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TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan ue t ue Lapickveter Sacienc 6e2 (2) 9:8- 1Ol, June 201 1 Pupae of Japanes Ceallidulid a(eLepidoptera) Masanao NAKAMURA Ubumi 4971-1,Ytito-choN,ishi-ku,Hamamatu,431-O102Japan Abstruc t[[h epupae of two callidulid geller aC,allidu Hllaibne arnd Ptervdect aButler presen tin Japa nare described. From the pupa lcharacteristics, the Calliduli dasa edesignat ebyd Minet (1989 c)ontains two (o rmore) conspicuously diEferen ftamilie s,one (incEud ait nlgeas tthe Pterothysani nbaeel)ong sto the Macrolepidopter aand is related to the Bombycoidea, the other (th Cealliduli nias ea )sister group ef the Hyblaeid aien the Microlepidopter aT,rue Callid Lud]ae should be restricted to Minet's Callidulinae, Key wordsCallidulidae, Callidula P,terodecld ,pupa, descriptio ncl,assification, phylogeny ,Japan. The Calliduli dias ea small but curious farnil Myi.net separate fatnili beust also they are fa rapart in phylogenetic (1989 )recognized three subfamilies, the Oriental relationships, the fOrmer is a member o'f the so-called Callidulina et,he Madagascan Griveaudiina eand the Microlepidopte ranad the latt ebrelong wsithin the higher Pterothysaninae.Arnongthem,onlytwogeneraPterodectLaepidopte crlaose to the Bombycoidea. and Callidul ian the Callidulin aoeccur in Japan, Based on the pupal morphology, Nakarnura (1981) Knowledge of the pupae in this famil iys insuffici eanndt considered R falde Brrien]e rshould be include dtha tin pupue were recorded only three geiler sao fai :Oriental the Pyraloide aand Tschistiako vand Belyaev (1987) Pterodecta ,Callidul a(Callidul iannda eMa)dagascan reached a similar conclusion from consideration of the Helicomitru(Pterothysaninae), featur oefs larv aand pupa ,However ,thi ospinion was not accepted byMinet(1991w)ho, regarded theCallidulidae R(Ber]se9emlaerr6 c,s )Nhu riavnketyao mC uoarfla lt i(hde1 ui9lmi 8pmd 0ua1p,t9au8 r1he)a sid lobfle uPgsttaern rwaoit tdtheehdc e Nptau afgpaaen taon'ddseriatGshe eoa smOsebotctirea otceidtd me awei.trH hoaslu clthohw e aaMysa cR (rho1ol9pep a9il8dfoo)ocpletlreoraw a,e D,d rpet lphaainsco,e idadmoenag or discusse dit sphylogeneti pcesitio nN.ishto (19g 31,987) observed some habit sof the adult and 1arva T.schisc aikov The pupa of Heticomitr aButle ris allie tdo those of the and Be]yaev ( 1987) describe daccurately the larv aand Bombycidae, especially Prisjnosti cBtuatle r(Nakamura, pupa and discussed their phylogenet ipcosition. 2007) jn the fo11owin gfeature sl:ackin grnaxillary palpus; Subsequently I,noguch iand Miyata (1999 s)uccessfu11y labia pla]pu sadjoining labrum; mandibles never meeting bred the larva eof Catlidul aattenuata Moore and Minet on meson; maxi1la reaching befor eti pof pruthorac ilceg; (1987 d)escribe dthe pupa of Madagascan Helicomitra antenna extending at tip of prothorac ilceg s;uture between monitijlera MabMe. pro -and mesothorax attached to antenna at a point of ]eg; Pitn etrhios dpeacptea r, ,tfheel pduepr aiBer eofm eCra lbloitdh u oal'tt(a e'nwthtiactah Mboeolroen ga ntdo psurtou-r ean dre msetsroitchtoirnagc ipcro xliemgas ml emeatrignign onof mepsroon;th ocrreamcasi tcer (Callidul iarne adees)c,ribe dT.hey are compared wj th that and cremaster setae absent, etc, of IIblicomit mroanitijlera Mabill (ePterothysa nanidnae)On the other hand, the pupae of Pterodect aButle rand thejr phylogenet rielcation betwee nthem discussed, Callidu lHaUbner show contrasting characteristics to Ttamunuchwdcceoho m Psmmutoo brdepdfahratiorelosnodtgisilhciiaymetssi, ali nCan iart nlih daC ltei efiyHsfoadefmru eeiltrh'i eeficn an(c oimaoeCnfimes laitey hltice,ls trgp siarcudoe )pnaauacn, tedeatrn nbdaPee dtstehworew osetdnoe ttcbhoteeoa) Hpolpofenaerl ]gomsi p;-ue catusanounet smrdneneien;v tn emrrar eemassa o atx ltsarihdoi ljofclonritabagnixilnen eglgr xt otp hwearant s lnedmt:ai aaxxpncibighlrrlmeoadu arftyml ahmt; raom obra r egpnaaidynanictelbe inlpln ccnoduesaf tsga ip; ps parp u1toeto faauctr rpraiheugrndoge o abr;m,tleeahe tcltpowi iaorlnecbgiaeeincgnati;lc Not only does it appear on the basi sof pupa lmorphology pro- and mesothoracic legs never meeting on meson; that thes etwo subfamilies should be censidered to be ¢remaster and cremaster setae present e,tc, Ilaxonomic studies on the pupae of Japanese Lepidoptera-Heteroce rXaVIII NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society oofJfap anJapan 99 PupaeofJapaneseCallidulidae 1 3 ra ' ) yL L' t-,v'", 1l .]o. ' e.t.t / t. . 'e..",I.../.・=--"/ 'L' t. a・,',.)iKS"tSOIn't/L. 6 a 5 YI/'tttt 1.....- bl sasSD2 'xq,ilel'tt3vltfsv'Ji?Nnl'Dl eeeeligL "f vtlnelL±-h x:.trx ,・s /ll・ti,・ Fig. 1, PteivdectaJlalde Brriemer, ventral and later vailews. (aft Nearkamura ,1980). a: cremaster Fig, 2. Callidu lataten"ata Moore ,ventral and latera vliews, b: cremaster, Fig ,3. Madagascan Helicomitra monilijlrme Mtabi]] ev,entral and latera vliews (aft Meirnet, 1987) ,Fig. 4. H),btae afbrtiss Biumtaler, ye]tral and latera lviews, Hyblaeidae (aft Nearkamura and Iwata ,1969) .Fig. 5. Striglin asuz"kii 'ventral Matsumura, and later avliews; Thyridida e(aft Nearkamura, 1974 )Fig .6. Prismostict hayatiuata Butle rve,ntral and later vailews, Bombycida e(aft Nearkamura ,2007) Accordinglytheauthorconcludes,judgingfromthepupalis valid only for the Pterothysani bnuat enot acceptable morphology, that the Callidulid aase designate bdy Minet fdr the Asian Callidulin awheich may be closely related (1989 )consists of two (o rmore) completely different to the Pyralida eF.inall yt,he true Calliduli dshaoueld be families ,one belonging near the Pyraloidea in the restricted to species belongin gto the Cal]idulinae. MMaiccrroolleeppidiodpotpe tarnea dr,H atohwee ovtehre,r ttoh teh ce rBaonmiably csouitdureea iins tahne iCna glelniedruallli ytn,hae epbheylogeneti pcforsoimttiho eonf this subfainily exceptional featur eM.inet (198 7no)ted that the epicranial des mcaryi beb deplreoswu,med pupal abdominal suture (sic=cr asuntuirea)l is presen ton the pupa of setae as Helicomitra monilijlera Mabitle ,According to Mosher The abdominal and L setae of lepidoptero upsupae ( 1916) ,the pupai cranial suture is presen tin the Pyralidae vary as fOllows:SD and is absent in the Bombycidae, As no pupa of species (1)intheMicrolepidoptera thosein(2b)elow,The in the Griveaudiina ies yet been fbund ,the phylogenetic SD 1 bears dorsa edxcept t he SD2 is positio onf this subfamily is not clear. ]ack sientag T.he Ll a seta be asrpis raac lveen tarnod-c auda ] sp isertaacl e, In conclusion, the phylogeneti tcreatment by Minet (19 19) directl bye]ow the L2 seta. NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 1OO M. NAKAMIIRA (2 )in the Pyraloide a(Pyrali dCaraem,bidae, Alucitidae on 5th-7 tahbdominal segments and setae absent on 8th- and Thyrididae )within the Microlepidopter aT,he 1Oth abdominal segments. situation is the same as in ( ]) but the L2 seta is absent. Apart from thi s the two famili aerse similar to each oth er (3 )in the Drepanoidea (Drepanid aThey,atiridae and in the the day-, fiyi hnagbit of the adult, vertical wing Epicopeiida eb)elongin gto the Macrolepidopter tah,e positi oatn rest and the larva elivin agnd pupatin gwithin situation is the same as in (1 )but the leng SD2 seta is I'old eldea fof the food-fe rentc,. presen tdirect laybove the SDI seta. Therefore the phylogeneti crelationship between the (4 )in the Macrolepidopte reaxcept thos ien (3 a)bove. [[be Calliduli daande the Hyblaeidae sheuld be carefully SD setae is as in ( 1) .L1 seta is situated directi byelow reconsidered, in spite of the fac tthat the Callidutid aheas the spiracle and L2 seta situates ventro-caudad spiracle, been depesite dinto the unique superfamily Calliduloidea byHeppner(1998). The pupa of the Callidulin aheas the same characteristics as (1 )above, and therefor ie tis beyond disput tehat this subfamily belongs to the Microlepidope texrcaluding Key to the genera Pyraloidea I.t is regrettable that the chaetotaxy of the Helicomitr apupa has not been clarified, 1. [[l iofp maxillary palpu sappearing to proximo-lateral corner ofmaxilla; antenna ending slightly befbr etip of mesothoracic leg; spiracular callosity not raised; Relatio nto the allied famili ebsased on the pupa] feature mesothoracic Ieg reachjng a hal flengt hbetween tip of leg As mentioned above, there is no doubt that the species of prothorac ic and caudal margin of wing; cremaster Cal]idulinaearethememberofso-calledMicrolep i dsmoapllte trraan,sversally r,idged ,......, C,a.l,l,,i,dul HaUbner but it is questienabl tehat thi sfamily "is a'ffined to the - Tip ot' maxillary palpu sappearing to proximo-lateral superfamily Pyraloide aa"s was mentiened by Tschis lajkov corner of prothorac ilceg ;antenna ending far befor teip and Belyaev (1 c..). of mesothoracic leg s;piracular callosity roundea stightly iptu ipsa t irus se itmhialat rt hteo ptheactu olfi maa nrrynout Phy rfaolrimn oaf ie tn hteh ec at`lrellatiivedlyuline- rlaeisnedg;t hb meestotwhoeraec jntci pofpr oltheog rraecaicchin lgeg aantd t cwaoud atlhi mradrsg itnhe high positio nof Iabium (err oofr labrum ?) ,absence of of, w,i.n.g.;. c.r.e.m.a,s,t"er, ,s.m.al.l.,. t,r,i,g,o.n.a.l.,..H.,,-,,.............PterodectaButler palp iand the large ,wide gena sclerite swithout isolated mandible" (Tschi askolvj and Be]yae v1, .c.), I belie vtehe part indicat aesd gena by them is the mandible itse lafnd Descriptio nof the genera thi sportio nis represented as the lob eby Mosher (1 c,.), fterodeciBnutler Such a featur oef the 1abrum expaRded to occiput appearing in the Pyralina eand a simi]ar form is observable in many Longitudinall yfusiform .Frons slender and slightly Thyrididpupae. protruding;cranialsuturepresent;mandibles1arge,meeting HmCaoaxwillellvaierydr,u Natnnhdae eilTa,n hbtyihrae plifadolilpdli a o,pawerrieont gdhcioharsrataccit ienfcregs:muui rsa ab hpsfpeerendacoreim ntg ,hofe olbnaeb trmeuwsmoen;;e mneay xei-lLpalibaerciyea lp aanpdlap lpuprs uoss xmmaiilmnlua,t l eeo,nvda ttoefr,i m gensoeovnteahrlo ,r aaapcdpijecoairni inlnggeg; wing reaching to 5th abdominal segment and obscure msatxeielpllay orbelaicqhuien;g a cnatneindnaal msalregnidner, o fex wtienngd,in gce pfhailvi ecsi xmtahrsg itnhe cremaster, distan cteo caudal margin of wing; dista elnd of suture One of the unique and importa nfteatur oefs the calliduline resnicting eye-piece touching to prothorac ilceg ;suture pupa is in the chaetotaxy, the lackin gof a cephalic Afl between pro- and mesothoTux attached to antenna at caudal and presenc eo'fthe al)domina Ll1 and L2 setae, and these point of suture restricting mesothoracic leg ;spiracular characteristics is common only in the Hyblaeidae callosity srnal1 but distinc tp;rothorac ilceg ending half 'femur (Nakamu ranad iwata ,1 969) b,ut they diff efrrom the 1atter the lengt hto caudal margin of wing, invisible; in the followln gpoints ,dist aeLnd oi' suture restricting mesothoracic Teg reaching fiv esixths the lengt hto caudal eye-piece touches prothoraci cleg ,maxilla extends to margin of wing; metathoracic leg yisible smal1 at side of caudal margin of wing, antenna reaches far beyond tlp of dist aenld of maxilla; hindwin gappeaiing to near apex prothorac ilceg ,femur ofprothoracic leg is invisib ]seom,e along fbrewing ;5th-7t habdominal scgments with flange furrows are presen ton 5th-7t habdominal coniunctivae plate 2;nd-3rd abdominal spiracles full yvisible, slightly dorsad ,one to three folds absent on metathorax and lst- protrudin g8;th one rudimentary ; cremaster trigonal ,smal l 8th abdominal segments dorsad ,SV2 seta never present protuberan twi,th three pair sof hooked setae, NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee  LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegiroaollogical  SSoooiceityety  ooff  JJaapapnan Pupae〔}f亅apanese Callidulidae 101 The‘ccallus −lik ehillock”s lateral olny 2nd−4th abdominal    レ153. segments  being describe dby Tschistjako avnd  Belyaev Nagano, K ,,1916. Lif−ebisto rQyf some  Japanes Leepidoptera (1.c.)is not very conspicuous  featur.e   containing  new  Geller aand  Species. Bull. Nawa Ento肌   Lab.,1.96 pp.9pls.(ln Japanese) Fl seta bome in upper  positio;nAfl seta absent ;Dl alld Nakaml  , M ,1974 Pupae efJapanese  Thyridid(aLe£pidopter)a. SabDdIom inoanl pr soe−g,m emnetso an−da nDdI  maentdat ShDorlaoxn   2enadc−h7;thD sIeg moennt sl st;      T)10G,1α9,802.5:T7h−e1 2k.ey for the cla∬ ificatio nof Japanese Ll on 4th−7th segments ;L2 positedju upspter  L1 on 5th−   Lepidopterou psupae. Collect iofoRnhopaloceological  Papers 7th segments ;SLl on 5th−7th segments .   presente dfo rthe lOI hAnniversa orfyTaka 〔} Semina. rpp.1− P鮟 アlBremer,15  , yellowis hbrown.      29.,T1a9k8a1o .SKeemyi ntao, r Ttohkey ocl(aisn sJiafipca皿ateiseon) of the Japanese   Lepidopterou sPupae.乃o Gα32:1−12, Callldul aHUbner    ,2007.Pupae of Japanese Bombycidae and  Eupter{}tidae C】osely  allied to l)terodecta Butler but with  a more   (Lepidopter)a. Tinea 20:28−32. pvpiaenrrnn dtotorax hmsie lifem]lnnco)d1yee −r1alnn0 adtcwt o ietnohvnrnaeg a nx pmciloeo tsrytionhtneahr ttoo: rns moaoafx fx3 i Plrmlatd xa−demra4ory(ワtrd hs peaaa(;llbalcdl eoppya mhniuaa dlnnssiad colom netlw oyh muasa tcredghgiiminfen nflgteas  rrotfigoneg     NNai    ksahプmi6(2bBuo11,r rr−9Ma−2te∬皿26i, .i,2Me(rm2]l.), 9an ( a(8lJnBL3danuc  ptJ TpaK覧ahienredp, eoIa日 (spwHemesa)tayetetbi田)nalg,,a Ce1 ia9bdl6ea9lhe )aiL, vdaJk.rtua)vdlpr且a ae oanf)η .  HNdPee tptweeurr poEodan coetefcor t1miか aofsl/t伽e.、t53852dα::eri maxilla  more  steeply oblique ;antenna  extending  to slightly    ,1987.Immature stage  of Pterodeetaプ’olderi (Bremer) befor etip ofmesothoracic  leg;spiracular  callosity 皿ot so   (Calliduli)d,a}伽e96が0109 ;79−80,(InJapanese) raised ;mesothoracic  Jeg ending  at half lengt bhetwee ntip Tschistja{〕kv Yu.A.and E.A, Belyaev,1987,The immatur setages of prodlorac ilceg and  caudal 皿argin of wing ;cremaster    of Pterodect afelde(rBriemer)a皿d systema 廿c positio nof small , transverse, rJ童ydged with thre epair sof hooked setae.    the family CaUidulida(Leepidoptera). Tinea l2(supple ): Chaetota xsy  e as the precedi nggenus.    285−289. C. attenuata  Moore 16mm  reddish  brown. , , 摘 要 Acknowledgmen 口本産イカリモンガ科の蛹(鱗翅目)(中村正直) 的 The author  wishes  the thank to Mr S.T(〕minaga ,01dnawa 口本か ら記録されたイカリモ ンガ科(Ca]lidulid)aのe2種 avnadlu aMbrlse  mEat. eHraiyalass.hi, Kagoshima for the provisio nof PCtaelrtoiddeucαl’ta a.ftteenl”dae tBarr icMmoeorreイベカリニモインガカのリ蛹モの形ン態ガをお記載よしび, 併せて本科の系統的位置を蛹の形態から改めて推定した. References Minet(1989)はイカリモ ンガ科を3亜科に分け,そのうち Pterothysaninaにe属するマ ダガスカルのHelicomitra属の蛹 Heppne,r J. B.,1998. Classifica otfiLeopnidoptera ],Introduct.ion につ い て記載してい る〔Minet,1987)が.この図をみるとわ  H  I on    1Q】g〔巳}HC8awctoa:hatyle1l,n au5l,Mta℃」6it.et P dD, aPu,nL .dMl,e1o1pi 0,Ao9i dPr9Dd.a l.c8rMe5.es.i.T p(yKhSaoaUennPt cPimahod,tt】ahe1se{ 9.Q  aft9DnBo9o d:rS、 n Ti止eU一ohrz1eae4  nn3l8i飛4.i::d一1Fba8aie. −msM2ito0Hot,er(h sylo sfnC  o aJCfsaa B血ploallrniineddesuaoe)te,a Bが寧Cこuat国lろれlleiにBかrdoの産umらl蛹bすiyみnc(aるo亜Nてeia科Cdk,aeala少mとlTuirはなda殊u全,くlに2iく0とnス0a別の7もeカ)のもPにシt,の近e大サrと似o蛾tンはhし類Py著rsてiにasしいnm属ioくnるsすa異te亜こiるなc科とt1っ がaはhつyて分東aのlおかi洋科nりるaのをt,.a Minet,」.,1987.Descripti do’unne  chrysaiides  de Pterothysaninae 形成するものと思われ,真のイカリモ ンガ科はMjnetのい   (Lep. Callidullda).e〈b酬 i〜evue  EntomoL (N. S.)4:312. うイカリモ ンガ亜科(Calliduli)nのaeものに限らなければな    ,1989Nouvelle sfronti6r, egseographiq eute tsaxonolnique,s らない.             pハ(Ltoeou,,pエu1i1vl9. d9Ra9o正9e1hp4.vtTm“.eeiernTl athE:e aGendtlt eiooBs vsmC・oresoaemalclb.t・lya()incN.s domEu.ninSildct.i)teoid6aoma(no:Le3t;e o5.p fp1Stih−hcdey3aol6np o8ddtgi..eet2rnr2,a yCy;a s6Uia9in ap−ddnh9u y5lhl.Qoiiggdehen)eay,r 中定イし村かガし科,し(i寧こに9ろれ8近0)蝶はいや類PもtTやcのsrcoカhとtihギしyssバtたajn.aがヒi kn科a,oanをMevdにi考 nB近ee慮t】いyに(a1も入e99vのれ1(〕1でた9は8あ結7そ)る果はのとに本見考過科解えぎををたず否メ.,   じlassificati(Loenpidopter:aGlossa)t. aEfitom.o5l(rand .25: 寧ろ本科は 蛹 の 形態か らみて セ セ リモ ドキ ガ科    63−88. (Hyblaeidae)に最も近似するものであると考える. M o shechra,r aEcte,r1s9 1of6.  Ath ec lpauspsai丘. cBautiloln. i 〃ofi nthoei s,L3etp. iLdaobp. tNearta,. b正laisse,td 1o2n; (Received Ap釦15,201LAccepted May 30,2011) 一 NNI工I工-EElleoetcrotniroonic  LLiibrbarryary  Service

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