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Preview Quantum Anomalies at Horizon and Hawking Radiations in Myers-Perry Black Holes

KEK-TH-1127, OIQP-06-20 Quantum Anomalies at Horizon and Hawking Radiations in Myers-Perry Black Holes 8 0 0 a a b Satoshi Iso , Takeshi Morita and Hiroshi Umetsu 2 ∗ † ‡ n a J a Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies, High Energy Accelerator Research 0 1 Organization(KEK), Oho 1-1, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0801, Japan b Okayama Institute for Quantum Physics, Kyoyama 1-9-1, Okayama 700-0015, Japan 3 v 6 8 2 2 1 Abstract 6 0 A new method has been developed recently to derive Hawking radiations from / h black holes based on considerations of gravitational and gauge anomalies at the -t horizon [1][2]. In this paper, we apply the method to Myers-Perry black holes with p multipleangularmomentainvariousdimensionsbyusingthedimensionalreduction e h technique adopted in the case of four-dimensional rotating black holes [3]. : v i X r a ∗E-mail address: [email protected] †E-mail address: [email protected] ‡E-mail address: hiroshi [email protected] 1 Introduction Hawking radiation is the quantum effect to arise for quantum fields in a background space-time with an event horizon. There are many different derivations, from the original calculation based on Bogoliubov transformations [4] to Euclidean approaches [5], and all of them universally give the same answer. The universality tells us that the Hawking radiationmust bedeterminedonlybysomeuniversal quantumeffectsjust onthehorizon.∗ In the seminal paper by Robinson and Wilczek [1], it was proposed that the flux of Hawking radiation can be fixed by the amount of the gravitational anomaly at the horizon. The method was then generalized in [2] to charged black holes by using the gauge anomaly in addition to the gravitational anomaly and further applied to rotating black holes [3][7] and others [8]. The essential observation in [1] is that quantum fields near the horizon behave as an infinite set of two-dimensional fields and ingoing modes at the horizon can be considered as left moving modes while outgoing modes as right moving modes. Once the ingoing modes fall into the black hole, they never come out classically and cannot affect the physics outside the black hole. Quantum mechanically, however, they cannot be neglected because, without the ingoing modes, the theory becomes chiral at the horizon, which makes the effective theory anomalous under general coordinate or gauge transformations. In this sense, the ingoing modes at the horizon only affect the exterior region through quantum anomalies. This is the basic idea of the method but there is a slight difference between the original calculation in [1] and that in [2]. In this paper, we adopt thecalculation used in[2]. Wewill explain the difference intheappendix. This approach is similar to the beautiful derivation of the Hawking flux based on con- formal anomalies [6], in which the Hawking flux was obtained by solving the conservation law of the energy-momentum tensor with the information of conformal anomaly. In our method, instead of conformal anomaly, we use gravitational or gauge anomalies. Both anomalies arequantum effects but therearethe following differences. The gravitationalor gauge anomalies arise only for chiral theories while conformal anomaly can arise even for vector-like theories. The reason that the gravitational and gauge anomalies are relevant to the Hawking radiation is due to the chiral decomposition property near the horizon. Namely, quantum fields near the horizon can be decomposed into the left (ingoing) and right(outgoing)modesandtheleftmodesarecausallydecoupledfromtheexteriorphysics classically. Also the gravitational and gauge anomalies are independent of the details of quantum fields and can be universally determined. Another advantage to use the gauge anomalies is that we can derive the fluxes of charges and angular momenta in addition to the energy flux. In this paper, we apply the method to higher-dimensional Myers-Perry (MP) black ∗ The effect of scatterings away from the horizon changes the spectrum to gray. But this is not the universal part of the Hawking radiation and we do not discuss it in the present paper. 1 holes [9]. Hawking flux from MP black holes with a single charge (angular momentum) was obtained in [7] but they could not obtain the flux in cases with multiple angular momenta. In this paper, by using similar dimensional reduction technique adopted in [3], we show that the anomaly method can be similarly applied to MP black holes with more than one charge, and that it reproduces the flux of each angular momentum F and that ai of energy-momentum tensor F associated with the Hawking radiation by each partial M wave, ∞ dω m n m a i j j F = m N (ω) N (ω) = , ai 2π i {mj} − {−mj} 2π r2 +a2 Z0 j=1 H j (cid:0) (cid:1) X ∞ dω 1 n m a 2 π i i F = ω N (ω)+N (ω) = + . (1.1) M 2π {mj} {−mj} 4π r2 +a2 12β2 Z0 i=1 H i! (cid:0) (cid:1) X Here N (ω) is the Planck distribution with an inverse-temperature β and chemical {mi} potentials a /(r2 +a2) for the angular momenta m (i = 1,2, ,n).† These fluxes are i H i i ··· given by the sums of contributions from a particle with charge m and antiparticle with i { } charge m . i {− } The organization of the paper is as follows. In section 2, we consider quantum fields in the background of the MP black holes in various dimensions and show that they behave as an infinite set of two-dimensional conformal fields near the event horizon. In section 3, we consider symmetries for them and relate the conservation laws of the original energy- momentum tensor to those in the dimensionally reduced theories. In section 4, we obtain the Hawking fluxes based on two-dimensional gravitational and gauge anomalies. Section 4 is devoted to discussions. In appendix, we explain the difference between the original calculation in [1] and that in [2]. 2 Quantum fields in Myers-Perry black hole In the D = 2n+1+ǫ (ǫ = 0 or 1) dimensions, the metric of the Myers-Perry black hole is given by [9] n µr2−ǫ n 2 ds2 = dt2 ǫr2dα2 (r2 +a2) dµ2 +µ2dφ2 dt a µ2dφ − − i i i i − ΠF − i i i ! i=1 i=1 X (cid:0) (cid:1) X ΠF dr2, (2.1) −Π µr2−ǫ − † Here we used the Planck distribution for fermions in order to avoid the problem of superradiance which is related to scatterings away from the horizon. 2 where n a2µ2 F = 1 i i , (2.2) − r2 +a2 i=1 i X n Π = (r2 +a2). (2.3) i i=1 Y The following constraint is imposed for µ (i = 1,2, ,n) and α, i ··· n µ2 +ǫα2 = 1, (0 µ 1, 1 α 1). (2.4) i ≤ i ≤ − ≤ ≤ i=1 X This metric describes a black hole space-time with the mass M = (D−2)AD−2µ and angular 16πG momenta 2 Ma in the φ -directions, where A is the volume of SD−2. This black D−2 i i D−2 hole is stationary and has U(1)n isometries with the Killing vectors ∂ . We assume the φi existence of horizons located at positive solutions of Π µr2−ǫ = 0. The inverse of metric − is given by (Π µr2−ǫ)F +µr2−ǫ gtt = − , (Π µr2−ǫ)F − µr2−ǫ a gtφi = i , (Π µr2−ǫ)F · r2 +a2 − i 1 µr2−ǫ a a gφiφj = δ + i j , −µ2(r2 +a2) ij (Π µr2−ǫ)F · (r2 +a2)(r2 +a2) i i − i j Π µr2−ǫ grr = − , − ΠF 1 r2 µ µ gµiµj = δ + i j , (2.5) −r2 +a2 ij F · (r2 +a2)(r2 +a2) i i j and the determinant by ΠF g = √γ , (2.6) | | r1−ǫ D−2 p where √γ is the determinant of the metric of SD−2, D−2 n−1 µ for D = 2n+1, i  √γ = i=1 (2.7) D−2  Y1 n  µ for D = 2n+2. i α | | i=1  Y   We consider a scalar field ϕ in the Myers-Perry black hole background. The action is 1 S = dDx g gµν∂ ϕ∂ ϕ+S , (2.8) µ ν int 2 | | Z p 3 where S includes a mass term and interaction terms. Near the outer horizon, which is int located at r = r the largest root of Π µr2−ǫ = 0, the kinetic term gives a dominant H − contribution to the action and thus we can ignore a mass and interaction terms S . int Hence the action becomes near the outer horizon as 1 Π n a 2 Π µr2−ǫ i S = dtdrdΩ (µr) ϕ ∂ + ∂ ∂ − ∂ ϕ. −2 D−2 Π µr2−ǫ t r2 +a2 φi − r Π r Z − i=1 i ! X  (2.9) Note that the terms including ∂ ϕ in the kinetic part are also suppressed near the µi horizon compared to the above terms. The scalar field ϕ can be expanded by the spherical harmonics YR (µ ,φ ) on SD−2, where R is a label of representations of m1···mn i i SO(D 1) and i∂ YR (µ ,φ ) = m YR (µ ,φ ). Performing the expansion, ϕ = − φi m1···mn i i i m1···mn i i ϕR (t,r)YR (µ ,φ ), the physics near the horizon can be effectively de- R,mi m1···mn m1···mn i i scribed by an infinite collection of massless (1+1)-dimensional fields with the following P action, Π n im a 2 Π µr2−ǫ S = dtdr(µr)(ϕR )∗ ∂ + i i ∂ − ∂ ϕR . − m1···mn Π µr2−ǫ t r2 +a2 − r Π r m1···mn Z − i=1 i ! X   (2.10) From this action we find that ϕR can be considered as a (1 + 1)-dimensional m1···mn complex scalar field in the background of the dilaton Φ, metric g and U(1) gauge fields µν A(φi), µ Π µr2−ǫ 1 Φ = µr, g = − f(r), g = , g = 0, tt rr tr Π ≡ −f(r) a A(φi) = i , A(φi) = 0. (2.11) t −r2 +a2 r i The partial wave ϕR has the U(1) charge m for each gauge field A(φi). m1···mn i µ 3 Symmetries and conservation laws When we derive Hawking radiations from anomalies at the horizon in the next section, we need to use various Ward-Takahashi identities in the two-dimensional effective theories. In this section, we derive them by reinterpreting the original conservation laws associated with general coordinate transformations in D = 2n+1+ǫ dimensions. Following the general procedure in the Kaluza-Klein compactification, we write the D-dimensional metric g (A,B = t,r,µ ,φ ) for the Meyers-Perry black holes in terms AB i i 4 of a d-dimensional metric (d = n+1+ǫ), U(1)n gauge fields and dilatons, g +h A(φi)A(φj) h A(φk) (g ) = αβ φiφj α β φjφk α , (3.1) AB hφiφkA(βφk) hφiφj ! where the indices α and β denote d-dimensional coordinates (t,r,µ ) and φ ’s are the i i angular coordinates. Note that since the metric g does not depend on these angu- AB lar coordinates there are U(1) isometries. Then the D-dimensional general coordinate φi transformation generated by a Killing vector ξφi(t,r,µ ) becomes U(1) gauge trans- i (φi) formation in the d dimensions. By using the Ward-Takahashi identity with respect to this transformation, we can obtain a conservation law for U(1) gauge current. Under this transformation, the fields change as δA(φi) = ∂ ξφi, δg = δh = 0, (3.2) α µ αβ φiφj and the partition function in the above background changes as δ dDxδg lnZ[g] = i dDxξφi∂ g Tα ABδg α | | φi AB Z Z (cid:16)p (cid:17) n−1+ǫ = i dDxξφi ∂ g Tr + ∂ g Tµj = 0. (3.3) r | | φi µj | | φi " # Z (cid:16)p (cid:17) Xi=j (cid:16)p (cid:17) i δ Here T = lnZ[g] is a D-dimensional energy-momentum tensor and de- AB − g δgAB | | pendsonlyonr andµ duetotheisometries ofthebackground. Wedefineanr-component i p of a U(1) gauge current in the two-dimensional field theory as ΠF Jr (r) dΩ Tr . (3.4) (φi) ≡ − D−2 r1−ǫ φi Z (cid:18) (cid:19) We assume that on the right hand side in eq. (3.3), the second term is negligibly small compared to the first term near the horizon of the MP black hole. This corresponds to the fact that the terms including ∂ ϕ could be dropped in the discussion of the effective µi action near the horizon in the previous section. We then can see from eq.(3.3) that the following conservation law holds near the horizon, ∂ Jr = 0. (3.5) r (φi) Namely, by studying the behavior of the two-dimensional U(1) gauge current, we can see the flux of the D-dimensional angular momentum. Next, by considering a D-dimensional general coordinate transformation generated by a Killing vector ξt(t,r,µ ), we can obtain another conservation law. Variations of the i fields under it are δg = g ξt +g ξt, δA(φj) = ξt A(φj) +A(φj) ξt, αβ βt∇α αt∇β α ∇t α t ∇α δh = ξt∂ h = 0, (3.6) φiφj t φiφj 5 where is the covariant derivative associated with the d-dimensional metric g . Then α αβ ∇ a change of the partition function is given by δ dDxδg lnZ[g] AB δg AB Z n = i dDxξt ∂ g Tα A(φi)Tα g F(φi)Tα α | | t − t (φi) − | | tα φi " # Z (cid:16)p (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:17) p Xi=1 n = i dDxξt ∂ g Tr A(φi)Tr +∂ g Tµi A(φj)Tµi g F(φi)Tα r | | t − t φi µi | | t − t φj − | | tα φi " # Z (cid:16)p (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:17) (cid:16)p (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:17) p Xi=1 = 0, (3.7) where we usedtheisometries oftheMPbackgrounds. F(φi) aredefined by thecomponents tα of the field strengths of the U(1) gauge fields A(φi), α F(φi) = ∂ A(φi) ∂ A(φi), (3.8) tα t α − α t µr2−ǫ a A(φi) = i , (3.9) t −(Π µr2−ǫ)F +µr2−ǫ · r2 +a2 − i A(φi) = A(φi) = 0. (3.10) µj r The equation (3.7) holds in the whole region outside the horizon but it can be simplified near the horizon as follows. Near the horizon, because of Π µr2−ǫ = 0, F(φi) vanishes − tµj and F(φi) = ∂ A(φi) where the potential becomes tr r t − a A(φi) i , (r r ). (3.11) t −→ −r2 +a2 −→ H i These gauge field backgrounds, of course, coincide with those in eq. (2.11) derived by dimensional reduction of the action near the horizon. Furthermore we assume that in eq. (3.7), ∂ g Tµi A(φj)Tµi is negligible compared to the other terms near the µi | | t − t φj horizon, by a(cid:16)spimilar(cid:16)reason to the o(cid:17)n(cid:17)e described below eq. (3.4). Defining a component Tr (r) of the two-dimensional energy-momentum tensor as t(2) ΠF Tr (r) dΩ Tr A(φi)Tr , (3.12) t(2) ≡ D−2 r1−ǫ t − t φi Z (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:16) (cid:17) we find from eq. (3.7) the following conservation equation near the horizon, n ∂ Tr F(φi)Jr = 0. (3.13) r t(2) − rt (φi) i=1 X The energy flux in D dimensions is given by the two-dimensional energy current. The second term in the above Ward-Takahashi identity can be interpreted as the dissipation of energy due to interactions of the current Jr with the background electric field F(φi). (φi) rt 6 4 Quantum anomalies and Hawking fluxes Ingoing modes near the horizon are classically irrelevant to physics outside the horizon. If we neglect the ingoing modes, in the two-dimensional effective theory near the horizon gauge and diffeomorphism invariance are broken by quantum anomalies. The underlying theory is, of course, invariant. Therefore these anomalies are cancelled by quantum effects of ingoing modes which are irrelevant classically. In the following we show that the condition for vanishing of anomalies at the horizon leads to the correct Hawking fluxes of angular momenta and energy. First we consider the U(1) currents Jr in the effective theory which is defined in (φi) r [r , ]. Each current corresponds to angular momentum in the φi-direction in the H ∈ ∞ D-dimensional theory, as shown in the previous section. We divide the region outside the horizon into two regions, r [r ,r +ǫ] near the horizon and r > r +ǫ. If we omit the H H H ∈ ingoing modes near the horizon, U(1) current has gauge anomaly there. The consistent form of the abelian gauge anomaly [10, 11, 12] in two dimensions is given by m Jµ = i ǫµν∂ , (4.1) ∇µ (φi) −4π√ g µAν (2) − where ǫ01 = +1 and µ,ν run t and r. In our case, is a sum of n U(1) gauge fields µ A multiplied by charges, n = m A(φj), (4.2) Aµ j µ j=1 X n m a j j = , = 0. (4.3) At − r2 +a2 Ar j=1 j X It is noted that the charge of the partial mode in the effective theory is m . The consistent i anomaly satisfies the Wess-Zumino condition. The consistent current is derived from the quantum effective action and is not gauge covariant. We can define covariant current as m J˜µ Jµ i ǫµν , (4.4) (φi) ≡ (φi) − 4π√ g Aν (2) − which satisfies m J˜µ = i ǫµν . (4.5) ∇µ (φi) −4π√ g Fµν (2) − Here is given by µν F n = ∂ ∂ = m F(φj). (4.6) Fµν µAν − νAµ j µν i=j X In the case we consider here, the consistent current Jµ in r [r ,r + ǫ] depends (φi),H ∈ H H only on r and satisfies the following anomalous equation with the gauge field background 7 (2.11), m ∂ Jr = i∂ . (4.7) r (φi),H 4π rAt In the outside region r > r + ǫ, the current is conserved, ∂ Jr = 0. Hence we can H r (φi),O solve them in each region as Jr = ci , (4.8) (φi),O O m Jr = ci + i ( (r) (r )), (4.9) (φi),H H 4π At −At H where ci and ci are integration constants. ci is the value of the current at r and O H O → ∞ ci is the value of the consistent current of the outgoing modes at the horizon r = r . H H The current is written as a sum in two regions Jµ = Jµ Θ (r)+Jµ H(r), (4.10) (φi) (φi),O + (φi),H where Θ (r) = Θ(r r ǫ) and H(r) = 1 Θ (r) are step functions which are defined + H + − − − in the region r r . Note that this current is a part of the total current because we H ≥ omitted the ingoing modes near the horizon. The total current including a contribution of the ingoing modes is given by Jµ = Jµ +Kµ , (4.11) (φi)total (φi) (φi) where m Kr = i (r)H(r). (4.12) (φi) −4πAt This contribution cancels the anomalous part of Jµ near the horizon. (φi) In the previous papers [1][2][3], the invariance of the quantum effective action under gauge and general coordinate transformations was considered. Requiring the invariance can determine the relation between the integration constants ci and ci . This method O H has revealed the significance of each contribution from the ingoing and outgoing modes, but the relation itself can be easily obtained by imposing the conservation of the total current, ∂ Jr = 0. This condition gives the relation, r (φi)total m ci = ci i (r ). (4.13) O H − 4πAt H In order to fix the value of the current, we need a further boundary condition at the horizon. Here we impose that the covariant form of the outgoing current should vanish at the horizon. The outgoing modes can produce possible divergences for physical quantities seen by infalling observers into black holes, as discussed in, for example, [14] [6]. The physical vacuum in the black hole backgrounds should be chosen as such that these unphysical divergences should vanish. In our case, this condition corresponds to the above boundary condition. We discuss it in the appendix again. Another condition to 8 µ specify the vacuum is the boundary condition for the ingoing currents K . In eq. (4.12) (φi) we have already chosen an integration constant such that it vanishes at r . This → ∞ condition corresponds to taking Unruh vacuum, in stead of Hartle-Hawking vacuum. Since the covariant current is given by J˜r = Jr + mi (r)H(r), the condition (φi) (φi) 4πAt J˜r (r ) = 0 determines the value of the charge flux at r as (φi) H → ∞ n m m m a ci = i (r ) = i j j . (4.14) O −2πAt H 2π r2 +a2 j=1 H j X This coincides with the flux of angular momentum associated with the Hawking radiation. Next we consider the flux of energy-momentum radiated from the Myers-Perry black holes. Omitting the ingoing modes in the near horizon region r r r + ǫ, the H H ≤ ≤ consistent energy-momentum tensor Tµ satisfies a modified conservation equation with ν,H the consistent anomalies. In two dimensions the energy-momentum tensor for right-hand modes satisfies the following Ward-Takahashi identity with U(1) gauge fields A(φi) and µ dilaton Φ backgrounds, n ∂ Φ δS Tµ = F(φi)Jµ +A(φi) Jµ ν +A , (4.15) ∇µ ν µν (φi) ν ∇µ (φi) − √ g δΦ ν (2) Xi=1 (cid:16) (cid:17) − where A is the consistent gravitational anomaly [13] which is given by µ 1 A = ǫνρ∂ ∂ Γσ . (4.16) µ 96π√ g ρ σ µν (2) − This energy-momentum tensor is not covariant under general coordinate transformations. On the other hand the covariant energy-momentum T˜µ satisfies the Ward-Takahashi iden- ν tity with the same form as the above but the anomaly term A is replaced with the µ covariant one A˜ = 1 ǫ νR. µ −96π√−g µν∇ (2) In the case considered here, the ν = t component of the Ward-Takahashi identity in the consistent form becomes n ∂ Tr = F(φi)Jr +A(φi) Jµ +∂ Nr(r), (4.17) r t,H rt (φi) t ∇µ (φi) r t Xi=1 (cid:16) (cid:17) where background fields (2.11) are used. Nr(r) is defined by A = ∂ Nr, t t r t 1 Nr(r) = f′2(r)+f(r)f′′(r) . (4.18) t 192π (cid:0) (cid:1) Eq. (4.17) is the same Ward-Takahashi identity as eq. (3.13) if there are no anomalous terms. See [2] for the Ward-Takahashi identity in presence of anomalies. In eq. (4.17), the first and second terms in the right hand side are combined in terms of the covariant 9

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