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QCD at Finite Isospin Density D.T. Son1,3 and M.A. Stephanov2,3 1 Physics Department, Columbia University, New York, New York 10027 2 Department of Physics, University of Illinois, Chicago, Illinois 60607-7059 3 RIKEN-BNL Research Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York 11973 (May 2000) QCDatfiniteisospinchemicalpotentialµI hasnofermionsignproblemandcanbestudiedonthe lattice. Wesolvethis theory analytically in two limits: at low µI,where chiral perturbation theory isapplicable,andatasymptoticallyhighµI,whereperturbativeQCDworks. Atlowisospindensity the ground state is a pion condensate, whereas at high density it is a Fermi liquid with Cooper pairing. The pairs carry the same quantum numbers as the pion. This leads us to conjecture that thetransitionfromhadrontoquarkmatterissmooth,whichpassesseveraltests. Ourresultsimply anontrivialphasediagraminthespaceoftemperatureandchemicalpotentialsofisospinandbaryon 1 0 number. 0 2 Introduction.—AmpleknowledgeofQCDintheregime are turned off. Once this is done, we have a nontrivial n a of finite temperature and baryon density is crucial for regime which, as has been emphasized recently in [4], is J understanding a wide range of phenomena from heavy accessiblebypresentlatticeMonte Carlomethods,while 0 ion collisions to neutron stars and cosmology. First- being,asweshallsee,analyticallytractableinvariousin- 1 principles lattice numerical Monte Carlo calculations teresting limits. As a result, the system we consider has provide a solid basis for our knowledge of the finite- a potential to improve substantially our understanding 2 temperatureregime. However,theregimeoffinitebaryon of cold dense QCD. This regime carries many attractive v 5 chemicalpotentialµB isstillinaccessiblebyMonteCarlo traits of two-color QCD [5,6], but is realized in a physi- 2 becausepresentmethodsofevaluatingtheQCDpartition cally relevant theory — QCD with three colors. 2 function require taking a path integral with a measure Positivity and QCD inequalities.—Since the Euclidean 5 which includes a complex fermion determinant. Ignoring versionof our theory has a real and positive fermion de- 0 the determinant (as in the popular quenched approxi- terminant, some rigorous results on the low-energy be- 0 0 mation) leads to qualitatively wrong answers for finite havior can be obtained from QCD inequalities [7,6]. In / µ [1]. Such a contrastto the case of µ =0, where the vacuum QCD, the latter rely on the following property h B B quenched approximation proved useful, comes from the of the Euclidean Dirac operator =γ (∂+iA)+m: p D · - fact that the latter corresponds to an unphysical theory p with pairs of quarks of opposite baryon charges (conju- γ5 γ5 = †. (1) e D D gate quarks) [2]. This is one of the main reasons why h which,inparticular,impliespositivitydet 0. Forthe v: our understanding of QCD at finite baryon density is correlator of a generic meson M = ψ¯Γψ,Dw≥e can write, still rudimentary. Many interesting phenomena, such as Xi color superconductivity and color-flavor locking [3], oc- using (1) and the Schwartz inequality: ar clautrtiactefitencihtenibqaureyso.n density, beyond the reach of current hM(x)M†(0)iψ,A =−hTrS(x,0)ΓS(0,x)ΓiA = To understand the regime of finite baryon density one Tr (x,0)Γiγ5 †(x,0)iγ5Γ A Tr (x,0) †(x,0) A, (2) h S S i ≤h S S i would need to follow the transition from hadronic to where −1 and Γ γ Γ†γ . The inequality is satu- quark degrees of freedom by increasing the density of S ≡D ≡ 0 0 ratedfor mesons with Γ=iγ τ , since commutes with a conserved charge (such as baryon number), i.e., with- 5 i D isospinτ ,whichmeansthatthepseudoscalarcorrelators out invoking the temperature. This is the motivation i arelarger,point-by-point,thanallotherI =1mesoncor- for us to turn to QCD at finite chemical potential µ of I relators[8]. As a consequence,one obtains an important isospin (moreprecisely,ofthethirdcomponent,I ). Na- 3 restriction on the pattern of the symmetry breaking: for ture provides us with nonzero µ systems in the form of I example, it cannot be driven by a condensate of ψ¯γ ψ , isospin-asymmetric matter. These always contain both h 5 i which would give 0+ Goldstones. isospin density and baryon density. In any realistic set- At finite isospin density, µ = 0, positivity still holds ting µI µB. In this paper, however, we shall consider I 6 ≪ [4] and certain inequalities can be derived (in contrast an idealization in which µ is nonzero while µ = 0. I B withthecaseofµ =0whenthereisnopositivity). Now Such a system is unstable with respect to weak decays =γ (∂+iA)+B 61µ γ τ +m, and Eq. (1) is not true which do not conserveisospin. However,since we arein- D · 2 I 0 3 anymore,sincetheoperationontheright-handsideof(1) terested in the dynamics of strong interactionalone, one changesthe relativesignofµ . However,providedm = can imagine that all relatively slow electroweak effects I u m , interchanging up and down quarks compensates for d 1 this sign change (the u and d quarks play the role of The tilt angle α is determined by minimizing the vac- mutually conjugate quarks [2]), i.e, uum energy. The energy is degenerate with respect to the angle φ, corresponding to the spontaneous breaking τ γ γ τ = †. (3) 1 5 5 1 of the U(1) symmetry generated by I in the La- D D L+R 3 grangian(4). Thegroundstateisapionsuperfluid,with Instead of isospin τ in (3) one can also use τ (but not 1 2 onemasslessGoldstonemode. Sincewestartfromathe- τ ). Equation (3), in place of the now invalid Eq. (1), 3 orywiththreepions, therearetwomassivemodeswhich ensures that det 0. Repeating the derivation of the D ≥ canbe identified with π and a linearcombinationof π+ QCD inequalities, by using (3) we find that the lightest 0 meson,orthecondensate,mustbeinchannelsψ¯iγ5τ1,2ψ, and π−. At the condensation threshold, mπ0 = mπ and i.e., a linear combination of π− u¯γ5d and π+ d¯γ5u the mass of the other mode is 2mπ, while for |µI|≫mπ ∼ ∼ both masses approach µ . states. Indeed, as shown below, in the two analytically | I| The isospin density is found by differentiating the tractableregimesofsmallandlargeµ the lightestmode I ground state energy with respect to µ and is equal to: is a massless Goldstone which is a linear combination of I u¯γ5d and d¯γ5u. n =f2µ sin2α=f2µ 1 m4π , µ >m . (7) Small isospin densities.—When µI is small compared I π I π I(cid:18) − µ4 (cid:19) | I| π I to the chiral scale (taken here to be m ), we can use ρ chiral perturbation theory. For zero quark mass and For µI just above the condensation threshold, µI | | | | − zero µI the pions are massless Goldstones of the spon- mπ ≪ mπ, Eq. (7) reproduces the equation of state of taneously broken SU(2) SU(2) chiral symmetry. If the dilute nonrelativistic pion gas [6]. L R the quarks have small eq×ual masses, the symmetry is It is also possible to find baryon masses, i.e., the en- only SU(2) . The low-energy dynamics is governed ergy cost of introducing a single baryoninto the system. L+R by the familiar chiral Lagrangian for the pion field Σ The most interesting baryons are those with lowest en- SU(2): = 1f2Tr[∂ Σ∂ Σ† 2m2ReΣ], which contain∈s ergy and highest isospin, i.e. neutron n and ∆− isobar. thepionLdeca4yπconstµantfµπ an−dvacπuumpionmassmπ as There are two effects of µI on the baryon masses. The phenomenological parameters. The isospin chemical po- first comes from the isospin of the baryons, which effec- eteffnetcitalcfaunrtbheerinbcreluadkesdSUto(2l)eLa+dRingdoowrndetroinU(µ1I)Lw+Rit.hoIutst tmivaeslsybryed23u|cµeIs|.thAelonneeu,ttrhoins emffaescst bwyou21ld|µlIe|adantdo tthhee f∆or−- additional phenomenological parameters by promoting mation of baryon/antibaryonFermi surfaces, manifested SU(2) SU(2) to a local gauge symmetry and view- in nonvanishing zero-temperature baryon susceptibility L R ing µI a×s the zeroth component of a gauge potential [6]. χB ≡ ∂nB/∂µB when µI > 23m∆. However, long before Gauge invariance thus fixes the way µ enters the chiral that, anothereffect turns on: theπ−’s inthe condensate I Lagrangian: tend to repel the baryons,lifting up their masses. These effects can be treated in the framework of the baryon = fπ2Tr Σ Σ† m2πfπ2ReTrΣ, (4) chiral perturbation theory [9], giving eff ν ν L 4 ∇ ∇ − 2 µ 3µ I I where the covariant derivative is defined as mn =mN | |cosα, m∆− =m∆ | |cosα (8) − 2 − 2 µ Σ=∂ Σ I(τ Σ Στ ). (5) in the approximation of nonrelativistic baryons. Equa- 0 0 3 3 ∇ − 2 − tion (8) can be interpreted as follows: as a result of the Byusing(4),itisstraightforwardtodeterminevacuum rotation (6) of the chiral condensate, the nucleon mass alignment of Σ as a function of µ and the spectrum eigenstate becomes a superposition of vacuum n and p I of excitations around the vacuum. We are interested in states. The expectation value of the isospin in this state negative µ , which favors neutrons over protons, as in is proportional to cosα appearing in (8). With cosα I neutron stars. The results are very similar to two-color given in Eq.(6), we see that the two mentioned effects QCD at finite baryon density [6]: cancel each other when mπ µI mρ. Thus the ≪ | | ≪ (i) For µI < mπ, the system is in the same ground baryon mass never drops to zero, and χB = 0 at zero | | state as at µ = 0: Σ = 1. This is because the lowest temperature in the region of applicability of the chiral I lyingpionstatecostsapositiveenergym µ toexcite, Lagrangian. π I −| | which is impossible at zero temperature. Asoneforcesmorepionsintothecondensate,thepions (ii) When µ exceeds m it is favorable to excite π− arepackedcloserandtheirinteractionbecomesstronger. I π | | quanta,whichformaBosecondensate. Inthelanguageof When µI mρ, the chiral perturbation theory breaks ∼ the effective theory, such a pion condensate is described down. To find the equation of state in this regime, full by a tilt of the chiral condensate Σ, QCD has to be employed. As we have seen, this can be done using present lattice techniques since the fermion Σ=cosα+i(τ cosφ+τ sinφ)sinα, 1 2 sign problem is not present at finite µ , similar to the I cosα=m2/µ2. (6) two-color QCD [5]. π I 2 Asymptotically high isospin densities.—Intheopposite chemicalpotentialcannotberigorouslyruledout(though limitofverylargeisospindensities,or µ m ,thede- it is unlikely, see below), this conjecture needs to be ver- I ρ | |≫ scription in terms of quark degrees of freedom applies ified by lattice calculations. since the latter are weakly interacting due to asymp- A number of nontrivial arguments support the conti- totic freedom. In our case of large negative µ , or n , nuity hypothesis. One notices that all fermions have a I I the ground state consists of d quarks and u¯ antiquarks gap at large µ , which implies that χ = 0 at T = 0. I B | | which, neglecting the interaction, fill two Fermi spheres This is alsotrue atsmallµ . It is thus naturalto expect I with equal radii µ /2. Turning on the interaction be- that χ remains zero at T = 0 for all µ , which also I B I | | tween the fermions leads to the instability with respect suggests one way to check the continuity on the lattice. totheformationandcondensationofCooperpairs,simi- Anotherargumentcomesfromconsideringthe limitof lar,tosomeextent,tothediquarkpairingathighbaryon alargenumberofcolorsN . Infinite-temperatureQCD, c density [3]. In our case,µ <0, the Cooperpair consists the fact that the number of gluon degrees of freedom is I of a u¯ and a d in the color singlet channel. The order (N2)whilethatofhadronsis (N0)hintsatafirstor- O c O c parameter has the same quantum numbers as the pion derconfinement-deconfinementphasetransition. Atvery condensate at lower densities, largeµ thermodynamicquantitiessuchasthedensityof I isospin n are proportional to N . On the other hand, I c u¯γ5d =0. (9) in the large N limit the pion decay constant scales as h i6 c f2 = (N ),andaccordingtoEq.(7)theisospindensity Because of Cooper pairing, the fermion spectrum ac- π O c inthepiongasisalsoproportionaltoN . Physically,the quires a gap ∆ at the Fermi surface, where c repulsion between pions becomes weaker as one goes to ∆=bµI g−5e−c/g, c=3π2/2 (10) large Nc, thus more pions are stacked at a given chem- | | ical potential. As a result, the N dependence of ther- c where g should be evaluated at the scale µ . This be- modynamic quantities is the same in the quark and the I | | havior comes from the long-range magnetic interaction, hadronic regimes. as in the superconducting gap at large µ [10]. The Confinement.— At large µ , gluons softer than ∆ are B I constant c is smaller by a factor of √2 compared to the notscreenedby the Meissner orby the Debye effect [15]: latter case due to the stronger one-gluon attraction in the condensate does not break gauge symmetry (in con- the singlet qq¯channel compared to the 3¯ diquark chan- trast to the color superconducting condensate [3]) and nel. Consequently, the gap (10) is exponentially larger therearenolow-lyingcolorexcitationstoscreentheelec- thanthediquarkgapatcomparablebaryonchemicalpo- tricfield. Thus,thegluonsectorbelowthe ∆scaleisde- tentials. By using the methods of [11], one can estimate scribed by pure gluodynamics, which is confining. This b 104. means there are no quark excitations above the ground ≈ The perturbative one-gluon exchange responsible for state: allparticlesandholesmustbeconfinedincolorless pairing at large µ does not distinguish u¯d and u¯γ d objects, mesons and baryons, just like in vacuum QCD. I 5 channels: the attraction is the same in both. The u¯γ d Ifthereisnotransitionalongtheµ axis,weexpectcon- 5 I channelis favoredby the instanton-inducedinteractions, finementatallvaluesofµ . Sincetherunningstrongcou- I which explains the fact that the condensate is a pseu- pling α at the scale of ∆ is small, the confinement scale s doscalar and breaks parity. This is consistent with our Λ′ (whichis,ingeneral,differentfromΛ )ismuch QCD QCD observation that QCD inequalities also constrain the less than ∆. At large µ , we thus predict a temperature I I =1 condensate to be a pseudoscalar at any µ . driven deconfinement phase transition at a temperature I Quark-hadron continuity.—Since the order parameter T′ of order Λ′ , which is expected to be of first order c QCD (9)has the same quantumnumbers andbreaksthe same as in pure gluodynamics. Since Λ′ ∆ the hadronic QCD ≪ symmetry as the pion condensate in the low-density spectrum is similar to that of a heavy quarkonium, with regime, it is plausible that there is no phase transition ∆ playing the role of the heavy quark mass. along the µ axis. In this case the Bose condensate of The (T,µ ) phase diagram.—By considering nonzero I I weakly interacting pions smoothly transforms into the µ , we make the phase diagram of QCD three dimen- I superfluidstateofu¯dCooperpairs. Thesituationisvery sional: (T,µ ,µ ). Two planes in this three-dimensonal B I similar to that of stronglycoupled superconductors with space are of a special interest: the µ =0 (T,µ ) plane, B I a“pseudogap”[12],andpossiblyofhigh-temperaturesu- which is completely accessible by present lattice tech- perconductors[13]. This alsoparallelsthe continuitybe- niques, and the T = 0 (µ ,µ ) plane, where the neu- I B tween nuclear and quark matter in three-flavor QCD as tron star matter belongs. Two phenomena determine conjectured by Scha¨fer and Wilczek [14]. We hence con- the (T,µ ) phase plane (Fig.1): pion condensation and I jecture that, in two-flavor QCD, one can move continu- confinement. ously from the hadron phase to the quark phase with- out encountering a phase transition. Since a first order deconfinement phase transition at intermediate isospin 3 T <u γ d>=0 5 [1] I. Barbour et al, Nucl. Phys. B275 [FS17], 296 (1986); J.B. Kogut, M. P. Lombardo and D.K. Sinclair, Phys. A Rev.D51,1282 (1995); Nucl.Phys.B,Proc.Suppl.42, 514 (1995). < π >=0 <u γ d>=0 [2] M.A. Stephanov,Phys. Rev.Lett. 76, 4472 (1996). 5 [3] B.C. Barrois, PhD Thesis, California Institute of Tech- mπ |µ I | nology,1979;D.BailinandA.Love,Phys.Rep.107,325 (1984); M. Alford, K. Rajagopal and F. Wilczek, Phys. FIG.1. Phase diagram of QCD at finite isospin density. Lett. B422, 247 (1998), Nucl. Phys. B537, 443 (1999); R. Rapp, T. Sch¨afer, E.V. Shuryak and M. 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It is conceivable (∆/µI)4 at large µI and also by 1/Nc2 at large Nc: that the two phases are actually one, i.e., continuously J.B. Kogut, M.A. Stephanov and C.G. Strouthos, Phys. connected on the (µI,µB) phase diagram. Rev. D 58, 096001 (1998). TheauthorsthankL.McLerran,J.Kogut,R.Pisarski, [17] M.Alford,J.BowersandK.Rajagopal,hep-ph/0008208. and E. Shuryak for discussions, the DOE Institute for [18] P. Fulde and A. Ferrell, Phys. Rev. 135, A550 (1964); Nuclear Theory at the University of Washington for its A.I. Larkin and Yu.N. Ovchinnikov, Sov. Phys. JETP hospitality,andK.Rajagopalfordrawingtheirattention 20, 762 (1965); see also Ref. [17]. [19] A.B. Migdal, Sov. Phys. JETP 36, 1052 (1973); to Ref. [18]. R.F. Sawyer, Phys. Rev. Lett. 29, 382 (1972); D.J. Scalapino, Phys.Rev.Lett. 29, 386 (1972). 4

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