PUSHing Core-Collapse Supernovae to Explosions in Spherical Symmetry: Nucleosynthesis Yields SanjanaSinha1,CarlaFro¨hlich1,KevinEbinger2,AlbinoPerego3,MatthiasHempel2, 7 MariusEichler2,3,MatthiasLiebendo¨rfer2,andFriedrich-Karl Thielemann2 1 0 1DepartmentofPhysics,NorthCarolinaStateUniversity,Raleigh,NC,29695-8202,USA 2 2Departmentfu¨rPhysik,Universita¨tBasel,CH-4056Basel,Switzerland 3Institutfu¨rKernphysik,TechnischeUniversita¨tDarmstadt,D-64289Darmstadt,Germany n a E-mail:[email protected] J 8 (ReceivedAug20,2016) 1 Core-collapsesupernovae(CCSNe)aretheextremelyenergeticdeathsofmassivestars.Theyplaya ] R vital role in the synthesis and dissemination of many heavy elements in the universe. In the past, CCSN nucleosynthesis calculations have relied on artificial explosion methods that do not ade- S quatelycapturethephysicsoftheinnermostlayersofthestar.ThePUSHmethod,calibratedagainst . h SN1987A,utilizestheenergyofheavy-flavorneutrinosemittedby theproto-neutronstar (PNS) to p triggerparametrizedexplosions.ThismakesitpossibletofollowtheconsistentevolutionofthePNS - o andtoensurea moreaccuratetreatmentofthe electronfractionoftheejecta.Here,wepresentthe r Irongroupnucleosynthesisresultsforcore-collapsesupernovae,explodedwithPUSH,fortwodiffer- t s entprogenitorseries.Comparisonsofthecalculatedyieldstoobservationalmetal-poorstardataare a [ alsopresented.Nucleosynthesisyieldswillbecalculatedforallelementsandoverawiderangeof progenitormasses.Theseyieldscanbeimmenselyusefulformodelsofgalacticchemicalevolution. 1 v KEYWORDS: stars:supernovae:general,nucleosynthesis 3 0 2 5 0 1. Introduction . 1 0 The detailed mechanism of core-collapse supernovae is still an open question which is being 7 investigated usingsophisticated multi-dimensional models.However,atthepresenttime,thesemod- 1 elsaretoocomputationally expensiveforsystematicnucleosynthesis studiesofmultipleprogenitors. : v For a recent review of multi-dimensional core-collapse simulations, see Janka et al. (2016) [1] and i X references therein. Inordertomakenucleosynthesis predictions anddiscover generaltrends, westill r requirerobustandreadilycalculable modelswhichcapturetherelevantphysicsoftheexplosion. a The PUSH method [2] triggers explosions in otherwise non-exploding simulations by paramet- rically increasing the efficiency of neutrino energy deposition inside the gain region. This is done bydepositing afraction oftheluminosity ofheavy-flavor neutrinos (emitted bythePNS)behind the shock. The mass cut emerges naturally in the simulation and the electron fraction is followed con- sistently. Despite their effective character, PUSHmodels are robust, computationally affordable and self-consistent. We present the Iron group nucleosynthesis yields for CCSNe,calculated for models fromtwoprogenitor series,exploded usingPUSH. 2. Methods The evolution of the electron fraction (Y ) strongly affects nucleosynthesis in the innermost e ejected stellar layers, where the predominant production of Iron group elements occurs. The Y can e changeduetoelectron neutrinoandanti-neutrino interactions. 1 PUSH simulations follow the Y evolution consistently and provide input trajectories for post- e processing, asoutlined in [2]. Theisotropic diffusion source approximation (IDSA)[3]is employed forelectronneutrinoandanti-neutrinotransportwhileanadvancedspectralleakage(ASL)[4]scheme isusedfortransportofheavy-lepton flavorneutrinos. Thenuclearreactionnetwork,CFNET,follows theabundances of∼2000isotopestocomputethecompositionofthesupernovaejecta.Theisotopes includedcovertheneutron-deficient aswellastheneutron-rich sideofthevalleyofβ-stability. 3. Results Sneden etal.(2016) [5]used themostrecent and improved laboratory datafor Fe-group neutral and singly-ionized transitions to derive robust abundances in the very metal-poor main sequence turnoff star HD 84937. Figure 1 shows the reported abundance ratios of Fe-group elements along with the PUSH nucleosynthesis yields for the Fe-group. The yields depicted are for solar and sub- solar metallicity progenitors from Woosley et al. (2002) [6](WHW02). Different combinations of parameters t and k correspond to variations in the artificial heating provided by PUSH, selected rise to satisfy observational constraints from SN1987A. There are no significant variations seen in the [X/Fe]valuesobtained forthedifferentparametersettings. PUSH yields are shown in Figure 2 along with piston yields from Woosley et al. (1995) [7] and thermal bomb yields from Thielemann et al. (1996) [8] for a 25M⊙ model from the WHW02 progenitor set. For most members of this progenitor set, Manganese ratios are found to be very low comparedtothoseseeninHD84937. PUSHyieldswerecalculatedfortheWoosleyetal.(2007)[9](WH07)progenitor seriesinaddi- tiontoWHW02progenitors. Most oftheFe-group yields forWH07progenitors aresimilar tothose for WHW02 progenitors but Manganese ratios show a marked improvement. Figure 3 shows the calculated yieldsfora25M⊙ WH07progenitor. 4. Conclusions andOutlook We find that explosions with detailed Y evolution give a much better match with observational e abundancesinHD84937.Additionally,theFe-groupnucleosynthesis yieldsappeartodependsignif- icantlyonthechoiceofprogenitor series. Nucleosynthesis yields will be calculated for all elements and over a wide range of progenitor massesinafuturework[10],available asinputformodelsofgalacticchemicalevolution. Acknowledgments This work is supported through an Early Career Award by the United States Department of En- ergy(DOEgrantno.SC0010263). References [1] H.-T.Janka,T.MelsonandA.Summa:Ann.Rev.Nucl.Part.Sci.,66(2016)341 [2] A.Perego,M.Hempel,C.Fro¨hlichetal.:ApJ,806(2015)275 [3] M.Liebendo¨rfer,S.C.WhitehouseandT.Fischer:ApJ,698(2009)1174 [4] A.Perego,R.M.Cabezo´nandR.Ka¨ppeli:ApJSuppl.,223(2016)22 [5] C.Sneden,J.J.CowanandC.Kobayashi:ApJ,817(2016)53 [6] S.E.Woosley,A.HegerandT.A.Weaver:Rev.Mod.Phys.,74(2002)1015 [7] S.E.WoosleyandT.A.Weaver:ApJS,101(1995)181 [8] F.-K.Thielemann,K.NomotoandM.-A.Hashimoto:ApJ,460(1996)408 [9] S.E.WoosleyandA.Heger:Phys.Rep.,442(2007)269 [10] S.Sinhaetal.:inpreparation 2 Fig. 1. Observed abundances of HD 84937 compared with the yields for solar (left panel) and sub-solar (rightpanel)metallicity24M⊙WHW02progenitors. Fig. 2. Yieldsforthesolarmetallicity25M⊙WHW02progenitoralongwithpiston(leftpanel)andthermal bomb(rightpanel)yields. Fig. 3. Yields for the solar metallicity 25M⊙ WH07 progenitoralong with piston (left panel) and thermal bomb(rightpanel)yields. 3