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Pu500-Water Water Pumping Low Tech Windmill 2001 PDF

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Preview Pu500-Water Water Pumping Low Tech Windmill 2001

let us eoneldar te desian, evelopment ana production ot winds, Theindenis Ss producad In Induewaleed countiae oe Nigh loo nelogy, requiring wel-doveloped aeooclated tect. togla o soll the deaign. Soma ot he complex aces tied in cera indi uel the tego Gor ‘omplox matesls and pea. wold be luce to developing Couniy het tao, or tao advanced for FRapufaeture inthe county. In ether eras, «stating paint has io ba established which is compat ah {echnolegicat stile avalabia nthe country at at par ‘ular ie 20 at ae and when the county aoqures igh technology, 2 linkage san bo roadly crested whereby products of equipment ara naturaly ang Sauteed improved fwough tha use of thal igh {echnology. The cravings suppledin Figures 8.81 5.25 {or tro manufacture of vindmils take info acoaunt that ‘arting pont, fully ising avaliable skills and ooh ology, we axing ample room for further daviop. Inert and improverent “The wl. dasignated 12 PU 500 Windml for ur agaton has been designed by Nek van de Van fr the Wrsing Group on Development Tachnelosy (WOM), “Twente University of Tashaaiogy, wrmet 162, P.O. Ba 217.7800 AE ENSCHEDE, The Netherlands, ny ach fa! sgsntance or frhel inermation eaded. wal Bs ‘Slaly suplieu by fhe Working Group on raaues Fig.8 12 P 0 S00 Kater Pomping Windritt so man, j js — = — Mane suepoet ou |! %, Gee \ J tat ate tower neg ene SG SUR SER au one. Sronmen paar, Dae ae, rucrnanen | mre = |. NOODEN SURE, tone oun AD sa MED owen recites ceLwent 2g, wwouoeet -— Bi me gamers 6905s tan SCHEMATIC OF 12 PU 500 WATER PUMPING WINDMILL (USTALLATION WIND ENERGY R&D CENTRE INSTITUTE OF ENG6.& RURAL TECHNOLOGY ALLAHABAD 211002 J. Guidelines for Site Selection for 1220-509 ‘Weoee Pemmping Windmill GUIDELINES FOR SITE SELECTION 7.0 Geneeal Water puraping windtalls can be installed on an open wll, a tube well, oF near a cana, sxoam, ood, creak ett 7A Surauedisgs of che Sie "Taig the site ab the centze there should not be any obstacle of mare then & meter igh beight ‘nithin an area of 160 m radios. Ir any such obmasle is there it should be cleared before the Inatal- Jaton of tne wind, Alcemstieely, theheight of che tower bas to be increased autably, 7.2 Well ae Boring (a) Ue the diameter of the well ix not small enough to accommodate “tower leg pitch”, some modification har to be ware oul In Ue ewer deign, ta cave the well isu alaner Slameter thas Ue Lower, the hats hove Us Ue inciraeol i Tenylh. Teo Joye thea will be supported over a veel Uthiye oF a gindey wbaniing over Uye well wd the ceasining two lege wel be obteide the well (b) ‘The well should be in proper condillon, otherwise repnin in the masonry wark and leaning of the well should be eure] wut before Ue itallation. () The refiling capacity of the well should be sbuut 26 cub: metrefhr. otherwise cleaning? boring of well has bo be done. IF i su euvity boring, it should be cleaned preferably by comprasor unitso aso achieve a discharge rale not ess than 3B cubic metre)h, (2) Wien te installation has te be done over a bonewell a masonry pit ie prepared, The dis. sacles of Uhe pit nay be 1.6, and its depth shal! be the same as spring water level ‘Welow the grow (6) "The total howd over which the water is Wo be pumped should preferably be within 15:2 ond not wre Ua 2000 in any case. 13. Water Storage Tene Before the construction of water stomge tank near the Windmill itis necosmry to test or evaluate the soll characteristics, specially Ite permcabilty. This will help in deciding whether the tank be sn farthen one or lined by suitable materia, tian 4 rOtOR hasbeen designed to collect relerant ate information to select a uae itll TA. Proforma for Site Selection 1.) Name and address of the oneniation, (ii) Namo and addrasr of the roprecontative of the ‘organisation. 2. Exact location of the place srhere the windvall sto be erected 8, Bnd useof the windmill () Wdrinking water supply, population to be served (b)Keminer iigation, cultivated area in hectares with ceopping pattern (6) Itbrine pomping, quantity cof salt water to be pumped essere inites. : ! 4. Distance of the windailsto trom (he collaboraving organtation {please meation the details of the route to the windrill site, 5. Surroundings ofthe sto fa) Obstacte, if any, within metre ais (taking site a3 cence) ¢ _Natine of the obstacts (i) Distance of the obstacle trom the windmill te ii) light of the obstacle ib) Whether it can be removed or net fc) Whether it should be removed for nat (gonsidering main wind Sicection) Available eoutces for water pumping ‘open wellfpondtiver/sea/tube well) capaljany other (a) open wal i) Inslde diameter{sizefdopth Tease give dimensions ABCDBand Fon gure 7. Gi) Average depth of water, (bie in summer season, Average depth of warsr sesceteeeeeee “Gbte is eainy season, NII (Wy) Refiling eepaciry of swelifibe wel (0) Whether the capacity can be inereased or not th) Ifbore wet Gi) Depth of boring (i) Slae of wnbe well i) Position of ehe boring atthe cenbo/out of castes Gu) Age of the boringywall (8) Whether the boring has been sos eseeereee leaned. (8) Date ot boring ‘Type of eyetem wed for cleaning, (oi) Vertical distanes between thi top of bere pipe and he water cable, (x) Height of che boring pipe sbove water leva. Im any eoscon 1m swan season, Approximate value of ell bearing ‘capacity of the sei! Fig.? Dineneione of Welt ond boring to te measured and recorded 8, Approximate value of so permeability lin view of water retention in storage tank built at the ground level) ‘hatter aumaliry structures are to bs made in view of windmill exection tka mazonry pit horing in the open ‘well, «pect foundation tor the tower lage open well oF pore odd situation 19. Furtner cota, itamy AL, Remarks Signature of representative Siguature wilh veal ot of organization head of organteali Water output graphs Ro Materials tor a tower No Nitmbar Materite, parioulare and messurements reeled 14 Towerpine —— gasnine % 2650 24 Angleivon WOK MOK EC Ry) 8500 = 7008 so! CEL LLEaee 42 Flatiron 20K 6H >) x00 5 . x40 @ 500 Fa Angleton BOX GOK thie KNW) X7O Ca) > : 200 o 4 : x1960 wo . Xeerap Ho Plank 30% 200 % 700 124 _Bokinutwashers MaWH) 8 Flatiron 90x 61H XH) x60 8 Fatscup ™

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