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Quantitative Analysis of the Structure and Function of the Marsupial Gills of the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta cataracta PDF

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Preview Quantitative Analysis of the Structure and Function of the Marsupial Gills of the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta cataracta

Reference: Biol. Bull. 182: 145-154. (February, 1992) Quantitative Analysis of the Structure and Function of the Marsupial Gills of the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta cataracta1 RICHARD A. TANKERSLEY AND RONALD V. DIMOCK, JR. Department ofBiology, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27109 Abstract. Gravid females ofAnodonta cataracta incu- among females during non-reproductive periods. Quan- bate shelled larvae (glochidia) in the water tubes oftheir tification by 3D reconstruction revealed that, although outer demibranchs which, in turn, undergo extensive secondarywatertubesaresmallerthan the primarywater morphological changes in becoming marsupia. In this tubes of non-marsupial gills and non-gravid marsupial study, the brooding gills ofA. cataracta were compared gills, collectively they provide about the same cross-sec- tothe non-marsupial demibranchs offemalesand thegills tional area as the primary water tubes that are lost to of males. Scanning electron microscopy and video en- water transport by occlusion with glochidia. However, hanced light microscopy were used, and computer-gen- considering the fluid dynamics ofthe ciliary gill pump, erated 3D-reconstructions ofgill tissue were also prepared net watertransport through the lumina ofmarsupial gills from light micrographs of serial histological sections. is reduced to only about 16% ofthat in non-gravid mar- Marsupial gills possess a tripartite system ofwater tubes supial demibranchs. that are not present in non-marsupial gills and include twosecondary waterchannelsand one primarywatertube Introduction (brood chamber) containing glochidia. The lateral di- Unlike their marine counterparts, most freshwater bi- mension (width) ofwater tubes ofthe marsupial gills in- valve mollusks, includingtheSphaeridae and Unionidae, creases nearly 30-fold during brooding, but the anterior- lack a planktonic larva and bypass the trochophore and posterior length ofthe tubes is unaffected. No apparent veligerstages; rather, theyincubatetheirembryos, larvae, changes in the morphology of the non-marsupial inner or both in their gills. Moreover, the life cycles of the demibranchswereobserved. Glochidiaareeffectivelyiso- Unionidae are atypical amongbivalves in including both lated from the surroundingwaterby secondary septa, po- a free-living adult and a short-lived obligatory ecto-par- sitioned between the primary and secondary watertubes. asitic larval (glochidial) phase (Coker et ai, 1921; Kat, Secondary septa are present during brooding and im- 1984). Following fertilization inthe suprabranchial cavity, mediately after larval release, but are not in evidence embryos develop in the water tubes ofthe female's gills. During reproduction, both outer(lateral)demibranchs of Anodonta cataracta (recently reassigned to the genus Py- ganodon by Hoeh, 1990) serve entirely as a pair ofmar- Received 15July 1991;accepted 11 October 1991. supialchambersandundergopronounced morphological Mar1iCnoentBriiobluotgiiocnal#A2s9s7ocfiraotmiotnh.eTallahassee.SopchoppyandGulfCoast and architectural changes to accommodate nearly a mil- Abbreviations: ANOVA:analysisofvariance:AV,arterialvessel;BC. lion developing larvae (Fig. 1). Anodonta cataracta is a brood chamber, CE. ciliated water tube epithelial cell; F, gill filament; dioecious long-term (bradytictic) brooder that spawns in FT,foot:G,glochidmm;ID,innerdemibranch;IFC,interfilamentwater the late summer, broods throughout the fall and winter, canal;ILS.interlamellarseptum;LT,lamellartissue:MP,meltingpoint; and releases mature glochidia in the early spring (Tank- N.nerves;O.ostium;OD,outerdemibranch;PWT,primarywatertube; SEM, scanning electron microscopy; SS, secondary septa; SWT, sec- ersley, unpub. data). ondary watertube; 3D, threedimensional; PCI & PC2. principalcom- General descriptions ofthe gill structure and anatomy ponents I &2;PCA.principalcomponentsanalysis;VM.visceralmass. ofseveral unionid species, including.4. cataracta, andthe 145 146 R. A. TANKERSLEY AND R. V. DIMOCK. JR. (Ortmann, 1911; Bloomer, 1934; Heard, 1975; Richard et al.. 1991) or examined the functional role ofthe sec- ondary water tubes as structures necessary for sustaining water transport through the lateral demibranchs. Most contemporary examinations ofunionid gill structure and function have focused upon the role ofgills as sites for ion transport (Kays et al.. 1990), and as storage areas for extracellular calcium phosphate concretions (Silverman eta/.. 1983, 1989)usedduringreproduction forembryonic shell development (Silverman et al.. 1985, 1987). Theobjectiveofthepresentstudywastouseboth scan- ning electron microscopy and video enhanced light mi- croscopy to quantify the seasonal changes in the mor- phology ofthe marsupial gillsofA. cataracta femalesand tocompare these changeswith those in the non-marsupial theFimgaurrseup1i.alSgciallnnoifnAgtelwedcotnrtoan mciatcarroagcrtaaphshoofwainfgrontthaelpcroossistisoenctoifonthoef inner demibranchs, and with the inner and outer demi- glochidia larvae(G)inthebrood chambersand thelocation ofthe sec- branchs ofmales. The results indicate that, although the ondarywatertubes(SWT)andinterlamellarsepta(1LS).Additionalab- marsupial gills swell to more than thirty times their non- breviations: F,gill filament. brooding thickness when the primary water tubes are modified as brood chambers and are subsequently ob- structed byincubatinglarvae, theconstruction ofsecond- role ofdemibranchs as sites of larval storage during re- ary water tubes partially compensates for the loss ofpas- production have been reported previously (Peck, 1877; sageways available for water transport. In addition, these Lefevreand Curtis, 1910; Ortmann, 191 1; Richard etal, dataareusedtomaketheoreticalpredictionsandestimates 1991). The non-marsupial gills (outer and inner demi- ofthe influence oflarval incubation on the fluid dynamics branchs of males and inner demibranchs of females) of ofthegillsand on theirconventional roles as feedingand A. cataracta possess continuous interlamellar septa that respiratory organs. run dorso-ventrally at right angles to the gill surface and form evenly spaced, uninterrupted water tubes (Fig. 2) Materials and Methods (Ridewood, 1903; HeardandGuckert, 1971).Theprimary watertubesofthe marsupial lamellaeare morenumerous Collection and maintenance ofanimals than those in non-marsupial gills and during gravid pe- Adult Anodonta cataracta were collected from Spea's riods are divided into three separate compartments: a Pond, Yadkin County, North Carolina, and were main- centralbroodchamberservingasan ovisac, andtwotem- tained at ambient collection temperatures in glass aquaria porary secondary water tubes located on both the lateral containing artificial pond water (Dietz and Alvarado, and medial ends of the brood chamber parallel to the 1970). All mussels were sexually mature (average shell surfaceofthedemibranchs(Fig. 2). Thesesecondarywater length = 12.8 cm; range: 1 1.2-14.0 cm), were kept on a tubesareformed fromextensionsoftheinterlamellarsepta 12L:12D photoperiod for up to 10 days prior to use, and prior to larval incubation, and may be associated with their collections were scheduled to coincide with pre- the long brooding period of this species; in particular, gravid (early July), gravid (October and December), and they are thought to be responsible for maintaining water post-glochidial release (late February) periods. The sex transport across the gill surface for respiration, filtration, ratio ofmussels in the pond was nearly 1:1, and 100% of andaeration ofdevelopinglarvae(Ortmann, 1911; Heard, the females collected during brooding periods possessed 1975; Richard et al.. 1991). gravid marsupia. Investigationsofthe flowdynamicsassociated with cil- iary suspension feeding in bivalves (see Silvester and Preparation ofgills for light microscopy and Sleigh, 1984;J0rgensentVa/.. 1988; Silvester, 1988) have computerizedanalysis ofserialsections prompted several studies ofthe functional anatomy and ultrastructure of the bivalve gill (Moore, 1971; Owen, Lateral and medial gill tissues (approximately 4 cnr) 1974; Wayetal.. 1989). Although the reproductivecycles for histological examination by video enhanced light mi- and glochidial morphology of a variety of unionaceans croscopy were excised from the central part oftheir re- have been examined (see references in Kat, 1984, and spective demibranchs and fixed in Tissue-Fixx (Lerner Gordon and Smith, 1990), few studies have documented Laboratories) for72 h. Specimensweredecalcified in Cal- the changes in gill morphology associated with brooding Ex (Fisher Diagnostics) for 24 h, dissolving larval shell GILL MORPHOLOGY OF ANODONTA CATAR.4CTA 147 Marsupial Gill (Gravid) Non-Marsupial Gill Marsupial Gill (Non-Gravid) Figure 2. Schematicillustration ofacrosssectionthroughagravidfemaleAnodonlacalaractashowing the position ofthe lateral and medial demibranchs, and the arrangement ofthe lamellar tissue (frontal sections)ofnon-marsupial and marsupialdemibranchsduringgravidand non-gravid periods. Abbreviations: AV.arterialvessel;BC,broodchamber.F.gillfilament;FT.foot:G,glochidium larvae;ID,innerdemibranch; ILS, interlamellar septum; LT, lamellar tissue; OD, outer demibranch: PWT; primary water tube; SWT. secondary watertube; VM, visceral mass. andextracellularcalcium concretionsthat might havein- (gravid and post-release marsupial gills only); the gill terfered with sectioning (Silverman et a/.. 1985; Richard thickness (maximum distance between the filaments of et al, 1991), and were then dehydrated in ethanol and opposing lamellae); the thicknessoflamellartissue (max- embedded in paraffin (Paraplast; MP 56C) by vacuum imum distance from the base offilaments to the lumen infiltration (Lipshaw Manufacturing Co.). Serial frontal oftheprimaryorsecondarywatertubes);andthenumber sections(7-8 ^m thick) were mounted on glassslidesand offilaments per interlamellar septum (including filaments stained with hematoxylin and eosin accordingto the pro- present on both ascending and descending lamellae). cedures outlined in Humason (1979). These measurements were made with an Image-1 Video Morphometric measurements (2.0 ^m forlinearand Image Analyzer (Universal Imaging Corp.) and a Ha- 4.0MITT forarea measurements) included thearea(frontal mamatsu C2400 video camera and Javelin color video cross section), length (maximum anterior-posterior axis camera attached to a Zeiss Axiophot microscope and a distance), and width (maximum left-right axis distance) Nikon SMZ-2Tdissection microscope, respectively. Three oftheprimarywatertubes(broodchambersingravidand sets ofmeasurements on every fourth section, for a total post-release marsupial gills) and secondary water tubes of12 setsperspecimen(5-6 specimens/sex/collection pe- 148 R. A. TANKERSLEY AND R. V. DIMOCK. JR. riod), were analyzed toaccount forany within-individual Three-dimensional reconstruction and watertube variation. volume calculation We performed a principal components analysis (PCA) We (SYSTAT Statistical Software; Wilkinson, 1990) on the used a computerized 3D-reconstruction program original (logtransformed) variablestoderiveasmallerset (PC3D, Jandel Scientific) to examine and quantify the of uncorrelated \uriables based on linear combinations volumetric changesthat take place in thewatertubesand ofthe original gill morphology measurements (Dillon and brood chambers of marsupial gills as a consequence of Goldstein, 1984). ThegoalofPCAistoextract maximum brooding. Tissues were prepared for light microscopy as variance from theoriginal datasetwith as feworthogonal described above, and serial frontal cross sections (10 /urn thick) ofnon-marsupial (inner demibranchs ofmales or factors (components) as possible, thereby reducing the variable to sample ratio and precluding statistical prob- females) and marsupial gills (female pre-brooding and lems resulting from multicollinearity. Interpretations of brooding outer demibranchs) were photographed. The thederived principalcomponentswerebased upon factor watertubes, brood chambers, filaments, and interlamellar loadings, which represent the correlations ofthe original tissue ofevery fifth section were visually aligned (Gaunt variables with the respective components (component- and Gaunt, 1978) and digitized using a Summagraphics avbarsioalbulteecmoarrgenliattuiodness).haBveecatuhseeglroeaadtienstgsinwfiltuhentchee olanrgtehset daitgtiatcihzeerd(t2o5 daigZietniizetdhsZec-t3i8o6nsS/Xsacmpolmep;ut4esra.mpWlees/gcirlelatteydpea) ccoommppoonneenntts,wtahsebsausbesdequuepnotndaesncraippptriaoinsaolfoeafcshimpirlianrciitpiaels tthheresee-cdtiimoensnsuisoinnagltihemaPgCe3oDfstohfetwgailrle;satmheplperobgyrasmt'asckvionlg- ume calculation subroutines were used to determine the amongthosevariableswith thehighest loadingson agiven component. We used factor(component)scores(estimates volumes ofthe primary and secondary water tubes. The ofeach sample's value on the derived components based final reconstruction mrempresented a slice through the gill svuauprroienambelwenesti)sghiatnsepddleacpcoeemnbdoiefnnatthteivoaornrisiagboilfneaisltsignvilaclloummeopsraoprnhiontlghoetghoyreimmgieonara--l aSftipalptarimsoetxniitcasml.aStAoeflKtyrwua1sr.ek2:a5lW-iWlaklilnihssiognoh,nea1-9nw9da0)ypaeArnNpdeOdnidVsitAcruil(bauSrtYiotSnoTftArheTee phological features ofmarsupial and non-marsupial gills multiplecomparisonsbased on ranksums(Hollanderand Wolfe, 1973) were used to test for differences between throughout thecollection period usinganalysisofvariance standardized water tube volume measurements. (ANOVA) (Tabachnick and Fidell. 1989) and Dunn's multiple comparison procedure to establish an experi- ment-wise error rate of0.05 (Kirk, 1982). Results Description and morphometric analysis ofmarsupial Preparation ofgills forscanning electron microscopv andnon-marsupialgills (SEM) The nomenclature and terminology used to describe Dissected gill specimens for scanning electron micros- thegillsofA. cataracta in the present study are similarto copywerefixedin 2% glutaraldehyde in0.2 A/Sorenson's those of previous descriptions of lamellibranch gills by 4C sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.2) at for 2 h, post- Ridewood(1903)andOrtmann(1911). Comparedtonon- fixed in 2%cacodylatebuffered(pH 7.4)osmium tetroxide marsupial demibranchs, the marsupial gills ofall female for an hour, and rinsed with several changes ofbuffer. A mussels collected throughout the study were subdivided vibratome (Lancer Model 1000) was used to section the byadditional interlamellar septa, resulting in shorter(an- mm gill specimens into 2-8 thick segments that were ei- terior-posterior axis) water tubes and a lower mean fila- ther parallel or perpendicular to the dorsal-ventral axis. ment/septum ratio (15.2 vs. 48.9) (Table I). Water tubes This procedure exposed the frontal surface ofthe gill la- (broodchambers)containinglarvaewereswollentomore mellae and allowed us to examine the arrangement and than 30 timestheiroriginal non-broodingwidth (medial- morphology of the water tubes and the position of the lateral axis), producing nearly a 24-fold increase in cross- glochidia in the brood chambers. Specimens were later sectional area and causing the ventral edge ofthe demi- dehydrated through a graded ethanol series, dried in a branch toexpand intoathin, non-ciliated connection be- Pelco CPD-2 critical point drier, mounted on aluminum tween opposing lamellae. Conversely, brooding had little SEM stubs, andsputter-coatedwithgold-palladium (Pelco effect on the spacing and length (anterior-posterior dis- Model SC-4). External gill features, primary and second- tance) ofthe water tubes ofmarsupial gills(Table 1). The arywatertubes, brood chambers, and lamellartissuesex- lamellartissueofmarsupial gillswasslightly thinnerthan posed by sectioning were examined and photographed in non-marsupial gills, especially during periods oflarval with a Philips 515 scanningelectron microscope operating incubation, but still possessed well-developed interfila- at 15 kV. ment water canals leading to ostial openings in the la- GILL MORPHOLOGY OF ANODONTA CATAR.4CT.I 149 Table I RCVH//S imean SE)ofmorphometricanalysis ofmaleandfemaledenubraneksduringbroodingandnon-reproductiveperiod^ 150 R. A. TANKERSLEY AND R. V. DIMOCK, JR. Moreover, there were no seasonal differences between malesand femalesin the morphologyoftheirnon-brood- ing demibranchs. Principal component analysis on the six gill morphol- ogy variables resulted in two components (PCI & PC2) being retained (eigenvalues > 1) that explained approxi- mately89%(PCI = 49%;PC2 = 40%)ofthetotalvariance. An orthogonal rotation (varimax) was performed on the extracted factors (components) to improve their inter- pretability while still maintaining independent factor scores. Water tube area and width and gill thickness all hadhigh loadingson PCI and represented morphological featuresassociated with thegill'sleft-rightaxisdimension (Fig. 10). Theremainingthreevariables, watertubelength, filaments/septum ratio,andlamellartissuethickness, had high loadingson PC2andcharacterizefeaturesassociated withthearrangement, spacing,and numberofwatertubes. Therefore, PCI and PC2 were respectively labeled "left- right axis thickness" and "water-tube compactness." The mean factorscores forboth PC1 and PC2 foreach type ofgill are plotted in Figure 1 1. There were no sig- nificant differences between the inner and outer demi- branchs of males (PCI: F = 5.03; PC2: F = 4.58; d.f. = 1, 20; P > 0.05) or between the inner demibranchs of males and females (PCI: F = 7.63; PC2: F = 4.83; d.f. = 1, 39; P > 0.05). Because there were no seasonal dif- ferencesin thefactorscoresofanyofthesenon-marsupial gills (PCI: F= 1.28;PC2 = 1.36; d.f. = 2, 59, P> 0.05), all scores foreach type ofgill were pooled to simplify the analysis. Marsupial gillscontaining larvae had higherPCI = factor scores than pre- or post-brooding gills (F 81.40; d.f. = 2, 17; P < 0.01). The arrangement of the water tubes (PC2) ofmarsupial gills differed significantly from Figure5. Scanningelectron micrographoftheinnerlamellarsurface that of non-marsupial gills (F = 70.22; d.f. = 1, 36; P ofasecondarywatertubeofagravidmarsupialgillofAnodontacataracta. < 0.01) but remained consistentthroughoutthecollection Water pumped through the internlament canals by lateral cilia enters period (i.e., exhibited no significant seasonal variation; F thesecondarywatertubesthroughwell-definedostia(O).Lamellarwalls = = consisted primarily ofciliated epithelialcells(CE). Theedgesofthe in- 2.57; d.f. 2, 17;/>>0.05). terlamellar septa (ILS) connecting the opposing lamellae and forming the anterior and posterior walls ofthe secondary water tube are also 3D reconstructions andcomparison ofprimaryand visible. secondary water tube volumes Figure6. Lateral viewoftheinnersurface(broodchamberside)of a secondary septum ofa gravid marsupial demibranch (glochidia re- The mean volumes of 1-mm sections ofeach type of m5)ovleeda)di.ngNoftreomthteheabsseecnocnedaorfycwilaitaetredtuebpeist.helSieaclocnedlalsryansdeptosatiaare(sfeoerFmiegd. watertubearelistedinTable II. Becausethetotal number byoutgrowthsoftheinterlamellarsepta(ILS)priortolarvalincubation. oftubes present in each demibranch varied with the type ofgill (marsupial or non-marsupial) and the mussel's re- productive condition (i.e., marsupial gills had two sec- Distended ovisacs and numerous secondary water tubes ondarywatertubes/septum duringbroodingperiods), the werestill presentin thegillsoffemalescollectedjustafter volume measurements are also expressed as the volume glochidial release (Fig. 8), but were not present in gills of water tube/100 gill filaments (counted as filaments priortobrooding(Fig. 9). Broodinghad noapparenteffect present on both the ascending and descending lamellae). on the presence or distribution offrontal cilia or latero- Although the volume ofthe primary water tubes ofnon- frontal cirri, which were visible on the surface ofthe gill, marsupial gills, expressed as ml/mm of gill tissue, was andall gillslackedthe frontal cirri recently reported found significantly larger than that ofeither the primary or sec- in some other freshwater species (Way el al., 1989). ondary canals of marsupial gills (H = 9.85; d.f. = 2; P GILL MORPHOLOGY OF ANODONTA CATAR.4CTA 151 < 0.01), differences in water tube volumes standardized by filament number were not significant (H = 4.88; d.f. = 2; P = 0.09). These data suggest that, although the secondary watertubes ofmarsupial gills were significantly smaller than the primary water tubes of non-marsupial gills, the tripartite arrangement of the brooding demi- branchs partially compensated for the blockage of the brood chambers by developing larvae by supplying ap- proximately the same total volume for irrigation. Discussion Ortmann's (1911) early descriptions ofthe anatomical features ofthegills ofAnodonta emphasized both the tri- partite morphology ofthe marsupia during reproductive periods, and the compact arrangement oftheir primary watertubes, relative to the innerdemibranchs offemales and all four demibranchs of males. The permanent dif- ferentiation in the architecture ofthe marsupial gills of A. cataracta is represented by the second principal com- ponent (PC2) in thecurrentstudyand remainsoneofthe few sexually dimorphic features ofthis species. The ma- jorityofchangesingill morphologyassociatedwith larval incubation occurred within the left-right axis (represented by PCI) but were only transient changes associated spe- cificallywithbrooding. The unidirectional swellingofthe outergill was accompanied by comparable alterations in the size ofthe water tube walls and interlamellar septa, but no changes in the spacing or arrangement ofthe fil- aments. Furthermore, the presence, in gravid marsupial gills, ofwell-developed interfilament watercanalsleading to the secondary water tubes suggests that the marsupial gills continue to transport water and presumably filter particles despite striking changes in their morphology. Brooding caused no corresponding changes in female medial gills, such as an increase in water tube area, that might offsetchangesin the lateral marsupial demibranchs. Overall, the morphometric measurements reported in the present study probably represent conservative esti- matesofgillalterationsassociatedwithbrooding, because sample preparation, including fixation and dehydration, Figure 7. Frontal view ofthe lamellar surface ofa non-marsupial causedsomeshrinkageoftissue(Humason, 1979;Gabriel, (dFe)miebnrtearnscht.heWiantteerrfipluammepnetdcabnyallsat(erIaFlC)c,ilwiahipcrehseenmtpotnytihnetogitlhlefiplraimmeanrtys 1982). Furthermore, watertube measurements may only watertubes(PWT). Arterial vessels(AV)arelocatedbetweenwatertubes approximate in vivo conditions, because pressure differ- intheinterlamellarsepta(ILS).Nerves(N)situatedinthelamellartissue ences maintained by the ciliaasthey pumpwaterbetween arealso visible. the mantlecavityandthe lumen ofthedemibranch cause Figure 8. Frontal section ofa distended post-brooding marsupial thedemibranchsand watertubestobe inflatedcompared demibranchshowingtheemptybroodchambers(BC)andthestretched interlamellarsepta(ILS). Most brood chambers still possessed well-de- to newly excised tissue (J0rgensen et al., 1986). velopedsecondarysepta(SS)formingsecondarywatertubesonboththe lateraland medialsidesofthegill,butsomesecondaryseptaarelostby thispost reproductivestage. Figure 9. Representative section through a non-gravid marsupial interlamellarsepta(ILS)becomethickened,andtheinterfilamentwater gill showing the crowded organization ofthe water tubes (PWT). Fol- canals(IFC)channelwaterthroughostialocated in thewallsofthepri- lowing larval release, secondary septa and water tubes disappear, the marywatertubes. 152 R. A. TANKERSLEY AND R. V. DIMOCK, JR. PC 2 chambers) (Richard et al., 1991). Transport ofwater in these species is probably limited to only thedemibranchs Length Filaments/Septum ( orportionsofdemibranchs notcontainingglochidia. The Lamellar Tissue mechanism by which tetragenous mussels sustain water Thickness 0.5 transportduringbroodingislessobvious, becauseall four demibranchsare used forlarval incubation and retainthe marsupial morphology. In lampsilines, only a portion of PC 1 thegill is used forbrooding; the remainderpossesseswater -0.5 0.5 Area tubes that are similar to those of non-marsupial demi- Width branchs. This may be an alternative mechanism for sat- Gill Thickness -0.5 isfyingtheconflictingdemandsofwatertransport required for filtration, respiration, and larval incubation, and more A specializedthanthetripartitearrangementof cataracta (Heard and Guckert, 1971; Kat, 1984). Figure 10. Pairwiseplotofthefactorloadings(PCI & PC2) forthe Inadditiontoservingassheltersforlarvaldevelopment, six morphometncvariables followingorthogonal (varimax) rotation. broodchambers and theglochidial isolation they provide might also facilitate the transfer ofnutrients from the fe- male to the developing larvae. As reported for other Many taxonomic schemes established for unionid unionids (Heard, 1975; Silverman et al.. 1987; Richard mussels (for example Ortmann. 1911, and Heard and et al.. 1991), the epithelia ofthe secondary and interla- Guckert, 1971) rely heavily upon reproductive charac- mellarseptaofA. cataractalackopeningsorostialeading teristics associated with the marsupial demibranchs, in- to the secondary water canals and thereby limit direct cludingthe number(2 or4) and location (inner orouter) nutrient or ion exchange with external pond water. In- ofthe marsupia, the proportion ofthe demibranch used vestigations ofthe maternal investment in larval nutrition forbrooding, thelocation ofdeveloping larvae within the and development have been restricted primarily to ex- gills, the arrangement of the brood chambers including aminations of the use of maternal calcium reserves for the presence ofsecondary watercanals, the magnitude of the formation of larval shells (Silverman et al.. 1985, swellingofthelamellae,andtheduration oftheincubation 1987). Although the mobilization ofcalcium concretions period. The bradytictic, ectobranchous, tripartite mar- in thegills offemales and theirsubsequent incorporation supial arrangement ofanodontine mussels, including A. in the shells ofbrooded embryos iswell documented, the cataracta, is considered to be more specialized ("ad- mechanism oftransferis still unknown. Wood ( 1974) re- vanced") than that of other mussels, which characteris- tically have shorter incubation periods, more marsupial demibranchs(tetragenous), andnosecondarywatertubes PC 2 (Ortmann, 1911; HeardandGuckert, 1971). Thetripartite arrangement ofthe marsupia ofanodontine mussels has long been linked to the lengthy incubation phase oftheir breedingcycle, because it permits isolation oflarvae while providing passageways for the maintenance of water transport. However, the assumption by most researchers, including most recently Richard ct al. (1991), that sec- PC 1 ondary water tubes serve as lumina for irrigation during brooding periods has not been confirmed. Construction oftemporary secondary septa and a thin O membrane at the dorsal end ofthe ovisacs ofthe lateral Outer Pre-Brooding OuterBrooding gillsoffemaleA. cataracta provides formal barrierstothe o circulation ofwater from the mantle cavity through the Outer:Release marsupial gills and effectively isolates and protects the Figure 11. Pairwiseplotofthemean factorscores(seeFig. 10: PCI larvae from the surrounding medium. Larval isolation describeschangesinthelateral-medialaxisofthedemibranchsandbrood hasalsobeen documented in unionidsthat lacksecondary chambers; PC2 describes the number and arrangement ofwater tubes septa, including members of the Lampsilinae, and is and filaments) for male and female inner and outer demibranchs throughout the study. Because there were no significant differences in thought tobeaccomplished bythecontraction oftheostia thefactorscoresoffemaleinnerdemibranchsandmaleinnerandouter that lead from the interfilamentar canals which, in turn, demibranchs among the collection periods, the scores foreach type of restricts the flow of water into the water tubes (brood gill werepooled tosimplify the analysis. GILL MORPHOLOGY OF ANODONTA CATARACTA 153 Table II Waterlube volumecalculations(mean SE:n = 4) basedupon3Dreconstructionsofnon-marsupialandmarsupialgillsofAnodontacataracta duringbroodingandpre-brooding(non-gravid)periods Marsupial gill 154 R. A. TANK.ERSLEY AND R. V. DIMOCK, JR. bilityofaciliary pump(J0rgensen ela/., 1986). Thus, the Humason,G.L.1979. AnimalTissueTechniques.W.H.Freemanand fmluocwhraltoewserwitthhainntbhroosoedpirnogdumcaersduwpiitahlinginllosn-agrreapvriodbmaabrl-y JergcCeioln.is,a.eSnM,aanrC..FrBBa.inocl1i.9s8c72o0..:2676F15l-up2ip8d.1m.echanicsofthe musselgill: thelateral supialgillsornon-marsupialgills, even though thevolume Jergensen,C. B. 1983. Fluid mechanicalaspectsofsuspension feeding. of lumina available tor water transport is compensated Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 11: 89-103. for by the construction of the secondary water tubes. Jergensen, C. B., P. S. Larsen, F. Mehlenberg, and H. U. Riisgard. Changes in total gill volume (swelling during brooding) S1e9r8.8.45:T2h05e-m2u1s6s.elpump:propertiesandmodelling.Mar.Ecol. Prog. that modify the flow dynamics within the mantle cavity Jergensen, C. B., P. Famme, H. S. Kristensen, P. S. Larsen, F. Meh- and additionally restrict water transport, may further re- lenberg,and H. U. Riisgard. 1986. Thebivalvepump. Mar. Ecol. duce the effectiveness ofthe marsupial gill. 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