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Quadratic Form Expansions for Unitaries NieldeBeaudrap1,VincentDanos2,ElhamKashefi3,MartinRoetteler4 1 IQC,UniversityofWaterloo 8 2 SchoolofInformatics,UniversityofEdinburgh 0 3 Laboratoired’InformatiquedeGrenoble 0 4 NECLaboratoriesAmerica,Inc. 2 n Abstract. We introduce techniques to analyze unitary operations in terms of a J quadraticformexpansions, aformsimilartoasumoverpathsinthecomputa- tionalbasiswhenthephasecontributedbyeachpathisdescribedbyaquadratic 6 1 formoverR.Weshowhowtorelatesuchaformtoanentangledresourceakinto thatoftheone-waymeasurementmodelofquantumcomputing.Usingthis,we ] describevariousconditionsunderwhichitispossibletoefficientlyimplementa h unitaryoperationU,eitherwhenprovidedaquadraticformexpansionforU as p input,orbyfindingaquadraticformexpansionforU fromotherinputdata. - t n a 1 Introduction u q [ Intheone-waymeasurementmodel[1,2],quantumstatesaretransformedusing single-qubit measurements on an entangled state, which is prepared from an 1 v input state by performing controlled-Z operations on pairs ofqubits, including 1 the input system and ancillas prepared in the + state. This model lends itself 6 | i to ways of analyzing quantum computation which do not naturally arise in the 4 2 circuit model, e.g. with respect to depth complexity [3] and discrete structures . 1 underlying unitary operations [6,8]. In this article, wepresent another result of 0 thisvariety, byintroducing quadratic formexpansions. 8 0 Definition1. LetV beasetofnelements,andI,O V be(possiblyintersect- v: ing) subsets. For a binary string x 0,1 V, let x⊆and x be the restriction I O i ∈ { } X ofxtothose bit-positions indexed byelementsofI andO,respectively. Thena r quadratic formexpansion isamatrix-valued expression oftheform a 1 U = eiQ(x) x x , (1) O I C | ih | x X0,1 V ∈{ } U : I O,whereQisareal-valued quadratic formonx,andC C. H2⊗ → H2⊗ ∈ Quadraticformexpansionsbearaformalsimilaritytoarepresentationofaprop- agatorofaquantumsystem intermsofasumoverpaths.ForaunitaryU given as in (1), the outer product x x essentially specifies a particular coeffi- O I | ih | cient, in the row indexed by the substring x and the column indexed by x : I O 2 NieldeBeaudrap,VincentDanos,ElhamKashefi,MartinRoetteler the amplitude of the transition between these standard basis states is propor- tionaltoasumofcomplexunitsspecifiedbyx ,x ,andtheauxiliaryvariables I O v V r(I O). ∈ ∪ Representations of unitary transformations as sums over paths is a well- developed subject in theoretical physics (see e.g. [4,5]); and a representation of unitaries as a sum over paths was used in [9] to provide a simple proof of BQP PP.1 However, there are also examples of quadratic form expansions ⊆ which arise without explicitly seeking to represent unitaries in terms of path integrals: the quantum Fourier Transform over Z can readily be expressed 2n in such a form, and quadratic form expansions for Clifford group operations are implicit in the work of Dehaene and de Moor [17], as we will describe in Section3.3. Givensuchanexpression foraunitary U,weshowhowtoobtainadecom- position of U in terms of operations similar to those used in the one-way mea- surement model. Using this connection, we demonstrate techniques involving quadraticformexpansionstoefficientlyimplementaunitaryoperator,whenthe coefficientsofthequadraticformsatisfiescertainconstraintsrelatedto“general- izedflows”(orgflows)[8]orCliffordgroupoperations.Inparticular,weexhibit an O(n3/logn) algorithm to obtain a reduced measurement pattern (an algo- rithmintheone-waymodel)forCliffordgroupoperationsfromadescriptionof howtheytransform thePauligroup, basedontheresultsof[17]. 2 Connection to the one-way model 2.1 Reviewoftheone-waymodel We can formulate the one-way measurement model as a way of transforming quantum states in the following way. Given astate ψ on aset of qubits I (the | i input system), weembedI inalarger system V,wherethequbits ofV rI are preparedinthe + 0 + 1 state.Wethenperformentangling operations on | i∝ | i | i the qubits of V, by performing controlled-Z (denoted Z) operations on some ∧ setsofpairsofqubits.(Theseoperationsaresymmetricandcommutewitheach other, and so we may characterize the entangling stage by a simple graph G whose vertices are the qubits of V: we call this the entanglement graph of the procedure.) Wethenmeasure eachofthequbits ofV insomesequence, except forsomesetofqubitsO V (theoutputsubsystem) whichwillsupport afinal ⊆ quantum state. We may represent the measurement result for each qubit v by a 1Unitarieswereexpressedin[9]intermsofpathswhosephasecontributionsaredescribedby cubicpolynomialsoverZ ;commentsmadeinSectionVIofthatpaperessentiallyanticipate 2 quadratic form expansions with discretized coefficients. We describe how their techniques provideameansofconstructingquadraticformexpansionsfromcircuitsinAppendixA. QuadraticFormExpansionsforUnitaries 3 bits 0,1 whichindexestheorthonormal basisstatesofthemeasurement. v ∈ { } The measurement basis for each qubit may depend on the results of previous measurements, but without loss of generality may be expressed in terms of a “default” basiswhichisusedwhenallpreceding measurements yieldtheresult 0.Dependingonthemeasurementresults, afinalPaulioperatormaybeapplied tothequbitsintheoutputsubsystem O.2 In the original formulation of the one-way measurement model, the mea- surement bases were described by some axis of the Bloch sphere lying on the XYplane,whichissufficientforuniversalquantum computation. Itisalsoeasy toprovethatrestrictingthistostateswhichareanangleθ πZfromtheXaxis ∈ 4 issufficient forapproximately universal quantum computation [12]. Whileitis reasonable toextendbeyondthisforchoicesofmeasurementbases[7],wewill onlyneedtoconsider measurementbasesfromtheXYplane. 2.2 Phasemapdecompositionsfromquadraticformexpansions Consider a unitary U given by a quadratic form expansion as in (1), where the quadratic formQisgivenby Q(x) = θ x x , (2) uv u v u,v V { X}⊆ forsomeangles θ ,andwherethesumincludestermsforu = v.Note { uv}u,v V that Q(x) can be expres∈sed as an expectation value x H x , where H is a h | | i 2-localdiagonal operator: H = θ 1 1 1 1 + θ 1 1 . (3) uv | ih |u⊗| ih |v vv| ih |v u,v V (cid:20) (cid:21) v V { uX=}⊆v X∈ 6 ThenwemaydecomposeU asfollows: U x x eiH x x = y y eiH x x O I O I ∝ | ih | | ih |  | ih |  | ih | x X0,1 V y X0,1 V x X0,1 V ∈{ } ∈{ } ∈{ }     R eiHP , (4) O I ∝ where P is a unitary embedding which introduces fresh ancillas (indexed by I v Ic = V rI) initialized to the + state, and R is a map projecting onto O ∈ | i the + stateforallqubitsinOc = V rO(tracingthosequbitsoutafterwards). | i 2ThereasonforusingthesamevariablesV,I,andOforthesesetsof(labelsfor)qubitsasfor thesetsinDefinition1willbecomeapparentinthenextsection. 4 NieldeBeaudrap,VincentDanos,ElhamKashefi,MartinRoetteler Equation (4) is a phase map decomposition [10] for U: that is, it expresses U intermsofaprocessofpostselecting observables, asfollows.DecomposeH intotermsH ,H ,andH ,whereH consistsofthe1-localtermsonthequbits O 1 2 O ofO,H consists ofthe1-local term ontheremaining qubits, and H contains 1 2 the remaining terms from (3). We then have U RO eiHOeiH1eiH2PI. Note ∝ that eiHO and eiH1 are simply single-qubit Z rotations applied to the elements of O and Oc respectively, where in each case the qubits v in those sets are ro- tated by an angle θ . Then, the composite map R˜ = R eiH1 projects each vv O O thestateofeachqubit v Oc ontothevector 0 +e iθvv 1 foreachv Oc. − ∈ | i | i ∈ We then have U = eiHOR˜OeiH2PI, which is a decomposition of U into the preparation of some number of + states, followed by a diagonal unitary op- | i eratorconsisting oftwo-qubit (fractional) controlled-Z operations, followedby post-selection of states on the Bloch equator for v Oc, and (unconditionally ∈ applied)single-qubitZ rotationsontheremainingqubits.Ifθ 0,π forall uv ∈ { } distinctu,v V andforu= v O,theabovedescribespreciselytheactionof ∈ ∈ ameasurement-based computation inwhichthequbits v Oc aremeasured in ∈ theeigenbasesofobservablesoftheformM( θ ) = cos(θ )X sin(θ )Y, vv vv vv − − in the special case where all measurements result in the +1 eigenstate (which wemaylabelwiththebits = 0). v If weare able toextend the above into acomplete measurement algorithm, withdefined behavior when not allmeasurements yield aspecific outcome, we obtain a measurement-based algorithm for U: we discuss this problem in the next section. Conversely, from every measurement based algorithm, we may obtainaquadratic formexpansion: Theorem1. Everyunitaryoperatoronnqubitsmaybeexpressedbyaquadratic form expansion with I = O = n, and where the quadratic form has coeffi- | | | | cients θ 0,π for all cross-terms x x and π < θ 6 π for all terms uv u v vv ∈ { } − x2. Furthermore, any unitary can be approximated to arbitrary precision by v suchanexpansion wherewefurther requireθ πZ. vv ∈ 4 Proof. From[11](andusingthenotation ofthatarticle), themeasurement pat- ternXsuM αE N performs theunitarytransformation J(α) = 1 1 eiα v u− uv v √2 1 eiα for α R, from the state space of a qubit u to that of a “fresh” qubit v. T−hese ∈ (cid:2) (cid:3) operations generate SU(2), and generate a group dense in SU(2) if we restrict toα πZ,by[12]. ∈ 4 Foranynqubit unitary U,thereexists ameasurement pattern composed of suchpatternstogetherwithtwo-qubitcontrolled-Z operations(whichwedenote Z)whichimplementsU.LetGbetheentanglement graphofthispattern, and ∧ I andObethequbitsdefiningtheinputspaceandoutputspace(respectively)of themeasurementpattern.By[6],inthismeasurementpattern,theprobabilityof QuadraticFormExpansionsforUnitaries 5 every measurement resulting in the +1 eigenvalue (i.e. s = 0 for all v Oc) v ∈ isnon-zero. Then,U R eiHP ,where O I ∝ H = π 1 1 1 1 α 1 1 . (5) | ih |u ⊗| ih |v − v| ih |v uv E(G) (cid:20) (cid:21) v Oc ∈X X∈ By(4),thisyieldsaquadratic formexpansion forU,with Q(x) = πx x α x2 . (6) u v − v v uv E(G) v Oc ∈X X∈ For a quadratic form expansion approximating U, it is sufficient to consider measurementpatterns approximating U usinganglesα πZ. 2 v ∈ 4 2.3 MeasurementPatternInterpolation Asweremarkedabove,theconnectionfromquadraticformexpansionstophase mapdecompositions mayallowustoobtainanimplementation forU,provided we can determine how to adapt measurements in case the measurements for qubitsv Oc donotallyieldtheresults = 0. v ∈ In a measurement pattern performing N measurements, the computation mayfollowanyof2N branches, corresponding tothedifferentcombinations of measurement results. Let us call the branch in which every measurement pro- duces theresult s = 0thepositive branch ofthemeasurement pattern.3 With- v out loss of generality, we may restrict our attention to patterns where no clas- sical feed-forward is required in the positive branch: then, the positive branch ofameasurementpattern ischaracterized bythegeometry(G,I,O)ofthepat- tern (where G is the entanglement graph of the measurement algorithm, and I,O V(G) are the sets of qubits defining the input/output space of the pat- ⊆ tern),andtheanglesa = α definingthemeasurementstobeperformed. { v}v Oc Toextendthedescriptionof∈thepositivebranchofameasurementalgorithm into a complete measurement algorithm performing a unitary is the subject of thefollowingproblem: MeasurementPatternInterpolation (MPI). For input data (G,I,O,a), de- scribingaunitaryembeddingU asthepositivebranchofameasurementpattern with geometry (G,I,O) and performing measurements a, determine if there a measurement pattern P with geometry (G,I,O) which performs the transfor- mationU. 3Thischoice of terminology referstoall measurements yielding the+1eigenvalues of their respectiveobservablesM( θ ). vv − 6 NieldeBeaudrap,VincentDanos,ElhamKashefi,MartinRoetteler This problem is open, and seems to be difficult in general. We may attempt to maketheproblemeasierbyconsidering amorerestricted problem: GenericMeasurementPatternInterpolation (GMPI). For an input geome- try (G,I,O), determine if there exist measurement patterns P(a) parameter- ized by a choice a of measurement angles, each with geometry (G,I,O), such thatthepatternP(a)performsaunitaryembedding foralla. GMPIaddresses,inanangle-independent manner,thesubjectofthestructureof measurementpatternswhichperformunitarytransformations. Aspecialcaseof the GMPIwhich has been solved are those geometries (G,I,O) which have a “generalized flow”(orgflow), whicharethe“yes” instances ofGMPIsuch that the patterns P(a) yield maximally random outcomes on all of their measure- ments [8]. The following is the definition of gflows in [13], for measurements restricted totheXYplane:4 Definition2. Given a geometry (G,I,O) for a measurement pattern, a gflow isapair(g,4),wheregisafunctionfromOctosubsetsofIcand4isapartial order,suchthatthefollowingconditions holdforalluandv inthegraphG: v g(u) = u v, (7a) ∈ ⇒ ≺ v odd(g(u)) = u4 v, (7b) ∈ ⇒ u odd(g(u)), (7c) ∈ whereodd(S)isthesetofverticesadjacenttoanoddnumberofelementsofS. Here, u 4 v essentially represents, for two qubits u and v, that v is measured no earlier than u; a gflow then specifies an ordering in which the qubits are to be measured (with the function g providing a description of how to adapt later measurements).MhallaandPerdrix[13]presentanalgorithmwhichdetermines ifageometry hasagflowinthissense inpolynomial time,whichinturnyields apolynomial time solution tothe GMPIfor that case. Asa result, any instance oftheMPIwherethegeometry(G,I,O)hasagflowcanbeefficientlysolved. A different special case of the Measurement Pattern Interpolation problem which has been solved is that where the measurement angles are restricted to multiples of π (orslightly moregenerally, wherethemeasurement observables 2 are Pauli operations). In this case, as noted in[7], no measurement adaptations are necessary, and the corrections can be determined via the stabilizer formal- ism[16]. In the following section, we apply these solutions to special cases of the MPIto describe how to synthesize implementations for a unitary U given by a quadratic formexpansion. 4Theoriginaldefinitionofgflowsin[8]alsoallowsforYZplaneandXZplanemeasurements, whichdonotplayaroleeitherinouranalysisorin[13]. QuadraticFormExpansionsforUnitaries 7 3 Synthesis viameasurement pattern interpolation In order to apply the partial solutions to the MPI described above, it will be usefultodefinethefollowing: Definition3. Foraquadratic formexpansion 1 eiQ(x) x x where Q(x) = θ x x , (8) O I uv u v C | ih | x∈X{0,1}V {uX,v}⊆V the geometry induced by the quadratic form is a triple (G,I,O), where G is a weighted graph with vertex-set V, edge-set uv u= v andθ = 0 , and uv { | 6 6 } edge-weights W (uv) = θ /π. G uv Because we can require π < θ 6 π for all u,v V , we may without uv − ∈ loss ofgenerality restrict Gtohave edge-weights 1 < W (uv) 6 1.Wewill G − assumethatthisholdsfortheremainderofthearticle,andspeakofedgesbeing eitherofunitweight orfractional weight. In this section, weconsider the problem of synthesizing an efficient imple- mentation of unitaries U interms ofthe geometry induced byaquadratic form expansion for U by reduction to the solved cases of the Measurement Pattern Interpolation problem discussed intheprevioussection. 3.1 Measurementpatternsynthesisviagflows Consider a geometry (G,I,O) induced by a quadratic form expansion for a unitaryembedding U,whereGhasonlyedgesofunitweight:then(G,I,O)is alsoageometryforameasurementpattern.Toobtainameasurementpatternfor U,itsufficestofindagflowfor(G,I,O):inthatcase,byTheorem2of[8],for anychoiceofmeasurement anglesa = α ,wemayconsiderthepattern { v}v Oc ∈ <  Zv Xv Muαu Euv Nu (9) ! ! " #" # u Oc v odd(g(u)) v g(u) u v u Ic  Y∈ ∈ O ∈O  Y∼ Y∈  v=u  6   wheretheleft-handproductmaybeorderedright-to-left inanylinearextension of the order 4, and denotes the adjacency relation of G. This pattern thus ∼ steersthereducedstateaftereverymeasurementtothestatewhichwouldoccur if the result had been the +1 eigenvalue. Every branch of the pattern then per- formsthesameoperation asthepositive branch, andsothepattern implements a unitary operation U. To obtain a pattern in standard form (with corrections 8 NieldeBeaudrap,VincentDanos,ElhamKashefi,MartinRoetteler only on output qubits), it is sufficient to propagate the corrections to the left, absorbing themintothemeasurementbases. In [13], an O(n4) algorithm is provided to determine whether or not a ge- ometry (G,I,O) has a gflow where every qubit is to be measured in the XY plane(andobtainoneinthecasethatoneexists),wheren = V(G) .Themea- | | surement pattern of (9) can be constructed in time O(n2) by first producing a pattern where corrections undo byproduct operations after each measurement, commuting these corrections to the end, and simplifying; the resulting pattern willhaveO(n)operations eachwithcomplexity O(n).Thus: Theorem2. For a unitary embedding U given as a quadratic form expansion with geometry (G,I,O) with unit edge-weights, there is an O(n4) algorithm which either determines that (G,I,O) has no gflow, or constructs a measure- mentpattern consisting ofO(n2)operations5 implementing U (using measure- mentangles ofarbitrary precision), wheren = V(G) . | | 3.2 Circuitsynthesisviaflows Ageometry(G,I,O)whichhasfractional edgeslies,atfirstglance, outside of thedomainoftheMeasurement Interpolation Problemsdescribed above. How- ever, given a quadratic form expansion with such a geometry, we may still be able to synthesize a circuit for a unitary U represented by that expansion by considering flows, which correspond togflowswhere thefunction g mapseach vertex v Oc to a singleton set: we may say (f,4) is a flow if and only if ∈ (g ,4)isagflow,whereg (v) = f(v) . f f { } GeometrieswhichhaveflowsareasolvablespecialcaseoftheGMPI,where theresultingmeasurementpatternsarevery“circuit-like”. Specifically,thepos- itivebranchofameasurement patternwhosegeometry hasaflowcanberepre- sentedbyacircuitwiththefollowingcharacteristics [6]: – edges of the form vf(v) for v Oc correspond to J( α )gates on some v ∈ − wire,separating twowiresegmentswhichwelabelv andf(v); – edgesuv E(G)foru = f(v)andv = f(u)correspond to Z operations ∈ 6 6 ∧ actingonthewiresegmentslabelledbyuandv; – wires whose initial segments are labelled by vertices of I accept arbitrary inputstates,whilethoselabelledbyverticesIcrimg(f)takeinput + . | i Intheaboveformulation, theedgesoftheformvf(v)canbeinterpreted as implementingsingle-qubitteleportation,inwhichcaseafullyentanglingunitary 5 Theseoperationsmayinvolvemeasurementanglesofarbitraryprecision.Acorrespondingap- proximatemeasurementpatternmayuseO(n2+npolylog(n/ε))operationsbytheSolovay- KitaevTheorem[14],whereεistheprecisionofthecoefficientsofQ. QuadraticFormExpansionsforUnitaries 9 is important in order to transfer the information of the “source” qubit to the “target” qubit upon measurement. However, considering the analysis of [6], it is not important that the edges of the second kind above be fully entangling operations:usingsuchedgestorepresentfractionalpowersof Z willalsoyield ∧ unitarycircuits. Thismotivatesthefollowingdefinition: Definition4. Suppose (G,I,O) is a geometry of a quadratic form expansion for a unitary transformation U. We may say that (f,4) is a fractional-edge flow for (G,I,O) if it is a flow for that geometry, and for all ab E(G) with ∈ W (ab) < 1,wehavef(a)= bandf(b)= a. G 6 6 If (G,I,O) has a fractional-edge flow, we may synthesize a circuit from a quadratic form expansion for U using the description above, where edges ab of fractional weight correspond to ZWG(ab) gates on the wire segments la- ∧ belled by aand b rather than simple Z gates. Wewill make use the following ∧ easily verified Lemma to consider how to compose/decompose quadratic form expansions: Lemma1. LetU ,U bematricesgivenbyquadratic formexpansions 1 2 1 U = eiQj(x) x x . (10) j C Oj Ij j x∈{X0,1}Vj (cid:12) (cid:11)(cid:10) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) Inthefollowing, C = C1C2,andsumsareover 0,1 V1∪V2. { } (i) IfV V = I = O ,thenU U = 1 eiQ1(x)+iQ2(x) x x . 1 ∩ 2 2 1 2 1 C | O2ih I1| x (ii) IfV andV aredisjoint,thenU U =P1 eiQ1(x)+iQ2(x) x x , 1 2 1⊗ 2 C | Oih I| whereI = I I andO = O O . x 1 2 1 2 ∪ ∪ P Weprovethecircuitconstructiongivenbyinductingonthenumberofedges of fractional weight. For the base case, if (G,I,O) has no fractional-weight edges at all, we may synthesize a circuit for U as above, as it corresponds to a normal measurement pattern with aflow,and so falls under the analysis of [6]. Wemaytheninductforgeometrieswithfractionaledge-weightsifwecanshow wecandecomposethegeometryintooneswithfewerfractional edge-weights. Foranyarbitrary fractional edgeab E(G)andeacheachz O,wemay ∈ ∈ definem(ab,z)tobethemaximalvertexv V(G)intheordering4subjectto ∈ z being in the orbit of v under f (that is, z = fℓ(v) for some ℓ > 0), such that atleastoneofv 4 aorv 4bholds.ForasetS V(G),letG[S]representthe ⊆ subgraph of G induced by S (i.e. by deleting all vertices in G not in S). Then, definethefollowingsubgraphs ofG,andcorresponding geometries: 10 NieldeBeaudrap,VincentDanos,ElhamKashefi,MartinRoetteler (G,I,O) (G ,I,V ) (G ,V ,V ) (G ,V ,O) 1 2 2 2 2 3 2 V 2 = a a ◦ a ◦ a b b b b I V1 I V2 V2 V2 V3 O O Fig.1. Illustration of the decomposion of a quadratic form expansion about an edgeab,expressedintermsofgeometries.V isasetofmaximalverticesunder 2 theconstraint ofbeingbounded fromabove,bytheverticesaandb,inapartial order 4 associated with a fractional-edge flow. Arrows represent the action of thecorresponding fractional-edge flowfunction, f. – Let V be the set of vertices m(ab,z) for each z Oc: it is easy to show 2 ∈ thata,b V .LetG = G[V ],andlet = (G ,V ,V ). 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ∈ G – LetV bethesetofverticesu V(G)suchthatu 4v forsomev V ;let 1 2 ∈ ∈ G = G[V ]r uv u,v V ;andlet = (G ,I,V ). 1 1 2 1 1 2 ∈ G – LetV bethesetofverticesu V(G)suchthatu <v forsomev V ;let 3 (cid:8) (cid:12) ∈(cid:9) ∈ 2 G = G[V ]r uv(cid:12)u,v V ;andlet = (G ,V ,O). 3 3 2 3 3 2 ∈ G Thisdecomposes th(cid:8)e ge(cid:12)ometry (G(cid:9),I,O) into three geometries withfractional- (cid:12) edgeflows,asillustrated inFigure1. LetQ beaquadraticformon 0,1 V1 consistingofthetermsx x ofQfor 1 u v u V or v V , but not both; Q{ be}a quadratic form on 0,1 V2 consisting 1 1 2 ∈ ∈ { } ofthetermsx x ofQfordistinctu,v V ;andsimilarlyletQ bedefinedon u v 2 3 0,1 V3,andconsistoftheremaining te∈rmsofQ.ThenQ ,Q ,andQ define 1 2 3 { } quadratic form expansions for some operations U , U , and U (respectively) 1 2 3 withgeometries , ,and (respectively). 1 2 3 G G G – U2 inparticularwillbeaproductofoperations∧ZWG(uv) fordistinctu,v ∈ V , as it is a quadratic form expansion whose input and output indices co- 2 incide.ThenU canberepresented asacircuitwithawireforeachu V , 2 2 ∈ withfractional controlled-Z gates ZWG(uv) foreachedgeuv E(G). ∧ ∈ – Both and have fractional-edge flows, but fewer fractional edges than 1 3 G G (G,I,O). By induction, U and U are also unitary embeddings, and have 1 3 circuitswithwire-segmentsconnected byJ(θ )gates(whereθ aretheco- v v efficientsofthetermsx2 ineachquadraticform)andpossiblyfractional Z v ∧ gates(asinthecaseforU ). 2 – In the circuits described above, the terminal wire-segments for U and (a 1 subsetof)theinitialwire-segmentsforU havethesamelabelsasthewires 3

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