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Python Testing: Beginner's Guide PDF

255 Pages·2010·2.54 MB·English
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Python Testing Beginner's Guide An easy and convenient approach to testing your Python projects Daniel Arbuckle BIRMINGHAM - MUMBAI This material is copyright and is licensed for the sole use by Betty Vaughan-Pope on 1st February 2010 2601 S Broadway St, Unit 29, La Porte, , 77571 Python Testing Beginner's Guide Copyright © 2010 Packt Publishing All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews. Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the author, nor Packt Publishing, and its dealers and distributors will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this book. Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information. First published: January 2010 Production Reference: 1120110 Published by Packt Publishing Ltd. 32 Lincoln Road Olton Birmingham, B27 6PA, UK. ISBN 978-1-847198-84-6 www.packtpub.com Cover Image by Vinayak Chittar (vinayak.chittar@gmail.com) This material is copyright and is licensed for the sole use by Betty Vaughan-Pope on 1st February 2010 2601 S Broadway St, Unit 29, La Porte, , 77571 Credits Author Production Editorial Manager Daniel Arbuckle Abhijeet Deobhakta Reviewers Editorial Team Leader Róman Joost Aanchal Kumar Andrew Nicholson Project Team Leader Herjend Teny Lata Basantani Acquisition Editor Project Coordinator Douglas Paterson Srimoyee Ghoshal Development Editor Graphics Ved Prakash Jha Geetanjali Sawant Technical Editors Production Coordinator Aditya Belpathak Shantanu Zagade Charumathi Sankaran Cover Work Indexer Shantanu Zagade Monica Ajmera Mehta Proofreader Lesley Harrison This material is copyright and is licensed for the sole use by Betty Vaughan-Pope on 1st February 2010 2601 S Broadway St, Unit 29, La Porte, , 77571 This material is copyright and is licensed for the sole use by Betty Vaughan-Pope on 1st February 2010 2601 S Broadway St, Unit 29, La Porte, , 77571 About the Author Daniel Arbuckle received his Ph. D. in computer science from the University of Southern California in 2007. He is an active member of the Python community and an avid unit tester. I would like to thank Grig, Titus, and my family for their companionship and encouragement along the way. About the Reviewers Róman Joost is a professional Python software developer and a free software enthusiast, currently living in Australia. Since 2003, he has been contributing to the GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP) by writing documentation and contributing to the source code. He uses testing frameworks and test-driven methodologies extensively, when writing new components for the Z Object Publishing Environment (Zope) in Python. Andrew Nicholson is a software engineer with over 12 years of professional commercial experience in a broad range of technologies. He is passionate about free and open source software (FOSS) and has actively participated in contributing code, ideas, and passion in the open source community since 1999. Nicholson's biography can be read at http://infiniterecursion.com.au/people/. Herjend Teny is an electrical engineering graduate from Melbourne who has come to love programming in Python after years of programming in mainline programming languages, such as C, Java, and Pascal. He is currently involved in designing web application using Django for an Article Repository project on http://www.havingfunwithlinux.com/. The project would allow users to post their article for public view and bookmark it onto their favorite blog. This material is copyright and is licensed for the sole use by Betty Vaughan-Pope on 1st February 2010 2601 S Broadway St, Unit 29, La Porte, , 77571 This material is copyright and is licensed for the sole use by Betty Vaughan-Pope on 1st February 2010 2601 S Broadway St, Unit 29, La Porte, , 77571 This material is copyright and is licensed for the sole use by Betty Vaughan-Pope on 1st February 2010 2601 S Broadway St, Unit 29, La Porte, , 77571 Table of Contents Preface 1 Chapter 1: Testing for Fun and Profit 7 How can testing help? 8 Types of testing 9 Unit testing 9 Integration testing 9 System testing 9 You've got Python, right? 10 Summary 10 Chapter 2: Doctest: The Easiest Testing Tool 11 Basic doctest 11 Time for action – creating and running your first doctest 12 The syntax of doctests 13 Time for action – writing a more complex test 14 Expecting exceptions 15 Time for action – expecting an exception 16 Expecting blank lines in the output 17 Using directives to control doctest 17 Ignoring part of the result 17 Time for action – using ellipsis in tests 17 Ignoring whitespace 18 Time for action – normalizing whitespace 19 Skipping an example entirely 19 Time for action – skipping tests 20 Other doctest directives 21 Execution scope 21 Embedding doctests in Python docstrings 24 Time for action – embedding a doctest in a docstring 24 Doctest directives 25 Table of Contents Execution scope 26 Putting it in practice: an AVL tree 26 English specification 27 Node data 28 Constructor 30 Recalculate height 30 Make deletable 32 Rotation 33 Locating a node 34 Testing the rest of the specification 34 Summary 35 Chapter 3: Unit Testing with Doctest 37 What is Unit testing and what it is not? 37 Time for action – identifying units 38 Unit testing throughout the development process 40 Design phase 41 Time for action – unit testing during design 41 Development phase 44 Time for action – unit testing during development 44 Feedback phase 47 Time for action – unit testing during feedback 47 Back to the development phase 51 Time for action – unit testing during development... again 51 Maintenance phase 53 Time for action – unit testing during maintenance 53 Reuse phase 55 Time for action – unit testing during reuse 55 Summary 59 Chapter 4: Breaking Tight Coupling by using Mock Objects 61 Installing Python Mocker 61 Time for action – installing Python Mocker 62 The idea of a mock object 62 Python Mocker 63 Time for action – exploring the basics of Mocker 63 Mocking functions 67 Mocking containers 68 Parameter matching 69 ANY 69 ARGS 70 KWARGS 70 IS 71 [ ii ] This material is copyright and is licensed for the sole use by Betty Vaughan-Pope on 1st February 2010 2601 S Broadway St, Unit 29, La Porte, , 77571 Table of Contents IN 71 CONTAINS 72 MATCH 72 Mocking complex expressions 73 Returning iterators 73 Raising exceptions 74 Calling functions via a mock 74 Specifying that an expectation should occur multiple times 75 Replacing library objects with mocks 77 Mocking self 80 Time for action – passing a mock object as self 80 Summary 82 Chapter 5: When Doctest isn't Enough: Unittest to the Rescue 83 Basic unittest 83 Time for action – testing PID with unittest 84 Assertions 89 assertTrue 89 assertFalse 90 assertEqual 90 assertNotEqual 90 assertAlmostEqual 90 assertNotAlmostEqual 92 assertRaises 92 fail 93 Test fixtures 94 Time for action – testing database-backed units 95 Integrating with Python Mocker 100 Summary 100 Chapter 6: Running Your Tests: Follow Your Nose 101 What is Nose? 101 Installing Nose 102 Organizing tests 103 Time for action – organizing tests from previous chapters 104 Finding doctests 108 Customizing Nose's search 109 Nose and doctest 110 Time for action – creating a fixture for a doctest 111 Nose and unittest 112 Time for action – creating a module fixture 113 Time for action – creating a package fixture 114 Nose's own testing framework 116 [ iii ] This material is copyright and is licensed for the sole use by Betty Vaughan-Pope on 1st February 2010 2601 S Broadway St, Unit 29, La Porte, , 77571 This material is copyright and is licensed for the sole use by Betty Vaughan-Pope on 1st February 2010 2601 S Broadway St, Unit 29, La Porte, , 77571 Table of Contents Time for action – using Nose-specific tests 116 Summary 118 Chapter 7: Developing a Test-Driven Project 119 Writing the specification 119 Time for action – what are you going to do? 125 Writing initial unit tests 125 Time for action – nailing down the specification with unit tests 139 Coding planner.data 139 Using the tests to get the code right 143 Fixing the code 143 Time for action – writing and debugging code 146 Writing persistence tests 147 Writing persistence code 148 Finishing up 151 Summary 153 Chapter 8: Testing Web Application Frontends using Twill 155 Installing Twill 155 Exploring the Twill language 156 Time for action – browsing the web with Twill 156 Time for action – Twill scripting 159 Twill commands 160 help 160 setglobal 160 setlocal 161 add_auth 161 add_extra_header 161 clear_extra_headers 162 show_extra_headers 162 agent 162 back 162 clear_cookies 162 code 162 config 163 debug 163 echo 163 exit 163 extend_with 164 find 164 notfind 164 follow 164 formaction 164 formclear 165 formfile 165 [ iv ]

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