Index 827 Abortion, Barristers, United States, 480-488 fairness of trial due to incompetence, 599 Abuse of process, 180, 415 incompetence, 599 Accountability, Queen’s Counsel, 439-441 health care, 115-133 Bias, Administration ofj ustice, professional judge, 624 Bail, Judicial Appointments etc. (Scotland) test, 182, 624-625 Act 2000, 168 Book reviews, citation of authorities, 600 An Introduction to Human Rights and the contempt of court restraining publication, Common Law, English, Rosalind and 599 Havers, Q.C., Philip (Eds), 434-435 Business and the Human Rights Act 1998, Smyth, Michael, 786-787 2000, 168 Civilian Oversight of Policing: Governance, fairness of trial, 599 Democracy and Human Rights, Goldsmith, judicial appointments, AndrewJ . and Lewis, Colleen (Eds.), annual report on, 394 790-792 Commissioners, 600 Constitutional Change in the E.U. From justices’ clerks, 169 Uniformity to Flexibility? de Barca, G leave to appeal, 168-169 and Scott, J (Eds.), 197-198 Magistrates’ Courts annual report, 394 Freedom of Expression and Freedom of Administrative law, Information—Essays in Honour of Sir Council on Tribunals, 394 David Williams, Beatson Q.C., Jack and Affray, 629-630 Cripps, Yvonne (Eds.), 787-788 After-care services, 173-174 Human Rights: The 1998 Act and the European Age discrimination, 604 Convention, Grosz, Stephen, Beatson Alcohol level, assumption as to, 407 Q.C., Jack and Duffy Q.C., Peter, Appeal, 200-201 immigration, 178 Human Rights Law and Practice, Lester of Hern leave, 168-169 Hill Q.C., Lord and Pannick, David, 200-201 Appointnents, judicial, 600 Human Rights and Legal History: Essays in Honored Brian Simpson, O’Donovan, Arrest, assault with intention of resisting, 185 Katherine and Rubin, Gerry R. (Eds.), 641-643 freedom of person and property, 607-608 Political Libels: A Comparative Study, Loveland, Artificial insemination, lan, 432-434 prisoners, 628 Questioning Sovereignty: Law, State and Practical Assault, Reason, MacCormick, Neil, 198-199 resisting arrest, intention of, 185 Regulating Pollution: A U.K. and E.C. Asylum seekers, Perspective, Hilson, C., 643-644 national assistance, availability of, 410 Regulating Public Utilities: A Constitutional persecution, Approach, Graham, Cosmo, 428-429 non-government agents, by, 410 Regulating Social Europe: Reality and Myth of reasons for, 409 Collective Bargaining in the EC Legal safe country of origin, 619 Order, Faro, Antonio Lo, 429-432 safe third country, 410-411 Social Security Law in Context, Harris, Neville stateless persons, 178 (Ed.), 201-203 [2001] PL. Winter © Sweet & MAXWELL AND CONTRIBUTORS 828 Index Book reviews—cont. Confiscation orders, 174-175, 406, 612-613 States of Emergency. The Indian Experience, lyer, human rights, 406, 612-613 Venkat, 647-649 Conseil d’Etat, recent decisions of, Sword and Scales: An Examination of the administrative decisions, legislative validation Relationship between Law and Politics, of, 633-635 644-647 Banking Commission, 192-194 The Constitutional Foundations of Judicial extradition, 190-192, 781-783 Review, Elliott, Mark, 763-780 humanitarian association visit to zones where The End of Human Rights, Dousinas, Costas, aliens refused entry, 189-190 639-641 marry, right to, 422-424 The Judicial Role in Criminal Proceedings, minor, extradition of, 781-783 Doran, Sean and Jackson, John D residence permits, 783-785 (Eds.), 792-793 Rhine and Rhone rivers, cancellation of The State and the Nation: The First Year of project connecting, 635-637 Devolution in the United Kingdom, Hazell, statutes, Government’s obligation to Robert (Ed.), 788-790 implement, 424 Values for a Godless Age: The Story of the visa, refusal of, 425-426 United Kingdom’s New Bill of Rights, ~ onstitutional law, Klug, Francesca, 436—437 devolution issue, Broadcasting, Privy Council, role of, 170 telecommunications, 394 international law, domestic effect in Bullying, 420 Commonwealth countries, 97-114 modelling the constitution, international law, domestic effect in Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, 207 Commonwealth countries, 97-114 Census, public law, principles of, 684-693 confidentiality, 170 Scotland Act 1998, 397 Chancel repairs, ~ onsultation, Human Rights Act 1998, 651-653 freedom of information, 263—264 Children’s hearing system, nw contempt of court, human rights, 613-614 criminal, 609-610 Citation of authorities, 600 human rights, 408 Colonies, restraining publication, 599 contemporary government, 581-584 ‘opyright, Crown and, 571-585 freedom of speech, 608 future developments, 584-585 Magna Carta, 576-581 =r~t Souncil on Tribunals, 394 Commercial information, lot Sounsel, freedom of information, 256—267 fairness of trial due to incompetence, 599 Commissions of Inquiry, incompetence, 599 legal representation, 377—393 court Service annual report, 600 Complaints, nCrou rts martial proceedings, health care, 115-133 human rights, 615-616 Confidentiality, ft -riminal injuries c ompensatic on, census, 170 improvements to scheme, 601 disclosure of identity, 601 reports, 601 disclosure of sources of information, 396 violent crimes, 398 foreign intercepts, use of, 395-396 _ crown freedom of information, 259-261 banishment of Queen’s subjects, 398 Freedom of Information Act 2000, 394-395 wf Sustody time limits, Investigatory Powers Tribunal rules, 395 breach of bail conditions, 616 police, human rights, 612, 616 exchange of information, 395 regulation of investigatory powers, 169, 601 Regulation of Investigatory Powers (Scotland) Damages, Act 2000, 395 Human Rights Act 1998, 695-715 Television Licences (Disclosure of tort, 695-715 Information) Act 2000, 169 Defamation, website operators, disclosure of identity of, financial regulator, 187-188 601 Parliament, 469-470 [2001] PL. Winter © Sweet & MAXWELL AND CONTRIBUTORS Index 829 Delay, European Union, damages for court delays, 211-219 Charter of Fundamental Freedoms, 77, Parole Board, by, 176 527-541 trial, 176 Developments, White Paper on, 400 Detention as Her Majesty’s Pleasure, 186 directive, construction of agreement giving Disciplinary hearing, attendance at, 625 effect to, 606 Disciplinary proceedings, Factortame litigation, 606 prisoners, 628 financial management, 607 Discrimination, reference, requirements for, 400 See also Race discrimination; Sex Treaty of Nice, 606 discrimination —= xpression, freedom of, age, 604 exclusive licences, 403 homosexuality, 603 exclusive photographic rights, 296-297 human rights, 457-465 identity of convicted murderers, 396—397 illegal contract, rights under, 399 privacy, right of, 396-397 sexual orientation, 603-604 Extradition, special adviser to Minister, 399 Conseil d’Etat, recent decisions of, 190—192, Domestic violence, 781-783 United States, 283-286 Divisional Court, role of, 400-401 exclusion of evidence, 400—401 extra-territorial offences, 401 Education, review of law, 607 immigration and right to education, 619 specification of charges, 172 Learning and Skills Act 2000, 171 procurement contracts, 171 school, liability of, 604 Football hooliganism, 172 Standards in Scotland’s Schools etc. Act 2000, Fraud, 170-171 electoral law, 605 Election expenses, 556-562 Freedom of information, Electoral Commission, 253-254, 565-568 Act 2000, 256-257 Electoral law, 245-255 commercial information, 256-257 Electoral Commission, 253—254, 565-568 commercial interests, 261-262 fraud, 605 confidentiality, 259-261 Parliamentary Oaths Act 1866, 254-255 consultation, 263-264 Political Parties, Elections and Referendums exemptions, Act 2000, 249-252, 399-400 commercial interests, 261-262 Political Parties’ Panel, 253-254 confidentiality, 259-261 prisoners’ right to vote, 605 reform, 400 prejudice to commercial interests, 262-263 Registration of Political Parties Act 1998, trade secrets, 262 247-249 prejudice to commercial interests, 262-263 regulations, 605 public interest, 264-266 Representation of the People Act 1968-69, trade secrets, 262 246-247 Freedom of person and property, Speaker's Committee, 252-253 arrest, 607-608 statutes passed, 605 entry, powers of, 608 Entrapment, Football (Disorder) Act 2000, 172 human rights, 177 lawful arrest, 607-608 Equality, search of premises, 173 anti-discrimination legislation, 84-85 statutory powers, 401—402 British law, 78 stop and search powers, 173 challenges for courts and lawyers, 93-96 Freedom of speech, common law, 85-87 copyright, 608 human rights, 77-96 criminal contempt, 609-610 idea of, 80-84 interlocutory injunctions, 610 non-discrimination provision of Protocol 12, press, freedom of, 402 79-80 public domain, 610 reform of law, 90-93 qualified privilege, 402, 608-609 UK law, 77-96 ward of court, 402-403 [2001] PL. Winter © Sweet & MAXWELL AND CONTRIBUTORS 830 Index Government, Human rights—cont. expenditure and finance, 607 life sentences, 405-406 intelligence and security, 173, 611 mis-direction, 175 local. See Local government New Zealand, 28-37, 586-598 Ministerial Code, 610 Parole Board, delay by, 176 naturalisation, application for, 610 planning decisions, 175-176, 407, 614 performance of departments, 611 pre-trial publicity, 405 Security and Intelligence Service, 403 privacy in proceedings, 615 special advisers, 611 prosecutor, appeal by, 613 Greater London Authority, reports, 619 restricted information and, 181 secure unit, detention in, 408 self-incrimination, 175, 405 unsafe convictions, 406 Habeas corpus, vexatious litigants, 617-618 immigrations, 177-178 waiver of Convention right, 177 judicial review, 415 Human Rights Act 1998, Hansard, references to, 411-412 amendment, 612 Health and medical treatment, chancel repairs, 651-653 after-care services, 173-174 common law and, 659-661 Care Standards Act 2000, 173 damages, 695-715 complaints and accountability, 115-133 delays by court, damages for, 211-219 contaminated blood, liability for, 611 first year of, 654-665 human fertilisation and embryology, 404 judicial review, 661-664 lawfulness of operation to save Siamese twins, Orders in Council, 21-27 403-404 overview, 654-655 mental health, 404 political expression, freedom of, 233-244 stopping treatment, lawfulness of, 404 prerogative powers, 21—27 Homosexuality, public authority, 443-445 discrimination, 603 public employment, 442-449 House of Commons, statutory interpretation, 655-659 See also Parliament tortious liability after, 210-219, 475-479 modernisation of procedure, 418 Select Committees, 269-271 welfare services, 210-219, 475-479 House ef Lords, standards, 626 Human fertilisation and embryology, 404 Identity parades, 419 Human rights, Immigration, See also Human Rights Act 1998 appeals, 178 alcohol level, assumption as to, 407 carrier’s penalty, 620-621 children’s hearing system, 613-614 controls, 621 confiscation orders, 174-175, 406, 612-613 current passport, 411 contempt of court, 408 deportation, proportionality and, 411 courts martial proceedings, 615-616 education, right to, 619 custody time limits, 612, 616 European Convention on Human Rights declarations of incompatibility, and, 620 burden of proof, 618 habeas corpus application, 177—178 procedure, 617 mental health, 620 delay in trial, 176 race discrimination, 227—229 detention after treatment, 618 Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000, 409 discrimination, 457—465 rules, 178 entrapment, 177 safe third country, 410-411 equality, 77-96 statistics, 178 gypsies and planning laws, 614-615 Independent Review Service of the Social hearings within reasonable time, 408 Fund, 736-762 innocence, presumption of, 174 Information, Joint Committee, 408 commercial, 256-267 judicial review, 413-414 freedom of. See Freedom of information juries, award of damages by, 616 Inhuman and degrading treatment, Justices’ clerks, 177 prisoners, 628 legal professional privilege, 616-617 Innocence, presumption of, 174 [2001] PL. Winter © Sweet & MAXWELL AND CONTRIBUTORS Index 831 Intelligence and security, 173, 611 Judiciary, Intergovernmental agreements, appointments, functions, 134-157 annual report, 394 Irrationality, Commissioners, 600 non-statutory compensation scheme, 414-415 behaviour, 600 prejudging issue, 179 consultations, 70-72 criteria for selection, 68-70 equal opportunities, 489-504 Judicial appointments, legitimacy, 72-75 annual report, 394 number of judges, 600 Judicial review, qualifications, 66-68 abuse of process, 180, 415 role in twenty-first century, 62-76 Administrative Court, 9 women judges, 489-504 Juries, amenability of review, 622-623 award of damages by, 616 assessment of reforms, 15-19 Justices’ clerks, Bowman Report, 11-20 human rights, 177 bylaw, validity of, 179 changes, 4-10, 11-20 choice of procedure, 179-180, 622 Legal professional privilege, constitutional analysis and principle, 763-780 human rights, 616-617 contractual power not reviewable, 414 Legal representation, Convention rights, standard of review of, 413 Commissions of Inquiry, 377-393 Coroner’s inquest, 621-622 Legitimate expectation, defence pleading, 8-9 judicial review, 621 discretion, exercise of, Life sentences, financial reasons, 414 human rights, 405-406 habeas corpus, 415 Local government, Hansard, references to, 411-412 conduct of members, 623-624 human rights, 413-414 declare interest, duty to, 416 Human Rights Act 1998, 661-664 Ethical Standards in Public Life etc. impact, 736-762 (Scotland) Act 2000, 181 incommensurable values, 717-735 Greater London Authority, restricted Independent Review Service of the Social information and, 181 Fund, 736-762 invalid contract of sale, 623 irrationality. judicial review, 717-735 non-statutory compensation scheme, Local Government Act 2000, 180-181 414-415 members, prejudging issue, 179 conduct, 623 language, changes in, 5 Lottery, allocation of, 182 lawfulness of condition, 621 leave to appeal, 415 Magistrates’ Courts, legitimate expectation, 621 annual report, 394 local government, 717-735 Magna Carta, Mike Tyson case, 294-307 colonies, 576-581 new rules, 4-10, 11-20 Maladministration, permission, 5-6, 7-8 Pension Ombudsman, 320-323 primary legislation, exercise of power to Medical treatment. See Health and medical amend, 412-413 treatment proper and improper purposes, 411-412 Mental health, 404 public, inquiry to be held in, 178-179 immigration, 620 rationale of changes, 5-7 Mike Tyson case, 294-307 remedies, 9 Misfeasance in public office, 631 Scotland, 294-307 skeleton arguments, 10 standing, 294-307, 622 Nationality, uitra vires, 354-376 Community powers, 624 unincorporated associations, 623 illegitimate children, registration of, 416 United States, 288-291 naturalisation, eligibility for, 181-182 [2001] PL. Winter © Sweet & MAXWELL AND CONTRIBUTORS 832 Index Natural justice, Parliament—vont. bias, Standing Committee on Regional Affairs, professional judge, 624 272-273 test, 182, 624-625 strengthening role, 626 disciplinary hearing, attendance at, 625 territorial committees, composition rule for, lottery, allocation of, 182 278-279 nature of hearing, 625 voting on English law, 273-278 Pension Ombudsman, 323-325 Westminster Hall, 273 prisoner’s representations on recategorisation, Westminster as proxy for English Parliament, 625 268—280 procedural fairness, Parole Board, lottery, allocation of, 182 advice of, 627-628 reasons, delay by, 176 duty to give, 183 Pension Ombudsman, effect of failure to give, 416 constitutionality, 313-319 Naturalisation, eligibility for, 181-182 courts and, 308-328 New Zealand, creation, 312~—313 declarations of incompatibility, 28-37 judicial reaction to, 319-328 human rights, 28-37, 586-598 maladministration, 320-323 implied repeal, 586-598 natural justice, 323-325 powers, 320-322 procedures, 323-326 Ombudsmen, questions of fact and law, 325-326 Health Service Commissioners (Amendment) Pensions, Act 2000, 417 sex discrimination, 602 Pensions Ombudsman, 308-328 Planning, powers, 308-313 fair hearing, 407 private sector, 310-312 gypsies, 614-615 public sector, 183, 308-310 human rights, 175-176, 407, 614 reports, 417, 625 public inquiries, 188 role, 308-313 validity of decision, 407-408 Orders on Council, 21-27 Plea bargaining, 186 Overrule Police, consequences, 450-456 body samples, destruction of, 184-185 complaints against, 419-420 onfidentiality and exchange of information Parliament, 395 administrative systems, 469-470 identity parades, 419 buildings, 467-469 legal adviser, ban on, 627 challenge for, 666-674 Police (Northern Ireland) Act 2000, 418 complaints, 626 report, 185 defamation, 469-470 resisting arrest, 185 disqualifications, 417 samples, unlawful retention of, 418--419 English question, 268-280 Political expression, freedom of, 233-244 finance, 465—467 Political parties, future of, 473-474 See also Electoral law Hansard, references to, 411-412 accountability, 542—570 Hansard Society report, 666-667 donations, 553-556 House of Commons (Removal of Clergy election expenses, 556-562 Disqualification) Act 2001, 626 Electoral Commission, 565--568 Leader of the House, role of, 669-670 funding, 546-549, 605 ministerial accountability, 626 donations, 553—556 Parliament Acts, 417 financial accountability, 549-553 parliament within a parliament, 279-280 name, 245-255 reform, 465-474 Political Parties, Elections and Referendums role, 626 Act 2000, 249-252, 542-570 Select Committees in House of Commons, referendums, conduct of, 562-565 269-271, 626 registration, 247—249 Speaker, election of, 183-184, 616 State, role of, 544-546 standards and privileges, 184, 418 transparency, 542-570 [2001] PL. Winter. © Sweet & MAXWELL AND CONTRIBUTORS Index 833 Postal Services Commission, 187 Qualified privilege, Prerogative powers, freedom of speech, 402, 608-609 Human Rights Act 1998, 21-27 Orders on Council, 21-27 Prisoners, Race discrimination, artificial insemination, 628 aid, meaning of, 602-603 child visitors, 185 Amin, Re, 220-222 detention at Her Majesty’s Pleasure, 186 criminal proceedings, 226-227 disciplinary proceedings, 628 extension of scope of statutory protection, inhuman and degrading treatment, 628 220 mandatory life sentence, 627 public authorities, to, 222-226 immigration, 227-229 Parole Board, advice of, 627-628 national origin, 602 performance indicators, 629 nationality, 227—229 reports, 186 promotion of quality, positive duty to rights, 185 promote, 229-231 vote, right to, 605 public authorities, extension to, 222-225 Privacy, right of, criminal proceedings, 226-227 broadcasting, 1-3 exceptions to application, 225-226 exclusive photographic rights, 396 immigration, 227—229 expression, freedom of, 396-397 nationality, 227-229 human rights, 1 promotion of quality, positive duty to identify of convicted murderers, 396-397 promote, 229-231 secret filming, 2 Race Relations Act 1976, need for reform Younger Committee, 1 of, 220-222 Procedural fairness, Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000, lottery, allocation of, 182 220-232 Procedure, racial group, 602 intervention of statutory body in proceedings, reform of Race Relations Act 1976, 220-222 629 Stephen Lawrence inquiry, 230 plea bargaining, 186 Reasons, sentencing, 420 duty to give, 183 Procurement contracts, 171 effect of failure to give, 416 Prosecutor, appeal by, Registration, human rights, 613 political parties, 247-249 Public authorities, Regulation, Financial Services and Markets Act 2000, 187 analysing regulatory space, 329-353 Postal Services Act 2000, 187 Remedies, Uuilities Act 2000, 420 judicial review, 9 Public enterprises, Rights, regulation, 505-526 Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, 207 Public finance, categories, 207—209 examinations by C&AG, 59-60 compromising, 208-209 Government Resources and Accounts Act exclusory/constitutive distinction, 209 2000, 172 inter-relationships, 207 reform, 50-61 terminology, 207—209 resource accounting, 51-56 Road traffic, Whole of Government Accounts (WGA), alcohol level, assumption as to, 407 56-59 Public inquiries, planning, 188 Schools, Public interest, bullying, 420 freedom of information, 264-266 liability of, 604 Public law, principles of, 684-693 Scotland, Public order, Bail, Judicial Appointments etc. (Scotland) affray, 629-630 Act 2000, 168 proscribed organisations, 630 Convention rights and the Scotland Act, Terrorism Act, 2000, 38-49 threatening conduct, 630 devolution issues, 397 [2001] PL. Winter © Sweet & MAXWELL AND CONTRIBUTORS 834 Index Scotland—cont. Tort—cont. Ethical Standards in Public Life etc. defamation, 187 (Scotland) Act 2000, 181 duty of care, judicial review, 294-307 bullying, 420 Regulation of Investigatory Powers (Scotland) Human Rights Act 1998, liability after, Act 2000, 395 210-219, 475-479 Scotland Act 1998, 397 misfeasance in public office, 631 Standards in Scotland’s Schools etc. Act 2000, regulatory body, liability of, 630-631 170-171 statutory functions, negligence in exercise, Search of premises, 173 630-631 Select Committees, welfare services, liability and, 210—219, House of Commons, 269-271 475-479 Self-incrimination, Town and country planning. See Planning human rights, 175, 405 Trade secrets, Sentencing, freedom of information, 262 Court of Appeal not bound by sentencing Trial, judge, 420 delay, 176 mandatory life sentence, 627 mis-direction, 175 pleas, acceptance of, 420 procedure, 420 Ultra vires, Sex discrimination, New Zealand, 354-376 clergy, 604 Unincorporated associations, fraudulent contracts, 399 judicial review, 623 illegal contract, rights under, 399 United States, pensions, 602 abortion, 480—488 Sexual orientation, City ofE rie et al v. Pap’s A.M., tdba discrimination, 603-604 “Kandyland”, 158-167 Skeleton arguments, commerce clause, 281-293 judicial review, 10 domestic violence, 283-286 Social Fund, guns in schools, 282-283 Independent Review Service, 736-762 judicial review, 288-291 Speaker, election of, 183-184, 626 low-value speech and the First Amendment, Standing, 158-167 judicial review, 294-307, 622 Unsafe convictions, Standing Committee on Regional Affairs, human rights, 406 272-273 Stephen Lawrence inquiry, 230 Venice Commission, 675-683 Stop and search powers, 173 Vexatious litigants, human rights, 617-618 Telecommunications, broadcasting, 394 Ward of court, Television licences, 169 freedom of speech, 402-403 Terrorism, 187 Welfare services, Tort, Human Rights Act 1998, 210-219, 475-479 Community law, breaches of, 421 tortious liability, 210-219 damages, 695-715 Women judges, 489-504 [2001] PL. Winter © Sweet & MAXWELL AND CONTRIBUTORS ——————