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Quantization commutes with reduction in the non-compact setting: the case of holomorphic discrete series PDF

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Preview Quantization commutes with reduction in the non-compact setting: the case of holomorphic discrete series

QUANTIZATION COMMUTES WITH REDUCTION IN THE NON-COMPACT SETTING: THE CASE OF HOLOMORPHIC DISCRETE SERIES 2 1 0 PAUL-EMILEPARADAN 2 n Abstract. In this paper weshow that the multiplicitiesof holomorphicdis- a creteseriesrepresentations relativelytoreductivesubgroupssatisfythecredo J “Quantization commutes withreduction”. 6 2 ] G S . h t Contents a m 1. Introduction 2 2. Hamiltonian actions of real reductiveLie groups 5 [ 2.1. Proper actions 5 1 2.2. Proper moment map 7 v 2.3. Criterion 10 1 2.4. Kostant-Souriau line bundle 11 5 2.5. The case of elliptic orbits 11 4 3. Quantization commutes with reduction 13 5 3.1. Holomorphic coadjoint orbits 14 . 1 3.2. Holomorphic discrete series 16 0 3.3. Formal geometric quantization 16 2 3.4. Formal geometric quantization of holomorphic orbits 18 1 3.5. Multiplicities of theholomorphic discrete series 18 : v 3.6. Jakobsen-Vergne’s formula 21 i 3.7. Formal geometric quantization of G-actions 23 X 3.8. Geometric quantization of theslice Y 27 r 4. Transversally elliptic operators 28 a 4.1. Transversally elliptic operators 28 4.2. Riemann-Roch character 30 4.3. Definition of QΦ 30 4.4. Proof of Theorem 3.25 underAssumption A1 33 4.5. Proof of Theorem 3.30 36 4.6. Proof of Theorem 3.25 underAssumption A2 38 5. Appendix: proof of Lemma 3.28 38 References 40 Date:January2012. Keywords : holomorphic discrete series, moment map, reduction, geometric quantization, transversallyellipticsymbol. 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification: 58F06,57S15, 19L47. 1 2 PAUL-EMILEPARADAN 1. Introduction The orbitmethod, introducedby Kirillovinthe 60’s,proposesacorrespondence between the irreducible unitary representations of a Lie group G and its orbits in the coadjoint representation : the representation πG should be the geometric O quantization of the Hamiltonian action of G on the coadjoint orbit g∗. The O ⊂ important feature of this correspondence is the functoriality relatively to inclusion H ֒ Gofclosedsubgroups. ItmeansthatifwestartwithrepresentationsπG and → O πH attached to the coadjoint orbits g∗ and ′ h∗, one expects that the O′ O ⊂ O ⊂ multiplicity of πH in the restriction πG can be computed in terms of the space O′ O|H (1) π−1( ′)/H, O∩ h,g O where π : g∗ h∗ denotes the canonical projection. The symplectic geometers h,g → recognisethat(1)is asymplecticreducedspaceinthe senseofMarsden-Weinstein, since π : h∗ is the moment map relative to the Hamiltonian action of H on h,g O → . Let us give some examples where this theory is known to be valid. O ForsimplyconnectednilpotentLiegroups,Kirillov[24]describedthecorrespon- dence πG, and Corwin-Greenleaf [10] proves its functoriality relatively to O 7→ O subgroup: the multiplicity appearingin the direct integraldecompositionof πG O|H is the cardinal of the reduced space (1). ForcompactLiegroup,G.Heckman[21]provedthatthemultiplicitywasasymp- totically given by the volume of the reduced space (1). Just after Guillemin and Sternberg [19] replaced this functoriality principle in a more geometric framework and proposed another version of this rule for a good quantization process: the quantization should commute with the reduction. This means that if (M) is the H Q geometric quantization of an Hamiltonian action of a compact Lie group H on a symplecticmanifoldM,themultiplicityoftherepresentationπH in (M)should O′ QH be the (dimension of the) quantization of the reduced space (ΦH)−1( ′)/H. Here M O ΦH :M h∗ denotes the moment map. M → AgoodquantizationprocessforcompactLiegroupactiononcompactsymplectic manifolds turns to be the equivariant index of a Dolbeault-Dirac operator [41, 43]. In the late 90’s, Meinrenken and Meinrenken-Sjamaar proved that the principle of Guillemin-Sternberg works in this setting [31, 32]. Afterwards, this quantization procedure was extended to non-compact manifolds with a proper moment map by Ma-Zhangandthe author [36,29, 39]. See also the recentworkofDuflo-Vergne on the multiplicities of the tempered representations relatively to compact subgroups [17]. The purpose of this article is to show that the quantization commutes with re- duction principle holds in a case where the group of symmetry is a real reductive Lie group. Looselyspeaking,weprovethatif πG andπH areholomorphicdiscrete O O′ series representations of real reductive Lie groups H G, the multiplicity of πH ⊂ O′ in the restriction πG is equal to the quantization of the reduced space (1). O|H Weturnnowtoadescriptionofthecontentsofthevarioussections,highlighting the main features. InSection2,weclarifypreviousworkofWeinstein[46]andDuflo-Vargas[15,16] concerning the Hamiltonian action of a connected reductive real Lie group G on a symplectic manifold M. The main point is that if the action of G on M is proper andthemomentmapΦG :M g∗ relativetothisactionisproper,thentheimage M → of ΦG is contained in the strongly elliptic open subset g∗ and the manifold has a M se [Q,R]=0 IN THE NON-COMPACT SETTING 3 decomposition (2) M =G Y. K × Here K is a maximal compact subgroup of G, and Y is a closed K-invariant sym- plectic sub-manifold of M. Thanks to (2), we remark that the reduced space (ΦG)−1( )/G is connected for any coadjoint orbit g∗ : this is a notable M O O ⊂ differencewiththenilpotentcasewherethe reducedspace(1)canbe disconnected. The decomposition (2) will be the main ingredient of this paper to prove some quantization commutes with reduction phenomenon. Note that P. Hochs already usedthisideawhenthemanifoldY iscompacttogetaquantization commutes with reduction theorem in the setting of KK-theory [22]. Hochs was working on some induction process, while we will use (2) to prove some functoriality relatively to a restriction procedure. Inthiscontext,itisnaturaltolookattheinducedactionofareductivesubgroup G′ G on M, and we know then that we have another decomposition M = G′ ⊂ Y′ if the moment map ΦG′ is proper. In Section 2.3, we give a criterion ×K′ M that insures the properness of ΦG′. M In Section 3, we turn onto a closed study of the holomorphic discrete series representations of a reductive Lie group G. Recall that the parametrization of these representations depends on the choice of an element z in the center of the Lie algebra of K such that the adjoint map ad(z) defines a complex structure on g/k. Let T be a maximal torus in K, with Lie algebra t. The existence of element z forcest to be a Cartansub-algebraofg, and it defines a closedcone ρ (z) t∗. Chol ⊂ If ∗ t∗ is the weight lattice, we consider the subset ∧ ⊂ G (z):= ρ (z) ∗ hol Chol ∩∧+ where ∗ is the set of dominant weights. The work of Harish-Chandra tells us ∧+ b that that we can attach an holomorphic discrete series representation VG to any λ λ G (z). hol ∈ In Section 3, we look at formal quantization procedures attached to the Hamil- toniabn action of G on a symplectic manifold M. We suppose that the properness assumptions are satisfied and that the image of the moment map ΦG is contained M in G ρ (z) g∗ . Let us briefly recall the definition. We define the formal ·Chol ⊂ se geometric quantization of the G-action on M as the following formal sum (3) −∞(M):= (M ) VG, QG Q λ,G λ b λ∈GXhol(z) where (M ) Z is the quantization of the compact symplectic reduced space λ,G Q ∈ M :=(ΦG)−1(G λ)/G. λ,G M · Since the moment map ΦK is proper, we can also define the formal geometric M quantization of the K-action on M as (4) −∞(M):= (M ) VK, QK Q µ,K µ µ∈∧∗ X+ where M := (ΦK)−1(K µ)/K, and VK denotes the irreducible representation µ,K M · µ of K with highest weight µ. The formal quantization procedure −∞, together QK with its functorial properties, has been studied by Ma-Zhang and the author in [36, 29, 39]. 4 PAUL-EMILEPARADAN Let R−∞(G,z) be the Z-module formed by the infinite sums λ∈Gbhol(z)mλ VλG withm Z. We consideralsotheZ-module R−∞(K)formedbythe infinite sums λn∈ VK with n Z. The following basic result will bePan important tool µ∈∧∗+ µ µ µ ∈ in our paper (see Lemma 3.20). P Lemma A We have an injective restriction morphism r : R−∞(G,z) K,G → R−∞(K). We can state one of our main result Theorem B If Assumptions1 A1 or A2 are satisfied, we have the following relation r −∞(M) = −∞(M). K,G QG QK (cid:16) (cid:17) The main tool for proving Theorem B, is the following relation −∞(M)= −∞(Y) S•(p) QK QK ⊗ where −∞(Y)isthe formalgeometricquantizationofthe sliceY andS•(p)isthe QK symmetric algebra of the complex K-module p:=(g/k,ad(z)). Consider now a connected reductive subgroup G′ G such that its Lie algebra g′containstheelementz. LetΦG′ bethemomentma⊂prelativetotheHamiltonian G·λ action of G′ on the coadjoint orbit G λ, λ G (z). It is not difficult to see that hol · ∈ ΦG′ is a proper map. Thanks to the work of T. Kobayashi[27] and Duflo-Vargas G·λ [15],weknowthattherepresentationVG admibtsanadmissiblerestrictiontoG′. It λ means that the restrictionVG is a discrete sum formedby holomorphic discrete λ |G′ series representations VG′, µ G′ (z). µ ∈ hol We can now state the major result of this paper (see Theorem 3.26). b Theorem C Let λ G (z). We have the following relation hol ∈ VG = −∞(G λ). b λ |G′ QG′ · It means that for any µ G′ (z), the multiplicity of the representation VG′ in the ∈ hol µ restriction VG is equal to the geometric quantization ((G λ) ) Z of the λ |G′ Q · µ,G′ ∈ (compact) reduced space (Gb λ) . µ,G′ · In Section 3.7, we prove that the formal quantization process −∞ is functorial QG relatively to reductive subgroups. Theorem D Suppose that Assumption A2 holds. Then we have r −∞(M) = −∞(M). G′,G QG QG′ where rG′,G is a restriction mor(cid:0)phism. (cid:1) In [23], Jakobsen-Vergne proposed another formula for the the multiplicity of the representationVG′ in the restriction VG . In Section 3.8, we explain how to µ λ |G′ recover their result from Theorem B. Section 4 is devoted to the proofs of the main results of this paper. We use here previous work of the author on localization techniques in the the setting of transversally elliptic operators. 1SeeAssumptions3.23. [Q,R]=0 IN THE NON-COMPACT SETTING 5 Notations. In this paper, G will denoted a connected real reductive Lie group. We take here the convention of Knapp [26]. We have a Cartan involution Θ on G, such that the fixed point set K :=GΘ is a connected maximal compact subgroup. We have Cartan decompositions : at the level of Lie algebras g=k p and at the ⊕ level of the group G K exp(p). We denote by b a G-invariant non-degenerate ≃ × bilinearformongthatdefinesaK-invariantscalarproduct(X,Y):= b(X,Θ(Y)). − When V and V′ are two representations of a group H, the multiplicity of V in V′ will be denoted [V :V′]. 2. Hamiltonian actions of real reductive Lie groups This section is mainly a synthesis of previous work by Weinstein [46], Duflo- Vargas [15, 16] and Hochs [22], except the criterion that we obtain in Section 2.3. Let G be a connected realreductive Lie group. We consider an Hamiltonian ac- tionofGonaconnectedsymplecticmanifold(M,Ω ). Thecorrespondingmoment M map ΦG :M g∗ is defined (modulo a constant) by the relations M → (5) ι(X )Ω = d ΦG,X , X g, M M − h M i ∀ ∈ where X (m):= d e−sX m is the vector field generated by X g. M ds · |s=0 ∈ Let g=k p be a Cartan decomposition. Let K G be the maximal compact ⊕ ⊂ subgroup with Lie algebra k. Thus we have a decomposition ΦG =ΦK Φp M M ⊕ M whereΦK :M k∗ is a momentmaprelativeto the actionofK on(M,Ω ), and Φp :MM p∗ is→K-equivariant. M M → The K-invariant scalar product X 2 = b(X,Θ(X)) on g induces an identifi- k k − cation ξ ξ˜, g∗ g defined by (ξ˜,X) := ξ,X for ξ g∗ and X g. We still 7→ ≃ h i ∈ ∈ denote ξ 2 := ξ˜ 2 the corresponding scalar product on g∗. k k k k Let κG,κK and κp be respectively the Hamiltonian vectors fields of the K- invariant functions −1 ΦG 2, −1 ΦK 2, and −1 Φp 2. The relations (5) give 2 k Mk 2 k Mk 2 k Mk that ^ (6) κ−(m)= Φ−(m) (m), m M, M ∀ ∈ (cid:20) (cid:21)M for G,K,p . −∈{ } 2.1. Proper actions. In this section we suppose C1: the action of G on M is proper2. We have then the fundamental fact. Lemma 2.1. The map Φp :M p∗ is a K-equivariant submersion, so for any a p∗, the fibe•r Y :=(Φp )M−1(a) i→s either empty or a sub-manifold of M. ∈ The set of criatical poMints of Φp 2 :M R is Y :=(Φp )−1(0). • k Mk → 0 M Proof. Let us provethe firstpoint. Let m M. Since the tangent map TΦp (m): ∈ M T M p∗ satisfies m → (7) TΦp (m),X = ι(X )Ω , X p, h M i − M M|m ∀ ∈ the orthogonal of the image of TΦp (m) is equal to p := X p X (m)=0 . M m { ∈ | M } As the action of G on M is proper, the stabilizer subgroup G is compact. This m forcesp =Lie(G ) p to be reducedto 0 . Thus TΦp (m) is onto and the first m m ∩ { } M 2ForanycompactsubsetAofM thesubset{g∈G|g·A∩A6=∅}iscompact. 6 PAUL-EMILEPARADAN Table 1. Strongly elliptic set G g∗ = GL(n,C) sen6o ∅ O(n,C) no SL(n,R) n=2 SO (p,q) pq even o Sp(n,R) yes SO∗(2n) yes U(p,q) yes Sp(p,q) yes point is proved. Let m M be a critical point of Φp 2. The Hamiltonian vector ∈ k Mk ^ field κp vanishes at m, and (6) tells you that Φp (m) p = 0 . The second point is proved. M ∈ m { } (cid:3) Fortheremainingpartofthis section,weconsiderthe K-invariantsub-manifold Y :=Y M 0 ⊂ that we suppose non empty. Let us consider the restriction Ω of the symplectic Y structure Ω to Y. For y Y, let p y = X (y), X p T M. The tangent M M y ∈ · { ∈ }⊂ space T Y is by definition the kernel of TΦ (y). Relations (7) show that y p (8) T Y =(p y)⊥ y · where the orthogonal is taken relatively to the symplectic form. Hence the kernel of Ω is equal to (p y)⊥ p y. For X,X′ p and y Y, we have Y y | · ∩ · ∈ ∈ Ω (X (y),X′ (y)) = ΦG(y),[X,X′] M M M h M i = [ΦK(y),X],X′ . h M i Hence (p y)⊥ p y g p for ξ = ΦK(y). Note that for ξ k, we have · ∩ · ≃ ξ ∩ M ∈ g =g k g p. We have then proved ξ ξ ξ ∩ ⊕ ∩ Lemma 2.2. Let y Y. The 2-form Ω is non degenerated if and only g k Y y ξ ∈ | ⊂ for ξ =ΦK(y). M We have a canonical G-equivariant map π : G Y M that sends [g,y] to K × −→ g y. Following Weinstein [46], we consider the G-invariant open subset · (9) g∗ = ξ g∗ G is compact se { ∈ | ξ } of strongly elliptic elements. Example 2.3. For the group G = SL (R), the set g∗ is equal, through the trace, 2 se to the cone X sl (R) det(X)>0 . 2 { ∈ | } Let t be the Lie algebra of a maximal torus in K. Weinstein proves that the open subset g∗ is non-empty if and only if t is a Cartan sub-algebra of g [46]. See se the Table 1. We note that k∗ :=g∗ k∗ is equal to ξ k∗ G K and that se se∩ { ∈ | ξ ⊂ } (10) g∗ =Ad∗(G) k∗ . se · se Let us consider the invariant open subsets M =(ΦG)−1(g∗ ) M and Y := se M se ⊂ se Y M Y. se ∩ ⊂ [Q,R]=0 IN THE NON-COMPACT SETTING 7 Lemma 2.4. The 2-form Ω is non-degenerated on Y . Y se • The action of the group K on (Y ,Ω ) is Hamiltonian, with moment map • se Yse ΦK that is equal to the restriction of ΦG to Y . Yse M se The map π induces a G-equivariant diffeomorphism π :G Y M . se K se se • × → Proof. The first point is a direct consequence of Lemma 2.2. The second point is immediate. Let us check the last point. Relation(10)showsthatπ isonto. Let[g ,y ],[g ,y ]suchthatg y =g y . se 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 Thenbytakingtheimagebythemomentmap,wegetAd∗(g )ξ =Ad∗(·g )ξ wh·ere 0 0 1 1 the ξ = ΦK(y ) belong to k∗ . Let h = g−1g G. We have Ad∗(h)ξ = ξ , and Ad∗(Θk (h))ξM=kξ by taking stehe Cartan in1volu0ti∈on. Finally h−1Θ(h) 0G .1Since G K, w0e get1that h K, and finally that [g ,y ]=[g ,y ] in G ∈ Yξ0. (cid:3) ξ0 ⊂ ∈ 0 0 1 1 ×K se Let us denote by Ω the restriction of the symplectic form Ω on the open Mse M subset M . We will now finish this section by giving a simple expression of the se pull-back π∗ (Ω ) 2(G Y ). se Mse ∈A ×K se Let θG 1(G) g be the canonical connexion 1-form relative to the G-action ∈A ⊗ by right translations : ι(Xr)θG = X, X g, where Xr(g) = d(getX) . Let ∀ ∈ dt |0 θK 1(G) k, the composition of θG with the orthogonal projection X X k ∈ A ⊗ → fromgtok. WewillusetheG K-invariant1-formonG Y definedby θK,ΦK . × × se h Ysei Note that the space of differentials forms on G Y admits a canonical iden- K se × tification with the space of K-basic differentials forms on G Y . se × Proposition 2.5. The 2-form π∗ (Ω ) is equal to the K-basic, G-invariant, 2- se Mse form Ω d ΦK ,θK . Yse − h Yse i Proof. Let π : G Y M the map that factorizes π . By G-invariance, we 1 se se se × → need only to show that π∗(Ω ) equals Ω d ΦK ,θK at the point (1,y) 1 Mse Yse − h Yse i ∈ G Y . se × Let (X′,v′),(X,v) g T =T (G Y ). We have y (1,y) se ∈ × × π∗(Ω ) (X′,v′),(X,v) 1 Mse = Ω (cid:16)( X′ (y)+v′,(cid:17)X (y)+v) M − M − M = Ω (v′,v)+Ω (X′ (y),X (y)) Ω (X′ (y),v)+Ω (X (y),v′) M M M M − M M M M = Ω (v′,v)+ ΦK (y),[X′,X] +d ΦK ,X′ (v) d ΦK ,X (v′). Yse h Yse ki h Yse ki|y − h Yse ki|y A B = ΩYse(v′,v)−|dhΦKYse,θ{Kzi (X′,}v′),|(X,v) . {z } The last equality is due to the (cid:16)fact that A =(cid:17) ΦK (y),dθK (X′,X) since −h Yse |1i dθK((X′)r,(X)r)= [X′,X] , and B= dΦK ,θK ((X′,v′),(X,v)). − k −h Yse i (cid:3) 2.2. Proper momentmap. InthissectionwestudytheHamiltonianactionsofa real reductive group G on a symplectic manifold (M,Ω ) that meet the following M condition: C1 The action of G on M is proper, C2 The moment map ΦG :M g∗ is a proper map3. M → 3ForanycompactsubsetB⊂g∗ thefiberΦ−1(B)isacompactsubsetofM. G 8 PAUL-EMILEPARADAN The condition C2 imposes that the image of ΦG is a closedsubset of g∗. Let A˜ M be a compact subset of Image(Φ ), and let A= (ΦG)−1(A˜) be the corresponding G M compact subset of M. We see then that, g G ∀ ∈ g A A= g A˜ A˜= . · ∩ 6 ∅⇐⇒ · ∩ 6 ∅ Condition C1 tell us then that g G g A A = is compact, hence g { ∈ | · ∩ 6 ∅} { ∈ G g A˜ A˜= is compactfor any compactsetA˜in the image ofΦG. By taking | · ∩ 6 ∅} M A˜ equal to a point, we get the following Lemma 2.6. Under the conditions C1 and C2, the image of ΦG is contained in M the open subset g∗ = ξ g∗ G is compact of strongly elliptic elements. In se { ∈ | ξ } particular, the image of ΦG does not contain 0 g∗. M ∈ The previous Lemma gives a strong condition on the reductive Lie group G : it may acts in an Hamiltonian fashion on a symplectic manifold, properly and with a proper moment map only if g∗ = . So G can not be for example SL (R) for se 6 ∅ n n 3 or a complex reductive Lie group (see Table 1). ≥ IfweusethelastsectionweseethatM =M . Wesummarizewiththefollowing se Proposition 2.7. The set Y is a K-invariant symplectic sub-manifold of M, • with proper moment map ΦK equal to the restriction of ΦG to Y. Y M The manifold G Y carries an inducedsymplectic structureΩ d ΦK,θK . • ×K Y − h Y i The corresponding moment map is [g,y] g ΦK(y). 7→ · Y The map π :G Y M is a G-equivariant diffeomorphism of Hamiltonian K • × → G-manifolds. The manifold Y is connected. • Proof. ThankstotheCartandecomposition,thethirdpointimpliesthatp Y M and then the last point follows. × ≃ (cid:3) Let t be the Lie algebra of a maximal torus T in K. Note that g∗ = is se 6 ∅ equivalent to the fact that t is a Cartan sub-algebra of g. Let g∗ = g∗ k∗ and t∗ =g∗ t∗. We have g∗ =Ad∗(G) k∗ =Ad∗(G) t∗ . se se ∩ se se∩ se · se · se Let ∗ t∗ be the weight lattice : α ∗ if iα is the differential of a character of T. ∧Let⊂R ∗ be the set of roots∈fo∧r the action of T on g C. We have ⊂ ∧ ⊗ R = R R where R and R are respectively the set of roots for the action of c n c n T on k ∪C and p C. We fix a system of positive roots R+ in R : let t∗ t∗ be ⊗ ⊗ c c + ⊂ the corresponding Weyl chamber. Let W =W(K,T) be the Weyl group. We have then t∗ =W t∗ t∗ = W ξ t∗ (ξ,α)=0, α R se · se∩ + ·{ ∈ + | 6 ∀ ∈ n} = W ( ), (cid:0) (cid:1) 1 N · C ∪···∪C where each is an open cone of the Weyl chamber. j C We recover the following result due to Weinstein [46]. Theorem 2.8. The Kirwan set ∆ (Y) := Image(ΦK) t∗ is a closed convex • K Y ∩ + locally polyhedral subset contained in one cone . j We have Image(ΦG)/Ad∗(G) ∆ (Y). C • M ≃ K [Q,R]=0 IN THE NON-COMPACT SETTING 9 Proof. Since the moment map ΦK is proper and Y is connected, the Convexity Y Theorem [2, 18, 25, 28] tells us that the Kirwan set ∆ (Y) is a closed, convex, K locally polyhedral, subset of the Weyl chamber. On the other hand, we know that the image of ΦK belongs to t∗ . Then ∆ (Y) , but since ∆ (Y) is Y se K ⊂C1∪···∪CN K convex we have ∆ (Y) for a unique cone . The last point is obvious since K j j the isomorphism π :G ⊂CY M satisfies ΦG C π([g,y])=g ΦK(y). (cid:3) ×K → M ◦ · Y We finish this section, with the following Theorem 2.9. Let (M,Ω ,ΦG) be an Hamiltonian G-manifold. M M If the G-action on M is proper, ΦG is proper if and only if ΦK is proper. • M M Under the conditions C1 and C2, we have • =Cr( ΦG 2)=Cr( ΦK 2)=Cr( ΦK 2) Y. ∅6 k Mk k Mk k Y k ⊂ Proof. Let us prove the first point. As ΦG ΦK one implication trivially k Mk ≥ k Mk holds. Suppose now that ΦG is proper. Thanks to Propositions 2.7 and 2.8, we M knowthatM =G Y whereY isaK-Hamiltonianmanifold,withpropermoment K × map ΦK, and with Kirwan set ∆ (Y) being a closed set in t∗ . Let R > 0. We Y K se consider M = m M ΦK(m) 2 R , • ≤R { ∈ | k M k ≤ } Y = y Y ΦK(y) 2 R which is a compact subset of Y, • ≤R { ∈ | k Y k ≤ } =∆ (Y) ξ t∗ ξ 2 R which is a compact subset of t∗ , • cK( )=Kinf ∩{|(α∈,ξ)|2|wkhkich≤is s}trictly positive. se • K αξ∈∈RKn 2kξk We have to show that M is a compact subset of M. Take m=[keX,y], with ≤R k K and X p. Since ΦG(m)=keX ΦK(y), we have ∈ ∈ M · Y ΦK(m) 2 b(ΦG(m),ΦG(m))= ΦK(y) 2 k M k ≥ − M M k Y k ΦK(m) 2 = eX ΦK(y) 2. k M k k · Y k∗k Hence if m = [keX,y] M ,(cid:2)we have y (cid:3) Y and then ΦK(y) = k ξ for ∈ ≤R ∈ ≤R Y o · some k K and ξ . Then we have, for X′ =k−1 X p, o ∈ o ∈K o · ∈ 1 ΦK(m) = eX′ ξ (eX′ ξ ,ξ ) k M k k · o k∗k ≥ ξo · o o h i k k 1 1 = ad∗(X′)nξ 2 o ξ 2n!k k k okn∈N X 1 ad∗(X′)ξ 2 c( ) X 2. o ≥ 2 ξ k k ≥ K k k o k k Thusifm=[keX,y] M ,thevectorX isboundedandybelongstothecompact ≤R ∈ subset Y . This proves that M is compact. ≤R ≤R Let us concentrate to the last point. First we note that since the map ΦG 2 : M R is proper,its infimum is reached,andsoCr( ΦG 2)= . Let kGM,Kk . → k Mk 6 ∅ −∈{ } Thanks to (6), we know that ^ m Cr( Φ− 2) κ−(m)=0 Φ−(m) g . ∈ k Mk ⇐⇒ ⇐⇒ M ∈ m Since g g with ΦG(m) = ξ = ξ ξ , we have m Cr( Φ− 2) only if m ⊂ ξ M k ⊕ p ∈ k Mk [ξ˜,ξ˜] = 0. Since ξ is strongly elliptic the last condition imposes that ξ = 0. We p p 10 PAUL-EMILEPARADAN haveprovedthatCr( ΦK 2)andCr( ΦG 2)arebothcontainedin Φp =0 =Y. k Mk k Mk { M } We have κG =κK +κp and the vector field κp vanishes on Y. Finally we see that ^ Cr( ΦG 2)=Cr( ΦK 2) = y Y [ΦK(y)] (y)=0 k Mk k Mk { ∈ | M M } = Cr( ΦK 2). k Y k The last equality is due to the fact that ΦK is the restriction of ΦK to Y. (cid:3) Y M 2.3. Criterion. We have seen in Theorem 2.9 a situation where the properness property of the moment maps ΦG and ΦK are equivalent. In this section, we M M start with a symplectic manifold (M,Ω ) admitting an Hamiltonian action of a M compactconnected Lie groupK. We suppose that the moment map ΦK is proper. M Let K′ K be a closed subgroup. The aim of the section is to give a criterion under w⊂hich the induced moment map ΦK′ is still proper. We start by recalling M basic facts concerning the notion of asymptotic cone. To any non-empty subset C of a real vector space E, we define its asymptotic cone As(C) E as the set formed by the limits y = lim t y where (t ) is a k→∞ k k k ⊂ sequenceofnon-negativerealsconvergingto 0 andy C. Note thatAs(C)= 0 k ∈ { } if and only if C is compact. We recall the following basic facts. Lemma 2.10. Let C ,i=0,1 be closed and convex subsets of E. i We have C +As(C ) C . i i i • ⊂ If C C is non-empty we have As(C ) As(C )=As(C C ). 0 1 0 1 0 1 • ∩ ∩ ∩ If C C is non-empty and compact, we have As(C ) As(C )= 0 0 1 0 1 • ∩ ∩ { } Proof. Let us check the first point. Take z C and y = lim t y an element i k→∞ k k ∈ of As(C ). Then z+y = lim (1 t )z+t y . Since (1 t )z+t y C if i k→∞ k k k k k k i − − ∈ t 1, we know that z+y C since C is closed. k i i ≤ ∈ The inclusion As(C C ) As(C ) As(C ) follows from the inclusions C 0 1 0 1 0 ∩ ⊂ ∩ ∩ C C . Let z C C and y As(C ) As(C ). Thanks to the first point 1 i 0 1 0 1 we k⊂now that z+∈R≥0y∩ C C .∈Then y =∩lim t(z+t−1y) As(C C ). 0 1 t→0+ 0 1 ⊂ ∩ ∈ ∩ The secondpointis provedand the last pointis a direct consequenceofthe second one. (cid:3) The following Proposition is a useful tool for finding proper moment map. For a closed subgroup K′ of K, we denote π :k∗ (k′)∗ the projection which is the k′,k → dual of the inclusion k′ ֒ k. The kernel π−1(0) is denoted (k′)⊥. → k′,k Proposition 2.11. Let (M,Ω ) be an Hamiltonian K-manifold with a proper M • moment map ΦK. Let ∆ (M) be its Kirwan polyhedron. Let K′ K be a closed M K ⊂ subgroup. Then the following statement are equivalent a) the moment map ΦK′ =π ΦK is proper, M k′,k◦ M b) As(∆ (M)) K (k′)⊥ = 0 , K c) there exists ε∩>0,·such tha{t t}he inequality ΦK′ ε ΦK ε−1 holds on k Mk≥ k Mk− M. Proof. If c) does not hold we have a sequence m M such that ΦK′(m ) i ∈ k M i k ≤ 1ikΦKM(mi)k−i, for all i ≥ 1. Then kΦKM(mi)k tends to infinity and kkΦΦKMKM′((mmii))kk tends to zero. We write ΦK(m ) = k y with k K and y ∆ (M). The M i i · i i ∈ i ∈ K

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