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Publishing the Family (New Americanists) PDF

352 Pages·2001·14.526 MB·English
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June Howard Publishing the Family 0 6 3 f o 1 t e e h s / Y L I M A F E H T G N I H S I L B U P Publishing the Family / d r a w o H 8 6 3 6 NewAmericanists ASeriesEditedbyDonaldE.Pease 4 3 : 6 1 7 2 . 7 . 1 0 0 2 g n e s T 0 6 3 f o 2 t e e h s / Y L I M A F E H T G N I H S I L B U P / d r a w o H 8 6 3 6 4 3 : 6 1 7 2 . 7 . 1 0 0 2 g n e s T 0 6 3 f o 3 t e e h s / Y L I M A F E H T G N I H S I L B U P / d r a w June Howard o H 8 6 3 6 Publishing the Family DukeUniversityPress Durham&London  4 3 : 6 1 7 2 . 7 . 1 0 0 2 g n e s T 0 6 3 f o 4 t e e sh ©DukeUniversityPress Allrightsreserved / PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmericaonacid-freepaper(cid:4) Y L I M DesignedbyC.H.Westmoreland A F TypesetinJansonbyTsengInformationSystems,Inc. E H T LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData G N I appearonthelastprintedpageofthisbook. H S I L B Thispublicationismadepossibleinpartbyanawardfrom U P / theUniversityofMichiganPublicationSubventionProgram,funded d r bytheOfficeoftheVicePresidentforResearch,theCollegeofLiterature, a w o H ScienceandtheArts,theInternationalInstitute,theEnglishDepartment, 8 6 andthePrograminAmericanCulture. 3 6 4 3 : 6 1 7 2 . 7 . 1 0 0 2 g n e s T For Jim, Nick, and Alex 0 6 3 f o 6 t e e h s / Y L I M A F E H T G N I H S I L This Page Intentionally Left Blank B U P / d r a w o H 8 6 3 6 4 3 : 6 1 7 2 . 7 . 1 0 0 2 g n e s T 0 6 3 f o 7 t e e h s / Y L I M A F E H T G N I H S I L B PU Contents / d r a w o H 8 ListofIllustrations ix/Acknowledgments xiii 6 3 6 Introduction  .‘‘AStrangelyExcitingStory’’  HowItBegan/AuthorshipandCollaboration/ScenesofReading andWriting .TheHearthstoneatHarper’s  Harper’sandAntebellumPrintCulture:AHouseUndivided/Harper’s andPostbellumPrintCulture:‘‘AClimbuptheSpiralStaircase’’/ Harper’sintheNewCentury:‘‘Everybody’sBusyDay’’/AFamily Performance:TheCompositeNovelasVaudeville .MakingtheFamilyWhole  WhatIsaFamily?/TheFather’sFamily/TheFemaleCounter-family/ IntimacyandPublicity .TheSometimes-NewWoman  SexandEducation/TheSubtleSyncretismofMaryWilkinsFreeman/ TheExtraordinaryMiss Jordan/FemaleModernityandtheMagazine .WhatIsSentimentality?  EmbodiedThoughts/FeelingRight/HomeSweetHome/Feelingand Form/SentimentalityinCirculation,circa .ClosingtheBook  CultureandCommerce/PerfectFelicity(withProfessionalHelp) Appendix.ContentsandCharactersof TheWholeFamily  Appendix.TheGenerationsofthe‘‘Family’’  Notes /References /Index  4 3 : 6 1 7 2 . 7 . 1 0 0 2 g n e s T 00 66 33 ff oo 68 tt ee ee hh ss // YY LL II MM AA FF EE HH TT GG NN II HH SS II LL This Page Intentionally Left Blank BB UU PP // dd rr aa ww oo HH 88 66 33 66 44 33 :: 66 11 77 22 .. 77 .. 11 00 00 22 gg nn ee ss TT 0 6 3 f o 9 t e e h s / Y L I M A F E H T G N I H S I L B PU Illustrations / d r a w o H 8 (cid:1).Advertisingsection,Harper’sBazar,December  6 63 (cid:2).IllustrationforTheWholeFamily,ch.,‘‘TheOld-MaidAunt,’’Harper’s Bazar,January  (cid:3).Tableofcontents,Harper’sBazar,December  (cid:4).MarieOlivier,‘‘LatestHintsfromParis,’’Harper’sBazar,September   (cid:5).‘‘EconomyinDress,’’Harper’sBazar,October  (cid:6).‘‘ForOlderWomen,’’Harper’sBazar,April  (cid:7).‘‘InthePublicEye,’’Harper’sBazar, January  (cid:8).‘‘TheHousemother’sProblems,’’Harper’sBazar,December  (cid:9).MaryHeatonVorse,‘‘SomeExperiencesofaMother,’’Harper’sBazar, June  (cid:1)(cid:10).CharlesWilliamEliot,‘‘TheHigherEducationforWomen,’’Harper’s Bazar,June  (cid:1)(cid:1).JohnKendrickBangs,‘‘MissdeBillioninParis,’’Harper’sBazar,June   (cid:1)(cid:2).LilianWhiting,‘‘AMagicMoment,’’Harper’sBazar,August  (cid:1)(cid:3).W.G.Fitz-Gerald,‘‘WomenintheHighAlps,’’Harper’sBazar,June   (cid:1)(cid:4).JosephineGrenier,‘‘VerandaMeals,’’Harper’sBazar,July  (cid:1)(cid:5).‘‘CrochetInsertionsandMedallions,’’Harper’sBazar,July  (cid:1)(cid:6).Advertisements,Harper’sBazar,December  (cid:1)(cid:7).‘‘TwelvePopularAuthorsJoininWritingaSplendidNovel,’’Harper’s Bazar,December  (cid:1)(cid:8).Harper’sFranklinSquarebuilding,withtheCliffStreetbuildingvisible intherear,fromEugeneExman,TheHouseofHarper  (cid:1)(cid:9).‘‘SectionalviewoftheCliffStreetbuilding,’’fromJacobAbbott,The HarperEstablishment  4 3 : 6 1 7 2 . 7 . 1 0 0 2 g n e s T

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