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Q of the Earth: Global, Regional, and Laboratory Studies Edited by Brian J. Mitchell Barbara Romanowicz 1999 Springer Basel AG Reprint from Pageoph (PAGEOPH), Volume 153 (1998), Nos. 2/3/4 The Editors: Brian J. Mitchell Barbara Romanowicz Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Department of Geology and Geophysics Saint Louis University University of California, Berkeley St. Louis, Missouri 63103 Berkeley, California 94720 USA USA A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress, Washington D.C., USA Deutsche Bibliothek Cataloging-in-Publication Data Q of the earth : global, regional, and laboratory studies / ed. by Brian J. Mitchell ; Barbara Romanowicz. -Basel ; Boston; Berlin: Birkhăuser 1999 (Pageoph topical volumes) ISBN 978-3-7643-6049-8 ISBN 978-3-0348-8711-3 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-0348-8711-3 This work is subject to copyright. AlI rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specificalIy the rights of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms Of in other ways, and storage in data banks. For any kind ofuse whatsoever, permission from the copyright owner must be obtained. © 1999 Springer Basel AG Originally published by Birkhauser Verlag in 1999 Printed on acid-free paper produced from chlorine-free pulp ISBN 978-3-7643-6049-8 987654321 Contents 235 Introduction, B. J. Mitchell, B. Romanowicz Part I: Global and Mantle Studies 239 A Dislocation Model of Seismic Wave Attenuation and Micro-creep in the Earth: Harold Jeffreys and the Rheology of the Solid Earth, S. Karato 257 Attenuation Tomography of the Earth's Mantle: A Review of Current Status, B. Romanowicz 273 High-frequency P- and S-wave Attenuation in the Earth, Z. A. Der 311 2-D Image of Seismic Attenuation beneath the Deep Seismic Sounding Profile "Quartz," Russia,/. B. Morozov, E. A. Morozova, S. B. Smithson and L. N. Solodilov 345 Attenuation of Broadband P and S Waves in Tonga: Observations of Frequency Dependent Q, M. P. Flanagan and D. A. Wiens 377 Three-dimensional Mapping of Magma Source and Transport Regions from Seismic Data: The Mantle Wedge beneath Northeastern Japan, H. Sato, K. Muro and A. Hasegawa 399 Comparison between Time-domain and Frequency-domain Measurement Techniques for Mantle Shear-wave Attenuation, J. Bhattacharyya 419 A Model to Study the Bias on Q Estimates Obtained by Applying the Rise Time Method to Earthquake Data, S. de Lorenzo Part II: Crustal Studies 441 Seismic-frequency Laboratory Measurements of Shear Mode Viscoelasticity in Crustal Rocks II: Thermally Stressed Quartzite and Granite, C. Lu and 1. Jackson 475 A Summary of Attenuation Measurements from Borehole Recordings of Earthquakes: The 10 Hz Transition Problem, R. E. Abercrombie 489 Frequency-dependent Attenuation of High-frequency P and S Waves in the Upper Crust in Western Nagano, Japan, K. Yoshimoto, H. Sato, Y. lio, H. /to, T. Ohm ina to and M. Ohtake 503 Seismic Velocity and Q Structure of the Middle Eastern Crust and Upper Mantle from Surface-wave Dispersion and Attenuation, L. Cong and B. J. Mitchell 539 Seismic Attenuation Computed from GLIMPCE Reflection Data and Com parison with Refraction Results, M. P. Matheney and R. L. Nowack 563 Lg Coda Q and its Relation to the Geology and Tectonics of the Middle East, L. Cong and B. J. Mitchell 587 Lg Coda Q Variations across South America and their Relation to Crustal Evolution, J. L. de Souza and B. J. Mitchell 613 Regional Variation of Lg Coda Q in the Continental United States and its Relation to Crustal Structure and Evolution, S. Baqer and B. 1. Mitchell 639 Lg Coda Q in Australia and its Relation to Crustal Structure and Evolution, B. J. Mitchell, S. Baqer, A. Akinci and L. Cong 655 Lg Coda Q and its Relation to the Structure and Evolution of Continents: A Global Perspective, B. J. Mitchell and L. Cong 665 Comparison of Seismic Body Wave and Coda Wave Measures of Q, G. Sarker and G. A. Abers 685 Estimation of the Intrinsic Absorption and Scattering Attenuation in North eastern Venezuela (Southeastern Caribbean) Using Coda Waves, A. Ugalde, L. G. Pujades, J. A. Canas and A. Villasenor 703 Intrinsic and Scattering Seismic Attenuation in W. Greece, G.-A. Tselentis 713 Coda Q Estimates in the Koyna Region, India, S. C. Gupta, S. S. Teotia, S. S. Rai, and N. Gautam © Birkhliuser Verlag, Basel, 1998 Pure appl. geophys. 153 (1998) 235-236 I 0033-4553/98/040235-02 $ 1.50 + 0.20/0 Pure and Applied Geophysics Introduction In tenns of its possible contribution to our understanding of the earth, few areas of seismological study have posed as many difficulties as that of seismic wave attenuation, or Q. Many surface-wave seismologists have measured amplitudes at two seismic stations along the same great-circle path from an earthquake and found, even after correcting for instrumental factors, that the amplitude of a particular phase is larger at the more distant station. Similarly, body-wave seismol ogists have long been aware of the severe effect that velocity gradients and low-velocity zones can have on wave amplitudes. Awareness that such effects can completely swamp those of anelasticity has, undoubtedly, deterred many investiga tors from pursuing research on seismic-wave attenuation. In recent years, however, improved instrument deployment and methodologies, as well as the availability of digital data from well-calibrated instruments have spurred progress in obtaining reliable measurements of Q in the earth. In addition, improved laboratory measurements of Q in the seismic frequency band, improved theoretical models, and increasing knowledge of factors that contribute to Q have generated increased interest in this area. Despite the difficulties inherent in the study of Q, it is a compelling field of endeavor. For a practical point of view, knowledge of Q is important for magnitude detennination; for predicting ground motion and using that knowledge to design buildings, bridges, dams and other structures; and for monitoring compliance with nuclear test ban treaties. Knowledge of Q is also important in determining aspects of earth structure that are not easily amenable to study using only seismic velocities. It has long been known that Q is sensitive to temperature, movement of solid-state defects, partial melt, and fluid content to a much greater degree than are seismic velocities. For these reasons, reliable knowledge of the distribution of Q in the earth should provide new insights on its internal structure and evolution. We therefore think that it is timely to compile a special volume on Q that addresses pertinent issues from a variety of perspectives. Part I of this volume emphasizes global and mantle studies of Q. It includes papers pertaining to a dislocation model for seismic wave attenuation and creep (Karato); the state of global Q tomography (Romanowicz); on teleseismic body waves, both observa tional results (Der, Morozov et at.) and methodology (Bhattacharyya, de Lorenzo); and on subduction zones (Sato et at., Flanagan and Wiens). Part II emphasizes the crust and includes studies that cover a broad range of scales and distances. These include papers on laboratory studies of crustal rock (Lu 236 Introduction Pure app!. geophys., and Jackson); surface waves (Cong and Mitchell) and Lg coda (Cong and Mitchell, de Souza and Mitchell, Baqer and Mitchell, Mitchell et at.) over distances of 100 to 1000 or more km; on regional body waves (Sarker and Albers, Tselentis, Ugalde et at., Gupta); on refraction and reflection surveys (Matheny and Nowack), and on bore hole experiments (Abercrombie, Yoshimoto et al.). This diversity of papers illustrates the wealth of questions that can be probed in the field of seismic wave attenuation, and of the oft-required need for novel experimental and theoretical approaches. We hope that this volume will generate an enhanced appreciation of the difficulties inherent in the study of Q, of the diverse approaches that are required for making progress, and of the promise that Q studies hold for obtaining new and intriguing information about the earth. It is an exciting and multi-faceted discipline that will require the diligent efforts of researchers in observational and theoretical aspects of both seismology and material properties. We believe that observations from global observatories, as well as from controlled experiments on the earth's surface, in bore holes, and laboratory samples, as well as evolving theoretical insights, will continue to contribute to our understanding of the Q distribution in the earth and the factors that control that distribution. Moreover, because mantle Q is intimately related to creep and crustal Q appears to be strongly affected by tectonic and orogenic activity, knowledge of its distribution promises to provide new knowledge regarding mantle flow, plate movement, and crustal deformation in the earth. Brian J. Mitchell Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Saint Louis University St. Louis, Missouri 63103 USA and Barbara Romanowicz Department of Geology and Geophysics University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, California USA Part I Global and Mantle Studies © Birkhauser Verlag, Basel, 1998 Pure appl. geophys. 153 (1998) 239-256 I 0033-4553/98/040239-18 $ 1.50 + 0.20/0 Pure and Applied Geophysics A Dislocation Model of Seismic Wave Attenuation and Micro-creep in the Earth: Harold Jeffreys and the Rheology of the Solid Earth SHUN-ICHIRO KARATOI Abstract-A microphysical model of seismic wave attenuation is developed to provide a physical basis to interpret temperature and frequency dependence of seismic wave attenuation. The model is based on the dynamics of dislocation motion in minerals with a high Peierls stress. It is proposed that most of seismic wave attenuation occurs through the migration of geometrical kinks (micro-glide) and/or nucleation/migration of an isolated pair of kinks (Bordoni peak), whereas the long-term plastic deformation involves the continuing nucleation and migration of kinks (macro-glide). Kink migration is much easier than kink nucleation, and this provides a natural explanation for the vast difference in dislocation mobility between seismic and geological time scales. The frequency and temperature dependences of attenuation depend on the geometry and dynamics of dislocation motion both of which affect the distribution of relaxation times. The distribution of relaxation times is largely controlled by the distribution in distance between pinning points of dislocations, L, and the observed frequency depen dence of Q, Q ex w', is shown to require a distribution function of P(L) ex L -m with m = 4 - 2cx. The activation energy of Q-l in minerals with a high Peierls stress corresponds to that for kink nucleation and is similar to that of long-term creep. The observed large lateral variation in Q-l strongly suggests that the Q-l in the mantle is frequency dependent. Micro-deformation with high dislocation mobility will (temporarily) cease when all the geometrical kinks are exhausted. For a typical dislocation density of ~ 108 m -2, transient creep with small viscosity related to seismic wave attenuation will persist up to the strain of ~ 10-6, thus even a small strain (~1O-6 - 10-4) process such as post-glacial rebound is only marginally affected by this type of anelastic relaxation. At longer time scales continuing nucleation of kinks becomes important and enables indefinitely large strain, steady-state creep, causing viscous behavior. Key words: Seismic wave attenuation, dislocations, geometrical kinks, transient creep, Peierls stress, Bordoni peak, Maxwell time. Introduction Understanding the physical mechanisms of an elasticity is important in a number of geophysical problems. For example, interpretation of radial and lateral variation of seismic wave attenuation (e.g., WIDMER et al., 1991; MITCHELL, 1995; 1 University of Minnesota, Department of Geology and Geophysics, Minneapolis, MN 55455, U.S.A. E-mail: [email protected], Fax: 612-625-3819 240 Shun-ichiro Karato Pure app\. geophys., ROMANOWICZ, 1994; DUREK and EKSTROM, 1996) III terms of geodynamic parameters (such as temperature) requires a physically sound model for the temperature and frequency dependence of attenuation. Interpretation of the distri bution of seismic wave velocity also needs to consider the effects of attenuation and resultant velocity dispersion (e.g., KANAMORI and ANDERSON, 1977; KARATO, 1993). Although some microscopic models of dislocation mechanisms have been proposed, for example by GUEGUEN and MERCIER (1973) and MINSTER and ANDERSON (1981), they either fail to explain some of the key parameters such as the activation energy or are inadequate in explaining the origin of the wide distribution of relaxation times implied by the observed frequency dependence. For example, both of these authors assumed that glide motion of dislocations is significantly easier than climb motion and that the former controls seismic wave attenuation and the latter long-term creep. Such a notion is introduced from metallurgy but is not justified for silicate minerals for several reasons. First, such a model would imply that the activation energy of Q-I should be significantly smaller than that of creep. Although such seems to be the case for metals (e.g., FANTOZZI et at., 1982) and MgO (GETTING et al., 1997), the activation energy of Q-I is similar to that of creep in olivine (for a review see KARA TO and SPETZLER, 1990). Second, the notion of easy dislocation glide is not supported for silicates where glide is difficult because of high Peierls stresses. For example, GOETZE (1978) showed that creep in olivine can be explained by a glide-controlled model under certain conditions. Another potentially important application of seismic wave attenuation is the inference of earth's long-term rheology. Because both seismic wave attenuation and long-term rheology involve viscous motion of crystalline defects, some link between them may exist. For example, if the earth behaves like a Maxwell body, then Q-I is directly linked to viscosity by Q-I = M / OJ 11 where M: elastic modulus, 11: viscosity and OJ: frequency. However, the earth's mantle does not behave like a Maxwell body, but the frequency dependence of Q-I is Q-I oc OJ-" with 0 < IX < 1 in the seismic frequency range (ANDERSON and MINSTER, 1979; SIPKIN and JORDAN, 1979; ANDERSON and GIVEN, 1982; ULUG and BERCKHEMER, 1984). Such behavior corresponds to transient creep, namely s ~ t" and i; ~ 11 -I ~ t" - 1 where s: strain, i;: strain-rate and t: time. Therefore, if such a frequency dependence is extrapolated to much lower frequencies (i.e., longer time scales), one would predict a significantly larger viscosity for long-term deformation than for shorter term deformation. Such an attempt was made by JEFFREYS (1958, 1976) and ANDERSON and MINSTER (1979) to infer the viscosity relevant to mantle convec tion and to post-glacial rebound, respectively. JEFFREYS (1958, 1976), in particular, predicted very high viscosities at geological time scales and rejected the convection hypothesis on that ground. Although we now recognize that the earth's mantle can plastically deform at geological time scales by solid state creep, the relationship between long-term creep and seismic wave attenuation has been unclear, and Vol. 153, 1998 A Dislocation Model of Seismic Wave Attenuation 241 therefore there has not been any clear theoretical basis on which to go beyond JEFFREYS (KARATO and SPETZLER, 1990). A physically sound model to link Q-I with long-term rheology is clearly needed. Any model of seismic wave attenuation must be consistent with seismological and experimental observations of internal friction and with the microscopic physics of minerals. Both experimental observations on olivine and MgO and theoretical models suggest that mechanisms involving dislocation motion are most likely to be responsible for seismic wave attenuation (GUEGUEN et al., 1989; KARATO and SPETZLER, 1990; JACKSON et al., 1992; GETTING et al., 1997), although grain boundary mechanisms may be important for fine-grained materials (TAN et al., 1997; LAKKI et aI., 1998). Experimental evidence for dislocation mechanisms is well established, however theoretical background of nonelastic relaxation has not been well-understood. One of the most difficult issues is to explain the vast difference in dislocation mobility required to cause attenuation at seismic frequencies and that responsible for long-term deformation. A related issue is to explain observed rather weak frequency dependence of Q over a wide frequency range. Furthermore, the observed difference in activation energies of Q-I in olivine and in MgO must be explained by a microscopic model. The purpose of this paper is thus to develop a microscopic model of seismic wave attenuation which is consistent with the properties of dislocations in silicates. In particular, I will emphasize the consequence of a high Peierls stress, which gives rise to an important distinction between the migration of geometrical kinks (WUTHRICH, 1975; SEEGER and WUTHRICH, 1976) and the nucleation of a pair of kinks (the Bordoni peak; ENGELKE, 1969a,b; FANTOZZI et al., 1982). It is shown that this model provides a clear physical picture for the frequency dependence and activation energy of Q-I, and also allows us to estimate the limit of extrapolation of nonelastic properties obtained from Q-I to longer-term phenomena. Theory 1. General Considerations Dislocations can cause a wide range of nonelastic behavior of solids (for review see FANTOZZI et al., 1982; HIRTH and LOTHE, 1982; KARATO and SPETZLER, 1990). At short time scales, micro-motion of dislocations between pinning points causes anelastic behavior. Pinning can occur by various mechanisms including the presence of jogs on screw dislocations and nodes caused by mutual interaction of dislocations and the interaction of dislocations with impurities or vacancies (e.g., HIRTH and LOTHE, 1982). Evidence of some of them are shown in Figure 1. At longer time scales continuous motion of dislocations becomes possible and vis coelastic behavior occurs. A simple phenomenological model to describe these

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