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Preview Pure-Bred Dogs, American Kennel Gazette 1992: Vol 109 Index

Here is an index to all articles published in Pure-Bred Dogs/American —Victory in Maine; Canine Leg- AKC Updates: (Oct.) 10-12, Kennel GAZETTE from January through December 1992. All stories are islation Meeting in Baltimore, From the Board—Highlights arranged by subject and then by title. Each entry includes the month the arti- April 7, 1992; Announcements From the September 14-15, 1992 cle appeared, followed by the page numbers. An asterisk denotes depait- —1992 Judges Institutes; Dele- Board and Delegates Meetings; ments that appear monthly or frequently. gates—Delegates Attend Their From the Chairman—John S. First Meeting; Notice—Correc- Ward Addresses the Fancy; Obit- tions. uary—William L. Kendrick; Leg- SUBJECTS islative Updates—A New Law AKC Updates: (June) 10-12, and Other Proposals; Notices— ACTION AGENDA* From the Board—Highlights Dog Relief and Rescue in Florida; from the May 11-12, 1992 Board AKC’S 1992 Judges Spadafori, Gina. A Public Meeting; AKC Board Approves Institutes—A Participant Re- Relations Primer, (Jan.) 22-23. Use of Imported Semen; AKC counts Her Experience. “Dear Editor”, (March) 32-33. Adds Japan Kennel Club to Pri- Logo Savvy, (May) 26-27. mary List of Foreign Dog Registry AKC Updates: (Nov.) 10-12, Media Releases, (July) 26-27. Organizations; Legislative Up- From the Board—Highlighis Media Kits, (Sept.) 28-29. The dates—H.R. 2407 Needs the From the October 13, 1992 Folly of Media-Bashing, (Nov.) Support of Fanciers; Announce- Board Meeting; From the 26-27. ments—OFA Certification Infor- Chairman—John S. Ward Ad- mation on AKC-Registered Dogs; dresses the Fancy; Announce- AKC INFORMATION/ AKC Introduces Certified List of ment—AKC Children’s Educa- ACTIVITIES Awards Service; Schedules and tion Program; Obituary—Bar- Participating Judges Announced bara Moss Inman of MB-F, Inc. AKC Updates: (Jan.) 10-12, for 1992 Judges Institute; Legislative Updates—Victory From the Board—Highlights Notices—1992 Point Schedule; and Signs of Progress; Legisla- from the December 9-10 Board Annual Report Available. tion Seminar; Information Pack- and Delegates Meetings; Dele- et Available; AKC Judges In- gates—Delegates Attend Their AKC Updates: (July) 8-10, stitutes—The Frederick, Mary- First Meeting; Announcements From the Board—Highlights land Experience. —Selection of Judges for AKC’s from the June 8-9, 1992 Board National Invitational Champi- and Delegates Meetings; AKC AKC Updates: (Dec.) 10-12, onship Show Finalized; Leg- Board Chairman John S. Ward From the Board—Highlights islative Updates—Breed Bans; Addresses the Delegates; Leg- From the November 9-10, 1992 H.R. 2407. islative Updates—The Word Board Meeting; From the from Washington, D.C.; An- Chairman—John S. Ward Ad- AKC Updates: (Feb.) 10-12, nouncements—AKC Poster dresses the Fancy; Legislative From the Board—Highlights Contest Winners Selected; Updates—Wrapping Up 1992; from the January 12 Board Meet- Eight New Breed Standard Delegates—Delegates Attend ing; Message from Mr. Louis Videos Available. Their First Meeting. Auslander, Chairman of the Board; Legislative Updates— AKC Updates: (Aug.) 10-12, Castan, Jane. The Making Good News, Overall; Notices— From the Board—Highlights of Best Friends. (Feb.) 62-67. AKC Wins Suit Against New from the July 13-14, 1992 York Kennel Club; AKC Brings Board Meeting; From the Keeping the “Pure” in “Joy” to a Boy on Long Island; Chairman—John S. Ward Ad- Pure-Bred. (Feb.) 74-79. Announcements\—National In- dresses the Fancy; Legislative vitational Update; Discipline Updates—News from Around LaGow, Bette. Answering Guidelines; Delegates. the Country; Delegates—Dele- the Challenge. (April) 85-89. gates Attend Their First Meet- AKC Updates: (March) 10- ing; Notices—OFA Update; Mandeville, John. 1991 Reg- 12, From the Board—High- North Carolina Now Handling istration Statistics. (April) 40- lights from the February 8, 1992 Video and Subscription Orders. 43,46-48. Board Meeting; Legislative Up- dates—Report on Recent Activ- AKC Updates: (Sept.) 10-12, Registration: The Inside ities; Delegates—Delegates At- From the Board—Highlights Story. (March) 54-57. tend Their First Meeting; No- from the August 10-11, 1992 tices—National Invitational Just Board Meeting; From the Pavia, Audrey. The Hows One Month Away. Chairman—John S. Ward Ad- and Whys of ILP. (June) 87-90. dresses the Fancy; Announce- AKC Updates: (April) 10-12, ments—U.S. House of Repre- Vargo, Stephanie. A Brave From the Board—Highlights sentatives Approves “The Ani- New World of Dogs. (Jan.) 51- from the March 9-10, 1992 mal Enterprise Protection Act of 54. Board and Delegates Meetings; 1992”; Notices—AKC Board Announcements—John S. Changes Club Membership Pol- Ward Elected Chairman of the icy; Board Revises Policy for ART AND PHOTOGRAPHY Board; A. Nelson Sills Elected Accepting Provisional Judges; Treasurer; AKC Board of Direc- Judges Observer Badges Avail- LaGow, Bette. 1991 Photo tors Class of 1996 Elected; able; TV Stations Quick to Re- Contest: City Dog/Country Legislative Updates—Breed- spond to AKC Public Service Dog. (June) 78-84. Specific Updates; Restrictive Announcements; Board Ap- Breeding Legislation. proves $53,500 in Veterinary LaGow, Bette. Every Dog Scholarships; Board Votes to Deserves .. . (Aug.) 84-87. AKC Updates: (May) 10-11, Revise Eligibility Requirements From the Board—Highlights to Hold All-Breed Shows in Secord, William. The Victori- from the April 6-7, 1992 Board 1993. Legislative Updates—A an Era and the Pet Portrait. Meeting; Legislative Updates Hodge-Podge of National Activity. (Oct.) 52-56. 122 GAZETTE Here is an index to all articles published in Pure-Bred Dogs/American —Victory in Maine; Canine Leg- AKC Updates: (Oct.) 10-12, Kennel GAZETTE from January through December 1992. All stories are islation Meeting in Baltimore, From the Board—Highlights arranged by subject and then by title. Each entry includes the month the arti- April 7, 1992; Announcements From the September 14-15, 1992 cle appeared, followed by the page numbers. An asterisk denotes depait- —1992 Judges Institutes; Dele- Board and Delegates Meetings; ments that appear monthly or frequently. gates—Delegates Attend Their From the Chairman—John S. First Meeting; Notice—Correc- Ward Addresses the Fancy; Obit- tions. uary—William L. Kendrick; Leg- SUBJECTS islative Updates—A New Law AKC Updates: (June) 10-12, and Other Proposals; Notices— ACTION AGENDA* From the Board—Highlights Dog Relief and Rescue in Florida; from the May 11-12, 1992 Board AKC’S 1992 Judges Spadafori, Gina. A Public Meeting; AKC Board Approves Institutes—A Participant Re- Relations Primer, (Jan.) 22-23. Use of Imported Semen; AKC counts Her Experience. “Dear Editor”, (March) 32-33. Adds Japan Kennel Club to Pri- Logo Savvy, (May) 26-27. mary List of Foreign Dog Registry AKC Updates: (Nov.) 10-12, Media Releases, (July) 26-27. Organizations; Legislative Up- From the Board—Highlighis Media Kits, (Sept.) 28-29. The dates—H.R. 2407 Needs the From the October 13, 1992 Folly of Media-Bashing, (Nov.) Support of Fanciers; Announce- Board Meeting; From the 26-27. ments—OFA Certification Infor- Chairman—John S. Ward Ad- mation on AKC-Registered Dogs; dresses the Fancy; Announce- AKC INFORMATION/ AKC Introduces Certified List of ment—AKC Children’s Educa- ACTIVITIES Awards Service; Schedules and tion Program; Obituary—Bar- Participating Judges Announced bara Moss Inman of MB-F, Inc. AKC Updates: (Jan.) 10-12, for 1992 Judges Institute; Legislative Updates—Victory From the Board—Highlights Notices—1992 Point Schedule; and Signs of Progress; Legisla- from the December 9-10 Board Annual Report Available. tion Seminar; Information Pack- and Delegates Meetings; Dele- et Available; AKC Judges In- gates—Delegates Attend Their AKC Updates: (July) 8-10, stitutes—The Frederick, Mary- First Meeting; Announcements From the Board—Highlights land Experience. —Selection of Judges for AKC’s from the June 8-9, 1992 Board National Invitational Champi- and Delegates Meetings; AKC AKC Updates: (Dec.) 10-12, onship Show Finalized; Leg- Board Chairman John S. Ward From the Board—Highlights islative Updates—Breed Bans; Addresses the Delegates; Leg- From the November 9-10, 1992 H.R. 2407. islative Updates—The Word Board Meeting; From the from Washington, D.C.; An- Chairman—John S. Ward Ad- AKC Updates: (Feb.) 10-12, nouncements—AKC Poster dresses the Fancy; Legislative From the Board—Highlights Contest Winners Selected; Updates—Wrapping Up 1992; from the January 12 Board Meet- Eight New Breed Standard Delegates—Delegates Attend ing; Message from Mr. Louis Videos Available. Their First Meeting. Auslander, Chairman of the Board; Legislative Updates— AKC Updates: (Aug.) 10-12, Castan, Jane. The Making Good News, Overall; Notices— From the Board—Highlights of Best Friends. (Feb.) 62-67. AKC Wins Suit Against New from the July 13-14, 1992 York Kennel Club; AKC Brings Board Meeting; From the Keeping the “Pure” in “Joy” to a Boy on Long Island; Chairman—John S. Ward Ad- Pure-Bred. (Feb.) 74-79. Announcements\—National In- dresses the Fancy; Legislative vitational Update; Discipline Updates—News from Around LaGow, Bette. Answering Guidelines; Delegates. the Country; Delegates—Dele- the Challenge. (April) 85-89. gates Attend Their First Meet- AKC Updates: (March) 10- ing; Notices—OFA Update; Mandeville, John. 1991 Reg- 12, From the Board—High- North Carolina Now Handling istration Statistics. (April) 40- lights from the February 8, 1992 Video and Subscription Orders. 43,46-48. Board Meeting; Legislative Up- dates—Report on Recent Activ- AKC Updates: (Sept.) 10-12, Registration: The Inside ities; Delegates—Delegates At- From the Board—Highlights Story. (March) 54-57. tend Their First Meeting; No- from the August 10-11, 1992 tices—National Invitational Just Board Meeting; From the Pavia, Audrey. The Hows One Month Away. Chairman—John S. Ward Ad- and Whys of ILP. (June) 87-90. dresses the Fancy; Announce- AKC Updates: (April) 10-12, ments—U.S. House of Repre- Vargo, Stephanie. A Brave From the Board—Highlights sentatives Approves “The Ani- New World of Dogs. (Jan.) 51- from the March 9-10, 1992 mal Enterprise Protection Act of 54. Board and Delegates Meetings; 1992”; Notices—AKC Board Announcements—John S. Changes Club Membership Pol- Ward Elected Chairman of the icy; Board Revises Policy for ART AND PHOTOGRAPHY Board; A. Nelson Sills Elected Accepting Provisional Judges; Treasurer; AKC Board of Direc- Judges Observer Badges Avail- LaGow, Bette. 1991 Photo tors Class of 1996 Elected; able; TV Stations Quick to Re- Contest: City Dog/Country Legislative Updates—Breed- spond to AKC Public Service Dog. (June) 78-84. Specific Updates; Restrictive Announcements; Board Ap- Breeding Legislation. proves $53,500 in Veterinary LaGow, Bette. Every Dog Scholarships; Board Votes to Deserves .. . (Aug.) 84-87. AKC Updates: (May) 10-11, Revise Eligibility Requirements From the Board—Highlights to Hold All-Breed Shows in Secord, William. The Victori- from the April 6-7, 1992 Board 1993. Legislative Updates—A an Era and the Pet Portrait. Meeting; Legislative Updates Hodge-Podge of National Activity. (Oct.) 52-56. 122 GAZETTE ASK AKC* Misbekiavior, (April) 26-27. The holding the Standards, (Feb.) (Aug.) 32, 34. Details, Details, Descent of Temperament, 26, 28. Guiding the Prospec- Details, (Oct.) 26-27. Safety LaGow, Bette. (Jan.) 32, Def- (May) 18, 20. Fighting, (June) tive Buyer, (March) 28-30. First, (Dec.) 32-33. inition of a Group One dog; 24-25. Play Fighting, (July) 18, Good Dogs, Bad Mothers, What an exhibitor can do if 20. Handshyness, (Aug.) 26, (April) 18, 20. Reproductive EDITORIAL* they notice a bitch in heat 28. Possessiveness, (Sept.) idiosyncrasies, (May) 22, 24. during competition; Outline of 20-22. Courtship Behavior, Heat Cycle Variations, (June) Bodner, Elizabeth, DVM. The AKC’s local club show policy; (Oct.) 22-23. Housetraining, 20, 22. Surrogate Mothering, Enemy Without, (Jan.) 8. Of- Obedience regulations for (Nov.) 20, 22. Dark Clouds and (July) 22, 24. fice Dogs, (Feb.) 8. Anecdotes picking up armbands in class; Silver Linings, (Dec.) 18, 20. and Antidotes, (April) 8. “My How to compute points if a BREEDING Dog Won’t Hurt You!” and dog is excused/Winners with- BOOK REVIEW* Other First Impressions, held; Disqualifying a dog that Bell, Jerold S., DVM. Getting (May) 8. Classified Informa- has had cosmetic surgery. Kleinhans, Karen. Chinese What You Want From Your tion, (June) 8. Not Quite Ca- Shar-Pei Books. (Sept.) 40-42. Breeding Program. (Sept.) 83- nine, (July) 6. The Music Man, LaGow, Bette (April) 38, 87. (Sept.) 8. Saying Farewell to Obedience regulations for LaGow, Bette. Faithful to Another Year, (Dec.) 8. food-giving in the ring; How the End: An Illustrated An- Davis, Dominique. Fad AKC determines schedule of thology About Dogs and Breeds: What Price Populari- Davis, Dominique. Worth points for breeds; Which Their Owners and Gone to the ty? (Dec.) 50-54. Waking Up For, (Oct.) 8. shows are calculated into the Dogs. (Nov.) 32-33. point schedule; What hap- Dunbar, lan, PhD, MRCVS. Pavia, Audrey. A Hard Les- pens if a non-champion wins Lane, Marion S. The Literary No More Missed Breedings. son, (March) 8. A Drop of Best of Breed; What happens Dog—Great Contemporary (Aug.) 53-58. Light, (Aug.) 8 to points accumulated when Dog Stories; The Company of a dog is measured out of Dogs—21 Stories by Contem- Freshman, Joni L., DVM, MS, Sartoris, John. Growing Best of Breed; How does one porary Masters and Dogger- DACVIM. Puzzling Over Fad- With Change. (Nov.) 6. become an obedience judge. el—Great Poets on Remark- ing Puppy Syndrome. (Aug.) able Dogs. (Jan.) 38-39. 69-72. EDUCATION* LaGow, Bette (July) 32, How can one avoid standing next Phillips, Helen. Successful Knapp, Gail, PhD. Dispelling Edwards, James, PhD. New to a dog that has historically Obedience Handling—The “Old Breeders’ Tales.” (Dec.) Judging Approval Policy, exhibited aggressive behav- New Best Foot Forward and 45-49. (March) 20-23, 114. Can You ior toward his dog in the ring; What All Good Dogs Should Type? (June) 32-33. Doing Who determines’ which Know—The Sensible Way to Schadlich, Janey Story & Ab- Your Part, (Nov.) 24-25. breeds can have more than Train, (March) 40-41. The Dog’s bott, Beverly. Whelping the one color entered in a show; Mind and User’s Guide to the Smail Breeds. (May) 52-57. Rubin, Noreen. Canine How do you register a dog Scientific Literature on Dog Computing. (Sept.) 30-31. who has more than 28 char- and Cat Behavior, (May) 34, 36. CANINE CARE AND acters in its name; What is FEEDING EXHIBITING the obedience regulation for Steide!, Kitty. The New Com- putting a third leg on a dog plete Irish Wolfhound and The Graves, Thomas K., DVM. Baughman, Emelise. From that already has its C.D.; Complete Saluki. (July) 38-39. Weaning Puppies. (Nov.) 68-72. Wishing to Winning. (March) What kind of a coat does a 64-67. Cocker need to compete in THE BREEDS Vanacore, Connie. Designing obedience; Why was a CKC a Hobby Kennel. (Oct.) 67-72. Baughman, Emelise. Should request regarding Canadian Drewes, Marilyn. Bullish on You Special? (June) 60-65. shows denied by the AKC; the Mini Bull. (Jan.) 40-44. Willard, Thomas, PhD. What Can non-licensed clubs hold Are We Really Feeding Our Ewing, Susan. Six Shows, a Canine Good Citizen test. Holden, Jacey.Konnichiwa Dogs? (July) 46-49. Six Days, Scenery and a Shiba Inu! (June) 54-57. C.D.? (Jan.) 66-70. LaGow, Bette (Oct.) 32, CLUBS Rule concerning showing Jiles, Mara Lee. A History of Vanacore, Connie. Picking a dogs co-owned with a judge; the Belgian Shepherd Dogs. Brewer, Kathee & Linebaugh, Pro. (Feb.) 81-83. lf you handle for a judge, can (Nov.) 40-46. JoAnn. Making It to the Big you exhibit under him in the Time. (July) 58-63. Warren, Jill. Tips From Top future; Rule concerning Redditt, Jo Ann T. The Chi- Handlers. (Oct.) 45-49. judges who show and handle nese Shar-Pei. (Aug.) 42-47. Vargo, Stephanie. All- their own dogs; Why the min- Around Awards. (March) 68-72. Wicklund, Barbara. Handler- imum requirement of three Warren, Jill. Setter Mania. Client Relationships. (Aug.) dogs in Utility classes; AKC (April) 70-73, 76. English Set- LaGow, Bette. Heading to 64-68. procedure for announcing ter Bay Days. (Dec.) 38-43. the Drawing Board. (July) 40- obedience scores; Eligibility 44. of dogs to compete in Novice BREEDERS FORUM* A contingent upon owner’s or Fleitas, Donald W. The Pied- co-owner’s experience; Fac- Myers, Sarah K., PhD. mont KC Showplace: A ing off terriers in the show Breeding on a Budget, (Aug.) Dream Come True. (Sept.) 7 ring. 18, 20. Raising Puppies in the 81. 90s, (Sept.) 24-26. Placing BEHAVIOR* Puppies in the ’90s, (Oct.) 18- DOG TRAINER’S DIARY* 19. The Single Breeder, (Nov.) Dunbar, lan, PhD, MRCVS. 16, 18. Dropper Feeding, Benjamin, Carol Lea. Suc- Food Lures and Rewards, (Dec.) 22, 24. cessful Late Placements, (Jan.) 18, 20. Ambiguous (Feb.) 32, 34. Emergency! Cues, (Feb.) 22, 24. Clipping Walkowicz, Chris. Leasing (April) 28-29. Forever, (June) and Cleaning, (March) 24, 26. Agreements, (Jan.) 24, 26. Up- 28-30. A Question of Rescue, MARCH 1993 123 FICTION Weisser, Francesca. Spe- Making of a Field-Trial Dog, McCann, Winifred. Too cialty Showmanship. (Jan.) (March) 34-35. Are You Still Much of a Good Thing. (Dec.) Beck, Anne. First Place Fic- 30-31. Having Fun? (June) 34-35. 16. tion Contest Winner: The Big Hunting Test Standards, Two-Hearted Newf. (May) 74- LEGAL AGENDA* (Aug.) 36-37. O'Green, Jennifer Roberson. 77. Learning New Tricks. (Feb.) Leonhart, Georgia Lewis. Byron, Judy and Jan Kren. 16. Jackson, Elizabeth Rhodes Protecting Your Kennel Setting Obedience Goals. Christmas Eve at Reginald’s. Name, (Feb.) 38-39. The Leg- (Nov.) 30-31. Price, Stephanie. “Dear (Dec.) 55-59. islative Process, (April) 22-23. Novice Breeder . . .” (April) 14. Pennsylvania: A Case Study, Norris, Patricia. Getting a FIELD TRIALS/HUNTING (June) 36, 38. A Puppy Lemon Head Start, (May) 28-29. Win- Stuart, Sandra. A Pre- TESTS Law, (Aug.) 30-31. Puppies or ter Tracking, (Oct.) 28-29. ventable Tragedy. (June) 14. Products? (Oct.) 24-25. Keep- Beaman, Arthur. The First ing the Peace, (Dec.) 26-27. Poole, Arnold. Basic Herd- Turgeon, Wendy. From the Master National Hunting Test. ing Instincts, (Feb.) 36-37. Novice’s Perspective. (Aug.) (Jan.) 73-77. LEGAL ISSUES Warm Up That Dog, (April) 16. 34,36. GENERAL INTEREST Rescue Update. (May) 81. Warren, Jill. Turning Silver Wright, Dean. A Lure Cours- Into Gold. (May) 16. Eldridge, Paula. Growing Brewer, Kathee. Let Bylaws ing Championship, (July) 28- With Dogs. (Oct.) 62-65. Be Bylaws. (Nov.) 74-77. 29. Choosing a Sighthound, SHOWS AND EVENTS (Dec.) 30-31. Fraser, Jaqueline. When Zeissow, Bernard W., PhD. Bodner, Elizabeth, DVM. A Love Walks In the Ring. (Feb.) Tax Tips for Judges and PERFORMANCE/ Championship Season. [West- 56-60. Clubs. (March) 73-76. WORKING/TRAINING minster KC show] (March) 42- 47. Knapp, Gail, PhD Color Ge- MISCELLANEOUS Begun, Ann. From Obedi- netics in the Dog. (June) 46- ence Ring to Outland Fling. Davis, Dominique. N.1.D.C.’- 52. Davis, Dominique. Circus (May) 46-50. ing Is Believing. [AKC’s first Dogs. (Nov.) 62-66. National Invitational] (May) 66- Lagree, Enid. The Hunde- Byron, Judy and Kren, Jan. 71. museum. (July) 65-68. Pepe, Lori. Medieval Dogs Finding the Time to Train. Brought to Light. (Sept.) 66- (Sept.) 34-35. Reeves, Laura. Staging a McConnell, Patricia Bean, 71. National Specialty. (Dec.) 66- PhD. Louder Than Words. Carriera, Joanne. Getting 69. (May) 38-43. NATIONAL SPECIALTIES Started in Herding. (Aug.) 48- 51. VETERINARY MEDICINE McLennan, Bardi. Camp Dannen, Donna and Kent. Gone to the Dogs. (April) 79- White on Gold. (Jan.) 58-65. Davis, Dominique. Teaching Begun, Ann. Retinal Dyspla- 83. a Dog to Heel. (Sept.) 58-64. sia. (Jan.) 55-57. Davis, Dominique. Out Mullins, Charles E. How Safe Foxed. (April) 58-63. Gibbs, Margaret. Performing Bodner, Elizabeth, DVM. Ge- is Air Travel for Dogs? (Dec.) Up To Par. (Feb.) 52-54. netic Status Symbols. (Sept.) 71-74. Ericson, Laurie. Smooth as 52-56. Silk. (Oct.) 38-42. Gibbs, Margaret. Walk Your Rescue Update. (May) 81. Dog to an Obedience Title. Evermann, James F., PhD. LaGow, Bette. Pekes on the (July) 52-57. The Canine Herpesvirus. Rucker, Anna Lee. Toby and Pier. (June) 72-75. (Nov.) 51-54. Beaux. (Aug.) 59-62. Norris, Patricia. Get Track- LaGow, Bette. OESprit de ing. (April) 65-68. Graves, Thomas K., DVM. Weiss, Elen. Firestorm. Corps. (Sept.) 46-49. Seizures in Dogs. (March) 58- (March) 48-53. Stalnaker, Michael. Ciioos- 61. Pavia, Audrey. Greyhound ing the Right Obedience Dog. Zeissow, Bernard W., PhD. Grandeur. (Feb.) 46-51. (Nov.) 47-50. Graves, Thomas K., DVM. Tax Tips for Judges and Bladder Stones in Dogs. Clubs. (March) 73-76. Pavia, Audrey. California POINT OF VIEW* (Sept.) 72-76. Kees. (Nov.) 56-60. GETTING STARTED Carman, Sandy. Is Today Hustace, Joan Caroline. Vargo, Stephanie. Tibetan Her Last Day? (Sept.) 16. House-Call Veterinarians. Fraser, Jacqueline. A Solu- Tribute. (July) 70-75. (Oct.) 58-61. tion Resolution, (Jan.) 28-29. Conant, Susan. My Dog Ah, Westminster, (Feb.) 18-19. NUTRITION* Made Me Do It. (July) 16. Kern, Maryanne S., DVM. Other People’s Opinions, Deworming Your Dogs. (July) (March) 18-19. Donoghue, Susan, VMD. Cooke, Cindy. “Thank You, 77-80. Diet as a Stress-Management Ma’am”. (March) 16. JUDGING Tool, (Aug.) 22-23. Feeding for Marrion, Ruth, DVM. New Performance, (Sept.) 32-33. Engel, Jodi, PhD. Evacuate! Views on Neutering. (April) 50- Bartell, Anita. Judging the Feeding Large Breeds, (Oct.) (Nov.) 14. 54. Miniature Bull Terrier. (Jan.) 30-31. Get Well Soon! (Nov.) 46-49. 28-29. Feeding the Brood Holt, James S., PhD. The McArdle, Camille J., DVM. Bitch, (Dec.) 28-29. Fancy in Washington, D.C. Brucellosis and Breeding. JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP (Oct.) 16. (May) 59-63. PERFORMANCE* Lowney, Brian J. The Joys Levin, Miranda. When Older McArdle, Camille J., DVM. of Junior Show. (May) 78-80. Bauer, Nona Kilgore. The is Better. (Jan.) 16. Off the Label. (Aug.) 79-83. 124 GAZETTE Priest, Sandra A. All About Update—Background Infor- (April) 38, Obedience regu- Book Review: Kleinhans, Ears. (Feb.) 69-73. mation; Diagnosis: How Do lations for food-giving in the Karen. Understanding the You Know For Sure? Confus- ring; How AKC determines Chinese Shar-Pei and The Sawyer, Donald C., DVM, ing Infection/Disease Ratio; schedule of points for Book of the Shar-Pei. (Sept.) PhD. Controlling Pain in Ani- Summary and Current Rec- breeds; Which shows are cal- 40, 42. mals. (Oct.) 75-80. ommendations. culated into the point sched- ule; What happens if a non- Book Review: LaGow, Trepanier, Lauren, DVM, (Nov.) 34, 36, Highlights champion wins Best of Bette. Faithful to the End: An DACVIM. Science Fiction/Sci- From the 1992 Tenth Annual Breed; What happens to illustrated Anthology About ence Fact. (Aug.) 74-77. Forum of the American Col- points accumulated when a Dogs and Their Owners and lege of Veterinary Internal dog is measured out of Best Gone to the Dogs. (Nov.) 32- Trepanier, Lauren, DVM, Medicine—inherited RBC Dis- of Breed; How does one be- 33. DACVIM. Steriod Use in Dogs. eases; Stimulating WBC Pro- come an obedience judge. (June) 67-71. duction; Potential Cancer Book Review: Lane, Marion Treatment; Heartworm Dis- (July) 32, How can one S. The Literary Dog—Great VETERINARY NEWS* ease; Prostaglandin Use; Kid- avoid standing next to a dog Contemporary Dog Stories; ney Failure and the Brain; that has historically exhibited The Company of Dogs—21 Wilford, Christine, DVM. Deafness; Heart Disease and aggressive behavioi toward Stories by Contemporary (Jan.) 34-35, Safer Chemo- Size. his dog in the ring; Who de- Masters and Doggerel—Great therapy Available; Deadly termines which breeds can Poets on Remarkable Dogs. Parasite May be Spreading; Is (Dec.) 34, 36, Antibiotics have more than one color en- (Jan.) 38-39. Dominance-Related Aggres- and Breeding; Choose Disin- tered in a show; How do you sion Inherited?; New Weapon fectants Wisely; New Stats on register a dog who has more Book Review: Phillips, Against Fleas. Deaf Dalmatians; Autoim- than 28 characters in its Helen. Successful Obedience mune Skin Disease Treat- name; What is the obedience Handling—The New Best Foot (Feb.) 40, 42, Certain In- ment. regulation for putting a third Forward and What All Good sulins Being Phased Out; Di- leg on a dog that already has Dogs Should Know—The agnosing Diarrhea; Toxic TITLES its C.D.; What kind of a coat Sensible Way to Train. (March) Algal Waterblooms; Steel does a Cocker need to com- 40-41. The Dog’s Mind and Shot Can be Dangerous. 1991 Registration Statis- pete in obedience; Why was a User’s Guide to the Scientific tics. Mandeville, John. (April) CKC request regarding Cana- Literature on Dog and Cat Be- (March) 36, 38, Heartworm 40-43, 46-48. dian shows denied by the havior. (May) 34, 36. Vaccine Possible; Miniature AKC; Can non-licensed clubs Schnauzers at High Risk for 1991 Photo Contest: City hold a Canine Good Citizen Book Review: Steidel, Kitty. Stones; Suture Abscesses; Dog/Country Dog. LaGow, test. The New Complete Irish Masticatory Muscle Myositis. Bette. (June) 78-84. Wolfhound and The Complete (Oct.) 32, Rule concerning Saluki. (July) 38-39. (April) 30, 32, Foxtail Alert!; A Brave New World of showing dogs co-owned with Need for Cases; Suture Can Dogs. Vargo, Stephanie. (Jan.) a judge; If you handle for a Breeders Forum. Myers, Cause Complications; New 51-54. judge, can you exhibit under Sarah K., PhD. Breeding on a Hope for Treating Heartworm. him in the future; Rule con- Budget, (Aug.) 18, 20. Placing A Championship Season. cerning judges who show and Puppies in the ’90s, (Oct.) 18- (May) 30, 32, Are Fecal Bodner, Elizabeth, DVM. handle their own dogs; Why 19. Raising Puppies in the Exams Reliable?; First Ca- (March) 42-47. the minimum requirement of 90s, (Sept.) 24-26. The Single nine Bloodmobile; New Fix three dogs in Utility classes; Breeder, (Nov.) 16, 18. Drop- For Breaks; Inherited Suscep- Action Agenda. Spadafori, AKC procedure for announc- per Feeding, (Dec.) 22, 24. tibility to Onion Poisoning. Gina. A Public Relations ing obedience scores; Eligi- Primer, (Jan.) 22-23. “Dear Edi- bility of dogs to compete in Breeders Forum. Walkow- (June) 40, 42, What To tor,” (March) 32-33. Logo Novice A contingent upon icz, Chris. Leasing Agree- Know About Food Trials; Hy- Savvy, (May) 26-27. Media Re- owner’s or co-owner’s experi- ments, (Jan.) 24, 26. Uphold- poallergenic Diets; Attention leases, (July) 26-27. Media ence; Facing off terriers in the ing the Standards, (Feb.) 26, Akita Breeders!; Did You Kits, (Sept.) 28-29. The Folly of show ring. 28. Guiding the Prospective Know... Media-Bashing, (Nov.) 26-27. Buyer, (March) 28-30. Good Behavior. Dunbar, lan, PhD, Dogs, Bad Mothers, (April) 18, (July) 34, 36, Beware Pen- All-Around Awards. Vargo, MRCVS. Food Lures and Re- 20. Reproductive Idiosyn- nyroyal Oil Repellents; Hope Stephanie. (March) 68-72. wards, (Jan.) 18, 20. Ambigu- crasies, (May) 22, 24. Heat for Dogs with Tumors; Lyme ous Cues, (Feb.) 22, 24. Clip- Cycle Variations, (June) 20, Disease: A Confusing Issue; All About Ears. Priest, San- ping and Cleaning, (March) 22. Surrogate Mothering, Tick-Control Tactics. dra A., DVM. (Feb.) 69-73. 24, 26. Misbehavior, (April) 26- (July) 22, 24. 27. The Descent of Tempera- (Aug.) 38, 40, Cardiac Pace- Answering the Challenge. ment, (May) 18, 20. Fighting, Brucellosis and Breeding. makers: A Viable Choice; IgA LaGow, Bette. (April) 85-89. (June) 24-25. Play Fighting, McArdle, Camille J., DVM. Deficiency and Shar-Pei Skin (July) 18, 20. Handshyness, (May) 59-63. Disease; Protein at Fault in Ask AKC. LaGow, Bette. (Aug.) 26, 28. Courtship Be- Basenji Diarrhea?; Identifying (Jan.) 32, Definition of a havior, (Oct.) 22-23. Posses- Bullish on the Mini Bull. Carriers of Copper Toxicosis. Group One dog; What an ex- siveness, (Sept.) 24-26. Drewes, Marilyn. (Jan.) 40-44. hibitor can do if they notice a Housetraining, (Nov.) 20, 22. (Sept.) 36, 38, Antibiotic-In- bitch in heat during competi- Dark Clouds and Silver Lin- California Kees. Pavia, Au- duced Hemorrage; Timing C- tion; Outline of AKC’s local ings, (Dec.) 18, 20. drey. (Nov.) 56-60. sections for Puppy Survival; club show policy; Obedience Bovine Collagen Explored for regulations for picking up Bladder Stones in Dogs. Camp Gone to the Dogs. Tendon and Ligament Repair; armbands in class; How to Graves, Thomas K., DVM. McLennan, Bardi. (April) 79-83. Possible Dewormer/Heart- compute points if a dog is ex- (Sept.) 72-76. worm Tablet. cused/Winners withheld; Dis- The Canine Herpesvirus. qualifying a dog that has had The Big Two-Hearted Newf. Evermann, James F., PhD. (Oct.) 34, 36, Lyme Disease cosmetic surgery. Beck, Anne. (May) 74-77. (Nov.) 51-54. MARCH 1993 125 The Chinese Shar-Pei. Red- Canine Computing. (Sept.) 30- Pavia, Audrey. (June) 87-90. Out Foxed. Davis, Do- ditt, Jo Ann T. (Aug.) 42-47. 3. minique. (April) 58-63. The Hundemuseum. La- Choosing the Right Obedi- English Setter Bay Days. gree, Enid. (July) 65-68. Out of Retirement. Brewer, ence Dog. Stalnaker, Michael. Warren, Jill. (Dec.) 38-43. Kathee. (Dec.) 60-64. (Nov.) 47-50. Is Today Her Last Day? Every Dog Deserves... Carman, Sandy. (Sept.) 16. Performance. Bauer, Nona Christmas Eve at Regi- LaGow, Bette. (Aug.) 84-87. Kilgore. The Making of a Field- nald’s. Jackson, Elizabeth The Joys of Junior Show. Trial Dog, (March) 34-35. Are Rhodes. (Dec.) 55-59. Fad Breeds: What Price Lowney, Brian J. (May) 78-80. You Still Having Fun? (June) Popularity? Davis, Dominique. 34-35. Hunting Test Stan- Circus Dogs. Davis, Do- (Dec.) 50-54. Judging the Miniature Bull dards, (Aug.) 36-37. minique. (Nov.) 62-66. Terrier. Bartell, Anita. (Jan.) 46- Firestorm. Weiss, Elen. 49. Performance. Byron, Judy Color Genetics in the Dog. (March) 48-53. and Jan Kren. Setting Obedi- Knapp, Gail, PhD. (June) 46-52. Junior Showmanship. ence Goals, (Nov.) 30-31. The First Master National Weisser, Francesca. Specialty Controlling Pain in Ani- Hunting Test. Beaman, Arthur. Showmanship. (Jan.) 30-31. Performance. Norris, Patri- mals. Sawyer, Donald C., DVM, (Jan.) 73-77. cia. Getting a Head Start, PhD. (Oct.) 75-80. Keeping the “Pure” in (May) 28-29. Winter Tracking, From Obedience Ring to Pure-Bred. (Feb.) 74-79. (Oct.) 28-29. Designing a Hobby Kennel. Outland Fling. Begun, Ann. Vanacore, Connie. (Oct.) 67-72. (May) 46-50. Konnichiwa Shiba Inu! Performance. Poole, Arnold. Holden, Jacey. (June) 54-57. Basic Herding Instincts, Deworming Your Dogs. From Wishing to Winning. (Feb.) 36-37. Warm Up That Kern, Maryanne S., DVM. (July) Baughman, Emelise. (March) Legal Agenda. Leonhart, Dog! (April) 34, 36. 77-80. 64-67. Georgia Lewis. Protecting Your Kennel Name, (Feb.) 38- Performance. Wright, Dean. Dispelling “Old Breeders’ Genetic Status Symbols. 39. The Legislative Process, A Lure Coursing Champi- Tales.” Knapp, Gail, PhD. Bodner, Elizabeth, DVM. (Sept.) (April) 22-23. Pennsylvania: A onship, (July) 28-29. Choos- (Dec.) 45-49. 52-56. Case Study, (June) 36, 38. A ing a Sighthound, (Dec.) 30- Puppy Lemon Law, (Aug.) 30- 31. Dog Trainer’s Diary. Ben- Get Tracking. Norris, Patri- 31. Puppies or Products? jamin, Carol Lea. Successful cia. (April) 65-68. (Oct.) 24-25. Keeping the Performing Up To Par. Late Placements, (Feb.), 32, Peace, (Dec.) 26-27. Gibbs, Margaret. (Feb.) 52-54. 34. Emergency! (April) 28-29. Getting Started. Fraser, Forever, (June) 28-30. A Ques- Jacqueline. A Solution Resolu- Louder Than Words. Mc- Picking a Pro. Vanacore, tion of Rescue, (Aug.) 32, 34. tion, (Jan.) 28-29. Ah, Westmin- Connell, Patricia Bean, PhD. Connie. (Feb.) 81-83. Details, Details, Details, (Oct.) ster, (Feb.) 18-19. Other Peo- (May) 38-43. 26-27. Safety First, (Dec.) 32- ple’s Opinions, (March) 18-19. The Piedmont KC Show- 33. Making It to the Big Time. place: A Dream Come True. Getting Started in Herding. Brewer, Kathee & Linebaugh, Fleitas, Daniel W. (Sept.) 78-81. Editorial. Bodner, Elizabeth, Carriera, Joanne. (Aug.) 48-51. JoAnn. (July) 58-63. DVM. The Enemy Without, Pekes on the Pier. LaGow, (Jan.) 8. Office Dogs, (Feb.) 8. Getting What You Want The Making of Best Bette. (June) 72-75. Anecdotes and Antidotes, From Your Breeding Pro- Friends. Castan, Jane. (Feb.) (April) 8. “My Dog Won’t Hurt gram. Bell, Jerald S., DVM 62-67. Point of View: A Pre- You!” and Other First Impres- (Sept.) 83-87. ventable Tragedy. Stuart, San- sions, (May) 8. Classified In- Medieval Dogs Brought to dra. (June) 14. formation, (June) 8. Not Quite Greyhound Grandeur. Light. Pepe, Lori. (Sept.) 66-71. Canine, (July) 6. The Music Pavia, Audrey. (Feb.) 46-51. Point of View: “Dear Man, (Sept.) 8. Saying N.1.D.C.’ing Is Believing. Novice Breeder. . -” Price, Farewell to Another Year, Growing With Dogs. El- Davis, Dominique. (May) 66-71. Stephanie. (April) 14. (Dec.) 8. dridge, Paula. (Oct.) 62-65. New Views on Neutering. Point of View: Evacuate! Editorial. Davis, Dominique. Handler-Client Relation- Marrion, Ruth, DVM. (April) 50- Engel, Jodi, PhD. (Nov.) 14. Worth Waking Up For, (Oct.) 8. ships. Wicklund, Barbara. 54. (Aug.) 64-68. Point of View: The Fancy in Editorial. Pavia, Audrey. A No More Missed Breedings. Washington, D.C. Holt, James Drop of Light, (Aug.) 8. A Hard Heading to the Drawing Dunbar, lan, PhD, MRCVS. S., PhD. (Oct.) 16. Lesson, (March) 8. Board. LaGow, Bette. (July) 40- (Aug.) 53-58. 44. Point of View: From the Editorial.Sartoris, John. Nutrition. Donoghue, Susan, Novice’s Perspective. Tur- Growing With Change, (Nov.) A History of the Belgian VMD. Diet as a Stress-Man- geon, Wendy. (Aug.) 16. 6. Shepherd Dogs. Jiles, Mara agement Tool, (Aug.) 22-23. Lee. (Nov.) 40-46. Feeding Large Breeds, (Oct.) Point of View: Learning Education: New Judging 30-31. Feeding for Perfor- New Tricks. O’Green, Jennifer Approval Policy. (March) 20, House-Call Veterinarians. mance, (Sept.) 32-33. Get Well Roberson. (Feb.) 16. 22-23, 114. Hustace, Joan Caroline. (Oct.) Soon! (Nov.) 28-29. Feeding 58-61. the Brood Bitch, (Dec.) 28-29. Point of View: My Dog Education. Edwards, James, Made Me Do It. Conant, Susan. PhD. Can You Type? (June) How Safe is Air Travel for OESprit de Corps. LaGow, (July) 16. 32-33. Doing Your Part. (Nov.) Dogs? Mullins, Charles, E. Jr. Bette. (Sept.) 46-49. 24-25. (Dec.) 71-74. Point of View: “Thank You, Off the Label. McArdle, Ma’am.” Cooke, Cindy. (March) Education. Rubin, Noreen. The Hows and Whys of ILP. Camille J., DVM. (Aug.) 79-83. 16. 1246 GAZETTE Point of View: Turning Sii- ver Into Gold. Warren, Jill. (May) 16. Point of View: When Older is Better. Levin, Miranda. (Jan.) 16. Puzzling Over Fading Puppy Syndrome. Freshman, Joni L., DVM, MS, DACVIM. (Aug.) 69-72. Registration: The Inside Story. (March) 54-57. Rescue Update. (May) 81. Retinal Dysplasia. Begun, Ann. (Jan.) 55-57. Science Fiction/Science Fact. Trepanier, Lauren, DVM, DACVIM. (Aug.) 74-77. Seizures in Dogs. Graves, Thomas K., DVM. (March) 58-61. Setter Mania. Warren, Jill. (April) 70-73, 76. Should You Special? Baughman, Emelise. (June) 60- 65. Six Shows, Six Days, z< Scenery and a C.D.? Ewing, =uVws Susan. (Jan.) 66-70. o=O = Sixth Annual Fiction Con- test Winners. Vargo, Stepha- able; Deadly Parasite May be for Dogs with Tumors; Lyme ney Failure and the Brain; nie. (May) 73. Spreading; Is Dominance-Re- Disease: A Confusing Issue; Deafness; Heart Disease and lated Aggression Inherited?; Tick-Control Tactics. Size. Smooth as Silk. Ericson, New Weapon Against Fleas. Laurie. (Oct.) 38-42. (Aug.) 38, 40, Cardiac Pace- (Dec.) 34, 36, Antibiotics (Feb.) 40, 42, Certain In- makers: A Viable Choice; IgA and Breeding; Choose Disin- Staging a National Special- sulins Being Phased Out; Di- Deficiency and Shar-Pei Skin fectants Wisely; New Stats on ty. Reeves, Laura. (Dec.) 66-69. agnosing Diarrhea; Toxic Disease; Protein at Fault in Deaf Dalmatians; Autoim- Algal Waterblooms; Steel Basenji Diarrhea?; Identifying mune Skin Disease Treat- Steriod Use in Dogs. Shot Can be Dangerous. Carriers of Copper Toxicosis. ment. Trepanier, Lauren, DVM, DACVIM. (June) 67-71. (March) 36, 38, Heartworm (Sept.) 36, 38, Antibiotic-In- The Victorian Era and the Vaccine Possible; Miniature duced Hemorrhage; Timing Pet Portrait. Secord, William. Tax Tips for Judges and Schnauzers at High Risk for C-sections for Puppy Sur- (Oct.) 52-56. Clubs. Zeissow, Bernard W., Stones; Suture Abscesses; vival; Bovine Collagen Ex- PhD. (March) 73-76. Masticatory Muscle Myositis. plored for Tendon and Liga- Walk Your Dog to an Obe- ment Repair; Possible De- dience Title. Gibbs, Margaret. Teaching a Dog to Heel. (April) 30, 32, Foxtail Alert!; wormer/Heartworm Tablet. (July) 52-57. Davis, Dominique. (Sept.) 58- Need for Cases; Suture Can 64. Cause Complications; New (Oct.) 34, 36, Lyme Disease Weaning Puppies. Graves, Hope for Treating Heartworm. Update—Background Infor- Thomas K., DVM. (Nov.) 68-72. Tibetan Tribute. Vargo, mation; Diagnosis: How Do Stephanie. (July) 70-75. (May) 30, 32, Are Fecal You Know For Sure? Confus- What Are We Really Feed- Exams Reliable?; First Ca- ing Infection/Disease Ratio; ing Our Dogs? Willard, Tips From Top Handlers. nine Bloodmobile; New Fix Summary and Current Rec- Thomas, PhD. (July) 46-49. Warren, Jill. (Oct.) 45-49. For Breaks; Inherited Suscep- ommendations. tibility to Onion Poisoning. Whelping the Small Toby and Beaux. Rucker, (Nov.) 34, 36, Highlights Breeds. Schadlich, Janey Story Anna Lee. (Aug.) 59-62. (June) 40, 42, What To From the 1992 Tenth Annual & Abbott, Beverly. (May) 52-57. Know About Food Trials; Hy- Forum of the American Col- Too Much of a Good Thing. poallergenic Diets; Attention lege of Veterinary Internal When Love Walks In the McCann, Winifred. (Dec.) 16. Akita Breeders!; Did You Medicine—inherited RBC Dis- Ring. Fraser, Jacqueline. (Feb.) Know... eases; Stimulating WBC Pro- 56-60. Veterinary News. Wilford, duction; Potential Cancer Christine, DVM. (Jan.) 34-35, (July) 34, 36, Beware Pen- Treatment; Heartworm Dis- White on Gold. Dannen, Safer Chemotherapy Avail- nyroyal Oil Repellents; Hope ease; Prostaglandin Use; Kid- Donna and Kent. (Jan.) 58-65. MARCH 1993 127 This index has been compiled to kelp readers locate information that Bernese Mountain Dogs appeared in the GAZETTE’s breed columns in 1992. For each listing the 4:115-117 Train Your Berner as first number refers to the month in which that particular column appeared; You Do Chores; Remember to the number following the colon refers to the page(s) in that issue on which Attend The National Specialty that column can be found. 7:109-110 1991 BMDCA Records 10:123-125 From the Alps to the Oy Rockies Activities 8:116-117 Mission Possible? (See also Field Trials and Hunt- 11:107-108 Starting the ACD on Bichons Frises ing Tests, Obedience, Showing Stock 5:100-101 Bichon Statistics and Handling) 8:105-106 Bichons With Han- a 4:129 Uniquely Siberian Versa- dies? tility Australian Terriers 11:94 National Specialty—1992 5:114-115 Narcotics Detection 1:114-115 Crates Style Dogs 3:96-97 My Farewell 6:131-132 The Welsh Hunter, 6:114-115 A Tribute to Nell Pt. Il Fox Bitches—in Whelp/Whelping 7:84-86 Shorthair Therapy Dog 9:112-113 Australian Terrier Res- 6:95-96 Dog Gone cue, Pt.| 7:102-103 Puppies 12:96-97 Australian Terrier Res- 12:85-86 Grandma in the Whelp- = Affenpinschers cue, Pt. Il ing Box 2:100 Cropping and Docking, Pt. | 5:84-85 Cropping and Docking, Basenjis Black and Tan Coonhounds Pt. Il 1:100 Breed Rescue or Planned 3:82-83 The Revised Standard, 8:89-90 Hard Coat Secrets Parenthood Pt. Il 11:80-81 Why Am | Always Late? 3:79-80 1991 BCOA National 6:96-98 The Revised Standard, Specialty Pt. Ill 6:93-94 Genetic Screening Aid 11:79-80 1992 National Afghan Hounds 9:91-92 Dog Shows Are What = 1:99-100 Afghan Hound Move- We Make of Them ment, Pt. | Bloodhounds 3:78-79 Afghan Hound Move- 1:102-103 Pack Order and Alpha; ment, Pt. Il Basset Hounds Thanks 6:92-93 The Crate 1:101-102 Breeder Recognition 3:83-84 Choosing Mr. Right; ABC 9:90-91 The Whole Picture 3:80-81 The Basset Standard 1992 National Specialty 12:76-77 Leading a Horse To 6:94-95 This and That 6:98 Training Mr. Tucker = Water 9:92 Inherited Problems In the 9:93-95 ABC Natural Specialty Basset 12:80-81 Bloodhounds Don't Fol- 12:77-78 Basset Coat Color low!; 1993 National Specialty in Airedale Terriers Oregon 1:113-114 New Look for the Montgomery Weekend; Request Beagles for Information 1:102 The Question Border Terriers Gq 3:95-96 Canine Genetic 3:81-82 National Specialty; 1992 1:116 Meet an OTCh. Border Research National Specialty Terrier 6:113-114 Straight From the 6:95-96 Dog Gone 3:98-99 Improving U.S. Border Horse’s Mouth 9:92-93 1991 Annual Awards Judging; American Border 9:110-111 And Baby Makes Four 12:78-79 The Magic of Aldie Sourcebook 12:94-95 Cushing’s Syndrome 6:115-116 Borders, HD and the OFA, Pt. | Bearded Collies 9:114-115 Borders, HD and the Alaskan Malamutes 5:113-114 Beardie Heads OFA, Pt. Il 4:114-115 The Standard From A 8:117 Proper Socialization 12:99-100 Ehrlichia: A Learning <7 to Z, Pt. Il 11:108-109 National Specialty Experience 7:108-109 The Standard From A to Z, Pt. Ill 10:122-123 Homeopathic Medi- Bedlington Terriers Borzoi cine 1:115-116 That's A Bedlington 1:104 Canine Dentistry 1992 3:97-98 Sherlock Specialty 6:115 The Bedlington is Differ- 6:99-100 '92 National C. American Foxhound ent 9:95-96 Passages 9:97-98 Alive and Well 9:113-114 Comparison Is Not 12:81-82 Judging Borzoi Odious 12:98-99 Individually Adaptable American Kennel Club Boston Terriers (See also Current Concerns, 5:101-102 Brief BTCA Obedience GC The Sport of Dogs) Belgian Malinois History 7:95-96 Identification 5:114-115 Narcotics Detection 8:106 1992 BTCA National Spe- 7:122 The AKC Listens to the Dogs cialty Fancy 8:118 Malinois in Pet Shops 11:94-96 On the Matter of Move- om 8:104 Notice From the AKC 11:109 Why Own a Malinois? ment 12:104-105 Preparing for the AKC Visit Belgian Sheepdogs Bouviers des Flandres 5:115-116 Diet and Nutrition 5:117-118 Give Your Heart to a American Staffordshire Terriers 8:118-119 Summertime Bouvier to Tear; Applause For 9:111-112 The Standard, Pt. | 11:109-110 BSCA National Spe- The Latest Breed Books; Have 12:95-96 The Standard, Pt. |; cialty You Hugged Your Bouvier Puppy oe Clarification Today; Postage Stamp Bouviers 8:119-120 Dogs of Flanders 1992 Belgian Tervuren Pulled Milk Carts; The Standard’s Australian Cattle Dogs 5:116-117 Canine Houdinis Stance On Coat; The Distinguish- INDEX 5:112-113 The “Show” Australian 11:110-111 1992 ABTC National ing Bouvier Beard Cattle Dog Specialty 11:111-112 Three Bouvier Bears 128 GAZETTE Boxers Revised; Animal Rights Gone Clumber Spaniels 7:112 1992 National Specialty 4:117 Mislabeling the Boxer Astray 1:90-91 Should Clumbers Be and Convention 7:110-111 The Boxer Bite More Popular? 10:126-127 Response to “Fore- 10:125-126 The Stud Dog—An 4:103-104 An Introduction quarter Angulation” Owner's Manual Bull Terriers 7:96-97 New Puppy Ownership 1:116-118 Sleeping Lethals 10:110-112 1992 National Spe- 3:99-100 Silverwood XXII; Bullies cialty Dog Clubs Breed Discrimination “Down Under” 5:102-103 Bulldog Club of Ameri- 4:117 Mislabeling the Boxer 6:116-118 More From “Down ca Under”; Thoughts About Welfare; Cocker Spaniels 10:130-131 Making the Most of 1-800-BTBT 911 1:91-92 Observations on Cocker Regional Breed Clubs Breeding 9:115-116 Grave Problems In the Breeding, Pt. | 1:87-88 Whelping in Your House Breed 4:104-106 Observations on Cock- 1:91-92 Observations on Cocker 12:100-101 Time for a Change er Breeding, Pt. II Dog Shows Breeding, Pt. | 7:97-98 Selecting the Show 10:117-118 The Invitational 1:107-108 What Evil Lurks Prospect 10:118-119 National—Western 1:116-118 Sleeping Lethal Buying and Selling 10:112-113 Placing Cockers Style 1:120-121 Fresh Cooled Extend- 1:102 The Question 11:94 National Specialty—1992 ed Semen 1:110 Nightmare Becomes Reali- Style 3:83-84 Choosing Mr. Right ty! Collies 12:80-81 Bloodhounds Don't Fol- 3:93-94 Never Say Never, Pt. II 4:126-127 A Two-Way Street for 5:118-119 Orange Delight low! 3:109-110 To Breed or Not To Buyers and Sellers 8:121 New CCA Program Breed 5:87-88 Reply to an Inquiry 11:113-114 Hooray for Volun- 4:100-101 Reproduction Prob- 5:117-118 Give Your Heart to a teers; Collie Celebrities English Cocker Spaniels lems Bouvier to Tear 1:92-93 Late Notes on the '91 4:104-106 Observations on Cock- 7:96-97 New Puppy Ownership National er Breeding, Pt. II 7:97-98 Selecting the Show Curly-Coated Retrievers 4:106 Storms, Dogs and Friends 4:111 Kennel Blindness Prospect 4:94-96 The Importance of Curly 7:98-99 Adjusting to the New 4:117-118 Looking for a Stud 8:104 The Ugly American Syn- Type 10:114 1992 ECSCA National Dog drome 7:88-89 National and Regional Specialty 4:120-121 The “Debris” in Our 8:106-107 Are You A Flea Market Happenings Humane Societies Breeder 4:121-122 Lets Have a Litter 10:Placing Cockers English Setters 5:84-85 Cropping and Docking, 10:110 Kids and Dogs Current Concerns 1:87-88 Whelping in Your House Pt. Il 12:76-77 Leading a Horse to (See also American Kennel 4:100-101 Reproduction Prob- 5:90-91 Stud Performance, Pt. Ill Water Club, Breed Discrimination, lems 11:100-101 Ethical Breeding The Sport of Dogs) 7:92-93 Airline Regulations Hit 11:117 Breeding for Healthy 1:89-90 Fighting Back Home; Breeding Legislation Dogs Cairn Terriers 1:121-122 Pet Overpopulation, 10:108 Push-Button Dogs, Pt. | 11:90-92 What to Do About Pet 1:118-119 CTCA National Spe- Pt. Il Overpopulation cialty 5:89-90 The Root of Evil? Pt. Il 12:105-106 What To Do? 3:100-101 Our Responsibility to 5:109-110 What Are You Doing English Springer Spaniels 12:86-87 The First of the Lot Novices for Our Breed? 4:107-108 The Big Secret 6:118-119 Do You Know the 7:92-93 Breeding Legislation 7:99-100 1991 National Champi- Standard?; Correction 8:100-101 Dog Auctions onships Briards 9:116-118 Genetic Disorders In 8:123-124 Why a Bob Tail 10:114 Memories 5:118 Briard Specialty ‘92 the Cairn 8:126 Tail Docking 8:120 Temperament—One Man's 12:101-102 The Necessity for 10:137-138 A Better Tomorrow Opinion Necropsies for Our Dogs English Toy Spaniels 11:112-113 Show Training for the 11:118-119 Are You Insured? 5:86-87 Breed Rescue Young Puppy 12:113 Euthanasia 8:93 Out and About Cardigan Welsh Corgis 12:103 Crop or Flop? 11:83 A Judge’s Dilemma; 5:122-123 Let's Help Our Judges; National Specialty Brittanys National Specialty News 1:80-81 Little Dog Lost 8:125 Breed Better Dogs Dachshunds 4:91 National Winners; Farewell 11:117-118 Cardigans Come Full 1:104-105 15th Annual Miniature Field Spaniels and Thank You Circle Exposition 1:93 The Very Best Dog 7:83-84 New Columnist; New 3:84-85 First DCA Regional and 4:108-109 You Can Make the Dif- AKC Breed Standard Video; Brit- Obedience Trial ference tany Rescue Chesapeake Bay Retrievers 6:100-101 Legendary Names 7:100-102 Necropsy 10:98-99 What Is a Futurity? Cor- 1:83-84 1991 Scandinavian From the Past 10:115-116 Sorry, Entries Closed rection Shows; ACC Specialty Trial Win- 9:96-97 A Promising New Drug ners 12:82-83 California Fiesta! 4:93-94 1991 Scandinavian Field Trials and Hunting Tests Brussels Griffons Shows, Pt.ll 4:99-100 Field Dogs Revisited 5:85-86 Animal Control Center 7:87-88 1990 Obedience Awards Dalmatians 7:99-100 1991 National Champi- 8: 90-91 ABGA Sponsors Second 10:102-104 Size and the Working 5:104-105 On the Road Again onships Specialty; Westchester Special- Chesapeake 8:108-109 Nutrition for Dalma- 7:106 Advantages of Hunting ty tians, Pt. | Tests; A Most Willing Mother 11:81-82 Tail Docking and Ear 11:98-99 Nutrition for Dalmatians, Cropping; John Kipp Chihuahuas Pt. Il 5:86 Stop the Jerk! 8:91-92 Alternative Veterinary Bulldogs Medicine Dandie Dinmont Terriers 5:102-103 Bulldog Club Of Amer- 11:82-83 Whiskers; Year-End 1:119-120 The Breeder as Artist ica Thought 3:101-102 While You're Away 8:106-107 Are You A Flea Market 6:119-120 Pet Quality Versus Breeder Show Quality 11:96-97 Exhibiting at Interna- Chinese Shar-Pei 9:118-119 The Two-Dog Family tional Shows 8:107 Dispelling Myths 12:102-103 Driving Safely to 11:97-98 15th Annual National Dog Shows Specialty Bullmastiffs 4:117-118 Looking for a Stud Doberman Pinschers Dog Chow Chows 4:118-119 Ideas From Our 7:111-112 Bullmastiff Standard 5:103-104 The Standard National Convention MARCH 1993 129 10:100-101 Three Ways to Hunt Great Danes 4:102-103 History Lessons; Labrador Retrievers With a GSP 4:120-121 The “Debris” in Our National Specialty Preview 4:99-100 Field Dogs Revisited 10:129-130 Tracking With a Humane Societies; National 7:95-96 Identification 7:92 The Pet Labrador Great Dane Notes 10:110 Kids and Dogs; National 10:107-108 The Parent Club and 10:110 National Field Trial 7:113-114 1992 GDCA National Field Trial Its Activities Specialty 10:129-130 Tracking With a Finnish Spitz Great Dane irish Terriers Lakeland Terriers 5:105-106 The Return 1:122-123 Opinions From the 6:123-124 The “Perfect” Pet 8:109-110 The Barking Myth; Past Dog National Specialty Great Pyrenees 3:104-105 The Comic 9:122-123 Pregnancy: Promise or 11:99-100 Should | Show My 4:121-122 Let's Have a Litter Quadruped; A Dog's Death and Peril? Own Dog? 7:114-115 GPCA 1992 National Life 12:105-106 What To Do? Specialty 6:122-123 Establishing Ties 10:130-131 Making the Most of 9:121-122 First Irish Obedience Flat-Coated Retrievers Regional Breed Clubs Trial Lhasa Apsos 1:84 Denver May Specialty 12:104 How Many Dogs?; 5:108-109 What to Do Before 4:96-98 Aggressiveness Contin- Father/Son Day Entering the Ring ued Greyhounds 8:112-113 Marcus Aurelius and 7:89-90 The Adolescent Flat-Coat 1:105-106 Specialty Obedience Kara Nor 10:104-105 FCRSA Rescue and 3:85-86 Lure Coursing; Special- irish Water Spaniels 11:101-102 What's In a Name Referral; Rocky Mountain Res- ties; Norwegian Breed Publication 1:94-95 No Room at the Inn cue 6:101-102 The Silver Anniversary 4:109-111 Obedience With IWS Specialty; Greyhound Books; 7:102 Attitude! Maltese Tracking Greyhounds; Judy De 10:116-117 Walter 5:90-91 Stud Performance, Pt. French Bulldogs Casembroot ill 5:106-107 Color 9:98-99 Bird Dogs 8:95-97 Maltese and Women: 8:110-111 95th National Special- 12:83-84 The Christmas Rescue Irish Wolfhounds Reflections; Correction ty Show; Increase in Registra- Dog 1:106-107 Rescue Report 11:84-85 1992 AMA Specialty tions 3:87-88 Specialty Impressions, 11:100-101 Ethical Breeding Pt. i Health 6:103-104 Specialty Impressions, Manchester Terriers 1:127 On the Medical Front Pt. Il 6:124-125 Gone to the Dogs; A Geriatrics 3:95-96 Canine Genetic Research 9:100 National Specialty Manchester Mystery; Hunting 8:103 An Aging Buddy 3:109 Cryptorchidism 12:85-86 Grandma in the Whelp- Again 3:111-112 PLE Can Be Treated ing Box 9:123-124 AMTC Hall of Fame 4:124-125 Screening for Heart 12:106-107 A Manchester Wish German Shepherd Dogs Problems List; Natural Disasters; The Obe- 5:119-120 Hero Dog Awards 5:92-93 Skinny Dogs italian Greyhounds dient Manchester; Manchesters 8:122-123 Defending Pure-Breds, 5:115-116 Diet and Nutrition 5:87-88 Reply to an Inquiry and Recycling Pt. | 5:120-121 Autoimmune Disease 8:93-94 Specialty—Texas Style; 11:114-115 Defending Pure- 6:93-94 Genetic Screening Aid Seizure Disorders Breds, Pt. Il 6:110-112 Alopecia in Whippets, 11:83-84 West Coast Specialty Mastiffs Pt. 1 Weekend 4:123-124 Comments on the 6:113-114 Straight From the Standard; 1992 MCA Specialty German Shorthaired Pointers Horse’s Mouth Show; Rescue Notes 1:82 A Good Dog First 6:115-116 Borders, HD and the Japanese Chin 7:117-118 The Latest on Bloat 4:92-93 Ma and Pa Kettle Up OFA, Pt. | 5:89-90 The Root of Evil? Pt. Il 10:131-132 Help Breed Rescue North; Genetics versus Environ- 6:126-127 Congenital Juvenile 8:95 A Rose Is a Rose Is a Vio- Help Our Dogs ment Cataracts let 7:84-86 Shorthair Therapy Dog 7:100-102 Necropsy 11:84 Burnout 10:100-101 Three Ways To Hunt 7:104-105 Anaphylactic Shock Miniature Bull Terriers With a GSP From a Tick Bite? 6:125-126 Mini Temperament 7:117-118 The Latest on Bloat Judging 9:125 Mini Roots 8:91-92 Alternative Veterinary 6:129-130 On the Day 12:107-108 Testing For Health German Wirehaired Pointers Medicine Problems 7:86-87 Housepets or Kennel 8:93-94 Seizure Disorders Dogs?; National News 8:108-109 Nutrition for Dalma- Keeshonden 10:102 History of the German tians, Pt. | 5:107-108 Trimming Do’s and Miniature Pinschers Drahthaar 8:118-119 Summertime Don'ts 5:91-92 The Public Perception 9:108-109 Alopecia in Whippets, 8:111-112 Keeshond Literature 8:97 Twenty-One Guns Pt. Il 11:85-86 Can Your Dog Do Giant Schnauzers 9:114-115 Borders, HD and the That? 4:119-120 Look at the Legs OAF, Pt. II Kerry Blue Terriers 7:113 Fire! 11:98-99 Nutrition for Dalmatians, 6:123 What Can | Do?; Breed 10:127-128 Anniversary Show Pt. Il Education Miniature Schnauzers 12:94-95 Cushing’s Syndrome 9:122 The Correctable Fault 6:126-127 Congenital Juvenile 12:99-100 Ehrlichia: A Learning 12:104-105 Imprinting; Prepar- Cataracts Golden Retrievers Experience ing for the AKC Visit; Eat Your 1:84-86 Memories of the National 12:101-102 The Necessity for Heart Out England; Kerries Amateur; Goldens in Advertis- Necropsies Around the World; The Perfect Newfoundiands ing Kerry Coat 4:124-125 Screening for Heart 4:98-99 The Greatest Show on Problems; '92 National Earth Ibizan Hounds 7:118-120 NCA _ Progress 7:90-92 The Bottom Line 1:106 Ibizan Hound Movement Komondorok Reports; Titles and Champi- 10:106-107 Gertrude Fischer 3:86-87 “The Ears Are Highly 4:122-123 Revised Standard onships; Officers and Board (1902-1992); Don’t Limit Your Dog Mobile” Rough Draft Members 6:102-103 Grading an Ibizan 7:115-116 1992 Komondorok 10:132-133 A Many-Splendored Hound Litter Specialty Event Gordon Setters 9:99-100 Moving Forward—Look- 2:88-89 Grooming, Pt. | ing Back 4:101-102 Grooming, Pt. II 12:84-85 The Ibizan as a Pet Kuvaszok Norfolk and Norwich Terriers 7:93-95 Those Doggies in the 2:91-92 Adoption: A Story of 6:127-128 A Fresh View of Window Love, Pt. Il Tails 10:108-110 Just a Gordon Set- irish Setters 7:116-117 Early History of the 9:125-126 Changes ter 1:89-90 Fighting Back Breed 12:108-110 As We Begin... ; 130 GAZETTE

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