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Psydrothrips luteolus, new species, from Hawai and notes on P. Kewi (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) PDF

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Preview Psydrothrips luteolus, new species, from Hawai and notes on P. Kewi (Thysanoptera: Thripidae)

PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 96(1). 1994. pp. 156-161 PSYDROTHRIPS LUTEOLUS, NEW SPECIES, FROM HAWAII AND NOTES ON KEWI (THYSANOPTERA: THRIPIDAE) P. SuEO Nakahar-a and Dick Tsuda (SN) Systematic Entomology Laboratory, PSI, Agricultural Research Service, USDA, 10300 Baltimore Avenue, Beltsville, Maryland 20705-2350: (DT) Department ofEnto- mology, University ofHawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822. Abstract.—Psydrolhrips luteolus, new species, damages Dieffenbachia sp. and other Araceae in Hawaii. The adult female and male and second-instar larva are described and illustrated. Additional descriptions are provided for P. kewi Palmer and Mound, the type species ofthe genus, and its origin is discussed. Key Words: Psydrothrips. luteolus. kewi. adults, larva, Dieffenbachia, Araceae, Hawaii Psydrolhrips kewi Palmer and Mound immature instars and adults were observed (1985), the type species ofa monotypic ge- bythejuniorauthorandarediscussedunder nus, was first noticed in 1982 when it se- "Habits." verelydamaged leavesofPhilodendronspp. Measurements are in microns except for in a glasshouse at Kew, England. The in- body length which is in millimeters. Mea- fested philodendrons were imported from surements of holotype are given first fol- Brazil, Mexico and Trinidad indicatingthat lowed by those of the female paratypes in P. kewiis ofneotropical origin. However, a parentheses ( ) unless otherwise indicated. collection record ofP. kewi from the Neo- LJSNM is an acronym for the LJnited States tropics was not available until recently. National Museum of Natural History, While examining unidentified material of Washington, D.C. USNM another genus in the Thysanoptera Collection in 1992. a specimen of P. kewi Psydrothrips luteolus. New Species — was discovered b> the senior author. This Female(macroptera). Head(Fig. 1)pale specimen was intercepted on philodendron yellow with eyes grayish brown except om- canesfrom Tamazunchale, San Luis Potosi, matidia colorless, small grayish brown area Mexico at agricultural quarantine in 1952 extending posteriorly from eye between po- atLaredo,Texas.Thus,theinfestion inKew sitions ofPOiii and POiv setae (Fig. 1, C); may have been introduced on philoden- ocellar crescent red; pronotum yellow with drons imported from Mexico, and it may a posterolateral light grayish brown area on not occur in Brazil or Trinidad. eachside(Fig. 2,C): pterothoraxpaleyellow The second Psydrothrips taxon, luteolus. with preepistemum brown; legs yellow; se- new species, was discovered in Honolulu. tae light brown or yellow; forewing grayish Hawaii, in July of 1991 on Dieffenbachia brown, paler distally. a subbasal pale area sp. and was subsequently found on other posteriorto forevein, scalecompletelygray- araceaeous hosts in several localities in the ish brown; hindwing with median longitu- city. It damages the young leaves of these dinal gra>ish brown stripe, scale grayish hosts. The feedingdamageand habitsofthe brown. AntennalsegmentsI and II lightyel- VOLUME 96. NUMBER 1 157 low. III yellow with distal part grayish part without sculpturing and posterior part brown, IV yellowon basal -A,grayish brown weakly sculptured; anteromedial sensilla on distal 'A, V yellow on basal 'A, grayish absent; submedial setae short, far anterior brown on distal 'A, VI grayish brown with to posterior margin. Mesothoracic sternal yellowish brown or yellow area distal to furca with poorly developed spinula. Meta- grayish brown base, VII-IX grayish brown. notum: Completely reticulated polygonally; Antenna (Fig. 3): Segments III-IX elon- median setae posterior ofanterior margin; gate: III constricted at base, with irregular other sensilla absent. Metathoracic sternal innerand outer margins, 3.35 to 3.75 times furca with well developed spinula; inter- as long as wide (Fig. 3, A); segments V and coxal process with subtruncate apex. VI subequal in length; III and IV with Forewing: Straight, pointed at apex; 26- U-shaped trichomes, 30 (30-37) long, inner 28 (25-28) costal setae, those at midlength sense cone on VI 54 (54) long (Fig. 3, B), shorter than width ofwing; 24-26 (21-28) extending to distal 'A ofVIII. straight, anterior fringecilia; posterior fringe Head {Fig. 1): Wider than long, slightly cilia wavy; forevein with 9 (8-10) setae in produced anterior to eyes, apex of vertex proximal 'A, 3 setae in distal 'A, hindvein between base of antennae rather wide, in- with 11 (9-14) setae; scale with usually 5 terantennal processtruncate, 'A to% aswide (4-6) marginal setae and 1 discal seta. as antennal segment I. Eyes slightly longer Abdomen: Median setae on tergites far than occiput, interoculardistance about 1.5 apart, reduced on tergite I, gradually longer times wider than width of eye. Cheeks posteriorly, well developed on tergite VIII. slightlyconvering posteriorly, either straight separated by at least twice its length; tergite orslightlyconcave. Occiput with transverse II with 3 lateral setae. Sculpturelinesabsent anastomosing sculpture. Fore ocellus al- from median area on tergites I-V, present most aligned with anterior margin ofeyes, mediallyonVI-VIII; numerousmicrotrich- 17-22 wide; hind ocelli separated by 1.5 to ia on sculpture lines and on posterior mar- 2.0 timesthe diameteroffore ocellus. Ocel- gins on lateral 'A to 'A oftergites I-VII (Fig. lar setae I short, anterior of fore ocellus; 4, B), anterior and mesal ones short, longer ocellar setae II short, anterolaterad of fore laterally and posteriorly. Posteromarginal ocellusand near mesal margin ofeyes; ocel- comb on VIII complete, with 38 (37-50) lar setae III well developed, laterad offore close-set microtrichia, longest 20-24 (Fig. ocellus (Fig. 1, A). Four pairs ofpostocular 4, A). Tergite IX longerthan X, with 2 pairs setae (PO), POi-iii setae subequal in length ofsensilla; B1-B3 setae longer than tergite (Fig. 1, B). aligned longitudinally, POiv X; tergite X without dorsal split. Pleuroter- shorter and laterad to POiii. Mouthcone gites without accessory setae, with micro- broadly conical, rounded apically, extend- trichia on sculpture lines, and microtrichia ing between prothoracic coxae. or teeth on posterior margin; pleurostemite Pronotum (Fig. 2): Wider than long, with microtrichia on sculpture lines, and shorter than head, weakly sculptured; nor- teeth on posterior margin. Stemites II-VII mally with a short, irregular longitudinal with accessory setae in irregular row; an- median line on disc. Discal setae short, 35 teromedial setaeabsent from stemiteI; ster- (28-35) present; 1 pair of posteroangular nites II-VII with 3 pairs ofposteromarginal setae developed, % to % as long as notum, setae, median pair on stemite VII on pos- usually between 'A to % as long (Fig. 2, A); terior margin. posteromarginal setae 2 pairs, median pair Male (macroptera).—Similartofemale in longest (Fig. 2, B). Fema complete, with 1 color and most morphological characters, pairofshortsetae. Mesonotum: Transverse, but smaller. Abdominal tergite VIII with anastomosing sculpture medially, anterior well developed, complete posteromarginal 158 PROCEEDINGS OFTHE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Figs. 1-6. Psydrothrips haeolus (scale for figures = 0.1 mm). 1. Female head: .A) ocellar setae III; B) POiii seta; C) brown area. 2. Female pronotum: .\) posteroangular seta; B) posteromarginal seta; C) grayish brown area. 3. Female antenna: .\) segment III; B) sense cone on segment VI. 4. Female abdominal tergites VII and VIII: \) posteromarginal comb; B) microtnchia. 5, Male abdommal tergites IX and X: A) posteromarginal comb; B) Bl seta; C) B2 seta; D) dorsal seta; E) posterolateral seta; F) sensillum. 6, Male abdominal stemites II and III; A) glandulararea. comb (Fig. 5. A). Tergite IX with median B2 setae; dorsal setae bristlelike, laterad of notch on posterior margin; Bl and B2 setae B1 setae(Fig. 5, D); posterolateralsetaestout short, stout, spinehke (Fig. 5. B and C); Bl (Fig. 5. E). a thick, shorter setajust anterior setae anteriorand closer to each other than ofposterolateral seta; singlebristlelikesetae VOLUME 96, NUMBER I 159 anterior to posterolateral setae; a sensillum teromarginal setae 20long; ontergite IX Dl anterior or anterolaterad of each B2 seta, setae 82-89 long. 31 setae 22 long. 6 wide, another pair between Dl setae and anterior B2 setae 30-32 long, 5 wide; long postero- margin (Fig. 5, F). Stemites II-VIII with lateral setae 64 long. 6 wide, shorter pos- accessory setae in single row, median, oval terolateral setae 40 long, 3 to 4 wide; bris- gland in intersegmental membrane between tlelike setae anterior of posterolateral seta stemites II and III, 24 long, 27 wide (Fig. 37^2 long; midlateral seta 50 long. 6. A). Second-instar larva: Body white with Measurements of holotype and female light reddish internal pigment, eye with red paratypes: Body length 1,57 (1.48-1.59) pigment. Antennal segment I light grayish mm (distended). Antenna: Total length: 337 yellow on basal 'A. membranous, white dis- (323-355); length and width of segment I tally; II light grayish yellow, apically mem- 24 (22-24), 33 (32-35); II 37 (35-42), 30 branous,white; IIIgray,basallyandapically (30); III 62 (57-64), 17(17); IV 54 (52-59), membranous, white; IV-VII gray with in- 17 (17-20); V 47 (44-52), 17 (17-18); VI tersegmentalpartsmembranous, white. An- 47 (44-52). 17 (17-18); VII 22 (20-22). 12 teromedial gray band extending dorsoven- (12-13); VIII 22 (22), 10 (10); IX 22 (22- trally between antennal bases. Tarsi, tibiae 23), 6 (5-7). and base offemora gray. Abdominal tergite Length of head from interantennal pro- IXwithgrayishyellowbandextendingfrom cess 165 (158-165). from anterior of eyes posteriormargin tobetweendorsalsetaeand 141 (136-157). widthat eyes 188(185-195), sensilla (Fig. 7, A); tergite X grayish yellow at cheeks 173 (178-188). Pronotum 121 to anterior ofsensilla (Fig. 7. D). (103-128) long, 285 (190-203) wide. Fore- Antennal segment IV with microtrichia wing 728-770 (701-839) long, 47 (47-57) on annulations, other segments lack micro- wideat midlength. Abdominal tergite IX 86 trichia; segment VII 1.5 to 2.0 times longer (86-100) long, tergite X 74 (74-79) long. than segment VI; outer sense cone on VI Length ofsetae: Ocellar setae I (17-22). se- longer than segment VII, Head with long tae II (22-24), setae III 37 (40-54); POi se- D2 seta, Dl and D2 setae pointed apically, tae 32 (32), POii 27 (30-32), POiii 24 (24- D3 blunt apically. D4 expanded apically, 30), POiv 12 (15-17); pronotal posteroan- D5 short, pointed apically, Pronotum with gular setae 54-59 (50-64); median postero- dorsal setae pointed except apex ofD6 ex- marginal setae 22 (24-30); metanotal me- panded orblunt. Legswith 1 longexpanded dian setae 22-24 (24-27); median setae on seta on tarsi, fore- and hindtibiae each with abdominal tergite VIII 37 (37-44); 31 setae 4 dorsal setae with expanded apices, mid- on tergite IX 101 (101-1 11), 32 setae 114 tibia with 5 dorsal setae with expanded api- (114-121),33setae 121 (109-1 17); 31 setae ces, femora each with 4 expanded setae, on tergite X 109 (99-1 1 1). 32 setae 99 (96- coxae each with 1 seta with expanded apex. 109). Abdominal tergites I-VI with Dl and D2 Measurements of male paratype: Body setae normally slightly expanded apically mm 1,27 long (distended). Antenna: Total with a point and D3 setae on III-VI with length 290; length and width ( ) ofsegment expandedapices(Fig. 8. A, 3andC);tergites I 22 (30). II 35 (27). Ill 52 (17), IV 44 (17), VIIandVIIIwith D1 setaenormallyslightly V 40 (17), VI 40 (17). VII 17 (12). VIII 20 expandedapicallywithapointand D2 setae (10), IX 20 (7). Length ofhead from inter- with expanded apices (Fig. 8, A and 3), D3 antennal process 124, from anterior ofeyes setae on VII with expanded apices (Fig. 8, 121, width at eyes 161, at cheeks 148. Pro- C) and those on VIII with pointed apices; notum 99 long. 173 wide. Forewing 644 IX with Dl setae normally blunt apically long, 44 wide at midlength. Pronotal pos- (Fig. 7, 3), D2 setae expanded apically (Fig. teroangular setae 44-50 long, median pos- 7. C); dorsal setae on tergite X slender, bris- 160 PROCEEDINGS OFTHE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON VI VII B C 8 10 Ay » "J0OO00^000,O0OO0oOoOO»"og»aO";D"°.o>n°f»°t?"°""»0»-1»1"'0"00000„^ 000O0o'A 11 " "" Oo 00 oooo"!' CO"'"' §0 OO « J00o OOOO00000 » » ''(, 5 J " Figs. 7-11. Second-instarlarva ofPsydinthnps luteolus(scale for figures = 0.1 mm). 7, Abdominal tergites IX and X: A) sclerotized band; B) Dl seta; C) D2 seta; D) sensilla. 8, Abdommal tergites VI and VII: A) Dl seta; B) D2 seta; C) D3 seta. 9, Abdominal tergite V: A) plaques. 10, Mesothoracic spiracle. 1 1, Spiracle on abdominal segment VIII. tielike; ventral setae slender and tapered femaleand 3 maleparatypes; Hawaii,Oahu, apically. Abdominal tergite IX without pos- AieaHts.,unfurled\eafofDieffenhachiasp., teromarginal teeth, sensilla slightly farther 13-V-92, W. Nayamine. Hawaii,Oahu, Ho- apart than distance between Dl setae (Fig. nolulu: St. Louis Hts., 1 female and 1 male 7). Mesothoracicspiraclewith 1 roworwith paratypes, unfurled leaves ofDieffenbachia partial second row of cells around orifice sp., 1-VII-91, M. Nakamota; ManoaValley, (Fig. 10); abdominal spiracle on segment II 3 femaleand4 maleparatypes, unfurledleaf small, circular, with 3 cells, spiracle on seg- of wild Epipremmim pinnatum (L.) Engl., ment VIII slightly larger, with 4-5 cells(Fig. 9-1-92, D. M. Tsuda; University ofHawaii 1 1). Plaques oval, without microtrichia. at Campus, 6 female and 1 male paratypes, 10 most with a mere point, in about 8 rows on larvae, Epipremmim pinnatum. 2 female tergite V (Fig. 9), those on stemite about paratypes, Syngoniumpodophyllum Schott., same size as dorsal ones, in fused spinulose I female paratype, Philodendron sp., 8-V- sections ofvarying widths on tergite IX. 92, D. M. Tsuda. Holotype and paratypes Materialexamined: Holotypefemale, 11 depositedin USNM; paratypesdepositedin VOLUME NUMBER 96, 1 161 Bishop Museum, Honolulu, Hawaii; Cali- the Neotropics because it closely resembles fornia Dept. ofFood and Agriculture, Sac- P. kewi and has similar host preferences. ramento; Florida State Collection of Ar- thropods, Gainesville; The Natural History Psydrothrips kewi Palmer and Mound Museum, London, United Kingdom; and The following morphological and color Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum characterswerenotdiscussed in theoriginal Senckenberg, Frankfurt am Main, Germa- descriptionofP. Arewvandareamended here ny. to provide a more accurate concept of the Hosts: Diejfenbachia sp., Epipremmtm species: Antennal segments I and 11 brown pinnatum (L.) Engl., Philodendron sp.. and with apexofII yellow. III yellowwith distal Syngonium podophyllum Schott. part grayish brown, basal '/: of IV yellow Etymology: Specific epithet, Latin "lu- anddistal Vibrown, basal VjofVyellowand teolus" (yellowish), characterizes the pre- rest brown, VI-IX brown. Forewing uni- dominantly yellow body ofthis species. formly brown with a subbasal pale area Habits: This cryptic, fast moving thrips present; scale completely brown. Pronotal attacks young emerging leaves. Feeding posteroangular setae 35-50 long; postero- damage is quite obvious. An infested ter- marginal setae 3 pairs, occasionally total of minal (young unfurled leaf) becomes stunt- 5 setae present. Mesonotum sculptured me- ed and malformed, with the outer surface dially and posteriorly, unsculptured ante- blackened. Larvae and adults hide and feed riorly; anteromedial sensilla absent. Ab- within the narrow space between the base dominal tergite II with 3 lateral setae on ofthe leafstem (younger leaves) and trunk each side; abdominal stemite I without an- (vine), and more commonly between the teromedial setae, sternite II with 3 pairs of loose layers of the young unfurled leaves. setae on posterior margin. The mature larvae and pupae hide in the Acknowledgments leafaxils ofolder leaves. Comments: Psydrothrips hiteolus adults We thank the following colleagues for re- differ from P. kewi by yellow antenna! seg- viewing the manuscript and for their useful ments I-IL almost completely yellow head, suggestions; R. J. Beshear, University of and longer pronotal posteroangular setae, Georgia, Griffin; C. L. Cole, Texas Agri- 59-64 long. Conversely, P. kewi has brown cultural Extension Service, Bryan; R. L. antennal segments I-IL head yellow medi- Smiley, Systematic Entomology Labora- ally and brown anteriorly and submargin- tory, Beltsville, and D. R. Smith, same lab- ally through the eyes to the posterior mar- oratory, Washington, D.C. We also thank gin, and shorter pronotal posteroangular L. A. Mound, The Natural History Muse- setae shorter, 35-50 long. um, London, for providing paratypes ofP. The distribution ofapically pointed and kewi for our study. The illustrations were expanded dorsal setae, absence ofpostero- preparedby Linda H. Lawrence, Systematic marginal teeth from abdominal tergite IX, Entomology Laboratory. sclerotization on tergites IX and X, and ab- Literature Cited sence of microtrichia from antennal seg- ment III distinguish the second-instarlarva Palmer, J. M. and L. A. Mound. 1985. New world ofP. hiteolusfrom thoseofotherthrips spe- Thripidae (Thysanoptera) with nine-segmented cies in Hawaii. antennae. Zoological Journal ofthe Lmnean So- ciety 84: 181-194. Although the origin of P. luteolus is un- known, it apparently was introduced from

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