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Quantifying photonic high-dimensional entanglement Anthony Martin1, Thiago Guerreiro1, Alexey Tiranov1, Sébastien Designolle1, ∗ Florian Fröwis1, Nicolas Brunner1, Marcus Huber1,2, and Nicolas Gisin1 1Group of Applied Physics, University of Geneva, CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland and 2Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, Austrian Academy of Sciences, A-1090 Vienna, Austria (Dated: February 16, 2017) High-dimensional entanglement offers promising perspectives in quantum information science. In practice, however, the main challenge is to devise efficient methods to characterize high-dimensional entanglement, based on the available experimental data which is usually rather limited. Here we report the characterization and certification of high-dimensional entanglement in photon pairs, encoded in temporal modes. Building upon recently developed theoretical methods, we certify an 7 entanglement of formation of 2.09(7) ebits in a time-bin implementation, and 4.1(1) ebits in an 1 energy-time implementation. These results are based on very limited sets of local measurements, 0 which illustrates the practical relevance of these methods. 2 b Entanglementisamongthemostfascinatingfeaturesof fore, the practical use of efficient methods to certify high- e quantumtheory and atthe heart ofquantum information dimensional entanglement is further constrained by a F processing. In recent years, a growing interest has been restriction on the class of measurements available in the 5 devoted to the possibility of generating entangled states lab. This has been an active area of research in recent 1 of high-dimensions. Such states can in principle contain years [21–25], motivated by the prospects of applications a large amount of entanglement, which is conceptually in quantum communications [26, 27]. ] h interesting but also offers novel perspectives for applica- Here we report the characterization and certification p tions in quantum information, particularly in quantum of high-dimensional entanglement in photonic systems, - t communications [1–4]. based on very sparse experimental data. To do so, we n Several experimental platforms have been considered build upon the theoretical methods recently developed a u for the creation of highly entangled states, in partic- in Ref. [28]. We first discuss a time-bin entangled two- q ular in photonics. These include encodings based on photon experiment, in which we certify presence of at [ energy-time [5–7], time-bins [8–11], orbital angular mo- least2.09(7)ebitsofentanglementofformation. Inother mentum [12–14], and frequency modes [15–17]. Thus words, we certify that the created states contains (i) an 2 v highly entangled states are now routinely created in all of amount of entanglement equivalent to more than two 9 theseplatforms. Alsotheentanglementofthesestatescan maximally entangled two-qubit pairs, and (ii) entangle- 6 be detected experimentally, via the use of entanglement ment in (at least) 5 5 dimensions. Second, we report 2 witnesses or Bell inequalities [18, 19]. an experiment using×energy-time entangled photon pairs, 3 However, the real challenge in this area is the experi- and certify up to 4.1 (1) ebits of entanglement of forma- 0 mental certification of large entanglement, such as high- tion, based on few additional assumptions. This certifies . 1 dimensionalentanglement. Thatis,notonlytocertifythe entanglement in a state of dimension of (at least) 18 18. 0 mere presence of entanglement, but to provide an actual To the best of our knowledge, this represents the hig×hest 7 certificationoftheamountofentanglementpresentinthe values of entanglement of formation certified so far in any 1 state. This issue is challenging for two different reasons. experiment. These results demonstrate the potential of : v First, the characterization of a quantum state of high temporal entanglement as a platform for creating and Xi dimension via standard methods (e.g. quantum tomogra- certifying quantum states featuring a large amount of phy) typically requires the estimation of a considerable entanglement. r numberofindependentparameters,whichinturnrequires a Setup.— The setup of our experiment is sketched in alargenumberofdifferentmeasurementstobeperformed. FIG.1. Time-binentanglementisgeneratedusingsponta- In practice this is extremely cumbersome and essentially neous parametric down-conversion (SPDC). A picosecond infeasible. Alternative approaches have been developed mode locked laser at 532 nm creates a train of pulses, [20], requiring much less measurements to be performed, which then stimulates a type 0 periodically poled lithium but are usually based on some extra assumptions on the niobate crystal to generate photon pairs at a wavelength state (for instance, the state being of high purity). of810nmand1550nm. Thedelaybetweentwosuccessive Second, the measurements that can actually be per- pulses is ∆=2.3 ns. At the output of the crystal, when formed in a real experiment are typically limited. There- we have exactly one pair, the state generated is of the form: ∗ Presentaddress: DepartamentodeFísica,PontifíciaUniversidade n 1 Católica,PUC-Rio,PrédioLeme,Sala652L,Gávea,22451900 Ψ = c eiφj j,j (1) j RiodeJaneiro,RJBrasil | (cid:105) √n | (cid:105) j=1 (cid:88) 2 detection events are sent to a time-to-digital converter |Ψi= √1n nj=1cjeiφj|j,ji φa where the clock is set on the laser frequency divided by P j,j τi 212. More precisely, the temporal mode j corresponding | i to each detection is defined from the time delay between ∆ ... ... φb the clock trigger and the detection event. SPD Entanglement certification.— Our goal here is to char- τ Laser χ(2) crystal ... i acterize the entanglement of the time-bin entangled state we create. This is however a nontrivial problem, due to τi=i∆ the very limited data available from the experiment. In particular,wecannotreconstructthefulldensitymatrixρ FIG. 1. Schematic view of the experiment for creating and of the state, due to the fact that we are not able to exper- quantifying high-dimensional entanglement using limited mea- imentally measure each element j,k ρj ,k . This would (cid:48) (cid:48) surement data. The time-bin entangled two-photon state is require having basically n unb(cid:104)alan|ce|d int(cid:105)erferometers, produced by spontaneousparametricdown conversion process which is clearly unpractical. (SPDC) using a χ(2) nonlinear crystal. The crystal is pumped Specifically, our setup allows us to measure only the by a mode-locked laser with high repetition rate producing following quantities. First, we can measure coincidence a photon pair in well defined temporal modes |j,j(cid:105). A Fran- events in the time-of-arrival basis, which gives access to son type setup [5] consisting of two interferometers is used to the diagonal density matrix elements j,k ρj,k . Sec- analyse the resulting state and reveal its entanglement. (cid:104) | | (cid:105) ond, we can measure the interference visibility between two neighboring temporal modes (j and j+1), and sim- ilarly for two next-neighboring temporal modes (j and where j,j denotes the states where both photons are | (cid:105) j+2). Hence we can estimate the off-diagonal elements in the pulse j, which has amplitude c , and phase φ . j j j,j ρj+i,j+i for i=1,2 (FIG. 1). Apart from these The mode-locked laser preserves the amplitude and phase (cid:104) | | (cid:105) quantities, we cannot get access to any further elements relation over a large number of pulses, n. This means of ρ. that c and φ can be consider constant for n∆ smaller j j Althoughthisdataisratherlimited,itturnsoutthatwe than the coherence time of the laser. In our configuration can nevertheless efficiently characterize the entanglement based on a laser with a coherence time greater than 1 μs produced by the source. In particular we obtain strong and a repetition rate of 430 MHz, the coherence of this lower bounds on the amount of entanglement contained state can be preserved for n 400. Moreover, the pump ≤ in the state. To do so we build upon recent theoretical powerissetinsuchawaythattheprobabilitytogenerate methods presented in Ref. [28]. More specifically, this two photon pairs in a n-pulse train is negligible. approach will allow us to lower-bound the entanglement The created time-bin entangled two-photon state is of formation of ρ, E . This measure represents the then analyzed. First, the two photons (of each pair) are oF minimal number of "ebits" (i.e. the number of maximally separated by a dichroic mirror and each photon is sent to entangled two-qubit states) required in order to produce a bulk unbalanced interferometer. The delay between the ρ via an arbitrary LOCC procedure [29]. This measure short and long arms of the interferometers can be set to thus has a clear operational meaning. Specifically, we ∆ and 2∆ in order to analyse the coherence between two have that neighbor (j and j+1) and next-neighbor (j and j+2) temporal modes. These delays are much larger than the B2 E (cid:62) log (1 ) (2) pulse duration of the laser τp 10 ps and the coherence oF − 2 − 2 ≈ time of the down-converted photons τ 1 ps (the coher- c ≈ where the quantity B is defined as: encetimeofthephotonsisestimatedfromthebandwidth of the photon at 1550 nm which is around 3 nm). In this case, only second order interference can be measured by 2 analysing the coincidence rate at the output of the inter- B =  j,j ρk,k C |(cid:104) | | (cid:105)| ftehreomsteatteers(cid:104),jw+hiic,hjc+orir|ees−pio(nφda+tφob)th+el(cid:104)ojc,ajl|p(rwoijtehctiio=ns1o,n2t)o, (cid:112)| |(j,(cid:88)jk<)∈kC whereφ andφ correspondtotherelativephasebetween j,k ρj,k k,j ρk,j . (3) a b − (cid:104) | | (cid:105)(cid:104) | | (cid:105) the two arms of the interferometers. These phases can (cid:112) (cid:17) be adjusted by piezo actuators. To extract the visibility, Here C denotes the cardinality of the set C, i.e. the | | the phase of one of the two interferometers is scanned to number of pairs of indices (j,k) to be considered in the findthemaximumandminimumcoincidencerates,which sum. By taking more and more elements in C, one ob- correspond to constructive and destructive interference, tains typically better bounds on E . How many pairs oF respectively. At the output of each interferometer, the of indices can be considered depends on how many off- photons are detected via a single photon detector (SPD), diagonal elements of ρ are known. Note that B provides based on an silicon (resp. InGaAs) avalanche photodiode a lower-bound on the concurrence of ρ [30]. for the photon at 810 nm (resp. 1550 nm). To asso- While the data available in our experiment does not al- ciate the detections with the correct temporal modes, the lowustoreconstructthecompletedensitymatrix,wecan 3 a) b) y Intensity or Visibilit 0001... .46812 1 2 j,j 3 4 j,j+1 5 6 j,j+ 27 8 Number of ebits 011112...... 81246822 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Temporal mode (j) Number of temporal modes (n) FIG. 2. Results for the time-bin experiment. a) Here (j,j) corresponds to the intensity probabilities (|c |2 in Eq. (1) ), while j (j,j+1) and (j,j+2) represent the visibilities of the two-photon interference between two neighboring and next-neighboring temporal modes. We consider 8 temporal modes. b) Lower bounds on the entanglement of formation (in terms of ebits) as a function of the number of temporal modes n considered. The data allows us to certify an entanglement of formation of 2.09(7) ebits, taking n=7. The black dots correspond to the mean number of ebits and the one σ statistical error is represented by the filled red curve. neverthelessgetstrongboundsontheentanglementoffor- entanglement of formation, via Eqs. (3) and (2). Impor- mation of ρ. First, note that the terms j,k ρj,k (with tantly,theboundweobtainhereisessentiallytight,given (cid:104) | | (cid:105) j <k) in Eq. (3) are directly related to the coincidence that the solution returned by the SDP is a valid density to accidental ratio (CAR) of the source, which can be matrix. Among all possible physical states compatible measured. Concerning the off-diagonal terms j,j ρk,k , with our data, the SDP solution corresponds to the one (cid:104) | | (cid:105) recall that we can only determine directly those for which featuring the smallest amount of entanglement. k j 2. In Ref. [28], it was shown that the remaining Experimental results.— Next we apply the above meth- | − |≤ unknown off-diagonal elements can be efficiently lower- ods to our experimental data. We consider 8 temporal bounded by focusing on certain submatrices of ρ, and modes. Measurements in the time-of-arrival basis lead to imposing their positivity (which follows from the positiv- coincidences events, see FIG. 2.(a). This also allows to es- ity of ρ). Here we combine these ideas with semi-definite timate the CAR to be >103. We thus take j,k ρj,k = programming (SDP) techniques. Specifically, we focus on 10 3 for any k =j. Also, using the unbalan(cid:104)ced|i|nter(cid:105)fer- − the sub-matrix of ρ: ρ˜jk = ( j,j ρk,k ) 1. Via SDP2, ometers we mea(cid:54)sure the interference visibilities by apply- (cid:60) (cid:104) | | (cid:105) (ofnoer c(aj,nkt)hienntmheinsimetizCe)t,huenedxeprretshseiocnonstjr<akin|(cid:104)tjs,tjh|ρ˜a|tk,ρ˜ki(cid:105)s| iin=gt1h,e2laoncadljpr=oje1c,t..i.o,n8s(cid:104)ji+) ain,jd+vair|yeit(φhae+rφebl)a+tiv(cid:104)je,pj|h(afsoer. positive and that some elements of ρ˜(o(cid:80)r some linear com- As seen from FIG. 2.(a)−, the average visibility is 98%. binations of them) are known from the data. From the ∼ Next we run the SDP procedure explained above. In result of this SDP, we then get a lower bound on the order to find the largest value of the entanglement of formation, it is useful to consider all contiguous subsets of n=2,...,8 of the total 8 temporal modes. Increasing 1,1 2,2 3,3 4,4 5,5 6,6 7,7 8,8 | (cid:105) | (cid:105) | (cid:105) | (cid:105) | (cid:105) | (cid:105) | (cid:105) | (cid:105) n may increase the first term of the quantity B (see Eq. 1,1 1.01(4) 0.98(2) 0.99(2) 0.96(3) 0.91(3) 0.89(4) 0.84(4) 0.75(5) (cid:104) | (3)), but will also decrease the norm of each term due 2,2 0.98(3) 1.02(3) 1.00(2) 1.01(2) 0.96(3) 0.97(3) 0.91(3) 0.84(4) (cid:104)3,3| 0.99(2) 1.00(2) 1.00(3) 1.00(2) 0.96(2) 0.96(3) 0.91(3) 0.85(4) to the normalization of the state. In practice we scan (cid:104) | 4,4 0.96(3) 1.01(2) 1.00(2) 1.02(3) 0.98(2) 1.00(2) 0.95(3) 0.90(3) over all possible values of n and keep the best. Moreover, (cid:104) | 5,5 0.91(3) 0.96(3) 0.96(2) 0.98(2) 0.96(3) 1.00(2) 0.95(2) 0.92(3) one should tune the subset C. Here, enumerating all (cid:104) | 6,6 0.89(4) 0.96(3) 0.96(3) 1.00(2) 1.00(2) 1.05(3) 0.99(2) 0.99(2) 2n(n 1)/2 is not possible; in practice we simply take C to (cid:104) | − (cid:104)7,7| 0.84(4) 0.91(3) 0.91(3) 0.95(3) 0.95(2) 0.99(2) 0.96(3) 0.95(2) contain all possible pair of indices (j,k), thus taking all (cid:104)8,8| 0.75(5) 0.84(4) 0.85(4) 0.90(3) 0.99(3) 0.99(2) 0.95(2) 0.98(3) off-diagonal elements into account. The largest value is foundforn=7: E =2.09(7)ebits;seeFIG.2.(b). This TABLEI. Sub-matrixρ˜outputtedbytheSDPprocedure. The oF resultalsocertifiesthatourtime-binentangledstatesisof gray cells are the elements experimentally measured while the white cells are a priori unknown. The values are normalized dimension at least 5 5. Table 1 shows the sub-matrix ρ˜ × with respect to the dimension of ρ˜. Error bars are estimated outputted by the SDP, highlighting known and unknown over 20 experimental runs for gray cells, and via Monte Carlo matrix elements. simulation for white cells. Energy-time entanglement.— Our theoretical methods can in principle be used for certifying much higher en- tanglement. Experimentally, this amounts to consider more temporal modes, and measure more off-diagonals el- 1 Notethatρ˜isusuallysub-normalizedinpractice,duetonoise ements. However, in our configuration, this would require terms. Itwillthenbeconvenienttorenormalizeρ˜. to increase the path difference of the interferometers up 2 Weusedtheyalmipinterfaceandthesedumisolver[31,32],which to 70 cm, which is unpractical. allowonetodefineanobjectivefunctionasthesumofabsolute valuesofmatrixelements. Instead, we pursue a different approach. In order to 4 a) b) 1.1 s 4.5 Visibility 0000.... 67891 mber of ebit 123... 1525354 0.5 u 0.5 0.4 N 0 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Bin Number of temporal modes (n) FIG. 3. Results of the energy-time experiment. a) Visibility of the two-photon interference representing coherence between temporal modes |j,j(cid:105) and |j+n,j+n(cid:105) where n is a bin number. The bin n=0 corresponds to the first order interference with visibility of 98(1)%. Up to bin number 11 (blue), the visibility is rather low due to the jitter of the detection system. For the remainingbins(green),theaveragevisibilityis98.5(8)%. Inordertolowerboundtheentanglementofformation,weusebins12 to 29. b) Lower bounds on the entanglement of formation (in terms of ebits) as a function of the number of temporal modes n for the CW experiment. Energy-time entanglement containing up to 4.1(1) ebits is certified for n=42. The filled red curve represents the one σ statistical error. effectively reduce the interferometer size one can modify to 53(3)% and increases to 98(1)%. For these delays, the source of entanglement, using e.g. a pulsed laser with we do not observe single photon interferences anymore, a faster repetition rate or a continuous laser. Here we and two-photon interference is limited by the detection explore the second option. In this case, the entangle- system. Indeed, due to the jitter of the detection scheme, ment originates from energy-time correlations induced by the cases where the two photons pass through different the narrow spectrum (long coherence time) of the pump arms cannot be removed by a temporal post-selection. laser. Theresultingstatecanneverthelessbeequivalently For i>11, we observe that the visibilities are constant, written in the form of Eq.(1) by properly defining the and around 99%. In this configuration, we cannot infer temporal modes. the values of elements of the 11 first off-diagonals, but only from the off-diagonals 12 to 29. Also, we measure Inpracticeweusedanothersourceofphotonpairsbased a CAR of 5650 using low noise detectors cooled down to onatype-0pigtailPPLNwaveguidestimulatedbyadiode -90 C with a Stirling cooler [34]. laserat780nmtogeneratedegeneratephotonsat1560nm. ◦ In order to quantify entanglement from this data, we To filter down the photons to 100 GHz, the output of use again our theoretical method and analyze the sub- the source is connected to a 200 GHz dense wavelength divisionmultiplexer,whichincreasesthecoherencetimeof matrix ρ˜. Contrary to our first experiment, the elements the photons to 4.4 ps. To analyze the coherence between ofρ˜arenotknownindividually, butonlycertainaverages. In particular, the measured visibilities provide the fol- different temporal modes the photon pairs are sent to a singlefoldedbulkFransoninterferometer[33]andasingle lowing constraints: n1i nj=−1i(cid:60)((cid:104)j,j|ρ˜|j+i,j+i(cid:105))=Vi photon detector is placed at each output port to measure for i 12,29 , which−are included in the SDP. We also ∈{ } (cid:80) the second order correlation. A motorised mirror placed have a constraint on the diagonal elements of ρ˜, namely on one arm can continuously change the interferometer 1 n j,j ρ˜j,j =1 which follows from normalization n j=1(cid:104) | | (cid:105) delay length from 0 to 29 cm. of the state ρ. All remaining matrix elements are un- kn(cid:80)own, hence the sub matrix ρ˜takes the form: Themaindifferencebetweenthisapproachandourfirst experimentiscomingfromthefactthatwecannowchoose the delay between two adjacent temporal modes (given previously by ∆) as long as the modes do not overlap, i.e. that our entangled state satisfies j,k ρj,k 0 ~ (cid:104) | | (cid:105) ≈ j =k. To do so, we fix the time between two adjacent ∀ (cid:54) modes equal to 33 ps (1 cm), which allows us to analyse 29 temporal modes. In this configuration, the temporal jitter of the detection scheme (around 200ps) is larger thanthedelaybetweentwotemporalmodes,whichmeans Finally, to estimate the entanglement, we run the SDP that we cannot access each mode individually anymore. procedure considering various values of the number of Asinourfirstexperiment,thevaluesoftheoff-diagonal temporal modes up to n = 50. As shown in FIG. 3.(b), elements are directly related to the visibility of the two- thedataallowsustocertifyanentanglementofformation photon interference. As shown in FIG. 3.(a), when the of E =4.1(1) ebits, for n=42. This also certifies that oF delay between the two arms is set to zero, i = 0, we our entangled state is of dimension at least 18 18. × observe single photon interferences with a visibility of Conclusion.—Wehavedemonstratedthequantification 98.5(8)%. Whenweincreasethedelaylengthfrom1to11 and certification of high-dimensional photonic entangle- cm (33ps to 337ps), we observe that the visibility drops ment, based on sparse experimental data. First, using a 5 time-bin encoding we certified an entanglement of forma- information science. tion of 2.09(7) ebits. Next moving to an implementation Acknowledgments. The authors would like to thank basedonenergy-timeentanglementwecouldcertifyupto Hugo Zbinden for useful discussions. This work was sup- 4.1(1) ebits. 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