Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Facultad de Informática QUANTUM COMMUNICATIONS IN OPTICAL NETWORKS PhD Dissertation alex ciurana aguilar Bachelor in Telecommunication Engineering (UPC) Master in Computational Mathematics (UPM) 2014 Departamento de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos e Ingeniería de Software Facultad de Informática QUANTUM COMMUNICATIONS IN OPTICAL NETWORKS alex ciurana aguilar Bachelor in Telecommunication Engineering (UPC) Master in Computational Mathematics (UPM) Supervisor: vicente martín ayuso Ph.D. in Physics Associate Professor at UPM 2014 Alex Ciurana Aguilar: Quantum Communications in Optical Networks, 2014 PhD Dissertation, © supervisor : Vicente Martín Ayuso location : Madrid Tribunal nombrado por el Magnífico y Excelentísimo Sr. Rector de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Presidente: ........................................................................................... Vocal: ................................................................................................... Vocal: ................................................................................................... Vocal: ................................................................................................... Secretario: ............................................................................................ RealizadoelactodelecturaydefensadelaTesisDoctoralenMadrid, 20 a ...... de .................................... de ...... . El tribunal acuerca entregar la calificación de ........................................ l residente os ocales E P L V l ecretario E S v ABSTRACT Thepotentialuseofquantumsystemstoprocessandtransmitinforma- tionhasimpulsedtheemergenceofquantuminformationtechnologies such as quantum key distribution. Despite looking promising, their use out of the laboratory is limited since they are a very delicate technology due to the need of working at the single quantum level. In this work we show how to use them in optical telecommunica- tion networks. Using an existing infrastructure and sharing it with other signals, both quantum and conventional, reduces dramatically the cost and allows to reach a large group of users. In this work, we will first integrate quantum signals in the most common passive optical networks, for their simplicity and reach to final users. Then, we extend this study by proposing a quantum metropolitan optical network based on wavelength-division multiplexing and wavelength- addressing, verifying its operation mode in a testbed. Later, we study the distribution of entangled photon-pairs between the users of the network with the objective of covering as much different technologies as possible. We further explore other network architectures, changing the topology and the technology used at the nodes. The resulting network scales better at the cost of a more complex and expensive infrastructure. Finally, we tackle the distance limitation problem of quantum communications. The solution offered is based on network- coding and allows, using multiple paths and nodes, to modulate the information leaked to each node, and thus, the degree of trust placed in them. Keywords: quantum communications, quantum key distribution, optical telecommunication networks, wavelength division multiplex- ing, trusted repeaters, passive optical networks vii RESUMEN Laposibilidaddeutilizarsistemascuánticosparaprocesarytransmitir información ha impulsado la aparición de tecnologías de información cuántica, p. ej., distribución cuántica de claves. Aunque prometedo- ras, su uso fuera del laboratorio es actualmente demasiado costoso y complicado. En este trabajo mostramos como utilizarlas en redes ópticas de telecomunicaciones. Al utilizar una infraestructura exis- tente y pervasiva, y compartirla con otras señales, tanto clásicas como cuánticas, el coste se reduce drásticamente y llega a un mayor público. Comenzamos integrando señales cuánticas en los tipos más utilizados de redes ópticas pasivas, por su simplicidad y alcance a usuarios finales. Luego ampliamos este estudio, proponiendo un diseño de red óptica metropolitana basado en la división en longitud de onda para multiplexar y direccionar las señales. Verificamos su funcionamiento con un prototipo. Posteriormente, estudiamos la distribución de pares de fotones entrelazados entre los usuarios de dicha red con el objetivo de abarcar más tecnologías. Para ampliar la capacidad de usuarios, rediseñamos la red troncal, cambiando tanto la topología como la tecnología utilizada en los nodos. El resultado es una red metropoli- tana cuántica que escala a cualquier cantidad de usuarios, a costa de una mayor complejidad y coste. Finalmente, tratamos el problema de la limitación en distancia. La solución propuesta está basada en codificación de red y permite, mediante el uso de varios caminos y nodos, modular lacantidad de información que tienecada nodo, y así, la confianza depositada en él. Palabras clave: comunicaciones cuánticas, distribución de claves cuántica, redes ópticas de telecomunicaciones, multiplexación en lon- gitud de onda, repetidores confiables, redes ópticas pasivas viii PUBLICATIONS Some of the ideas described hereafter have been published in the following articles: journal papers 1 . D. Elkouss, J. Martínez-Mateo, A. Ciurana, and V. Martín, "Se- cure optical networks based on quantum key distribution and weakly trusted repeaters," Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 316-328, 2013. (JCR 2012, Impact 1433 factor . ) 2 . A.Ciurana,J.Martínez-Mateo,M.Peev,A.Poppe,N.Walenta,H. Zbinden,andV.Martín,"Quantummetropolitanopticalnetwork based on wavelength division multiplexing," Optics Express, Vol. 22 2 1576 1593 2014 2012 3546 , No. , pp. - , . (JCR , Impact factor . ) 3 . J. Martínez-Mateo, A. Ciurana, and V. Martín, "Quantum key distribution based on selective post-processing in passive optical networks," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 26, No. 9, pp. 881 884 2014 2012 2038 - , . (JCR , Impact factor . ) 4 . A.Ciurana,A.Poppe,J.Martínez-Mateo,M.Peev,andV.Martín, "Entanglement distribution in optical networks," in preparation. intellectual property 1 . A. Ciurana, J. Martínez-Mateo, V. Martín, and H. Zbinden. Mul- tiplexor óptico pasivo (P201331312) Patent pending, Sept. 2013. published proceedings from peer reviewed international conferences 1 . D. Lancho, J. Martínez-Mateo, D. Elkouss, A. Ciurana, M. Soto, and V. Martín, "Deploying QKD in standard optical networks," Updating Quantum Cryptography and Communications (UQCC), p. 118 2010 , Tokio, Japan, Oct. . 2 . A. Ciurana, V. Martín, J. Martínez-Mateo, A. Poppe, M. Soto, N. Walenta, and H. Zbinden, "Multiplexing QKD systems in con- ventional optical networks," 2nd Annual Conference on Quantum Cryptography (QCRYPT), Singapore, Singapore, Sept. 2012. ix 3 . A. Ciurana, J. Martínez-Mateo, M. Peev, A. Poppe, N. Walenta, H. Zbinden, and V. Martín, "QKD in dense WDM passive opti- cal networks," Workshop on Quantum Telecommunications, Lisboa, 2013 Portugal, May . 4 . A. Ciurana, J. Martínez-Mateo, N. Walenta, H. Zbinden, M. Peev, A.Poppe,andV.Martín,"Proposalforawavelengthmultiplexed quantum metropolitan area networking," 3rd Annual Conference on Quantum Cryptography (QCRYPT), Waterloo, Canada, Aug. 2013 . 5 . D.Elkouss,J.Martínez-Mateo,A.Ciurana,andV.Martín,"Secure optical networks based on QKD and weakly trusted repeaters," 3rd Annual Conference on Quantum Cryptography (QCRYPT), Wa- 2013 terloo, Canada, Aug. . 6 . A.Ciurana,J.Martínez-Mateo,M.Peev,A.Poppe,N.Walenta,H. Zbinden,andV.Martín,"Quantummetropolitanopticalnetwork based on wavelength division multiplexing," ETSI Quantum-Safe- Crypto Workshop, Sophia Antipolis, France, Sept. 2013. 7 . A. Poppe, B. Schrenk, F. Hipp, M. Peev, S. Aleksic, G. Franzl, A. Ciurana, and V. Martín, "Integration of quantum key distribu- tion in metropolitan optical networks," OSA Research in Optical Sciences Congress, Berlin, Germany, Mar. 2014. 8 . A. Poppe, A. Ciurana, F. Hipp, B. Schrenk, M. Peev, J. Martínez- Mateo, and V. Martín, "Entanglement generation and routing in optical networks," European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Cannes, France, Sept. 2014. 9 . A.Ciurana,A.Poppe,J.Martínez-Mateo,M.Peev,andV.Martín, "Entanglement distribution in quantum metropolitan optical net- works,"4thAnnualConferenceonQuantumCryptography(QCRYPT), Paris, France, Sept. 2014, submitted. 10 . J. Martínez-Mateo, C. Pacher, A. Ciurana, and V. Martín, "To- wards an optimal implementation of cascade," 4th Annual Con- ference on Quantum Cryptography (QCRYPT), Paris, France, Sept. 2014, submitted. published proceedings from national conferences 1 . V. Martín, D. Lancho, J. Martínez-Mateo, D. Elkouss, and A. Ciurana, "Integrating QKD in telecommunication networks," QUITEMAD Workshop 2011, El Escorial, Spain, Jan. 2011. 2 . A. Ciurana, N. Walenta, J. Martínez-Mateo, D. Elkouss, M. Soto, and V. Martín, "Quantum key distribution in WDM-PON access x