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cilbuP esU ataD epaT noitatnemucoD elpitluM esuaC fo htaeD rof 9-DCI 0891 ataD .S.U TNEMTRAPED OF HTLAEH DNA NAMUH SECIVRES 0 cilbuP htlaeH ecivreS 0 lanoitaN retneC for htlaeH scitsitatS Public Use Data Tape Documentation Muttiple Cause of Death for ICD-9 1980 Data U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Public HealthService Netionel Center for HeelthStatistics Hyattsville,Maryland Auwst 19S3 Table of Contents Text Section Page I. Intmkticm ....0.0.... .... . ....0. .. .. ..... . .. .. ... . ..... ... .... 1 II. Data file characteristics ... ..... ...... . . ... ... .. .. .. ... ..... ... 1 III. Ta~fmtmd mriable &fifitim ..... .. .... . . ...... .. ... ... . . 2 IV. Multiple cause data .. .. ..... . .... ... . .. ..... .... ..... .. . .... ... . 3 A. Entity axis cuies .. ... .... .. .. ..... . .. ...... .. .. ... ..0...... 4 B. Record axis codes .. ... ..... .. ...... . ..... .... ...... .. . .. ... . 6 V. Additimal information . . ...... .. ... ..0...... ... . ... ... .. ..... .. . 8 Appmdixes A. Multiple cause-of-death detail record B. State ccmiesused in NU4S/DVS C. Stadard Metropolitan Statistical Areas establish in 1980 D. ICI)-9 282 cause list titles B. ICD-9 72 cause list titles F. 1(X)-961 cause list titles G. ICD-9 34 cause list titles H. Control Total Tables 1-12 1. The MVSRon estimated coq?arability ratios betwen tk I(l)&8 and tlm IU)-9. J. Technical appendix for 1978preceeded by 1980 addendm SyubolsUsed inTables !3!!!_!!- E@a_n—a-t—i-o—n --- Datanot available. Categorynot applicable. . . . Quantityzero. 0.0 Quanti~ more thanO but lessthan0.5. * Figuredoesnotmeet standardsof reliabilityor precision. ii IXHMNMTICN OF MJLTIPLECAUSE-OF-DEATH PUBLICUSE TAPEFILElWR 1980nATA 1. Introduction .— Informationcn all muses-of-deathreportedcm h approximately tw minim deathcertificatesfiled‘titheUnitedStates annuallyhas been codedsince1968as a partof theNCHS mdtiple cause-of-deatphrogram. Tl= da- are releas~ ~ the publicin a varietyof ways includingpublishedreports,special tabulationsto answerdatarequests,ad da- tapescontainiw a statisticalrecordfor -h deathoccurringin theUnited Statesl. This documentis intendd ~ provideguidancem the consumerin accessingandutilizingthemultiplemuse-of-death publicuse tapefilewhichcoversdeathsoccurringin theUnited Statesduring1980. Eachrecordon theannualtapefile containsw nultiplecause-f-deathfieldswhichhave &n codedusingInternationaCllassifi=tionof Diseases,Ninth Revision(ICD-9). w addition,underlyingcause,demographic, and geographicdetaildataaccompaniesthemlt iple-e data. W tapefilecontainsthe completelev&lof detailcodedby NCHSexceptwhereprecludedby confidentialitryestrictionsor lackof datareliability.~is docunentprovidesthe technical dataprocessinginformationnecessary~ accessthe tapesad theclassificationstructuread codingrul= appliedti cr=te eachvariablem the filesuchthattheuser = readilyassess relevanceat varyinglevelsof detail~ his/herown particular research.Additionally,it conveysthe characteristicosf the multiplecausefieldssufficienth guidetheuser in analyzing and titerpretinguultiple=use data. The user is alertedti certainpitfallsof interpretationa,d theappropriatenesosf eachtypeof multiple=use data~ givenapplicationsis discussed. II. DataFileCharacteristics FileOrganization:One file,multiplereels RecordType: FixedLength Record@th: 440 BlockSize: 26,400 Data counts: occurrence- 1,993,137 Residentsof U. S. - 1,989,841 Non-Residents- 3,2% 1. The datayearwas processedusingthePL/1languagecm an IBM370/158. 2. The lastblockfor the datayearmay k a shrt block. 1 ~ta mre processedon a 50 percentbasisfor 1972. -2- 3. The dataare recordedin IBM/EBCDIC8-bit de for uh character. 4. Codesmay be numeric,alphabetic,or blank(H= 40). 5. A code“Z” is theEBCDICcodefor the letter“Z”. 6. A code “&” is theEBCDICcodefor sn amprsaml (apunched cardcode 12). III. TaDeFormatand VariableDefinition AppendixA and its attachmentsprovidecbcumentationof variables,variablecategories,andvariablelocatim on the multiple=use-of+leathpublicuse tapes. It isnotedthatthe followingmaterial,whileused in theprocessingof mortality data,is not includedin thispackage: A. Manualof the )iWernationalStatisticalClassificatioonf Diseases,Injuries,and Causesof Death,Ninth Revision ~ICD- B. NCHS InstructionManualDataPreparationPart 2a,Vital StatisticsInstructionsfor ClassifyingtheUnderlynig Cause of Death, 1980. c. NCHS InstructionManualDataPreparation,Part 2b,Vital StatisticsInstructionstor ClassifyingPhitlipleCausesof th, 1980. D. NCHS InstructionManualDataPreparation,Part2C,Vital StatisticsICD-9‘ACMEDecisionTables torClassltymg —‘—Underlnygi &uses of Death, 198—0. E. NCHS InstructionManualDataPreparation,Part 2d,Vital Statisti= NCHSProceduresforM6- MedicalDataSystEIU File Preparati~aiii~tenance, Effective1979. — F. NCHS InstructionManualDataTabdation,Part 2f,Vital StatisticsICD-9TRANSAXDiseaseReferenceTables tor ClassifyingMultipleCausesof Death—,—979-80 G. NCHS InstructionManualDataPreparation,Part4, Vital StatisticsIkmographicClassificationand coding InstructmnsIor DeathRecords, . H. NCHS InstructionManualTabdation, Part 11,Vital StatisticsCanputerlkl~ ~ i ective 1979. -3- These docummts describein detailthe rulesenployedfor demographicardmedicalclassificaticnm deathrecords.Volumes 1 and 2 of theICB9 may b purchasedfromWHO publications CentreUSA,49 SheridsnAvenue,Albany,New York,12210. The ramining documents (ItemsB-H),whilenot absolutely=sential to thepropr interpretatimof the da= fora numberof general applications,shouldneverthelessh studiedarefully priortn any detailedanalysisof demographicor medicaldatavariables. In @icular, thereare a nmber of exceptionsti theICDrules inmultiplecause-of-deathcodingwhich,ifnot tr-ted properly,may resultin fiultyanalysisof the data.Userswho do not alreadyhaveaccess@ these*cunents may requestthen fromtheChief,DataPreparationBranch,Divisionof Data Processing,NationalCenterforHealthStatistics,P. O. Box 12214,ResearchTrianglePark,NorthQrolina 27709. In addition,thel~er shodd referm theTechnical of theVitalStatisticsof the UnitedStat~e%s%1or sourceOt data,codingproceduers,~ty of the data, etc. TechnicalAppendixinfonnaticmis enclosed. IV. MultipleCauseMta— W originalscha for codingconditionscontainedm thed=th certifi=te was desi~d with tw objectivesinmind. First,lm facilitateetiologicslstudiesof the relationshipsamng conditions,itwas necessary~ reflectaccuratelyin endedform eachconditionad its locatim m * certificatimin the exactmnner givenby the certifier.Secondly,* cadifiation needed133be carriedout in a mannerby which* underlying cause-of-deathcmld be assignalthroughccmputerapplications. ‘Jheapproachwaa to susped the linkageprovisiom of the ICD for thepurposeof conditioncodingad codeeachentiq with minti regardto otherconditionspresentm * certificaitoen. This generalapproachis hreafter died entitycoding. Unfortunately,the set of multiple=Use codesproducedby entitycodingisnot conduciveto a thirdobjective-- the generationof personbasedmltiple ause statistics.Person basedanalysisrequiresthateachconditim be cededwithinthe cont=t of everyotherconditionm the -e certificateand umdifiedor linkl ~ suchconditionsas providedby ICD-9. By definition,theentitydatamot met thisrequirementsince the linkageprovisionsdistortthe characterad placemetn of the informationoriginallyrecordedby the certifyingphysician. Sincethe tm objectivessre incompatibleD,VShas chosenti createfrm theoriginalsetof entitymalesa n- codeset calledrecordaxisuniltipl=euse data. Ekentidly, themis of classificatimhas bea convertedfranan entiq basis~ a record(orperson)basis. The recordsxisaxlesare assi~ed in ternsof the setof codesthatbestdescribetheoversllmedi- -4- certificationportionof the deathcertificate.The lranslation is accomplished@ a computersysta calledTRANSAX(TRANSLATKNOF AXIS)throughselectiveuse of maditional linkageandmdif ication rulesformortaliq coding. Underlyingcauselinkageswhichsimply prefercme codeoversnotherfor purposesof mderlying &use selectionarenot included. Eachentitycodeon the recordis -ned andnmdifiedor deletedas necessaryto createa setof codeswhichare freeof contradictionsad are tk most precise withinthe constraintsof ICD-9and medicalinformationcm the record. Repetitiw codesare deleted. TIE processmay (1)combine two entityaxiscategories~gether ti a new =tegory thereby elimimtinga Contradictimor standardizingthe data;or (2) eliminateone categoryin f%vorof anotherti prariotespecificityof thedataor resolvecontradictions.The followingexamplesfran ICD-9illustratethe effectof thistranslation: Case 1: When reportedon the samerecordas separateentities, Cirrhosisof liverand alcoholismare codedto 5715 (cirrhosisof liverwithoutmentionof alcohol)and 303 (alcoholdependencesyndrome).Tabulationof recordswith 5715 would on the surfacefalselyimplythatsuchrecords had no umtion of alcohol. A preferablecodificationwould be 5712 (alcoholiccirrhosisof liver)in lieuof both 5715 and 303. Case 2: If “gastricdeer” and “bleedinggaatricdeer” are reportedon a recordtheyare codedto 5319 (gastriculcer, unspecifiedas acuteor chronic,withoutmentionof hemorrhageor perforation)and 5314 (gastriculcer,chronic or unspecified,with henmrhage). A more concise codificaticmwuuldbe to code5314onlysincethe 5314shows both the gastricdeer and the bleeding. A. EMity Axis Codes The originalconditionscded for selectionof the underlyingcause-of-deathare reformattedad editedpriorto creatingthepublicuse tape. TIE followingparagraphsAscribe the formatand applicatim of entityaxisdata. lWMAT: Eachentity-axiscode is displayedas an overallseven —. byte axlewith subcompomntsas follows: 1. lineindicator: The firstbyterepresentsthe line of the certificateon whichthe codeappears.Six lines(1-6)are allowablewith thefourthad fifth&notingone or M written in “duetonsbeyondthe three linesprovidedinPart I of the U.S. standarddeathcertificate. Line “6”representsPart 11 of the certificate. -5- 2. positionindicator: The next byte irdicatesthe positionof * cockm * line, i.e., it is the first(l),second (2), ---eighth(8)cockon the line. 3. cause =tegory: The Ht fourbytesrepresentthe ICD-9uuse code. 4. mture of injuryflag: ICD-9us= the sam seriesof tiers (800-999)to irdicate nature of injury(N codes)and =ternal ~use codes(Ecodes). Thisflagdistinguishesbetween the twowith a one (1)represent- ingnatureof injurycod= ad a zero (0)representingsll other Cau codes. A maximm of ZO of thesesevenbyte codesis caDtured m a recordfor milt ipleMuse purposes. ThisI&y cmsist of a“maximumof 8 codesm any givemlinewith up to 20 cod= distributedacrossthreeor unre linesdependingon wherethe subjectccmditionsare locatedon the certificate.Codesmay be omittedfranone or nmre lines,e.g.,line 1 with me or unre des, line2 with m cedes,line3 with one or more codes. h writingout thesecodes,theyare orderedas follow: line1 firstcode,line 1 secondcnde,etc.-----line2 firstcode,line2 secondcode,etc. -----line3 -----line4 -----line5 -----line 6. Any spaceremainingin the fieldis leftblank. The specificsof locationsare containedinAppendixA. Edit: The originalconditionsare editedm removeinvalidcodes, ~rify the codingof certainrareMuses of death,ad assure age/causeand sex/ause ccmptibility. Detailedinformationrelating to the editcriteriaand the setsof causecodeswhicharevalidb underlyingcausecodingad multiplecase codiqgare providd in Part 11 of theNCHS VitalStatisticsInstructionManualSeries. Table1, Nuder of ResidentDeathsTabulatedby Mentionof an UnderlyingCause,RecordAxisMikiple Cause,or lMity Axis MultipleCause-of-Deatbhy ICD-9&tegory providesa sunmarylistof validmderlying muse nultiple=Use’codes. 13?T.IATXYISAPPLICATI~S: The entityaxisuniltipl-euse dataset is appropriateto analyseswhichrequirethateachconditim be codd as a standaloneentitywithoutlinkageti otherconditionsad/or requireinformationon theplacementof suchconditionsin the certificate.Withinthisframework,the entilqdataare appropriate to theexaminationof etiologid relationshipssmongconditions, accuracyof certificationreporting,ad thevalidityof &aditional -6- assmptions h underlying@use selection.Additionally,the entity dataprovidein certain=tegoriesa more detaild codeassignment which is linkedout in the creationof recordaxisdata. Wheresu& detailisneededfora study,theuser shouldselectivelyemploy entitydata. Finally,the researchermy notwish tm b boundby ti assumptionsused in theaxis translationprocesspreferringratherto investigatehypothesesof his own predilection. By definition,themain limitationof mtity axisdatais thatan enti~ codedoesnot necessarilyreflectthebestcockfora conditionwhen consideredwithinthe contextof themedical certificationas a whole. As a resultcertainenti~ cod- canbe misleadingor evencontradictothercodesin the record. For qle, category5750is titkd “Acutecholecystitiwsithoutmention of mlculus”. Withinthe frameworkof enti~ axlesthisis interpretedto mean thatthe codableentityitselfcontainedno mentionof @lculus ratherthanthatmlcilus was notmnt ioned anywhereon the record. Tabulaticmof recordswitha “5750”as a count of personshting acuteAolecystitiswithoutmentionof calculusmuld thereforebe erroneous.!lMs illustratesthe fact thatmder entityding theICD-9titlesmot be takenIiterslly. The usermust studytherulesfor entitycodingas theyrelateto his/herresearch prior~ utilizationof entiq data. The user is furthercautionedthatthe inclusim notesin ICD-9whichrelateto mdifying and combining=tegories are seldomapplicableb entity mding (exceptwhereprovidedin Part 2b of theVitalStatistics InstructionManualSeries). In tabulatingthe entityaxisdata,one may couhtcdes with the resultanttabulationof an individualcoderepresentingthenumberof timesthedisease(s)representedby thecodeappearsin the file. In thiskindof tabulatim of morbidconditicnprevalence,thecounts among=tegoriesMy be addedtogether~ producecountsforgroups of codes. Alternatively,subjectto the limitationsgivenaboveone rsonshavingmentionof the diseaserepresentedby a code :YC%%%W U3 instanceit isnot correcttm add countsfor individualcodes~ createpersoncountsfor groupsof ties. since morethanonecodeh theresearcher’sinterestmay appeartogether on thecertificate,~taling must accountforhigherorderinter- actionsamongcodes. Up to 20 codesmay be assignedm a record; therefore,a 20-wayinteractionis theoreticallypossible.AU totalingmustbe basedon mentionof one or more of the categories under investigation. B. RecordAxisCodes The followingparagraphsdescribethe fomat and applicationof record-axisdata. Part2f of theVitalStatisticsInstructionManual SeriesdescribestheTRANSAXprocessfor creatingrecordaxisdata frcmentitysxisdata.

Michigan. Minnemta. Mississippi. Missouri. Montana. Abbrev. Code. —. AL. AK. AZ. AR. CA co .. DAXTOMA BBACH, FAA. FLORIDA. VOLUSIA palsy (343). Other diseases of CAUSE SUBTOTALS ARE DOT IDBMTI?IED IB
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