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PUBLIC HEALTH The Journal of The Society of Public Health (Formerly The Society of Community Medicine) © The Society of Public Health 1991 Index to Volume 105 January 1991 to November 1991 London: The Society of Public Health c/o The Royal Institute of Public Health and Hygiene, 28 Portland Place, London WIN 4DE A Characteristic Change in Infant Mortality A Survey of Parental Concerns as Children Rate Decrease in Japan (Y. NAKAMURA, M. Reach School Entry Age (S. Lerr), 127 Nacai and H. YANAGAwa), 145 BickerToN, D., HALL, R. and WILLIAMs, A. At-Faoin, S. R.: The Influence of Islamic L. J.: Women’s Experiences of Sexual Views on Public Attitudes Towards Kidney Abuse in Childhood, 447 Transplant Donation in a Saudi Arabian BLACK, Sir D.: Inequalities in Health, 23 Community, 161 Boppy, A.: Tradition and the Individual Ta- ANAND, J. K. and Roserts, J. T.: Disposable lent: The Career of Alwyn Smith, 3 Tuberculin Tests: Available and Needed. A Book REviEws Review, 257 Changing Ideas in Health Care (D. SeEp- ANGELICO, F., Det Ben, M., FABIANI, L., House and A. Crips), 342 LenTINI, P., PANNOozzo, F., UrRBinaTI, G. Culture Health and Illness, 2nd Edition C. and Ricci, G.: Management of Child- (C. G. Hetman), 419 hood Obesity Through a School-based Pro- Department of Health Yearbook of Re- gramme of General Health and Nutrition search and Development 1990 (D. Ros- Education, 393 Bins and A. WALTERS), 420 A Randomised Single Blind Trial of a Com- Developmental Examination of Infants bined Mumps Measles Rubella Vaccine to and Pre-school Children (D. F. EGan), Evaluate Serological Response and Reac- 195 tions in the UK Population (S. Epegs, C. R. ELISA in the Clinical Microbiology La- Puan and D. Hutt), 91 boratory (T. G. Wrecuitt and P. Mor- Are We Wasting Time in Out-patients Depart- GAN-CapneR), 191 ments? (F. J. F. Matruews, C. S. J. Pro- Epidemiology in Medical Practice—4th BERT, T. Batrcock, S. D. Frissy, M. Edition (Student Notes) (D. J. P. CHANDAR and J. F. MayBerry), 239 Barker and G. Rose), 189 A Study of Risk Factors for Campylobacter Fear Not to Sow: A Life of Elsie Stephen- Infection in Late Spring (L. L. Licuton, E. son (S. ALLAN), 193 B. Kaczmarski and D. M. Jones), 199 Laughing Death: The Untold Story of 488 Index 199] Book Reviews (cont.) Ethics of Screening for Breast Cancer, 63 Kuru (V. ZiGas), 341 Deaths from Road Traffic Accidents in Management of Cataract in Primary Scotland: 1979-1988. Does it matter where Health Care Services (WHO), 420 you live? (F. L. R. Wiruiams, O. LL. Medical Quotations (J. DaintiTH and A. Lioyp and J. A. DunBar), 319 Isaacs), 191 Differences between ‘Spacers and Stoppers’ Occupational Health Law (D. M. K oss), amongst Family Planning Acceptors in Lagos 341 (A. A. OLuKoya), 463 Preventing Maternal Deaths (E. Royston Differences in Dental Caries in 5-Year-Old and S. ARMSTRONG), 189 Children Within and Between Adjacent Dis- Principles and Practice of Infectious Dis- tricts on the South Coast of England (S. M. eases, 3rd Edition (G. L. MANDELL, R. SaunpDeErS, H. D. Lunn, J. F. Francis and G. Douc as and J. E. BENNETT), 195 J. F. Suttivan), 313 Quality of Life—Perspectives and Policies Disposable Tuberculin Tests: Available and (S. Batpwin, C. Goprrey and C. Needed. A Review (J. K. ANAND and J. T. Proprer), 190 RoBeERTs), 257 Recovery Operations in the Event of a Doyie, Y. G. and Conroy, R. M.: What Nuclear Accident or Radiological Irish Schoolchildren Know About AIDS, 167 Emergency: Proceedings of a Sympo- EpeEgs, S., PuLLAN, C. R. and Hutt, D.: A sium, Vienna, 6-10 November 1989 Randomised Single Blind Trial of a Com- (IAEA), 192 bined Mumps Measles Rubella Vaccine to Spotlight on the Cities—Improving Urban Evaluate Serological Response and Reac- Health in Developing Countries (I. TaB- tions in the UK Population, 91 IBZADEB, R. Rossi-EspAGNET and R. EDITORIALS MAxweELL), 419 Aids Vaccines, 273 The Asian Community: Medicines and Alma-Ata and the Privatisation of Traditions (M. A. HEAty and M. As- Environmental Health, 349 LAM), 190 Caring for People, 89 The Challenges of Medical Practice Vari- The Quality of Medical Care, 197 ations (T. F. ANDERSEN and G. Moo- Writing for Public Health—A Note from NEY), 344 the Editor, 423 The Introduction of a Mental Health Eskin, F.: The Art of Public Health Medicine, Component into Primary Care (WHO), 35 343 FORTHCOMING Events, 187, 269, 483 The Radiological Accident in San Salva- Fox, T. K., Rankin, M. G., SALmon, S. S. dor (IAEA), 193 and Stewart, M. S.: How Schools Perceive Bruce, N. G., KHan, Z. and Orsen, N. D. the School Health Service, 399 L.: Hospital and other Influences on the GasBay, J.: Courses of Action—the Case for Uptake and Maintenance of Breast Feeding: Experiential Learning Programmes in Public the Development of Infant Feeding Policy in Health, 39 a District, 357 GARDNER, M. J.: Childhood Cancer and Nu- CaRTWRIGHT, A.: Is Religion a Help Around clear Installations (8th Duncan Memorial the Time of Death?, 79 Lecture), 277 Case-Control Studies of Screening Procedures Gittespieé, S. H., PERERA, M. and Ramsay, (G. Knox), 55 A.: The Prevalence of Toxocara Canis Ova Change in Children’s Smoking from Age 9 to in Soil Samples from Parks and Gardens in Age 15 Years: The Dunedin Study (W. R. the London Area, 335 Stanton, P. A. Sitva and T. P. S. O81), Gorin, R. and Fatk, M.: Comparison of the 425 Automated Vision Screening Test to the Childhood Cancer and Nuclear Installations Snellen Test, 139 (8th Duncan Memorial Lecture) (M. J. Gorpon, M. Gorman, D. R., HaAsHem, S. GARDNER), 277 and Stewart, D. G. T.: The Health of Comparison of the Automated Vision Screen- Travellers’ Children in Northern Ireland, 387 ing Test to the Snellen Test (R. Gorin and Health for All—Lessons from HIV/AIDS: Re- M. Fak), 139 flections of a Jobbing Public Health Doctor Courses of Action—the Case for Experiential (J. Leeson), 51 Learning Programmes in Public Health (J. Ho.ianp, W. W.: Preface, 1 GasBay), 39 Homeless Families in Hackney (L. Parsons), Crips, A. and Haran, D.: The Benefits and 287 489 Hospital and other Influences on the Uptake Research Interests within the Association of and Maintenance of Breast Feeding: the Schools of Public Health in the European Development of Infant Feeding Policy in a Region: a Pilot Study, 153 District (N. G. Bruce, Z. Kuan and N. D. Management of Childhood Obesity Through a L. OLsEN), 357 School-based Programme of General Health Hospital Discharge Medication: is Seven Days and Nutrition Education (F. ANGELico, M. Supply Sufficient? (C. Kenny), 243 Det Ben, L. Fasiani, P. Lentini, F. PAn- How Schools Perceive the School Health Ser- nozzo, G. C. Ursinati and G. Ricc1), 393 vice (T. K. Fox, M. G. Rankin, S. S. MattHews, F. J. F., PRopert, C. S. J., Batt- SALMON and M. S. Stewart), 399 cock, T., Frissy, S. D., CHANDAR, M. and Identifying Research Interests within the Asso- Mavyserry, J. F.: Are We Wasting Time in ciation of Schools of Public Health in the Out-patients Departments?, 239 European Region: a Pilot Study (A. W. McCarthy, M.: Pedal Cyclists, Crash Helmets Macara and N. Woop), 153 and Risk, 327 Incidence of Falling Injuries Leading to Med- Medical Sociology and Public Health: Inter- ical Treatment in the Elderly (O-P. Ryy- disciplinary Relationships 1950-90 (M. Jer- NANEN, S-L. Kiveta, R. HONKANEN, P. FERYS), 15 LarpPaLa and P. Soni), 373 Mental Health Services for Deaf People: a Inequalities in Health (Sir D. BLack), 23 Need Identified (Z. Iopat and R. Hatt), IeBaAL, Z. and Hatt, R.: Mental Health Ser- 467 vices for Deaf People, 467 MukuerieE, A. K., Leck, I., LANGLEY, F. A. Is Religion a Help Around the Time of Death? and AsHcrort, C.: The Completeness and (A. CARTWRIGHT), 79 Accuracy of Health Authority and Cancer Irems OF INTEREST, 185, 267, 345, 417, 479 Registry Records According to a Study of Jacosson, B.: The Nation’s Health: When Ovarian Neoplasms, 69 Epidemiology Meets Ethics and Politics, 29 Mumps, Measles and Rubella Vaccination: a JEFFERYS, M.: Medical Sociology and Public Pragmatic Study (G. C. Sutron), 133 Health: Interdisciplinary Relationships Nakamura, Y., NAGA, M. and YANAGAWA, 1950-90, 15 H.: A Characteristic Change in Infant Kenny, C.: Hospital Discharge Medication: is Mortality Rate Decrease in Japan, 145 Seven Days Supply Sufficient?, 243 Nasseri, K., SADRIZADEH, B., MALEK-AF- Knox, G.: Case-Control Studies of Screening ZALI, H., MOHAMMAD, K., CHamsa, M., Procedures, 55 CHERAGHCHI-BAsHI, M-T., HAGHGoo, M. Lau, E. M. C., Woo, J. and Lam, D.: and AzmoopeH, M.: Primary Health Care Neuromuscular Impairment: a Major Cause and Immunisation in Iran, 229 of Non-syncopal Falls in Elderly Chinese, Neuromuscular Impairment: A Major Cause of 369 Non-syncopal Falls in Elderly Chinese (E. Leeson, J.: Health for All—Lessons from M. C. Lau, J. Woo and D. Lam), 369 HIV/AIDS: Reflections of a Jobbing Public News AND Notes, 181, 413 Health Doctor, 51 NOTES FROM THE Society, 173, 261, 407, 485 Lerr, S.: A Survey of Parental Concerns as Osituary, 271 Children Reach School Entry Age, 127 O.uxoya, A. A.: Differences between ‘Spac- LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ers and Stoppers’ amongst Family Planning Atranasio, A. E. M.: Hospital Discharge Acceptors in Lagos, 463 Medication: is Seven Days Supply Suffi- PARKER, M. J. and ANAND, J. K.: What is the cient? 475 True Mortality of Hip Fractures?, 443 CanneR, E. W.: Percutaneous Multiple Parsons, L.: Homeless Families in Hackney, Puncture Method for BCG Vaccine, 405 287 Macowan, R.: Are We Wasting Time in Pattern of Substance Abuse among Secondary Out-patients’ Departments? 475 School Students in Trinidad and Tobago (H. Licuton, L. L., Kaczmarski, E. B. and SincH, H. D. Mauaras and M. Suipp), 435 Jones, D. M.: A Study of Risk Factors for Pedal Cyclists, Crash Helmets and Risk (M. Campylobacter Infection in Late Spring, 199 McCartny), 327 Lioyp, E. L.: The Role of Cold in Ischaemic Predicting Costs and Outcomes of Neonatal Heart Disease: a Review, 205 Intensive Care for Very Low Birthweight Lowry, R. J., DONALDson, L. J. and Greca, Infants (R. C. Stevenson, P. O. D. P. J.: Variations in Clinical Decisions: a PHAROAH, R. W. I. Cooxe and B. Study of Orthopaedic Patients, 351 SANDHu), 121 Macara, A. W. and Woop, N.: Identifying Preface (W. W. HoLianp), 1 490 Index 1991 Primary Health Care and Immunisation in Iran LEY and C. AsHcrort), 69 (K. Nasseri, B. SADRIZADEH, H. MALEK- The Health of Travellers’ Children in Northern AFZALI, K. MOHAMMAD, M. CHamsa, M-T. Ireland (M. Gorpon, D. R. Gorman, S. CHERAGHCHI-BasHi, M. HAGHGoo and M. HaAsuHeo and D. G. T. Stewart), 387 AZMOODEH), 229 The Incidence and Prevalence of Amblyopia Public Health versus Public Policy? An Ap- Detected in Childhood (THompson, J. R., praisal of British Urban Transport Policy (S. Wooprurr, G., Hiscox, F. A., StRoNG, N. P. Wo rr and C. J. GitHam), 217 and MINsHULL, C.), 455 RICHMAN, S., Roperick, P., Vicror, C. R. The Influence of Islamic Views on Public At- and LissaueR, T.: Use of Acute Hospital titudes Towards Kidney Transplant Dona- Services by Homeless Children, 297 tion in a Saudi Arabian Community (S. R. Risk Factors for Ventricular Septal Defect in At-Faain), 161 Finland (J. TikKANEN and O. P. HEINONEN), The Nation’s Health: When Epidemiology 99 Meets Ethics and Politics (B. Jacosson), 29 RoBertson, M. C. and Muir Gray, J. A.: The Prevalence of Toxocara Canis Ova in Soil Use of Benzodiazepines in Private Nursing Samples from Parks and Gardens in the Homes: a Drug ‘Index’ as an Indicator of London Area (S. H. Gitcespie, M. PEREIRA Quality in Nursing Home Care, 249 and A. Ramsay), 335 RyYyYNANEN, O-P., KiveLtA, S-L., HONKANEN, The Role of Cold in Ischaemic Heart Disease: R., Laippaca, P. and Soin, P.: Incidence of a Review (E. L. Ltoyp), 205 Falling Injuries Leading to Medical Treat- The Vestey Chair in Food Safety and Veterin- ment in the Elderly, 373 ary Public Health, 417 Saunpers, S. M., Lunn, H. D., Francis, J. THompson, J. R., Wooprurr, G., Hiscox, F. F. and Suttivan, J. F.: Differences in den- A., StronGc, N. and MinsHuLt, C.: The tal Caries in 5-Year-Old Children Within Incidence and Prevalence of Amblyopia De- and Between Adjacent Districts on the tected in Childhood, 455 South Coast of England, 313 TIKKANEN, J. and HEINoNEN, O. P.: Risk ScHELP, L., EkMAN, R. and Fant, I.: School Factors for Ventricular Septal Defect in Accidents During a Three School-Years Finland, 99 Period in a Swedish Municipality, 113 Tradition and the Individual Talent: The School Accidents During a Three School-Years Career of Alwyn Smith (A. Boppy), 3 Period in a Swedish Municipality (L. Use of Acute Hospital Services by Homeless ScHELP, R. EkMAN and I. FAH), 113 Children (S. RicHMaN, P. Roperick, C. R. SincH, H., MAHARAJ, H. D. and Suipp, M.: Vicror and T. LissAvER), 297 Pattern of Substance Abuse among Secon- Use of Benzodiazepines in Private Nursing dary School Students in Trinidad and To- Homes: a Drug ‘Index’ as an Indicator of bago, 435 Quality in Nursing Home Care (M. C. Stanton, W. R., Sitva, P. A. and Oe1, T. P. ROBERTSON and J. A. Muir Gray), 249 S.: Change in Children’s Smoking from Age Variations in Clinical Decisions: a Study of 9 to Age 15 Years: The Dunedin Study, 425 Orthopaedic Patients (R. J. Lowry, L. J. Stevenson, R. C., PHAROAH, P. O. D., Donacpson and P. J. Greco), 351 Cooke, R. W. I. and SAanpuu, B.: Predict- Watkin, P. M.: The Age of Identification of ing Costs and Outcomes of Neonatal Inten- Childhood Deafness—Improvements since sive Care for Very Low Birthweight Infants, the 1970s, 303 121 What Irish Schoolchildren Know About AIDS Sutton, G. C.: Mumps, Measles and Rubella (Y. G. Dove and R. M. Conroy), 167 Vaccination: a Pragmatic Study, 133 What is the True Mortality of Hip Fractures? The Age of Identification of Childhood Deaf- (M. J. PARKER and J. K. ANAND), 443 ness—Improvements since the 1970s (P. M. Wituiams, F. L. R., Lroyp, O. Li. and Warkin), 303 Dunsar, J. A.: Deaths from Road Traffic The Art of Public Health Medicine (F. Eskin), Accidents in Scotland: 1979-1988. Does it 35 matter where you live?, 319 The Benefits and Ethics of Screening for Wo rr, S. P. and GitHam, C. J.: Public Breast Cancer (A. Crisp and D. Haran), Health versus Public Policy? An Appraisal 63 of British Urban Transport Policy, 217 The Completeness and Accuracy of Health Women’s Experiences of Sexual Abuse in Authority and Cancer Registry Records Ac- Childhood (D. Bickerton, R. HALL and A. cording to a Study of Ovarian Neoplasms L. J. WittiaMs), 447 (A. K. MuKkHErseEE, I. Leck, F. A. LANG- O

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