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Preview Psychophily and Evolutionary Considerations of Cadaba Fruticosa L. (Capparaceae)

PSYCHOPHILY AND EVOLUTIONARY CONSIDERATIONS OF CADABA FRUTICOSA (CAPPARACEAE) L. 1 J.S.R. Aluri and S.P. Rao2 Key words: Cadabafruticosa androgynophore, nectarial tube, Colotis eucharis, , C. danae, psychophily, co-evolution Cadabafruticosa is a perennial shrub, which flowers almost round the year. Floral characters, such as the opening of the flower during early hours of the day, green colour of the flower, a nectarial tube with good amount of nectar, and this tube along with the androgynophore and petals serving as landing place for the probing flower visitors, conform to psychophily. C. fruticosa breeds through geitonogamy and xenogamy only, and the pollination is effected exclusively by pierid butterflies, namely Colotis eucharis, C. danae and Anaphaeis aurota. This study concludes that Cadaba and Colotis have co-evolved and any disturbance in the habitat is bound to affect both. Introduction flower and the foraging details of pierid butterflies are presented and discussed from the Certain plant species possess highly perspective ofpsychophily and co-evolution. specialized floral forms and structures associated with particular species of insect pollinators. Material and Methods Specialization nearly always tends towards enabling the plant to adapt to a limited range of Cadabafruticosa plants growing wild near pollinating insects. The specialized forms of the Indira Gandhi Zoological Park at N plants develop through morphological Visakhapatnam (17° 42' and 82° 18' E) were adaptations over a period oftime. observed periodically. The phenology of their The specialized floral forms adapted to flowering was recorded. To study the flower butterfly-pollination have been scantily reported production and life of an inflorescence, the in literature (Cruden and Hermann-Parker 1979, opening of flowers of20 marked inflorescences Dronamraju 1960, Dronamraju and Spurway were recorded every day. Floral events, such as 1960, Hawkswood 1985, Ilse and Vaidya 1956, flower opening and anther dehiscence were Jennerston 1984, Khare 1975, Levin 1972, Reddi recorded through continuous observation. The and Meerabai 1984). These workers showed that nectar, accumulated in flowers covered with the butterflies could serve as efficient pollinators, butter paper bags, was quantified usinggraduated because the floral forms are specialized for micropipettes. Its sugar concentration and foraging exclusively by them. composition were determined by a refractometer In the present study, it was found that an and paperchromatography respectively. Presence adaptive relationship existed between the flowers of proteins and amino acids was determined by of Cadaba fruticosa and the pierid butterflies spot tests as per Baker and Baker 973) Method. (1 i.e. both partners exhibit interdependency. Number of pollen grains per anther, pollen Structural and functional aspects of C. fruticosa viability, stigma receptivity and mode of reproduction, natural fruit set, seed set and 'AcceptedNovember,2001 fecundity were determined as per Aluri and Reddi departmentofEnvironmentalSciences, AndhraUniversity, Visakhapatnam 530003, (1994) and Aluri et al. (1998). butterflies of AndhraPradesh,India. the Indian region (Wynter-Blyth 1957) was used JOURNAL, BOMBAY NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY, 99(1), APR. 2002 59 PSYCH0PH1LYANDEVOLUTIONOFCADABAFRUTICOSA L. to identify butterflies captured at flowers of C. Floral Events: Flowers begin to open fruticosa. The number of foraging visits made slowly from 0130 hrs and proceed to unfold the in a single foraging bout was recorded for each sexual organs in about 2!4 hours. The flowers butterfly species, and number ofvisits per minute with exposed sex organs are available from were counted using a stopwatch. The relative 0345 hrs onwards on sunny days and an hour frequency of visits of different butterfly species later on cloudy and rainy days. Anther dehiscence was determined through censuses on different occurs after sunrise at 0730 hrs in flowers under days at different plants. The behaviour of sunshine, and an hour later in flowers which are butterflies atthe flowers was also noted carefully. in shade. The pollen grains are spheroidal with The floral characters and foraging behaviour of psilate exine, separable into two size classes, butterflies were thoroughly examined for their 28 pm and 19.4 pm. Their number per anther adaptive relationship. ranged from 7,870-8,240 (x - 8,080). In vivo tests showed that the pollen grains remain viable Results for 27 hours after anther dehiscence; the grains stored for 1 5 hours have 80% fruit set. Pollen- Flowering Phenology: It is a perennial ovule ratio is 3000:1. In the early flower-life, shrub which flowers almost round the year. the style and stigma are curving while the Flowering ofdifferent conspecific individuals is dehisced anthers stand erect. Gradually, the largely synchronous during the rainy season from stigma uncurves, stands erect and attains equal June to September, and asynchronous during the height with the stamens at 1100 hrs and remains rest ofthe year. Intense flowering occurs during so till the flower withers. In vivo tests showed the rainy season. The inflorescence is a fascicle that the stigma receptivity lasts for 89 hours. The with solitary and axillary flowers, and bears an nectar secreting tubular structure secretes 5 pi = average of9 flowers that mature over 14-30 (x ofnectar during the life ofthe flower. The sugar 22) days. The mature flower buds that arise from concentration of the nectar varied from 18 —to the axial point do not all mature on the same day. 26%. It contained three common sugars Flower Morphology: Flowers pedicellate, sucrose, glucose and fructose, in that order of oriented horizontally. Thalamus elongated into dominance. The nectar also contained amino a slender structure on which floral parts occur at acids with a histidine score of 5.5 and proteins. different levels. Androphore is a part of the The stamens dropped off after 36 hours, sepals thalamus between the perianth and the stamens, and petals after another 36 hours. Then the whereas gynophore is present between the stigma gradually withered and dropped off 20 stamens and the gynaecium. The entire structure hours later. The nectar harbouring tubular is known as an androgynophore. Additionally, structure remained throughout fruit formation there is a nectar-secreting tubular structure and fell off subsequently. separated from the base ofthe androgynophore. Breeding behaviour: Hand-pollination Four free sepals arranged in two whorls of two tests for the modes of breeding showed that the each (two median sepals in the outer whorl and plant does not breed through autogamy but two inner sepals transverse). Four free, clawed through geitonogamy and xenogamy; petals arranged in one whorl alternate with the geitonogamy is less successful than xenogamy four stamens. Gynaecium raised up on a (Table 1). The fruiting success rate in open- prominent gynophore, bicarpellary, syncarpous, pollinated flowers is limited, compared to the unilocular, with an average of ovules arranged success rate of hand-pollinated flowers 1 1 on the parietal placentation. (Table 2). 60 JOURNAL, BOMBAY NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY, 99(1), APR. 2002 PSYCHOPHILYANDEVOLUTIONOFCADABAFRUTICOSA L. Table 1 RESULTS OF BREEDING EXPERIMENTS FOR CADABA FRUTICOSA Treatment No. of No. of No. of Fruitset Seedset Fecundity flowerspollinated flowerssetfruit ovulessetseed (%) (%) (%) Autogamy 25 0 0 0 0 0 Geitonogamy 25 21 126 84 54 46 Xenogamy 25 23 207 92 82 75 Cadabafruticosa. They foraged for nectar from Table2 0630-1500 hrs, with intense activity between NATURAL FRUIT, SEEDAND FECUNDITY RATES 0900 and 1200 hrs. Ofthese, Colotis eucharis is IN CADABA FRUTICOSA the most frequent and regular forager and made Studyarea No. of Fruitset Seed set Fecundity an outstanding percentage of visits during the ' flowers (%) (%) (%) study period. C. danae came second, and made observed more visits than A. aurota (Table 3). OutsideZooPark 145 14 76 16 Colotis eucharis and C. danae, with an mm InsideZoo Park 189 5 58 3 average proboscis length of 17 each and A. InteriorsofZoo Park 98 15 93 8 aurota with an average proboscis length of 20 mm probed and succeeded in obtaining the Table3 nectar from the nectarial tube (Table 4). To PERCENTAGE OF BUTTERFLY SPECIES VISITS obtain the nectar, butterflies land on the nectarial TOCDABA FRUTICOSA FLOWERS tube itself or the androgynophore or petals. In this case, they landed mostly on the Dateof Mean Mean Colotis Colotis Anaphaeis observation temp. relative eucharis danae aurota androgynophore. Contact between anthers and humidity stigma, and the wings of foraging butterflies takes place if they use the androgynophore or Oct. 1999 28.3 67 70 20 10 1, Nov. 18, 1999 25.6 74 73 13 14 nectarial tube; even this contact is achieved only Nov. 30, 1999 25.2 83 91 7 2 when the gynaecium is erect and stands parallel Dec. 11, 1999 24.3 68 90 8 2 to the level of the anthers. No such contact is Apr. 9,2000 25.6 83 49 19 32 made if the butterflies land on the petals. Examination of the 119 foraging visits of Table4 butterflies to the 20 open flowers indicated that PROBOSCIS LENGTH OF DIFFERENT BUTTERFLY wing contact with the anthers and stigma was SPECIES VERSUSNECTARIALTUBE LENGTH made in only 66 and 47 visits respectively, while OF CADABA FRUTICOSA in 6 visits no contact was made with either. The Butterflyspecies No. of Mean Nectarial butterflies visited an average of2-4 flowers per samples (mm) tubelength foraging bout. C. eucharis foraged more flowers (mm) per minute compared to C. danae and A. aurota (Table 5). All three butterfly species foraged Colotiseucharis 5 17 C. danae 5 17 10 flowers of different conspecific plants very Anaphaeisaurota 5 20 frequently. Only those visits where there was contact between the stigma and anthers resulted Flower-visitors and pollination: The in pollination. Since the plant lacks autogamy, pierid butterflies Colotis eucharis, C. danae and such visits are required to bring about either Anaphaeis aurota are the exclusive foragers on geitonogamy or xenogamy. JOURNAL, BOMBAY NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY, 99(1), APR. 2002 61 u PSYCHOPHILYANDEVOLUTIONOFCADABAFRUTICOSA L. Table5 same or conspecific plants is imperative for TIME SPENT BYTHE BUTTERFLIES ATTHE geitono- or xenogamous pollination. FLOWERS OF CADABA FRUTICOSA The flowers of C. fruticosa with Butterflyspecies No. of No. of Average psychophilous characters have been observed to flowers visits time be foraged and pollinated exclusively by three visited per spent pierid butterfly species, namely Colotis eucharis in asingle minute (x) perflower , C. danae and Anaphaeis aurota. The foraging bout (x) (sec) behaviour, mobility rate and foraging frequency Colotis eucharis 4.0 6.5 1.2 of these three butterflies were seen to effect C. danae 2.0 4.6 2.0 geitono- and xenogamous pollination, and on this Anaphaeis aurota 2.3 3.3 3.1 basis, these butterflies may be treatedas exclusive pollinators. However, C. eucharis with its greater Discussion foraging frequency is a dominant pollinator. The nectarial tube of the flower is perfectly tailored Butterfly pollination has been reported in to the length ofthe butterfly’s proboscis, enabling Rhianthus hirsutus (McLean and Cook 1956), C. eucharis to withdraw the nectar easily while Asclepias syriaca (Percival 1965), Phlox species excluding other flower-visitors. Although the (Grant and Grant 1965, Levin and Berube 1972), flower is exclusively suited for butterfly Dianthus and Gymnadenia (Proctor and Yeo pollination, butterflies do not effect pollination 1972), Anguria (Gilbert 1975), Platanthera in each visit. Ofthe total visits, only 40% effect ciliaris (Smith and Snow 1976), Caesalpinia pollination, 55% carry pollen and 5% simply pulcherrima (Cruden and Hermann-Parker deplete nectar. The butterflies contact the stigma 1979), Cnidoscolus urens (Bawa et al. 1983) and and anthers with their wings only, and this Tridaxprocumbens (Balasubramanian 1989). In contact is directly related to the place of landing Cadabafruticosa also, floral characters such as on the nectarial tube, androgynophore and petals, opening ofthe flower during daytime, production and also to the relative position between them. of a good amount of nectar, a separate nectar- The butterflies effect pollination or carry pollen hosting tubular structure, and a nectarial tube, only if they use either the nectarial tube or the androgynophore and petals providing a platform androgynophore. Even this pollination is effected for landing, all conform to psychophilous only when the gynaecium is erect and stands pollination syndrome sens Meeuse and Morris parallel to the level of the anthers. These (1984). limitations, and the observed foraging frequency C. fruticosa exhibits weak protandry and of butterflies, are bourrd to influence natural the anthers are viable for a short period when reproductive success. The natural fruit set, seed compared to the lengthy duration of stigma set and fecundity rates recorded in the study are receptivity. This floral sexual behaviour in tune with the above observations. facilitates autogamy for a briefperiod; but hand Nevertheless, and whatever be the limitations, pollination tests showed the absence ofautogamy. C. fruticosa is an excellent example of Further, the hand pollination tests performed for psychophilous pollination syndrome. geitonogamy and xenogamy showed that the C. fruticosa flowers almost throughout the plant is capable of breeding through these two year and the butterflies forage on this plant all modes of reproduction, xenogamy being more through the year for their nectar requirement, successful. The study of breeding behaviour while occasionally foraging on associated plant reveals that pollen flow between flowers of the species such as Tridax procumbens Justicia , 62 JOURNAL, BOMBAY NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY, 99(1), APR. 2002 PSYCHOPHILYANDEVOLUTIONOFCADABAFRUTICOSA L. procumbens Borreria hispida and Lantana Colotis as a co-evolved system. The A. aurota - , camara, which flower largely in the rainy season. C. fruticosa system appears to be a one sided The study clearly indicates that Cadabafruticosa adaptation, as the plant allows only butterflies is the adult’s principal nectar host plant. Further, ofA. aurota to feed on its nectar and pollinate it, it is foundthat the two Colotis butterflies oviposit and not the larvae. on the leaves and flower buds of C. fruticosa The C. fruticosa-Colotis relationship and their larvae feed on the same leaves. On the appears to be a specialized system and any other hand, Anaphaeis aurota does the same on disturbance in the habitat is bound to affect the Capparis spinosa which occurs in the same study existence of both. It is imperative to protect the , area. Therefore, the study considers the plant habitats where these two partners occur, in order Cadaba and the pierid butterflies belonging to to ensure their perpetuation. ReferENCES Aluri, J.S.R., Reddi, C.S. & K. Rama Das (1998): Pp. 248. 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