitations are broad, temperature in- because of the coupled E-q values. The obtained scaling dependent,andextendupto50meV.Ifexcitationsfrom exponent of 1/5 represents a purely empirical analysis; the Umomentsinthe x=0.35compoundhavelocalized however, slight deviations from this value induce sub- states at ∼6 meV and ∼36 meV as in the AF ordered stantial discontinuities in the resulting ω/T scaling plot. Y0.55U0.45Pd3 [18, 19], one can calculate the expected For comparison, the scaling exponent of UCu5−xPdx is temperature dependence of the CEF levels assuming ei- 1/3 [21, 22]. ther Γ5 [18] or Γ3 [19] as the zero-energy ground state Thediscoveryofω/T scalingintheNFLx=0.35com- (Fig. 2c). The comparison of Figs. 2b and 2c reveals pound strongly suggests that the magnetic fluctuations that both CEF models are incompatible with the data. inthissystemarisefromthecloseproximitytoaT =0K If excitations in the NFL x = 0.35 are indeed nonlo- phase transition. Similar ω/T scaling was first identified calized, one would expect to find magnetic scattering at in the NFL UCu5−xPdx system, but with much smaller energies much less than 3 meV. Figure 3a shows energy energy range [21, 22]. The key difference, however, is scans at q = 1.3 ˚A−1 for x = 0.35 and x = 0.0 using that Sc U Pd does not have any enhancement in 0.65 0.35 3 SPINS at NCNR. Consistent with results at higher en- themagneticscatteringaroundtheexpectedAFordering ergies (Figs. 1 and 2), magnetic excitations between 0.4 vectorofhigherUconcentrations[18]. Whiletheantifer- meV and 8 meV are broad,featureless, and temperature romagnetism in Y1−xUxPd3 compounds with x ≥ 0.41 independentfrom1.4Kto300K.Toseeifmagneticscat- may not control the spin dynamics for Sc U Pd , 0.65 0.35 3 tering in x= 0.35 peaks at the same AF wave vector as our results are consistent with the observation that the Y U Pd [18],wecarriedoutaseriesofenergyscans spin-glass transition temperatures of the NFL x = 0.35 0.55 0.45 3 at different wave vectors at T = 1.4 K. The outcome and0.3compounds aresuppressedclosetoT =0K[15]. shows no enhancement along any wave vectors probed SinceNFLbehaviorhaspreviouslybeenattributedtothe (Fig. 3b). To see if there is magnetic scattering at an proximity of an AF QCP at T = 0 K in CeCu Au 5.9 0.1 arbitrary (q = 1.95 ˚A−1) elastic position, we performed [20],ourresultssuggestthatdetailsoftheT =0Kphase polarized neutron beam measurements on x = 0.35 at transition are unimportant for the NFL behavior. 4 tureless in wave vector and energy. The absence of any characteristic energy scale, other than the temperature itself, suggests that the microscopic origin of the NFL behavior lies with individual U ions near a T = 0 K spin-glass phase transition. Therefore, the NFL prop- erties in a wide variety of f-electron systems includ- ing (Y,Sc)1−xUxPd3, UCu5−xPdx, CeCu6−xAux, and Ce(Rh Pd )Sb can be described by a common physi- 0.8 0.2 cal picture, being near a T = 0 K quantum phase tran- sition. Although the intrinsic disorder in these systems is essential for establishing the spin-glass ground state [11, 12, 13], it cannot be the main cause of the NFL behavior. We thank M. C. Aronson, H. J. Kang, and Q. Si for FIG. 4: Scaling plot for Sc.65U.35Pd3. The 300K HET data helpful discussions. This work is supported by the US exhibit a slight deviation due possibly to underestimation of NSF DMR-0139882 and DOE DE-AC05-00OR22725 at phonon contributions. UT/ORNL, and by the US DOE DE-FG02-04ER46105 and NSF DMR-0335173 at UCSD. Theoretically, the NFL behavior may arise from the proximitytoaT =0Kspin-glassquantumphasetransi- tion, although models in their present forms do not pre- dict the observed ω/T scaling [7, 8, 9]. Recent exper- ∗ Electronic address: [email protected] iments on Ce(Ru Rh ) Si [26] have attributed the [1] C. L. Seaman et al.,Phys. Rev.Lett. 67, 2882 (1991). 0.5 0.5 2 2 NFL behavior to the disorder near a spin glass QCP [2] B.AndrakaandA.M.Tsvelik,Phys.Rev.Lett.67,2886 (1991). [11, 12, 13]. On the other hand, disorder was found not [3] M. B. Maple et al.,J. Low Temp. Phys. 99, 223 (1995). to be the main cause for the NFL behavior in quantum [4] G. 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