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Preview Publications by Per Kragh Andersen

Publications by Per Kragh Andersen STAT:Refereedpaperorbookcontributioninstatistical/probabilistic/methodological literature (114). MED: Refereed paper or book contribution in medical/applied literature (247). BOOK: Book or thesis (6). GROUP: Co-author as member of writing group (8). CONTR: Contribution to proceedings, thesis, etc. (not refereed) (13). ETC: Letter, book review, editorial etc. (57). DOUBLE: Double publication (32). 1 Andersen, P.K., Andersen, S., Lauritzen, S.L. (1977). The average noise from a Poisson stream of vehicles. J. Appl. Prob. 14, 817-828. (STAT) 2 Andersen, P.K.(1979). Filteredrenewalprocesses withatwo-sidedimpact function. J. Appl. Prob. 16, 813-821. (STAT) 3 Andersen, P.K. (1980). Statistiske modeller, anvendt ved vurderingen af prøveresultater i helbredsundersøgelsen. Appendix in Laursen, P., Net- terstrøm, B., Pedersen, T.K., Whitta-Jørgensen, A. Buschaufførers ar- bejdsmiljø 1. Publikation 11, Institut for Social Medicin, Københavns Universitet (In Danish). (CONTR) 4 Andersen, P.K. (1980). Statistiske modeller, anvendt ved vurderingen af prøveresultater i helbredsundersøgelsen. Appendix in Laursen, P. Buschaufførers arbejdsmiljø 2. En neurotoksikologisk undersøgelse af bybuschauffører. Rapport 17, Institut for Social Medicin, Københavns Universitet (in Danish). (CONTR) 5 Andersen, P.K. (1981). A note on filtered Markov renewal processes. J. Appl. Prob. 18, 752-756. (STAT) 6 Andersen, P.K., Gill, R.D. (1981). Contribution to the discussion of the paper by D. Oakes: Survival times: aspects of partial likelihood. Int. Statist. Rev. 49, 235-264. (ETC) 7 Andersen, P.K. (1982). Regularity of traffic noise signals. J. Sound and Vibr. 80, 267-274. (STAT) 1 8 Andersen, P.K. (1982). Testing goodness of fit of Cox’s regression and life model. Biometrics 38, 67-77. (Correction: 40, p. 1217). (STAT) 9 Drezewiecki,K.T.,Andersen,P.K.(1982). Survivalwithmalignantmelanoma. A regression analysis of prognostic factors. Cancer 49, 2414-2419. (MED) 10 Engell, T., Andersen, P.K. (1982). The frequency of periphlebitis retinae in multiple sclerosis. Acta Neurol. Scand. 65, 601-608. (MED) 11 Andersen, P.K. (1982). Statistiske modeller for baggrundsvariables ind- flydelse p˚a intensiteten for en punktproces. Ph.D. thesis in mathemat- ical statistics, University of Copenhagen (in Danish) (summary of [8], [9], [14], [15], [17], [20] and [21]). (BOOK) 12 Bundgaard, A., Ingemann-Hansen, T., Halkjær-Kristensen, J., Schmidt, A., Bloch, I., Andersen, P.K. (1982). Short-term psysical training in bronchial asthma. Brit. J. Dis. Chest 17, 147-152. (MED) 13 Andersen, P.K. (1982). On the application of the theory of counting pro- cesses in the statistical analysis of censored survival data. In: Survival Analysis (ed. J. Crowley, R.A. Johnson). IMS Lecture Notes 2, 1-13. (STAT) 14 Andersen, P.K., Gill, R.D. (1982). Cox’s regression model for counting processes: alargesamplestudy. Ann. Statist. 10, 1100-1120. (STAT) 15 Andersen, P.K., Borgan, Ø., Gill, R.D., Keiding, N. (1982). Linear non- parametrictestsforcomparisonofcountingprocesses; withapplications to censored survival data. Int. Statist. Rev. 50, 219-258. (Correction, 52, p. 225). (STAT) 16 Andersen, P.K. (1982). Sessionsmaterialet: Statistisk analyse af inci- densrater. Appendix 2 in: Green, A. Insulinbehandlet og tidligt ind- sættende diabetes mellitus i Danmark. Klinisk-epidemiologiske og sam- fundsmedicinskeaspekter. OdenseUniversitetsforlag(inDanish). (CONTR) 17 Andersen, P.K., Christensen, E., Fauerholdt, L., Schlichting, P. (1983). Measuring prognosis using the proportional hazards model. Scand. J. Statist. 10, 49-52. (STAT) 2 18 Green, A., Andersen, P.K. (1983). Epidemiological studies of diabetes mellitus in Denmark: III. Clinical characteristics and incidence of dia- betes among males aged 0-19 years. Diabetologia 25, 226-230. (MED) 19 Schlichting, P., Christensen, E., Andersen, P.K., Fauerholdt, L., Juhl, E., Poulsen, H., Tygstrup, N., CSL. (1983). Prognostic factors in cirrhosis identified by Cox’s regression model. Hepatology 3, 889-895. (MED) 20 Andersen, P.K.(1983). Comparingsurvivaldistributionsviahazardratio estimates. Scand. J. Statist. 10, 77-85. (STAT) 21 Andersen, P.K., Christensen, E., Fauerholdt, L., Schlichting, P. (1983). Evaluating prognoses based on the proportional hazards model. Scand. J. Statist. 10, 141-144. (STAT) 22 Christensen, E., Schlichting, P., Fauerholdt, L., Gluud, C., Andersen, P.K., Juhl, E., Poulsen, H., Tygstrup, N., CSL. (1984). Prognostic value of Child-Turcotte criteria in medically treated cirrhosis. Hepatol- ogy 4, 430-435. (MED) 23 Andersen, P.K., Væth, M. (1984). Statistisk analyse af overlevelsesdata ved lægevidenskabelige undersøgelser. FaDL’s Forlag, København (in Danish) (213 pp.). (BOOK) 24 Drzewiecki, K.T., Poulsen, H., Vibe, P., Ladefoged, C., Andersen, P.K. (1984). Melanoma in Denmark: Experience at the University Hospital inOdense. Pp. 461-468inCutaneous Melanoma. Clinical Management and Treatment Results Worldwide. (eds. C.M. Balch, G.W. Milton). Lippincott, Philadelphia. (MED) 25 Andersen, P.K. (1984) The counting process approach to the statistical analysisoflabourforcedynamics. Pp. 1-15inStudies in Labour Market Dynamics (eds. G.R. Neumann, N.C. Westergaard-Nielsen). Springer Series in Contemporary Economics, New York. (STAT) 26 Andersen, P.K. (1984). A Cox regression model for the excess mortality in long- term follow-up studies. Pp. 157-162 in Proceedings from 12th International Biometric Conference, Tokyo. (CONTR) 3 27 Andersen, P.K. (1985). Multivariate Cox regression model. Pp. 33-35 in Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences 6 (eds. Johnson, Kotz). Wiley, New York. (STAT) 28 Keiding, N., Andersen, P.K. (1985). Samtidig inddragelse af flere fork- larende variable; modeller for den tilfældige variation. Chapter 6 (pp. 111-126) in Dødelighed og erhverv, 1970-80. Danmarks Statistik (in Danish). (CONTR) 29 Green, A., Borch-Johnsen, K., Andersen, P.K., Hougaard, P., Keiding, N., Kreiner, S., Deckert, T. (1985). The relative mortality of insulin dependent diabetes in Denmark 1933-1982. Diabetologia 28, 339-342. (MED) 30 Christensen, E., Schlichting, P., Andersen, P.K., Fauerholdt, L., Juhl, E., Poulsen, H., Tygstrup, N., CSL.(1985). Atherapeuticindexpredicting individual effect of prednisone in patients with cirrhosis. Gastroenterol- ogy 88, 156-165. (MED) 31 Andersen, P.K., Green, A. (1985). Evaluation of estimation bias in an illness-death-emigration model. Scand. J. Statist. 12, 63-68. (STAT) 25a Andersen, P.K. (1985). Statistical models for longitudinal labor market data based on counting processes. Pp. 294-307 in Longitudinal anal- ysis of labor market data (eds. J.J. Heckman, B. Singer). Cambridge University Press, New York. (DOUBLE) 32 Andersen, P.K., Borgan, Ø. (1985). Counting process models for life history data: a review (with discussion). Scand. J. Statist. 12, 97-158. (STAT) 33 Borch-Johnsen, K., Andersen, P.K., Deckert, T. (1985). The impact of proteinuriaonrelativemortalityinType1(insulin-dependent)diabetes mellitus. Diabetologia 28, 590-96. (MED) 34 Christensen, E., Sørensen, T.I.A., Andersen, P.K. (1985). Overlev med Cox modellen. Ugeskr. Læg. 147, 4219-4220. (In Danish). (ETC) 35 Tygstrup, N., Andersen, P.K., Thomsen, B.L.R., CSL. (1985). Prognos- tic evaluation in alcoholic cirrhosis. Acta Med. Scand. Suppl. 703, 149-156. (MED) 4 36 Andersen, P.K., Borch-Johnsen, K., Deckert, T., Green, A., Hougaard, P., Keiding, N., Kreiner, S. (1985). A Cox regression model for the relative mortality and its application to diabetes mellitus survival data. Biometrics 41, 921-932. (STAT) 37 Andersen,P.K.(1985). Time-dependentcovariatesandMarkov-processes. In: Modern Statistical methods in chronic disease epidemiology (eds. S.H. Moolgavkar, R.L. Prentice) Wiley, New York, 82-103. (STAT) 38 Andersen, P.K., Christensen, E. (1985). Komplikationsforløb i randomis- erede kliniske forsøg. Pp. 161-179 in Symposium i anvendt statistik. NEUCC, RECAU, RECKU (in Danish). (CONTR) 39 Andersen, P.K., Bondeson, U. (1985). Recidivism among Swedish crimi- nals 1970-81. Bull. ISI, book 1, 161-162. (CONTR) 33a Deckert, T., Borch-Johnsen, K., Andersen, P.K. and Valdorf-Hansen, F. (1986). The impact of proteinuria on relative mortality in Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus.Diabetic Nephropathy 5, p. 3. (DOUBLE) 40 Andersen, P.K., Rasmussen, N.K. (1986). Psychiatric admissions and choice of abortion. Statist. in Med. 5, 243-253. (STAT) 41 Christensen, E., Schlichting, P., Andersen, P.K., Fauerholdt, L., Schou, G., Pedersen, B.V., Juhl, E., Poulsen, H., Tygstrup, N., CSL. (1986). Updating prognosis and therapeutic effect evaluation in cirrhosis using Cox’s multiple regression model for time dependent variables. Scand. J. Gastroent. 21, 163-174. (MED) 42 Tygstrup, N., Andersen, P.K., Juhl, E., The EASL CAPO group. (1986). Steroids in chronic B Hepatitis. A randomized, double-blind multina- tional trial on the effect of low-dose, long-term treatment on survival. Liver 6, 227-232. (GROUP) 43 Altman, D.G., Andersen, P.K. (1986). A note on the uncertainty of a survivalprobabilityestimatedfromCox’sregressionmodel. Biometrika 73, 722-774. (STAT) 44 Østerlind, K., Andersen, P.K. (1986). Prognostic factors in small cell lung cancer: Multivariate model based on 778 patients treated with 5 chemotherapy with or without irradiation. Cancer Research 46, 4189- 4194. (MED) 45 Østerlind, K., Hansen, H.H., Hansen, M., Dombernowsky, P., Andersen, P.K. (1986). Long-term disease-free survival in small-cell carcinoma of the lung: a study of clinical determinants. J. Clin. Oncol. 4, 1307- 1313. (MED) 46 Andersen, P.K. (1986). Multi state models in survival analysis. Pp. 1-14 in Proceedings from 13th International Biometric Conference, Seattle. (CONTR) 47 Andersen, P.K. (1987). Conditional power calculations as an aid in the decision whether to continue a clinical trial. Contr. Clin. Trials 8, 67-74. (STAT) 48 Andreasen, F.M., Yu, Z., Thomsen, B.L., Andersen, P.K. (1987). Occur- rence of pulp canal obliteration after luxation injuries in the permanent dentition. Endod. Dent. Traumatol. 3, 103-115. (MED) 49 Østerlind, K., Hansen, H.H., Dombernowsky, P., Hansen, M., Andersen, P.K. (1987). Determinants of complete remission induction and main- tenance in chemotherapy with or without irradiation of small cell lung cancer. Cancer Research 47, 2733-2736. (MED) 50 Iversen, L., Andersen, O., Andersen, P.K., Christoffersen, K., Keiding, N. (1987). Unemployment and mortality in Denmark, 1970-80. Br. Med. J. 295, 879-884. (MED) 51 Ramlau-Hansen, H., Jespersen, N.C.B., Andersen, P.K., Borch- Johnsen, K., Deckert, T. (1987). Life insurance for insulin-dependent diabetics. Scand. Act. J. 19-36. (STAT) 52 Sørensen, T.I.A., Nielsen, G.G., Andersen, P.K., Teasdale, T.W. (1988). Genetic and environmental influences on premature death in adult adoptees. New Engl. J. Med. 318, 727-732. (MED) 53 Andersen, P.K. (1988). Multistate models in survival analysis: a study of nephropathy and mortality in diabetes. Statist. in Med. 7, 661-670. (STAT) 6 54 Sørensen, T.I.A., Nielsen, G.G., Andersen, P.K., Teasdale, T.W. (1988). Premature death in adult adoptees. New Engl. J. Med. 319, p. 793 (letter). (ETC) 55 Andersen, P.K., Væth, M. (1988). Survival analysis. In: Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences (eds. Johnson, Kotz). 9, 119-129. (STAT) 56 Nielsen, O.H., Thomsen, B.L., Green, A., Andersen, P.K., Hauge, M., Schiøtz, P.O. (1988). Cystic fibrosis in Denmark 1945 to 1985. An analysis of incidence, mortality and influence of centralized treatment on survival. Acta. Ped. Scand. 77, 836-841. (MED) 57 Andersen, P.K., Borgan, Ø., Gill, R.D., Keiding, N. (1988). Censoring, truncation and filtering in statistical models based on counting pro- cesses. Contemporary Mathematics 80, 19-60. (STAT) 58 Andersen, P.K. (1988). Statistical analysis of life time data in the vet- erinary sciences. Acta Vet. Scand. (Suppl. 84), 75-78. (CONTR) 59 Andersen, P.K. (1988). Review of the book J.L Fleiss The Design and Analysis of Clinical Experiments, Statist. in Med. 7, 454. (ETC) 60 Andersen,P.K.,Væth,M.(1989). Simpleparametricandnon-parametric modelsforexcessandrelativemortality. Biometrics45,523-535. (STAT) 61 Andersen,P.K.,Væth,M.(1989). Simpleparametricandnon-parametric models for excess and relative mortality. Bull. ISI, book 1, 1989, 62-63. (CONTR) 62 Bondeson, U., Andersen, P.K. (1989). Prisonization and Recidivism. Chapter 12 in: Bondeson, U.: Prisoners in the prison societies. Trans- actions, New Brunswick. (MED) 63 Keiding, N., Andersen, P.K.(1989). Non-parametricestimationoftransi- tion intensities and transition probabilities: A case study of a two-state Markov process. Appl. Statist. 38, 312-360. (STAT) 64 Altman, D.G., Andersen, P.K. (1989). Bootstrap investigation of the stability of a Cox regression model. Statist. in Med. 8, 771-783. (STAT) 7 65 Andersen, P.K. (1989). Contribution to the discussion of ”Survival mod- els and martingale dynamics” by E. Arjas. Scand. J. Statist. 16, 177-225. (ETC) 66 Andersen, P.K. (1989). Analysis of change over time. Rev. Epidem. et Sant Publ. 37, 507-514. (STAT) 67 Keiding, N., Andersen, P.K., Frederiksen, K. (1990). Modelling excess mortality of the unemployed: choice of scale and extra-Poisson vari- ability. Appl. Statist. 39, 63-74. (STAT) 68 Drzewiecki, K.T., Frydman, H., Andersen, P.K., Poulsen, H., Ladefoged, C., Vibe, P. (1990). Malignant melanoma. Changing trends in fac- tors influencing metastasis free survival in the time period 1964-1982. Cancer 65, 362-366. (MED) 69 Specht, L., Lauritzen, A.F., Nordentoft, A.M., Andersen, P.K., Chris- tensen, B.E., Hippe, E., Nissen, N.I. (1990). Tumour cell concentra- tion and tumour burden in relation to histopathologic subtype and other prognostic factors in early stage Hodgkin’s disease. Cancer 65, 2594-2601. (MED) 70 Andersen,P.K.,Hansen, L.S.,Keiding, N.(1991). Assessingtheinfluence of reversible disease indicators on survival. Statist. in Med. 10, 1061- 1067. (STAT) 71 Andersen,P.K.,Hansen,L.S.,Keiding,N.(1991). Nonandsemi-parametric estimation of transition probabilities from censored observations of a non-homogeneous Markov process. Scand. J. Statist. 18, 153-167. (STAT) 72 Andersen, P.K. (1991). Survival analysis 1982-1991: The second decade of the proportional hazards regression model. Statist. in Med. 10, 1931-1941. (STAT) 73 Andersen, P.K. (1991). Contribution to the discussion on ”Age-specific incidence and prevalence: A statistical perspective” by N. Keiding. J. Roy. Statist. Soc. A 154, 371-412. (ETC) 74 Geisler, C.H., Larsen, J.K., Hansen, N.E., Hansen, M.M., Christensen, B.E., Lund, B., Nielsen, H., Plesner, T., Thorling, K., Andersen, E., 8 Andersen, P.K. (1991). Prognostic importance of flow cytometric im- munophenotypingof540consecutivepatientswithchroniclymphocytic leukemia. Blood 78, 1795-1802. (MED) 75 The PROVA study group (1991). Prophylaxis of first hemorrhage from esophageal varices by sclerotherapy propranolol or both in cirrhotic patients: A randomized multicenter trial. Hepatology 14, 1016-1026. (GROUP) 76 Nielsen, G.G., Gill, R.D., Andersen, P.K., Sørensen, T.I.A. (1992). A counting process approach to maximum likelihood estimation in frailty models. Scand. J. Statist. 18, 25-44. (STAT) 77 Green, A., Andersen, P.K., Svendsen, A.J., Mortensen, K. (1992). In- creasing incidence of early onset (insulin-dependent) diabetes melli- tus: A study of Danish male birth cohorts. Diabetologia 35, 178-182. (MED) 78 Andersen, P.K. (1992). Repeated assessment of risk factors in survival analysis. Statist. Math. in Med. Res. 1, 297-315. (STAT) 79 Kjersem, H.J. and Andersen, P.K. (1992). The waiting period of asylum seekers as a health problem. Migration and Health Quaterly Newsletter 2, 2. (CONTR) 80 Andersen,P.K.,Borgan,Ø.,Gill,R.D.andKeiding,N.(1993). Statistical models based on counting processes. Springer, New York (767 pp.) (BOOK) 81 Lombard, M., Portmann, B., Neuberger, J., Williams, R., Tygstrup, N., Ranek, L., Larsen, H.R., Rodes, J., Navasa, M., Trepo, C. Pape, G., Schou,G.,Badsberg,J.H.,Andersen,P.K.(1993). CyclosporinAtreat- ment in primary biliary cirrhosis. Results of a long-term placebo con- trolled trial. Gastroenterology 104, 519-526. (MED) 82 Lynge, E., Arffmann, E., Poll, P., Andersen, P.K. (1993). Smear misclas- sification in a cervical cancer screening programme. Br. J. Cancer 68, 368-373. (MED) 83 Andersen, P.K. (1993). Review of the book J.P. Klein, P.K. Goel (eds). Survival analysis: State of the art, Statist. in Med. 12, 1645. (ETC) 9 84 Andersen, P.K. (1993). Review of the Workshop Early stopping rules in clinical trials in cancer. Ugeskr. Læg. 155, 1982-83 (in Danish). (ETC) 85 Andersen, P.K., Andreasen, F.M., Andreasen, J.O. (1994). Prognosis of traumatic dental injuries. Chapter 22 in J.O. Andreasen, F.M. An- dreasen: Textbook and color atlas of traumatic injuries to the teeth, pp. 737-743, Munksgaard, Copenhagen. (MED) 86 Andersen, P.K. (1994). Contribution to the discussion of: Informative dropoutinlongitudinaldataanalysisbyP.J.DiggleandM.G.Kenward. J. Roy. Statist. Soc. Ser. A 43, 49-93. (ETC) 87 Liestøl, K., Andersen, P.K., Andersen, U. (1994). Survival analysis and neural nets. Statist. in Med. 13, 1189-1200. (STAT) 82a Lynge, E., Arfmann, E., Poll, P., Andersen, P.K. (1994). Hvad betyder fejlklassificering af smearprøver i et screeningsprogram? Ugeskr. Læg. 156, 2594-2596 (in Danish). (DOUBLE) 88 Krogsgaard, K., Bindslev, N., Christensen, E., Craxi, A., Ring-Larsen, H., Schlichting, P., Schalm, S., Carreno, V., Trepo, C., Gerken, G., Thomas, H.C., Andersen, P.K., Eurohep Study Group on Viral Hepati- tis (1994). The treatment effect of alpha interferon in chronic Hepatitis B is independent of pretreatment variables. J. Hepatol. 21, 646-655. (MED) 89 Godtfredsen, K., Hjørting-Hansen, E., Andersen, P.K. (1995). En 5-˚ars- overlevelsesanalyse af 526 konsekutivt indsatte implantater. Tandlæge- bladet 99, 254-257 (in Danish). (MED) 90 Andersen, P.K., Rønn, B.B. (1995). A non-parametric test for comparing two samples where all observations are either left- or right-censored. Biometrics 51, 323-329. (STAT) 91 Lock-Andersen,J.,Hou-Jensen,K.,Hansen,J.P.H.,Jensen,N.K.,Søgaard, H., Andersen, P.K. (1995). Observer variation in micro classification of cutaneous malignant melanoma. Scand. J. Plast. Reconstr. Hand Surg. 29, 141-148. (MED) 10

1 Andersen, P.K., Andersen, S., Lauritzen, S.L. (1977). The average noise from a Poisson stream of vehicles Multivariate Cox regression model. Pp. 33-35 in Encyclopedia of Statistical P.K. (1986). Prognostic factors in small cell lung cancer: Multivariate model based on 778 patients treated with.
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