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Preview Quantum algorithm for linear differential equations with exponentially improved dependence on precision

Quantum algorithm for linear differential equations with exponentially improved dependence on precision DominicW. Berry ∗ Andrew M.Childs†,‡ Aaron Ostrander‡,§ GuomingWang ‡ 7 1 0 2 b Abstract e F Wepresentaquantumalgorithmforsystemsof(possiblyinhomogeneous)linearordinarydifferentialequations withconstantcoefficients. Thealgorithmproducesaquantumstatethatisproportional tothesolutionatadesired 7 final time. The complexity of the algorithm is polynomial in the logarithm of the inverse error, an exponential 1 improvementoverpreviousquantumalgorithmsforthisproblem.Ourresultbuildsuponrecentadvancesinquantum linearsystemsalgorithmsbyencodingthesimulationintoasparse,well-conditionedlinearsystemthatapproximates ] h evolutionaccordingtothepropagatorusingaTaylorseries.Unlikewithfinitedifferencemethods,ourapproachdoes p notrequireadditionalhypothesestoensurenumericalstability. - t n a 1 Introduction u q OneoftheoriginalmotivationsfordevelopingaquantumcomputerwastoefficientlysimulateHamiltoniandynamics, [ i.e.,differentialequationsoftheform d~x =A~xwhereAisanti-Hermitian.GivenasuitabledescriptionofA,acopyof dt 2 theinitialquantumstate x(0) ,andanevolutiontimeT,thegoalistoproduceaquantumstatethatisε-closetothe v | i finalstate x(T) . Thefirstalgorithmsforthisproblemhadcomplexitypolynomialin1/ε[13,2,10,4]. Subsequent 4 | i 8 workgaveanalgorithmwithcomplexitypoly(log(1/ε))—anexponentialimprovement—whichisoptimalinablack- 6 boxmodel[5].Morerecentworkhasstreamlinedthesealgorithmsandimprovedtheirdependenceonotherparameters 3 [6,7,15,8,14,16]. 0 WhileHamiltoniansimulationhasbeenafocusofquantumalgorithmsresearch,themoregeneralproblemofsim- 1. ulatinglineardifferentialequationsoftheform d~x =A~x+~bforarbitrary(sparse)Aislesswellstudied.Reference[3] dt 0 solvesthisproblemusingaquantumlinearsystemsalgorithm(QLSA)toimplementlinearmultistepmethods,which 7 representthedifferentialequationswithasystemoflinearequationsbydiscretizingtime. Thecomplexityofthisap- 1 proachispoly(1/ε). ConsideringtherecentimprovementstothecomplexityofHamiltoniansimulation,itisnatural : v toaskwhetherlineardifferentialequationscanbesolvedmoreefficientlyasafunctionofε. i X HamiltoniansimulationisacentralcomponentoftheQLSA,andthetechniquesunderlyingpoly(log(1/ε))Hamil- tonian simulation have been adapted to give a QLSA with complexity poly(log(1/ε)) [11]. However, even if this r a improvedQLSA is used to implementthe algorithmof Ref. [3], the overallcomplexityis still poly(1/ε), since the multistepmethoditselfisasignificantsourceoferror. In a similar vein, the QLSA of Ref. [12] has poly(1/ε) complexity even when using a Hamiltonian simulation algorithmwithpoly(log(1/ε))complexity,simplybecausephaseestimationhascomplexitypoly(1/ε).Reference[11] provides a QLSA with poly(log(1/ε)) complexity by avoiding phase estimation and instead directly inverting the linearsystemusingalinearcombinationofunitaries(LCU).Thus,onemightconsiderrealizingthesolutionof d~x = dt A~x+~basalinearcombinationofunitaries. Unfortunately,inthegeneralcasewhereAisnotanti-Hermitian,thebest implementationofthisapproachthatweareawareofhasanexponentiallysmallsuccessprobability. ∗DepartmentofPhysicsandAstronomy,MacquarieUniversity †DepartmentofComputerScienceandInstituteforAdvancedComputerStudies,UniversityofMaryland ‡JointCenterforQuantumInformationandComputerScience,UniversityofMaryland §DepartmentofPhysics,UniversityofMaryland 1 In this paper, we circumventthese limitations and present a quantum algorithm for linear differentialequations withcomplexitypoly(log(1/ε)),anexponentialimprovementoverRef.[3]. AsinRef.[3],ourapproachappliesthe QLSA.However,insteadofusingalinearmultistepmethod,weencodeatruncationoftheTaylorseriesofexp(At), thepropagatorforthedifferentialequation,intoalinearsystem. Sinceiteffectivelyimplementsalinearcombination ofoperations,ourapproachisconceptuallysimilartoquantumsimulationvialinearcombinationsofunitaries,butwe achievesignificantlybetterperformancebyconstructingthislinearcombinationstepwisethroughasystemoflinear equations.ThisalternativetodirectapplicationofLCUmethodsmightbeadvantageousforotherquantumalgorithms. In addition to scaling well with the simulation error, our algorithm has favorable performance as a function of other parameters. The complexity is nearly linear in the evolution time, which is a quadratic improvement over Ref. [3] and is nearly optimal [4]. The complexity is also nearly linear in the sparsity of A and in a parameter characterizing the decay of the solution vector. The latter dependence is necessary since producing a normalized versionofasubnormalizedsolutionvectorisequivalenttopostselection,whichiscomputationallyintractable[1],as discussed furtherin Section8. Alongsimilar lines, we assume thattheeigenvaluesof A havenon-positiverealpart sinceitisintractabletosimulateexponentiallygrowingsolutions.(ThisimprovesuponRef.[3],wheretheeigenvalues λ of A must satisfy arg( λ) α for some constant α dependingon the stability of the multistep method.) For a | − |≤ precisestatementofthemainresult,seeTheorem9. This paper is organizedas follows. Section 2 describes how we encode the solution of a system of differential equationsintoasystemoflinearequations. Thefollowingthreesectionsanalyzepropertiesofthissystem: Section3 bounds its condition number, Section 4 analyzes how well it approximates the differential equation, and Section 5 shows that a measurement of its solution vector provides a solution of the differential equation with appreciable probability. In Section 6 we explain how to prepare the state that is input to the QLSA using black boxes for the initialconditionandinhomogeneoustermofthedifferentialequation. Weformallystateandproveourmainresultin Section7. Finally,weconcludeinSection8withadiscussionoftheresultandsomeopenproblems. 2 Constructing the Linear System AsinRef.[3]weconsideradifferentialequationoftheform d~x =A~x+~b (1) dt whereAand~baretime-independent.Thishastheexactsolution ~x(t)=exp(At)~x(0)+(exp(At) I)A 1~b. (2) − − Define k zj T (z):= ∑ exp(z) (3) k j! ≈ j=0 and k zj 1 S (z):= ∑ − (exp(z) 1)z 1 (4) k − j! ≈ − j=1 wheretheapproximationsholdforlargek. Thenforshortevolutiontimeh(namelyh 1/ A ,where denotesthe ≤ k k k·k spectralnorm)andlargek,wecanapproximatethesolutionby ~x(h) T (Ah)~x(0)+S (Ah)h~b. (5) k k ≈ Thisapproximatesolutioncanbeusedinturnasaninitialconditionforanotherstepofevolution,andwecanrepeat thisprocedureasdesiredforatotalnumberofstepsm. Weencodethisprocedureinalinearsystemusingthefollowingfamilyofmatrices. 2 Definition1. LetAbeanN Nmatrix,andletm,k,p Z+. Define × ∈ d m 1 k C (A):= ∑ j j I ∑− ∑ i(k+1)+j i(k+1)+j 1 A/j m,k,p | ih |⊗ − | ih − |⊗ j=0 i=0 j=1 m 1 k d ∑− ∑ (i+1)(k+1) i(k+1)+j I ∑ j j 1 I, (6) − | ih |⊗ − | ih − |⊗ i=0 j=0 j=d p+1 − whered:=m(k+1)+p,andIistheN Nidentitymatrix. × Nowconsiderthelinearsystem m 1 C (Ah)x = 0 x +h ∑− i(k+1)+1 b , (7) m,k,p in | i | i| i | i| i i=0 where x , b CN andh R+. ThefirstregisterlabelsanaturalblockstructureforC . Forexample,thesystem in m,k,p C2,3,2(A|h)i|xi| =i∈|0i|xini+h∑∈1i=0|4i+1i|biisasfollows: I x in | i Ah I hb −   | i Ah/2 I 0 −  Ah/3 I   0   −     I I I I I   0   − − − −    C2,3,2(Ah)x = Ah I x =hb . (8) | i  − | i  | i  Ah/2 I   0   −     Ah/3 I   0   −     I I I I I   0   − − − −     I I   0   −     I I  0   −        AfterperformingmstepsoftheevolutionapproximatedwithaTaylorseriesoforderk,thesolutioniskeptconstant for psteps. Thisensuresasignificantprobabilityofobtainingthesolutionatthefinaltime, similarlyasinRef.[3]. NotethatC (Ah)isnonsingular,sinceitisalower-triangularmatrixwithnonzerodiagonalentries. IfN=1,then m,k,p C (Ah)isa(d+1) (d+1)matrix. m,k,p × ThesolutionofEq.(7)is m 1 x =C (Ah) 1 0 x +h ∑− i(k+1)+1 b , (9) m,k,p − in | i "| i| i i=0| i| i# whichcanbewrittenas m 1 k p x = ∑− ∑ i(k+1)+j x +∑ m(k+1)+j x (10) i,j m,j | i | i | i i=0 j=0 j=0 (cid:12) (cid:11) (cid:12) (cid:11) forsome x CN. BythedefinitionofC (Ah),the(cid:12)se x ssatisfy (cid:12) i,j m,k,p i,j ∈ (cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:11) x0,0 = xin , (cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:11) (11) | i | i k x = ∑ x , 1 i m, (12) i,0 i 1,j | i − ≤ ≤ j=0 (cid:12) (cid:11) x =Ah(cid:12)x +hb , 0 i<m, (13) i,1 i,0 | i | i | i ≤ x =(Ah/j) x , 0 i<m, 2 j k, (14) i,j i,j 1 − ≤ ≤ ≤ (cid:12)xm,j(cid:11)= xm,j 1(cid:12), (cid:11) 1 j p. (15) (cid:12) − (cid:12) ≤ ≤ (cid:12) (cid:11) (cid:12) (cid:11) (cid:12) (cid:12) 3 Fromtheseequations,weobtain x = x , (16) 0,0 in | i | i x =((Ah)j/j!)x +((Ah)j 1/j!)hb , 1 j k, (17) 0,j 0,0 − | i | i ≤ ≤ x =T (Ah)x +S (Ah)hb (cid:12) 1,0(cid:11) k 0,0 k (cid:12)| i | i | i exp(Ah)x +(exp(Ah) I)A 1 b , (18) in − ≈ | i − | i x1,j =((Ah)j/j!)x1,0 +((Ah)j−1/j!)hb , 1 j k, (19) | i | i ≤ ≤ x =T (Ah)x +S (Ah)hb (cid:12) 2,0(cid:11) k 1,0 k (cid:12)| i | i | i exp(2Ah)xin +(exp(2Ah) I)A−1 b , (20) ≈ | i − | i . . . x =T (Ah)x +S (Ah)hb m 1,0 k m 2,0 k | − i | − i | i exp(Ah(m 1))x +(exp(Ah(m 1)) I)A 1 b , (21) in − ≈ − | i − − | i x =((Ah)j/j!)x +((Ah)j 1/j!)hb , 1 j k, (22) m 1,j m 1,0 − − | − i | i ≤ ≤ x =T (Ah)x +S (Ah)hb (cid:12) m,0(cid:11) k m 1,0 k (cid:12) | i | − i | i exp(Ahm)x +(exp(Ahm) I)A 1 b , (23) in − ≈ | i − | i x = x m,j m,0 | i (cid:12) (cid:11) exp(Ahm)xin +(exp(Ahm) I)A−1 b , 1 j p. (24) (cid:12) ≈ | i − | i ≤ ≤ Intheseapproximations,weassumekissufficientlylargethatwecanneglectthetruncationerrors T (Ah) exp(Ah) k and S (Ah)h (exp(Ah) I)A 1 (we make this more precise in Section 4). Note that x (dkefined b−y Eq. (10)k) k − − − | i includesapiecethatcanbeinterpretedasthehistorystateoftheevolution (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) d~x =A~x+~b (25) dt withtheinitialcondition~x(0)=~x . Moreprecisely, x isagoodapproximationofthesystem’sstateattimeih,for in i,0 | i anyi 0,1,...,m . Furthermore, x = x = = x isagoodapproximationof m,0 m,1 m,p ∈{ } | i | i ··· | i ~x(t)=exp(At)~x +(exp(At) I)A 1~b (26) in − − fort=mh. Ifwemeasuredthefirstregisterofthestate x / x inthestandardbasis,wewouldobtainthestate x / x i,j i,j | i k| ik for random i,j. By choosing a large p, we can ensure there is a high probability of obtaining x / x , m,0 m,0 | (cid:12) i(cid:11)k(cid:13)|(cid:12) i(cid:11)k(cid:13) xm,1 / xm,1 , ..., or xm,p / xm,p (as we show in Section 5). Then this probability can be raise(cid:12)d to Ω(cid:13)((cid:12)1) b(cid:13)y | i k| ik | i k| ik using amplitude amplification (or by classical repetition). This is how we prepare a state close to~x(t)/ ~x(t) for k k t=mh. NotethatthestatewegenerateisnotofthesameformasthehistorystateinRef.[3],whichonlyencodes~x(t)at intermediatetimes. Thesolutionofourlinearsystemnotonlyencodes~x(t)atintermediatetimes(via x )butalso i,0 | i encodes((Ah)j/j!)~x(t)+((Ah)j 1/j!)h~batintermediatetimes(via x ). − i,j | i To analyze the performance of this approach to solving differential equations, we establish three properties of thissystem oflinearequations. First, since the complexityofthe bestknownQLSAsgrowslinearlywithcondition number(andsublinearcomplexityisimpossibleunlessBQP=PSPACE[12]), weanalyzetheconditionnumberof C (Section3). Second,weshowthatthesolutionofthelinearsystemincludesapiecethatisclosetothesolution m,k,p oftheassociateddifferentialequation(Section4).Third,weshowthatthispiececanbeobtainedfromameasurement thatsucceedswithappreciableprobability(Section5). 4 3 Condition Number In this section, we upperboundthe conditionnumberof the matrixC (A) undermild assumptionsaboutA. We m,k,p beginwithatechnicallemmathatupperboundsthenormsofthecolumnsoftheinverseofthismatrix. Lemma2. Letλ Csuchthat λ 1andRe(λ) 0. Letm,k,p Z+ suchthatk 5and(k+1)! 2m,andlet ∈ | |≤ ≤ ∈ ≥ ≥ d=m(k+1)+p.Thenforanyn,l 0,1,...,d , ∈{ } C (λ) 1 l 1.04eI (2)(m+p) (27) m,k,p − 0 | i ≤ withI0(2)<2.28amodifiedBesselfun(cid:13)(cid:13)ctionofthefirs(cid:13)(cid:13)tkinpd,and nCm,k,p(λ)−1 l √1.04e. (28) h | | i ≤ (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) Proof. RecallthedefinitionsofT (z)andS (z)inEqs.(3)and(4),respectively.Wealsodefine k k k b!zj b T (z):= ∑ − (29) b,k j! j=b forb k. ≤ Fixanyl 0,1,...,d . Supposethesolutionofthelinearsystem ∈{ } C (λ)x = l (30) m,k,p | i | i is m 1 k p x = ∑− ∑x i(k+1)+j +∑x m(k+1)+j (31) i,j m,j | i | i | i i=0 j=0 j=0 forsomex C. BythedefinitionofC (λ),thex sshouldsatisfy i,j m,k,p i,j ∈ k x ∑x =δ , 1 i m, (32) i,0 i 1,j i(k+1),l − − ≤ ≤ j=0 x (λ/j)x =δ , 0 i<m, 1 j k, (33) i,j i,j 1 i(k+1)+j,l − − ≤ ≤ ≤ x x =δ , 1 j p, (34) m,j m,j 1 m(k+1)+j,l − − ≤ ≤ whereδ =1ifi= j,and0otherwise. i,j Weconsiderthecases0 l<m(k+1)andm(k+1) l dseparately. ≤ ≤ ≤ Case1: 0 l<m(k+1). Supposel=a(k+1)+bforsome0 a<mand0 b k. Inthiscase,Eq.(34) • ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ implies x =0, 0 i<a, 0 j k, (35) i,j ≤ ≤ ≤ x =0, 0 j<b, (36) a,j ≤ x =b!λj b/j!, b j k, (37) a,j − ≤ ≤ x =T (λ), (38) a+1,0 b,k x =(λj/j!)x , 1 j k, (39) a+1,j a+1,0 ≤ ≤ x =T (λ)x =T (λ)T (λ), (40) a+2,0 k a+1,0 k b,k . . . x =T (λ)x =(T (λ))m a 1T (λ), (41) m,0 k m 1,0 k − − b,k − 5 x =x =(T (λ))m a 1T (λ), 1 j p. (42) m,j m,0 k − − b,k ≤ ≤ Since λ 1,foranyb j k,wehave | |≤ ≤ ≤ xa,j =b!λ j−b/j! b!/j! 1. (43) | | ≤ ≤ (cid:12) (cid:12) Furthermore,since λ 1andRe(λ) (cid:12)0,b(cid:12)yLemma10andLemma11inAppendixA,wehave | |≤ ≤ 1 1 T (λ) 1+ 1+ , (44) k | |≤ (k+1)! ≤ 2m T (λ) √1.04. (45) b,k ≤ Consequently,wehave (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) x = T (λ)i a 1T (λ) (1+1/2m)m√1.04 √1.04e, a+1 i m, (46) i,0 k − − b,k | | ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ (cid:12) (cid:12) and (cid:12) (cid:12) x = (λj/j!)x x √1.04e, a+1 i m, 1 j k. (47) i,j i,0 i,0 ≤| |≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ Itfollowsthat (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) x = x √1.04e, 0 j p. (48) m,j m,0 | |≤ ≤ ≤ (cid:12) (cid:12) Usingthesefacts,weobtain (cid:12) (cid:12) m 1 k p x 2= ∑− ∑ x 2+∑ x 2 i,j m,j k| ik i=0 j=0 j=0 (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) = ∑k b!λ(cid:12)j b/(cid:12)j! 2+(cid:12)m∑−1(cid:12)∑k (λj/j!)x 2+(p+1)x 2 − i,0 m,0 | | j=b i=a+1j=0 (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) ∑k ((cid:12)(cid:12)b!/j!)2+(cid:12)(cid:12)m∑−1 ∑k (1/j(cid:12)!)2 x 2+((cid:12)p+1)x 2 i,0 m,0 ≤ | | | | j=b i=a+1j=0 k m 1 k ∑(b!/j!)2+1.04e ∑− ∑(1/j!)2+1.04e(p+1) ≤ j=b i=a+1j=0 I (2)+1.04eI (2)(m a 1)+1.04e(p+1) 0 0 ≤ − − 1.04eI (2)(m+p), (49) 0 ≤ whereinthefifthstepweusethefacts k ∞ ∑(1/j!)2 ∑(1/j!)2=I (2), (50) 0 ≤ j=0 j=0 k k b 1 1 4 ∑(b!/j!)2 ∑− 1/(b+1)2s =1+ <I (2), 1 b k. (51) ≤ ≤ 1 (b+1) 2 b(b+2) ≤ 3 0 ≤ ≤ j=b s=0 − − Case2:m(k+1) l d. Supposel=m(k+1)+bforsome0 b p. Inthiscase,Eq.(34)implies • ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ x =0, 0 i<m, 0 j k, (52) i,j ≤ ≤ ≤ x =0, 0 j<b, (53) m,j ≤ x =1, b j p. (54) m,j ≤ ≤ 6 Itfollowsthat m 1 k p x 2= ∑− ∑ x 2+∑ x 2 i,j m,j k| ik i=0 j=0 j=0 (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) =p b+(cid:12)1 (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) − p+1. (55) ≤ Inbothoftheabovecases,wehave x 1.04eI (2)(m+p)and nx √1.04eforanyn 0,1,...,d , 0 k| ik≤ |h | i|≤ ∈{ } asclaimed. p Nowwearereadytoupperboundthenormoftheinverseofthematrix. Lemma 3. Let A =VDV 1 be a diagonalizable matrix, where D = diag(λ ,λ ,...,λ ) satisfies λ 1 and − 0 1 N 1 i Re(λ) 0fori 0,1,...,N 1 .Letm,k,p Z+ suchthatk 5and(k+1)! 2m. Th−en | |≤ i ≤ ∈{ − } ∈ ≥ ≥ C (A) 1 3κ √k(m+p), (56) m,k,p − V ≤ whereκV = V V−1 istheconditionn(cid:13)(cid:13)umberofV.(cid:13)(cid:13) k k· Proof. Forconven(cid:13)ience(cid:13),wewilldropthesubscriptsm,k,p,anduseC()todenoteC (). WediagonalizeC(A)as (cid:13) (cid:13) · m,k,p · C(A)=V˜C(D)V˜ 1, (57) − where V˜ := ∑dj=0|jihj|⊗V has condition number κV˜ = κV. Then we may upper bound C(A)−1 in terms of C(D) 1 as − (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13)(cid:13) (cid:13)(cid:13) C(A)−1 = V˜C(D)−1V˜−1 (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13)V˜ C(D)−1(cid:13) V˜−1 (cid:13) (cid:13)≤(cid:13) · (cid:13)· =(cid:13)(cid:13)C((cid:13)(cid:13)D)(cid:13)(cid:13)−1 ·κV˜.(cid:13)(cid:13) (cid:13)(cid:13) (cid:13)(cid:13) (58) (cid:13) (cid:13) Wehave (cid:13) (cid:13) C(D) 1 ψ C(D) 1 =max − | i (59) − (cid:13) (cid:13) |ψi (cid:13)(cid:13) k|ψik (cid:13)(cid:13) wherewemaximizeoverallstates|ψi∈C((cid:13)d+1)NTh(cid:13)estate|ψicanbewrittenas|ψi=∑dl=0|li|ψliforsome|ψli∈CN. Thenwehave 2 d C(D) 1 ψ 2= ∑C(D) 1 l ψ − − l | i (cid:13)l=0 | i| i(cid:13) (cid:13)(cid:13) (cid:13)(cid:13) (cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:13)(d+1)∑d C(D)−1(cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:13)l ψl 2. (60) ≤ | i| i l=0 (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) Nowlet|ψli=∑Nj=−01ψj,l|jiforsomeψj,l∈C.WithD=∑Nj=−01λj|jihj|,wehaveC(D)=∑Nj=−01C(λj)⊗|jihj|.Hence, byLemma2,weobtain 2 N 1 C(D) 1 l ψ 2= ∑− ψ C(λ ) 1 l j − l j,l j − | i| i (cid:13)j=0 | i| i(cid:13) (cid:13)(cid:13) (cid:13)(cid:13) =(cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:13)N∑−1 ψj,l 2 C(λj)−1 l (cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:13)2 | i j=0 (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:13) (cid:13) 7 N 1 1.04eI (2)(m+p) ∑− ψ 2 0 j,l ≤ j=0 (cid:12) (cid:12) =1.04eI (2)(m+p) ψ(cid:12) 2.(cid:12) (61) 0 l k| ik UsingthisexpressioninEq.(60)gives d C(D) 1 ψ 2 1.04eI (2)(d+1)(m+p)∑ ψ 2 − 0 l | i ≤ k| ik l=0 (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) =1.04eI (2)(m(k+1)+p+1)(m+p) ψ 2 0 k| ik 6 1.04eI (2)k(m+p)2 ψ 2. (62) 0 ≤ 5× k| ik UsingthisresultinEq.(59)yields C(D) 1 3√k(m+p). (63) − ≤ CombiningthisexpressionwithEq.(58)then(cid:13)givesEq(cid:13).(56),asclaimed. (cid:13) (cid:13) Itremainstoupperboundthenormofthematrix. Lemma4. LetAbeanN Nmatrixsuchthat A 1. Letm,k,p Z+,andk 5. Then × k k≤ ∈ ≥ C (A) 2√k. (64) m,k,p ≤ (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) Proof. ObservethatC:=C (A)canbewrittenasthesumofthreematrices: m,k,p C=C +C +C (65) 1 2 3 where d C := ∑ j j I, (66) 1 | ih |⊗ j=0 m 1 k C := ∑− ∑ (i+1)(k+1) i(k+1)+j I, (67) 2 − | ih |⊗ i=0 j=0 m 1 k d C := ∑− ∑ i(k+1)+j i(k+1)+j 1 A/j ∑ j j 1 I, (68) 3 − | ih − |⊗ − | ih − |⊗ i=0 j=1 j=d p+1 − whered=m(k+1)+p. Onecaneasilycheckthat C =1, C =√k+1,and C =max A ,1 =1(thisis 1 2 3 k k k k k k {k k } trivialforC ,andfollowsdirectlyfromacalculationofC C†andC C† fortheothercases). Consequently, 1 2 2 3 3 C C + C + C 1 2 3 k k≤k k k k k k √k+1+2 ≤ 2√k (69) ≤ asclaimed. CombiningLemma3andLemma4,weobtainthefollowingupperboundontheconditionnumberofC (A): m,k,p Theorem5. LetA=VDV 1beadiagonalizablematrixsuchthat A 1,D=diag(λ ,λ ,...,λ )andRe(λ) 0, − 0 1 N 1 i for i 0,1,...,N 1 . Let m,k,p Z+ such that k 5 andk(kk+≤1)! 2m. Let C :=C −(A), and let κ≤= m,k,p C C ∈C{ 1 bethe−con}ditionnumber∈ofC. Then ≥ ≥ − k k· (cid:13) (cid:13) κ 6κ k(m+p), (70) (cid:13) (cid:13) C≤ V whereκ = V V 1 istheconditionnumberofV. V − k k· (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) 8 4 Solution Error Inthissection,weprovethatthesolutionofthelinearsystemdefinedbyEq.(7)encodesagoodapproximationofthe solutionofthedifferentialequationdefinedbyEq.(25)withtheinitialcondition~x(0)=~x . in Theorem6. LetA=VDV 1 beadiagonalizablematrix, where D=diag(λ ,λ ,...,λ )satisfiesRe(λ) 0for − 0 1 N 1 i i 0,1,...,N 1 . Leth R+ suchthat Ah 1. Let x , b CN, andlet x(t) −be definedby Eq. (2≤6). Let in m∈,k{,p Z+suc−hth}atk 5a∈nd(k+1)! 2mk.Lekt≤x bed|efinied|biy∈Eqs.(9)and(1|0).Tihenforany j 0,1,...,m , i,j ∈ ≥ ≥ ∈{ } x(jh) x (cid:12)2.8κ(cid:11) j( x +mh b )/(k+1)!, (71) j,0 (cid:12) V in | i− ≤ k| ik k| ik whereκV = V V−1 isth(cid:13)(cid:13)econdition(cid:12)(cid:12)num(cid:11)b(cid:13)(cid:13)erofV. k k· Proof. Notethat x(cid:13)(jh)(cid:13)(thesolutionofthedifferentialequation)satisfiestherecurrencerelation |(cid:13) i(cid:13) x((j+1)h) =exp(Ah)x(jh) +(exp(Ah) I)A−1 b , (72) | i | i − | i while x (inthesolutionoftheassociatedlinearsystem)satisfiestherecurrencerelation j,0 (cid:12) (cid:11) x =T (Ah) x +S (Ah)hb . (73) (cid:12) j+1,0 k j,0 k | i RecallthatTk(λ)=∑kj=0λj!j andSk(λ)=(cid:12)(cid:12)∑kj=1(cid:11)λjj−!1. Inadd(cid:12)(cid:12)tion(cid:11),wehave|x(0)i=|x0,0i=|xini. Define y(t) :=V 1 x(t) and y =V 1 x . We will give an upperboundon δ := y(jh) y and − i,j − i,j j j,0 | i | i | i− convertit into an upper boundon ε := x(jh) x . Since A=VDV 1, we have exp(Ah)=Vexp(Dh)V 1, (cid:12)j (cid:11) | (cid:12)i−(cid:11) j,0 − (cid:13) (cid:12) (cid:11)(cid:13) − T (Ah)=VT (Dh)V 1,andS (Ah)(cid:12)=VS (Dh)V(cid:12) 1. ThenEq.(72)implies (cid:13) (cid:12) (cid:13) k k − k (cid:13)k − (cid:12) (cid:11)(cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:12) (cid:13) y((j+1)h) =exp(Dh)y(jh) +(exp(Dh) I)D 1 c , (74) − | i | i − | i where c =V 1 b . Meanwhile,Eq.(73)implies − | i | i y =T (Dh) y +S (Dh)hc . (75) j+1,0 k j,0 k | i Inaddition,wehave y(0) = y0,0 = y(cid:12)(cid:12)in :=V(cid:11)−1 xin . (cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:11) | i | i | i | i Now since Re(λ) 0 for any i 0,1,...,N 1 , we have exp(Dh) 1. Moreover, since Ah 1, we i ≤ ∈{ − } k k≤ k k≤ have λh 1 for any i 0,1,...,N 1 . Then since Re(λh) 0 for any i 0,1,...,N 1 , by Lemma 10 in i i | |≤ ∈{ − } ≤ ∈{ − } AppendixA,weget exp(Dh) T(Dh) 1/(k+1)!, (76) k k − k≤ andbyLemma12inAppendixA,weget S (Dh) (exp(Dh) I)D 1h 1 1/(k+1)!. (77) k − − − − ≤ Theerrorδ = y(jh) y (cid:13) canbeboundedasfollows. N(cid:13)otethatδ =0,andusingthetriangleinequality, j j,0(cid:13) (cid:13) 0 | i− wehave (cid:13) (cid:12) (cid:11)(cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:12) (cid:13) δj+1= exp(Dh)y(jh) +(exp(Dh) I)D−1 c Tk(Dh) yj,0 Sk(Dh)hc | i − | i− − | i (cid:13)exp(Dh)y(jh) Tk(Dh) yj,0 + (exp(Dh) I(cid:12))D−(cid:11)1 c Sk(Dh)h(cid:13)c ≤(cid:13) | i− − (cid:12) | i− (cid:13)| i (cid:13)exp(Dh)y(jh) exp(Dh(cid:12)) yj,(cid:11)0(cid:13) +(cid:13) exp(Dh)yj,0 Tk(Dh)yj,0 (cid:13) ≤(cid:13) | i− (cid:12) (cid:13) (cid:13) | i− | i (cid:13) +(cid:13) (exp(Dh) I)D−1 c S(cid:12)k(Dh(cid:11))(cid:13)hc(cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) − | i− (cid:12) (cid:13)| i(cid:13) (cid:13) e(cid:13)xp(Dh) y(jh) yj,0 + exp(D(cid:13)h) Tk(Dh) yj,0 ≤k (cid:13) k | i−| i k (cid:13) − k | i + (exp(Dh(cid:13)) I)D−1 Sk((cid:13)Dh)h c (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) − − (cid:13) k| ik (cid:13) (cid:13) 1 δ (cid:13)+ y +h c .(cid:13) (78) ≤ j(cid:13) (k+1)! j,0 k| ik (cid:13) (cid:2)(cid:13)(cid:12) (cid:11)(cid:13) (cid:3) (cid:13)(cid:12) (cid:13) 9 Thisimplies j δ max y +h c . (79) j i,0 ≤ (k+1)! 0 i jk| ik k| ik (cid:20) ≤≤ (cid:21) Next,wegiveanupperboundonmax y . Fixanyi 0,1,...,m . Thenwehave 0 i m i,0 ≤≤ k| ik ∈{ } yi,0 = i(k+1)Cm,k,p(D)−1 z , (80) | i h | | i wherethebra i(k+1) actsonthefirstregister,and h | m 1 z = 0 y +h ∑− j(k+1)+1 c . (81) in | i | i| i | i| i j=0 Therefore,bythetriangleinequality, m 1 yi,0 i(k+1)Cm,k,p(D)−1 0 yin +h ∑− i(k+1)Cm,k,p(D)−1 j(k+1)+1 c . (82) k| ik≤ h | | i| i h | | i| i j=0 (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) To bound both terms, we consider the general expression i(k+1)C (D) 1 s β for integer s. Let β = m,k,p − h | | i| i | i ∑Nl=−01βl|liforsomeβl ∈C. ThensinceCm,k,p(D)=∑Nl=−01Cm(cid:13),k,p(λl)⊗|lihl|,weget (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) N 1 i(k+1)Cm,k,p(D)−1 s β = ∑− βl i(k+1)Cm,k,p(λl)−1 s l . (83) h | | i| i h | | i| i l=0 Then,byLemma2,wehave N 1 i(k+1)C (D) 1 s β 2= ∑− β 2 i(k+1)C (λ) 1 s 2 m,k,p − l m,k,p l − h | | i| i | | h | | i l=0 (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:13) (cid:13) N (cid:12)1 (cid:12) 1.04e ∑− β 2 l ≤ | | l=0 =1.04e β 2. (84) k| ik Henceweobtain i(k+1)C (D) 1 0 y √1.04e y , (85) m,k,p − in in h | | i| i ≤ k| ik i(k+1)(cid:13)Cm,k,p(D)−1 j(k+1)+1 c (cid:13) √1.04e c . (86) h (cid:13)| | i| i(cid:13)≤ k| ik (cid:13) (cid:13) Usingthesetwofactsandthe(cid:13)triangleinequality,Eq.(82)implies (cid:13) y √1.04e( y +mh c ). (87) i,0 in k| ik≤ k| ik k| ik Sincethisholdsforanyi 0,1,...,m ,weget ∈{ } max y √1.04e( y +mh c ). (88) i,0 in 0 i mk| ik≤ k| ik k| ik ≤≤ NowusingEqs.(79)and(88),weget δ (√1.04e+1)j( y +mh c )/(k+1)! j in ≤ k| ik k| ik =(√1.04e+1)j V 1 x +mh V 1 b /(k+1)! − in − | i | i (√1.04e+1)j(cid:0)(cid:13)V−1 ( xi(cid:13)n +m(cid:13)h b /(cid:13)((cid:1)k+1)!). (89) ≤ (cid:13) k| (cid:13)ik (cid:13) k| ik (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) 10

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