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AnnalsofBiomedicalEngineering,Vol.38,No.4,April2010((cid:1)2010)pp.1288–1313 DOI:10.1007/s10439-010-9949-x Quantification of Hemodynamics in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms During Rest and Exercise Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Computational Fluid Dynamics ANDREA S. LES,1 SHAWN C. SHADDEN,2 C. ALBERTO FIGUEROA,1 JINHA M. PARK,3 MAUREEN M. TEDESCO,4 ROBERT J. HERFKENS,5 RONALD L. DALMAN,4 and CHARLES A. TAYLOR1,6 1Departmentof Bioengineering,Stanford University,Stanford,CA, USA; 2Departmentof Mechanical andAerospace Engineering,IllinoisInstituteofTechnology,Chicago,IL,USA;3DepartmentofRadiology,UniversityofSouthernCalifornia, LosAngeles, CA, USA; 4Division of Vascular Surgery, StanfordUniversity, Stanford,CA, USA; 5Department ofRadiology, StanfordUniversity, Stanford,CA, USA; and6JamesH. ClarkCenter, RoomE350B, 318Campus Drive,Stanford, CA94305-5431, USA (Received20February2009;accepted26January2010;publishedonline9February2010) AssociateEditorKennethR.Lutchenoversawthereviewofthisarticle. Abstract—Abdominalaorticaneurysms(AAAs)affect5–7% ABBREVIATIONS of older Americans. We hypothesize that exercise may slow AAAgrowthbydecreasinginflammatoryburden,peripheral AAA Abdominal aortic aneurysm resistance,andadversehemodynamicconditionssuchaslow, DBP Diastolic blood pressure oscillatory shear stress. In this study, we use magnetic IR Infrarenal resonance imaging and computational fluid dynamics to Mid-An Mid-aneurysm describe hemodynamics in eight AAAs during rest and exercise using patient-specific geometric models, flow wave- MRI Magnetic resonance imaging forms,andpressuresaswellasappropriatelyresolvedfinite- MWSS Mean wall shear stress element meshes. We report mean wall shear stress (MWSS) OSI Oscillatory shear index and oscillatory shear index (OSI) at four aortic locations SB Suprabifurcation (supraceliac, infrarenal, mid-aneurysm, and suprabifurca- SBP Systolic blood pressure tion) and turbulent kinetic energy over the entire computa- tional domain on meshes containing more than an order of SC Supraceliac magnitude more elements than previously reported results TKE Turbulent kinetic energy (mean:9.0-millionelements;SD:2.3M;range:5.7–12.0M). MWSS was lowest in the aneurysm during rest 2.5dyn/cm2 (SD: 2.1; range: 0.9–6.5), and MWSS increased and OSI INTRODUCTION decreased at all four locations during exercise. Mild turbu- lence existed at rest, while moderate aneurysmal turbulence was present during exercise. During both rest and exercise, Abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs), defined as a aorticturbulencewasvirtuallyzerosuperiortotheAAAfor 1.5-fold or more enlargement of the abdominal aorta, seven out of eight patients. We postulate that the increased affect 5–7% of Americans over age 60 and kill MWSS, decreased OSI, and moderate turbulence present approximately 9,000 people each year.17,18,49 Risk duringexercise mayattenuate AAA growth. factors for AAA include male gender, advanced age, cigarette smoking, heritable predisposition, and ath- Keywords—Turbulence, Mean wall shear stress, Oscillatory erosclerotic disease.31 Because no effective medical shear index, Mesh independence, Flow waveforms, Blood therapy exists for AAA patients, and because on pressure, Windkessel boundarycondition, Patient-specific. average AAAs enlarge at a predictable rate,8 most AAApatientspostponetreatmentuntiltheiraneurysm diameter reaches the threshold for surgical repair: 4.5 cmforwomenand5.5 cmformen.9Thisthreshold represents the point at which the risk of rupture is thought to outweigh the risk of surgical intervention. Address correspondence to Charles A. Taylor, James H. Clark Inflammation, increased peripheral resistance, and Center,RoomE350B,318CampusDrive,Stanford,CA94305-5431, USA.Electronicmail:[email protected] adverse/pro-inflammatory localized hemodynamic 1288 0090-6964/10/0400-1288/0(cid:1)2010BiomedicalEngineeringSociety Hemodynamics in AAAsDuringRest andExercise 1289 conditions, including low and oscillatory wall shear randomized to an exercise or usual-activity control stress, are all thought to play a critical role in AAA cohort and followed for 3 years.13 formation. On the microscale, inflammatory processes While gene and protein expression analysis and such as recruitment of leukocytes into the aortic wall population-based studies provide insight into the mediated by elastin degradation products19 and inflammatory and peripheral resistance theories of chemokines,29 phagocyte infiltration resulting in AAA development, the use of noninvasive medical pro-inflammatory cytokines40 and reactive oxygen imaging and computational fluid dynamics methods species,33 and the production of matrix metallopro- enable an in-depth study of the hemodynamic condi- teinases such as MMP-9 by macrophages59 are all tionsspecifictolargearteries,includingtheabdominal thought to instigate or promote AAA formation and aorta.55 While important progress has been made in growth.12 On the macroscale, patients with increased modeling blood flow in arteries over the last decade, peripheral resistance caused by chronic spinal cord much of this study has utilized zero-pressure, or injury,67severeperipheralvasculardisease,1andabove prescribed pressure or flow boundary conditions that thekneeamputation63havebeenshowntohavea2.9-, resultinnon-physiologicpressureand/orflowfields.In 4.2-, and 5.3-fold increased rate of AAA, respectively, addition, some studies use severely under-resolved compared to control populations. Lastly, adverse/pro- meshes, idealized AAA geometry, or neglect the inflammatory hemodynamic conditions such as low nearby mesenteric, renal, and iliac arteries that greatly andoscillatorywallshearstress,aswellasthepresence affect the flow entering and exiting the AAA. Addi- of recirculation zones are also hypothesized to aug- tionally,comparativelylittleprogresshasbeenmadein ment AAA development. In the human abdominal usingthisunderstandingofhemodynamicmechanisms aorta, a correlation between low and/or oscillatory to guide the development of an effective medical wall shear stress and atherosclerosis, which shares therapy for AAAs. many of the same disease mechanisms as AAAs, has In this article, we use magnetic resonance imaging been demonstrated by autopsy,11 as well as by exper- (MRI) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to imental36andcomputationalmethods.53Furthermore, study hemodynamics under rest and exercise condi- a correlation between regions of low wall shear stress tions in eight AAApatients. The useof MRI provides and growth of intracranial aneurysms has recently a means to model blood flow in a highly patient-spe- beenelucidated.7Inaddition,ithasbeendemonstrated cificmannerbecauseitenablesthenearlysimultaneous thatregionsofslowand/orrecirculatingflowcorrelate acquisition of anatomic and physiologic flow data, with regions of thrombus deposition in basilar aneu- whereas the use of computational simulations enables rysms,45 and a similar relationship has been proposed the study of blood flow at resolution many times finer for abdominal aortic aneurysms.5,48 A more complete than any imaging modality and can capture transient review of biomechanical factors in aneurysm forma- phenomena unobservable by cardiac-gated imaging tioncanbefoundinarecentarticlebyHumphreyand sequences. Our hemodynamic analyses include quan- Taylor.25 tification of pressure and velocity, normal stresses WehaveproposedanewmedicaltherapyforAAAs acting on the luminal surface of the AAAs, mean wall whereby lower limb exercise may slow or halt the shear stress (MWSS), oscillatory shear index (OSI), growth of AAAs by decreasing inflammatory burden, and turbulent kinetic energy (TKE). We aim to peripheral resistance, and adverse hemodynamic con- quantitatively and qualitatively capture the baseline ditions in the abdominal aorta.13 Aside from reducing hemodynamic conditions in AAAs using physiologic all-causemortality,38exercisehasbeenshowntoeffect boundary conditions, appropriately resolved meshes, potentially salutary increases in shear stress in the andpatient-specificgeometricmodels,flowwaveforms, abdominal aortas ofboth young53,54and old people.10 and pressures. Additionally, we aim to examine some Furthermore, Nakahasi et al. and Hoshina et al. of the mechanisms by which exercise might slow the showed that increasing infrarenal flow through growth of AAAs in humans in order to guide and experimentallycreatedAAAsviaadownstreamarterio- evaluate the effectiveness of exercise as a medical venous fistula increased antioxidative enzyme expres- therapy for AAA disease. sion, restricted reactive oxygen species production,39 and limited AAA enlargement in rats.23,39 Despite these promising studies, it is not known whether METHODS exercise may slow AAA growth in humans. This questionis thebasis of aNationalInstitutes ofHealth Magnetic Resonance Imaging (NIH)-sponsored randomized study examining the effects of a prescribed exercise regimen on a group Sevenmaleandonefemalepatientswithameanage of AAA patients. In this study, AAA patients are of 73.3 years (SD: 5.70; range: 66–84) with known 1290 LES etal. small AAAs (<5 cm) were imaged in the supine po- Image Processing sitionusinga1.5TGESignaMRscanner(GEMedical First, gradient nonlinearities arising during acqui- Systems, Milwaukee WI) with an 8-channel cardiac sition were corrected in the MRAs to avoid image coil. Imaging studies were conductedunder a protocol distortion in the slice direction of the magnetic approved by the institutional review board, informed field.14 Next, three-dimensional patient-specific geo- consentwasobtainedfromallsubjects,andallpatients metric models were constructed from the MRA data were screened for contraindications to MR and gado- usingcustomsoftware.65Themodelsbeganatthelevel linium usage, including renal insufficiency.60 A 3D of the diaphragm and included the aorta, the hepatic gadolinium-enhancedmagneticresonanceangiography and splenic arteries, the superior mesenteric artery (MRA) sequence was used to image the lumen of the (SMA), the right and left renal arteries, and the right aorta and nearby branch vessels. Imaging parameters and left internal and external iliac arteries. Approxi- included: 512 9 192 acquisition matrix (reconstructed mate centerline paths through the vessels of interest to 512 9 512), a 40 cm2 square field of view, 3.0– were defined, and the image data were resampled in 3.3 ms TR (repetition time), 0.7–0.8 ms TE (echo planes perpendicular to the centerline paths. Vessel time), and 25(cid:2) flip angle. A 3-mm slice thickness was boundariesweresegmentedusingalevel-setmethod.65 used, 124 slices were included in each volume, and Solid models were lofted for each vessel and then all MRAs were acquired coronally. A cardiac-gated unionedtocreateasinglesolidmodelrepresentingthe 1-component phase contrast sequence (PC-MRI) was flowdomain(Fig. 1).Avisualcomparisonbetweenthe used to measure blood flow velocity perpendicular maximum intensity projections (MIPs) of the MRAs to the aorta at the supraceliac (SC) and infrarenal andthe3DcomputermodelscanbeseeninFig. 2.For (IR) levels. Imaging parameters included: 256 9 192 each patient, the PC-MRI images acquired at the SC acquisition matrix (reconstructed to 256 9 256), a and IR levels were segmented at each of the 24 time 24 9 24 to 34 9 34 cm2 square field of view, 5 mm points using a level-set technique, baseline corrected slicethickness,11.9–12.7 msTR(repetitiontime),4.5– using a linear correction algorithm based on the aver- 5.3 ms TE (echo time), 20(cid:2) flip angle, and two signal age background noise, and then assembled into volu- averages. A velocity encoding gradient of 150 cm/s metric flow waveforms. through-plane was used, and 24 time points were reconstructed. The temporal resolution of the velocity data equaled two times the TR (23.8–25.4 ms). Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis Immediately after the MR exam, a brachial systolic blood pressure (SBP) and a diastolic blood pressure The Navier–Stokes and continuity equations repre- (DBP)measurementwereacquiredusinganautomatic senting conservation of momentum and mass of a pressure cuff (Omron Healthcare Inc., Bannockburn, Newtonianincompressiblefluidwereusedtorepresent Illinois). blood flow in an arbitrary numerical domain X with 1. MRA 2. Pathlines 3. Segmentation 4. Lofting 5. Solid Model 6. Mesh FIGURE1. BuildingamodelfromtheMRAdata(1)entailsgeneratingpathlines(2),segmentingalongthepathlines(3),loftingthe segmentationstocreatevessels(4),unioningthevesselstocreateasingle,solidmodelrepresentingtheflowdomain(5),andthen discretizingthemodelintoafinite-elementmesh(6). Hemodynamics in AAAsDuringRest andExercise 1291 FIGURE2. Themaximumintensityprojection(MIP)oftheMRAiscomparedtothe3Dcomputermodelforalleightpatients. boundaryC.TheboundaryCissuchthatC¼C [C In order to define the variational form correspond- i w [C ; C \C \C ¼[; where C represents an inlet ing to the Eqs. (1)–(5), we used the following trial h i w h i boundary where a Dirichlet condition is prescribed on solution and weighting function spaces: thevelocityfield;Cwrepresentsthevesselwallboundary; S ¼n*u(cid:7)(cid:7)*uð(cid:1);tÞ2H1ðXÞnsd; t2½0;T(cid:3); *uð(cid:1);tÞ¼*uin and C represents all the outflow boundaries where a h Neumann condition is prescribed. A well-posed Initial onC; *uð(cid:1);tÞ¼*0onC o i w Boundary Value Problem is defined by the aforemen- tioned partial differential equations subject to suitable W ¼nw*(cid:7)(cid:7)w*ð(cid:1);tÞ2H1ðXÞnsd; t2½0;T(cid:3); w*ð(cid:1);tÞ¼*0 (cid:7) boundaryandinitialconditions,viz.: q*u;tþqu*(cid:1)ru*¼(cid:2)rpþdivðs~Þþ*f9>= inX onPC¼i;(cid:8)w*pðj(cid:1)p;tðÞ(cid:1);¼tÞ*02oHn1CðXwÞo; t2½0;T(cid:3)(cid:9) ð6Þ divð*uÞ¼0 >; ð1Þ where H1 represents the usual Sobolev space of func- s ¼2lD with D ¼1(cid:1)ru*þr*uT(cid:2) tionswithsquare-integrablevaluesandfirstderivatives ~ ~ ~ 2 in X and nsd represents the number of spatial dimen- sions.Consideringthis,thevariationalformulationfor *uðx*;tÞ¼*uinðx*;tÞ x* 2C ð2Þ this problem can be written as: i B ðw*;q;*u;pÞ¼0 G *uðx*;tÞ¼*0 x* 2Cw ð3Þ BGðw*;q;*u;pÞ¼Z nw*(cid:1)(cid:1)qu*;tþq*u(cid:1)ru*(cid:2)*f(cid:2) X (cid:3) (cid:4) (cid:1) (cid:2)o Z *t (cid:1)x*;t(cid:2)¼ (cid:2)pI þs n*¼*h(cid:1)x*;t(cid:2) x* 2C ð4Þ þrw* : (cid:2)pIþs dx*(cid:2) rq(cid:1)u*dx* *n ~ ~ h Z ~ ~ XZ (cid:2) w*(cid:1)ð(cid:2)pIþsÞ(cid:1)*nds þ qu*(cid:1)n*ds *uðx*;0Þ¼*u0ðx*Þ x* 2X ð5Þ Ch ~ ~ C ð7Þ Here, the primary variables are the blood velocity *u¼(cid:5)u ;u ;u (cid:6)andthepressurep.Theblooddensityq We adoptedthe Coupled-Multidomainformulation x y z described in Vignon-Clementel et al.61 This method is and viscosity l areassumed constant (q = 1.06 g/cm3, * basedonavariationalmultiscaledecompositionofthe l = 0.04 P). The external body force f representing domainXintoanupstream3DnumericaldomainX^and gravitywasneglectedandthevesselwallboundarywas adownstreamreduced-orderanalyticaldomainX0;such assumed to be rigid, as Eq. (3) indicates. Please note that*hinEq.(4)representsthetractionvectorimposed that X^ \X0 ¼[ and X^ [X0 ¼X: The numerical on the outflow boundaries C . andtheanalyticaldomainsareseparatedbyaninterface h 1292 LES etal. C . This interface is what we refer to as ‘‘outlet’’ or Note that the solution in the numerical domain X^ B ‘‘outlets’’ (of the 3D computational domain) through- depends on the operators defined by the mathematical out this article. Furthermore, the method considers a model chosen for the downstream analytical domain, disjointdecompositionfortheflowvariables:thesolu- expressedasafunctionofthesolutionvariablesofthe tion vector V* ¼n*u;poTis separated into a component numerical domain n^u*;p^o. For a three-element Wind- defined within the numerical domain and another kessel (R , C, R ) model of the downstream vascula- p d componentdefinedwithintheanalyticaldomain,viz: ture, the operators M and H become62: V* ¼(cid:10)V^* þV*0(cid:11); with V^*(cid:7)(cid:7)(cid:7) ¼0 and V*0(cid:7)(cid:7)(cid:7) ¼0: Mm(cid:1)^u*;p^(cid:2)¼RpZ ^u*(cid:1)*^nds (cid:7)X0 (cid:7)X^ ~ CB ð8Þ Z te(cid:2)ðt(cid:2)t1Þ=sZ ^ ^ ^ ^ þ u*ðt Þ(cid:1)n*dsdt þn*(cid:1)s^(cid:1)n*(cid:2)s^ This decomposition satisfies V*^ ¼V*0 at the interface 0 C CB 1 1 ~ ~ (cid:12) Z (cid:13) CB,andisalsoappliedtotheweightingfunctionsw* and Hm ¼ P^ð0Þ(cid:2)Rp ^u*ð0Þ(cid:1)*^ndC(cid:2)P^dð0Þ e(cid:2)t=sþP^dðtÞ q.Undertheseassumptions,Eq.(7)canberewrittenas: ~ CB Z w^*(cid:1)(cid:1)q*^u þq*^u(cid:1)r^u*(cid:2)*f(cid:2)þrw^* :(cid:12)(cid:2)p^I þs^(cid:13)dx* M*c(cid:1)^u*;p^(cid:2)¼^u* ;t X^ ~ ~ H* ¼0* ð12Þ Z (cid:12) (cid:13) Z (cid:12) (cid:13) c (cid:2) w^*(cid:1) (cid:2)p^I þs^ (cid:1)^n*dsþ w*0(cid:1) (cid:2)p0I þs0 (cid:1)n*0ds C^h ~ ~ CB ~ ~ where s = RdC. Here, Rp represents the proximal Z Z Z resistance, C the capacitance, and R the distal resis- (cid:2) rq^(cid:1)^u*dx* þ q^*^u(cid:1)*^nds (cid:2) q0u*0(cid:1)*n0ds ¼0 ð9Þ tance of the downstream vasculaturde; P is a time- d X^ C^ CB varying function representing the terminal capillary The integral terms defined on C represent the con- pressure. P(0), Q(0), and P (0) are the initial condi- B d tinuityoftractionandfluxattheinterfacebetweenthe tions for pressure, flow, and capillary pressure for the numerical and analytical domains. These terms can be downstream analytical domain, respectively. approximatedbytheoperatorsM¼nM ;M* o(cid:7)(cid:7) and The variational form defined by Eqs. (11) and (12) n o(cid:7) ~ m c (cid:7)CB and the boundary and initial conditions (2)–(5) are H¼ H ;H* (cid:7) : then solved using a custom stabilized finite-element m c (cid:7) ~ CB solver which utilizes equal-order interpolation for Z (cid:12) (cid:13) Z velocity and pressure.51,61,64 All simulations were per- w*0(cid:1) (cid:2)p0I þs0 (cid:1)n*0ds (cid:2) q0u*0(cid:1)*n0ds (cid:4) formed using direct numerical simulations, without CB ~ ~ CB any assumptions that impose laminar or fully devel- Z w*0(cid:1)(cid:12)M (cid:1)u*0;p0(cid:2)þH (cid:13)(cid:1)*n0ds ð10Þ oped turbulent regimes on the flow. This is justified m m CB ~ ~ because most turbulence models assume fully devel- (cid:2)Z q0(cid:1)M* (cid:1)u*0;p0(cid:2)þH* (cid:2)(cid:1)*n0ds oped turbulent conditions, which is not the case for c c pulsatile flow in AAAs: The flow, undoubtedly tur- CB bulent during late systole, largely relaminarizes during TheoperatorsMandHaredefinedonthedomainX0 early systole and diastole.57 Computations were per- based on the reduced-order model chosen to represent formed on a 20.6 teraflops supercomputer with a total flow and pressure in the downstream domain (i.e., of 2,208 cores (276 Dell PowerEdge 1950 compute morphometry-based impedance function, lumped- nodes, consisting of dual-socket quad-core processors, parameter model, etc.). The final weak form of the featuring 16 GB of memory each). Coupled-Multidomainmethodresultsin61: Z w^*(cid:1)(cid:1)q*^u þq^u*(cid:1)r*^u(cid:2)*f(cid:2)þrw^* :(cid:12)(cid:2)p^Iþs^(cid:13)dx* Numerical Simulation Details ;t X^ ~ ~ Below we describe the simulation process for a Z ^ (cid:12) (cid:13) ^ singlepatient;thesimulationprocesswasrepeatedina (cid:2) w*(cid:1) (cid:2)p^Iþs^ (cid:1)*nds patient-specificmannerforallpatientsunderbothrest C^h ~ ~ Z ^ (cid:12) (cid:1)^ (cid:2) (cid:13) ^ Z ^ and exercise conditions. First, the model was discret- (cid:2) w*(cid:1) M u*;p^ þH (cid:1)*nds (cid:2) rq^(cid:1)*udx* izedinto aninitialisotropic finite-elementmesh witha m m CB ~ ~ X^ maximum edge size of 1.5 mm using a commercial þZ q^*^u(cid:1)*^nds þZ q^(cid:1)M* (cid:1)^u*;p^(cid:2)þH* (cid:2)(cid:1)^n*ds ¼0 ð11Þ meshing kernel (MeshSimTM, Simmetrix, Troy, NY). c c C^ CB Next, steady simulations with mean SC flow as the Hemodynamics in AAAsDuringRest andExercise 1293 inlet boundary condition and resistance outlet bound- A measured (rest) or extrapolated (exercise) SC ary conditions were performed on the initial isotropic waveform was decomposed into a steady nonzero mesh under both rest and exercise conditions for each mean flow which was mapped to a Poiseuille velocity patient. Resistances for each outlet were equal to the profile,andapulsatilezero-meanflowwavewhichwas R described later. The results of this steady simu- mapped to a ten-frequency Womersley velocity pro- total lation were used to adapt the mesh,37 creating an file.66 The Poiseuille and Womersley velocity profiles average intermediate anisotropic mesh consisting of were then linearly superimposed to define the inlet 922,525lineartetrahedralelements(SD:238,766;range velocity profile on C. At each outlet, a three-element i 595.558–1,323,275) for rest, and 967,862 linear Windkessel model consisting of a proximal resistance tetrahedral elements (SD: 211,180; range 623,630– (R ), capacitance (C), and distal resistance (R ) was p d 1,219,620)forexercise.Apulsatilesimulationwasthen used to represent the resistance and capacitance of the performedonthisnewlyadaptedmeshforfourcardiac proximalvessels(thearteries),andtheresistanceofthe cycles,andthecapacitance,C,andR ateachoutlet distal vessels (the arterioles and capillaries), down- total wereadjustedslightlyasneededtoattainmeanflowsat stream of each outlet (Fig. 3).61,62 Below we describe theoutletsandSBPandDBPattheinletofthemodel the R , C, and R specification for a single patient p d to within 5% of target values. Lastly, a final isotropic under rest and exercise conditions; this process was mesh with an edge size of 0.5 mm was used for each repeated in a patient-specific manner for all subjects. patient. This resulted in an average mesh size of 9,048,902 linear tetrahedral elements (SD: 2,347,967; range: 5,731,780–11,951,555). A pulsatile simulation R , C, R Specification for Rest p d was then run for eight cardiac cycles using a time step SpecificationofR ,C,R isrequiredforeachoutlet sizeof1/1000thofthecardiaccyclewithfivenonlinear p d of the numerical domain in order to fully define the iterationspertimestep.Thusthemeantimestepsizewas Coupled-Multidomain analytical representation of the 0.000974 s (SD: 0.000176; range: 0.000769–0.001333) downstream vasculature. The values for these param- forrestand0.000649 s(SD:0.000117;range:0.000513– eters corresponding to resting conditions were chosen 0.000889)forexercise.Whileall1000timepointsineach using a combination of patient-specific data and liter- cardiaccycleweresolvedfor,50timepointswerewritten ature values as outlined in the following steps: outpercardiaccycleduetodatastorageconstraints.At thetimeofsimulation,theresidualforthelastiteration 1. The brachial SBP and DBP acquired immedi- of each time step was recorded. For each patient, the ately after the exam were assumed to be equal samemeshwasusedforbothrestandexercise.Thefirst to the intraaortic SBP and DBP at the level of threecardiaccycleswereignored,asthepressurewaves the diaphragm, which corresponds to the inlet had not yet achieved periodicity. The fourth through of our model.22 eighth cardiac cycles were used to calculate pressures, 2. Using a three-element Windkessel analog for velocities, MWSS, OSI, and TKE. For both rest and the system (3D model plus downstream ves- exercise, outlet velocity profiles were constrained to a sels), we determined the total resistance and parabolic profile using the augmented lagrangian totalcapacitanceofthesystem,R and total-system method developed by Kim et al.28 These constraints C ,byiterativelysolvingforapressure total-system were used on an as-needed basis to prevent solution waveform as a function of the input SC flow divergence, a common numerical problem when an waveform and the parameters of the Wind- outlet area experiences reverse or complex flow struc- kessel model. R and C were total-system total-system tures leaving the three-dimensional computational do- adjusted until the measured SBP and DBP main. It should be noted that this technique does not were achieved. In this process, we assumed an affect the amount of flow leaving an outlet, but only R /R ratio of 5.6%.30 The p total-system total-system constrainstheshapeofthevelocityprofileattheoutlet. mean blood pressure was calculated as Use of constraints on branch vessels of the abdominal R times mean SC flow. This is similar total-system aorta has been shown to affect the flow, pressure, tothemethodusedbyStergiopolusetal.witha MWSS,andOSIintheabdominalaortaverylittle.28 two-element Windkessel model.52 Boundary conditions for each patient were derived 3. The target mean flows to each outlet were from literature and from the measured patient-specific calculated as follows: Target mean upper SCandIRflowsandthemeasuredbrachialarterySBP branch vessel flows (UBVF) were determined and DBP. At the wall, a no-slip condition was pre- by subtracting the mean measured IR flow scribed, as indicated in Eq. (3). The inlet velocity from the mean measured SC flow and then profile for each patient was defined as follows: distributingthisUBVFbasedontheliterature: 1294 LES etal. 4. Thetotalresistance(R = R + R )ateach total p d outlet was calculated as mean blood pressure dividedbytargetmeanflowateachoutlet.For the purposes of estimating the initial R va- total lue, we assumed that the mean pressure at the inlet of the model was equal to the mean pressure at the outlets. 5. Except for the renal arteries, the proximal resistance, R , for each outlet was arbitrarily p chosen to be 5.6% of R .30 For the renal total arteries,R wasarbitrarilychosentobe28%of p R to account for the unique features of re- total nal flow: an absence of backflow throughout the cardiac cycle and relatively high and con- stant diastolic flow.3,21 These flow features re- sult from the relatively low resistance of the distal vascular beds of the kidneys,41 a feature captured in the comparatively low R value d assigned to the renal arteries. 6. Lastly, capacitance, C, for each outlet was calculated by distributing the C pro- total-system portional to flow at each outlet. R , C, R and SC Inflow Waveform Specification p d for Exercise Resting waveforms, target SBP and DBP, target mean flows, and the R , C, R values were altered in p d accordance with the literature to simulate moderate FIGURE3. Apatient-specificSCflowwaveformmeasuredby lower limb exercise. phase-contrastMRI(restingconditions)ismappedtothein- flow face using a Womersley velocity profile. A patient-spe- 1. Each patient was categorized as hypertensive or cific3-elementWindkesselmodelwithaproximalresistance normotensive,andatargetexerciseSBPandDBP (R ), capacitance (C), distal resistance (R ) boundary condi- p d tionisusedtorepresenttheresistanceandcomplianceofthe werecalculatedfora50%increaseinheartrateby vasculaturedownstreamofeachoutlet.Theoutletlabelsare linearly interpolating the hypertensive and nor- as follows: S5splenic artery, LR5left renal artery, LEI5 motensive data from Montain et al.34 left external iliac artery, LII5left internal iliac artery, RII5 right internal iliac artery, REI5right external iliac artery, 2. Target mean flow to each outlet was calculated as SMA5superior mesenteric artery, ARR5accessory right follows: The target mean resting IR flow was renal artery (Note: accessory renals are not found in the increased 5.44-fold, in accordance with in vivo majorityofpatients),RR5rightrenalartery,H5hepaticar- tery.Pleasenotethattypically(asinthispatient),thesplenic measurements by Cheng et al.10 and target mean andhepaticarteriesbranchfromacommonceliactrunk. exercise UBVF was calculated by decreasing the total flow to each upper branch vessel 21% from 33.0%totheceliac(whichwasthendistributed rest. This is in agreement with Cheng et al.10 and 50% to the hepatic and 50% to the splenic the assumption that flow to the renal, celiac, and arteries),and22.3%totheSMA,theleftrenal mesenteric system decreases with moderate lower artery, and the right renal artery.35 In the limb exercise asa resultof the vasoconstriction of presence of accessory renal arteries, renal flow these vascular beds during exercise. Lastly, the was divided proportional to outlet area. The mean IR flow was divided equally to the two mean IR flow was divided equally to the two common iliac arteries; 70% of this flow was di- common iliac arteries; 70% of this flow was verted to the external iliac arteries and 30% was diverted to the external iliac arteries and 30% assigned to the internal iliac arteries, thus pro- was assigned to the internal iliac arteries, thus viding the target mean flow to each iliac artery. providing the target mean flow to each iliac 3. The target mean exercise IR flow and the target artery.51 mean exercise UBVF were summed to generate a Hemodynamics in AAAsDuringRest andExercise 1295 targetmeanexerciseSCflow.Becauseeachpatient 10. Similar to the rest case, the total capacitance, hadaslightlydifferentmeasuredmeanrestingSC/ C , was distributed proportional to flow IR flow ratio, the calculated target mean exercise total-system at each outlet. SCflowincreasedanaverageof2.57-fold(SD:0.41; range:1.90–3.07)fromresttoexercise,similartothe 2.61-foldSCincreasefoundinChengetal.10 Dimensionless Variables Governing Flow 4. The diastolic portion of the resting SC flow waveform was truncated such that heart rate The mean and systolic Reynolds numbers and the increased 50%,10 and the remaining flow wave- Womersley numbers were calculated from the mea- form was shifted up to match the target mean sured SC and IR flows as follows: exercise SC flow. Thus, the resulting exercise SC q4Q waveform lacked diastolic backflow and the sys- Reynolds ¼ mean ð13Þ mean pD l tolic portion of the waveform represented a mean greater portion of the cardiac cycle, a result simi- q4Q lar to experimental measurements.10 Reynolds ¼ systole ð14Þ systole pD l 5. This extrapolated patient-specific exercise SC mean waveform was mapped to the inflow face of the model using a Womersley velocity profile. (cid:12)xq(cid:13)1=2 WomersleyNumber¼R ð15Þ 6. Similartorest,athree-elementWindkesselanalog l for the system under exercise conditions (3D where Q is the mean flow over the cardiac cycle, model plus downstream vessels) was used to mean Q isthesystolic(peak)flowoverthecardiaccycle, determine the total resistance and total capaci- systole D isthemeandiameteroftheaortaattheSCorIR tanceofthesystem,R andC ,by mean total-system total-system location, l is the dynamic viscosity of 0.04 P, q is the iteratively solving for a pressure waveform as a density (1.06 g/cm3), and x is the angular frequency function of the input extrapolated SC flow wave- (equal to 1/cardiac cycle length). formandtheparametersoftheWindkesselmodel. R andC wereadjusteduntilthe total-system total-system measured SBP and DBP were achieved. In this Normal Stresses process, we assumed an R /R p total-system total-system ratio of 5.6%. The mean blood pressure was cal- The distribution of normal stresses (including both culated as Rtotal-system times target mean SC exer- the static and dynamic viscous components) acting on cise flow. the aneurysm lumen at peak flow was plotted for all 7. Using the target exercise pressures and mean eight patients for rest and exercise. We described the flows, the resting R , C, R parameters were temporalandspatialvariationofthetotalnormalstress p d altered to simulate exercise. First, R was cal- acting on the aneurysm luminal wall: First, we calcu- total culated for each outlet as the mean pressure latedthespatialrangeofthenormalstressatpeakflow divided by the target mean exercise flow for each for both rest and exercise. Then, we computed the branch vessel. temporal range of the normal stresses by subtracting 8. Rp was kept the same as rest; as the arteries just themaximumandminimumaveragenormalstressesin distal to the outlets of the model were assumed to the aneurysm over the cardiac cycle for both rest and neither dilate nor constrict significantly during exercise. Last, we calculated the ratio between the exercise. spatial and temporal ranges of the total normal stress 9. R was calculated as R minus R . Thus, R foralleightpatientsduringrestandexercise.Thetime d total p d reflected the physiologic states of the distal vas- points corresponding to peak flow and maximum nor- cular beds during lower limb exercise: Rd mal stresses in the aneurysms were not necessarily the increased in the upper branch vessels during same, aspressure generallylags flow. exercise, reflecting the vasoconstriction of the arteriolesandcapillaries inceliac, mesenteric,and Shear Stress renal systems during exercise, while R dramati- d callydecreasedintheiliac arteries,21reflectingthe MWSS and OSI were averaged over the fourth vasodilation of arterioles and recruitment of the through eighth cardiac cycles and then quantified in capillaries during exercise. This unchanging R 1-cm strips at four aortic locations: 1 cm above the p and dramatically reduced R during exercise is celiac artery (supraceliac, SC), 1 cm below the most d supported by experimental data reported by distal renal artery (infrarenal, IR), at the largest Laskey et al.30 diameter of the aneurysm (Mid-An), and 1 cm above 1296 LES etal. the aortic bifurcation (suprabifurcation, SB). When This ensemble average is then extended over n averaging over the fourth through eighth cardiac cardiac cycles to cover the same temporal domain as cycles, the MWSS, *smean; was defined as: the original velocity field u*(cid:1)x*;t(cid:2). This extension is *smean ¼(cid:7)(cid:7)(cid:7)(cid:7)51TZ 8T*tsdt(cid:7)(cid:7)(cid:7)(cid:7): ð16Þ accomplished by repeating Du*E(cid:1)x*;s(cid:2) n times to 3T generatetheperiodicaverageU*(cid:1)x*;t(cid:2).Mathematically, Here, T is the period of one cardiac cycle, *t is the s wallshearvectordefinedasthein-planecomponentof (cid:1) (cid:2) D E(cid:1) (cid:2) the surface traction vector *t (i.e., *t ¼*t (cid:2)(cid:1)*t (cid:1)*n(cid:2)*n). U* x*;t ¼ *u x*; tmoduloT ; ð19Þ s Thesurfacetraction vector*t iscalculatedbysolvinga wheretmoduloTgivestheremainderwhentisdivided newvariationalproblemwherethesolutionforvelocity byT.Now,thefluctuationvelocityfieldcanbedefined and pressure is known, and the goal is to evaluate the by subtracting the periodic average from the original tractionattheboundariesofthedomain.Thisapproach velocity field: is known as variationally consistent calculation of boundary fluxes.24 When averaging over the fourth u*~(cid:1)x*;t(cid:2)¼u*(cid:1)x*;t(cid:2)(cid:2)U*(cid:1)x*;t(cid:2): ð20Þ througheighthcardiaccycles,OSI,whichmeasuresthe unidirectionalityofshearstress,wascalculatedas: Finally,themeanfluctuatingkineticenergyperunit 0 (cid:7) (cid:7)1 mass, often referred to as the turbulent kinetic energy, (cid:7)1 R8T*t dt(cid:7) 1 (cid:7)5T 3T s (cid:7) is defined as: OSI¼2B@1(cid:2)51TR38TT(cid:7)(cid:7)(cid:7)*ts(cid:7)(cid:7)(cid:7)dtCA ð17Þ k(cid:1)x*;s(cid:2)¼1qh(cid:14)u~2(cid:15)(cid:1)x*;s(cid:2)þ(cid:14)u~2(cid:15)(cid:1)x*;s(cid:2)þ(cid:14)u~2(cid:15)(cid:1)x*;s(cid:2)i; 2 1 2 3 where T isagain theperiod ofone cardiac cycle andt s 8s2½0;TÞ; ð21Þ is the in-plane component of the surface traction vec- tor. OSI values range from 0 to 0.5, where 0 indicates wherethedensity,qis1.06 g/cm3andu~ denotestheith i unidirectional shear stress, and 0.5 indicates shear component of *u~; and stress with a time average of zero.20,56 Turbulent Kinetic Energy (cid:14)u~2i(cid:15)ðx*;sÞ¼1nXn(cid:2)1u~2iðx*;sþkTÞ; 8s2½0;TÞ: ð22Þ k¼0 InordertostudyturbulenceintheAAAmodels,we Similarly,theensemble-averagedkineticenergy,KE, investigated the cycle-to-cycle variation of the velocity isdefinedas: fieldbycomputingtheturbulentkineticenergy(TKE). A brief summary of the derivation of TKE is shown below. k(cid:1)x*;s(cid:2)¼1qh(cid:14)u2(cid:15)(cid:1)x*;s(cid:2)þ(cid:14)u2(cid:15)(cid:1)x*;s(cid:2)þ(cid:14)u2(cid:15)(cid:1)x*;s(cid:2)i; The TKE computation is centered upon a decom- 2 1 2 3 (cid:1) (cid:2) 8s2½0;TÞ ð23Þ position of the velocity field u* x*;t into an averaged part U*(cid:1)x*;t(cid:2) plus a fluctuating part u*~(cid:1)x*;t(cid:2). First, we wherethedensityqis1.06 g/cm3anduidenotestheith component of u, and (cid:1) (cid:2) assume that the velocity field, *u x*;t , is nominally periodic with respect to the cardiac cycle, where x* (cid:14)u2(cid:15)ðx*;sÞ¼1Xn(cid:2)1u2ðx*;sþkTÞ; 8s2½0;TÞ ð24Þ i n i denotes space and t denotes time. Next, an ensemble k¼0 average is computed by averaging out the cycle-to- ToquantifytheTKEandKEwithintheabdominal cycle changes in n cardiac cycles worth of data and aorta and aneurysm, the abdominal aorta was first mapping them to a single cardiac cycle. Mathemati- (cid:1) (cid:2) isolatedbytrimmingthemodelsuperiorlyjustdistalto cally,givenncardiaccyclesofthevelocityfieldu* x*;t the lowest renal artery and inferiorly just proximal to where t2½0;nTÞ; we define the ensemble average theaorticbifurcation.ThemeanTKEandKEatpeak D E(cid:1) (cid:2) systole, mid-deceleration, and mid-diastole were *u x*;s as: quantified over cardiac cycles 4 though 8 on the final meshes for all eight patients during both rest and D E(cid:1) (cid:2) 1Xn(cid:2)1 (cid:1) (cid:2) *u x*;s ¼ u* x*;sþkT ; 8s2½0;TÞ: ð18Þ exercise. n k¼0 Hemodynamics in AAAsDuringRest andExercise 1297 Mesh and Temporal Independence Study RESULTS In order to ensure the mesh-independence of our Morphology of AAAs solutions, three isotropic meshes consisting of The MRAs showed that AAA luminal morphology 2,175,303 (edge size: 0.82 mm), 8,343,663 (edge size of varied widely from patient to patient, with shapes 0.5 mm), and 31,831,619 linear tetrahedral elements varying from fusiform (patients 1, 4, and 5), single- (edge size 0.3 mm) were generated for patient 1 lobed (patients 2 and 7), and bi-lobed (patients 3, 6, (Fig. 4).Hereafter,thesemesheswillbeabbreviatedas and 8) (Fig. 2). the 2.2, 8.3, and 31.8-million element meshes. These mesheswerechosensuchthatratioofelementfromthe smalltointermediateandintermediatetolargemeshes Measured Flows and Pressures would be approximately the same. Simulations were The mean flows measured from the PC-MRI scans performed for eight cardiac cycles using the same were 3.51 L/min (SD: 0.50; range: 2.51–4.32) for SC patient-specific exercise boundary conditions. The and 1.31 L/min (SD: 0.34; range: 0.84–1.75) for IR. resultant instantaneous velocity field and MWSS and The mean measured SBP was 155.8 mmHg (SD: 12.2; OSIvalueswerecompared.Additionally,toensurethe range: 136–170) and the mean measured DBP was temporal independence of our solutions, the patient 1 90.9 mmHg (SD: 6.8, range: 80–100), indicating the exercise simulation on the final mesh (8.3-million ele- presence of hypertension. ments) was extended for an additional five cardiac cycles.TheresultantMWSS,OSI,andTKEcalculated from cardiac cycles four through eight were compared Simulation to those calculated from cardiac cycles nine through Forthefinalfiniteelementmeshes,themeanabsolute thirteen. residual for cycles four through eight was 2.9e-4 (SD: 1.7e-4, range: 1.0e-5–6.0-e4) under resting conditions and 1.8e-3 (SD: 1.2e-3; range: 1.5e-4–3.7e-3) under Comparison of Measured and Simulated Infrarenal exercise conditions. For the mesh independence study, Flow Waveforms the average absolute residual was 4.6e-3 for the 2.2- The measured and simulated IR flow waveforms millionelementmesh,2.3e-3forthe8.3-millionelement were compared. The simulated IR waveforms resulted mesh,and7.1e-4forthe31.8millionelementmesh.For purely from the inlet SC waveforms and the outlet the temporal independence study of patient 1 under boundary conditions; the shape of the IR waveforms exercise conditions, the mean residual was 2.3e-4 for was never prescribed or specified in the simulation bothcardiaccyclesfourthrougheightandcardiaccycles process, and thus the IR waveforms provided a nine through thirteen. For each of the 16 simulations good measure of how well simulated flow conditions (eight patients, rest and exercise conditions), the matched the measured flow conditions for each boundaryconditiontuningprocesstookapproximately patient. 1week,andthefinalsimulationtookapproximately3–7 Mesh Cross Section At The AAA 2.2-million elements 8.3-million elements 31.8-million elements FIGURE4. Cross sections of the 2.2-, 8.3-, and 31.8-million finite-element meshes are shown at the mid-aneurysm level for patient1.

exercise using patient-specific geometric models, flow wave- forms, and . Image Processing maximum intensity projections (MIPs) of the MRAs.
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