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October 1997 LMU-TPW 97-27 q-Deforming Maps for Lie Group Covariant Heisenberg Algebras1 8 9 9 Gaetano Fiore 1 n a Sektion Physik der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universita¨t Mu¨nchen J Theoretische Physik — Lehrstuhl Professor Wess 7 Theresienstraße 37, 80333 Mu¨nchen Federal Republic of Germany 3 e-mail: Gaetano.Fiore @ physik.uni-muenchen.de v 4 2 0 0 1 7 9 / g Abstract l a We briefly summarize our systematic construction procedure of q- - q deforming maps for Lie group covariant Weyl or Clifford algebras. : v i X r a 1Talk presented at the Fifth Wigner Symposium, 25-29 August 1997, Vienna, Germany. Submittedfortheproceedings oftheConference. 1 Introduction AnydeformationofaWeylorCliffordalgebracanberealizedthroughachange of generators in the undeformed algebra [1, 2]. “q-Deformations” of Weyl or Cliffordalgebrasthatwerecovariantunder the actionofa simple Lie algebrag arecharacterizedbytheirbeingcovariantundertheactionofthequantumgroup U g, where q = eh. Here we briefly summarize our systematic construction h procedure[6,7]ofallthepossiblecorrespondingchangesofgenerators,together with the corresponding realizations of the U g-action. h This paves the way [6] for a physical interpretation of deformed generators as“compositeoperators”,functionsoftheundeformedones. Forinstance,ifthe latteractascreatorsandannihilatorsonabosonicorfermionicFockspace,then theformerwouldactascreatorsandannihilatorsofsomesortof“dressedstates” in the same space. Since there exists [7] a basis of g-invariants that depend on the undeformed generators in a non-polynomial way, but on the deformed ones inapolynomialway,thesechangesofgeneratorsmightbe employedtosimplify the dynamics of some g-covariant quantum physical systems based on some complicated g-invariant Hamiltonian. Let us list the essential ingredients of our construction procedure: 1. g, a simple Lie algebra. 2. The cocommutative Hopf algebra H ≡ (Ug,·,∆,ε,S) associated to Ug; ·,∆,ε,S denote the product, coproduct, counit, antipode. 3. The quantum group [4] H ≡(U g,•,∆ ,ε ,S ,R). h h h h h 4. An algebra isomorphism[5] ϕ :U g →Ug[[h]], ϕ ◦•=·◦(ϕ ⊗ϕ ). h h h h h 5. AcorrespondingDrinfel’dtwist[5]F ≡F(1)⊗F(2)=1⊗2+O(h)∈Ug[[h]]⊗2: (ε⊗id)F =1=(id⊗ε)F, ∆h(a)=(ϕ−h1⊗ϕ−h1)(cid:8)F∆[ϕh(a)]F−1(cid:9). 6. γ′ :=F(2)·SF(1) and γ :=SF−1(1)·F−1(2). 7. The generators a+,ai of a ordinary Weyl or Clifford algebra A. i 8. The action ⊲:Ug ×A→A; A is a left module algebra under ⊲. 9. The representation ρ of gto which a+,ai belong: i x⊲a+ =ρ(x)ja+ x⊲ai =ρ(Sx)iaj. i i j j 10. The Jordan-Schwinger algebra homomorphism σ :Ug ∈A[[h]]: σ(x):=ρ(x)ia+aj if x∈g σ(yz)=σ(y)σ(z) j i 1 11. The generators A˜+,A˜i of a deformed Weyl or Clifford algebra A . i h 12. The action ⊲ :U g ×A →A ; A is a left module algebra under ⊲ . h h h h h h 13. The representation ρ =ρ◦ϕ of U g to which A˜+,A˜i belong: h h h i X ⊲ A˜+ =ρ˜(X)jA˜+ X ⊲ A˜i =ρ˜(S X)iA˜j. h i i j h h j 14. ∗-structures ∗,∗ ,⋆,⋆ in H,H ,A,A , if any. h h h h 2 Constructing the deformed generators Proposition 1 [6] One can realize the quantum group action ⊲ on A[[h]] by h setting for any X ∈Uhg and β ∈A[[h]] (with X(¯1)⊗X(¯2) :=∆h(X)) X ⊲hβ :=σ[ϕh(X(¯1))]βσ[ϕh(ShX(¯2))]. (1) Proposition 2 [6, 7] For any g-invariants u,v∈A[[h]] the elements of A[[h]] A+ := uσ(F(1))a+σ(SF(2)γ)u−1 i i (2) Ai := vσ(γ′SF−1(2))aiσ(F−1(1))v−1. transform under ⊲ as A˜+,A˜i. h i A suitable choice of uv−1 may make A+,Aj fulfil also the QCR of A [7]. In i h particular we have shown the Proposition 3 [7] If ρ is the defining representation of g, A+,Aj fulfil the i corresponding QCR provided uv−1 = Γ(n+1) if g =sl(N) uv−1 = ΓqΓ2[(n12+(n1+)1+N2−l)]Γ[12(n+1+N2+l)] if g =so(N), (3) Γq2[12(n+1+N2+l)]Γq2[21(n+1+N2−l)] where Γ,Γq2 are Euler’s gamma-function and its q-deformation, n := a+i ai, l :=pσ(Cso(N)), and Cso(N) is the quadratic Casimir of so(N). If A+,Aj fulfil the QCR, then also i A+ :=αA+α−1 Ai,α :=αAiα−1 (4) i,α i will do, for any α ∈ A[[h]] of the form α = 1 + O(h). By cohomological argumentsonecanprovethattherearenomoreelementsinA[[h]]whichdo[7]. A+ ,Ai,α transform as A˜+,A˜i under the following modified realization of ⊲ : i,α i h X ⊲αh β :=ασ[ϕh(X(¯1))]α−1βασ[ϕh(ShX(¯2))]α−1. (5) 2 The algebra homomorphism f : A → A[[h]] such that f (A˜+) = A+ and α h α i i,α f (A˜i)=Ai,α is what is usually called a “q-deforming map”. α ForacompactsectionofUg onecanchooseaunitaryF,F∗⊗∗ =F−1. Then the Ug-covariant ∗-structure (ai)⋆ = a+ in A is also U g-covariant in A[[h]] i h and has the form (Ai,α)⋆ = A+ , provided we choose u = v−1 and α⋆ = α−1. i,α More formally, under this assumption ⋆ ◦ f = f ◦ ⋆ , with ⋆ defined by α α h h (A˜i)⋆h =A˜+ i If H is instead a triangular deformation of Ug, the previous construction h can be equally performed andleads essentially to the same results [6], provided we choose in the previous formulae u ≡ v ≡ 1. This follows from the triviality of the coassociator[5], that characterizes triangular deformations H . h Acknowledgments ItisapleasuretothankJ.Wessforhisstimulus,supportandwarmhospitalityat hisInstitute. ThisworkwassupportedthroughaTMRfellowshipgrantedbythe European Commission, Dir. Gen. XII for Science, Research and Development, under the contract ERBFMBICT960921. References References [1] M. Pillin, Commun. Math. Phys. 180 (1996), 23. [2] F. du Cloux, Asterisque (Soc. Math. France) 124-125 (1985), 129. [3] V. G. Drinfeld, Doklady AN SSSR 273 (1983), 531. [4] V. G. Drinfeld, Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathemati- cians, Berkeley 1986, Vol. 1, 798. [5] V. G. Drinfeld, Leningrad Math. J. 1 (1990), 1419. [6] G. Fiore, Deforming Maps for Lie Group Covariant Creation & Annihila- tion Operators, LMU-TPW 96-20,q-alg/9610005. [7] G. Fiore, Drinfel’d Twist and q-Deforming Maps for Lie Group Covariant Heisenberg Algebras, LMU-TPW 97-07, q-alg/9708017. 3

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