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Preview QUALITY MANUFACTURING TODAY - Allegiance Group, Inc.

QUALITY MANUFACTURING TODAY www.qmtmag.com November/December 2010 QQMMTT NNoovv__DDeecc FFCC__DDrraafftt..iinndddd 11 1111//1188//22001100 1111::0044::2222 AAMM PORTABLE DIGITAL MICROSCOPE Finally... a handheld microscope that offers the portability and ease-of-use of a digital photo camera Point-and-shoot image indoors or outdoors, Desktop use with motorized Z-axis stand A zoom range spanning from low regardless of the lighting conditions. and touch panel microscope control. to high magnifi cations. IT’S A NIKON - GRAB IT AND GO! EUROPEAN PREMIERE AT ShuttlePix 400R is a revolution in microscopy. A handheld digital microscope enabling you to take images everywhere, EUROMOLD even on places where you never could imagine using a microscope. ShuttlePix features Nikon optics to guarantee razorsharp Hall 8.0 images and feels as comfortable as a digital camera. Featuring 20x optical zoom with up to 400x magnifi cation and a Stand Nr. M86 4-segment LED ring light, it allows the capture of highly detailed images in any light conditions. And what’s more, you can even use the ShuttlePix as a digital desktop microscope. It’s application scope is ... unlimited. NIKON METROLOGY NV T +32 16 74 01 00 [email protected] NIKON METROLOGY UK Ltd (Derby) T +44 1332 811 349 [email protected] NIKON METROLOGY I VISION BEYOND PRECISION www.nikonmetrology.com/shuttlepix NIKON_ShuttlePix_EN 210x297.indd 1 12/11/10 10:25 p3 contents.qxp 18/11/2010 12:11 Page 16 CONTENTS November/December 2010 News and comment 4 Stress-free quality 10 Portable laser-based measuring technology supports quality improvement and production assembly at Swiss aircraft manufacturer, Pilatus Flugzeugwerke. Laser projectors speed Airbus A350 12 Carbon fibre challenge - up to 220 laser projectors will ensure efficient production for the new Airbus A350 XWB. FFrroonntt ccoovveerr:: HHeexxaaggoonn MMeettrroollooggyy LVMC’10 conference report 14 wwwwww..hheexxaaggoonnmmeettrroollooggyy..ccoo..uukk How to quickly check your laser trackers for measure- ment accuracy, understanding laser tracker targets and speeding up large scale assembly of composite structures - some of the topics at LVMC’10. Editor - Publisher: BBrreennddaann CCooyynnee Automated metrology 16 Email: [email protected] Tel: 00 44 1580 715152 Quality essentials 17 Media Director - Publisher: The strategic importance of quality management systems DDaawwnn WWiissbbeeyy in embedded markets such as aerospace. By Efstratios Email: [email protected] Petrellis, quality manager, MEN Mikro Elektronik. Tel: 00 44 208 2897011 Mob: 0044 797 4640371 Blinding quality 21 Website: www.qmtmag.com The drive for profits in pharmaceutical and life science QQuuaalliittyy MMaannuuffaaccttuurriinngg TTooddaayy, pub- businesses can blind senior management to the impact lished eight times a year, is a print and supply chain quality has on company performance and on-line magazine for the quality, reputation. measurement and test industry pro- moting improvements in manufactur- ing processes and products through Eliminating counterfeits 25 quality control and quality manage- New pharmaceutical track and trace approach uses ment - from shopfloor to line and enterprise management. unique bottom marking to combat counterfeit drugs, an increasing problem within national and international Quality Manufacturing Todayis pub- distribution systems. lished by Cranbrook Media Ltd. Registered company No. 06048241 Registered office: N.J. Ruse Associates, Game changer 28 Eagle House, Cranleigh Close, Claiming to eclipses anything offered in the market- Sanderstead, South Croydon, CR2 9LH place, the new Focus3D is a high-performance, portable Printers: Premier Press, Southend 3D laser scanner from Faro. © Cranbrook Media Ltd. Micro measurement for micro machining 30 FFRREEEE SSUUBBSSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN -- UUKK New advances in optical 3D metrology provide 6-7% aanndd EEuurrooppee improvements in process performances in micro machin- RReeggiisstteerr oonnlliinnee aatt ing applications. By Brian Kyte and Mark Raleigh. wwwwww..qqmmttmmaagg..ccoomm Philips sees the light 33 Philips Lighting uses NDT X-ray and CT Radiography to drive research, quality and productivity - plus reduce its PPrroodduucctt aanndd ffeeaattuurree aarrttiiccllee ecological footprint. eennqquuiirriieess Log on to www.qmtmag.com for Force & torque 35 direct links to companies and products featured in this issue. Shopfloor 36 Non-contact 37 CMMs 38 3 QMT November/December 10 www.qmtmag.com p4,6,8 news.qxp 17/11/2010 12:53 Page 4 NNEEWWSS Quality manager the door." Editor’s comment In August 2002, Ms. Eckard, whistleblower wins then a global quality assur- Everybody’s get- ance manager with GSK, was £61m payout ting older sent to the Cidra factory to lead a team of 100 scientists A former quality control man- Is it just me or is everybody and quality experts brought ager at GlaxoSmithKline getting older? Of course, as from around the globe to fix (GSK) has received £61m, each day passes, all who manufacturing violations believed to be the largest ever exist are one day older. But cited by the FDA of the USA. reward for a whistleblower, its not just a rhetorical ques- Cidra was then GSK's No. 1 after exposing a series of con- tion. What I mean is that factory in the world, making tamination problems at a there seems to a definite over 20 products worth $5.5 drugs factory in Puerto Rico, people with the right combi- aging of our industry. billion annually, including and a subsequent cover-up by nation of skills. The result is Looking around at an indus- blockbuster drugs Avandia, company management. that one company’s recruit- try gathering recently, there Paxil and Coreg. GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) has ment success robs another of were a lot of grey heads What she discovered went agreed to pay the US govern- a valued, and difficult to present, me included. far beyond the manufacturing ment $750 million to settle replace, team member. The People, mainly men, of mid- violations previously uncov- civil and criminal charges that pool of available talent is dle age and above predomi- ered by the FDA. The compa- it manufactured and sold growing older and shrinking nated. Is this a clue to what’s ny repeatedly ignored serious adulterated drug products to as time passes. Clearly, more happening in our industry? failings, including allegations Medicaid and other govern- must be done by the industry Are we recruiting enough that staff were "skimming" ment health plans. The settle- itself if it is not to run into young people into the world drugs to sell them on the Latin ment was the result of a major problems in a few of manufacturing and, in American black market and whistleblower lawsuit filed in years time. But what initia- particular, that of measure- that its factory had mixed drug 2004 by the law firm of tives should be made and ment, test and inspection? types and doses in the same Getnick& Getnick LLP on whose responsibility is it to Anecdotal evidence suggest bottle. Over the next 10 behalf of Cheryl Eckard, a for- drive them? Yet again that we are not. Speak to any months, she repeatedly alert- mer quality assurance manag- apocalyptical quote from company supplying prod- ed a string of GSK executives er with GSK. "The success of Deming may spur action ucts or services in these key to a catalogue of breaches, this whistleblower lawsuit here, “Survival is not areas and, typically, they only to be blocked and even- will change the way that drug mandatory!” will decry the skills shortage tually sacked in 2003. companies run their facto- Brendan Coyne - that it’s very difficult to find In a statement, the drugs ries," said Neil Getnick, man- Editor QMT group said: "We regret that we aging partner of the Getnick operated the Cidra facility in a firm. "Now every employee who works with manufactur- Cheryl Eckard to machine that management is putting manner that was inconsistent ing issues -- from quality operators -- has a viable profits ahead of patient safety with current good manufac- assurance executives like option if they have evidence by letting bad products out turing practice. GSK worked hard to resolve fully the man- NPL invests in one of the measurement of the major- Measurement. “In addition the the most accurate ity of features on these taper software application deemed CMMs in the world thread gauges. Engineers suitable for the task was from the NPL and Hexagon QUINDOS, in particular the The National Physical Metrology’s Leitz factory in module for Screw Thread Laboratory (NPL) is the UKs Germany worked together to Inspection. The software, National Measurement Institute investigate how a Coordinate Hexagon Metrology’s applica- well known for providing the Measuring Machine (CMM) tions team, and trials on NPL’s traceability against which every could be utilised. Two key ele- existing Leitz PMM have proven day metrology is based. One ments were the need for a to us that this is the right solu- of the tasks undertaken by NPL highly accurate measurement tion.” is the certification of Reference facility and a software platform In addition, NPL is looking to Master Gauges to American competent of coping with the use the Leitz PMM-C Infinity as Petroleum Institute (API) necessary calculations. a platform for measuring arte- Specifications, a role they “The Leitz PMM-C Infinity facts such as ring gauges, plug undertake on behalf of the with a specified maximum per- gauges, end standards and European Association of missible error of 0.3 + L/1000 line standards in much the National Metrology Institutes was chosen as the CMM is same way as NPL’s existing (EURAMET) for the whole of extremely time consuming and capable of automatically Leitz PMM is used for the cali- Europe. API gauges are com- labour intensive. In order to measuring API gauges to the bration of step gauges. monly used in the oil and gas reduce the time required for measurement uncertainties www.leitz-metrology.com industry. calibration NPL and Hexagon required”, explains David Until recently the process to Metrology undertook a project Flack, NPL Engineering certify API gauges has been to look at other methods for 4 www.qmtmag.com QMT November/December 10 Total quality control solutions where you need us most – everywhere! Coordinate Measuring Machines Vision Measuring Machines Form Measurement Optical Measurement Sensor Systems Test Equipment and Hardness Testers Digital Scale and DRO Small Tool Instruments Mitutoyo (UK) Ltd West Point Business Park Andover, Hampshire SP10 3UX, United Kingdom T +44 (0)1264 353123 F +44 (0)1264 354883 [email protected] www.mitutoyo.co.uk Software Support Services and Training p4,6,8 news.qxp 17/11/2010 12:53 Page 6 NEWS ufacturing issues at the Cidra tions submitted quantitative EVENTS INNOVATION facility prior to its closure in and qualitative information to 2009 ASTD about their learning 2010 and development practices Digital testing for new Vision industry shows and programs. Applications December 1 consumer products strong indications of were assessed in a blind FFrreeeeffoorrmm NNeettwwoorrkk:: NNoonn-- CCoonnttaacctt MMeeaassuurreemmeennttss,, GGooiinngg recovery review by members of the A unique test facility came BEST Awards advisory com- online on October 11th, allow- FFoorrwwaarrdd wwiitthh CCoonnffiiddeennccee Coventry TechnoCentre, A number of recent indicators mittee, a select group of ing businesses to test new digi- Coventry University Technology suggest that the vision indus- experts in the learning and tal services and run trials with Park, Coventry UK try has weathered the worst of development field. consumers in a dedicated area of the internet. IC tomorrow, the global recession and is www.niit-tech.com developed by the UK's http://www.npl.co.uk/events/1- poised to emerge with posi- www.astd.org Technology Strategy Board, dec-2010-freeform-network tive signs of growth. Recently enables content owners and published surveys for 2010 Lean partnership with application developers - any from the European Machine Lloyds Register Quality business with a new service, Vision Association (EMVA) Assurance (LRQA) new business model or new 2011 and the Automated Imaging way of deploying hardware or Association (AIA) in the US Catalyst Consulting software technology - to trial January 13 - 16 predict an 11 per cent (Catalyst), provider of Lean their ideas on British con- **AAuuttoossppoorrtt IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall 22001111 increase in turnover and a Six Sigma solutions is to part- sumers. Initiated by the 2009 Digital NEC, Birmingham, UK 2.6-4.6 per cent increase in ner with Lloyds Register Britain report, which tasked the www.autosportinternational.com sales respectively in their par- Quality Assurance (LRQA). Technology Strategy Board to ticular regions. Similarly, an LRQA will market and sell establish next generation digi- January 16-18 informal survey of UK Catalyst's Lean Six Sigma tal test beds for new products MMiiccrroonnaarrcc AAllppiinnee MMeeeettiinngg -- Industrial Vision Association Public Open courses and In- and services, IC tomorrow EEqquuiippmmeenntt ffoorr mmiiccrroopprroodduuccttss (UKIVA) members attending Company training and sup- brings product and service Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland the UK’s Advanced port to their worldwide client developers and programmers www.mam2011.org/ Manufacturing exhibition ear- base and LRQA's range of together with content providers lier in 2010 revealed an management systems training and gives them access to real February 16-17 **SSoouutthheerrnn MMaannuuffaaccttuurriinngg && upturn in enquiry levels and will now be available to users, all within a purpose- EElleeccttrroonniiccss EExxhhiibbiittiioonn actual business since the Catalyst clients. built, experimental environ- ment. Farnborough, UK beginning of 2010. email: info@catalystconsult- While IC tomorrow is a pur- www.industrysouth.co.uk www.ukiva.org ing.co.uk pose-built online testing www.atalystconsulting.co.uk ground where companies of all March 30 -April 1 2010 ASTD ‘BEST’ sizes can trial their new prod- **MMeettrroommeeeett:: IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall Awards rank NIIT ucts, it provides registered pub- CCoonnffeerreennccee oonn IInndduussttrriiaall Hexagon finalizes DDiimmeennssiioonn MMeettrroollooggyy Technologies among top lic users with the opportunity to Intergraph acquisition try out applications and servic- Bilbao, Spain 3 globally es, giving potential consumers www.metromeet.org Hexagon AB has completed the opportunity to provide April 5-7 The American Society for their acquisition of Intergraph feedback and shape products **AAeerroossppaaccee TTeessttiinngg Training and Development Corporation. for a purchase before they go on sale. Hamburg, Germany (ASTD) ranked NIIT www.aerospacetesting.com price of $2,125M. Intergraph A wide range of content Technologies Limited, an is a global provider of enter- providers, such as Sony Music, international IT solutions Getty Images and Crytek UK, May 3 -6 prise engineering software provider, third globally in the have already agreed to partici- **CCoonnttrrooll 22001111 and geospatially powered 2010 ASTD ‘BEST’ Awards. pate in IC tomorrow and will Stuttgart Exhibition Centre, solutions that enable cus- The BEST Awards recognize make some of their content Germany tomers to visualize and man- www.schall.de organizations that demon- available, allowing product age complex data June 7-9 strate enterprise-wide success and service developers to con- Intergraph is now a wholly- sider how they may build new **SSuubbccoonn 22001111 through employee learning owned subsidiary of Hexagon services and find innovative NEC, Brimingham, UK and development. Thirty one AB. Intergraph will continue new ways to use and commer- www.subconshow.co.uk of the world’s best learning to operate under the cialise the content. organizations from across the Intergraph name/branding The IC tomorrow platform is world gathered at the recep- and will become the core soft- a facility for the benefit of tion held on 30th September British businesses and is open *QQMMTTiiss aa mmeeddiiaa ppaarrttnner ware growth platform for the 2010 in Washington DC to to everyone. Hexagon business. receive the awards. www.ictomorrow.co.uk/home Through its measurement For the 2010 BEST Awards /provider technology, Hexagon pro- NIIT Technologies competed duce a tremendous amount of against 104 organizations in 9 data from various sensors. countries. These organiza- 6 www.qmtmag.com QMT November/December 10 Use your head! It's infi nitely better wARivneanniiilnsaghbs aleCewr Mvt’hsiMc raoe wrueagtrrhod fi t New fi ve-axis head for touch trigger inspection gives up to three-fold increase in throughput Utilising technology developed for the multi-award winning REVO® measurement system, our new PH20 probe head offers unique ‘head touches’ for rapid touch-trigger measurement, and fast infi nite 5-axis positioning to guarantee optimal feature access. Its compact design also makes it suitable for new CMM purchases and as a retrofi t to the vast majority of existing CMM touch-trigger installations. For further information please visit www.renishaw.com/ph20 or call us on 01453 524111 Renishaw plc New Mills, Wotton-under-Edge, Gloucestershire GL12 8JR United Kingdom T +44 (0)1453 524524 F +44 (0)1453 524901 E [email protected] www.renishaw.com RReenniisshhaaww QQMMTT PPHH2200 aadd 11001100iinndddd..iinn11 11 0044//1100//22001100 1144::4433::5588 p4,6,8 news.qxp 17/11/2010 12:53 Page 8 NEWS Intergraph's software will act facturers (41%) think uncer- Most reliable cars and Lexus, remained among as the "presentation layer" to tainty about demand will limit the most reliable and earned survey - European visualize this data to help cre- their investment plans over top scores in five vehicle cat- ate actionable intelligence for the next 12 months. This is the makers momentum egories. Only the all-wheel- both organizations' cus- lowest figure since January drive Lexus GS and the new stalled tomers. 2008 (41%) and compares Lexus IS 250 convertible are www.hexagon.se with 54% for the previous below average. The While Honda and Toyota still www.intergraph.com quarter. redesigned 2010 Toyota dominate in reliability, euro- www.cbi.org.uk Prius, hurt by antilock brake Strong UK manufactur- pean momentum has stalled, problems on early vehicles, ing growth and exports Engineering award for according to the latest US scored only average. That is Consumer Report whose expected - CBI Renishaw’s chairman quite a drop from previous findings are based on predict- years.. The manufacturing sector Sir David McMurtry, (photo: ed ratings. Its Annual Auto Honda and Acura are expects a solid rise in output right) chairman and chief Survey is derived from sub- among the top four brands, over the next three months executive of global engineer- scribers' experiences with 1.3 with their models topping five driven by predictions for a ing company Renishaw plc, million vehicles, but is not vehicle categories. Hyundai stronger increase in export has been honoured with the based on road tests. and Kia continued to do well, orders, the CBI said on prestigious General Pierre The 2010 report found that with only one model, the Kia October 19th. The UK's lead- Nicolau Award by the while European reliability had Sedona minivan, rated below ing business group said that International Academy for been improving, momentum average. All six new models this follows an easing of pro- Production Engineering seems to have stalled. All for 2010 had average or better duction growth in the past (CIRP). The award, which was Porsche and Volvo models reliability, an impressive first- quarter. presented to Sir David at the are rated average or better. year showing. Of the 420 manufacturers Academy’s annual assembly But Audi, BMW, and Nissan's mainstream mod- that responded to the in Pisa, Italy during August, is Mercedes-Benz are among els did well. But the small Quarterly Industrial Trends presented each year to indi- the worst automakers overall. Nissan Cube had a below Survey, 32% expect a rise in viduals who have made sig- The Porsche Boxster has the average score in its first output volumes, and 14% a nificant and distinguished best predicted reliability in appearance in our survey. The fall, giving a balance of contributions within the field the survey, while the Audi A6 Infiniti models were all aver- +18%. This follows a figure of of production engineering. 3.0T and Jaguar XF have the age or better. +9% for the last three months. The presentation of the worst. Subaru had a good record BMW had a bad year, with This is primarily driven by overall, with a top rating five of 11 models now scoring expectations of a faster going to the four-cylinder below average. Although the increase in exports in the Legacy sedan and the non- BMW M3 topped the sporty coming quarter, with a bal- turbo version of the Forester cars category, the 1, 3, and 5 ance of +15% expecting vol- SUV. The WRX was the only Series models with the 3.0- umes of export orders to rise. model that rated below aver- litre, turbocharged engine had Domestic order growth is age. high problem rates related to more subdued with a balance The survey found that while the fuel system, among other of +2% expecting an increase. some GM nameplates had issues. Employment and invest- been among the least reliable Mercedes-Benz had the ment trends in the manufac- brands in past years, they now least reliable vehicles in three turing sector are positive. rank above some major categories. Six of its 13 mod- Employment saw the greatest European competitors. But as rise since January 1989 with a Nicolau Award, which hon- els were below average, and a company, GM is still far balance of +6% of firms say- ours CIRP founder General the GLK SUV was far below from tops in reliability. ing that they had taken on Pierre Nicolau, was made by average this year. The Ford continues to be the new staff. its president, professor Gerry redesigned E350 sedan was most reliable American In addition, investment Byrne, who said, “Sir David above average, but the new E- automaker. Ninety percent of intentions for the coming year McMurtry has made very Class coupe, a wholly differ- Fords, including Lincoln mod- have strengthened further. many significant contributions ent car, was a disappoint- els, have at least average reli- Manufacturers said they plan to the field of metrology, a ment. ability. to spend more on plant and subject that was of direct and Almost three-quarters of the Chrysler remains the low- machinery over the year great interest to General Audi models analyzed were est-ranked manufacturer in ahead: a balance of +10% Nicolau. He is named as an below average. Volkswagen the independent survey - with said that they would increase inventor or co-inventor on did better, with its Golf (for- only one vehicle recommend- capital expenditure in this some 47 Rolls Royce patents merly Rabbit) doing very well ed, the four wheel-drive area, with investment plans at and on over 150 Renishaw and the various Jetta models Dodge Ram 1500. their strongest since July 1997 inventions.” doing average or better. www.consumerreport.org (+21%). www.renishaw.co.uk Despite recent safety recalls, Toyota models, Furthermore, fewer manu- including those from Scion 8 www.qmtmag.com QMT November/December 10 The Offi cial Business Networking Event for the Motorsport Industry International Motorsport Business Week Events for 2011 (10-16 Jan, 2011) • RACETECH World Motorsport Symposium Forming part of an extended range of focused business and network events, International • MIA Cleaner Racing Conference • MIA Business Excellence Awards Dinner Motorsport Business Week is an exciting trade initiative that brings the UK’s motorsport • Autosport Engineering Show, in association with Racecar Engineering industry together; which includes symposiums, conferences, seminars, an international • International Business Exchange (IBE) business exchange, and an industry awards dinner all revolving around Europe’s largest • Watkins Lecture Motorsport Trade Show, Autosport International. • Autosport International 13 - 16 January 2011 NEC Birmingham, UK For more information & dates visit: internationalmotorsportbusinessweek.com 13 - 16 January 2011 NEC Birmingham, UK Supported by: 13 - 16 January 2011 NEC Birmingham, UK 13 - 16 January 2011 NEC Birmingham, UK p10.11 PILATUS api.qxp 17/11/2010 12:57 Page 10 LASER TRACKERS Stress-free quality Portable laser-based measuring technology supports quality improvement and production assembly at Swiss aircraft manufacturer, Pilatus Flugzeugwerke. Pilatus Flugzeugwerke AG, founded in 1939, trol within production increases, as all of the parts is the leading manufacturer of single-engine and the modules produced from them must under- turboprop aircraft and the only Swiss com- go an entire and extremely precise quality control pany to develop and construct aircraft and train- check. In particular, observing the accuracy of fit ing systems and sell them on every continent. The within the current partial series manufacturing highest demands in terms of quality apply global- plays a vital role within Pilatus. The customers' ly within the aviation sector. A task that already individual challenging requests can only be taken represents a challenge within series aircraft manu- into consideration and tested with this production facturing becomes a work of art in itself within process. customised aircraft manufacturing. As thousands From early in 2009, an API laser tracker has of individual parts are involved that have to fit played a major part in the company’s ability to together perfectly, the complexity of quality con- implement these customer requests. Pilatus manu- factures the parts of an aircraft, such as the body, cockpit or wings, at different sites. The measuring points are already defined when they are con- structed, enabling the jigs for the parts assembly to be checked at a later stage. Measuring these points guarantees that the jig corresponds with the CAD data. On the basis of these reference points, an aircraft wing, for example, which is made up of thousands of individual parts, can be assembled Jig for the cockpit precisely and be checked at crucial points to construction. The ensure that it corresponds with the CAD data. The measuring system laser tracker realises the measuring point devia- in the foreground tions from the CAD model in real time - a prereq- 10 www.qmtmag.com QMT November/December 10

QUALITY MANUFACTURING TODAY www.qmtmag.com November/December 2010 QQMT Nov_Dec FC_Draft.indd 1MT Nov_Dec FC_Draft.indd 1 111/18/2010 11:04:22 AM1/18/2010 11:04:22 AM
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