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Quantum Chinos Game: winning strategies through quantum fluctuations F. Guinea† and M.A. Mart´ın-Delgado‡ Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid, CSIC, Cantoblanco, E-28049 Madrid, Spain. † Departamento de F´ısica Te´orica I, Universidad Complutense, 28040. Madrid, Spain. ‡ We apply several quantization schemes to simple versions of the Chinos game. Classically, for two players with one coin each, thereis a symmetric stable strategy that allows each player to win half of the times on average. A partial quantization of the game (semiclassical) allows us to find a winning strategy for the second player, but it is unstablew.r.t. theclassical strategy. 2 However,in afully quantumversionof thegame wefindawinningstrategy forthefirstplayer 0 that is optimal: the symmetric classical situation is broken at thequantum level. 0 PACS numbers: 03.67.-a,03.67.Lx 2 n a J In a typical scene at a Spanish restaurant, a small Classical Chinos Game. In the classical formulation, a 0 group of companions-at-table gather at the bar extend- number Np of players enter the game, each having ac- 3 ing their arms, each with their clenched hands holding cess to N coins that they draw and hide in their hands c a few coins hidden inside. They are gambling for the at each round of the game. Next, each player makes a 1 after-lunch round of coffees. One after another they tell guessaboutthetotalnumberofcoinsheldatthatround, v anumber,thenopentheirhandsshowingtheircoinsone withtheconstraintthatnoplayercanrepeatthenumber 0 4 another and count them all. Ofently, one of the pals guessed by the previous players. Thus, the outcome of a 1 smile meaning that s/he guessed the correct total num- givenroundmaybeeitherthatoneplayerwinsorfailure 1 ber of coins. After a given number of plays, the player for everyone. As a remark, the heads and tails of the 0 scoringtheworstpaysforallcoffees. Thisgamblinggame coins play no role in the Chinos game, so that they can 2 is known as the Chinos game and has been a traditional be simply regardedas pebbles: only their number count. 0 / way in Spain to decide who is in charge for the coffees’ Let := 0,1,...,Nc be the space of draws and h D { } check[1]. := 0,1,...,N N be the space of guesses for the p G { p c} Interestingly enough, this simple-minded guessing first player. Each players’ movement has two parts: 1/ - t gameexhibitsarichvarietyofpatternswithcomplexbe- drawingcoins;2/guessingthetotalnumberofcoinsalto- n a haviourthat has been usedto model strategic behaviour gether. Let us denote by M :=(d,g) one of these move- u insomesocialandeconomicproblems,likefinancialmar- ments, with d and g . The space of movements q ketsandinformationtransmission[2]. Thisisanexample is := ∈ Dfor the fi∈rstGplayer. Next players have v: of non-cooperative game for each player seeks to maxi- a rMeducedDgu×esGs space G(′i) := G −{d(1),...,d(i−1)},i = i mize her/his chances of guessing correctly, and at the 2,...,N . A possible strategy S is an ordered sequence X p same time to minimize the possibilities of her/his oppo- of movements S := (M ,M ,...,M ) selected with some 1 2 r r a nents. criteriaorrandomly,andplayedduringtherroundsthat Recently, a new field for game theory has emerged in the whole game takes. the form of quantum games with the goal of taking ad- We shall denote by CCG(N ,N ) a classical Chinos p c vantage of quantum effects to attain a winning edge [3], game ofN playersandN coins. The exhaustiveanaly- p c [4], [5]. The blending of quantum mechanics with game sisofsuchagenericgameturnsouttobetoocomplicated theory opens novel strategies based in exploiting the pe- [2], thus we shall concentrate on the case of only N =2 p culiarities of quantum behaviour, and it has already es- players for which we have the following result: timulated a number of new ideas, e.g., in the Prision- 1st Result. Let us denote the classical strategies for ers’Dilemmathereexistsaquantumstrategythatallows each player i = 1,2 by S := (M ,M ,...,M ). (i) (i),1 (i),2 (i),r both players to escape the dilemma[4]. Then, the best strategy for player 1 is to choose move- Inthisletterouraimistwofold: firstly,todefinequan- ments M ,j := 1,2,...,r with d randomly dis- (1),j (1),j tumversionsoftheChinosgamesuchthattheyreduceto tributed and g = N , j, while the best strategy for (1),j c ∀ theclassicalgameasalimitingcase. Secondly,toanalyse player 2 is to choose draws d at random. For r large (2),j thenewquantumversionsinordertofindhowtheclassi- enough, the result of the game is even. calstrategiesbehave under quantumeffects, and if there Proof. Since the Chinos game is a non-cooperative exists new quantum winning strategies without classical game, in this result we are assuming that one of the analogue. main goals of player 1 is not to transmit any informa- 2 tion to player 2 about her/his values d . This can of representing qubits is to use a boson system defined (1),j be achieved by choosing g = N irrespective of the by bosonic creation/annihilation operators b†,b obeying (1),j c number that s/he draws. Moreover, players soon real- canonical commutation relations (CCR) [b,b†] = 1 and ize that as they cannot know in advance her/his oppo- actingonthebosonicvacuum 0 inthestandardfashion: | i nentstrategy,thebeststrategytheycanchooseistopick b0 =0,b† n =√n+1n+1 ,with n :=(b†)n 0 /√n!. | i | i | i | i | i d ,i=1,2; j atrandom. Now,letuscallp theprob- For simplicity, we shall consider first the case in (i),j 1 ∀ ability that player1 guessescorrectlythe totalsumthey which each quantum player has only one coin, namely, are after, namely, a := d +d , and similarly for SCG(N ,1). j (1),j (2),j p p . The quantities each player is interested in maximiz- To each player i = 1,2,...,N we shall assign a set 2 p ing are the normalized probabilities P := p / p . of operators O(θ ,φ ) parameterized by the two angles i i Pi=1,2 i i i Thus,underthesecircumstances,theprobabilitythatthe characterizing a qubit state in the Bloch sphere. Thus, second player guesses the correct sum is we introduce p2 = 1−p1. (1) Oi(θ,φ):=cos21θi+eiφisin12θib†, 2θi,φi ∈[0,2π). (5) N c These operators represent the quantum draw space . q Then, the quantity player 2 wants to optimize is D At a given round j of the game, each player selects one possible operator O (θ,φ) and at the end of the drawing 1 p i 1 P2 = − , (2) process, we represent the situation of having all players’ 1+p (N 1) 1 c− hands together by the following joint quantum state which is a decreasing function of p , so that player 2 is 1 interested in reducing p as much as possible. However, Np Np 1 Ψ(Np,1) :=N−1/2 O (θ,φ)0 = c n , (6) player1canalwaysresorttomakerandomguessesabout | SCG i Y i | i X n| i i=1 n=0 thenumberofcoinsdrawnbyplayer2. Thisamountstoa lowest bound on p1 given by p1,< :=1/(Nc+1). There- where N is a normalization constant and cn expan- fore, player 2 should draw coins at random so that p1 sion coefficients. This state faithfully represents the cannotexceedp1,< andweendupwithanevensituation fact that what really counts is to guess the total sum given by [6] a = Np d , no matter what the partial contri- j Pi=1 (i),j ∈ G butions d of each player are. Moreover,the quantum 1 (i),j P1 =P2 = . (3) effectsareclearlyapparentsincewhenthestate Ψ(Np,1) 2 | SCG i is expanded in states n ,n , each coefficient c re- n (cid:4) | i ∈ G ceivescontributionsfromeachplayerthatcannotbe fac- We may view this resultas a sortof“classicalsymme- torized out. Then, with (6) we can compute the proba- try” between players 1 and 2: bility p(n) that any player obtains the value g =n after a measurement, namely, Player 1 Player 2, (4) ←→ p(n):= nΨ(Np,1) 2 =c2n! (7) in the sense that there is now way to untight the result |h | SCG i| n of the game if both players play at random. Our goal With the present quantization scheme we have an in- is to define quantum extensions of the Chinos game to finitely manynumber ofpossible draws. Inpractice,itis seeifthis symmetrycanbe brokenatthe quantumlevel. a reasonable assumption to reduce the possible operator Weshallusethisclassicalresultasaguidetoanalysethe choices to a finite restricted set. To be concrete, let us behaviourofclassicalstrategieswhenwe enterthe realm consider the case of N = 2 players SCG(2,1) and we p of the quantum extensions of the game. select from (6) the following reduced operator set Semiclassical Chinos Game. A first attempt at quantiz- ing the Chinos game is to make a quantum extension of 1 O :=I,O := (I +b†), the space of draws q while leaving the space of guesses 1 2 √2 D (8) classical. We term this case semiclassical for obvi- 1 G O := (I b†),O :=b†. ous reasons and denote by SCG(N ,N ) a semiclassical 3 4 p c √2 − Chinos game. The natural choice for is to replace q D coins by quantum coins or qubits. Likewise, a quantum Notice that operators O and O represent the classical 1 4 two-levelsystem is representedby a spin 1 particle with draws of 0 and 1, respectively, while O and O repre- 2 2 3 states , representing heads and tails, respectively. sentnovelquantumsuperpositionsoftheclassicaldraws. |↑i |↓i However, we find that spins are not appropriate in the These conditions represent a generic situation to anal- Chinos game since only the presence or absence of coins yse quantum effects in the Chinos game and we find the in players’ hands matters. Hence, a more suitable way following result: 3 O(1) O(1) O(1) O(1) O(1) O(1) O(1) O(1) 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 p(0)=1 p(0)= 1 p(0)= 1 p(0)=0 p(0) = 1 p(0) = 41 p(0) = 41 p(0) =0 O(2) p(1)=0 p(1)= 12 p(1)= 12 p(1)=1 hp(1)i= 12 hp(1)i= 15698 hp(1)i= 15698 hp(1)i= 5 1 2 2 h i 2 h i 168 h i 168 h i 12 p(2)=0 p(2)=0 p(2)=0 p(2)=0 p(2) =0 p(2) = 68 p(2) = 68 p(2) = 7 h i h i 168 h i 168 h i 12 p(0)= 1 p(0)= 1 p(0)= 1 p(0)=0 2 7 3 O(2) p(1)= 1 p(1)= 4 p(1)=0 p(1)= 1 TABLE II: Averaged probabilities of obtaining 0,1, and 2 2 7 3 p(2)=0 p(2)= 2 p(2)= 2 p(2)= 2 2 coins by player1 in a SCG(2,1)game accordingto the 7 3 3 O(2) pp((01))== 112 pp((01))==013 pp((10))== 471 pp((10))==01 draws Oi,i=1,2,3,4 s/he makes. 3 2 7 3 p(2)=0 p(2)= 2 p(2)= 2 p(2)= 2 3 7 3 p(0)=0 p(0)=0 p(0)=0 p(0)=0 willtrytomatchplayer’s1strategybychoosingthesame O(2) p(1)=1 p(1)= 1 p(1)= 1 p(1)=0 purely classical strategy. This fully classical situation is 4 3 3 p(2)=0 p(2)= 2 p(2)= 2 p(2)=1 representedby the boxes at the outer corners of Table I. 3 3 Then we are led to P = P = 1 as the stable best 1 2 2 TABLEI:Probabilitiesfortheoutcomesoftotalcoins0,1 strategy as in (3). and 2 in a SCG(2,1) game. In the horizontal, the draws (cid:4) of player 1 and in the vertical, the draws for player 2. Thisresultmeansthatifplayer1applysher/hisknowl- edge of the classicalgame naively by drawingat random 2nd Result. i) The strategy of drawing randomly from from the four choices available, in the long run s/he will realize that player 2 gets a winning edge. (8) becomes a winning strategy for player 2. However, QuantumChinosGame. Motivatedbytheprevioussemi- this strategy is unstable. ii) The classical strategy of classicalanalysis,weproposeafully quantizedversionof drawingrandomlybetweenO andO isawinningstrat- 1 4 the Chinos game by quantizing both the draw space egy for both players (evenness) and is stable. q D and the guessing space . We shall define the quantum Proof. TheanalysisreliesonTableIshowingtheprob- q G space of guesses by allowing each player to make a abilitiesofobtaining0,1and2coinswhenplayer1draws q G aocpceorradtoinrgOti(o11)(6a)n-(d8)p.lai/yeLre2tudsraawsssuOmi(e22)t,hia1t,ip2la=ye1r,s21,3a,n4d, gnuoetsmsearbeolyutabthoeutfitnhaelpqousasnibtulemousttactoem|eΨsS(oNCfpGt,1h)eitiont(a6l)c,oainnsd. 2bothknowtheclassicalwinningstrategyofaCCGand Thus,eachplayeriwillmakeaguess Ψi ,i=1,2,...,Np | i decide to make a straightforward generalization of it to aboutwhattheactualjointquantumstatetheyaredeal- thesemiclassicalcaseSCG.Then,player2decidestoplay ing with. Moreover, we also extend quantumly the clas- randomdrawsamong the four possible choices in (8). In sical constraint that the guess gi of player i cannot be this situation, player 1 is left with a set of probabilities the same as guesses gj for i < j. This is achieved by of getting a number of coins 0,1 and 2 givenby Table II, imposing that the guess a player i canmake is restricted which are computed from Table I by tracing out (aver- to the subspace orthogonal to the space spanned by the aging) over player 2. Hence, if the second player plays guesses of the previous players, namely, at random, the best choice for player 1 is to guess 1 (or :=span Ψ ,..., Ψ ⊥. (11) q,i 1 i−1 0) if s/he draws O(1), and 2 if s/he draws O(1),O(1) and G {| i | i} 1 2 3 O(1). Thus, her/his total chances of winning are: 4 With these new rules, we need to define a new function P = 1 1 + 1 68 + 1 7 = 53 < 1 (9) 1 4 × 2 2 × 168 4 × 12 112 2 payoff: the gain for player i is Therefore, the strategy of both players drawing at ran- f := Ψ Ψ(Np,1) 2. (12) dom is no longer an even strategy in this case. i |h i| SCG i| This way of quantizing the space of guesses is reminis- cent of the theory of quantum algorithms [7], and more ii/ However, after a large number of rounds r, player 1 specifically, from quantum searching algorithms [8], [9]. will realize that playing at random is a winning strategy That this fully quantum version of the Chinos game in- for her/his opponent and then s/he will seek to improve cludes the classicalone is guaranteedsince the latter ap- it. To do this, s/he mayresortto draw only the classical pears as a particular case when the only allowedguesses choices. Then,fromTableII,her/hischancesofwinning are 0 , 1 ,..., N (if the number of coins per player is p | i | i | i are N =1.) c For simplicity, we shall consider the quantum case P = 1 1 + 1 7 = 13 > 1 (10) 1 2 × 2 2 × 12 24 2 QCG(N ,N ) for two players and one coin each, and p c Thisimpliesthatthestrategyini)isnotstable. Likewise, their quantum guesses comprise the finite set (8). We player 2 will not be happy with this new situation. S/he find the following result: 4 3rd Result. In a quantum Chinos game CCG(2,1), While if s/he draws O(1), s/he decides to make always 3 the first player has a stable winning strategy that allows the following quantum guess her/his to win more than half of the times. 1 Proof. A systematic analysis in this case of 2 players Ψ :=N−1/2O(1)O(1) 0 = (0 21 +√22 ). with one coin each proceeds as follows. The space of | 1i 1 3 3 | i √7 | i− | i | i (18) draws for player 1 is given by the reduced set (8). q Then, player 1 draws DOi(11) ∈ Dq. The space of guesses ThNenow, p,llaetyeurs2anisallyesftetwhiethcatsheewfohuerndprlaaywesri1ndtrhaewsseOt2((18)). forplayer1is := O(1)O(1),1 j k 4 . Next, Gq,1 { j1 k1 ≤ 1 ≤ 1 ≤ } and the correspoding joint final states Ψ(2,1) that we Nploawyeern1temrsapkleasyaerq2uwanitthumadgruaewssOgi(q22,)1∈:=DOq,j(11a)nOdk(1m1)a∈kiGnqg,1a. cthoellnetwienoTbatabilne aIIsIi.miWlahretnabtlheebyfiresxtchpalan|ygeirSnCgdGr2ia↔ws3O. 3(1), guessg :=O(2)O(2)thatinordertobeeligligible,ithas ¿FromTableIIIweseethatunderthesecircumstances, q,2 j2 k2 tobeorthogonaltoplayer’s1guess(11). Tocharacterize it is clear that player 2 will avoid to make the classical thisorthogonalitycondition,itisconvenienttointroduce draws O(2) and O(2), since they yield payoffs f = 9 > 1 4 1 14 the following 16 16 matrix 1, f = 16 > 1 for the first player. Thus, player 2 × 2 1 21 2 is led to play only the draws O(2) and O(2) at random. 0O† O† O O 0 2 3 G :=h | j1 k1 j2 k2| i, However, even in this case, player 1 will have a winning (j1,k1),(j2,k2) N N (13) edge on the average since the chances of winning for the q j1k1q j2k2 first player are N := 0O†O 0 , jk h | j k| i f = 1 1+ 1 1 = 11 > 1. (19) h 1i 2 × 2 × 21 21 2 which can be thought of as a metric on the quantum (cid:4) guess space. Thus, guess g is admissible for the given q,2 guess g iff G = 0. Finally, for a pair of q,1 (j1,k1),(j2,k2) draws, the actual joint state representing that round of Quantum guess Joint state Ψ(2,1) Gain for player1 | CCGi the game is O(2) 1 (0 + 1 ) f = 9 1 √2 | i | i 1 14 Ψ(2,1) =N−1/2O(1)O(2) 0 , (14) O2(2) √17(cid:0)|0i+2|1i+√2|2i(cid:1) f1 =1 | QCGi 12 i1 i2 | i O(2) 1 0 √22 f = 1 3 √3(cid:0)| i− | i(cid:1) 1 21 while the function payoffs f ,i=1,2 for each player can O(2) 1 1 +√22 f = 16 i 4 √3(cid:0)| i | i(cid:1) 1 21 also be read off from the metric (13) as follows TABLE III: Quantum guesses for player 2 when player f1 =|G(j1,k1),(i1,i2)|2, (15) 1 draws O2(1) (8), and the corresponding joint state (14) f = G 2. and gains for player 1 (15). 2 | (j2,k2),(i1,i2)| Then, once we have computed the metric (13), it is pos- Conclusions. In game theory, players strive for even sible to make an exhaustive study of all the possibilities the slightestadvantagethatwouldtiltagame’soutcome in this quantum Chinos gain and compute each players’ intheirfavor. Wehavefoundthatthechancesofwinning payoffsforeachofthosepossibilities. Wehaveperformed forplayer1arebetteroffonaveragethanthoseofher/his thisanalysiswiththefollowingresult: letusshowthatif opponent. We may interpret this result as the breaking player 1 makes draws with equal probability among the of the symmetric classical situation (4) at the quantum choices O(1) and O(1) only (8), then s/he is half-way for 2 3 level: a winning position. The rest of the strategy is to set up the quantum guesses as follows. When player 1 draws Player 1 / Player 2. (20) O(1),s/hedecidestomakealwaysthefollowingquantum ←→ 2 guess This advantageofthe firstplayerresemblesasimilarsit- uationfoundinthePQquantumgame[3]. Inthepresent 1 Ψ :=N−1/2O(1)O(1) 0 = (0 +21 +√22 ), case,however,thecorrelationbetweenplayersinthefinal | 1i 1 2 2 | i √7 | i | i | i result is dynamically generated, i.e., it is a consequence (16) of the player’s choice,and it is not encoded in the initial in which case, a possible guess for player 2 according to state. In this respect, it also differs from the quantum (11) would be generalization of other simple games, like the prisoner’s dilemma[4], or the minority game[10]. 1 |Ψ2i:=N2−1/2O3(2)O4(2)|0i= √3(|1i−√2|2i). (17) Acknowledgments. We acknowledge financial support from projects: PGC96-0875, 07N/0015/2001and PB98- 0685. 5 [1] We do not claim that the Chinos game originates it follows that p > 1 . On the contrary, player 2 1 Nc+1 from Spain, but the word chinos is a deformation of wantstominimizeP bydrawingcoinsatrandomso 1 chinas meaning pebbles in Spanish. that p = 1 , bringing the situation back to the 1 Nc+1 [2] L. Pastor-Abia, M P´erez-Jorda´, E. San-Fabia´n, E. case (3). Louis, F. Vega-Redondo, Adv. Complex Systems 1, [7] For a review on quantum algorithms, see A. 1 (2000). Galindo, M.A. Mart´ın-Delgado, quant-ph/0112105; [3] D. Meyer, Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 1052 (1999). Rev. Mod. Phys. to appear. [4] J. Eisert, M. Wilkens, M. Lewenstein, Phys. Rev. [8] L. K. Grover, Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 325 (1997). Lett. 83, 3077 (1999). [9] D. Meyer, AMS Contemporary Mathematics vol- [5] For a review on quantum games, see E. Klarreich, ume: Quantum Computation and Quantum Infor- Nature 414, 244 (2001). mation Science; quant-ph/0004092. [6] If player 1 gives away some information about the [10] R. Kay, N.F. Johnson, and S.C. Benjamin, quant- coins s/he draws to player 2, then p > 1−p1 and ph/0102008. 2 Nc P < Ncp1 . As player 1 wants P > 1, then 1 1−p1(Nc−1) 1 2

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