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Index to Volume 34 Author Index A psychiatry consultations. (case report). November— September—October 402-408 December 524-530 Abdel-Moty E: See Fishbain DA Burstein A: Bipolar and pure mania Driscoll J: See Sichel DA Anderson K: See Fava M disorders precipitated by head Austin CP: See Green Al trauma (letter). March—April E B 194-195 Enns MW, Barakat SM, Brown JH: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Badger JM: See Goldberg RJ € presenting with psychosis (case re- Ballard JO: See Vgontzas AN Callies AL: See Popkin MK port). September—October 453-455 Ballenger JC: See Lydiard RB Canning EH, Hanser SB, Shade Bangs M: See Bayer TL KA, Boyce T: Maternal distress F Barakat SM: See Enns MW and discrepancy in reports of psy- Fabi MB: See Mark BZ Bayer TL, Chiang E, Coverdale chopathology in chronically ill Farr B: See Schwarz K JH, Bangs M, Goodearle H: Anxi- children. November-December Fajtova VT: See Cole PA ety in experimentally induced 506-511 Fava GA: Robert Kellner, M.D., somatoform symptoms. September— Carroll BT: See Wald TG Ph.D. July-August 287-289 October 416-423 Cavanaugh §S, Glicenstein C: Intra- Fava M, Anderson K, Rosenbaum Beardsley G, Goldstein MG: Psy- venous lorazepam in the treatment JF: Are thymoleptic-responsive chological factors affecting physi- of postictal psychosis (case report). “anger attacks” a discrete clinical cal condition: endocrine disease September—October 443-446 syndrome (case report)? July— literature review. January—February Chaglassian T: See Rowland JH August 350-355 12-19 Chartock P: See Silberstein CH Feiner C: See Silberstein CH Behen JM: See Rodrigue JR Chiang E: See Bayer TL Fershtman M: See Wagner KD Beresford TP: Marijuana: The For- Clamon GH: See Wald TG Findling RL: Treatment of aggres- bidden Medicine, by Grinspoon L, Clark MR, Sullivan MD, Katon sion in juvenile-onset Huntington’s Bakalar JB (book review). WJ, Russo JE, Fischl M, Dobie disease with buspirone (letter). July-August 368-369 RA, Voorhees R: Psychiatric and September—October 460-461 Bernstein L, Levin R: Catatonia re- medical factors associated with Fischl M: See Clark MR sponsive to intravenous lorazepam disability in patients with dizzi- Fishbain DA, Trescott J, Cutler B, in a patient with cyclosporine neu- ness. September—October 409-415 Abdel-Moty E, Rosomoff RS, rotoxicity and hypomagnesmia (let- Cohen L: See Hollander E Rosomoff HL: Do some chronic ter). January-February 102-103 Cohen LM: Massachusetts General pain patients with atypical facial Beyer J, Burke M, Meglin D, Hospital: Handbook of General pain overvalue and obsess about Fuller A, Krishnan RR, Psychiatry, 3rd Edition, edited by their pain (case report)? July— Nc meroff CB: Organic anxiety Cassem N (book review). January— August 355-359 disorder: iatrogenic hyperthyroid- February 98-99 Fishman M: See Treisman GJ ism (case report). March—April Cohen LM, Germain M, Woods A, Flint A: See Gnam W 181-184 Gilman ED, McCue JD: Patient Foliart RH: See Schubert DSP Biderman DJ: See O’Dowd MA attitudes and psychological con- Fossey MD: See Lydiard RB Bilello JF: See Showalter PE siderations in dialysis discontin- Frierson RL: See James WA Black DW, Rathe A, Goldstein RB: uation. September—October Friedland GH: See Silberstein CH Measures of distress in 26 “environ- 395-401 Fritz GK: See Steiner H mentally ill” subjects. March—April Cohen LS: See Sichel DA Fuller A: See Beyer J 131-138 Colapinto ND: See StyraR G Blazer DG: See Koenig HG Cole PA, Bostwick JM, Fajtova Boggs SR: See Rodrigue JR VT: Thyrotoxicosis in a depressed George LK: See Koenig HG Boone KB: See Lesser IM patient on I-triiodothyronine Germain M: See Cohen LM Bostwick JM: See Cole PA (letter). November—December Gilman ED: See Cohen LM Bowman ES: Etiology and clinical 539-540 Glicenstein C: See Cavanaugh S course of pseudoseizures: relation- Colén EA: See Popkin MK Glick RL: See Stern TA ship to trauma, depression, and dis- Coverdale JH: See Bayer TL Gnam W, Flint A, Goldbloom D: sociation. July-August 333-342 Cremens C: See Stern TA Isoniazid-induced hallucinosis: Boyce T: See Canning EH Currie DJ: See Styra R response to pyridoxine (letter). Brown GR: See McManis SE Cutler B: See Fishbain DA November—December 537-539 Brown JH: See Enns MW Goldberg RJ, Badger JM: Major Buckley PF: Functional psychoses: D depressive disorder in patients with is the concept disintegrating DeCaria C: See Hollander E implantable cardioverter defibrilla- (letter). September—October 462 DiMartini A: See Trzepacz PT tor: two cases treated with ECT Burke M: See Beyer J Dobie RA: See Clark MR (case report). May-June 273-277 Burket RC, Hodgin JD: Drake Jr ME: Conversion hysteria Goldman LS: Liver transplantation Pediatricians’ perceptions of child and dominant hemisphere lesions using living donors: preliminary VOLUME 34 * NUMBER 6 * NOVEMBER — DECEMBER 1993 donor psychiatric outcomes. May— Hodgin JD: See Burket RC (case report). March—April June 235-240 Holland JC: See Rowland JH 184-187 Goldman MJ, Schultz-Ross RA: Hollander E: See Stein DJ Kozikowski JG: See Hendler NH Adverse ocular effects of anticon- Hollander E, Hwang MY, Mullen Krishnan RR: See Beyer J vulsants. March—April 154—158 LS, DeCaria C, Stein DJ, Cohen Kunkel EJS: See Mark BZ Goldstein MG: See Beardsley G L: Clinical and research issues in L Goldstein RB: See Black DW depersonalization syndrome (let- Gonzales J: See Steiner H ter). March—April 193-194 Leiter F: Medical Issues and the Eat- Goodearle H: See Bayer TL Holmes V: Medical Symptoms Not ing Disorders: The Interface, ed- Goldbloom D: See Gnam W Explained by Organic Disease, ed- ited by Kaplan AS, Garfinkel PE Green AI, Austin CP: Psychopathol- ited by Creed F, Mayou R, Hopkins (book review). November— ogy of pancreatic cancer: a psycho- A (book review). July-August December 534-535 biologic probe (review). May—June 370-371 Lentz RD: See Popkin MK 208-221 Hughes DC: See Koenig HG Lesser IM, Hill-Gutierrez E, Miller Greenberg DB: Medical Psychiatric Hutt CS: See Stein DJ BL, Boone KB: Late-onset depres- Practice, Vol. 1, edited by Stoude- Huyse FJ, Lyons LS, Strain JJ: The sion with white matter lesions (case mire A, Fogel BS (book review). sequencing of psychiatric recom- report). July-August 364-367 March-April 188-189; Buspirone mendations: concordance during Levenson JL: Psychiatric Aspects of for myoclonus, obsessive fears, and the process of a psychiatric consul- Organ Transplantation, edited by confusion (case report). May-June tation. July-August 307-313 Craven J, Rodin G (book review). 270-273; Psychoimmunology Up- Hwang MY: See Hollander E September—October 457; See Cor- date (Progress in Psychiatry #35), Hybels C: See Koenig HG rection, Book Review Column edited by Gorman JM, Kertzner Levenson JL, Olbrisch ME: Psychi- RM (book review). May—June J atric aspects of heart transplanta- 281-282; Tardive Dyskinesia: A James WA, Frierson RL, Lipp- tion. March—April 114-123; Task Force Report of the American mann SB: Psychiatric reactions to Psychosocial evaluation of organ Psychiatric Association, edited by leeches (case report). January— transplant candidates: a compara- Kane JM, Jeste DV (book review). February 83-85 tive survey of process, criteria, and May-June 282-283; Chronic Fa- Jenike MA: See Rauch SL outcomes in heart, liver, and kidney tigue Syndrome, edited by Dawson transplantation. July-August K DM, Sabin TD (book review). 314-323 September—October 456-457; See Kales JD: See Vgontzas AN Levin R: See Bernstein L also O’Sullivan RL Kathol RG: See Wald TG Levitte SS: Coexistent hypomania Greenberg DB, Younger J, Kauf- Katon WJ: See Clark MR and severe hypothyroidism (case re- man SD: Management of lithium Kaufman D: See Greenberg DB port). January—February 96-97; In in patients with cancer (review). Kavey NB, Whyte J: Somnambu- Reply to Letter to the Editor (to September—October 388-394 lism associated with hallucinations coexistent hypomania and severe (case report). January—February hypothyroidism, by Massand P). H 86-90 July-August 374-375 Halman MH: AIDS, Health and Kennedy BL: “On organicity” and Lippmann SB: See James WA Mental Health: A Primary “dementias” (letter). January— Lydiard RB, Fossey MD, Marsh W, Sourcebook, by Landau-Stanton J, February 103-104 Ballenger JC: Prevalence of psy- Clements D (book review). Ketterer MW: Secondary preven- chiatric disorders in patients with ir- November—December 533-534 tion of ischemic heart disease: the ritable bowel syndrome. May—June Hanser SB: See Canning EH case for aggressive behavioral mon- 229-234 Hanson AL: See Treisman GJ itoring and intervention (review). Lyons JS: See Huyse FJ Harding R: See Schwarz K November—December 478-484 Lysketsos CG: See Treisman GJ Hargrave R: Serotonergic agents in Kinne D: See Rowland JH M the management of dementia and Kirmayer LJ, Robbins JM: Cogni- posttraumatic stress disorder (let- tive and social correlates of the Macciocchi SN: Conversion disorder ter). September—October 461-462 Toronto Alexithymia Scale. presenting as primary fibromyalgia Harrington D: See Schwarz K January-February 41-52 (case report). May—June 267-270 Hendler NH, Kozikowski JG: Kliger DM, Sporty LD: The pedes- Mahoney L: See Styra R Overlooked physical diagnosis in trian trauma patient: perspectives Mahr G: Fenfluramine and chronic pain patients involved in from a psychiatric consultation ser- trichotillomania (letter). May—June litigation. November—December vice. May-June 222-228 284 494-501 Koenig HG, Westlund RE, George Manetto C: See Twillman RK Hendler NH, Zinreich J, LK, Hughes DC, Blazer DG, March W: See Lydiard RB Kozikowski JG: Three-dimen- Hybels C: Abbreviating the Duke Mark BZ, Kunkel EJS, Fabi MB, sional CT validation of physical Social Support Index for use in Thompson TL: Pimozide is effec- complaints in “psychogenic pain” chronically ill elderly individuals. tive in delirium secondary to patients (case report). January— January—February 61-69 hypercalcemia when other neuro- February 90-96 Koran LM, Raghavan S: Fluoxe- leptics fail (case report). Hill-Gutierrez E: See Lesser IM tine for isolated sleep paralysis September—October 446-450 PSYCHOSOMATICS Martin MJ: In memoriam: William Popkin MK, Callies AL, Colon EA, Schouten R: Mental Disability Law: Logan Webb, Jr., M.D. May—June Lentz RD, Sutherland DE: Psy- A Primer, 4th Edition, edited by 197-198 chiatric diagnosis and the surgical Zuckerman D, Charmantz M (book Massand P: Coexistent hypomania outcome of pancreas transplanta- review). March—April 190; /nter- and severe hypothyroidism (letter). tion in patients with type I diabetes viewing: A Forensic Guide to Inter- July—August 374 mellitus. May-June 251—258 rogation, Second Edition, by Matthews MK: See Ramchandani Porter KA, Rosenthal SH: Postoper- Yeschke CL (book review). D ative mania: a case report and re- November—December 535 McCue JD: See Cohen LM view of the literature (case report). Schubert DSP, Foliart RH: In- McHugh PR: See Treisman GJ March-April 171-173 creased depression in multiple McKegney P: See O’Dowd MA; Prager LM: See Stern TA sclerosis patients (review). Silberstein CH March-April 124-130 R McManis SE, Brown GR, Zachary Schultz-Ross RA: See Goldman MJ R, Rundell JR: A screening test Raghavan S: See Koran LM Schwarz K, Harding R, Harring- for subtle cognitive impairment Ramchandani D: See O’Connell K; ton D, Farr B: Hospital manage- early in the course of HIV infec- Schindler BA ment of a patient with intractable tion. September—October 424-43 1 Ramchandani D, Schindler B: Eval- factitious disorder (case report). Meglin D: See Beyer J uation of pseudoseizures: a psychi- May-June 265-267 Miller BL: See Lesser IM atric perspective. January—February Severino SK, Yonkers KA: A litera- Mrazek D: See Steiner H 70-79 ture review of psychotic symptoms Mullen LS: See Hollander E Ramchandani D, Schindler BA, associated with the premenstruum Matthews MK: Neurobehavior (review). July-August 299-306 N rounds: their role in promoting psy- Shade KA: See Canning EH Nair J, Stacy M: Aseptic meningitis chiatric liaison in a neurology inpa- Shaver TR: See Showalter PE associated with salicylate overdose tient unit (perspective). Showalter PE, Young SA, Bilello (letter). July-August 372 November—December 512-518 JF, Schafer TW, Shaver TR: Elec- Nemeroff CB: See Beyer J Rathe A: See Black DW troconvulsive therapy for depres- Noyes R: See Wald TG Rauch SL, Jenike MA: Neuro- sion in a liver transplant patient biological models of obsessive- (letter). November—December 537 O compulsive disorder (review). Shuster JL: Med-Psych Update. O’Connell K, Ramchandani D: On January-February 20—32 September—October 463-464; “catatonia on the consultation- Robbins JM: See Kirmayer LJ November—December 541-543 liaison service (letter).” March— Rodrigue JR, Boggs SR, Weiner Siberski JR: Clinical Geriatric Psy- April 191 RS, Behen JM: Mood, coping chopharmacology, Second Edition, O’Dowd MA: See Silberstein CH style, and personality functioning edited by Salzman C (book re- O’Dowd MA, Biderman DJ, among adult bone marrow trans- view). May—June 280-281 McKegney P: Incidence of plant candidates. March—April Sichel DA, Cohen LS, Rosenbaum suicidality in AIDS and HIV-posi- 159-165 JF, Driscoll J: Postpartum onset of tive patients attending a psychiatry Rosenbaum JF: See Cohen LS; obsessive-compulsive disorder outpatient program. January— Fava M (case report). May—June 277-279 February 33-40 Rosenblatt A: See Treisman GJ Silberstein CH, O’Dowd MA, Sullivan RL, Greenberg DB: H2 Rosenthal SH: See Porter KA Schoenbaum EE, Friedland GH, antagonists, restless leg syndrome, Rosomoff HL: See Fishbain DA Chartock P, Feiner C, McKegney and movement disorders (case Rosomoff RS: See Fishbain DA FP: Association of baseline neuro- report). November—December Rowland JH, Holland JC, psychological function and progres- 530-532 Chaglassian T, Kinne D: Psycho- sion of illness over 4 years in Olbrisch ME: See Levenson JL logical response to breast recon- HIV-seropositive individuals. Oliver M, Stenn PG: Is there a risk struction: expectations for and November—December 502-505 for dependency with therapeutic impact on postmastectomy func- Smith TC, Thompson TL: The in- doses of dimenhydrinate (letter)? tioning. May-June 241-250 herent, powerful therapuetic value September—October 459 Rundell JR: See McManis SE of a good physician-patient relation- Russo JE: See Clark MR ship (perspective). March—April P 166-170 S Panzer MJ: See Tripathi A Spitz JL: See Stein DJ Parker PE: A case report of Safinofsky I: See Styra R Sporty LD: See Kliger DM Munchausen Syndrome with mixed Salcedo MS: See Vaz FJ Stacy M: See Nair J psychological features (case re- Schafer TW: See Showalter PE Stein DJ, Hutt CS, Spitz JL, port). July-August 360-364 Schindler BA, Ramchandani: Hollander E: Compulsive picking Perciaccante M, Perciaccante RG: Partial complex status epilepticus and obsessive-compulsive disorder Progestine treatment or obsessive- in a lithium-toxic patient (case re- (case report). March-April 177-181 compulsive disorder (letter). May— port). November—December Stein DJ: See Hollander E June 284-285 521-524 Steiner H, Fritz GK, Mrazek D, Perciaccante RG: See Perciaccante Schindler BA: See Ramchandani D Gonzales J: Pediatric and psychiat- M Schoebaum EE: See Silberstein CH ric comorbidity—part I: the future VOLUME 34 * NUMBER 6 * NOVEMBER — DECEMBER 1993 549 of consultation-liaison psychiatry varying perspectives (perspective). November—December 469-477 (editorial). March-April 107-111 September—October 432-439 Welch W: See Wohlreich MM Stenn PG: See Oliver M Trescott J: See Fishbain DA Wellisch DK: See Twillman RK Stern TA, Glick RL: Significance of Tringali RD: See Trzepacz PT Westlund RE: See Koenig HG stuffed animals at the bedside and Tripathi A, Panzer MJ: Cyclospor- Whyte J: See Kavey NB what they can reveal about patients ine psychosis (letter). January— Wise TN: Delirium: Advances in (case report). November—December February 101-102 Research and Clinical Practice, 519-521 Trzepacz PT, DiMartini A, Tringali edited by Miller NE, Lipowski ZJ, Stern TA, Prager LM, Cremens C: RD: Psychopharmacologic issues Lebowitz BD (book review). Autognosis rounds for medical in organ transplantation, part 1: January—February 99-100; Psycho- house staff. January-February 1—7 pharmacokinetics in organ failure logical Care of the Burn and Stoudemire A: Psychological factors and psychiatric aspects of im- Trauma Patient, by Blumenfield affecting physical condition and munosuppressants and anti-infec- M, Schoeps M (book review). July— DSM-IV. January-February 8-11 tious agents. May-June 199-207; August 369-370; Dynamic Psychia- Strain JJ: See Huyse FJ Psychopharmacologic issues in try: Explorations in Psychotherapy, Styra R, Safinofsky I, Mahoney L, organ transplantation, part 2: psy- Psychoanalysis, and Psychoso- Colapinto ND, Currie DJ: Coping chopharmacologic medications. matic Medicine, by Castelnuovo- styles in identifiers and non- July-August. 290-298 Tedesco P (book review). identifiers of a breast lump as a Twillman RK, Manetto C, Wellisch September—October 458 problem. January—February 53-60 DK, Wolcott, DL: The transplant Wohlreich MM, Welch W: Amitrip- Stuber ML: Psychiatric aspects of evaluation rating scale: a revision tyline abuse presenting as acute tox- organ transplantation in children of the psychosocial levels system icity (letter). March-April 191-193 and adolescents. September— for evaluating organ transplant can- Wolcott DL: Organ transplantation October 379-387 didates. March—April 144-153 psychiatry. March—April 112-113; Sullivan MD: See Clark MR Vv See Twillman RK Surman OS: Possible immunologi- Woodbury MM: Recurrent abdomi- cal effects of psychotropic medica- Vaz FJ, Salcedo MS: Breast hypo- nal pain in child patients seen at a tion. March-April 139-143 plasia as an initiating factor in an- pediatric gastroenterology clinic. Sutherland DE: See Popkin MK orexia nervosa (letter). November—December 485-493 T July-August 372-374 Woods A: See Cohen LM Vela-Bueno A: See Vgontzas AN Wyszynski AA, Wyszynski B: Treat- Tan TL: See Vgontzas AN Vgontzas AN, Kales JD, Ballard ment of depression with fluoxetine Teitelbaum M: A significant in- JO, Vela-Bueno A, Tan TL: Por- in corticosteroid-dependent central crease in lithium levels after phyria and panic disorder with ago- nervous system Sjégren’s syn- concomitant ACE inhibitor admin- raphobia (case report). drome (case report). March—April istration (case report). September— September—October 440-443 173-177 October 450-453 Voorhees R: See Clark MR Wyszynski B: See Wyszynski AA Thompson TL: Should we shift the name for “consultation-liaison” to Ww Y “medical-surgical” psychiatry, “psy- Wagner KD, Fershtman M: Poten- Yates WR: The Course of Eating chiatry in medicine and surgery,” tial mechanisms of desipramine- Disorders: Long-Term Follow-up or some other term? May-June related sudden death in children Studies of Anorexia Nervosa and 259-264; Some advantages of con- (case report). January—February Bulimia Nervosa, edited by Herzog sultation-liaison (medical-surgical) 80-82 W, Deter W-C, Vandereycken W psychiatry becoming an added qual- Wald TG, Kathol RG, Noyes R, (book review). March—April 189 ification subspecialty (perspective). Carroll BT, Clamon GH: Rapid Yonkers KA: See Severino SK July-August 343-349; See also relief of anxiety in cancer patients Young SA: See Showalter PE Mark BZ; Smith TC with both alprazolam and placebo. Younger J: See Greenberg DB Treisman GJ, Lyketsos CG, Fish- July—August 324-332 Z man M, Hanson AL, Rosenblatt Weiner RS: See Rodrigue JR A, McHugh PR: Psychiatric care Weisman AD: Avoiding research in Zachary R: See McManis SE for patients with HIV infection: the consultation-liaison psychiatry. Zinreich J: See Hendler NH Subject Index A Primary Sourcebook, by Landau- logical function and progression of Stanton J, Clements D (book re- illness over 4 years in HIV-seropos- Acquired Immune Deficiency Syn- view). November—December itive individuals. Silberstein CH, drome (AIDS) 533-534 O’Dowd MA, Schoenbaum EE, AIDS, Health and Mental Health: A Association of baseline neuropsycho- Friedland GH, Chartock P, Feiner PSYCHOSOMATICS C, McKegney FP. November- Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Treatment of aggression in juvenile- December 502-505 (ACE) onset Huntington’s disease with Incidence of suicidality in AIDS and A significant increase in lithium lev- buspirone (letter). Findling RL. HIV-positive patients attending a els after concomitant ACE inhibitor September—October 460-461 psychiatry outpatient program. administration (case report). C O’ Dowd MA, Biderman DJ, Teitelbaum M. September—October McKegney P. January—February 450-453 Cancer 33-40 Anorexia Coping styles in identifiers and non- Psychiatric care for patients with Breast hypoplasia as an initiating identifiers of a breast lump as a HIV infection: the varying perspec- factor in anorexia nervosa (letter). problem. Styra R, Safinofsky I, tives (perspective). Treisman GJ, Vaz FJ, Salcedo MS. July-August Mahoney L, Colapinto ND, Currie Lyketsos CG, Fishman M, Hanson 372-374 DJ. January-February 53-60 AL, Rosenblatt A, McHugh PR. The Course of Eating Disorders: Management of lithium in patients September—October 432-439 Long-Term Follow-up Studies of with cancer (review). Greenberg A screening test for subtle cognitive Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa, ed- DB, Younger J, Kaufman SD. impairment early in the course of ited by Herzog W, Deter W-C, September—October 388-394 HIV infection. McManis SE, Vandereycken W (book review). Postoperative response to breast re- Brown GR, Zachary R, Rundell JR. March—April 189 construction: expectations for and September—October 424-431 Anticonvulsants impact on postmastectomy func- Aggression Adverse ocular effects of anticonvul- tioning. Rowland JH, Holland JC, Treatment of aggression in juvenile- sants. Goldman MJ, Schultz-Ross Chaglassian T, Kinne D. May-June onset Huntington’s disease with A. March-April 154-158 241-250 buspirone (letter). Findling RL. Anxiety Psychopathology of pancreatic can- September—October 460-461 Anxiety in experimentally induced cer: a psychobiologic probe (re- Agoraphobia somatoform symptoms. Bayer TL, view). Green AI, Austin CP. Porphyria and panic disorder with ag- Chiang E, Coverdale JH, Bangs M, May-June 208-221 oraphobia (case report). Vgontzas Goodearle H. September—October Rapid relief of anxiety in cancer pa- AN, Kales JD, Ballard JO, Vela- 416-423 tients with both alprazolam and pla- Bueno A, Tan TL. September—- Rapid relief of anxiety in cancer pa- cebo. Wald TG, Kathol RG, Noyes October 440-443 tients with both alprazolam and R, Carroll BT, Clamon GH. July— Alexithymia placebo. Wald TG, Kathol RG, August 324-332 Cognitive and social correlates of the Noyes R, Carroll BT, Clamon GH. Catatonia Toronto Alexithymia Scale. Kir- July-August 324-332 Catatonia responsive to intravenous mayer LJ, Robbins JM. January— lorazepam in a patient with B February 41-52 cyclosporine neurotoxicity and Alprazolam Body Image hypomagnesmia (letter). Bernstein Rapid relief of anxiety in cancer pa- Breast hypoplasia as an initiating L, Levin R. January-February 102- tients with both alprazolam and factor in anorexia nervosa (letter). 103 placebo. Wald TG, Kathol RG, Vaz FJ, Salcedo MS. July—August On “catatonia on the consultation-li- Noyes R, Carroll BT, Clamon GH. 372-374 aison service.” O’Connell K, July—August 324-332 Breast Reconstruction Ramchandani D (letter). March— Alternative Treatment Psychological response to breast re- April 191 Marijuana: The Forbidden Medicine, construction: expectations for and Children by Grinspoon L, Bakalar JB (book impact on postmastectomy func- Maternal distress and discrepancy in review). July-August 368-369 tioning. Rowland JH, Holland JC, reports of psychopathology in Psychiatric reactions to leeches. Chaglassian T, Kinne D. May—June chronically ill children. Canning James WA, Frierson RL, Lippmann 241-250 EH, Hanser SB, Shade KA, Boyce SB. January-February 83-85 Bulimia Nervosa T. November—December 506-511 Amitriptyline The Course of Eating Disorders: Pediatricians’ perceptions of child Amitriptyline abuse presenting as Long-Term Follow-Up Studies of psychiatry consultations. Burket acute toxicity (letter). Wohlreich Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa, RC, Hodgin JD. September— MM, Welch W. March—April edited by Herzog W, Deter W-C, October 402-408 191-193 Vandereycken W (book review). Potential mechanisms of desipramine- Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis March—April 189 related sudden death in children Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis present- Burn Patients (case report). Wagner KD, Fersht- ing with psychosis (case report). Psychological Care of the Burn and man M. January-February 80-82 Enns MW, Barakat SM, Brown JH. Trauma Patient, by Blumenfield Psychiatric aspects of organ trans- September—October 453-455 M, Schoeps M (book review). July— plantation in children and adoles- Anger August 369-370 cents. Stuber ML. Are thymoleptic-responsive “anger Buspirone September—October 379-387 attacks” a discrete clinical syn- Buspirone for myoclonus, obsessive Recurrent abdominal pain in child pa- drome (case report)? Fava M, fears, and confusion (case report). tients seen at a pediatric gastroen- Anderson K, Rosenbaum JF. July— Greenberg DB. May—June terology clinic. Woodbury MM. August 350-355 270-273 November—December 485-493 VOLUME 34 * NUMBER 6 * NOVEMBER — DECEMBER 1993 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome subspecialty (perspective). Thomp- Etiology and course of pseudo- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, edited by son TL. July-August 343-349 seizures: relationship to trauma, Dawson DM, Sabin TD (book re- Conversion Disorder depression, and dissociation. Bow- view). September—October 456-457 Conversion disorder presenting as pri- man ES. July-August 333-342 Cognition mary fibromyalgia (case report). Increased depression in multiple A screening test for subtle cognitive Macciocchi SN. May—June 267-270 sclerosis patients (review). Schu- impairment early in the course of Conversion Hysteria bert DS, Foliart RH. March—April HIV infection. McManis SE, Conversion hysteria and dominant 124-130 Brown GR, Zachary R, Rundell JR. hemisphere lesions (case report). Late-onset depression with white mat- September—October 424-431 Drake Jr ME. November—Decem- ter lesions (case report). Lesser IM, Comorbidity ber 524-530 Hill-Gutierrez E, Miller BL, Boone Pediatric and psychiatric comorbid- Coping Styles KB. July—August 364-367 ity—part I: the future of consulta- Coping styles in identifiers and non- Major depressive disorder in patients tion-liaison psychiatry (editorial). identifiers of a breast lump as a with implantable cardioverter defi- Steiner H, Fritz GK, Mrazek D, problem. Styra R, Safinofsky I, brillator: two cases treated with Gonzales J. March-April 107-111 Mahoney L, Colapinto ND, Currie ECT (case report). Goldberg RJ, Compulsive Behavior DJ. January-February 53-60 Badger JM. May-June 273-277 Compulsive picking and obsessive- Correction, Book Review Column Thyrotoxicosis in a depressed patient compulsive disorder (case report). Byline Error. November—December on I-triiodothyronine (letter). Cole Stein DJ, Hutt CS, Spitz JL, Hol- 536 PA, Bostwick, JM, Fajtova VT. lander E. March-April 177-181 Criminal Investigation November—December 539-540 Neurobiological models of obsessive- Interviewing: A Forensic Guide to Treatment of depression wtih fluoxe- compulsive behavior (review). Interrogation, Second Edition, by tine in corticosteroid-dependent Rauch SL, Jenike MA. January— Yeschke CL (book review). central nervous system Sjégren’s February 20-32 November—December 535 syndrome (case report). Wyszynski Computed Tomography Cyclosporine AA, Wyszynski B. March—April Three-dimensional CT validation of Cyclosporine psychosis (letter). 173-177 physical complaints in "psycho- Tripathi A, Panzer M. January— Desipramine genic pain" patients (case report). February 101—102 Potential mechanisms of desipramine- Hendler N, Zinreich J, Kazikowski related sudden death in children D JG. January—February 90-96 (case report). Wagner KD, Concordance Delirium Fershtman M. January—February The sequencing of psychiatric recom- Delirium: Advances in Research and 80-82 mendations: concordance during Clinical Practice, edited by Miller Diabetes Mellitus the process of a psychiatric consul- NE, Lipowski ZJ, Lebowitz BD Psychiatric diagnosis and the surgical tation. Huyse FJ, Lyons LS, Strain (book review). January—February outcome of pancreas transplanta- JJ. July-August 307-313 99-100 tion in patients with type I diabetes Consultations Pimozide is effective in delirium sec- mellitus. Popkin MK, Callies AL, Pediatricians’ perceptions of child ondary to hypercalcemia when Colén EA, Lentz RD, Sutherland psychiatry consultations. Burket other neuroleptics fail (case report). DE. May-June 251-258 RC, Hodgin JD. September— Mark BZ, Kunkel EJS, Fabi MB, Diagnosis October 402-408 Thompson TL. September—October Overlooked physical diagnosis in Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry 446-450 chronic pain patients involved in Avoiding research in consultation- Dementia litigation. Hendler NH, liaison psychiatry. Weisman AD. “On organicity” and “dementias (let- Kozikowski JG. November— November—December 469-477 ter).” Kennedy BL. January— December 494-501 On “catatonia on the consultation- February 103-104. Dialysis liaison service.” O’Connell K, Serotonergic agents in the manage- Patient attitudes and psychological Ramchandani D (letter). March— ment of dementia and posttrau- considerations in dialysis discontin- April 191 matic stress disorder (letter). uation. Cohen LM, Germain M, Pediatric and psychiatric comorbid- Hargrave R. September—October Woods A, Gilman ED, McCue JD. ity—part I: the future of consulta- 461-462 September—October 395-401 tion-liaison psychiatry (editorial). Depersonalization Syndrome Dimenhydrinate Steiner H, Fritz GK, Mrazek D, Clinical and research issues in deper- Is there a risk for dependency with Gonzales J. March-April 107-111 sonalization syndrome (letter). Hol- therapuetic doses of dimenhydri- Should we shift the name for “consul- lander E, Hwang MY, Mullen LS, nate (letter)? Oliver M, Stenn PG. tation-liaison” to “medical-surgi- DeCaria C, Stein DJ, Cohen L. September—October 459 cal” psychiatry, “psychiatry in March-April 193-194 Disability medicine and surgery,” or some Depression Mental Disability Law: A Primer, 4th other term (perspective)? Thomp- Electroconvulsive therapy for depres- Edition, edited by Zuckerman D, son TL. May-June 259-264 sion in a liver transplant patient (let- Charmantz M (book review). Some advantages of consultation-liai- ter). Showalter PE, Young SA, March-April 190 son (medical-surgical) psychiatry Bilello JF, Schafer TW, Shaver TR. Psychiatric and medical factors asso- becoming an added qualification November—December 537 ciated with disability in patients PSYCHOSOMATICS with dizziness. Clark MR, Sullivan Goldstein MG. January—February H MD, Katon WJ, Russo JE, Fischl 12-19 M, Dobie RA, Voorhees R. Septem- Environmental Illness H2 Antagonists ber—October 409-415 Measures of distress in 26 “environ- H2 antagonists, restless leg syn- Dissociation mentally ill” subjects. Black DW, drome, and movement disorders Etiology and course of Rathe A, Goldstein RB. March— (case report). O’Sullivan RL, pseudoseizures: relationship to April 131-138 Greenberg DB. November— trauma, depression, and dissocia- Epilepsy December 530-532 tion. Bowman ES. July-August Partial complex status epilepticus in Hallucinations 333-342 a lithium-toxic patient (case re- Somnambulism associated with hal- Dizziness port). Schindler BA, Ramchandani. lucinations (case report). Kavey Psychiatric and medical factors asso- November—December 521-524 NB, Whyte J. January—February. 86-90 ciated with disability in patients with dizziness. Clark MR, Sullivan F Head Trauma MD, Katon WJ, Russo JE, Fischl Factitious Disorders Bipolar and pure mania disorders pre- M, Dobie RA, Voorhees R. Septem- Hospital management of a patient cipitated by head trauma (letter). ber—October 409-415 with intractable factitious disorder Burstein A. March-April 194-195 Doctor-Patient Relationship (case report). Schwarz K, Harding Hemodialysis The inherent, powerful therapuetic R, Harrington D, Farr B. May—June Patient attitudes and psychological considerations in dialysis discontin- value of a good physician-patient 265-267 relationship (perspective). Smith Fenfluramine uation. Cohen LM, Germain M, Woods A, Gilman ED, McCue JD. TC, Thompson TL. March—April Fenfluramine and trichotillomania 166-170 (letter). Mahr G. May—June 284 September—October 395401 DSM-IV Fibromyalgia House Staff Psychological factors affecting Conversion disorder presenting as Autognosis rounds for medical house staff. Stern TA, Prager LM, physical condition and DSM-IV. primary fibromyalgia (case report). Stoudemire A. January-February Macciocchi SN. May-June Cremens C. January-February 1-7 8-11 267-270 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Fluoxetine (HIV); See Acquired Immune De- E ficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Fluoxetine for isolated sleep paraly- Eating Disorders sis (case report). Koran LM, Huntington’s Disease Treatment of aggression in juvenile- Medical Issues and the Eating Dis- Raghavan S. March-April 184—187 orders: The Interface, edited by Treatment of depression with fluoxe- onset Huntington’s disease with buspirone (letter). Findling RL. Kaplan AS, Garfinkel PE (book tine in corticosteroid-dependent review). November—December central nervous system Sjxgren’s September—October 460-461 534-535 syndrome (case report). Wyszynski Hypercalcemia The Course of Eating Disorders: AA, Wyszynski B. March—April Pimozide is effective in delirium sec- ondary to hypercalcemia when Long-Term Follow-up Studies of 173-177 other neuroleptics fail (case re- Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa, G port). Mark BZ, Kunkel EJS, Fabi edited by Herzog W, Deter W-C, Vandereycken W (book review). Gastrointestinal Conditions MB, Thompson TL. September— March-April 189- Prevalence of psychiatric disorders in October 446-450 Editorials patients with irritable bowel syn- Hyperthyroidism Organic anxiety disorder: iatrogenic Pediatric and psychiatric comorbid- drome. Lydiard RB, Fossey MD, ity—part I: the future of consulta- Marsh W, Ballenger JC. May-June hyperthyroidism (case report). Beyer J, Burke M, Meglin D, Fuller tion-liaison psychiatry. Steiner H, 229-234 Fritz GK, Mrazek D, Gonzales J. General Hospital Psychiatry A, Krishnan RR, NemerofCfB . March-April 181-184 March-April 107-111 Massachusetts General Hospital: Electroconvulsive Therapy Handbook of General Psychiatry, Hypomania Coexistent hypomania and severe hy- Electroconvulsive therapy for depres- 3rd Edition, edited by Cassem N pothyroidism (case report). Levitte sion in a liver transplant patient (book review). January—February SS. January—February 96-97 (letter). Showalter PE, Young SA, 98-99 Coexistent hypomania and severe hy- Bilello JF, Schafer TW, Shaver TR. Geriatrics pothyroidism (letter). Massand P. November—December 537 Clinical Geriatric Psychopharmacol- Major depressive disorder in patients ogy, Second Edition, edited by Salz- July-August 374 Hypoplasia with implantable cardioverter man C (book review). May—June Breast hypoplasia as an initiating fac- defibrillator: two cases treated 280-281 tor in anorexia nervosa (letter). Vaz with ECT (case report). Goldberg Geriatric Psychiatry FJ, Salcedo MS. July-August 372- RJ, Badger JM. May—June Abbreviating the Duke Social Sup- 373 273-277 port Index for use in chronically ill Hypothyroidism Endocrine Disease elderly individuals. Koenig HG, Coexistent hypomania and severe hy- Psychological factors affecting physi- Westlund RE, George LK, Hughes pothyroidism (case report). Levitte cal condition: endocrine disease lit- DC, Blazer DG, Hybels C. January— SS. January-February 96-97 erature review. Beardsley G, February 61-69 VOLUME 34 * NUMBER 6 * NOVEMBER — DECEMBER 1993 Coexistent hypomania and severe hy- Drake Jr ME. November— Thyrotoxicosis in a depressed patient pothyroidism (letter). Massand P. December 524-530 on |-triiodothyronine. Cole PA, July-August 374 Letters Bostwick, JM, Fajtova VT. Amitriptyline abuse presenting as November—December 539-540 I acute toxicity. Wohlreich MM, Treatment of aggression in juvenile- Iatrogenic Disorders Welch W. March-April 191-193 onset Huntington’s disease with Organic anxiety disorder: iatrogenic Aseptic meningitis associated with sa- buspirone. Findling RL. hyperthyroidism (case report). licylate overdose. Nair J, Stacy M. September—October 460-461 Beyer J, Burke M, Meglin D, Fuller July-August 372 Lithium A, Krishnan RR, NemerofCfB . Bipolar and pure mania disorders pre- Management of lithium in patients March-April 181-184 cipitated by head trauma. Burstein with cancer (review). Greenberg Immune System A. March-April 194-195 DB, Younger J, Kaufman SD. Measures of distress in 26 “environ- Breast hypoplasia as an initiating fac- September—October 388-394 mentally ill” subjects. Black DW, tor in anorexia nervosa. Vaz FJ, Partial complex status epilepticus in Rathe A, Goldstein RB. March— Salcedo MS. July-August 372-373 a lithium-toxic patient (case re- April 131-138 Catatonia responsive to intravenous port). Schindler BA, Ramchandani. Possible immunological effects of lorazepam in a patient with November—December 521-524 psychotropic medication. Surman cyclosporine neurotoxicity and A significant increase in lithium lev- OS. March-April 139-143 hypomagnesmia. Bernstein L, els after comcomitant ACE inhibi- Psychopharmacologic issues in organ Levin R. January—February tor administration (case report). transplantation, part 1: pharmacoki- 102-103 Teitelbaum M. September—October netics in organ failure and psychiat- Clinical and research issues in deper- 450-453 ric aspects of immunosuppressants sonalization syndrome. Hollander Lorazepam and anti-infectious agents. E, Hwang MY, Mullen LS, DeCa- Catatonia responsive to intravenous Trzepacz PT, DiMartini A, Tringali ria C, Stein DJ, Cohen L. March— lorazepam in a patient with R. May-June 199-207 April 193-194 cyclosporine neurotoxicity and Infants; See Children Coexistent hypomania and severe hypomagnesmia (letter). Bernstein Interviewing Skills hypothyroidism. Massand P. L, Levin R. January—February Interviewing: A Forensic Guide to July-August 374 102-103 Interrogation, Second Edition, by Cyclosporine psychosis. Tripathi A, Intravenous lorazepam in the treat- Yeschke CL (book review). Novem- Panzer M. January-February ment of postictal psychosis (case re- ber—December 535 101-102 port). Cavanaugh S, Glicenstein C. Irritable Bowel Syndrome Electroconvulsive therapy for depres- September—October 443-446 Prevalence of psychiatric disorders in sion in a liver transplant patient. M patients with irritable bowel syn- Showalter PE, Young SA, Bilello drome. Lydiard RB, Fossey MD, JF, Schafer TW, Shaver TR. Mania Marsh W, Ballenger JC. May—June November—December 537 Bipolar and pure mania disorders pre- 229-234 Fenfluramine and trichotillomania. cipitated by head trauma (letter). Ischemic Heart Disease Mahr G. May-June 284 Burstein A. March—April 194-195 Secondary prevention of ischemic Functional psychoses: is the concept Postoperative mania: a case report heart disease: the case for aggres- disintegrating. Buckley PF. and review oft he literature (case sive behavioral monitoring and in- September—October 462 report). Porter KA, Rosenthal SH. tervention (review). Ketterer MW. Is there a risk for dependency with March-April 171-173 November—December 478-484 therapuetic doses of dimenhydri- Marijuana Isoniazid nate? Oliver M, Stenn PG. Marijuana: The Forbidden Medicine, Isoniazid-induced hallucinosis: September—October 459 by Grinspoon L, Bakalar JB (book response to pyridoxine (letter). Isoniazid-induced hallucinosis: re- review). July-August 368-369 Gnam W, Flint A, Goldbloom D. sponse to pyridoxine. Gnam W, Maternal Distress November—December 537-539 Flint A, Goldbloom D. November- Maternal distress and discrepancy in December 537-539 reports of psychopathology in L On “catatonia on the consultation- chronically ill children. Canning Law liaison service.” O’Connell K, EH, Hanser SB, Shade KA, Boyce Mental Disability Law: A Primer, 4th Ramchandani D. March—April 191 T. November—December 506-511 Edition, edited by Zuckerman D, “On organicity” and “dementias.” Meningitis Charmantz M (book review). Kennedy BL. January—February Aseptic meningitis associated with sa- March-April 190 103-104 licylate overdose (letter). Nair J, Leeches Progestine treatment or obsessive- Stacy M. July-August 372 Psychiatric reactions to leeches (case compulsive disorder. Perciaccante Mnemonic report). James WA, Frierson RL, M, Perciaccante RG. May—June “On organicity” and “dementias (let- Lippmann SB. January-February 284-285 ter).” Kennedy BL. January— 83-85 Serotonergic agents in the manage- February 103-104 Lesions ment of dementia and posttrau- Movement Disorders Conversion hysteria and dominant matic stress disorder. Hargrave R. H2 antagonists, restless leg syn- hemisphere lesions (case report). September—October 461-462 drome, and movement disorders PSYCHOSOMATICS (case report). O’Sullivan RL, Organic Mental Disorders P Greenberg DB. November— Organic anxiety disorder: iatrogenic December 530-532 hyperthyroidism (case report). Pain, Abdominal Multiple Sclerosis Beyer J, Burke M, Meglin D, Fuller Recurrent abdominal pain in child pa- Increased depression in multiple scle- A, Krishnan RR, Nemeroff CB. tients seen at a pediatric gastroen- rosis patients. Schubert DS, Foliart March-April 181-184 terology clinic. Woodbury MM. RH. March-April 124-130 Organicity November—December 485-493 Munchausen Syndrome “On organicity” and “dementias Pain, Chronic Do some chronic pain patients with A case report of Munchausen Syn- (letter).” Kennedy BL. January— drome with mixed psychological February 103-104 atypical facial pain overvalue and features (case report). Parker PE. Organ Transplantation obsess about their pain (case re- July-August 360-364 Liver transplantation using living do- port)? Fishbain DA, Trescott J, Cut- Myoclonus nors: preliminary donor psychiatric ler B, Abdel-Moty E, Rosomoff Buspirone for myoclonus, obsessive outcomes. Goldman LS. May—June RS, Rosomoff HL. July-August fears, and confusion (case report). 235-240 355-359 Overlooked physical diagnosis in Greenberg DB. May—June 270-273 Mood, coping style, and personality chronic pain patients involved in lit- functioning among adult bone N igation. Hendler NH, Kozikowski marrow transplant candidates. Neurobehavior Rounds Rodrigue JR, Boggs SR, Weiner JG. November—December 494-501 Neurobehavior rounds: their role in RS, Behen JM. March—April Pain, Facial promoting psychiatric liaison in a 159-165 Do some chronic pain patients with neurology inpatient unit (perspec- Organ transplantation psychiatry. atypical facial pain overvalue and tive). Ramchandani D, Schindler Wolcott DL. March-April 112-113 obsess about their pain (case re- BA, Matthews MK. November— Psychiatric aspects of heart transplan- port)? Fishbain DA, Trescott J, Cut- December 512-518 tation. Levenson JL, Olbrisch ME. ler B, Abdel-Moty E, Rosomoff RS, Rosomoff HL. July-August Neuropsychological Testing March—April 114-123 Association of baseline neuro- Psychiatric Aspects of Organ Trans- 355-359 Pain, Psychogenic psychological function and pro- plantation, edited by Craven J, gression of illness over 4 years in Rodin G (book review). September— Three-dimensional CT validation of physical complaints in “psycho- HIV-seropositive individuals. October 457 genic pain” patients (case report). Silberstein CH, O’Dowd MA, Psychiatric aspects of organ trans- Hendler N, Zinreich, J, Kozikowski Schoenbaum EE, Friedland GH, plantation in children and adoles- Chartock P, Feiner C, McKegney cents (review). Stuber ML. JG. January—February 90-96 Panic Disorder FP. November—December 502-505 September—October 379-387 Porphyria and panic disorder with ag- Nonorganic Medical Symptoms Psychiatric diagnosis and the surgical oraphobia (case report). Vgontzas Medical Symptoms Not Explained by outcome of pancreas transplanta- AN, Kales JD, Ballard JO, Vela- Organic Disease, edited by Creed tion in patients with type I diabetes Bueno A, Tan TL. September- F, Mayou R, Hopkins A (book re- mellitus. Popkin MK, Callies AL, view). July-August 370-371 Col6én EA, Lentz RD, Sutherland October 440-443 Patient Reactions DE. May-June 251-258 O Psychiatric reactions to leeches. Psychopharmacologic issues in organ James WA, Frierson RL, Lippmann Obituaries transplantation, part 1: pharmacoki- SB. January-February 83-85 In memoriam: William Logan Webb, netics in organ failure and psychiat- Pediatricians Jr., M.D. Martin MJ. May—June ric aspects of immunosuppressants Pediatricians’ perceptions of child 197-198 and anti-infectious agents. psychiatry consultations. Burket Robert Kellner, M.D., Ph.D. Fava Trzepacz PT, DiMartini A, Tringali RC, Hodgin JD. September- GA. July-August 287-289 R. May-June 199-207 October 402-408 Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Psychopharmacologic issues in organ Perspectives Compulsive picking and obsessive- transplantation, part 2: psychophar- Neurobehavior rounds: their role in compulsive disorder (case report). macologic medications. Trzepacz promoting psychiatric liaison in a Stein DJ, Hutt CS, Spitz JL, Hol- PT, DiMartini A, Tringali RD. July— neurology inpatient unit. lander E. March—April 177-181 August. 290-298 Ramchandani D, Schindler BA, Neurobiological models of obsessive- Psychosocial evaluation of organ Matthews MK. November— compulsive disorder (review). transplant candidates: a compara- December 512-518 Rauch SL, Jenike MA. January— tive survey of process, criteria, and Psychiatric care for patients with February 20-32 outcomes in heart, liver, and kid- HIV infection: the varying perspec- Postpartum onset of obsessive- ney transplantation. Levenson JL, tives. Treisman GJ, Lyketsos CG, compulsive disorder (case report). Olbrisch ME. July—August 314-323 Fishman M, Hanson AL, Rosen- Sichel DA, Cohen LS, Rosenbaum The transplant evaluation rating blatt A, McHugh PR. September-— JF, Driscoll J. May-June 277-279 scale: a revision of the psychoso- October 432-439 Progestine treatment or obsessive- cial levels system for evaluating Should we shift the name for “consul- compulsive disorder (letter). Per- organ transplant candidates. Twill- tation-liaison” to “medical-surgi- ciaccante M, Perciaccante RG. man RK, Manetto C, Wellisch DK, cal” psychiatry, “psychiatry in May-June 284-285 Wolcott DL. March—April 144-153 VOLUME 34 * NUMBER 6 * NOVEMBER — DECEMBER 1993 medicine and surgery,” or some the process of a psychiatric consul- Psychopathology other term? Thompson TL. May-— tation. Huyse FJ, Lyons LS, Strain Maternal distress and discrepancy in June 259-264 JJ. July-August 307-313 reports of psychopathology in Some advantages of consultation-liai- Psychiatric Evaluation chronically ill children. Canning son (medical-surgical) psychiatry Abbreviating the Duke Social Sup- EH, Hanser SB, Shade KA, Boyce becoming an added qualification port Index for use in chronically ill T. November—December 506-511 subspecialty. Thompson TL. July— elderly individuals. Koenig HG, Psychopathology of pancreatic can- August 343-349 Westlund RE, George LK, Hughes cer: a psychobiologic probe (re- The inherent, powerful therapuetic DC, Blazer DG, Hybels C. January— view). Green AI, Austin CP. value of a good physician-patient February 61-69 May-June 208-221 relationship. Smith TC, Thompson Cognitive and social correlates of the Psychopharmacology TL. March-April 166-170 Toronto Alexithymia Scale. Clinical Geriatric Psychopharmacol- Pimozide Kirmayer LJ, Robbins JM. January— ogy, 2nd Edition, edited by Salz- Pimozide is effective in delirium sec- February 41-52 man C (book review). May—June ondary to hypercalcemia when Evaluation of pseudoseizures: a psy- 280-281 other neuroleptics fail (case report). chiatric perspective. Ramchandani Psychopharmacologic issues in organ Mark BZ, Kunkel EJS, Fabi MB, D, Schindler B. January-February transplantation, part 2: psychophar- Thompson TL. September 70-79 macologic medications. Trzepacz —October 446-450 Psychosocial evaluation of organ PT, DiMartini A, Tringali RD. Porphyria transplant candidates: a compara- July-August 290-298 Porphyria and panic disorder with ag- tive survey of process, criteria, and Psychopharmacology Literature, oraphobia (case report). Vgontzas outcomes in heart, liver, and kidney Abstracted (Med-Psych Update) AN, Kales JD, Ballard JO, Vela- transplantation. Levenson JL, Kapur S, Mieczkowski T, Mann JJ: Bueno A, Tan TL. September Olbrisch ME. July-August 314-323 Antidepressant medications and the —October 440-443 The transplant evaluation rating relative risk of suicide attempt. Postoperative Reactions scale: a revision of the psychoso- September—October 463-464 Postoperative mania: a case report cial levels system for evaluating Lederle FA, Applegate WB, Grimm and review of the literature (case re- organ transplant candidates. Twill- RH: Reserpine and the medical port). Porter KA, Rosenthal SH. man RK, Manetto C, Wellisch DK, marketplace. November—-December March-April 171-173 Wolcott, DL. March—April 144-153 541 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Psychiatric Morbidity Lewis J, Bragana J, Williams T: Psy- Serotonergic agents in the manage- Psychiatric care for patients with chomotor retardation and semi- ment of dementia and posttrau- HIV infection: the varying perspec- stuporous state with paroxetine. matic stress disorder (letter). tives (perspective). Treisman GJ, November—December 541 Hargrave R. September—October Lyketsos CG, Fishman M, Hanson Mattson RH, Cramer JA, Collins JF, 461-462 AL, Rosenblatt A, McHugh PR. et al: A comparison of valproate Pregnancy September—October 432-439 with carbamazepine for the treat- Postpartum onset of obsessive- Psychiatric Practice ment of complex partial seizures compulsive disorder (case report). Medical Psychiatric Practice, Vol. 1, and secondarily generalized tonic Sichel DA, Cohen LS, Rosenbaum edited by Stoudemire A, Fogel BS clonic seizures in adults. Septem- JF, Driscoll J. May-June 277-279 (book review). March—April 188- ber—October 464 Premenstrual Syndrome 189 Steinweg DL, Worth H: Alcoholism: A literature review of psychotic Psychoanalysis keys to the CAGE. November— symptoms associated with the pre- Dynamic Psychiatry: Explorations in December 542 menstruum (review). Severino SK, Psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis, Walker I, Yatham LN: Benylin (dex- Yonkers KA. July-August 299-306 and Psychosomatic Medicine, by tromethorphan) abuse and mania. Progestine Castelnuovo-Tedesco P (book re- November—December 543 Progestine treatment or obsessive- view). September—October 458 Psychosis compulsive disorder (letter). Per- Psychoimmunology A literature review of psychotic sym- ciaccante M, Perciaccante RG. Psychoimmunology Update (Prog- potoms associated with the pre- May-June 284-285 ress in Psychiatry #35), edited by menstruum (review). Severino SK, Pseudoseizures Gorman JM, Kertzner RM (book re- Yonkers KA. July-August 299-306 Etiology and course of view). May—June 281-282 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis present- pseudoseizures: relationship to Psychological Factors Affecting ing with psychosis (case report). trauma, depression, and dissocia- Physical Condition (PFAPC) Enns MW, Barakat SM, Brown JH. tion. Bowman ES. July-August Psychological factors affecting physi- September—October 453-455 333-342 cal condition and DSM-IV. Cyclosporine psychosis (letter). Evaluation of pseudoseizures: a psy- Stoudemire A. January— Tripathi A, Panzer M. January— chiatric perspective. Ramchandani February 8-11 February 101-102 D, Schindler B. January-February Psychological factors affecting physi- Functional psychoses: is the concept 70-79 cal condition: endocrine disease lit- disintegrating (letter). Buckley PF. Psychiatric Consultation erature review. Beardsley G, September—October 462 The sequencing of psychiatric recom- Goldstein MG. January-February Intravenous lorazepam in the treat- mendations: concordance during 12-19 ment of postictal psychosis (case re- 556 PSYCHOSOMATICS

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