CITY OF BUDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES JULY 14, 2015 - 7:00 P.M. A. CALL TO ORDER Vice-Chair Strother called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. B. INVOCATION C. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAGS OF THE UNITED STATES AND TEXAS PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE TEXAS FLAG: Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible. D. ROLL CALL Commissioner Henry Altmiller Absent - Excused Commissioner Angela Britain Present Vice-Chairman Shawn Graham Present Commissioner Meghan McCarthy Present Commissioner Ann Pennington Resigned - vacant Commissioner John Ellis Present Chairman Colin Strother Present E. PUBLIC COMMENTS At this time, comments will be taken from the audience on non-agenda related topics, for a length of time not to exceed three minutes per person. To address the Planning and Zoning Commission, please submit a Citizen Comment Form to the City Liaison prior to the start of the meeting. No action may be taken by the Planning and Zoning Commission during Public Comments No comments were made. F. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approval of the regular Planning and Zoning Commission meeting minutes dated June 23, 2015. Commissioner Strother made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Ellis, to approve the minutes. The motion passed unanimously. G. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS 1. Deliberation and possible action on a Preliminary Plan for Main Street Commercial Subdivision, being approximately 14.24 acres and located along the north side of Main Street between Interstate 35 and County Road 118 (PP 15-09). Vice-Chair Graham recused himself from the item due to a potential conflict of interest. Commissioner Strother made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Ellis to approve. The motion passed unanimously with Commissioner Graham recused. Commissioner Graham reentered the meeting following the item. 2. Deliberation and possible action on a Final Plat for Floating Fields Farm Subdivision, being approximately 6.70 acres and located along the south side Old Black Colony Road approximately 300 feet west of Middle Creek Drive (FP 15-12). Commissioner Strother made a motion, seconded by Commissioner McCarthy to approve. The motion passed unanimously. 3. Deliberation and possible action on a Final Plat for Stonefield Subdivision Section 10, being approximately 15.557 acres and located immediately north of the Stonefield Amenity Center (FP 15-04). Commissioner Graham made a motion, seconded by Commissioner McCarthy to approve. The motion passed 4-1-0 with Commissioner Strother against. 4. Deliberation and possible action on a Final Plat for Sunfield Subdivision Phase 2, Section 6, being approximately 31.067 acres and located between Sun Bright Boulevard and Sun Wheat Boulevard (FP 15-15). Commissioner Strother made a motion, seconded by Commissioner McCarthy to approve. The motion passed unanimously. 5. Presentation and discussion in regard to the Unified Development Code Re-Write (Freese & Nichols). Dan Sefko and Erica Craycraft-Bartlett of Freese & Nichols provided a presentation and facilitated discussion. The Commission provided feedback on draft language. Commissioners were encouraged to provide written feedback as needed. H. STAFF REPORTS The Planning & Zoning Commission may discuss any of the items under Staff Reports, but no formal action will be taken. Update regarding the activities of other city Boards and Commissions, including the Economic Development Corporation Board. Update on 2014 General Obligation Bond Program Update on current developments within the city limits and ETJ Staff provided an update on the bond program and other commissions. I. COMMISSION REQUESTS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS No deliberation or discussion may take place by the Commission during this agenda item. J. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Strother made a motion to adjourn the meeting, and a second was made by Commissioner Graham. Upon a unanimous vote and having no further business to consider, Chairman Strother adjourned the meeting at 9:04 p.m. ATTEST: ________________________ Recording Secretary Planning & Zoning Commission Agenda Item Report July 28, 2015 Contact – Chance Sparks, AICP, CNUa, Director of Planning 512-312-0084 / [email protected] SUBJECT: HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING A REQUEST TO AMEND THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF BUDA FROM AG TO C2/R2 FOR APPROXIMATELY 7.89 ACRES SOUTHWEST OF THE INTERSECTION OF FM 1626 AND FM 967, INCLUDING A PORTION OF EULALAH LANE, AND PORTIONS OF MARLBORO COUNTRY SUBDIVISION INCLUDING LOT 1-A & LOT 2 OF BLOCK A, LOTS 1, 2 & 6 OF BLOCK B AND LOT 5 OF BLOCK E (Z 15-02). 1. BACKGROUND/HISTORY The City of Buda has received an application for a zoning change for the property located at the southwest corner of FM 1626 and Eulalah Lane, The lot is currently zoned Agricultural (AG) and falls within the Gateway Corridor Overlay District (O-G) along FM 1626. The purpose of the Gateway Corridor Overlay District is to provide land development standards along major arterials (FM 1626) that maintain and enhance the visual integrity of the corridor in order to make the community attractive. The intent is to provide the base zoning necessary to construct a mixed retail center to complement the pharmacy, which is nearing completion. Staff has received plat applications & site development permit applications for the pharmacy. In addition, City Council has approved the sale of a portion of the Eulalah Lane right-of-way to facilitate development of this project while also removing an unnecessary road segment (it was part of 967 prior to realignment many years ago). 2. FINDINGS/CURRENT ACTIVITY This is the public hearing aspect of the case. Detailed analyses and recommendations are found with the regular agenda item. 3. FINANCIAL IMPACT N/A 4. ACTION OPTIONS/RECOMMENDATION This is the public hearing for the Commission to hear public comments, but not take any action. Action on this item can be considered under the associated regular agenda item. Planning & Zoning Commission Agenda Item Report July 28, 2015 Contact – Chance Sparks, AICP, CNUa, Director of Planning 512-312-0084 / [email protected] SUBJECT: HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING A VARIANCE REQUEST FROM THE WATER QUALITY ORDINANCE TO EXCEED THE 15% IMPERVIOUS COVER LIMIT FOR PROPERTIES LOCATED IN THE EDWARDS AQUIFER RECHARGE ZONE FOR A PORTION OF THE CVS BUDA SUBDIVISION LOCATED NEAR THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF FM 1626 AND FM 967 (V 15-01). 1. BACKGROUND/HISTORY The City of Buda has received a request for variance from the Water Quality Ordinance pertaining to maximum impervious cover over the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone. The intent is to facilitate development of a retail center and clarify the physical characteristics of the site. In addition, City Council has approved the sale of a portion of the Eulalah Lane right-of-way to facilitate development of this project while also removing an unnecessary road segment (it was part of 967 prior to realignment many years ago). 2. FINDINGS/CURRENT ACTIVITY This is the public hearing aspect of the case. Detailed analyses and recommendations are found with the regular agenda item. 3. FINANCIAL IMPACT N/A 4. ACTION OPTIONS/RECOMMENDATION This is the public hearing for the Commission to hear public comments, but not take any action. Action on this item can be considered under the associated regular agenda item. Planning & Zoning Commission Agenda Item Report July 28, 2015 Contact – Chance Sparks, AICP, CNUa, Director of Planning 512-312-0084 / [email protected] SUBJECT: HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING A RE-PLAT OF THE CVS BUDA SUBDIVISION, BEING 14.9874 ACRES OF LAND LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF FM 1626 AND FM 967, INCLUDING ALL OF THE CVS BUDA SUBDIVISION, A PORTION OF EULALAH LANE, AND PORTIONS OF MARLBORO COUNTRY SUBDIVISION INCLUDING LOT 1-A & LOT 2 OF BLOCK A, LOTS 1, 2 & 6 OF BLOCK B AND LOT 5 OF BLOCK E (RP 15-03). 1. BACKGROUND/HISTORY The City of Buda has received an application for a re-plat of the CVS Buda Subdivision, a portion of Lot 2, Block A of Marlboro Country, and Lot 1-A of re- subdivision of Lots 1 and 19, Block A, Lots 1, 2, and 6, Block B, and Lot 5, Block E, of Marlboro Country. Eulalah Lane is to be vacated on both Lot 1A and Lot 2A. 2. FINDINGS/CURRENT ACTIVITY This is the public hearing aspect of the case. Detailed analyses and recommendations are found with the regular agenda item. 3. FINANCIAL IMPACT N/A 4. ACTION OPTIONS/RECOMMENDATION This is the public hearing for the Commission to hear public comments, but not take any action. Action on this item can be considered under the associated regular agenda item. Planning & Zoning Commission Agenda Item Report July 28, 2015 Contact – Chance Sparks, AICP, CNUa, Director of Planning (512) 312-0084 / [email protected] SUBJECT: DELIBERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING A REQUEST TO AMEND THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF BUDA FROM AG TO C2/R2 FOR APPROXIMATELY 7.89 ACRES SOUTHWEST OF THE INTERSECTION OF FM 1626 AND FM 967, INCLUDING A PORTION OF EULALAH LANE, AND PORTIONS OF MARLBORO COUNTRY SUBDIVISION INCLUDING LOT 1-A & LOT 2 OF BLOCK A, LOTS 1, 2 & 6 OF BLOCK B AND LOT 5 OF BLOCK E (Z 15-02). 1. BACKGROUND The City of Buda has received an application for a zoning change for the property located at FM 967 and FM 1626, being more commonly known as the property of the CVS Buda Subdivision. The lots are currently zoned Agricultural (AG) and falls within the Gateway Corridor Overlay District (O-G) along FM 1626. The applicant is requesting to change the Agricultural (AG) zoning to Arterial Commercial/Arterial Office-Arterial Retail (C2/R2) with the Gateway Corridor Overlay remaining. The purpose of the Gateway Corridor Overlay District is to provide land development standards along major arterials (FM 967 and FM 1626) that maintain and enhance the visual integrity of the corridor. Surrounding Land Uses The subject lot is within the Agricultural (AG) zoning district and the Gateway Overlay (O-G). Adjacent land uses include: East Arterial Commercial/Arterial Retail-Office (C2/R2) with Gateway Overlay (O-G); Undeveloped Pasture North Arterial Commercial/Arterial Retail-Office (C2/R2) with Gateway Overlay (O-G); Regional Park (PR3) Commercial; Buda Sportsplex West Extraterritorial Jurisdiction; Undeveloped Pasture; Some homes South Agricultural (AG) Undeveloped Pasture; Some homes