Pulse processing routines for neutron time-of-flight data P.Zˇugeca,∗,C.Weißb,C.Guerreroc,F.Gunsingd,V.Vlachoudisb,M.Sabate-Gilarteb,c,A.Stamatopoulose,T.Wrightf,J. Lerendegui-Marcoc,F.Mingroneg,J.A.Ryanf,S.G.Warrenf,A.Tsinganisb,e,M.Barbagalloh,Then TOFCollaboration1 aDepartmentofPhysics,FacultyofScience,UniversityofZagreb,Croatia bEuropeanOrganizationforNuclearResearch(CERN),Geneva,Switzerland cUniversidaddeSevilla,Spain dCommissariata`l’E´nergieAtomique(CEA)Saclay-Irfu,Gif-sur-Yvette,France eNationalTechnicalUniversityofAthens(NTUA),Greece fUniversityofManchester,OxfordRoad,Manchester,UK gDipartimentodiFisica,Universita`diBologna,andSezioneINFNdiBologna,Italy hIstitutoNazionalediFisicaNucleare,Bari,Italy 6 1 0 2 Abstract n A pulse shape analysis framework is described, which was developed for n TOF-Phase3, the third phase in the operation of the a Jn TOFfacilityatCERN.Themostnotablefeatureofthisnewframeworkistheadoptionofgenericpulseshapeanalysisroutines, 8characterizedbyaminimalnumberofexplicitassumptionsaboutthenatureofpulses. Theaimoftheseroutinesistobeapplicable 1toawidevarietyofdetectors,thusfacilitatingtheintroductionofthenewdetectorsortypesofdetectorsintotheanalysisframework. Theoperationaldetailsoftheroutinesaresuitedtothespecificrequirementsofparticulardetectorsbyadjustingthesetofexternal ] tinput parameters. Pulse recognition, baseline calculation and the pulse shape fitting procedure are described. Special emphasis eis put on their computational efficiency, since the most basic implementations of these conceptually simple methods are often d -computationallyinefficient. s nKeywords: signalanalysisalgorithms,pulserecognition,signalbaseline,pulseshapefitting,n TOFfacility i . s c i1. Introduction tested at n TOF, such as solid-state HPGe, scintillation NaI, s y gaseous3Hedetectors,etc. h After a year and a half long shutdown, the neutron time of A high-performance digital data acquisition system is used p flight facility n TOF [1, 2] at CERN has entered a third phase forthemanagementandstorageoftheelectronicdetectorsig- [ of its operation, known as n TOF-Phase3. The new era of the nals. The system is based on flash analog-to-digital (FADC) 1n TOF facility is marked by the successful completion of the units,recentlyupgradedtohandleanamplituderesolutionof8 v construction of Experimental Area 2 (EAR2) [3, 4, 5], which to12bits. Itoperatesatsamplingratestypicallyrangingfrom 2 wasrecentlyputintooperation. ExperimentalArea1(EAR1), 100MHzto1GHz,withamemorybufferofupto175MSam- 1 5alreadyinfunctionformorethanadecade,operatesinparallel. ples, allowing for an uninterrupted recording of the detector 4The in-depth description of the general features of the n TOF output signals during the full time-of-flight range of approxi- 0facility, such as the neutron production and the neutron trans- mately100ms(asusedinEAR1). Adetaileddescriptionofthe . 1port,maybefoundinRefs.[4,5,6]. previousversionofthissystemcanbefoundinRef. [15]. 0 At n TOF a wide variety of detectors is used for measur- Once stored in digital form, the electronic signals have to 6ingneutroninducedreactions,includingneutroncapture(n,γ), be accessed for offline analysis, in order to obtain the time- 1 neutroninducedfission(n, f)andreactionsoftype(n,p),(n,t) : of-flight and pulse height information for each detected pulse. vand (n,α). Among these are solid-state detectors (such as the The analysis procedures applied to the signals from C D and Xisiliconbasedneutronbeammonitor[7]andCVDdiamondde- BaF detectors have already been described in Refs. [615,616]. 2 rtectors [8]), scintillation detectors (an array of BaF2 scintilla- In order to efficiently and consistently accommodate analysis atorcrystals[9],C D liquidscintillators[10])andgaseousde- 6 6 requirements of a wide variety of detectors used at n TOF, a tectors (such as MicroMegas-based detectors [11, 12], a cali- generictypeofroutinewasrecentlydevelopedthatcanbeap- bratedfissionchamberfromthePhysikalischTechnischeBun- pliedtodifferenttypesofsignals. Theroutineischaracterized desanstalt[13],asetofParallelPlateAvalancheCounters[14]). byaminimalnumberofexplicitassumptionsaboutthenature Several other types of detectors were recently introduced and of signals and is based on a pulse template adjustment, which werefertoasthepulseshapefitting. Foreachdetectorortype ofdetectorasetofanalysisparametersneedstosetexternally. ∗Correspondingauthor.Tel.:+38514605552 Anumberofthesewillbementionedthroughoutthispaper. Emailaddress:[email protected](P.Zˇugec) 1www.cern.ch/ntof Manyoftheproceduresadoptedforthesignalanalysis–such PreprintsubmittedtoNuclearInstrumentsandMethodsA January19,2016 4 i N P-1-i 1 3 2 ) 0 si ( -2 nal i N P-1-i -4 g 1 3 Si -6 +1 Filter function -1 -8 (cid:176) (cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176) (cid:176) (cid:176) (cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176) (cid:176) (cid:176) (cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176) (cid:176) (cid:176) (cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176)(cid:176) (cid:176) 0 ... i .........................................i .......................................i ...P-1 1 2 3 h0 Figure1:(Coloronline)IllustrationoftheprocedureforcalculatingthesignalderivativefromEq.(1).Thefilterofstep-sizeN(reddots)isappliedtotheartificially constructedsignal(opendots).Thebehaviorofthefilteratsignalboundariesisshownaswell(blueandgreendots). as the pulse integration with the goal of extracting the energy The number of operations required by the straightforward deposited in the detectors, or the constant fraction discrimina- implementationofthisalgorithmisproportionaltoN×P,mak- tionfordeterminingthepulses’timingproperties–areallwell ingsuchapproachcomputationallyinefficient. Fortunately,re- establishedtechniques,thuswedon’tfinditnecessarytoenter cursiverelationsmaybederivedforcalculatingtheconsecutive theirdescription. Consequently,wewillfocusonthetechnical d terms, making the entire procedure linear in the number of i aspects of the more specific methods that were found to per- requiredoperations: O(P). Bydefiningthe forwardandback- form very well for the wide variety of signals from different wardsumsΣ+andΣ−,respectively,as: i i detectors, in order to provide their documentation and ensure theirreproducibility. Specialemphasiswillbeputonthecom- min[N(cid:88),i,P−1−i] putationalefficiencyoftheseprocedures. Σ±i ≡ si±j (2) Selected examples of the signals from the detectors avail- j=1 able at n TOF are shown throughout the paper. Regarding the derivative may be rewritten as: d = Σ+ −Σ−. The initial the previous works on the signal analysis procedures adapted values Σ+ = 0 and Σ− = 0 follow diirectlyifromiEq. (1). The to the specific types of detectors, the reader may consult recursive0relationsfor0subsequentpairsofΣ+ andΣ− aregiven Refs. [17, 18, 19, 20], dealing with NaI, HPGe, silicon and inTable1,beinglistedaccordingtothebounidaryeffiects. organic scintillation detectors, respectively. We also refer the reader to an exhaustive comparative analysis of many differ- 2.2. Derivativecrossingthresholds ent pulse shape processing methods comprehensively covered Inordertorecognizethepresenceofthepulsesintheoverall inRef.[21],andtothereferencescontainedtherein. signal,theirderivativemustcrosscertainpredefinedthresholds. Thesethresholdsneedtobesetinsuchawayastorejectmost 2. Pulserecognition of the noise, but not to discard even the lowest pulses. There- fore,theymustbeadaptivelybroughtintoconnectionwiththe 2.1. Signalderivative levelofthenoisecharacteristicofthecurrentwaveform,which is best expressed through the root mean square (RMS) of the The central procedure in the pulse recognition is the con- structionofthesignalderivatived. Weusethefollowingdefi- nition: min[N(cid:88),i,P−1−i] Table1:Listofrecursiverelationsforcalculatingforwardandbackwardsums di ≡ j=1(si+j−si−j) (1) Σdi+i =anΣd+iΣ−−i Σfr−io.mCEasqe.sa(2re).caTthegeosriigzneadlbdaesreidvaotinvethdeibmoauyndtahreynebffeecotbsta(winheedthaesr: theintegrationwindowsdefinedbythestep-sizeNreachtheboundariesofthe thattakesadvantageofintegratingthesignal satbothsidesof waveform,composedoftotalofPpoints),asillustratedinFig.1. the i-th point at which the derivative is to be calculated. P is Beginningofthewaveform thetotalnumberofpointscomposingtherecordedsignal. The i ≤ N and 2i ≤ P−1 points are enumerated from 0 to P−1, which is a convention Σ+ =Σ+ −s +s +s used throughout this paper, unless explicitly stated otherwise. Σi− =Σi−−1+si 2i−1 2i A step-size N is the default number of points to be taken for i i−1 i−1 Middleofthewaveform integration. AsillustratedbyFig.1,thisprocedureformallyre- i > N and i+ N ≤ P−1 sfielmterblfeusnactcioonnvoofluutinoint hbeeitgwhete,nupthetositghneabloaunnddaasreyee-sffaewc-tsshraepgeud- ΣΣ+i− ==ΣΣ+i−−1−+ssi+−si+sN lated by the upper summation bound from Eq. (1). Evidently, i i−1 i−1 i−1−N Endofthewaveform whenthestep-size N isadjustedsoastobewiderthanthepe- i+ N > P−1 and 2i > P−1 riodofnoiseinthesignal(andnarrowerthanthecharacteristic Σ+ =Σ+ −s pulselength),theprocedureactsasalow-passfilter,improving i i−1 i Σ− =Σ− +s −s −s thesignal-to-noiseratiointhederivative. i i−1 i−1 2i−P−1 2i−P 2 ofthedistributioncarriestheinformationaboutthesoughtfor RMS,itneedstobereconstructedbymeansof(weighted)fit- s]250 el ting. n200 han150 A technicality is related to the treatment of the central bin, c corresponding to the derivative value 0. It has been observed al [100 thatincertaincasesanexcessivenumberofpointsisaccumu- gn 50 (a) latedinthisbin,makingitreachouthighabovetherestofthe Si 0 distribution. Depending on the specific signal conditions, this bla 30 u.] 20 (b) Time [m s] feature has proven to be either beneficial or detrimental to the e [a. 100 cqeunatlriatyl(ocf-tthhe)bfiitntinisgrperpolcaecdedurbey.:Therefore,thecontentNcofthe v Derivati--- 321000 Nc → (cid:114)Nc× Nc−1+Nc+1 (3) 2 - 40 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Time [m s] i.e. bythegeometricalmeanbetweentheinitialcontentandthe bla arithmetic mean of the neighboring bins. Since the geometric meanisbiasedtowardsthesmalleroftheaveragedterms, this Figure 2: Top panel (a): example of the digitized signal from MicroMegas solutionwasselectedinanattemptoffindinganidealcompro- detector.Bottompanel(b):itsderivativecalculatedfromEq.(1). mise between retaining the signature of the original bin con- tentandbringingitdowntowardsthemainfractionofthehis- noise. Figure2showsanexampleofoneofthemostchalleng- togram.ItwasfoundthatafterthismodificationtheRMSofthe ingsignalsforthistask,thesignalfromaMicroMegasdetector. fitteddistributionisverywelladjustedtothederivativebaseline Toppanel(a)showstheselectedfractionofanactualrecorded inbothcases: whentheinitialbincontentwouldhaveworked signal, withthestrongestpulsecorrespondingtoanintenseγ- eithertotheadvantageorthedetrimentofthefittingprocedure. flash caused by the proton beam hitting the spallation target, Step2: adjustthehistogramrange. Afterbuildingtheinitial whilethebottom(b)panelshowsitsderivativecalculatedfrom distribution,takingintoaccountallderivativepointsandadjust- Eq. (1). This signal is heavily affected by the random beats ingthecentralbin,thehistogramrangeisreducedbycuttingit whichdonotqualifyasthepulsesofinteresttoanymeaningful symmetrically around 0 until 10% of its content has been dis- measurement(bybeatsweconsiderthecoherentnoiseresem- carded. This procedure helps in localizing the relevant part of bling acoustic beats, as shown in Fig. 2 and later in Fig. 10). thedistributionbyrejectingthesporadicfar-awaypoints, thus Several tasks are immediately evident. First, the pulses them- limitingtherangeofthedistributionfrom−d tod ,which max max selvesmustbeexcludedfromtheprocedurefordeterminingthe will be of central importance in defining the weights for the derivative thresholds, since they can only increase the overall weightedfitting. RMS, thus leading to a rejection of the lowest pulses. How- Step3: emphasizethecentralpeak. Onemustconsiderthat ever,thepulsescannotbediscriminatedfromthenoisebefore evenwithappropriateweights,thefittingmightstillbeheavily thethresholdshavebeenfound. Second,thebeatsmustnotbe affectedbythelongtailsofthedistribution,increasingthefinal assigned to the noise RMS, since they are only sporadic and extractedRMS.Inordertocompensateforthiseffect,thecen- can also only lead to an unwanted increase in thresholds. Fi- tralpeakisbetterpronouncedbyexponentiatingtheentiredis- nally, in some cases one can not even rely on the assumption tribution,i.e. byreplacingthecontent N ofthei-thhistogram i of a fixed number of clear presamples before the first signif- binbythefollowingvalue: icant pulse, such as the initial γ-flash pulse. This is the case inmeasurementswithhighactivitysamples,whentheirnatural Ni → eNi −1 (4) radioactivity causes a continual stream of pulses, independent of the external experimental conditions. Another example is Thisprocedureaffectsthewidthofthecentralpeak,narrowing theintakeofwaveformsforcertaincalibrationpurposes,when itsomewhatwhentherearenosignificanttails. Thelowerex- noexternaltriggerisusedandsignalsarerecordedwithoutany tracted RMS is preferred over the higher one, in order for the guaranteeofclearpresamples. Inordertomeetallthesechal- derivativethresholdsnottorejectthelowestpulses. Asitwill lenges, the procedure of applying the weighted fitting to the beexplainedlater,theaccidentaltriggeringoflowerthresholds modified distribution of derivative points. It may be decom- bythenoisewillbediscardedbytheappropriatepulseelimina- posedintofourbasicsteps,describedthroughoutthissection. tion procedure. Before exponentiating the histogram content, Step 1: build the distribution (histogram) of all derivative caremustbetakentorescaleitappropriately–e.g. byscaling points. AsFig. 2shows,allthepointsfromthederivativebase- the distribution peak to unity – in order to avoid the potential line are expected to group around the value 0, forming a peak numericaloverflow. Furthermore,aconsistentnormalizationis characterizedbytheRMSofthenoise. Ontheotherhand,the crucialinmakingtheprocedureinsensitivetothelengthofthe points from the sporadic pulses and/or beats are expected to recordedsignal(i.e. theinitialheightofdistribution),sincethe form the long tails of the distribution. Since the central peak exponentiationisnonlinearintheabsolutenumberofcountsN. i 3 is also performed. In addition, the RMS of the distribution a.u.] 11..68 EFixttpeodn deinsttiraitbeudt idoinst. ilsowcaelsctuolaftetdheditrhercetelyraess:ulRtsM–S2fr=om(cid:80)iitm=haiexminwNeixigi2h/t(cid:80)ediim=aifixmitntiNnig.,Tuhne- s [ 1.4 Original distribution weightedfittingandthedirectcalculation–iskeptasthefinal t un 1.2 one. Theadditionalfittingandthedirectcalculationalsoserve o c 1 asacontingencyincaseeitherofthefittingproceduresfailsto of 0.8 properlyconverge. n o 0.6 ti 2.3. Pulsediscrimination u b 0.4 FromthederivativenoiseRMSextractedbyoneoftheprevi- ri st 0.2 ouslydescribedprocedures,thedefaultvaluesforthederivative Di 0 crossing thresholds have been selected as ±3.5×RMS, due to - 1.5 - 1 - 0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 thefactthatthisrangecorrespondsto99.95%confidenceinter- Derivative value [a.u.] bla val under the assumption of normally distributed noise. Since theorderofcrossingthesethresholds(togetherwithsomelater analysis procedures) depends on the pulse polarity, all signals Figure3:(Coloronline)DistributionofderivativepointsfromFig.2,withthe aretreatedasnegative. Thismeansthatthesignalsareinverted, resultoftheweightedfittingdesignedtoreconstructthewidthofthecentral peak. ThedashedlineshowsthetruedistributionofpointsfromFig.2,arbi- i.e.multipliedby−1,ifexpectedtobepositivefromanexternal trarilyscaledtoaheightofafitteddistribution.Theexponentiateddistribution inputparameter. wasobtainedstartingfromtheoriginaldistributionscaledtounity. Differentiatingtheunipolarpulseleadstoabipolarpulsein thederivative. Therefore, thederivativeofthenegativeunipo- larpulsemust,ideally,make4thresholdcrossingsinthisexact Step4: performtheweightedfittingsoastobestreconstruct order: lower-lower-upper-upper. However, in case of the low- thecentralpeak. TheremainingdistributionisfittedtoaGaus- est pulses or very high pileup, the integration procedure from sianshapeexplicitlyassumedtobecenteredat0,byminimiz- Eq.(1)mayflattenthefinalderivative, notcausingthesecond ingthefollowingexpression: threshold crossing. Hence, the principle of 4 threshold cross- ings was relaxed in order to facilitate the recognition of these (cid:88)imax Wi(cid:16)Ni−Ae−xi2/(2∆2)(cid:17)2 (5) ppuullsseesr.eTcohguns,itciorons.siHngowaesvienrg,leiftbhorethshtohlrdesshuoffildcsesartoetcrriogsgseerdthine i=imin the order lower-upper, a single pulse is recognized, instead of where x is the abscissa coordinate of the i-th bin, such that two. In summary, these are the threshold crossing possibili- i x = −d and x = d . Parameters A and ∆ are to be ties that mark the presence of the pulse: lower-lower (without imin max imax max determinedbyfitting. Attheendoftheprocedure,∆isidenti- the subsequent upper crossing), upper-upper (without the pre- fiedwiththeRMSofthecentralpeak,i.e. withtheRMSofthe vious lower crossing) and lower-lower-upper-upper. After ini- noise in the derivative. The selection of a Gaussian as a prior tiallylocatingthepulsesbetweenthepointsofthefirstandthe is justified by the Central Limit Theorem, applied to a sum of lastthresholdcrossing,theirrangeisfurtherextendeduntilthe randomnoisevaluesfromEq.(1). Centraltothefittingarethe derivativereaches0atbothsides,unlessthereareneighboring weights W, which have been selected to follow the Gaussian pulsesinlinepreventingtheexpansion. i dependence: The thresholds being low enough not to reject the lowest Wi =e−xi2/(2Λ2) (6) pulseswill,fromtimetotime,beaccidentallytriggeredbythe noise. Theseoccurrencesaredealtwithbyasetofelimination with a standard deviation Λ. By an empirical optimization conditions, whicharedeterminedbymeansoftheexternalin- it was set to Λ=d /4. These weights efficiently suppress max put parameters. These conditions include the lower and upper the impact from the tails of the distribution, while giving limit for the pulse width, the lower limit for the pulse ampli- precedence to the central peak. For the fitting a Levenberg- tude and the lower and upper limit for the area-to-amplitude Marquardt algorithm was adopted, as described in Ref. [22]. ratio. The first elimination, based only on the pulse width, is Figure3showsthedistributionofderivativepointsfromFig.2, performed immediately after the pulse recognition procedure. together with the central peak reconstruction by means of the Thefinalelimination,basedonthepulseamplitudesandareas, weightedfitting. may only be performed at a later stage, after the signal base- Whiletheweightedfittingisbeneficialforrejectingthelong linehasbeencalculated. However,itisparamountthatthefirst tails of the distribution, the unweighted fitting has been found stage of elimination be performed at this point, since several moreappropriateforverynarrowdistributionscoveringonlya later procedures, such as the baseline calculation, depend on fewhistogrambins. Duetothelownumberofbinsandrapidly the reported pulse candidates. In case of an excessive number decreasingweightingfactors,theweightedfittingprocedureis of falsely recognized pulses, the quality of procedures relying thensensitiveonlytothenarrowtopofthedistribution,which onthereportedpulsepositionsmaybecompromised. iseffectivelytreatedasflat,yieldinganoutstretchedfit. There- Figure 4 shows an example of a demanding case of pileup, fore,theunweightedfittingtotheGaussianshapefromEq.(5) where two pulses are successfully resolved. The top panel (a) 4 2.5. Bipolarpulses s] 0 Anadditionalpulserangeadjustmentprocedurewasimple- el mentedinordertoaccommodatebipolarpulses. Sincetheend n - 50 an ofthepulseisdeterminedbythederivativereaching0afterthe ch- 100 firstunipolarpartofthepulse,therecognitionofbipolarpulses al [- 150 Signal stops at the extremum of the second pole. However, once the n g (a) Envelope signal baseline has been calculated, the boundary of the pulse Si- 200 maybeshiftedtowardsthepointofthebaselinecrossing,keep- bla 4007.8 8 8.2 8.4 8.6 8.8 9 u.] 300 (b) Time [m s] ing only the first pole of the pulse or fully covering both of a. 200 them. Incaseoftwoimmediatebutnotpiled-upbipolarpulses, e [ 100 thefirstoneendsattheextremumofitsownsecondpole,where v 0 erivati--- 321000000 DUenroipvatitmiviezed thhaevinoerxotfputhlseediesriimvamtiveedidat.eTlyhreerceofogrnei,ztehdetostastratirnt,gdpuoeintotsthoefbthee- D- 400 Thresholds pulsesneedtobeadjusted(withrespecttothecalculatedbase- 7.8 8 8.2 8.4 8.6 8.8 9 line) in accordance with the requirements of a specific signal, Time [m s] bla so that the finally determined range of the second pulse does not start prematurely, preventing also the (optional) expansion ofthefirstpulse. Figure4: (Coloronline)Pulserecognitionprocedureappliedtothepiled-up pulses. Top panel (a) shows the actual signal, with the red envelope mark- ingthesuccessfulseparationofthepulses. Bottompanel(b)showsthesignal 3. Baseline derivativecrossingtheappropriatethresholdsandtriggeringthepulserecog- nitionfrompanel(a). Derivativecalculatedwithanunoptimized(toolarge) Three different baseline methods have been implemented, step-sizeisalsoshown. that may all be used within the same waveform, depending on the signal behavior. These are the constant baseline, the shows the actual signal, with the red envelope confining sepa- weightedmovingaverageandthemovingmaximum. Theuse rate pulses. The bottom panel (b) shows the optimized signal ofthemovingmaximumisusuallyrelatedonlytothefirstpart derivativecrossingthethresholds,triggeringthepulserecogni- ofthewaveform,whentheeffectoftheγ-flashuponthesignal tion. It also illustrates the importance of optimizing the step- is extreme (there is also an alternative method of subtracting sizeforcalculatingthederivativefromEq.(1), sinceafurther the baseline distortion pulse shape, designed for this region). increase in step-size (dashed line) would flatten the derivative Movingaverageisalsorelatedtothebaselinedistortionbyγ- atthepointofthesecondcrossing,preventingtheseparationof flash, however it is often the most appropriate method to be twopulsesfrompanel(a). Forvisualpurposes, twodisplayed usedthroughouttheentirewaveform,especiallyifthebaseline derivativeswerenormalizedsothattheirthresholdscoincide. exhibitsslowoscillations.Constantbaselineissuitableonlyaf- Thedescribedpulserecognitiontechniquewasfoundtoper- terthebaselinehasbeenfullyrestoredaftertheinitialγ-flash, form very well for signals from a wide variety of detectors in orifthedetectorresponsetoexternalinfluencesisremarkably useatn TOF.TheexamplefromFig.4confirmsthatwithop- stable. timized parameters the procedure is able to resolve quite de- manding pileups. Due to the relaxed threshold crossing con- 3.1. Constantbaseline ditions, it is also quite sensitive even to the lowest pulses, A constant baseline is calculated as the average of all sig- barely exceeding the level of the noise. Since the same sen- nal points between the pulse candidates reported by the pulse sitivitycharacterizingthepulserecognitionproceduresporadi- recognition procedure. In this way any need for an iterative callyleadstoanaccidentalthresholdcrossingduetonoise,an procedureisavoided,whilethebaselineremainsunaffectedby eliminationprocedurehasbeenimplementedalongsideit. theactualpulses. 2.4. Multiplepolarities 3.2. Weightedmovingaverage Themovingaverageistheappropriatemethodfordetermin- The adopted pulse recognition procedure lends itself easily ingthebaselinewhenevertheclearinformationaboutthebase- tosignalsthatexhibitpulsesofbothpolarities. Inthiscasetwo line is, in fact, available, i.e. when the uninterrupted portions derivativepassesshouldbemade–oneovertheregularderiva- ofthebaselinemayindeedbefoundwithinthesignal. Thefol- tive, one over the inverted one (multiplied by −1). Quite of- lowingdefinitionisusedfortheweightedmovingaverage: ten,thereportedpulsecandidatesfromtwopasseswilloverlap, since the part of a real pulse from one pass will act as a false min[i(cid:88)+N,P−1] candidatewithintheotherpass. Thepulsecandidatesfromtwo s w (cid:8)1+cos(cid:2)(j−i)π(cid:3)(cid:9) j j N passes should be analyzed independently and then submitted j=max[0,i−N] to the pulse elimination algorithm. It was observed that even Bi ≡ min[i(cid:88)+N,P−1] (7) thequiterelaxedeliminationconditionssuccessfullyrejectthe w (cid:8)1+cos(cid:2)(j−i)π(cid:3)(cid:9) j N falsecandidatesfromtheselectionofoverlappingpulses. j=max[0,i−N] 5 factors. Table2:ListofrecursiverelationsforevaluatingthebaselinefromEq.(7).The The form of the summation bounds from Eq. (7) properly involvedtermsaredefinedbyEq.(9).Theseparatecasesrefertothepositionof theaveragingwindow,definedbythewindowparameterN,relativetotheedges takesintoaccounttheboundarycases,whentheaveragingwin- ofthewaveformcomposedofPpoints. Constantsκc ≡cosNπ andκs ≡sinNπ dow reaches the edges of the signal. Once again, the straight- havebeenintroducedfortheefficiencyofthecalculation. forwardimplementationofthealgorithmforevaluatingEq.(7) Windowprotrudesatthebeginningofthewaveform isofO(N×P)computationalcomplexity. Hence,recursivere- i− N ≤ 0 and i+ N ≤ P−1 lationshavebeenderived,whichprovidealineardependencein Ki(λ) = Ki(−λ1) +λi+N the number of operations for calculating the baseline through- Ci(λ) =κc×Ci(−λ)1+κs×Si(−λ)1−λi+N outtheentirewaveform: O(P). Wedefinethefollowingterms: S(λ) =κ ×S(λ) −κ ×C(λ) Wiindowc iscoi−n1tainsedwii−th1inthewaveform min[i(cid:88)+N,P−1] i− N > 0 and i+ N ≤ P−1 Ki(λ) ≡ λj CSK(i(i(λλλ)))===κκKci(−××λ1)SC−(i(λ−λλ))1i−−+1−κκNs×+×CλSi(i(+−λλN))1−+κκc××λλi−1−N −λi+N Ci(λ) ≡mj=inm[ai(cid:88)+x[N0,,Piλ−−Nj1]]cos(cid:2)(j−i)Nπ(cid:3) (9) i c i−1 s i−1 s i−1−N j=max[0,i−N] Windowprotrudesattheendofthewaveform i− N > 0 and i+ N > P−1 S(λ) ≡min[i(cid:88)+N,Pλ−1]sin(cid:2)(j−i)π(cid:3) Ki(λ) = Ki(−λ1) −λi−1−N i j=max[0,i−Nj] N C(λ) =κ ×C(λ) +κ ×S(λ) +κ ×λ S(iλ) =κc×S(iλ−)1−κs×C(i−λ)1−κc×λi−1−N allowingtorewriteEq.(7)as: i c i−1 s i−1 s i−1−N Windowprotrudesatbothendsofthewaveform K(sw)+C(sw) i− N ≤ 0 and i+ N > P−1 B = i i (10) Ki(λ) = Ki(−λ1) i Ki(w)+Ci(w) C(λ) =κ ×C(λ) +κ ×S(λ) i c i−1 s i−1 where the notation λ = sw implies: λ = s w . Initial values S(λ) =κ ×S(λ) −κ ×C(λ) j j j i c i−1 s i−1 K(λ), C(λ) and S(λ) are to be calculated directly from Eq. (7). 0 0 0 Therecursiverelationsforcalculatingallsubsequenttermsare listedinTable2,accordingtothepositionoftheaveragingwin- with N asthenumberofpoints(referredtoasthewindowpa- dow, relative to the waveform boundaries. It should be noted rameter) at each side of the i-th one to be taken for averaging thattheefficientcalculationrequiresthetermscos π andsin π the signal s, composed of the total of P points. It should be N N to be treated as constants and calculated only once, instead of noted that the averaging window is 2N +1 points wide. The repeatingthecalculationateachstep. Figure5showstwoex- weighting kernel is given by the cosine (i.e. Hann [23]) win- amplesoftheperformanceofthedescribedbaselineprocedure. dow, withadditional weighting factors w that are equalto the i number of uninterrupted points within a given stretch of the baseline. Inside the reported pulse candidates, these weights should be much lower than unity (w (cid:28) 1), so as to exclude 250 i s] thepulsesfromthebaselinecalculation. However,afinitenon- el200 n zerovalueisrequired,inordertoavoiddivisionbyzeroincase han150 theaveragingwindowiscompletelycontainedwithinthepulse. c Fortheweightingfactorsinsidethepulseswehaveadoptedthe al [100 n Signal value10−6. Moreprecisely,forQasthetotalnumberofpulses Sig 50 (a) Baseline identified inside the waveform – with α and β denoting the 0 q q 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 first and the last index of the q-th pulse (q ∈ [1,Q]), respec- Time [m s] bla tively–theweightingfactorsaredefinedas: 250 w =(cid:40) 10−6 if i∈[αq,βq] forany q∈[1,Q] nels]200 i αq+1−βq−1 if i∈(cid:104)βq,αq+1(cid:105) forany q∈[0,Q] an150 (8) ch where β0 = −1 and αQ+1 = P. Evidently, the window param- nal [100 Signal eter N,givenasanexternalparameter,shouldbelargeenough g 50 (b) Si Baseline toconnectthebaselineatbothsidesofthewidestpulseorthe 0 widest expected chain of piled-up pulses. The initial elimina- 0 200 400 600Tim8e0 0 [m s]1000 1200 1400 1600 tion of falsely recognized pulses (based on their widths) also bla playsaroleinthisprocedure,sinceeveryreportedpulseinter- rupts the baseline, affecting the weighting factors w. Still, the Figure5:(Coloronline)Independentexamplesoftheadaptivebaselinecalcu- procedure is quite robust against this change of the weighting latedusingtheweightedmovingaverageprocedurefromEq.(7). 6 Artificial signal 0 Forward maximum Backward maximum - 10 CTiogmhtbeinneedd emnavxeilmopuem nels] - 20 n ha - 30 c al [ - 40 Signal n Before tightening g Si - 50 After tightening (a) - 60 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Graph Time [m s] bla (b) Figure7: (Coloronline)Exampleofthesignalfromagaseous3Hedetector, thatrequiresthereconstructionoftheupperenvelopeinordertoidentifythe baseline.Theenvelopeisshownbothbeforeandafterthetighteningprocedure. minimum: (cid:104) (cid:105) B ≡min M(forward),M(backward) (12) i i i Figure6illustratestheproofoftheconceptonartificiallycon- structed signals. The straightforward implementation of this Graph procedure is again of O(N × P) computational complexity. Therefore, a very elegant and efficient algorithm was adopted Figure6:(Coloronline)Proofofconceptforfindingtheuppersignalenvelope from Ref. [25], that significantly speeds up the procedure, by combining the forward and backward moving maximum. The tightened bringingitmuchclosertothelineardependence: O(P). Asim- envelopeisalsoshown.Thesignalshavebeenartificiallyconstructed. plified version of the code from Ref. [25], excluding the cal- culation of the moving minimum and not requiring the deque datastructureavailableinC++,ispresentedinTableA.4from 3.3. Movingmaximum Appendix A. Thus obtained envelope may be additionally The following baseline procedure is appropriate when the tightened in order to obtain a smoother and somewhat less ar- information about the signal baseline has been (almost) com- tificial baseline. The tightening code, which is more efficient pletelylostduetothesequentialandpersistentpileupofpulses, thanaquadraticone, isgiveninTableA.5fromAppendix A. whilethebaselineitselfisknownnottobeconstantandnoother Figure7showstheresultofthisprocedureonaselectedportion aprioriknowledgeaboutitisavailable(examplegivenlaterin ofarealsignalfromagaseous3Hedetector. Fig. 7). In this case the best, if not the only assumption to be made is that the baseline follows the signal envelope, defined 3.4. γ-flashremoval bythedipsbetweenthepulses,especiallythosethatmanageto At neutron time-of-flight facilities the most common cause reachmostdeeplytowardthetruebaseline.Sinceallsignalsare forabaselinedistortionistheinductionofastrongpulsebyan treated as negative, as stated before, the upper envelope needs intenseγ-flash,whichisreleasedeachtimetheprotonbeamhits to be found. This may me done by constructing two moving thespallationtarget. Theresponseofcertaindetectorstotheγ- maxima – one that we refer to as the forward maximum, the flashisremarkablyconsistent,whichallowsforaclearidentifi- otherasthebackwardmaximum–andtakingtheminimumof cationofthedistortedbaseline. Byproperlyaveragingamulti- thetwoateachpointofthesignal(theadvantagesofthiskind tudeofsignalsfromanimmediatevicinityoftheγ-flashpulse, ofcompetitiveapproachhavealreadybeenexploredinthepast thedetectorresponsetoaγ-flashmayberecoveredinformof [24]).Wedefinetheforwardmaximumati-thpointasthemax- an average baseline distortion pulse shape [26]. In effect, this imalsignalvaluefromamovingwindowofNpointsbeforethe pulse shape serves as a priori knowledge of the baseline. In i-th one, with backward maximum as the maximal value from general,thebaselineoffsetmaybechangedforvariousreasons, thewindowofN pointsafterthei-thone: e.g. bysimplyadjustingthedigitizersettings. Hence,ifavail- able, theshapeofthedistortedbaselineissubtractedfromthe Mi(forward) =max[smax[0,i−N+1],...,si] (11) signal only after identifying and subtracting the primary base- Mi(backward) =max[si,...,smin[i+N−1,P−1]] lbiansee,lwinheicohffsiset–.fTohreopbovsioituiosnrienagsoonfsth–ebdeissttfoorutenddbaasstehlienceownsitthanint As before, P is the total number of points in the waveform, the signal is performed relative to the γ-flash pulse, by fitting with N as the external input parameter. The upper envelope – the externally selected portion of the pulse shape to a leading followingcloselytheupperedgeofthesignal,thusdefiningthe edgeoftheγ-flashpulse. Thefittingroutine,whichisthesame baseline B – may simply be obtained by taking the pointwise as for the regular pulses, is described in Section 4. Figure 8 7 any pulse shape from the following procedure is of the same 240 samplingrateastheanalyzedsignal. Ifthereisaninitialmis- 220 els] 200 mpualtscehshbaeptweeaenndtthheerseaamlpsilginngalr,attheespouflstehesheaxpteerinsafillrystdseylnivcehrreod- n 180 han 160 nizedtothesignalbymeansoflinearinterpolation. c nal [ 112400 Signal pulLseetsuhsapceonps,icdoenrstihsteinpgreodfeNfinpeodin(tasn,dwiatlhrethadeyMs-ythncohnreonaiszethde) Sig 100 Baseline highest point (0≤ M ≤ N−1). For a given pulse within the 80 analyzed signal, the left and right fitting boundaries L and R 60 aredetermined. Thesemaycorrespondtothepulseboundaries 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Time [m s] coming directly from the pulse recognition procedure or may bla befurthermodified,dependingonthepulserequirements. The pulseshapeisshiftedalongthepulse,sothatateachsteptheM- Figure8: (Coloronline)Adjustmentofadistortedbaselinetoasignalfroma thpulseshapepointisalignedwithani-thpulsepoint,wherei MGASdetector.Thehorizontaladjustmentisperformedrelativetotheinitial, isconfinedbythefittingboundaries: i ∈ [L,R]. Ateveryposi- γ-flashpulse.Theprimary(vertical)offsetisidentifiedbytheconstantbaseline tiontheleastsquaresoptimizationisperformedbyminimizing procedure. thesumorresiduals: shows an example of the adjustment of a distorted baseline to min[(cid:88)R,i+N2] asignalfromaMicroMegasdetector,clearlyrevealingthetrue Ri ≡ (sj−αipj−i+N1)2 (13) pulses rising above the baseline, thus providing access to the j=max[L,i−N1] lowtime-of-flight,i.e. thehigh-neutron-energyregion. where by N and N we have introduced the number of pulse 1 2 shapepointsateachsideoftheM-thone: 4. Pulseshapeanalysis N = M 1 (14) Afterbaselinesubtraction, theamplitude, area, statusofthe N2 = N−1−M pileupandtimingpropertiessuchasthetimeofarrivalarede- At each alignment position an optimal multiplicative factor α termined for each pulse. Three different methods are avail- i isfoundfromtheminimizationrequirement: ∂R/∂α = 0. In- able for finding the amplitudes: search for the highest point, i i troducingthefollowingterms: parabolic fitting to the top of the pulse and a predefined pulse shapeadjustment.Bypulseshapewerefertothetemplatepulse min[(cid:88)R,i+N2] ofafixedform,givenbythetabulatedsetofpoints(ti,pi),with Si ≡ s2j ti as the time coordinate of the i-th point and pi as its height j=max[L,i−N1] (i.e. the pulse shape value). The optimal pulse shape is best min[(cid:88)R,i+N2] obtained by averaging a large number of real pulses. Several P ≡ p2 (15) example procedures for excluding unreliable pulses from the i j=max[L,i−Nj1−]i+N1 pulseshapeextractionmaybefoundinRef.[19]. min[(cid:88)R,i+N2] Though the pulse shape fitting is generally the most appro- Ci ≡ sjpj−i+N1 priate method for pulse reconstruction, it may not always be j=max[L,i−N1] applicable,especiallyifthedetectorexhibitspulsesofstrongly varying shapes. This is often the case with gaseous detectors, theoptimalαimaybeexpressedas: when the shape and length of the pulse depend on the initial C point of ionization and/or the details of the particle trajectory α = i (16) i P insidethegasvolume. Theareaunderthepulsemaybecalcu- i lated by simple signal integration or from a pulse shape fit, if The quality of the fit is evaluated at each alignment point by thelatteroptionhasbeenactivatedbymeansoftheexternalin- meansofareducedχ2: putparameter. Finally,extractionofthetimingpropertiesrelies onthedigitalimplementationoftheconstantfractiondiscrimi- χ2 ∝ Ri nation,withaconstantfractionfactorof30%. i (min[R,i+N ]−max[L,i−N ]+1)−2 2 1 (17) S −C2/P = i i i 4.1. Pulseshapefitting–thenumericalprocedure min[R,i+N ]−max[L,i−N ]−1 2 1 Pulseshapefittingisawellestablishedmethod[19,20,21]. However, its straightforward implementation is of O(n2) com- wherethenumberofpointstakenbythefitisreducedby2due to2degreesoffreedom: thehorizontalandverticalalignment. putationalcomplexity–withnasthenumberofpointscompris- Afitwithaminimalreducedχ2istakenasthebestresult. ing a typical pulse – whereas our adopted procedure requires onlyO(nlogn)operationsperpulse. Itisimportanttonotethat Equation (15) reveals O(n2) nature of the procedure, with n 8 typicallyn ≈ R−L. However,recursiverelationsfortheterms pleinFig.2). Thesaturationmanagementmaybedirectlyim- S andP maybeobtained,allowingfortheircalculationusing plemented in Eq. (13) through the introduction of appropriate i i onlyO(n)operations. TheserelationsarelistedinTable3,ac- weightingfactorsθ,takingthevalues0or1: i cording to the manner in which the pulse shape and the fitted portionofthepulseareoverlapped. Bydefiningtheterm-wise min[(cid:88)R,i+N2] invertedarray p˜ as p˜i = p(N−1)−i,itbecomesevidentthatthefi- Ri ≡ θj×(sj−αipj−i+N1)2 (19) nalC termfromEq.(15)formallycorrespondstoaconvolution j=max[L,i−N1] i ofthepartialsignal sandapulseshape p. Inordertocalculate Theweightingfactorsaregivenasθ =Θ(s; s ,s ),where i i min max C ateachalignmentpointinaleastnumberofoperationspos- i wehaveintroducedthefollowingusefulfunction: sible,aFastFourierTransformalgorithm–ofO(nlogn)com- (cid:40) putationalcomplexity–wasadopteddirectlyfromRef.[22]. 1 if s < s < s Θ(s; s ,s )≡ min i max (20) Once the best pulse shape alignment has been found by i min max 0 otherwise means of a minimal reduced χ2, the pulse shape is resampled by linear interpolation, constructing the set of 2K intermedi- Followingthesameprocedureasforobtainingtheexpressions ate pulse shapes p(k) (k = ±1,...,±K). In symbolic and self- fromEq.(15),onearrivesatthefollowinggeneralizedterms: evidentnotation,theseintermediatetermsmaybedefinedas: min[(cid:88)R,i+N2] p(ik) = pi+Kk+1 (18) Si ≡ j=max[L,i−θNj1s]2j Evidently, one may treat the initial pulse shape p as the min[(cid:88)R,i+N2] (2K+1)-th member p(0), allowing to establish the uninter- Pi ≡ θjp2j−i+N1 (21) ruptedindexingbyk ∈ [−K,K]. Forintermediatepulseshapes j=max[L,i−N1] theleastsquaresadjustmentbyminimizationoftheassociated min[(cid:88)R,i+N2] Eq.(13)isperformedonlyatthepointofthebestalignmentof Ci ≡ θjsjpj−i+N1 theinitialpulseshape p(0),calculatingtheassociatedmembers j=max[L,i−N1] from Eq. (15) by direct summation. The adjustment produc- andtothecorrespondingexpressionforthereducedχ2: ing a minimal reduced χ2 (for any k ∈ [−K,K]) is kept as the final result. The value K = 4 has been adopted for the PSA R frameworkdescribedinthiswork. χ2i ∝ min[(cid:88)R,i+iN2] (22) θ −2 j 4.2. Pulseshapefitting–thesaturatedpulses j=max[L,i−N1] Animportantfeatureoftheadoptedpulseshapefittingrou- tinesistheexclusionofsaturatedpointsfromthefittingproce- The drawback of this generalization is immediately evident: dure. Here, saturationisdefinedbytherecordedsignalreach- the Pi term from Eq. (21) has become a convolution, in the ingtheboundariesofthedatarange(i.e. theminimalormax- same way as the Ci term, thus requiring the application of a imalchannel)supportedbythedataacquisitionsystem(exam- Fast Fourier Transform, as opposed to the less computation- allyexpensiverecursiverelationsfromTable3(recursiverela- tionscompletelyanalogoustothosefromTable3maynowbe usedonlyfortheS term). Furthermore,undertheassumption Table 3: List of recursive relations for calculating the sums from Eq. (15). i Differentcasescoverallpossiblecombinationsofsummationbounds. of properly set parameters of the data acquisition system, the saturated pulses are expected to appear only very rarely. For Pulseshapeiscontainedwithinthepulse i− N > L and i+ N ≤ R this reason it is advisable to keep the separate approaches – 1 2 S =S −s2 +s2 theonefromEq.(13)forunsaturatedpulsesandtheonefrom Pi = Pi−1 i−1−N1 i+N2 Eq. (19) for saturated pulses – instead of applying the gener- i i−1 alized and more computationally expensive procedure to both Pulseshapeprotrudesatthebeginningofthepulse i− N ≤ L and i+ N ≤ R typesofpulses. 1 2 S =S +s2 Pi = Pi−1+pi2+N2 4.3. Pulseshapefitting–thequalitycontrol Pui lsesi−h1apepLr−oi+tNr1udesattheendofthepulse Multiple pulse shapes may be provided as input to the pro- i− N > L and i+ N > R gram. Inthiscasethepulseshapeadjustmentisperformedfor 1 2 S =S −s2 eachpulseshapeseparatelyandamongallfits,theonewiththe Pi = Pi−1−pi2−1−N1 minimal reduced χ2 is kept. Allowing for the intake of multi- i i−1 R−i+1+N1 ple pulse shapes is not only beneficial to detectors exhibiting Pulseshapeprotrudesatbothendsofthepulse i− N ≤ L and i+ N > R considerablydifferingpulses,butwasalsofoundspeciallysuit- 1 2 S =S able when the shape of the pulse varies slightly with its am- i i−1 P = P +p2 −p2 plitude. Hence, among multiple pulse shapes that may be de- i i−1 L−i+N1 R−i+1+N1 livered, each may be best suited to a certain amplitude range. 9 20 20 Signal [channels] --- 6420000 Signal Signal [channels] -- 2110000 Signal PS fit PS fit - 80 - 30 h22 38 40 42 44 46 7278 7279 7280 7281 7282 7283 7284 7285 7286 Time [m s] Time [m s] bla bla Figure9: (Coloronline)SignalfromaNaIdetectorcharacterizedbyahigh Figure10: (Coloronline)Exampleofthepulserejectioncapabilities, based densityofpiled-uppulses. Thesignalreconstructedbymeansofpulseshape onlyonthecalculateddiscrepancybetweenthesignalandtheadjustedpulse fittingconsistsofthefittedandsuperimposedpulseshapes.Insetshowsoneof shape. thethreepulseshapesused,eachadjustedtoagivenamplituderange. CentraltothescalingofD isthepulseheighthdetermined q In addition, after each adjustment a fitted pulse shape is sub- directlyfromthehighestpointofthebaseline-correctedsignal; tracted from the signal before proceeding to the next pulse in notfromtheheightofthefittedpulseshape. Asopposedtoχ2, line. Thus, the pulse shape fitting is fully able to account and thediscrepancyhasthefollowingadvantages: correctforpileupeffects. Figure9showsanexampleofade- manding signal from a NaI detector – exhibiting a persistent • Due to the pulse height h replacing the signal baseline pileupofbipolarpulses–andacompletesignalreconstruction RMS,thehighpulses–whicharewelldiscriminatedfrom by means of pulse shape fitting. Three separate pulse shapes thebaseline–areclearlyfavoredbythelowerdiscrepancy were used, each adjusted to a given amplitude range. One is values,whilethefitstothelowerpulsesaremoresuscep- showninaninsetofFig.9. tibletorejection. Anadditionalpulseshapefittingcontrolwasimplementedin • In case of any systematic difference between the given formofdiscrepancy–aquantitysimilartothereducedχ2. Let pulse shape and the pulses in the signal, the terms s − f i i the fitted pulse shape f be aligned with the pulse in the orig- from Eq. (23) scale with the pulse height h; scaling the inal signal s, so that the index-to-index correlation si ↔ fi is discrepancybythesamefactorcompensatesforthiseffect, established(weremindthattheoptimalpulseshapealignment cancelingthenegativebiastowardsthehigherpulses. is determined during the fitting procedure). For the total of Q pulses,letα andβ betheindicesofthefirstandthelastpoint In addition, adopting the condition expressed through the q q oftheq-thpulse(q∈[1,Q])inthesignal. Similarly,letA and Θ(f; s ,s ) term helps in rejecting the exaggerated fits to q i min max B be the first and the last index of the pulse shape aligned to severelysaturatedpulses,suchastheonescausedbyanintense q theq-thpulse. Thediscrepancy D fortheq-thpulseiscalcu- γ-flash. When suchpulse issaturated fora longertime thana q lated taking into account all the pulse shape points around the regularpulsewouldbe,onlythesteepleadingedgeofthepulse fittedpulse–eveniftheyareoutsidethefittingrange–aslong is fitted, due to the exclusion of the saturated points. By re- asthepulseshapedoesnotintrudeintoanyoftheneighboring jecting these fits, a subtraction of the overscaled pulse tails is pulses. Inaddition,thefittedpulseshapepoint f istakeninto avoidedduringthepileupcorrectionprocedure. i accountifandonlyifitisbetweenthesignalsaturationbound- Figure10showsanexampleofthepowerfulpulserejection aries s and s , even if the signal s itself is saturated. An capabilities,basedonlyontheproperlysetdiscrepancythresh- min max i explicitexpressionforthediscrepancyD takestheform: old.Thesinglefittedpulseisclearlymeaningful,sinceitsignif- q icantly deviates from the envelope of the noise. Initially, each min[B(cid:88)q,αq+1−1] ofthesignaloscillationswithinabeatisrecognizedasapoten- Θ(f; s ,s )×(s − f)2 i min max i i tialpulse. Sincetheshapeofthesefalsepulsesisincompatible D2 ≡ i=max[Aq,βq−1+1] (23) withthegivenpulseshape, thecalculateddiscrepancyislarge q min[B(cid:88)q,αq+1−1] andthefitisrejected. h2× Θ(f; s ,s ) i min max i=max[Aq,βq−1+1] 5. Conclusions with β0 = −1 and αQ+1 = P (where P is the total number of points comprising the signal s). The Θ-function is defined by The most prominent features of the new pulse shape analy- Eq.(20)(note f inplaceofthefirstargument). Ifthediscrep- sis framework developed for the n TOF-Phase3 have been de- i ancyexceedsthepresetthresholdvalue,whichissetasanex- scribed, including the pulse recognition, the baseline calcula- ternalinputparameter,thefitisrejected. tion and the pulse shape fitting procedures. The pulse recog- 10