DEJOURS Prelims_Prelims template 229x152 16/04/2015 09:04 Page i CHAPTERTITLE I PSYCHOPATHOLOGY OF WORK DEJOURS Prelims_Prelims template 229x152 16/04/2015 09:04 Page ii PSYCHOANALYTIC IDEAS AND APPLICATIONS SERIES IPA Publications Committee Gennaro Saragnano (Rome), Chair and General Editor; Leticia Glocer Fiorini (Buenos Aires), Consultant; Samuel Arbiser (Buenos Aires); Paulo Cesar Sandler (São Paulo); Christian Seulin (Lyon); Mary Kay O’Neil (Montreal); Gail S. Reed (New York); Catalina Bronstein (London); Rhoda Bawdekar (London), Ex-officio as Publications Officer; Paul Crake (London): IPA Executive Director (ex-officio) Recent titles in the Series (for a full listing, please visit Illusions and Disillusions of Psychoanalytic Work André Green Primitive Agony and Symbolization René Rousillon In the Traces of Our Name: The Influence of Given Names in Life Juan Eduardo Tesone Psychic Reality in Context: Perspectives on Psychoanalysis, Personal History, and Trauma Marion Michel Oliner Shame and Humiliation: A Dialogue between Psychoanalytic and Systemic Approaches Carlos Guillermo Bigliani and Rodolfo Moguilansky Theory of Psychoanalytical Practice: A Relational Process Approach Juan Tubert-Oklander Art in Psychoanalysis: A Contemporary Approach to Creativity and Analytic Practice edited by Gabriela Goldstein The Female Body: Inside and Outside edited by Ingrid Moeslein-Teising and Frances Thomson-Salo Death and Identity: Being and the Psycho-Sexual Drama Michel de M’Uzan Unpresented States and the Construction of Meaning: Clinical and Theoretical Contributions edited by Howard B. Levine and Gail S. Reed The Ethical Seduction of the Analytic Situation: The Feminine–Maternal Origins of Responsibility for the Other Viviane Chetrit-Vatine Time for Change: Tracking Transformations in Psychoanalysis—The Three- Level Model Marina Altmann de Litvan Play, Gender, Therapy: Selected Papers of Eleanor Galenson edited by Nellie L. Thompson Freud and Culture Eric Smadja DEJOURS Prelims_Prelims template 229x152 16/04/2015 09:04 Page iii PSYCHOPATHOLOGY OF WORK Clinical Observations Edited by Christophe Dejours Translated by Caroline Williamson DEJOURS Prelims_Prelims template 229x152 16/04/2015 09:04 Page iv First published in English in 2015 by Karnac Books Ltd 118 Finchley Road, London NW3 5HT Published in French in 2010 as Observations cliniques en psychopathologies du travailin the «Souffrance et théorie» series by Presses Universitaires de France. Copyright © 2015 to Christophe Dejours for the edited collection and to the individual authors for their contributions. The rights of the contributors to be identified as the authors of this work have been asserted in accordance with §§ 77 and 78 of the Copyright Design and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A C.I.P. for this book is available from the British Library ISBN 978 1 78220 180 9 Edited, designed and produced by The Studio Publishing Services Ltd e-mail: [email protected] Printed in Great Britain DEJOURS Prelims_Prelims template 229x152 16/04/2015 09:04 Page v CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS vii ABOUT THE EDITOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ix SERIES EDITOR’S FOREWORD xi INTRODUCTION xiii by Christophe Dejours CHAPTER ONE Madness and work: from aetiological analysis to theoretical contradictions (a case of status asthmaticus) 1 Christophe Dejours CHAPTER TWO What the psychopathology of work can bring to the study of an acute delirious episode 21 Annie Bensaïd v DEJOURS Prelims_Prelims template 229x152 16/04/2015 09:04 Page vi vi CONTENTS CHAPTER THREE “Doctor, can you get Alzheimer’s at my age?” A mysterious deterioration of the cognitive functions in a forty-year-old patient 29 Marie-Pierre Guiho-Bailly and Patrick Lafond CHAPTER FOUR “Centrality of work” and sexuality theory 39 Christophe Dejours CHAPTER FIVE Psychological harassment at work: the subjugation of the body 63 Marie Grenier-Pezé CHAPTER SIX New forms of servitude and suicide 77 Christophe Dejours INDEX 99 DEJOURS Prelims_Prelims template 229x152 16/04/2015 09:04 Page vii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The various observations collected here have already been the subject of publications in a wide range of specialist publications and journals. Some of these are out-of-print and have become practically inaccessi- ble. Some of the more recent ones have been revised. The original publications are as follows: Chapter One—Dejours, C. (1996). Folie et travail: de l’analyse étiologique aux contradictions théoriques [Madness and work: from aetiological analysis to theoretical contradictions], Psychiatrie française, 2: 123–140. Chapter Two—Bensaïd, A. (1990). Apport de la psychopathologie du travail à l’étude d’une bouffée délirante aiguë [What the psycho- pathology of work can bring to the study of an acute delirious episode] Archives des maladies professionnelles, 52: 307–310. Chapter Three—Doniol-Shaw, G., & Guiho-Bailly, M.-P. (1994) Emploi, conditions de travail et santé des employées dans les services [Employment, working conditions and employee health in the service industry]. Cahiers du Mage, 4: 15–23. Chapter Four—Dejours, C. (1996).Centralité du travail et théorie de la sexualité [Centrality of work and sexuality theory]. Adolescence, 14: 9–27. vii DEJOURS Prelims_Prelims template 229x152 16/04/2015 09:04 Page viii viii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Chapter Five—M. Grenier-Pezé, M. (2008). «La fabrique des harceleurs», Ils ne mouraient pas tous mais tous étaient frappés. [“The bully factory”, They didn’t all die but they all took a beating.] Journal de la consultation«Souffrance et Travail» 1997–2008[“Suffering and Work”: A Clinician’s Journal 1997–2008] (pp.11–32). France: Pearson Education. Chapter Six—Dejours, C. (2005). “Nouvelles formes de servitude et suicide” [New forms of servitude and suicide]. Travailler, 13: 53–74. DEJOURS Prelims_Prelims template 229x152 16/04/2015 09:04 Page ix ABOUT THE EDITOR AND CONTRIBUTORS Annie Bensaïd is a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst (Association Psychanalytique de France). Christophe Dejours is a former hospital practitioner in psychiatry, a psychoanalyst and Professor of the Chair of Psychoanalysis, Health and Work at France’s Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts). He is a psychoanalyst- member of the Association Psychanalytique de France and the Institut de Psychosomatique de Paris (the Paris Psychosomatic Institute). Marie Grenier-Pezé is a Doctor of Psychology, a psychoanalyst and expert to the Versailles Court of Appeal. “Suffering and Work” Surgery, Nanterre Centre d’Accueil et de Soins Hospitaliers, (Welcome Centre and Hospital Care). Marie-Pierre Guiho-Bailly is a psychiatrist-psychoanalyst and practitioner affiliated with the Angers University Hospital, LEEST (Laboratory for Ergonomics and Epidemiology in Occupational Health), University of Angers. Patrick Lafondis a former psychiatric nurse and relaxation therapist. ix