Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,000–000 (0000) Printed3February2014 (MNLATEXstylefilev2.2) Quantitative constraints on starburst cycles in galaxies with stellar masses in the range 108 − 1010M ⊙ Guinevere Kauffmann ⋆ Max-Planck Institut fu¨r Astrophysik, 85741 Garching, Germany 4 1 0 3February2014 2 n a ABSTRACT J We have used 4000 ˚A break and HδA indices in combination with SFR/M∗ derived 1 fromemissionline flux measurements,to constrainthe recentstar formationhistories 3 of galaxies with stellar masses in the range 108−1010M⊙. The fraction of the total SFR density in galaxies with ongoing bursts is a strong function of stellar mass, de- A] clining from 0.85 at a stellar mass of 108M⊙ to 0.25 for galaxies with M∗ ∼1010M⊙. Lowmassgalaxiesarenotallyoung.Thedistributionofhalfmassformationtimesfor G galaxies with stellar masses less than 109M⊙ is broad, spanning the range 1-10 Gyr. . The peak-to-trough variation in star formation rate among the bursting population h rangeslies in the range 10-25.In low mass galaxies,the averageduration of the burst p bursts is comparable to the dynamical time of the galaxy. Galaxy structure is corre- - o lated with estimated burst mass fraction, but in different ways in low and high mass r galaxies.Highmassgalaxieswithlargeburstmassfractionsaremorecentrallyconcen- t s trated,indicatingthatbulgeformationisatwork.Inlowmassgalaxies,stellarsurface a [ densitiesµ∗ decreaseasafunctionofFburst.Theseresultsareingoodagreementwith the observationalpredictions of Teyssieret al(2013)and lend further credence to the 1 idea that the cuspy halo problem can be solved by energy input from multiple star- v bursts over the lifetime of the galaxy. We note that there is no compelling evidence 1 for IMF variations in the population of star-forming galaxies in the local Universe. 9 0 Key words: galaxies: star formation, galaxies: starburst, galaxies: structure, dark 8 matter . 1 0 4 1 1 INTRODUCTION fer enough energy to the dark matter component to flatten : v “cuspy”centraldarkmatterprofiles(Mashchenko,Wadsley Cosmological simulationsoftheevolutionofcolddarkmat- i & Couchman 2008; Governato et al 2010; Governato et al X ter (CDM) show that the dark matter in collapsed, virial- 2012;Zolotovetal2012;Trujillo-Gomezetal2013;Teyssier ized systems forms cuspy distributions with inner profiles r et al 2013; Shen et al 2013). a that are too steep compared with observations (e.g. Flo- res & Primack 1994; Moore 1994; Navarro, Frenk & White It is still unclear whether the energy requirements for 1996).Thisiscommonlyreferredtoasthecuspyhaloprob- flattening cuspy profiles are in line with the actual stellar lem.Onesolutiontothisproblemproposedearlyon,isthat populations and star formation histories of real low mass that impulsive mass loss from the galaxy can lead to irre- galaxies(Gnedin&Zhao2002;Garrison-Kimmeletal2013). versible expansion of the orbits of stars and dark matter In a recent paper, Teyssier et al (2013) highlighted two key near the center of the halo (Navarro, Eke & Frenk 1996; observational predictions of all simulations that find cusp- Read & Gilmore 2005; Pontzen & Governato 2012). These coretransformations:i)lowmassgalaxieshaveaburstystar conclusionswerebasedonsimpleanalyticargumentsandit formation history with a peak-to-troughratio of5 to10, ii) wasnotclearwhetherthismechanismcouldinfactproduce theburstsoccuronthedynamicaltimescaleofthegalaxy.In centraldensityprofilesincloseagreementwithobservations. addition,thesimulations showthatthefeedbackassociated Recently, there have been a series of gas-dynamical simu- with theburstsalterthefinalstellar structureofthegalax- lations of dwarf galaxies demonstrating that repeated gas ies.Insimulationswithoutfeedback,aprominentbulgewith outflows during bursts of star formation can indeed trans- large Sersic index and a weak exponential disk was formed. Incontrast,inthesimulationwithfeedback,asmallerexpo- nentialdiskwithnobulgeinthecenterandaclearsignature ⋆ E-mail:[email protected] of a core within the central 500 pcwas produced. (cid:13)c 0000RAS 2 G.Kauffmann Observationally, it is well established that there exist mass.Finally,weinvestigatehowthestellarstructureofthe classes of low mass galaxy, for examplebluecompact dwarf galaxy correlates withburstmassfraction. Thepaperisor- galaxies with strong emission lines (BCD galaxies), which ganized as follows: in section 2, we describe or sample and are clearly undergoing strong starbursts at the present day themethodologyweusetoanalyzestarformation histories. (e.g. Searle & Sargent 1972; Meurer et al 1995). In very In section 3, we present our results, and in section 4, we nearby galaxies where individual stars can be resolved in summarize and conclude. A Hubble constant H0 = 70 km high quality images, star formation histories for individual s−1 is adopted throughout. systemscanbederivedoverlongertimescales. Somenearby dwarf spheroidals have clearly experienced bursty star for- mation histories in their past (e.g. Dolphin 2012; De Boer et al 2012). On theother hand,thestarformation histories 2 DATA ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY of dwarf irregular galaxies have been found to be relatively 2.1 The Sample quiescent (e.g. Van Zee 2001). Recent work on low mass galaxies at high redshifts by Theparentgalaxysampleusedinthisstudyisamagnitude- Van der Wel et al (2011) has indicated that the space den- limitedsampleconstructedfromthefinaldatarelease(DR7; sities of extreme emission line dwarf galaxies with stellar Abazajianetal.2009) oftheSDSS(Yorketal.2000)andis masses ∼ 108M⊙ are much higher at earlier cosmic times. the same as that used in Li et al. (2012). This sample con- Atz>1,theseauthorsclaimthatthepopulationofextreme tains 482,755 galaxies located in the main contiguous area emission line galaxies detected in the CANDELS survey is of the survey in the northern Galactic cap, with r < 17.6, high enough to produce a significant fraction of the total 24 < M0.1r < 16 and spectroscopically measured redshifts stellarmasscontainedinthepresent-daypopulationofsuch intherange0.001<z<0.5.Herer isther-bandPetrosian galaxies, if star formation continued in the same mode for apparent magnitude, corrected for Galactic extinction, and around4Gyr.Theseauthorsproposethatmostofthestars M0.1r isther-bandPetrosianabsolutemagnitude,corrected in present-day dwarf galaxies must have formed in strong for evolution and K-corrected to its valueat z=0.1. bursts at z > 1. This conclusion is, however, at odds with Stellar masses, Dn(4000) and HδA line index mea- the observation that the stellar populations of present-day surements from the SDSS fiber spectra, as well as low mass galaxies are, on average, quiteyoung(Kauffmann the estimated error on these quantities, are taken et al 2003b). Heavens et al (2004) analyzed the star forma- from the DR7 MPA/JHU value added catalogue tionhistoriesofstackedsamplesofgalaxiesinbinsofstellar ( mass from the Sloan Digital Sky survey. They showed that Star formation rates estimated within a 3 arcsecond the average star formation history of galaxies with stellar fiberaperture are also available from these catalogues. The masses less than 1010M⊙ could be well represented by flat readerisreferred toBrinchmannetal.(2004) foradetailed star formation rate overthepast 3-7 Gyr,with a declineat descriptionofhowSFRsarederived.Briefly,starformation earlier epochs. ratesareestimatedbyfittingagridofphoto-ionizationmod- Inordertoestimatethedutycycleofthestarburstphe- els to the observed [OIII], Hβ, Hα and [NII] line strengths nomenon as well as the amplitude range in star formation for galaxies where the [OIII]/Hβ and [NII]/Hα line ratios during a burst, it is necessary to analyze a complete sam- have values that place them within the region of the Bald- pleofgalaxiesthatareintrinsicallysimilar.Kauffmannetal win,Phillips&Terlevich(1981,BPT) diagram occupiedby (2003b)usedconstraintsfrom4000˚AbreakandHδA stellar galaxies in which the primary source of ionizing photons absorption lineindicestoshow that thefraction of present- is from HII regions rather than an active galactic nucleus day galaxies that have experienced bursts in the past 1-2 (AGN).Standard Bayesian estimation methodology is used Gyr, is a factor of 5 higher for galaxies with stellar masses toderivetheprobability distributionfunction(PDF)ofthe ∼ 108M⊙ than for galaxies with M∗ ∼ 1010M⊙. A similar star formation rate. Weadopt themedian of theintegrated conclusion was recently reached by Bauer et al (2013), who PDF as our actual estimate and one half the difference be- analyzed the distribution of specific star formation rates as tween the 84th and 16th percentile points as our estimate a function of stellar mass for galaxies with 0.05 <z <0.32 ofthe1σ error. Wenotethat iftheHβ lineis notdetected, from the Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA) survey and the [NII]/Hα ratio can still be used to separate out AGN; found a significant tail of galaxies with high SFR/M∗ and inthiscase,theSFRestimateshavemuchlargererrors,be- lowstellarmassesthatcouldonlybeexplainedbyastochas- cause dust extinction is not well constrained. tic burst with late onset. The MPA/JHU catalogue does contain SFR estimates Inthispaper,weusethe4000˚AbreakandHδA indices for AGN and galaxies where the Hα and/or [NII] lines are incombinationwithSFR/M∗derivedfromemissionlineflux not detected. These estimates are derived using an empiri- measurements,toconstrain therecentstarformation histo- calcalibrationbetweenDn(4000)andSFR/M∗ (seeBrinch- ries of low mass galaxies. We show that this combination mann et al 2004 for details). For such objects, the SFR es- of quantities allows us to clearly separate galaxies that are timates carry no direct information about HII region line currentlyundergoingaburstofstarformationfromgalaxies luminosities and thus cannot be used to find galaxies that that haveformed theirstars continuously and galaxies that areexperiencingongoingbursts.Forthisreason,werestrict have experienced a burst in the past. We use the subsam- thediscussion inthispapertogalaxies withM∗ <1010M⊙, ple of galaxies experiencing an ongoing burst to constrain where the fraction of AGN drops to values close to zero burst mass fractions and duty cycles, as well as the am- (Kauffmann et al 2003c). In this case, essentially all galax- plitude variation in SFR/M∗ during the burst. We investi- ieswith indirect SFRestimates are thosewith nodetection gate how these parameters change as a function of galaxy ofHα/[NII].Thesegalaxieshaveoldstellarpopulations,and (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 Starburst cycles in galaxies 3 as will be discussed in the next section, they are classified as having had quiescent star formation histories. 2.2 Methodology for constraining star formation histories Wecreatethreedifferentmodellibrariesbyusingthepopu- lationsynthesiscodeofBruzual&Charlot(2003)asfollows: (i) Continuous Models.–alibraryofmodelgalaxieswith continuous star formation histories. These model galaxies haveacontinuousSFR,decliningexponentiallyaccordingto SFR(t)∝e−γt,withγ uniformlydistributedbetween0(i.e. constant star formation rate) and 0.5 Gyr−1. Stars begin to form at a look-back times between 11.375 Gyr and 4.2 Gyrinthepast.Weoutputthespectralenergydistribution parameters at the present day. (ii) Models with ongoing bursts. For each model galaxy in the continuous library described above, we add a burst which starts 100 million years before the present time. The burst has constant amplitude as a function of time and the amplitudes are allowed to vary so that the mass fraction of stars formed in theburstranges from 0.00001 to close to 1. Figure1. Thefirstthreepanelsshowthedistributionofmodel We output the spectral energy distribution parameters at galaxies in the plane of specific star formation rate (SFR/M∗) time intervals ∆t of 10 million years while the burst is in versusDn(4000),HδAversusDn(4000),andSFR/M∗versusHδA. Model galaxies inthe continuous librariesarecoloured ingreen, progress. thoseintheongoingburstlibraryandcolouredinblueandthose (iii) Models with past bursts. We follow the same algo- inthepastburstlibraryarecolouredinred.Inthebottomright rithmusedtocreatethemodelswithongoingbursts,except panel,weplothistogramsofthe1σerrorsonDn(4000),HδAand that the starting time for the burst ranges from 2 Gyr be- SFR/M∗. forethepresentto0.2Gyrbeforethepresent.Allburstsrun foratotaldurationof100millionyears.Weoutputspectral energy distribution parameters at thepresent day. mass.ThetypicalerroronDn(4000) isafew percent,while We generate all model libraries at metallicities of 0.5 solar theerrorsonHδAarearound10%.logSFR/M∗ ismeasured and 0.25 solar, appropriate for galaxies with stellar masses withaformalerrorof0.1-0.2dex.WenotethattheSFR/M∗ in the range 108 to 1010M⊙ (Tremonti et al 2004). A fixed errorestimate doesnot includeany estimate of thesystem- atic errors in the photo-ionization models used to estimate Chabrier (2003) initial mass function (IMF) is adopted for SFR. Nevertheless, it is clear from Figure 1 that we should all themodels. be able to separate galaxies with ongoing starbursts from The first three panels of Figure 1 show the distribu- therest of the population with reasonably high confidence. tionofmodelgalaxiesintheplaneofspecificstarformation rate(SFR/M∗)versusDn(4000),HδA versusDn(4000),and SFR/M∗ versus HδA. Model galaxies in the continuous li- 2.3 Classification and Parameterization of Star braries are coloured in green, those in the ongoing burst Formation History library and coloured in blue and those in the past burst li- brary are coloured in red. As can be seen, the models with We now describe the procedure used to group galaxies into ongoing and past bursts are well separated, particularly in classesaccordingtowhethertheymostlikelyhavehadcon- theSFR/M∗ versusDn(4000) andtheSFR/M∗ versusHδA tinuous star formation histories, are currently experiencing planes. Continuous models occupy a narrow locus between a burst, or have experienced a burst in the past 2 Gyr. We the region of the diagrams spanned by the two classes of note that these classifications pertain to the central regions burst models. The locus is particularly narrow for galaxies of the galaxies, since the fiber spectrum typically samples with young stellar populations (Dn(4000) <1.5, HδA >3). 20-30%ofthetotallight from thegalaxy(Kauffmannet al The continuous models fan out at older ages, where metal- 2003a).Wefirstsearchthecontinuousstarformationlibrary licity affects the 4000 ˚A break strength (Kauffmann et al forthemodelthatminimizesχ2.Iftheminimumχ2 perde- 2003a) and the choice of formation time limits the age of gree of freedom (χ2 /N , with N =3 in our case) is less min d d theoldest stars in themodel galaxies. than 2.37, this means that there is a 50% or greater prob- Our ability to use the model library to constrain star ability that that the continuous SFH hypothesis is correct, formationhistorieswilldependontheprecisiontowhichthe and we place the galaxy into thecontinuousclass. quantitiesDn(4000),HδAandSFR/M∗canbemeasured.In If χ2min/Nd is greater than 2.37, we then search both the bottom right panel of Figure 1, we plot histograms of the ongoing and past burst libraries for a new minimum the 1σ errors on Dn(4000), HδA and SFR/M∗. Solid his- χ2 model. We check whether the new χ2min/Nd is smaller tograms show results for low mass galaxies (logM∗ ∼ 8.5), than that obtained for the continuous library, and smaller whiledashedhistogramsshowresultsforhighmassgalaxies than 2.37. If so, we consider our classification into ongo- (logM∗ ∼10).Theerrordistributiondependsverylittleon ing burst/past burst as “secure”. We note that the burst (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 4 G.Kauffmann 2.4 Evidence for IMF variations? It is interesting to investigate the population of galaxies with minimum reduced χ2 values greater than 6.25, in or- der to see whether there is any evidence that our under- lying stellar population models do not represent the data adequately. One possible inadequacy is the assumption of a fixed Chabrier IMF. Changing the fraction of high mass stars would alter the locus of the models in the plane of inferred SFR/M∗ versus Dn(4000)/HδA. Systematic varia- tions in thetop-end of theIMF havebeen claimed byHov- ersten&Glazebrook(2008)andGunawardhanaetal(2011) based on a changing relation between Hα equivalent width Figure2.Galaxiesinthestellarmassrange109.75−1010M⊙ in and broad-band colour, and by Meurer et al (2009) based theplaneoflogSFR/M∗versusDn(4000)andlogSFR/M∗versus onachangingrelationbetweenHαandtheUVluminosities HδA We colour-code the points according to their classification: blackreferstocontinuous, bluetoongoingburstandredtopast in galaxies. Wenote that previouswork did not attempt to burst. accountfor theeffectof burstsonagalaxy-by-galaxybasis. In addition, the test using Hα-based SFR and two narrow- band stellar absorption line indices should be less sensitive to systematic effects in the procedures used to correct for libraries contain models with burst fractions very close to dust extinction. zero, which are essentially identical to the models in the We find the fraction of galaxies with χ2 /N values continuouslibrary,sothenewminimumχ2 isguaranteedto greater than 6.25 to be ∼ 5%. These outliersmainre pdrimarily beequaltoorsmallerthantheoldone.Ifthenewχ2min/Nd galaxies with low 4000 ˚A break strengths and strong emis- lies in the range 2.37-6.25, the probability that the model sion lines. The greatest discrepancy between models and is consistent with thedata is still between 10-50%, so these data arises for the HδA index. We note that in strongly classifications should beregarded as ”tentative”. star-bursting galaxies, the HδA absorption feature is filled In Figure 2, we plot galaxies in the stellar mass range in by nebular emission. Although the MPA/JHU spectral 109.75−1010M⊙intheplaneoflogSFR/M∗versusDn(4000) fitting pipeline attempts to subtract the emission, recovery andlogSFR/M∗ versusHδA.Wecolour-codethepointsac- of the Hδ absorption features can be expected to become cording to their classification: black refers to continuous, increasingly inaccurate for strongly star-bursting galaxies blue to ongoing burst and red to past burst. This particu- where stellar features are weak and nebular emission domi- larmassrangeischosenmainlyforillustrativepurposes.As nates.Wethereforeperform arestricted fittothecombina- canbeseen,most oftheleverageintheclassification comes tion of SFR/M∗ and Dn(4000). The percentage of galaxies from the combination of SFR/M∗ and Dn(4000) where the with χ2 /N values greater than 4.61 (corresponding to a three classes separate most clearly. This is not surprising, min d probabilityof0.1for2degreesoffreedom)dropsbyanother becausewehaveseenthatthesetwoquantitieshavesmaller factoroftwotovalueslessthan∼2-3%inallthestellarmass errors than HδA. It should also be noted that the class of bins. The remaining outliers mainly have Dn(4000) values galaxies that areexperiencingongoing burstsisclearly sep- thatarelessthan1,avaluethatcannotbematchedbythe arated from the the other two classes in both planes. They youngest stellar template in the Bruzual & Charlot (2003) appear as a very distinct cloud of points extending to high models. We have checked the dependence of Dn(4000) on values of SFR/M∗ and low/high values of Dn(4000)/HδA. IMF slope and on whether nebular continuum emission is ThemodelsinFigure1includemanyobjects with underly- includedusingtheSTARBURST99models(Leithereretal ing old stellar populations that are currently undergoing a 1999). Ourtestsshow that Dn(4000)<1 cannot bereached burst.TheseappearathighvaluesofSFR/M∗andhigh/low by tuning these parameters. We think it is most likely that values of Dn(4000)/HδA. However, galaxies of this type do theremaining outliers are affected by errors in the spectro- not appear tobe present in thereal data. photometric flux calibration. In summary, we find do not We comment briefly on the very narrow tail of black find a population of galaxies where there is conclusive evi- points in the left panel of Figure 2. This is the minority denceforatop-heavyIMF,thoughwefeelthat itwould be populationofquiescentgalaxiesand/orAGNforwhichSFR prematureto rule out IMF variations based on this data. is not estimated using emission lines, but using Dn(4000). In thelower mass ranges, this tail disappears altogether. We note that for each model galaxy, we store a variety of parameters relating toits star formation history.Wecan 3 RESULTS then use the library to compute the most probable value 3.1 Contribution of bursts to the SFR density of each parameter from the median of the likelihood dis- tribution, and an error on each parameter from the range The black curve in Figure 3 shows the fraction of the total enclosing68percentofthetotalprobabilitydensity(seethe integrated stellar mass in galaxies that resides in galaxies Appendix in Kauffmann et al 2003a). The two parameters that are well-fit by continuous models. The mass fraction that will be explored in this paper include the fraction of increases from 0.3 for galaxies with M∗ =108M⊙ to 0.9 for the total stellar mass of the galaxy formed in the starburst galaxies with M∗ = 1010.25M⊙. The blue curve shows the andaformationtime,definedtobethelookbacktimewhen fractionofthetotalintegratedstarformationratedensityin half the stars in thegalaxy were formed. galaxies with continuousstarformation histories. Thisrises (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 Starburst cycles in galaxies 5 Fraction of stellar mass in galaxies with continuous SFH Fraction of SFR density in galaxies with continuous SFH Fraction of SFR density in galaxies undergoing current starburst Figure 3. The black curve shows the fraction of the total inte- Figure 4. Histograms (inblack) of the distribution of the loga- grated stellar mass in galaxies that resides in galaxies that are rithmoftheburstmassfraction.Resultsareshownin9different well-fit by continuous models. The blue curve shows the frac- mass ranges from 8.0 to 10.25 in log M∗. The red dotted his- tionofthetotalintegratedstarformationratedensityingalaxies tograms ineach panel showthe distributionof therelativeerror with continuous star formation histories. The cyan curve shows onFburst. thefractionofthetotalintegratedstarformationratedensityin galaxiescurrentlyundergoingastarburst. starburstsisnotanartifactofincreasingerrorsatlowstellar from 0.05 at the low mass end to 0.7 at thehigh mass end. masses. The cyan curve shows the fraction of the total integrated starformation ratedensityingalaxiescurrentlyundergoing a starburst. According to Heckman et al (1997a), at least 25% of the high-mass star-formation in the local universe occurs in starbursts, a number that agrees well with our 3.3 Half mass formation times results at M∗ = 1010.25M⊙. We note that the difference between unity and the sum of the blue and cyan curves In Figure 5, we plot distributions of half-mass formation correspondstothefractionoftheintegratedSFRdensityin timesforallgalaxiesinthesame9stellarmassranges.Inter- galaxies that are best fit by models with past bursts. This estingly,inthelowestmassbinwherethefractionofgalaxies generally lies in therange 0.1-0.2. experiencing ongoing starbursts is highest, the distribution of half-mass formation times is very broad, ranging from 10 Gyr to less than 1 Gyr. In the intermediate mass bins, the distribution is narrower, ranging from 7 to 3 Gyr. In 3.2 Burst mass fractions the highest mass bins, a tail of galaxies with large (∼ 10 InFigure4,weplotdistributionsofburstmassfractionsfor Gyr) formation times again appears. These results should the population of galaxies currently undergoing starbursts. be compared to the distribution of 4000 ˚A break strength Theburstmassfractionisdefinedasthestellarmassformed shown in Figure 2 of Kauffmann et al (2003b). This plot in the burst divided by thetotal stellar mass of the galaxy. shows a monotonic increase as a function of stellar mass, Results are shown in 9 different mass ranges from 8.0 to with a secondary tail of large Dn(4000) galaxies appearing 10.25 in log M∗. As can be seen, there is a significant tail at the same stellar mass where we see the large half-mass of low mass galaxies with burst mass fractions larger than formation time tail appear for thesecond time. 0.3 for the lowest mass bins. The tail of galaxies with large These results may appear puzzling at first sight, but burstmassfractionsdisappearsprogressivelytowardshigher we remind the reader that a one-to-one mapping between stellar masses. For galaxies with stellar masses ∼ 1010M⊙, 4000 ˚A break strength and half mass formation time only theburstmassfractionistypicallyaround0.05-0.1.Thered existsiftheunderlyingstarformationhistoryiscontinuous. dotted histograms in each panel shows the distribution of If star formation is bursty, Dn(4000) alone cannot be used therelativeerrorsonF ,i.e.theerrorscaledbydividing to infer formation time. The dotted red histograms in each burst bytheactualestimate.Ascanbeseen,burstmassfractions panel show the distribution of 1σ errors on the formation can be recovered with a typical accuracies of between 25 time, which are in the range 0.5-2.5 Gyr. Once again the and60% (i.e. significantly betterthanafactor oftwo).The errordistributionsdonot varysignificantly asafunction of errordistributiondoesnotchangesignificantlyasafunction stellarmass,indicatingthatthegreaterspreadatlowstellar ofstellarmass,indicatingthatthetrendinthetailofstrong masses is a real effect. (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 6 G.Kauffmann Figure 5. Histograms (in black) of the distribution of the half Figure 6. Correlation between µ∗, R90/R50 and gas-phase massformationtime.Resultsareshownin9differentmassranges metallicity as a function of Fburst. Solid curves show the me- from 8.0 to 10.25 in log M∗. The red dotted histograms in each dians,whiledashedcurvesindicatethe25thand75thpercentiles panelshowthedistributionoftheerroronthalfmass. ofthedistributionofeachofthesequantities. 3.4 Correlation between burst mass fraction and 3.5 Environment galaxy structure and metallicity Wenotethatareductioninthegas-phasemetallicitiesofin- We now investigate whether there is any direct observa- teracting starburst galaxies in pairs compared to “normal” tional evidence that bursts are correlated with changes in galaxies of the same stellar mass has been found in previ- the metallicities and structural properties of galaxies. The ous work by Kewley, Geller & Barton (2006). In Figure 7, structuralpropertiesincludethestellarsurfacemassdensity we show an image gallery of galaxies with stellar masses µ∗, where µ∗ = 0.5M∗/πR520 (R50 is the half-light radius less than 109M⊙ with burst mass fractions larger than 0.4. ofthegalaxy),andtheconcentrationindexR90/R50,where As can be seen, the majority are strongly asymmetric, but R90istheradiusenclosing90%ofthelightofthegalaxy.The theyarenot always clearly interacting with anothernearby concentrationindexisoftenusedasaroughproxyforgalaxy galaxy. This is in agreement with work by Li et al. (2008), bulge-to-disk ratio (Shimasaku et al 2001). The metallicity whofoundthatacloseneighbourisasufficient,butnotnec- isthegas-phasemetallicityderivedfromemissionlineratios essaryconditionforgalaxiestobestronglystar-forming.We using themethodology described in Tremonti et al (2004). havealsoinvestigatedtheenvironmentsofthestar-bursting The solid curves in Figure 6 show how the median val- galaxiesonlargerscalesbycountingthenumberofspectro- uesofµ∗,R90/R50andgas-phasemetallicityvaryasafunc- scopic neighbours within a projected radius of 1 Mpc and tion of Fburst for galaxies with ongoing starbursts. Dashed a velocity difference of less than 500 km/s. We find no sig- curves indicate the 25th and 75th percentiles of the distri- nificantdifferenceswithrespect togalaxies withcontinuous bution of these quantities. Results are shown in three dif- star formation histories. ferent mass ranges: 8 < logM∗ < 9, 9 < logM∗ < 10 and 10 <logM∗ <10.5. In the lowest mass bin, median stellar surface density decreases by 0.2-0.3 dex in log µ∗ for the 3.6 Burst amplitudes and durations highestburstmassfractions.Nosignificanttrendisseenfor concentration index. The gas-phase metallicity also drops Ifwemaketheassumptionthatstarburstgalaxieswithsim- by ∼ 0.2 dex. In the two higher mass bins, the correlation ilar stellar masses represent a single class of object viewed between stellar mass density and burst mass fraction van- adifferenttimesduringthestarburstcycle,thedistribution ishes.Instead,thereisacleartrendforconcentration index function of SFR/M∗ providesthemost direct constraint on to increase as a function of F . The most natural inter- theSFRamplitudevariationsduringtheburst.InFigure8, burst pretationoftheseresultsisthatinhighmassgalaxies,star- we plot the cumulative distribution of galaxies with ongo- bursts result in the formation of a centrally-concentrated ingstarbursts with SFR/M∗ values less than a given value. bulgecomponent.Inlowmassgalaxies,starburstsnolonger Cyan, blue, green, black, yellow, red and magenta curves build bulges. The feedback associated with the burst be- representgalaxiesinbinsofincreasingstellarmassfrom108 comes strong enough to alter the stellar structure of the to 1010.25M⊙. Dotted lines mark the 10th and 90th per- galaxy and reduce stellar densities as seen in the hydrody- centile points, which we adopt as our definition of peak-to- namical simulations of dwarf galaxies discussed in Section trough variation in amplitude. As can be seen the peak-to- 1. troughvariationsrangefromafactor25forthelowestmass (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 Starburst cycles in galaxies 7 Figure 8. The cumulative distribution of galaxies with on- going starbursts with SFR/M∗ values less than a given value. Cyan, blue, green, black, yellow, red and magenta curves rep- resent galaxies in bins of increasing stellar mass from 108 to 1010M⊙.(Cyan:108−108.5M⊙,Blue:108.5−108.75M⊙,Green: 108.75−109M⊙,Yellow:109−109.25M⊙,Red:109.25−109.5M⊙, Magenta:109.5−109.75M⊙.)Dottedlinesmarkthe10thand90th Figure 7. SDSS postage stamp images of some of the galaxies percentile points, which we adopt as our definition of ”peak-to- with burst mass fractions greater than 0.4 in the stellar mass trough”variationinamplitude. range108.5−109M⊙. of 1010M⊙. The duty cycle of bursts declines from 0.7 for galaxieswith108−109M⊙ toafactorof10forgalaxieswith 108M⊙ galaxies to 0.1 for 1010M⊙ galaxies. ∼1010M⊙. • Themedianburstmassfractioningalaxiesofallstellar Wecannowcombinetheseresultsfromthosepresented masses is small, 5% or less. There is, however, a tail of low in Figure 4 to estimate the average duration of the bursts mass galaxies that are undergoing bursts that have formed in low mass galaxies. The median burst mass fraction in a asmuchas50-60%oftheirpresent-daymass.Thenumberof galaxy with 108M⊙ is 0.05, which corresponds to a burst galaxiesinthishighmassfractiontaildecreasesasafunction massof5×106M⊙.FromFigure8,themedianspecificstar of stellar mass. formationrateduringtheburstislogSFR/M∗=-9.6,which • Low mass galaxies are not all young. The distribution corresponds to a star formation rate of 0.02511 M⊙ yr−1. ofhalfmassformationtimesforgalaxieswithstellarmasses This leads to an estimate of the typical period of the burst less than 109M⊙ is broad, spanning the range from 1 to 10 of2×108 yr.A108M⊙ galaxy hasacharacteristic effective Gyr.Thisisquitedifferenttowhatisobtainedwhencolours radius of 1.1 kpc (Kauffmann et al 2003b) and a rotation or 4000 ˚A break strengths are used to estimate stellar pop- velocity of80km s−1 (McGaugh et al2000), whichyieldsa ulation age, assuming continuous star formation histories. dynamicaltimeof1.3×108 yr.Weconcludethatthetypical • The peak-to-trough variation in star formation rate burstduration isverysimilar tothedynamicaltimescale of among the bursting population ranges from a factor of 25 the galaxy. This, together with our estimates of peak-to- in the lowest mass galaxies in our sample to a factor of 10 trough variation in SFR, are in good agreement with the for galaxies with M∗ = 1010M⊙. The average duration of requirementsput forward by Teyssier et al (2013). bursts in low mass galaxies is comparable to their average dynamical time. • Burst mass fraction iscorrelated with galaxy structure in quite different ways in low and high mass galaxies. High 4 SUMMARY massgalaxies experiencingstrong burstsare morecentrally We have used the the 4000 ˚A break and HδA indices in concentrated, indicating that bulge formation is likely at combination with SFR/M∗ derived from emission line flux work. This is not seen in low mass galaxies. In low mass measurements,toconstrain therecentstarformation histo- galaxies, we find that the stellar surface densities decrease riesofgalaxies inthestellarmassrange108−1010M⊙.Our as a function of Fburst. main results can be summarized as follows. • Gas phasemetallicities decrease asafunction of F burst in galaxies of all stellar masses. • The fraction of the total SFR density in galaxies with ongoing bursts declines with increasing stellar mass, from These results are in rather good agreement with the 0.85 at a stellar mass of 108M⊙ to 0.25 at a stellar mass observational predictions of Teyssier et al (2013) and lend (cid:13)c 0000RAS,MNRAS000,000–000 8 G.Kauffmann furthercredencetotheideathatthecuspyhaloproblemcan Pontzen A.,Governato F., 2012, MNRAS,421, 3464 besolvedbyenergyinputfrommultiplestarburststriggered Read J. I., Gilmore G., 2005, MNRAS,356, 107 by gas cooling and supernova feedback cycles over the his- Searle L., Sargent W. L. 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