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Preview pulsed laser annealing of p implanted diamond

PULSED LASER ANNEALING OF P IMPLANTED DIAMOND M. G. Allen, S. Prawer, D.N. Jamieson School of Physics. University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, 3052. Australia. R. Kalish Solid State Institute and Physics Department Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, 32000, Israel. Abstract Diamond deeply implanted with 4MeV P to a dose of lxl015atoms/cm2 is an­ nealed by a focused pulsed laser that is selectively absorbed by the implanted dam­ aged layer. Laser treatment with multiple pulses at ever increasing power effects excellent regrowth as measured by channeling RBS, surface profilometry, and by optical transmission. The importance of the deep implantation and the potential of this method for doping diamond is demonstrated. 1 The superior mechanical, heat conducting and electrical properties of diamond hold considerable promise for the use of diamond in high-temperature, radiation-hard, very fast electronic devices and detectors. Effective n- and p-type doping of diamond is required for the realization of such devices. Ion implantation is a practical means to incorporate dopants into the diamond lattice in a controlled way. However, for the successful doping of diamond by this method it is necessary to (i) repair the radiation damage induced by the ion implantation and (ii) electrically activate the dopant. In the present work radiation damage is annealed using a high power pulsed laser which enables the investigation of the effects of high temperature (~ 3U00K), high pressures (5-10 GPa) and very rapid annealing times (10-400ns) on the regrowth kinetics of diamond. These conditions are not otherwise available in the laboratory. The effects of single pulse laser irradiation on deeply buried C ion beam damaged layers in diamond has recently been reported by us [1]. In that work graphitization. annealing and severe ablation were observed to occur over a narrow range of laser power. These effects were explained in terms of the phase diagram of carbon near the triple point. For a certain range of laser powers, partial annealing of the damaged layer was possible. Graphitization, which would usually have occurred for the doses employed, was avoided by the use of a constraining cap of undamaged diamond formed by the deep MeV implants 9 which maintains the damaged layer under high pressure. In the present work we report on the use of a multiple-pulse laser annealing scheme to effect much superior regrowth over a larger area in heavily damaged P ion-implanted diamond, thus demonstrating the potential of this annealing scheme for P and other potential dopants in diamond. In our experiments type Ha, optically polished, < 110 > oriented, diamond slabs were used. Implantation of 4.0 MeV Phosphorus to dose 1 x 1015atoms/cm2 [R± AR = p P 1.31 ± 0.07//m] was performed at 77K, leaving an almost undamaged surface cap of dia­ mond about 1/zm thick. Laser irradiation was performed using a Q-switched, frequency doubled (532 nm) Nd-YAG laser focused through a conventional x 10 microscope objective to a spot approx­ imately 15 /mi in diameter. Larger annealed spots could also be generated by defocusing the laser beam. The 532 nm line was used because it is selectively absorbed by the buried damaged layer. The pulse duration was 15-40 ns. The diagnostics used to assess the radiation damage and degree of annealing were optical spectroscopy (400-800nm) to measure changes in optical absorption, surface pro- filometry to measure swelling and compaction, and channeling Rutherford Backscattering Spectroscopy (c-RBS) to quantitatively assess lattice perfection as a function of depth. The application of c-RBS to small laser annealed spots < 30//m in diameter required 3 -•-; Jk „*»_ -.J*. the use of Channeling Contrast Microscopy (CCM). This technique involves scanning a highly focused (~ 1/im) probing beam (in the present case 1.4 MeV H+) over the sample which has been aligned in channeling orientation with respect to the proton beam [2]. The backscattered yield is recorded as a function of position on the sample and images are generated in which differences in crystal quality show up as contrast in the image. It is then possible to extract from any region of the image the c-RBS spectrum. Figure 1(a) is an optical micrograph taken with transmitted light of the unim- planted/implanted boundary of the diamond, together with a surface profile over this boundary. The ion implantation has caused the diamond to turn brown and to swell up by about 30nm. An optical micrograph of a laser treated spot together with its surface profile is shown in Figure 1(b). A method which was found to optimize annealing of the damage involves multiple, variable energy laser pulses. The laser power was ramped up with each successive pulse according to the scheme shown in Figure 2, which produced the excellent regrowth shown in Figure 1(b). The maximum amount at which the energy density can be increased on every successive pulse without causing graphitization of the implanted layer and cap was found to be approximately 15% per pulse up to 12 pulses. With this scheme the energy density at which graphitization occurs for a single pulse can be exceeded by the •1 -—• j4* *>ita*... .« m third pulse. It is important to note that multiple pulses of the same power produce little change in the annealing after the first pulse. The importance of the overlying constraining cap is demonstrated by the fact that for the same laser power a shallower implant (640 ke\" P to a dose of 1 x 1015atoms/cm2) graphitizes during a single laser pulse, while the deep implant anneals, even though the deeper implant used here had higher optical absorption than the shallow implant and consequently reached a higher temperature during the pulse. In the region of the GR-1 band at 550nm the optical transmission of the as-implanted diamond normalized to unimplanted diamond was 14%. Following the multiple pulse laser irradiation this increases to 61%. However as is evident from Fig 1(b) the best annealing occurs at the very centre of the laser spot over about a 2/mi radius, whereas the spatial resolution of the microspectrophotmeter employed in the measurement was about 10/mi. Hence the figure of 61% should be viewed as a lower limit, the transmission in the centre of the spot being considerably higher than this. In addition to the bleaching of the ion beam induced absorption clearly shown in Fig 1(b). evidence for annealing is also provided by the surface profile. This shows that the diamond has been compacted following the multiple laser pulses to its preimplantation density, reversing the effects of defect induced swelling shown in Fig 1(a). Ablation can be ruled out as the cause for the dip evident in Fig 1(b) for the following reasons. Firstly. 5 :'~: -Jk •«•*..-. -• m . . tlie surface profile is smooth, and is unlike the rough surfaces obtained when diamond is ablated/sputtered by pulsed laser irradiation. Secondly, when ablation does occur the whole of the surface cap is removed [1] which is clearly not the case here and thirdly, graphitizatiun is always observed to occur at lower laser powers than those required for ablation. In the present case no graphitization occurs indicating that the laser power is insufficient t; cause ablation. Figure 3 shows the channeled RBS spectrum from the centre of the laser annealed spot shown in Figure 1(b). Figure 4 shows the CCM map of this spot and the region from which the c-RBS spectra have been extracted. As pointed out above the contrast in the image is due to the differences in the backscattered yield from different regions of the specimen. Figure 3 shows that the implantation has created a damaged buried layer in which the backscattered yield almost reaches 80% of the random level. Followirg laser annealing Figure 3 shows that this peak completely disappears and the crystal quality has been returned to near its uniniplanted level. The combined results of compaction, increased optical transmission and high RBS channeling quality, all indicate that excellent regrowth has occurred in the central 10/mi diameter of the laser spot. 6 ••-: A. - * ^ - Aii estimate of the maximum temperature in the implanted region of 2500K is obtained for the first pulse by solving a ID heat equation usnig simulation software SLIM [3]. Previous work [1] has shown that a single laser pulse can remove at most :$0- ")0(X of the point defect damage. So it is clear that the time during which the implanted region is held at this elevated temperature (~ 10ns) is insufficient to achieve complete annealing. In the present work further annealing is achieved by additional pulses, which must be increased in energy density because of the reduction in optical absorption with each successive pulse. If pulses of the same energy are used no additional annealing is achieved. It seems a reasonable assumption that the increase in energy between pulses ensures that the damaged layer can be raised to at least the same temperature as was attained in the first puise. Previously we have shown [1] that annealing takes place in the solid, rather than the liquid state. Using the data presented above it is possible to estimate the solid state diffusion coefficient of defects in the following manner. Firstly, whilst the defect concentration following ion implantation is not known precisely an estimate of the number of vacancy/interstitial pairs may be obtained with the aid of the computer code THIM [1] using a displacement energy of 45 eV. For 1 x 1015P/cm2 an average separation of O.^fim between defects was obtained. Our results show that during one laser pulse of 7 --; 1* ***t~ duration. t~ 20ns. most, but not all of the defects diffuse and recombine. This gives an order of magnitude estimate of the diffusion length. A, of defects as 0.3nm during a 20 ns pulse at the elevated temperature, which leads to an estimate of the diffusion coefficient I)= A2/4t ~ I x 10~8 cm2/s at T=2500K. Remarkably this is four orders of magnitude greater than the coefficient for self diffusion in Si at ~1700K [5]. Notwithstanding the uncertainties in the above estimates, it is clear that the central result reported here is the removal of point defects in extremely short annealing times, thus ensuring that only short range effects may occur. These effects probably include the recombination of interstitials (both C and P) with vacancies which are in close proximity. However, given that in general interstitials are more mobile than vacancies, the short anneal times may help to prevent agglomeration of vacancies into clusters which may prove to limit the annealing and the electrical activity of dopants. The excellent regrowth reported here establishes laser annealing as an effective practical means for the removal of latt-ce damage following ion implantation. In particular the laser may be directed onto the sample while in the implanter so that a wide variety of in-situ annealing schemes can be devised, such as multiple implantation/arnealing cycles which have been found to achieve a high level of electrical activity for B implants [6], However, ultimately, the success of laser annealing for the activation of dopants 8 '•-; J* jriteik.,. .*i- =1 will be measured by the electrical properties of the laser annealed regions and for these measurements larger annealed areas electrically isolated from the surrounding material are required. We have produced annealed areas of size 60 x 25/im2 by defocusing the laser beam, and even larger areas by scanning a CW focused beam over the sample surface. Klect rical measurements of these annealed samples are currently in progress. RK wishes to thank the staff of The School of Physics. University of Melbourne for their hospitality. The support of the Australian Research Council and the Department of Industry. Technology and Commerce is greatly acknowledged. MGA acknowledges the assistance of an APR A. 9 References ['] S.Prawer. D.N.Jamieson and R.Kalish. Phys. Rev. Lett. 69. 2991-2994 (1992). [2] D.N. Jamieson. R.A. Brown, C.G. Ryan and J.S. Williams. Nucl. Instruni. Metli. Phys- Res.. B 54.213 (1991). [•i] R. Singh and J. V'iatella, "Simulation of Laser Interaction with Materials (SLIM)." I niversity of Florida. 1992 (unpublished). [4] J. Ziegler, J.P. Biersack and J.Cuomo (unpublished) 1980. [5] J.W. Mayer. S.S.Lau. Electronic Materials Science. Macmillan (1990). [6] J.F Prins. Physica B (in print 1992). 10

R. Kalish. Solid State Institute and Physics Department Technion - Israel excellent regrowth as measured by channeling RBS, surface profilometry, and by (~ 1/im) probing beam (in the present case 1.4 MeV H+ ) over the sample.
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