Quantum coherence, radiance, and resistance of gravitational systems Teodora Oniga∗ and Charles H.-T. Wang† Department of Physics, University of Aberdeen, King’s College, Aberdeen AB24 3UE, United Kingdom We develop a general framework for the open dynamics of an ensemble of quantum particles subject to spacetime fluctuations about the flat background. An arbitrary number of interacting bosonicandfermionicparticlesareconsidered. Asystematicapproachtothegeneration ofgravita- tionalwavesinthequantumdomainispresentedthatrecoversknownclassicallimitsintermsofthe quadrupole radiation formula and back-reaction dissipation. Classical gravitational emission and absorption relations are quantized intotheir quantumfield theoretical counterparts in terms of the correspondingoperatorsandquantumensembleaverages. Certainarisingconsistencyissuesrelated to factor ordering have been addressed and resolved. Using the theoretical formulation established herewith numericalsimulations in thequantumregime, we demonstrate newpredictions including 7 decoherence through the spontaneous emission of gravitons and collectively amplified “superradi- 1 ance” of gravitational waves by a highly coherent state of identical particles. 0 2 n I. INTRODUCTION based on recent theoretical progress of generic gravita- a tional decoherence [16–18], and provide an application J Recent detection of gravitational waves [1] has con- example using a confined gravitating many-particle sys- 5 firmed one of the most important predictions of general tem ready to be generalized. The theory and method- 1 relativity. Their discovery is not only realizing the long- ology are aimed at addressing a wide range of complex awaitedgravitationalwaveastronomy[2,3]butalsoputs and collective quantum dynamical behaviours of realis- ] c the quest for deeper and wider progress of fundamental tic matter systems that may be isolated in space but q physics in a new perspective [4]. Despite their prevailing opentospacetimefluctuations(Sec.II).Abroadclassof r- classical descriptions, the energy density of the observed phenomena may be relevant, covering gravitational de- g gravitational waves close to the source GW150914 are coherence, radiation with reaction and dissipation, and [ thought to be a small fraction of the Planck density [1]. their classicalreductions. We showthatthe classicaldy- 1 This suggests the effects of quantum gravity and Planck namical structure for gravitational radiation is largely v scale physics on gravitational waves are of interest for preservedasthedeterministicpartofthequantumstruc- 2 further investigations. Indeed, one asks: What can be ture, that also acquires an additional quantum stochas- 2 learnedaboutquantumgravityfromgravitationalwaves? tic influence from the universal fluctuations of space- 1 Gravitons are quantized gravitational waves [5] and time (Sec. III). The generation of gravitational waves 4 carrythetruedynamicsofgravitationalfields[6–8]. Like in the quantum domain under our systematic approach 0 . photons, under vacuum fluctuations spontaneous emis- based on the modern formalism of open quantum sys- 1 sionofgravitonsbyenergizedquantumstatesundergoing tems [19] is shown to recoverclassical limits. In treating 0 decay anddecoherence has alsobeen postulated. In par- the quantum mechanisms for gravitational emission and 7 1 ticular,substantialspontaneousemissionsofgravitonsin absorptionintermsofquantizedoperatorsandquantum : the early universe following inflation by the matter con- ensembleaverages,wehaveencounteredcertainfactoror- v tent subject to quantum-to-classical transitions may be deringambiguities,whichhavefortunatelybeenresolved i X responsible for entropy production, thermodynamic ar- throughconsistencyconsiderations(Sec.IV). The estab- r row of time, structure formation, and the emergence of lishedtheoreticalformulation,illustratedwithnumerical a the classical world [9–13]. The precise physical mecha- simulations,allowsustodemonstratenovelgravitational nisms involvedinthis chainofprocessesarehowevernot radiative phenomena including the collectively amplified fully understood at present. The ongoing efforts to ob- spontaneous emission of gravitons by a highly coherent serve gravitons of cosmological origin as part of primor- state of identical bosonic particles, in close analogy with dial and stochastic gravitational waves [14, 15] are ex- the superradianceof photons [20] (Sec. V). Towardsthe pectedtoprovideevidencefortheabovescenarioshaving end,weconcludethisworkwithasummaryofitsresults, considerable implications on the interplay between cos- implications, and future prospects (Sec. VI). mology, quantum gravity, and potentially the ultimate In what follows, apart from stated exceptions, we unified theory at the Planck scale. choose the relativistic units where the speed of light Drivenby the abovesignificantdevelopmentswiththe equals one, c=1. We retain in particular the reduced need for increased conceptual understanding and techni- Planck ~ and Newtonian G constants to manifest quan- cal tools, we report in this paper on a unified framework tumandgravitationalcouplings. Spatialcomponentsare indexed with Latin letters with i,j··· = 1,2,3 in the (x,y,z) Cartesian basis. Spacetime coordinates are la- belled with Greek alphabets with µ,ν = 0,1,2,3 in the ∗ [email protected] (t,x,y,z)LorentzbasisusingthebackgroundMinkowski † [email protected] metric η = diag(−1,1,1,1). Summation over repeated µν 2 indices is implied should no risk of confusion arise. The Toestablishconnectionwiththestandardopensystem time derivative, trace-reversion, Hermitian and complex description in Hamiltonian formalism, where the pertur- conjugates are denoted by an over-dot (˙), over-bar (¯), bativeinteractionisassumedsmall,weintroducethecon- superscripts (†) and (∗) respectively. Symbols H and L jugatemomentum̟ofthematterfieldϕwithrespectto are used for the Hamiltonian and Lagrangianwith calli- L(sys) and obtain the corresponding matter Hamiltonian M graphictypeHandLstandingfortheirdensitiesrespec- density tively. H =H(sys)+H (6) M M I II. COVARIANT AND CANONICAL where H(sys) =̟ϕ˙ −L(sys) and M M VARIABLES OF MATTER-GRAVITY SYSTEMS 1 H =− h Tµν. (7) I µν We start by considering the quantum dynamics of a 2 (multicomponent)matterfieldϕweaklycoupledtograv- The Hamiltonian density of linearized gravity H = G itydescribedbyanactionfunctionalthatcanbeapprox- p h −L takes the ADM form [24] ij ij,0 G imated by S [ϕ,g ]≈S [ϕ,η ]+ 1 h Tµνd4x (1) HG =HG(env)+nCG+niCGi (8) M αβ M αβ µν 2Z where H(env) contains kinetic- and potential-like terms G where the spacetime metric takes the perturbative form quadratic in pij and h respectively counting for the ij g =η +h and positiveenergyoftheenvironmentalgravitationalwaves, µν µν µν and δS Tµν =2 M (2) δgµν(cid:12)g=η CG =(16πG)−1(hii,jj −hij,ij), CGi =−2pij,j (9) (cid:12) (cid:12) isthestress-energytensorofthematterontheMinkowski arefirstclassconstraintswithLagrangianmultipliersn= background. Since the matter action S [ϕ,g ] above −h /2 and n = h . Therefore by using Eqs. (6), (7) M αβ 00 i 0i maydepend onthe derivativesofthe metric, therebyac- and (8), the total Hamiltonian density H = H +H M G commodating spin connectionfor Dirac fields [21, 22], in can be expressed as this work we can extend the validity of the gravitational influence functional derived in [16] for fermionic as well HT =HM(sys)+HG+HI (10) as bosonic particles. 1 The expansion (1) gives rise to the matter Lagrangian =HM(sys)+HG(env)− 2hijTij +nC+niCi (11) of the form with the second line (11) above taking an overall ADM L =L(sys)(ϕ,ϕ )+L (ϕ,ϕ ,h ) (3) M M ,α I ,α αβ form using the constraints where L(Msys), as the integrand of SM[ϕ,ηαβ], describes C =CG+CM, Ci =CGi +CMi (12) the dynamics of the unperturbed matter system when gravity is switched off, and including the matter contribution 1 C =T00, Ci =−T0i. (13) L = h Tµν (4) M M I µν 2 ThisHamiltonianformulationenablesthegaugetrans- describes both the self interaction of matter through formations of all dynamical variables of the matter- gravity, when switched on, as well as its gravitational gravity system to be generated by the first class con- interaction with the environment. The total Lagrangian straints C and Ci through canonical transformations. density L = L +L in terms of L = (16πG)−1R T M G G yields the linearized Einstein equation III. RADIATION, RECEPTION, AND G =8πGT (5) µν µν REACTION OF GRAVITATIONAL WAVES using the second order perturbation of the scalar cur- vature R = R(2)[h ] and the first order perturbation In the Lorenz gauge h¯ ,ν =0, the linearized Einstein αβ µν of the Einstein tensor G = G(1)[h ] whose expres- equation (5) takes the form µν µν αβ sios can be found in Ref. [23]. The resulting classi- h α =−16πGT¯ . (14) cal theory is invariant under the gauge transformation µν,α µν hµν → hµν + ξµ,ν + ξν,µ induced from the coordinate with solutions naturally separated into transformation xµ →xµ−ξµ for arbitrary displacement functions ξµ =(ξ,ξi). h =h(sys)+h(env). (15) µν µν µν 3 The first term above is an inhomogeneous solution com- The average radiation (or reception) power can be bined from derived from integrating the total flux associated with T¯ (r′,t−ǫ|r−r′|) Eq. (21) using the gravitationalwave energy density h(sys)(r,t)=4G d3x′ µν (16) µν Z |r−r′| 1 using the spatial position vector r with norm |r| = r, E = 32πGhh˙TijTh˙TijTi (23) for ǫ = 1 as a retarded potential, and ǫ = −1 as an advancedpotential, describing respectively the radiation to be the well-known quadrupole gravitationalradiation andreceptionofgravitationalwavesbythematersystem. formula When the usual outgoing-wave boundary condition is G ... ... appliedwithǫ=1,the amplitude h(µsνys) appearsto “leak P = 5 hqijqiji (24) into the environment” and becomes observable gravita- tionalwaves,thoughtechnicallyh(sys) istiedtothe mat- where h·i denotes classical averaging, which in principle µν tersystem,andisnotpartoftheenvironment. Likewise, applies for gravitationalreception as well. if the less familiar though physically possible ingoing- Sincethe abovegravitationallyinteractingmattersys- wave boundary condition is applied with ǫ = −1, the temisclosed,deterministicandconservative,thegravita- amplitudeh(sys) appearstobe“suckedfromtheenviron- tional wave energy escaping to (or feeding from) infinity µν ment”, though again h(sys) is technically not part of the must involve balancing (anti-)dissipation. This mecha- µν nism, at the classical level [25], is indeed provided by environment. The second term h(env) of Eq. (15) above satisfies the the back-reactionfrom the gravitationalwave amplitude µν homogeneous part of Eq. (14) and describes the envi- h(µsνys) through its time retardation (or advance) induced ronmental gravitational waves. As such, the addition effective (anti-)damping using Eqs. (16) and (18). transverse-traceless (TT) condition can be applied to h(env). Since h(env) is independent of the mater system, µν ij it carries the dynamical degrees of freedom of gravity. IV. DECOHERENCE VIA SPONTANEOUS The orthogonality of the TT decomposition allows us EMISSION AND ABSORPTION OF GRAVITONS to split the interacting Hamiltonian density (7) into H =H(sys)+H(env) (17) The preceding paradigm for the radiation, reception I I I and reaction of gravitational waves changes drastically where whenthefundamentalquantumpropertiesofmatterand 1 gravity are taken into account. The field theoretical H(sys) =− h(sys)Tµν (18) I 2 µν nature of linearized gravity means that after quantiza- tion there is a permanent fluctuating gravitationalback- describing the self-gravity of the matter system and ground even at zero temperature. The ambient space- 1 H(env) =− h(env)τ (19) timefluctuationscoupleuniversallytoallmattersystems I 2 ij ij (env) throughthe environmentalinteractiontermH given I in terms of the TT stress tensor τij = TiTjT, describing by Eq. (19). Like H(sys) in Eq. (18), this term can drain thecouplingbetweenthemattersystemandtheenviron- I energy e.g. at a low environmental temperature, as well mental gravitational waves. as pump energy e.g. at a high environmental tempera- The interacting matter system ture. Therefore,foraquantizedgravitatingsystem,there H =H(sys)+H(sys) (20) arenowtwochannelsofenergyflowfromthesystem: ra- M M I diationreactionwithadeterministiccharacterandspace- obtained from Eq. (6) by incorporating self-gravity time fluctuations with a stochastic character and hence Eq. (18) and hence turning off the environmental grav- a capacity to decohere. It may be physically conceivable ity, i.e. h(env) = 0, provides a closed dynamics for the that the exchange of gravitationalenergies, for classical- ij classical radiation (or reception) of gravitational waves likemacroscopicsystemswithfluctuationssmoothedout, whose wave amplitude is determined by Eq. (16). For a isdominatedbyradiationreaction,whereasforquantum- nonrelativisticcompactmattersystemofsizer(sys) much like microscopic systems with diminishing time retarda- lessthanthewavelength,oneobtainstheTTpartofthis tionoradvanceinsidethesystem,isdominatedbyspace- wave amplitude to be time fluctuations. 2G Toquantizethetotalmatter-gravitysystemwhilepre- hTijT(t)= r q¨iTjT(t−ǫr) (21) serving gauge invariance, we carry out Dirac’s canoni- cal quantization of constrained system [26] based on the at a distance r ≫ r(sys) from the matter system having Hamiltonian density (11) in the Heisenberg picture [16], the reduced quadrupole moment where the operator forms of the first class constraints 1 C and Ci given by Eq. (12) become quantum generators q = d3x xixj − δ r2 T00(r,t). (22) ij Z 3 ij ofgaugetransformation. Accordingly,physicalstates|ψi (cid:0) (cid:1) 4 arerequiredtobegaugeinvariantbysatisfyingthequan- which may later developentanglement with the environ- tum constraints ment, its reduced dynamical evolution is generated by the non-Markovianmaster equation C|ψi=0, Ci|ψi=0. (25) i 8πG d3k The canonical variable operators acting on physical ρ˙ =− [H(sys),ρ]− states satisfying Eq. (25) then evolve in time according ~ I ~ Z 2(2π)3k to the quantum Heisenberg equations, which are equiv- t aInlenthtistofotrhmeaqliusman,tusumppllienmeaernizteadryErienlastteioinnseqcaunatbioenu(s5e)d. ×nZ0dt′e−ik(t−t′)(cid:0)[τi†j(k,t), τij(k,t′)ρ] to restrict gauge redundances, as the quantum form of +N(ω )[τ†(k,t), [τ (k,t′), ρ]] +H.c. (30) gaugeconditions at no expense ofbreakinggaugeinvari- k ij ij o (cid:1) ance as gauge transformations can still be generated by usingEqs.(27),(28),(29),andthe gaugeinvariantgrav- C and Ci [16]. itational influence functional techniques [16]. Above, In this sense, to establish the influence of the quan- ρ = ρ abbreviates the matter system density matrix, M tum gravitational environment on the matter system, it ω = k = |k| denotes the environmental graviton fre- k is useful to work in the quantum Lorenz gauge so that quency associated with wave vector k, and the metric perturbation operator h satisfy quantized µν Eq. (14) with solutions also separated in the same man- τ (k,t)= τ (r,t)e−ik·rd3x (31) ij ij ner as Eq. (15). Using quantized Eqs. (8), (10), and Z Eq. (17), and considering only physical states satisfy- are operators Fourier-transformed from quantized ing the quantum constraints (25), we obtain the total τ (r,t)introducedinEq.(19),whichhavebeennormal- ij Hamiltonian that governs the evolution and coupling of orderedwith particle proconservationterms neglectedin the matter-gravity system as follows the low energy domain being considered. In Ref. [16], H =H(sys)+H(env)+H bosonic matter has been assumed for simplicity in de- T M G I riving the master equation (30) and free particles un- =H(sys)+H(env)+H(sys)+H(env). (26) derspacetimefluctuationswithnegligibleself-gravityare M G I I foundinRef.[17]tosustainnodecoherence. Asdiscussed Toinvestigatethedynamicsofmatter-gravitycoupling in Sec. II, with our present generalized formulation, the andthe resultingradiation,decoherenceanddissipation, validity is indeed extended to fermionic matter as well. wewillfromnowonemploytheinteractionpicturewhere Recently, the buildup of decoherence by massless parti- theinteractionHamiltonianHI,consistingofself(HI(sys)) cles in anoptical-type cavity basedonEq.(30) has been andenvironmental(H(env))gravitycontributions,gener- briefly discussed in Ref. [18]. I ates the time evolution of quantum states. We consider Here we investigate new nontrivial dynamical conse- the fluctuating spacetime to resemble an infinite reser- quences of this master equation in a more general phys- voirinwhichenvironmentalgravitonswithfrequenciesω ical context, covering in particular radiation through are maintained in an equilibrium Gaussian state with a quantum decoherence and dissipation for particles in distribution function N(ω) described by a gravitational confined states as opposed to free particles studied in densitymatrixρ . ForthermalequilibriumN(ω)isgiven Ref. [17]. Kinematically, the finite spatial extension of G bythePlanckdistributionfunctionandforthezero-point such a system permits the definitions of outgoing and spacetime fluctuations N(ω) vanishes. ingoing gravitational waves. Dynamically, the coupling Intermsofthetotaldensitymatrixρ (t)ofthematter between these waves and the time evolution of the sys- T systemandthegravitationalenvironment,thetotaltime tem results in their emissions (or absorptions) through evolution is determined by the Liouville-von Neumann Eq. (16) in general and Eq. (21) for nonrelativistic sys- equation tems. On quantization, these equations (16) and (21) become operator equations. i ρ˙ =− [H ,ρ ]. (27) The averagegravitationalwave energy density expres- T ~ I T sion(23)thenacquiresquantummeaningbyinterpreting The density matrix describing the statisticalstate of the hTijT theretobeoperatorsandaveragingtobeoverquan- matter system is reduced from the total system by av- tum ensembles so that given a variable v we have eraging over the ensembles of the gravitational reservoir hvi=Tr(vρ) (32) through the partial trace using the matter system density matrix ρ [19]. The ρ =Tr (ρ ). (28) M G T quantum radiation formula also takes the same form as Eq. (24) through quantized Eq. (21). However, factor Foramattersysteminitiallyuntangledwiththegravi- ordering requires some care here as the energy density tationalenvironmentatt=0,whenthe totalstatetakes relatedtermh˙TTh˙TT in Eq.(23) is normal-ordered. Ac- the factored form ij ij cordingly, when the reduced quadrupole moment opera- ρ (0)=ρ (0)⊗ρ (29) torgivenbyquantizedEq.(22)is expandedinfrequency T M G 5 modes diation, which we will refer to as “gravitational super- radiance” that mirrors its original electromagnetic de- q (t)=a (ω)e−iωt+a† (ω)eiωt (33) ij ij ij scription [20]. As noted in Sec. IV and by analogy with standard treatments in quantum optical systems [19], forsomeoperatorsa (ω)withpositivefrequenciesω,the ij we assume the radiation process to be primarily due to normal-like ordering of these operators spacetime fluctuations using H(env) by neglecting radia- aija†kl →a†klaij (34) tion reaction from self-gravity uIsing H(env). As a result, I quantumdissipationaloneisresponsiblefortheradiative should be implemented for consistency. loss of energy, which we verify explicitly for one particle Factor ordering for the interaction Hamiltonian H I excitedinone dimension. To considerthe nonrelativistic given by Eq. (17) bears some fundamental significance. dynamics of the scalar field representing nearly Newto- For electromagnetic radiative problems,it is known that nianparticlesweassumethepotentialenergytobemuch different factor ordering for the analogous interaction less than the mass energy so that ν ≪1. Hamiltonian leads to physically distinct mixes and sepa- In the presence of weak gravity, we have η →η + rationsofeffectsfromvacuumfluctuationsandradiation µν µν h with the proper coordinates reaction[27–31]. Here, the gravitationalcoupling is con- µν structed from the quantized general action (1) assumed 1 to be Hermitian for any metric perturbation operator xi →xi+ 2h(ijenv)xj +O(h(jskys)xl) (37) h . Itfollowsthat, the interactionHamiltonianH sep- µν I by using (15), with related considerations discussed in arated from H with arbitrary h factor is necessarily M µν Ref. [25]. The resulting fluctuating potential in the TT Hermitian. Now, from Eq. (17), the interaction Hamil- tonianH is the sum ofthe environmentalpartH(sys) in gauge for free gravitational waves is given by I I aEnqd. (t1h9e),swyshtiecmh ipsaHrter(m18it)i,anwahsichh(ijeinsv)noatndreτaidjilcyomHmerumtei-, ν(xi)→ν(xi)+ 21h(ijenv)xiν,j +O(h(sys)ν). (38) tian as h(sys) is related to time delayed or advanced Tµν ThesecondandthirdtermsinEq.(38)abovecontribute µν through Eq. (16) and so may not commute with Tµν. respectively to H(env) in Eq. (19) and H(sys) in Eq.(18). Nonetheless, to achieve the Hermiticity of H(sys) and The appearance of gravitational wave induced potential I fluctuations have also been discussed in Refs. [32, 33]. hence of H , with the correct classical limit, the factor I However,iftheconfinementofparticlesislimitedbyfree ordering for Eq. (17) can be resolved symmetrically as masses then the corresponding boundaries fluctuate in follows thepropercoordinatesinsteadoftheTTcoordinates[18]. 1 1 H(sys) =− h(sys)Tµν − Tµνh(sys). (35) The system part of Eq. (36) yields the unperturbed I 4 µν 4 µν quantum field equation SimilarlysymmetrizedinteractionHamiltonian[28,29] φ¨=∇2φ−(1+2ν)µ2φ (39) has been applied in resolving the aforementioned factor ordering ambiguity in a wide range of problems involv- having solutions of the form ing electromagnetic fluctuations and radiation reaction. φ=ψ (r)e−iωnt+H.c. (40) A recent related discussion and review can be found in n Ref. [31]. with some orthogonal complex functions ψ (r). Hence n Eq. (39) reduces formally to the time-independent Schr¨odinger equation V. COLLECTIVE RADIATION BY CONFINED IDENTICAL PARTICLES ~2 − ∇2ψ +Vψ =E ψ (41) n n n n 2m Thetheoreticalframeworkestablishedaboveisapplied where V =mν(r) and in this section, as an illustrative example, to the quan- tumgravitationaldecoherenceandradiationofareal,i.e. E = 1 (~2ω2 −m2) (42) neutral,scalarfieldφwithmassmandtheassociatedin- n 2m n verse reduced Compton wavelength µ=m/~, subject to represent the potential and eigen energies respectively. an external potential ν(r) described by the Lagrangian Asaconcretephysicalconfiguration,letusconsideran density isotropic harmonic potential with frequency ω: 1 1 L=− gαβφ,αφ,β − +ν µ2φ2. (36) V = 1mω2r2. (43) 2 2 (cid:16) (cid:17) 2 We focus on the newly formulated spontaneous emis- In this case, Eq. (40) becomes sion of gravitons by nonrelativistic particles through en- vironmental decoherence at zero temperature and high- ~ light previously undiscovered collective gravitational ra- φ=r2ωn ane−iωnt+a†neiωnt ψn(r) (44) (cid:0) (cid:1) 6 using the multiple indices n = (n ,n ,n ) for the leading radiative mechanisms by adopting the ro- 1 2 3 n1,n2,n3 =0,1,2..., and functions tatingwaveapproximation,neglectingself-gravityH(sys) I (env) ψn(r)=ψn1(x)ψn2(y)ψn3(z) (45) asunbdstLitaumtibngatnhdeSretasurkltinshgifEtqH. (L5S0) bHacakmiinlttoonEiaqn.s(,3w0)h.en with the harmonic oscillator wavefunctions ψ (x) and Finally, to focus on the emission of gravitons, we sup- n presstheirabsorptionbysettingN(ω)=0,henceretain- ωn =µ+n1ω1+n2ω2+n3ω3 (46) ing merely zero-point fluctuations in the gravitational environment. The above considerations lead us to the arising from the nonrelativistic limit of Eq. (42), where gravitationalquantum optical master equation the corresponding ladder operators an and a†n are anni- hilation and creation operators respectively. ρ˙ = Γ 3δ δ −δ δ A ρA† − 1{A† A ,ρ} Intermsofthe TT projectorP [16],the TTpartof 2 ik jl ij kl ij kl 2 ij kl ijkl (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:0) (cid:1) the stress-energy tensor follows from Eqs. (2), (36) and (52) (38) to be of the Lindblad form, with the transitionrate coefficient τij(r,t)=Pijkl φ,kφ,l−µ2ω2xkxlφ2 (47) 32G~ω3 Γ= (53) (cid:0) (cid:1) 15 where the second contribution arises from the second term in (38). From this, by normal-ordering and ne- and corresponding Lindblad operators glectingparticlenon-conservationtermsrelevantonlyfor higher energy scales, we then obtain Aij =Xn qni(nj −δij)a†n−nˆi−nˆjan (54) τij(k,t)=Fij(n,n′,k)a†n′ane−i(ωn−ωn′)t (48) where nˆ1 = (1,0,0),nˆ2 = (0,1,0),nˆ3 = (0,0,1). It is important to note that although time t in the original where non-Markovian master equation (30) starts with an ini- ~ tiallyfactoredstate(29)untangledwiththeenvironment, F (n′,n,k)= P (k) d3x ij µ ijkl Z the Markov assumption used in arriving at Eq. (52) has effectively pushed that initial time back to the infinite × ψn′,kψn,l−µ2ω2xkxlψn′ψn (49) past whose memory is lost [19], with time t now reset (cid:0) (cid:1) to start from any new initial condition for the reduced using nonrelativistic approximation with n ω ≪ µ as max matter state ρ=ρ (t). the kineticenergyismuchlessthantherestmassenergy M Under the Markovianevolution using Eq. (52) at zero and related long transmitted gravitational wave length temperature,anexcitedstateρdecoheresanddecaysto- condition compared to the spatial extension of occupied wards the ground state. In the process, gravitons are harmonic modes. spontaneous emitted that carry the same amount of en- To derive the gravitational analogue of the quantum ergy as being reduced from the matter system. For ex- optical master equation for the particle system from ample, let us take an arbitrary one-particle state ρ with tMhaerkgoevnearpaplrmoxaismteartioenqu[a1t9i]onas(f3o0l)lo,wws.e Fcairrsrty, wouetsuthbe- mveacttroirxfeolremtheentosccρunp,na′ti=onhonf|ρa|nha′irmwoitnhic|nm′iodaesnthebystoantee stitute Eq. (48) into an integral in Eq. (30) to get particle. Then we obtain from Eqs. (32) and (52) the τij(k,t′)e−ik(t−t′) =Fij(n,n′,k)a†n′an dissipation power dhH(sys)i ×e−i(ωn−ωn′)t tdse−i(k−ωn+ωn′)s. (50) − dt =~ωΓ 2ni(ni−1)ρn,n Z Xn (cid:8)Xi 0 The nonlocality of this expressionin time represents the + 3ninjρn,n− ninj(ni−1)(nj −1) non-Markov memory effect, which tends to fade away Xi6=j (cid:2) q under environmentaldissipation. We “forget”this mem- ory by taking the limit tds → ∞ds, as it does not ×ρn−2nˆi,n−2nˆj . (55) 0 0 (cid:3)(cid:9) affectpost-transientdynaRmics,andRapply the Sokhotski- Thisexpressionindeedagreeswiththequadrupoleradia- Plemelj theorem tionformulaEq.(24)appliedtothepresentconfiguration and quantized with consistent factor ordering described ∞dse−iǫs =πδ(ǫ)−iP1 (51) inEq.(34)wheretheroleofaij isplayedbytheLindblad Z ǫ operators A here. 0 ij ByvirtueofitsinherentLindbladstructure,themaster to Eq. (50), where P denotes the Cauchy principal value equation(52)is capableofgeneratingnew nonlinearcol- that gives rise to a non-dissipative Hamiltonian H(env) lective quantum gravity phenomena transferred and in- LS fortheenvironmentallyinducedLambandStarkshiftsof spiredfrommoreestablishedquantumoptics areasshar- energy. Byanalogywithquantumoptics[19],wecapture ing similar dynamical structures. 7 Onesuchnoveleffectisthecollectivelyamplifiedspon- VI. CONCLUSION taneous emission of gravitons by a matter system in a highly coherentstate,akintoDicke’s superradiance[20]. Motivated by the need for a better understanding of To illustrate this, let us consider the present harmonic the fundamental process for quantum matter to deco- potential containing many particles excited in one direc- hereanddissipatethroughspontaneousemissionandex- tion,sayalongthex-axis,withamodaloccupationstate changeofgravitonswiththeubiquitousfluctuatinggravi- vector denoted by |Ni = |{Nn}i = |N0,N1,···i, where tationalenvironment,wehaveextendedarecentlyestab- n =n1 =0,1,2... labels the harmonic mode in this di- lished theory of quantum gravitationaldecoherence [16], rection. It follows that the master equation (52) has the nowcompletewiththedynamicaloriginandconsequence following matrix elements of gravitons mediating spacetime at large and matter, both bosons and fermions, of interest. For physically common states subject to a potential, hN|ρ˙|N′i= Γ An,n′(N,N′)hNn′+|ρ|N′n+i wehaveexplicitlydemonstratedthattheabstractmaster 2n equation describing the general non-Markovian gravita- −Bn,n′(N)hNn−,n′+|ρ|N′i +(N ↔N′)∗ (56) tiniodneaelddbeecorheedruecnecde,offremeaftrtoemr fUorVm-uculattoeffd,itnoRaemf.o[1re6]ccoann- o crete Lindblad form, structurally identical to the fam- ily of quantum optical master equations widely applied in terms of nonnegative coefficients in the quantum optics problems. This enables investi- gations of the theory and phenomenology of quantum gravity to benefit from a wealth of novel characteris- An,n′(N,N′)= Nn′Nn′(Nn′+2+1)(Nn′+2+1) tics and solution strategies in the field of quantum op- (cid:2) tics [19, 20, 34–37]. One such possibility in terms of the ×(n+1)(n′+1)(n+2)(n′+2) 1/2 (57) newly identified superradiance of gravitational waves by (cid:3) asystemofcoherenceparticleshasbeentheoreticallyde- Bn,n′(N)= Nn+2Nnn′−(Nn+1)(Nnn′−+2+1) scribed and numerically illustrated in Sec. V. ×(n+(cid:2)1)(n′+1)(n+2)(n′+2) 1/2 (58) Our general framework may serve to clarify various conceptual issues encountered in the phenomenologi- (cid:3) cal approach to quantum gravity [38–44], with first- principles insights, and to guide further analytical tools, where Nnn′± = Nn′ ∓δn,n′ ±δn+2,n′. In this case, even mathematical techniques, and modelling methodologies and odd harmonic modes are disjointly coupled within for possible detections of quantum gravity effects in the their own parities because of the quadrupole nature of laboratory [45] and observatory [46] on the ground or in the gravitationalwaves and symmetry of the potential. space [4]. In the context of the cosmological stochastic gravitationalwaves,since the universe is consideredspa- Based on the master equation with components (56), tially flat with a low entropy on exit from inflation [47], we perform numerical simulations in nondimensional our theory may describe short-time graviton radiation time t → Γt initially excited and subsequently relaxed andreceptionbya distributionofcoherentstateshaving in the x-direction, with harmonic modes n = n = 1 potentially unexpected but important collective proper- 0,2,4,6, n = n = 0 and a total particle number 2 3 ties including quantumnonlinearity,nonlocality,anden- N = 1,2,3,4,5 shown in Figs. 1–3. The collective be- tanglement [17, 18]. haviour of the “superradiant” spontaneous emission of Another future objective would be to go beyond the gravitons, due to the quadratic dependence of the par- perturbative formulation so as to accommodate larger ticle occupations (of bosonic origin) as well as modal spacetime fluctuations and curved background or none. numbers (of quadrupole origin) in Eqs. (57) and (58), Extensioninthisdirectioncouldallowe.g. thequantum- is particularly evident in Fig. 1, where the initial state to-classicaltransitionintheearlyuniverseandnearblack may be described as maximally coherent. Milder am- holes with graviton productions to be more accurately plification of emission power with particle numbers are analyzed. Anadditionalrationaleforthis finalremarkis also seen in Figs. 2 and 3, where the initial states may thatthedevelopmentofopenquantumgravitationalsys- be described as maximally mixed and maximally en- temstowardsbackgroundindependence[5–8]mighteven tangled respectively. The quantum states are enumer- helpnavigatethesearchforanultimatefullquantumthe- ated with |pi for p = 1,2,...p with ascending eigen max oryof gravitywith compatible andaccessible lowenergy energies and then the particle number occupations of effects like gravitationaldecoherence and radiance. higher harmonic modes. 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Plot(d)showstheaverageradiationpowerperparticleasafunctionoftimeforasimilarinitialstateasinplots(a)–(c) but with different particle numbers. (1,56) (56,56) (1,56) (56,56) (1,56) (56,56) 0.026 (a) 0.097 (b) 0.18 (c) (d) ––––– N = 5 0.013 t = 0.005 0.049 t = 0.05 0.09 t = 0.5 ––––– N = 4 ––––– N = 3 0 0 0 ––––– N = 2 ––––– N = 1 (1,1) (56,1) (1,1) (56,1) (1,1) (56,1) t FIG.2. Plots(a)–(c)showthesimulation of|ρp,p′|(t). Here5scalarbosonsinaharmonictrapareinitially equallydistributed along the diagonal of the density matrix for harmonic modes n = 0,2,4,6 as a maximally mixed state. While releasing a continuously decreasing gravitational wave, they spontaneously decay towards the ground state in the bottom left corner, whereall 5 particles occupythen=0mode. Plot (d) shows theaverage radiation power perparticlefor a similar initial state with different particle numbers. (1,56) (56,56) (1,56) (56,56) (1,56) (56,56) 0.048 ( a ) 0.19 (b) 0.48 (c) (d) ––––– N = 5 0.024 t = 0.005 0.097 t = 0.05 0.24 t = 0.5 ––––– N = 4 ––––– N = 3 0 0 0 ––––– N = 2 ––––– N = 1 (1,1) (56,1) (1,1) (56,1) (1,1) (56,1) t FIG. 3. Plots (a)–(c) show the simulation of |ρp,p′|(t). Here 5 scalar bosons in a harmonic trap are initially equally and fully distributed in the density matrix for harmonic modes n = 0,2,4,6 as a maximally entangled state. While releasing a continuouslydecreasinggravitationalwave,theyspontaneouslydecaytowardsthegroundstateinthebottomleftcorner,where all 5 particles occupy the n=0 mode. Plot (d) shows the average radiation power per particle for a similar initial state with different particle numbers.