-Symmetry and Weak Pseudo-Hermiticity QT Ali Mostafazadeh 8 0 0 Department of Mathematics, Koc¸ University, 2 n 34450 Sariyer, Istanbul, Turkey a J [email protected] 8 2 ] Abstract h p - For an invertible (bounded) linear operator acting in a Hilbert space , we consider nt Q H the consequences of the -symmetry of a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian H : where a QT H → H u is the time-reversal operator. If H is symmetric in the sense that H† = H, then - q T T T QT [ symmetryisequivalentto −1-weak-pseudo-Hermiticity. Butingeneralthisequivalencedoes Q 2 nothold. Weshowthisusingsomespecificexamples. Amongtheseisalargeclassofnon- - PT v symmetric Hamiltonians that share the spectral properties of -symmetric Hamiltonians. 9 PT 7 8 PACS number: 03.65.-w 4 . 0 Keywords: Antilinear operator, symmetry, -symmetry, Pseudo-Hermiticity, periodic po- 1 PT 7 tential. 0 : v i 1 Introduction X r a Among the motivations for the study of the -symmetric quantum mechanics is the argument PT that -symmetry is a more physical condition than Hermiticity because -symmetry refers to PT PT “space-time reflection symmetry” whereas Hermiticity is “a mathematical condition whose physical basis is somewhat remote and obscure” [1]. This statement is based on the assumption that the operators and continue to keep their standard meanings, as parity (space)-reflection and P T time-reversal operators, also in -symmetric quantum mechanics. But this assumption in not PT generally true, for unlike the parity operator loses its connection to physical space once T P one endows the Hilbert space with an appropriate inner product to reinstate unitarity. This is because for a general -symmetric Hamiltonian, such as H = p2+x2+ix3, the x-operator is no PT longer a physical observable, the kets x do not correspond to localized states in space, and := | i P 1 ∞ dx x x does not mean space-reflection [2, 3].1 Furthermore, it turns out that one cannot −∞ | ih− | actually avoid using the mathematical operations such as Hermitian conjugation (A A†) 2 R → or transposition (A At := A† ) in defining the notion of an observable in -symmetric → T T PT quantum mechanics [4, 5]. What makes -symmetry interesting is not its physical appeal but the fact that is an PT PT antilinear operator.3 In fact, the spectral properties of -symmetric Hamiltonians [6] that have PT made them a focus of recent interest follow from this property. In general, if a linear operator H commutes with an antilinear operator Θ, the spectrum of H may be shown to be pseudo-real, i.e., as a subset of complex plane it is symmetric about the real axis. In particular, nonreal eigenvalues of H come in complex-conjugate pairs. If H is a diagonalizable operator with a discrete spectrum the latter condition is necessary and sufficient for the pseudo-Hermiticity of H [7]. In [8], we showed that the spectrum of the Hamiltonian H = p2 + zδ(x) is real and that one can apply the methods of pseudo-Hermitian quantum mechanics [2] to identify H with the Hamiltonian of a unitary quantum system provided that the real part of z does not vanish.4 This Hamiltonian is manifestly non- -symmetric. The purpose of this paper is to offer other classes PT of non- -symmetric Hamiltonians that enjoy the same spectral properties. PT In the following, we shall use and to denote a (separable) Hilbert space and an invertible H T antilinear operator acting in , respectively. For = L2(Rd), we define by [9] H H T ( ψ)(~x) := ψ(~x)∗, (1) T for all ψ L2(Rd) and ~x Rd. For = CN, we identify it with complex-conjugation: For all ∈ ∈ H ~z CN, ∈ ~z := ~z∗. (2) T 2 -Symmetry QT Consider a Hamiltonian operator H acting in and commuting with an arbitrary invertible H antilinear operator Θ. Because is also invertible and antilinear, we can express Θ as Θ = T QT where := Θ is an invertible linear operator. This suggests the investigation of -symmetric Q T QT Hamiltonians H, [H, ] = 0, (3) QT 1The space reflection operator is given by ∞ dx ξ(x) ξ(−x) where ξ(x) denote the (localized) eigenkets of −∞ | ih | | i the pseudo-Hermitian position operator X, [2]. R 2The adjoint A† of an operator A : is defined by the condition ψ Aφ = A† φ where is the H → H h | i h | i h·|·i defining inner product of the Hilbert space . H 3This means that (a ψ +a ψ ) = a∗ ψ +a∗ ψ , where a ,a are complex numbers and ψ ,ψ are PT 1 1 2 2 1PT 1 2PT 2 1 2 1 2 state vectors. 4Otherwise H has a spectral singularity and it cannot define a unitary time-evolution regardless of the choice of the inner product. 2 where is an invertible linear operator. Note that need not be a Hermitian operator or an Q Q involution, i.e., in general † = and 2 = 1. Q 6 Q Q 6 We can easily rewrite (3) in the form H = −1H , (4) T T Q Q This is similar to the condition that H is −1-weakly-pseudo-Hermitian [12, 13, 14, 15]: Q H† = −1H . (5) Q Q In fact, (4) and (5) coincide if and only if H† = H. (6) T T The left-hand side of this relation is the usual “transpose” of H that we denote by Ht. Therefore, -symmetry is equivalent to −1-weak-pseudo-Hermiticity if and only if Ht = H, i.e., H is QT Q symmetric.5 Forexample, let~aandv berespectively complex vector andscalar potentials,~x Rd, ∈ and d Z+. Then the Hamiltonian6 ∈ [p~ ~a(~x)]2 H = − +v(~x), (7) 2m issymmetric ifandonlyif~a =~0. Supposing that~aandv areanalyticfunctions, the -symmetry QT of (7), i.e., (4) is equivalent to [p~+~a(~x)∗]2 [p~ ~a(~x )]2 +v(~x)∗ = Q − Q +v(~x ), (8) Q 2m 2m where for any linear operator L : , we have L := −1L . Similarly the −1-weak- Q H → H Q Q Q pseudo-Hermiticity of H, i.e., (5) means [p~ ~a(~x)∗]2 [p~ ~a(~x )]2 − +v(~x)∗ = Q − Q +v(~x ), (9) Q 2m 2m As seen from (8) and (9), there is a one-to-one correspondence between -symmetric and −1- QT Q weak-pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians of the standard form (7), namely that given such a - QT symmetric Hamiltonian H with vector and scalar potentials v and a, there is a −1-weak-pseudo- Q Hermitian Hamiltonian H′ with vector and scalar potentials v′ = v and a′ = ia. Note however that H and H′ are not generally isospectral. 5It is a common practice to identify operators with matrices and define the transpose of an operator H as the operator whose matrix representation is the transpose of the matrix representation of H. Because one must use a basis to determine the matrix representation, unlike Ht := H† , this definition of transpose is basis-dependent. T T Note however that Ht agrees with this definition if one uses the position basis ~x in L2(Rd) and the standard {| i} basis in CN. 6Non-HermitianHamiltoniansofthis formhavebeen usedinmodelling localizationeffects in condensedmatter physics [16]. 3 3 A Class of Matrix Models Consider two-level matrix models defined on the Hilbert space = C2 endowed with the Eu- H clidean inner product . In the following we explore the -symmetry and −1-weak-pseudo- h·|·i QT Q a b 1 0 Hermiticity of a general Hamiltonian H = for = , where a,b,c,d,q C. c d ! Q q 1 ! ∈ 3.1 -symmetric Two-Level Systems QT Imposing the condition that H is -symmetric (i.e., Eq. (4) holds) restricts q to real and QT imaginary values, and leads to the following forms for the Hamiltonian. For real q: • a 0 H = , a,c R. (10) c a ∈ ! In this case H is a non-diagonalizable operator with a real spectrum consisting of a. For imaginary q (q = iq with q R 0 ): • ∈ −{ } a i bq b H = − 2 , a,b,c,d R. (11) c+ i(a d)q d+ i bq ! ∈ 2 − 2 In this case the eigenvalues of H are given by E = 1[a + d (a d)2 b(bq2 4c)]. ± 2 ± − − − Therefore, for (a d)2 b(bq2 4c), H is a diagonalizable operator with a real spectrum; p − ≥ − and for (a d)2 < b(bq2 4c), H is diagonalizable but its spectrum consists of a pair of − − (complex-conjugate)non-realeigenvalues. Furthermore,thedegeneracycondition: (a d)2 = − b(bq2 4c) marks anexceptional spectral point [10, 11]where H becomes non-diagonalizable. − In fact, for a = d and b = 0 this condition is satisfied and H takes the form (10). Therefore, (11) gives the general form of -symmetric Hamiltonians provided that q R. QT ∈ 3.2 1-weakly-pseudo-Hermitian Two-Level Systems − Q Demanding that H is −1-weakly-pseudo-Hermitian does not pose any restriction on the value of Q q. It yields the following forms for the Hamiltonian. For q = 0: • a b +ib H = 1 2 , a,b ,b ,d R. (12) 1 2 b ib d ∈ 1 2 ! − In this case is the identity operator and H = H†. Therefore, H is a diagonalizable Q operator with a real spectrum. 4 For q = 0: • 6 a +ia 2ia2 H = 1 2 − q , a ,a R, q C 0 . (13) 2ia2 a ia 1 2 ∈ ∈ −{ } q∗ 1 − 2 ! In this case the eigenvalues of H are given by E = a a q −1 4 q 2. Therefore, for ± 1 2 ±| || | −| | q < 2, H is a diagonalizable operator with a real spectrum; and for q > 2, H is diag- p | | | | onalizable but its spectrum consists of a pair of (complex-conjugate) non-real eigenvalues. Again the degenerate case: q = 2 corresponds to an exceptional point where H becomes | | non-diagonalizable. Comparing(11)with(12)and(13)weseethat -symmetryand −1-weak-pseudo-Hermiticity QT Q are totally different conditions on a general non-symmetric Hamiltonian.7 For a symmetric Hamil- tonian, we can easily show using (12) and (13) that q is either real or imaginary and that H takes the form (11). The converse is also true, i.e., any symmetric Hamiltonian of the form (11) is either real (and hence Hermitian) or has the form (13). In summary, -symmetry and −1-weak- QT Q pseudo-Hermiticity coincide if and only if the Hamiltonian is a symmetric matrix. 4 Unitary and a Class of non- -Symmetric Hamilto- Q PT nians with a Pseudo-Real Spectrum If is a unitary operator, the −1-weak-pseudo-Hermiticity (5) of a Hamiltonian H implies its Q Q -weak-pseudo-Hermiticity, i.e., H† = −1H . This together with (5) leads in turn to Q Q Q [H, 2] = 0, (14) Q i.e., 2 is a symmetry generator. In the following we examine some simple unitary choices for Q Q and determine the form of the −1-weak-pseudo-Hermitian and -symmetric standard Hamil- Q QT tonians. Consider a standard non-Hermitian Hamiltonian (7) in one dimension and let iℓp = e ~ (15) Q for some ℓ R+. Then introducing ∈ a := (a), a := (a), v := (v), v := (v), 1 2 1 2 ℜ ℑ ℜ ℑ where and stand for the real and imaginary parts of their argument, and using the identities ℜ ℑ −1p = p, −1x = x ℓ, (16) Q Q Q Q − 7Note that this is not in conflict with the fact that in view of the spectral theorems of [17, 12, 18] both of these conditionsimply pseudo-Hermiticityofthe Hamiltonianalbeitwithrespectto apseudo-metricoperatorthat differs from −1, [15]. Q 5 we can express the condition of the −1-weak-pseudo-Hermiticity of H, namely (9), in the form Q a (x ℓ) = a (x), a (x ℓ) = a (x), (17) 1 1 2 2 − − − v (x ℓ) = v (x), v (x ℓ) = v (x). (18) 1 1 2 2 − − − This means that the real part of the vector and scalar potential are periodic functions with period ℓ while their imaginary parts are antiperiodic with period ℓ. This confirms (14), for H is invariant under the translation, x x+2ℓ, generated by 2. We can express a ,v and a ,v in terms of 1 1 2 2 → Q their Fourier series. These have respectively the following forms ∞ 2nπx 2nπx ℓ-periodic real parts : c cos +d sin , (19) 1n 1n ℓ ℓ n=0(cid:20) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:21) X ∞ (2n+1)πx (2n+1)πx ℓ-antiperiodic imaginary parts : c cos +d sin , (20) 2n 2n ℓ ℓ n=0(cid:20) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:21) X where c and d are real constants for all k 1,2 and n 0,1,2, . kn kn ∈ { } ∈ { ···} Conversely if the real and imaginary parts of both the vector and scalar potential have re- spectively the form (19) and (20), the Hamiltonian is −1-weak-pseudo-Hermitian. In particular Q its spectrum is pseudo-real; its complex eigenvalues come in complex-conjugate pairs. These Hamiltonians that are generally non- -symmetric acquire -symmetry provided that they PT QT are symmetric, i.e., a = a = 0. A simple example is 1 2 p2 H = +λ sin(2kx)+iλ cos(5kx), 1 2 2m where λ ,λ R and k := ℓ−1 R+. 1 2 ∈ ∈ Next, we examine the condition of -symmetry of H, i.e., (8). In view of (16), this condition QT is equivalent to (18) and a (x ℓ) = a (x), a (x ℓ) = a (x), (21) 1 1 2 2 − − − whichreplaces(17). Thereforev hasthesameformasforthecaseofa −1-weak-pseudo-Hermitian Q Hamiltonianbutahasℓ-antiperiodicrealandℓ-periodicimaginaryparts. Inparticular,theFourier series for real and imaginary parts of a have respectively the form (20) and (19). We again see that general -symmetric Hamiltonians of the standard form (7) are invariant QT under the translation x x+2ℓ. This is indeed to be expected, because in view of [ , ] = 0 → Q T we can express (4) in the form H = −1 H (22) Q T TQ and use this identity to establish 2H = H = ( −1 H ) = H 2. Q QT TQ QT Q T TQ T Q Q 6 The results obtained in this section admit a direct generalization to higher-dimensional stan- i~ℓ·p~ dard Hamiltonians. This involves identifying with a translation operator of the form e ~ for Q some ~ℓ R3 ~0 . It yields -symmetric and −1-weakly-pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians with ∈ −{ } QT Q ~ a pseudo-real spectrum that are invariant under the translation ~x ~x 2ℓ. → − An alternative generalization of the results of this section to (two and) three dimensions is to identify with a rotation operator: Q iϕnˆ·J~ = e ~ , (23) Q where ϕ (0,2π), nˆ is a unit vector in R3, and J~ is the angular momentum operator. Again ∈ [ , ] = 0 and we obtain generally non- -symmetric, −1-weak-pseudo-Hermitian and - Q T PT Q QT symmetric Hamiltonians with a pseudo-real spectrum that are invariant under rotations by an angle 2ϕ about the axis defined by nˆ. Choosing a cylindrical coordinate system whose z-axis is along nˆ, we can obtain the general form of such standard Hamiltonians. The −1-weak-pseudo-Hermiticity of H implies that the real and imaginary parts of the vector Q and scalar potentials (that we identify with labels 1 and 2 respectively) satisfy ~a (ρ,θ ϕ,z) =~a (ρ,θ,z), ~a (ρ,θ ϕ,z) = ~a (ρ,θ,z), (24) 1 1 2 2 − − − v (ρ,θ ϕ,z) = v (ρ,θ,z), v (ρ,θ ϕ,z) = v (ρ,θ,z), (25) 1 1 2 1 − − − where (ρ,θ,z) stand for cylindrical coordinates. Similarly, the -symmetry yields (25) and QT ~a (ρ,θ ϕ,z) = ~a (ρ,θ,z), ~a (ρ,θ ϕ,z) =~a (ρ,θ,z). (26) 1 1 2 2 − − − Again we can derive the general form of the Fourier series for these potentials. Here we suffice to give the form of the general symmetric Hamiltonian: p~2 ∞ H = + [e (ρ,z)cos(2nωθ)+f (ρ,z)sin(2nωθ)+ n n 2m n=0 X i g (ρ,z)cos[(2n+1)ωθ]+h (ρ,z)sin[(2n+1)ωθ] ], (27) n n { } where e , f , g , and h are real-valued functions and ω := ϕ−1 R+. n n n n ∈ 5 A -Symmetric and non- -Symmetric Hamiltonian QT PT with a Real Spectrum In the preceding section we examined -symmetric Hamiltonians with a unitary . Because QT Q is also a unitary operator, -symmetry with unitary may be considered as a less drastic P QT Q generalization of -symmetry. In this section we explore a -symmetric model with a non- PT QT unitary . Q 7 Let a and a† be the bosonic annihilation and creation operators acting in L2(R) and satisfying [a,a†] = 1, q C 0 , and8 ∈ −{ } := eqa. (28) Q Consider the Hamiltonian operator H = αa2 +βa†2 +γ a,a† +ma+na†, (29) { } where α,β,γ,m,n C, and demand that H be -symmetric. Inserting (29) in (4) and using ∈ QT (1) and the identity −1a† = a† q, we obtain Q Q − α∗ = α, β∗ = β, γ∗ = γ, m∗ = m 2γq, n∗ = n 2βq, nq = 0. − − In particular, because q = 0, we have n = 0 which in turn implies β = 0. Furthermore, assuming 6 that γ = 0, we find that q must be purely imaginary, q = iq with q R 0 , and (m) = γq. 6 ∈ −{ } ℑ In view of these observations, H takes the following simple form. H = αa2 +γ a,a† +(µ+iγq)a, (30) { } where µ := (m), α,µ R, and γ,q R 0 . ℜ ∈ ∈ −{ } Recalling that a = a and a = a, we see that for µ = 0, the -symmetric Hamil- P P − T T 6 QT tonian (30) is non- -symmetric. We also expect that it must have a pseudo-real spectrum. It PT turns out that actually the spectrum of H can be computed exactly. To obtain the spectrum of H we use its representation in the basis consisting of the standard normalized eigenvectors n ofthe number operatora†a. Using thefollowing well-known properties | i of n , [19], | i a n = √n n 1 , a† n = √n+1 n+1 , | i | − i | i | i we find for all m,n 0,1,2, , ∈ { ···} H := m H n = γ(2n+1)δ +(µ+iγq)√nδ +α n(n 1)δ . mn mn m,n−1 m,n−2 h | | i − p As seen from this relation the matrix (H ) is upper-triangular with distinct diagonal entries and mn up to three nonzero terms in each row. This implies that the eigenvalues E of (H ) are identical n mn with its diagonal entries, i.e., E = γ(2n + 1). In particular, H has a discrete, equally spaced, n real spectrum that is positive for γ > 0. In the latter case H is isospectral to a simple harmonic oscillator Hamiltonian with ground state energy γ. It is not difficult to see that for each n 0,1,2, the span of 0 , 1 , , n , which ∈ { ···} {| i | i ··· | i} we denote by , is an invariant subspace of H. This observation allows for the construction of n H a complete set of eigenvectors of H and establishes the fact that H is a diagonalizable operator with a discrete real spectrum. Therefore, in view of a theorem proven in [20], it is related to a Hermitian operator via a similarity transformation, i.e., it is quasi-Hermitian [21]. 8The considered in Section 3 may be viewed as a fermionic analog of (28). Q 8 The existence of the invariant subspace also implies that the eigenvectors ψ of H corre- n n H | i sponding to the eigenvalue E belong to , i.e., ψ is a linear combination of 0 , 1 , , n 1 n n n H | i | i | i ··· | − i and n . This in turn allows for a calculation of ψ . For example, n | i | i 2γ ψ = c 0 , ψ = c 0 + 1 , 0 0 1 1 | i | i | i | i m | i (cid:20) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:21) 4γm 2√2γ2 ψ = c 0 + 1 + 2 , | 2i 2 | i m2 +αγ | i m2 +αγ | i " ! # (cid:18) (cid:19) where c ,c ,c are arbitrary nonzero normalization constants and m = µ+iγq. 0 1 2 6 Concluding Remarks Itisoftenstatedthat -symmetryisaspecialcaseofpseudo-Hermiticity because -symmetric PT PT Hamiltonians are manifestly -pseudo-Hermitian. This reasoning is only valid for symmetric P Hamiltonians H that satisfy H† = H . In general to establish the claim that -symmetry T T PT is a special case of pseudo-Hermiticity one needs to make use of the spectral theorems of [17, 12, 18]. Indeed what makes -symmetric Hamiltonians interesting is the pseudo-reality of their PT spectrum. This is a general property of all Hamiltonians that are weakly pseudo-Hermitian or possess a symmetry that is generated by an invertible antilinear operator. We call the latter -symmetric. QT In this article, we have examined in some detail the similarities and differences between - QT symmetry and −1-weak-pseudo-Hermiticity and obtained large classes of symmetric as well Q as asymmetric non- -symmetric Hamiltonians that share the spectral properties of the - PT PT symmetric Hamiltonians. In particular, we considered the case that is a unitary operator and Q showed that in this case -symmetry and −1-weak-pseudo-Hermiticity imply 2-symmetry QT Q Q of the Hamiltonian. We also explored a concrete example of a -symmetric Hamiltonian with QT a non-unitary that is not -symmetric. We determined the spectrum of this Hamiltonian, Q PT established its diagonalizability, and showed that it is indeed quasi-Hermitian. 9 References [1] C. M. Bender, D. C. Brody and H. F. Jones, Am. J. Phys. 71, 1095 (2003). [2] A. Mostafazadeh and A. Batal, J. Phys. A 37, 11645 (2004). [3] A. Mostafazadeh, J. Phys. A 38, 6557 (2005). [4] A. Mostafazadeh, Preprint: quant-ph/0407070. [5] C. M. 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